def test_fortranfiles_write(): for filename in iglob(path.join(DATA_PATH, "fortran-*-*x*x*.dat")): m ="fortran-([^-]+)-(\d+)x(\d+)x(\d+).dat", filename, re.I) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Couldn't match %s filename to regex" % filename) dims = (int(, int(, int( counter = 0 data = np.zeros(dims,"s", "<")) for k in range(dims[2]): for j in range(dims[1]): for i in range(dims[0]): data[i, j, k] = counter counter += 1 tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: testFile = path.join(tmpdir, path.basename(filename)) f = FortranFile(testFile, "w", "<u4") f.write_record(data) f.close() originalfile = open(filename, "rb") newfile = open(testFile, "rb") assert_equal(,, err_msg=filename) originalfile.close() newfile.close() finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def test_fortranfiles_mixed_record(): filename = path.join(DATA_PATH, "fortran-mixed.dat") f = FortranFile(filename, 'r', '<u4') record = f.read_record('<i4,<f4,<i8,(2)<f8') assert_equal(record['f0'][0], 1) assert_allclose(record['f1'][0], 2.3) assert_equal(record['f2'][0], 4) assert_allclose(record['f3'][0], [5.6, 7.8])
def read_association(listfile): assocFile = FortranFile(listfile, 'r') nassoc, columns = assocFile.read_ints() _tmp = (assocFile.read_reals(dtype=np.float32)).reshape((columns, nassoc)).transpose() assoc = pd.DataFrame(_tmp, columns=['halo_id', 'level', 'halo_mass', 'gal_id', 'gal_mass']) assoc[['halo_id', 'level', 'gal_id']] = assoc[['halo_id', 'level', 'gal_id']].astype(np.int32) return assoc
def read_halo_list(listfile): haloFile = FortranFile(listfile, 'r') nhalos, columns = haloFile.read_ints() _tmp = (haloFile.read_reals(dtype=np.float32)).reshape((columns, nhalos)).transpose() halos = pd.DataFrame(_tmp, columns=['id', 'level', 'mass', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'rvir']) halos[['id', 'level']] = halos[['id', 'level']].astype(int) return halos
def import_data_G(name="G_0.01965", folder_name="./OUT/"): f = FortranFile(folder_name+name, 'r') version = f.read_reals(dtype='f4') time, Ra, Ra_c, P, Ha, Di, Pr, Le = f.read_reals(dtype='f4') nradius, ntheta, nphi, azsym = f.read_reals(dtype='f4') # be careful, all of them are reals radius = f.read_reals(dtype='f4') theta = f.read_reals(dtype='f4') #colatitude phi = np.arange(1, int(nphi)+1)/nphi*2.*np.pi/azsym #longitude (not read from file!) Vr = np.empty([nphi, ntheta, nradius]) Vt = np.empty_like(Vr) Vp = np.empty_like(Vr) Temperature = np.empty_like(Vr) Composition = np.empty_like(Vr) for ir in np.arange(nradius): for it in np.arange(ntheta): Vr[:,it,ir]=f.read_reals(dtype='f4') Vt[:,it,ir]=f.read_reals(dtype='f4') Vp[:,it,ir]=f.read_reals(dtype='f4') Composition[:,it,ir]=f.read_reals(dtype='f4') Temperature[:,it,ir]=f.read_reals(dtype='f4') return time, Ra, Ra_c, P, Ha, Di, Pr, Le, nradius, ntheta, nphi, azsym, radius, theta, phi, Vr, Vt, Vp, Temperature, Composition
def test_fortran_eof_ok(tmpdir): filename = path.join(str(tmpdir), "scratch") np.random.seed(1) with FortranFile(filename, 'w') as f: f.write_record(np.random.randn(5)) f.write_record(np.random.randn(3)) with FortranFile(filename, 'r') as f: assert len(f.read_reals()) == 5 assert len(f.read_reals()) == 3 with pytest.raises(FortranEOFError): f.read_reals()
def test_fortran_bogus_size(tmpdir): filename = path.join(str(tmpdir), "scratch") np.random.seed(1) with FortranFile(filename, 'w') as f: f.write_record(np.random.randn(5)) f.write_record(np.random.randn(3)) with open(filename, "w+b") as f: f.write(b"\xff\xff") with FortranFile(filename, 'r') as f: with pytest.raises(FortranFormattingError): f.read_reals()
def read_two_body_gms(nb): f = FortranFile('V2b_AO_cholesky.mat', 'r') nd = f.read_record(dtype=np.int32) ng = f.read_record(dtype=np.int32)[1] L = np.zeros((nb, nb, ng)) for ig in range(ng): X = f.read_reals(np.float) L[:, :, ig] = X.reshape((nb, nb)) #L = L[:,:,:1] return 2.0 * np.tensordot(L, L, axes=((-1), (-1))).transpose( (0, 1, 3, 2)), L
