def Qif0(Chipnum, KIDnum, color='Pread', Tmax=.5, pltPread='all', fracfreq=False, fig=None, ax12=None): '''Plot the internal quality factor and resonance frequency from S21-measurement. The color gives different read powers, but can be set to Pint as well. If fracfreq is True, the y-axis is df/f0, instead of f0.''' dfld = io.get_datafld() if fig is None or ax12 is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4)) fig.suptitle(f'{Chipnum}, KID{KIDnum}') else: axs = ax12 Preadar = _selectPread(pltPread, io.get_S21Pread(Chipnum, KIDnum)) if color == 'Pread': cmap ='plasma') norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(-1.05 * Preadar.max(), -.95 * Preadar.min()) clb = fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap))'$P_{read}$ (dBm)') elif color == 'Pint': Pint = np.array(io.get_Pintdict(Chipnum)[KIDnum]) cmap ='plasma') norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(Pint.min() * 1.05, Pint.max() * .95) clb = fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap))'$P_{int}$ (dBm)') for Pread in Preadar: S21data = io.get_S21data(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread) if color == 'Pread': clr = cmap(norm(-Pread)) elif color == 'Pint': clr = cmap(norm(Pint[Preadar == Pread][0])) T = S21data[:, 1] axs[0].plot(T[T < Tmax] * 1e3, S21data[T < Tmax, 4], color=clr) if fracfreq: axs[1].plot(T[T < Tmax] * 1e3, (S21data[T < Tmax, 5] - S21data[0, 5]) / S21data[0, 5] * 1e5, color=clr) else: axs[1].plot(T[T < Tmax] * 1e3, S21data[T < Tmax, 5] * 1e-9, color=clr) for ax in axs: ax.set_xlabel('Temperature (mK)') ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) axs[0].set_ylabel('$Q_i$') axs[0].ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0, 0)) if fracfreq: axs[1].set_ylabel('$10^5~\delta f_0/f_0$') else: axs[1].set_ylabel('f0 (GHz)') fig.tight_layout()
def f0(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread=None, ax=None): '''Plots resonance frequency over temperature''' S21data = io.get_S21data(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread) T = S21data[:, 1] * 1e3 if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(T, S21data[:, 5] * 1e-9) ax.set_xlabel('Temperature (mK)') ax.set_ylabel('$f_0$ (GHz)') ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False)
def PowersvsT(Chipnum, KIDnum, density=False, phnum=False, fig=None, axs=None): '''Plots the internal and absorbed powers over temperature, for different read powers (color). Options: Density -- the powers are devided by the superconductor volume phnum -- the powers are expressed in resonator photon occupations''' if axs is None or fig is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4)) Preadar = io.get_S21Pread(Chipnum, KIDnum) cmap ='plasma') norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(-1.05 * Preadar.max(), -.95 * Preadar.min()) clb = fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap))'$P_{read}$ (dBm)') for Pread in Preadar: S21data = io.get_S21data(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread) Q = S21data[:, 2] Qc = S21data[:, 3] Qi = S21data[:, 4] T = S21data[:, 1] * 1e3 Pabs = 10**(S21data[0, 7] / 10) / 2 * 4 * Q**2 / (Qi * Qc) * 1e-3 / 1.602e-19 Pint = 10**(S21data[:, 8] / 10) * 1e-3 / 1.602e-19 if phnum: Pabs /= 2 * np.pi * 6.582e-4 * (S21data[:, 5] * 1e-6)**2 Pint /= 2 * np.pi * 6.582e-4 * (S21data[:, 5] * 1e-6)**2 if density: Pabs /= S21data[0, 14] Pint /= S21data[0, 14] axs[1].plot(T, Pabs, color=cmap(norm(-1 * Pread))) axs[0].plot(T, Pint, color=cmap(norm(-1 * Pread))) title0 = 'Internal Power' title1 = 'Absorbed Power' if phnum: ylabel = '$N_{\gamma}^{res}$' else: ylabel = '$eV~s^{-1}$' if density: ylabel += ' $\mu m^{-3}$' title0 += ' Density' title1 += ' Density' axs[0].set_title(title0) axs[1].set_title(title1) axs[0].set_ylabel(ylabel) axs[0].set_yscale('log') axs[1].set_yscale('log') return fig, axs