def write_output(output, i, type): # find difference between the start of the run and the current timestep, # and add the model timestep because the output routine used to be buggy minute_diff = get_timestep(i) - get_timestep(0) + get_deltim() file = path.join( args.output_directory, 'ipe_grid_' + type + '_params.' + new_timestamp(mdate, args.timestamp, minute_diff)) print('writing out ' + file) # scipy FortranFile is nicer code than manually writing headers with numpy fout = FortranFile(file, 'w') for var in range(len(var_ext)): fout.write_record(output[var, :])
def getdata(filenumber, variable, DIR=' '): if DIR == ' ': filename = 'Data/' + variable + '{:03d}'.format(filenumber) + '.dat' else: filename = DIR + variable + '{:03d}'.format(filenumber) + '.dat' file = FortranFile(filename, 'r') nx = file.read_ints(np.int32)[0] ny = file.read_ints(np.int32)[0] nz = file.read_ints(np.int32)[0] return file.read_reals(float).reshape((nz, ny, nx), order="C")
def test_fortran_eof_broken_record(tmpdir): filename = path.join(str(tmpdir), "scratch") np.random.seed(1) with FortranFile(filename, 'w') as f: f.write_record(np.random.randn(5)) f.write_record(np.random.randn(3)) with open(filename, "ab") as f: f.truncate(path.getsize(filename) - 20) with FortranFile(filename, 'r') as f: assert len(f.read_reals()) == 5 with pytest.raises(FortranFormattingError): f.read_reals()
def __read_phiaver(self, datadir, variables, aver_file_name, n_vars, var_index, iter_list, l_h5=False): """ Read the PHIAVG file Return the time, cylindrical r and z and raw data. """ import os import numpy as np from import FortranFile from .. import read # Read the data if l_h5: import h5py # # Not implemented # else: glob_dim = read.dim(datadir) nu=glob_dim.nx/2 dim = read.dim(datadir) if dim.precision == 'S': dtype = np.float32 if dim.precision == 'D': dtype = np.float64 # Prepare the raw data. raw_data = [] t = [] # Read records #path=os.path.join(datadir, aver_file_name) #print(path) file_id = FortranFile(os.path.join(datadir, aver_file_name)) data1 = file_id.read_record(dtype='i4') nr_phiavg = data1[0] nz_phiavg = data1[1] nvars = data1[2] nprocz = data1[3] data2 = file_id.read_record(dtype=np.float64) t = data2[0] r_cyl = data2[1:nr_phiavg+1] z_cyl = data2[nr_phiavg+1:nr_phiavg+nz_phiavg+1] data3 = file_id.read_record(dtype=np.float64) raw_data = data3.reshape(nvars,nz_phiavg,nr_phiavg) return t, r_cyl, z_cyl, raw_data
def read_fortran_FFTfield(infile): """ Read a Half-Field with FFTW indexing from a Fortran Unformatted Binary file. The first entry is a single integer. """ f=FortranFile(infile,'r') Ngrid=f.read_ints(dtype=np.int32)[0] print('Fortran file Ngrid='+str(Ngrid)) dcr=f.read_reals(dtype=np.complex64) dcr=np.reshape(dcr,(Ngrid//2+1,Ngrid,Ngrid),order='F') dcr.dump(infile+'.pickle') # Save infile as a pickle return dcr
def read_fbin(filename): ''' this reads each written binary instance itteratively''' f = FortranFile(filename, 'r') array = [] while True: try: array.append(f.read_reals(dtype=np.float_)) except TypeError: break #array = np.reshape(array, (nspecs,-1)) f.close() return array
def read_fortran_FFTfield(self): """ Read a fortran binary file from FFTW assert all Nyquist entries to be real. """ f=FortranFile(self.infile,'r') Ng=f.read_ints(dtype=np.int32)[0] print('Fortran file Ngrid='+str(Ng)) if (Ng != self.Ngrid): print('Ngrid values are not equal!') dcr=f.read_reals(dtype=np.complex64) dcr=np.reshape(dcr,(Ng//2+1,Ng,Ng),order='F') return dcr
def read_patch(self, file, verbose=0): ''' Read particles in a patch ''' name = file + '.peb' f = FortranFile(name, 'rb') fmt = f.readInts() if verbose > 2: print('ioformat:', fmt[0]) dim = f.readInts() dim = dim[0:2] a = f.readReals() a = a.reshape(dim[1], dim[0]).transpose() idv = f.readInts() idx = idv[0:dim[0]] f.close() dict = {} for i in range(size(idx)): id = idx[i] dict[id] = { 'p': a[i, 0:3], 'v': a[i, 0:3], 't': a[i, 6], 's': a[i, 7], 'w': a[i, 8] } return idx, dict