def Qfactors(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread=None, ax=None): '''Plots Ql, Qi and Qc over temperature in one figure.''' S21data = io.get_S21data(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread) T = S21data[:, 1] * 1e3 if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(T, S21data[:, 2], label='$Q$') ax.plot(T, S21data[:, 3], label='$Q_c$') ax.plot(T, S21data[:, 4], label='$Q_i$') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylabel('Q-factor') ax.set_xlabel('Temperature (mK)') ax.legend()
def Nphres(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread=None, ax=None, label=None): '''Plots the number of resonator photons in the resonator over temperature.''' S21data = io.get_S21data(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title(f'{Chipnum}, KID{KIDnum}, {S21data[0,7]} dBm') T = S21data[:, 1] * 1e3 Pint = S21data[:, 8] #dBm hbar = 1.055e-25 #mJ µs w = 2 * np.pi * S21data[:, 5] * 1e-6 #1/µs Nphres = 2 * np.pi * 10**(Pint / 10) / (hbar * w**2) ax.plot(T, Nphres, label=label) ax.set_xlabel('Temperature (mK)') ax.set_ylabel('Number of photons') ax.set_yscale('log')
def Powers(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread=None, ax=None): '''Plots the read power, internal power and absorbed power over temperature in one figure''' S21data = io.get_S21data(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title('{}, KID{}, {} dBm'.format(Chipnum, KIDnum, S21data[0, 7])) Q = S21data[:, 2] Qc = S21data[:, 3] Qi = S21data[:, 4] T = S21data[:, 1] * 1e3 ax.plot(T, S21data[:, 7], label='$P_{read}$') ax.plot(T, S21data[:, 8], label='$P_{int}$') ax.plot(T, 10 * np.log10(10**(S21data[0, 7] / 10) / 2 * 4 * Q**2 / (Qi * Qc)), label='$P_{abs}$') ax.set_ylabel('Power (dBm)') ax.set_xlabel('Temperature (mK)') ax.legend()
def Nphabsres(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread=None, ax=None, label=None): '''Plots the number of absorbed resonator photons over temperature.''' S21data = io.get_S21data(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title(f'{Chipnum}, KID{KIDnum}, {S21data[0,7]} dBm') Q = S21data[:, 2] Qc = S21data[:, 3] Qi = S21data[:, 4] T = S21data[:, 1] * 1e3 Pabs = 10 * np.log(10**(S21data[0, 7] / 10) / 2 * 4 * Q**2 / (Qi * Qc)) hbar = 1.055e-25 #mJ µs w = 2 * np.pi * S21data[:, 5] * 1e-6 #1/µs Nphabsres = 2 * np.pi * 10**(Pabs / 10) / (hbar * w**2) * S21data[0, 14] ax.plot(T, Nphabsres, label=label) # ax.plot(T,Pabs) ax.set_xlabel('Temperature (mK)') ax.set_ylabel('Absorbed photons per cycle') ax.set_yscale('log')
def Nqp(Chipnum, KIDnum, pltPread='all', spec='cross', startstopf=(None, None), delampNoise=False, del1fNoise=False, del1fnNoise=False, Tmax=500, relerrthrs=.3, pltThrm=True, pltNqpQi=False, splitT=0, pltNqptau=False, tescPread='max', nqpaxis=True, fig=None, ax=None, label=None, clr=None, N0=1.72e4, kbTD=37312.0, kb=86.17): '''Plots the number of quasiparticle calculated from the noise levels and lifetimes from PSDs. options similar to options in ltnlvl. TODO: delete double code in ltnlvl and Nqp pltThrm -- also plot thermal line (needs constants) pltNqpQi -- plot Nqp from Qi as well (needs constants) splitT -- makes NqpQi line dashed below this T pltNqptau -- plot Nqp from lifetime only (need constants) nqpaxis -- also shows density on right axis. ''' TDparam = io.get_grTDparam(Chipnum) if ax is None or fig is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() Preadar = _selectPread(pltPread, io.get_grPread(TDparam, KIDnum)) if Preadar.size > 1: cmap ='plasma') norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(-1.05 * Preadar.max(), -.95 * Preadar.min()) clb = fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap), ax=ax)'$P_{read}$ (dBm)') for Pread in Preadar: S21data = io.get_S21data(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread) if spec == 'cross': Respspl = interpolate.splrep(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, np.sqrt(S21data[:, 10] * S21data[:, 18]), s=0) elif spec == 'amp': Respspl = interpolate.splrep(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, S21data[:, 18], s=0) elif spec == 'phase': Respspl = interpolate.splrep(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, S21data[:, 10], s=0) Temp = io.get_grTemp(TDparam, KIDnum, Pread) Temp = Temp[Temp < Tmax] Nqp, Nqperr, taut = np.zeros((3, len(Temp))) for i in range(len(Temp)): freq, SPR = io.get_grdata(TDparam, KIDnum, Pread, Temp[i], spec=spec) if delampNoise: freq, SPR = filters.del_ampNoise(freq, SPR) if del1fNoise: freq, SPR = filters.del_1fNoise(freq, SPR) if del1fnNoise: freq, SPR = filters.del_1fnNoise(freq, SPR) taut[i],tauterr,lvl,lvlerr = \ calc.tau(freq,SPR,retfnl = True, startf=startstopf[0],stopf=startstopf[1]) lvl = lvl / interpolate.splev(Temp[i], Respspl)**2 lvlerr = lvlerr / interpolate.splev(Temp[i], Respspl)**2 Nqp[i] = lvl / (4 * taut[i] * 1e-6) Nqperr[i] = np.sqrt((lvlerr/(4*taut[i]*1e-6))**2+\ (-lvl*tauterr*1e-6/(4*(taut[i]*1e-6)**2))**2) mask = ~np.isnan(Nqp) mask[mask] = Nqperr[mask] / Nqp[mask] <= relerrthrs if Preadar.size > 1: clr = cmap(norm(-1 * Pread)) elif pltPread == 'min': clr = 'purple' elif pltPread == 'max': clr = 'gold' dataline = ax.errorbar(Temp[mask], Nqp[mask], yerr=Nqperr[mask], color=clr, marker='o', mec='k', capsize=2., label=label) if pltNqptau: tesc = calc.tesc(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread=tescPread) Nqp_ = S21data[0, 14] * kidcalc.nqpfromtau(taut, tesc, kb * S21data[0, 21]) tauline, = ax.plot(Temp[mask], Nqp_[mask], color=clr, zorder=len(ax.lines) + 1, label='$\\tau_{qp}^*$') if pltNqpQi: Preadar = io.get_S21Pread(Chipnum, KIDnum) for Pread in Preadar: S21data = io.get_S21data(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread) T, Nqp = calc.NqpfromQi(S21data) mask = np.logical_and(T * 1e3 > ax.get_xlim()[0], T * 1e3 < ax.get_xlim()[1]) totalT = T[mask] totalNqp = Nqp[mask] if len(Preadar) == 1: clr = 'g' else: clr = cmap(norm(closestPread)) Qline, = ax.plot(totalT[totalT > splitT] * 1e3, totalNqp[totalT > splitT], linestyle='-', color=clr, zorder=len(ax.lines) + 1, label='$Q_i$') ax.plot(totalT[totalT < splitT] * 1e3, totalNqp[totalT < splitT], linestyle='--', color=clr, zorder=len(ax.lines) + 1) if pltThrm: T = np.linspace(*ax.get_xlim(), 100) NqpT = np.zeros(100) for i in range(len(T)): D_ = kidcalc.D(kb * T[i] * 1e-3, N0, kb * S21data[0, 21], kbTD) NqpT[i] = S21data[0, 14] * kidcalc.nqp(kb * T[i] * 1e-3, D_, N0) Thline, = ax.plot(T, NqpT, color='k', zorder=len(ax.lines) + 1, label='Thermal $N_{qp}$') handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = dict(zip(labels, handles)) ax.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys()) ax.set_ylabel('$N_{qp}$') ax.set_xlabel('Temperature (mK)') ax.set_yscale('log') if nqpaxis: def nqptoNqp(x): return x * S21data[0, 14] def Nqptonqp(x): return x / S21data[0, 14] ax2 = ax.secondary_yaxis('right', functions=(Nqptonqp, nqptoNqp)) ax2.set_ylabel('$n_{qp}$ ($\\mu m^{-3}$)') if Preadar.size > 1: l, b, w, h =[l + .12, b, w, h])
def spec(Chipnum, KIDlist=None, pltPread='all', spec=['cross'], lvlcomp='', comptres=False, clbar=True, del1fNoise=False, delampNoise=False, del1fnNoise=False, suboffres=False, plttres=False, Tminmax=(0, 500), ax12=None, xlim=(None, None), ylim=(None, None)): '''Plots PSDs of multiple KIDs, read powers and temperatures (indicated by color). Every KID has a new figure, which is returned if only one KID is plotted. lvlcomp specifies how the noise levels should be compensated (will be a different function in the future). Use Resp to divide by responsivity and obtain quasiparticle fluctuations. comptres compensates for the factor (1+(omega*taures)^2), to get the quasiparticle fluctuations. plttres will plot arrow at the frequencies corresponding to the resonator ring time.''' TDparam = io.get_grTDparam(Chipnum) if suboffres: TDparamoffres = io.get_grTDparam(Chipnum, offres=True) if KIDlist is None: KIDlist = io.get_grKIDs(TDparam) elif type(KIDlist) is int: KIDlist = [KIDlist] if spec == 'all': specs = ['cross', 'amp', 'phase'] elif type(spec) == list: specs = spec else: raise ValueError('Invalid Spectrum Selection') for KIDnum in KIDlist: Preadar = _selectPread(pltPread, io.get_grPread(TDparam, KIDnum)) if ax12 is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(Preadar), len(specs), figsize=(4 * len(specs), 4 * len(Preadar)), sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False) fig.suptitle(f'{Chipnum}, KID{KIDnum}') else: axs = ax12 for ax1, Pread in zip(range(len(Preadar)), Preadar): if lvlcomp or comptres or plttres: S21data = io.get_S21data(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread) axs[ax1, 0].set_ylabel('PSD (dBc/Hz)') Temp = io.get_grTemp(TDparam, KIDnum, Pread) if suboffres: Temp = np.intersect1d( Temp, io.get_grTemp(TDparamoffres, KIDnum, Pread)) Temp = Temp[np.logical_and(Temp < Tminmax[1], Temp > Tminmax[0])] cmap ='viridis') norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(Temp.min(), Temp.max()) if clbar: clb = plt.colorbar(, cmap=cmap), ax=axs[ax1, -1])'T (mK)') for i in range(len(Temp)): for (ax2, spec) in zip(range(len(specs)), specs): freq, SPR = io.get_grdata(TDparam, KIDnum, Pread, Temp[i], spec=spec) if suboffres: orfreq, orSPR = io.get_grdata(TDparamoffres, KIDnum, Pread, Temp[i], spec=spec) freq, SPR = filters.subtr_spec(freq, SPR, orfreq, orSPR) if delampNoise: freq, SPR = filters.del_ampNoise(freq, SPR) if del1fNoise: freq, SPR = filters.del_1fNoise(freq, SPR) if del1fnNoise: freq, SPR = filters.del_1fnNoise(freq, SPR) SPR[SPR == -140] = np.nan SPR[SPR == -np.inf] = np.nan if lvlcomp == 'Resp': if spec == 'cross': Respspl = interpolate.splrep( S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, np.sqrt(S21data[:, 10] * S21data[:, 18]), s=0) elif spec == 'amp': Respspl = interpolate.splrep(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, S21data[:, 18], s=0) elif spec == 'phase': Respspl = interpolate.splrep(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, S21data[:, 10], s=0) SPR = 10 * np.log10(10**(SPR / 10) / interpolate.splev( Temp[i], Respspl)**2) if comptres: Tind = np.abs(S21data[:, 1] - Temp[i] * 1e-3).argmin() SPR = 10*np.log10(10**(SPR/10)*\ (1+(freq*2*S21data[Tind,2]/S21data[Tind,5])**2)) axs[ax1, ax2].plot(freq, SPR, color=cmap(norm(Temp[i]))) axs[ax1, ax2].set_xscale('log') axs[ax1, ax2].set_title(spec + ', -{} dBm'.format(Pread)) axs[-1, ax2].set_xlabel('Freq. (Hz)') axs[-1, ax2].set_xlim(*xlim) if plttres: Tind = np.abs(S21data[:, 1] - Temp[i] * 1e-3).argmin() axs[ax1, ax2].annotate( '', (S21data[Tind, 5] / (2 * S21data[Tind, 2]), ylim[1]), (S21data[Tind, 5] / (2 * S21data[Tind, 2]), ylim[1] + 10), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', color=cmap(norm(Temp[i]))), annotation_clip=False) axs[ax1, 0].set_ylim(*ylim) plt.tight_layout(rect=(0, 0, 1, 1 - .12 / len(Preadar))) if ax12 is None and len(KIDlist) == 1: return fig, axs
def ltnlvl(Chipnum, KIDlist=None, pltPread='all', spec='cross', Tminmax=None, startstopf=(None, None), decades=3, minfreq=1e2, lvlcomp='', delampNoise=False, del1fNoise=False, del1fnNoise=False, suboffres=False, relerrthrs=.2, pltKIDsep=True, pltthlvl=False, pltkaplan=False, pltthmfnl=False, plttres=False, fig=None, ax12=None, color='Pread', pltclrbar=True, fmt='-o', label=None, defaulttesc=0, tescPread='max', tescpltkaplan=False, tescTminmax=(300, 400), showfit=False, savefig=False): '''Plots the results from a Lorentzian fit to the PSDs of multiple KIDs, read powers and temperatures. Two axes: 0: lifetimes 1: noise levels, both with temperature on the x-axis. The color can be specified and is Pread by default. Options: startstopf -- defines the fitting window decades,minfreq -- fitting options, see kidata.calc.tau method lvlcomp -- defines how the levels are compensated. Use Resp for responsivity compensation. (will be moved in the future) del{}Noise -- filter options {amp,1f,1fn} spectrum before fitting, see kidata.filters module. relerrthrs -- only plot fits with a relative error threshold in lifetime less than this. pltKIDsep -- if True, different KIDs get a new figure. pltthlvl -- expected noise level is plotted as dashed line pltkaplan -- a kaplan fit (tesc as parameter) is plotted in the lifetime axis. pltthmfnl -- a noise level from the fitted lifetime and theoretical Nqp is plotted as well plttres -- the resonator ring time is plotted in the lifetime axis. ... multiple figure handling options ... ... options for the tesc deteremination ... showfit -- the fits are displayed in numerous new figures, for manual checking.''' def _make_fig(): fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 3)) return fig, axs def _get_cmap(**kwargs): if color == 'Pread': cmap ='plasma') norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(-1.05 * kwargs['Preadar'].max(), -.95 * kwargs['Preadar'].min()) clb = fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap))'$P_{read}$ (dBm)') elif color == 'Pint': cmap ='plasma') norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(kwargs['Pintar'].min() * 1.05, kwargs['Pintar'].max() * .95) clb = fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap))'$P_{int}$ (dBm)') elif color == 'V': cmap ='cividis') norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize( np.array(list(Vdict.values())).min(), np.array(list(Vdict.values())).max()) clb = fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap))'Al Vol. ($\mu m^3$)') elif color == 'KIDnum': cmap ='Paired') norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize( np.array(KIDlist).min(), np.array(KIDlist).max()) clb = fig.colorbar(, cmap=cmap))'KID nr.') else: raise ValueError( '{} is not a valid variable as color'.format(color)) return cmap, norm TDparam = io.get_grTDparam(Chipnum) if suboffres: TDparamoffres = io.get_grTDparam(Chipnum, offres=True) if KIDlist is None: KIDlist = io.get_grKIDs(TDparam) elif type(KIDlist) is int: KIDlist = [KIDlist] if color == 'Pint': Pintdict = io.get_Pintdict(Chipnum) if not pltKIDsep: if ax12 is None: fig, axs = _make_fig() else: axs = ax12 if color == 'Pint': Pintar = np.array([Pintdict[k] for k in KIDlist]) cmap, norm = _get_cmap(Pintar=Pintar) elif color == 'V': Vdict = io.get_Vdict(Chipnum) cmap, norm = _get_cmap(Vdict=Vdict) elif color == 'Pread': Preaddict = io.get_Preaddict(Chipnum) Preadar = np.array([Preaddict[k] for k in KIDlist]) cmap, norm = _get_cmap(Preadar=Preadar) elif color == 'KIDnum': cmap, norm = _get_cmap(KIDlist=KIDlist) for KIDnum in KIDlist: Preadar = _selectPread(pltPread, io.get_grPread(TDparam, KIDnum)) if pltKIDsep: if ax12 is None: fig, axs = _make_fig() else: axs = ax12 if len(KIDlist) > 1: fig.suptitle(f'KID{KIDnum}') if color == 'Pread': cmap, norm = _get_cmap(Preadar=Preadar) elif color == 'Pint': cmap, norm = _get_cmap(Pintar=np.array(Pintdict[KIDnum])) if pltthlvl or 'tesc' in lvlcomp or pltkaplan: tesc_ = calc.tesc(Chipnum, KIDnum, defaulttesc=defaulttesc, minTemp=tescTminmax[0], maxTemp=tescTminmax[1], relerrthrs=relerrthrs, Pread=tescPread, pltkaplan=tescpltkaplan) for Pread in Preadar: Temp = np.trim_zeros(io.get_grTemp(TDparam, KIDnum, Pread)) if lvlcomp != '': S21data = io.get_S21data(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread) if 'ak' in lvlcomp: akin = calc.ak(S21data) V = S21data[0, 14] if spec == 'cross': Respspl = interpolate.splrep(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, np.sqrt(S21data[:, 10] * S21data[:, 18]), s=0) elif spec == 'amp': Respspl = interpolate.splrep(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, S21data[:, 18], s=0) elif spec == 'phase': Respspl = interpolate.splrep(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, S21data[:, 10], s=0) if lvlcomp == 'QakV': sqrtlvlcompspl = interpolate.splrep(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, S21data[:, 2] * akin / V, s=0) elif lvlcomp == 'QaksqrtV': sqrtlvlcompspl = interpolate.splrep(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, S21data[:, 2] * akin / np.sqrt(V), s=0) elif lvlcomp == 'QaksqrtVtesc': sqrtlvlcompspl = interpolate.splrep( S21data[:,1]*1e3, S21data[:,2]*akin/np.sqrt(V*\ (1+tesc_/.28e-3)),s=0) elif lvlcomp == 'QaksqrtVtescTc': sqrtlvlcompspl = interpolate.splrep( S21data[:,1]*1e3, S21data[:,2]*akin/np.sqrt(V*\ (1+tesc_/.28e-3)*\ (86.17*S21data[0,21])**3/\ (S21data[0,15]/1.6e-19*1e6)**2),s=0) elif lvlcomp == 'Resp': sqrtlvlcompspl = Respspl elif lvlcomp == 'RespPulse': pulsePreadar = io.get_pulsePread(Chipnum, KIDnum) pulsePreadselect = pulsePreadar[np.abs(pulsePreadar - Pread).argmin()] pulseTemp = io.get_pulseTemp(Chipnum, KIDnum, pulsePreadselect).min() pulsewvl = io.get_pulsewvl(Chipnum, KIDnum, pulsePreadselect, pulseTemp).min() phasepulse, amppulse = io.get_pulsedata( Chipnum, KIDnum, pulsePreadselect, pulseTemp, pulsewvl) phtau = calc.tau_pulse(phasepulse) amptau = calc.tau_pulse(amppulse) assert np.abs( 1 - phtau / amptau ) < .1, 'Amp and Phase lifetimes differ by more than 10%' dAdTheta = -1 * (amppulse / phasepulse )[600:int(600 + 2 * phtau)].mean() if spec == 'cross': Respspl = interpolate.splrep( S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, np.sqrt(S21data[:, 10]**2 * dAdTheta), s=0) elif spec == 'amp': Respspl = interpolate.splrep(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, S21data[:, 10] * dAdTheta, s=0) elif spec == 'phase': Respspl = interpolate.splrep(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, S21data[:, 10], s=0) sqrtlvlcompspl = Respspl elif lvlcomp == 'RespPint': Pint = 10**(-Pread / 10) * S21data[:, 2]**2 / ( S21data[:, 3] * np.pi) Pint /= Pint[0] sqrtlvlcompspl = interpolate.splrep( S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, interpolate.splev(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, Respspl) / Pint**(1 / 4), s=0) elif lvlcomp == 'RespV': sqrtlvlcompspl = interpolate.splrep( S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, interpolate.splev(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, Respspl) * np.sqrt(V), s=0) elif lvlcomp == 'RespVtescTc': kbTc = 86.17 * S21data[0, 21] sqrtlvlcompspl = interpolate.splrep( S21data[:,1]*1e3, interpolate.splev(S21data[:,1]*1e3, Respspl)*\ np.sqrt(V*(1+tesc_/.28e-3)*\ (kbTc)**3/\ (kidcalc.D(86.17*S21data[:,1],1.72e4,kbTc,37312.))**2),s=0) elif lvlcomp == 'RespLowT': sqrtlvlcompspl = interpolate.splrep( S21data[:,1]*1e3,np.ones(len(S21data[:,1]))*\ interpolate.splev(S21data[0,1]*1e3,Respspl)) else: raise ValueError( '{} is an invalid compensation method'.format(lvlcomp)) Pint = 10 * np.log10(10**(-1 * Pread / 10) * S21data[0, 2]**2 / S21data[0, 3] / np.pi) else: sqrtlvlcompspl = interpolate.splrep(Temp, np.ones(len(Temp))) if suboffres: Temp = np.intersect1d( Temp, io.get_grTemp(TDparamoffres, KIDnum, Pread)) if Tminmax != None: if Tminmax[0] != None: Temp = Temp[Temp > Tminmax[0]] if Tminmax[1] != None: Temp = Temp[Temp < Tminmax[1]] taut = np.zeros((len(Temp))) tauterr = np.zeros((len(Temp))) lvl = np.zeros((len(Temp))) lvlerr = np.zeros((len(Temp))) for i in range(len(Temp)): freq, SPR = io.get_grdata(TDparam, KIDnum, Pread, Temp[i], spec) if suboffres: orfreq, orSPR = io.get_grdata(TDparamoffres, KIDnum, Pread, Temp[i], spec) freq, SPR = filters.subtr_spec(freq, SPR, orfreq, orSPR) if delampNoise: freq, SPR = filters.del_ampNoise(freq, SPR) if del1fNoise: freq, SPR = filters.del_1fNoise(freq, SPR) if del1fnNoise: freq, SPR = filters.del_1fnNoise(freq, SPR) if showfit: print('{}, KID{}, -{} dBm, T={}, {}'.format( Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread, Temp[i], spec)) taut[i],tauterr[i],lvl[i],lvlerr[i] = \ calc.tau(freq,SPR,plot=showfit,retfnl=True, startf=startstopf[0],stopf=startstopf[1], decades=decades,minfreq=minfreq) if showfit: print(tauterr[i] / taut[i]) lvl[i] = lvl[i] / interpolate.splev(Temp[i], sqrtlvlcompspl)**2 lvlerr[i] = lvlerr[i] / interpolate.splev( Temp[i], sqrtlvlcompspl)**2 #Deleting bad fits and plotting: mask = ~np.isnan(taut) mask[mask] = tauterr[mask] / taut[mask] <= relerrthrs if color == 'Pread': clr = cmap(norm(-1 * Pread)) elif color == 'Pint': clr = cmap(norm(Pint)) elif color == 'V': clr = cmap(norm(Vdict[KIDnum])) elif color == 'KIDnum': clr = cmap(norm(KIDnum)) else: clr = color axs[0].errorbar(Temp[mask], taut[mask], yerr=tauterr[mask], fmt=fmt, capsize=3., color=clr, mec='k', label=label if Pread == Preadar[-1] else '') axs[1].errorbar(Temp[mask], 10 * np.log10(lvl[mask]), yerr=10 * np.log10( (lvlerr[mask] + lvl[mask]) / lvl[mask]), fmt=fmt, capsize=3., color=clr, mec='k', label=label if Pread == Preadar[-1] else '') if pltthlvl: if Tminmax is not None: Tstartstop = Tminmax else: Tstartstop = (Temp[mask].min(), Temp[mask].max()) Ttemp = np.linspace(*Tstartstop, 100) explvl = interpolate.splev(Ttemp, Respspl)**2 explvl *= 4*.44e-6*S21data[0,14]*1.72e4*(86.17*S21data[0,21])**3/\ (2*(S21data[0,15]/1.602e-19*1e6)**2)*(1+tesc_/.28e-3)/2 explvl /= interpolate.splev(Ttemp, sqrtlvlcompspl)**2 thlvlplot, = axs[1].plot(Ttemp, 10 * np.log10(explvl), color=clr, linestyle='--', linewidth=2.) axs[1].legend((thlvlplot, ), (r'Expected noise level', )) if pltkaplan and Temp[mask].size != 0 and Pread == Preadar.max(): if Tminmax is not None: Tstartstop = Tminmax else: Tstartstop = (Temp[mask].min(), Temp[mask].max()) T = np.linspace(*Tstartstop, 100) * 1e-3 taukaplan = kidcalc.tau_kaplan(T, tesc=tesc_, kbTc=86.17 * S21data[0, 21]) kaplanfit, = axs[0].plot(T * 1e3, taukaplan, color=clr, linestyle='--', linewidth=2.) axs[0].legend((kaplanfit, ), ('Kaplan', )) if pltthmfnl: try: tauspl = interpolate.splrep(Temp[mask], taut[mask], s=0) T = np.linspace(Temp[mask].min(), Temp[mask].max(), 100) Nqp = np.zeros(len(T)) for i in range(len(T)): Nqp[i] = V * nqp(T[i] * 86.17 * 1e-3, S21data[0, 15] / 1.602e-19 * 1e6, 1.72e4) thmfnl = 4*interpolate.splev(T,tauspl)*1e-6*\ Nqp*interpolate.splev(T,Respspl)**2 thmfnl /= interpolate.splev(T, sqrtlvlcompspl)**2 thmfnlplot, = axs[1].plot(T, 10 * np.log10(thmfnl), color=clr, linestyle='--', linewidth=3.) axs[1].legend( (thmfnlplot, ), ('Thermal Noise Level \n with measured $\\tau_{qp}^*$', )) except: warnings.warn( 'Could not make Thermal Noise Level, {},KID{},-{} dBm,{}' .format(Chipnum, KIDnum, Pread, spec)) if plttres: tresline, = axs[0].plot(S21data[:, 1] * 1e3, S21data[:, 2] / (np.pi * S21data[:, 5]) * 1e6, color=clr, linestyle=':') axs[0].legend((tresline, ), ('$\\tau_{res}$', )) axs[0].set_yscale('log') for i in range(2): axs[i].set_xlabel('Temperature (mK)') axs[0].set_ylabel(r'$\tau_{qp}^*$ (µs)') if lvlcomp == 'Resp': axs[1].set_ylabel(r'Noise Level/$\mathcal{R}^2(T)$ (dB/Hz)') elif lvlcomp == 'RespV': axs[1].set_ylabel(r'Noise Level/$(\mathcal{R}^2(T)V)$ (dB/Hz)') elif lvlcomp == 'RespVtescTc': axs[1].set_ylabel(r'Noise Level/$(\mathcal{R}^2(T)\chi)$ (dB/Hz)') elif lvlcomp == '': axs[1].set_ylabel(r'Noise Level (dB/Hz)') elif lvlcomp == 'RespLowT': axs[1].set_ylabel(r'Noise Level/$\mathcal{R}^2(T=50 mK)$ (dB/Hz)') else: axs[1].set_ylabel(r'comp. Noise Level (dB/Hz)') plt.tight_layout() if savefig: plt.savefig('GR_{}_KID{}_{}.pdf'.format(Chipnum, KIDnum, spec)) plt.close() if ax12 is None: return fig, axs