def progenitor_probability(density=None, sfr=None, mass=None, redshift=None): """ Return the progenitor fraction for input values. >>> progenitor_probability(redshift=0.4, mass=10.8) 0.266751184855 """ density = np.nan if density is None else density sfr = np.nan if sfr is None else sfr mass = np.nan if mass is None else mass redshift = np.nan if redshift is None else redshift values = [density, sfr, mass, redshift] if values.count(np.nan) > 3: raise ValueError('Incorrect number of arguments') # Read datacube f = FortranFile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'fractions.dat')) dims = f.read_record(dtype=np.int32) data = f.read_record(dtype=np.float32) data_size = np.product(dims) n_galaxies = np.reshape(data[0:data_size], dims, order='F') n_spiral_progenitors = np.reshape(data[data_size:2*data_size], dims, order='F') bins = np.stack([np.reshape(f.read_record(dtype=np.float32), dims, order='F') for _ in range(dims.size)], axis=0) # Marginalise over dimensions that are not specified while np.nan in values: i = values.index(np.nan) dims = np.delete(dims, i) values.pop(i) weights = n_galaxies n_galaxies = np.sum(n_galaxies, axis=i) n_spiral_progenitors = np.sum(n_spiral_progenitors, axis=i) bins = np.delete(np.nanmean(bins, axis=i+1), i, axis=0) data_size = np.product(dims) n_galaxies = np.reshape(n_galaxies, data_size) n_spiral_progenitors = np.reshape(n_spiral_progenitors, data_size) # Only use bins where there are at least 4 galaxies pick = n_galaxies > 3 # Calculate progenitor fractions with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): frac = np.true_divide(n_spiral_progenitors[pick], n_galaxies[pick]) bins = np.array([np.reshape(bins[i], data_size)[pick] for i in range(len(values))]).transpose() # Do n-D linear interpolation to get progenitor fraction for input values return griddata(bins, frac, values, method='linear')
def export_unk(self, grid=[50, 50, 50]): ''' Export the periodic part of BF in a real space grid for plotting with wannier90 ''' from import FortranFile grids_coor, weights = periodic_grid(self.cell, grid, order='F') for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc): spin = '.1' if self.spin_up != None and self.spin_up == False: spin = '.2' kpt = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc[k_id]) ao = numint.eval_ao(self.cell, grids_coor, kpt=kpt) u_ao = np.einsum('x,xi->xi', np.exp(-1j *, kpt)), ao, optimize=True) unk_file = FortranFile('UNK' + "%05d" % (k_id + 1) + spin, 'w') unk_file.write_record( np.asarray( [grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], k_id + 1, self.num_bands_loc], dtype=np.int32)) mo_included = self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id][:, self.band_included_list] u_mo = np.einsum('xi,in->xn', u_ao, mo_included, optimize=True) for band in range(len(self.band_included_list)): unk_file.write_record( np.asarray(u_mo[:, band], dtype=np.complex128)) unk_file.close()
def revolver_to_unformatted(input_filename, output_filename, cosmology, equal_weights=False, zrange=None): # open numpy file cat = np.load(input_filename) if zrange is not None: zmin, zmax = zrange ind = (cat[:, 2] > zmin) & (cat[:, 2] < zmax) cat = cat[ind] # convert redshifts to distances dist = cosmology.ComovingDistance(cat[:, 2]) x = dist * np.cos(cat[:, 1] * np.pi / 180) * np.cos( cat[:, 0] * np.pi / 180) y = dist * np.cos(cat[:, 1] * np.pi / 180) * np.sin( cat[:, 0] * np.pi / 180) z = dist * np.sin(cat[:, 1] * np.pi / 180) if not equal_weights: weight = cat[:, 3] else: weight = np.ones(len(cat)) #write result to output file cout = np.c_[x, y, z, weight] nrows, ncols = np.shape(cout) f = FortranFile(output_filename, 'w') nrows, ncols = np.shape(cout) f.write_record(nrows) f.write_record(ncols) f.write_record(cout) f.close()
def export_unk(self, spin=0, ngrid=None): ''' Export the periodic part of BF in a real space grid for plotting with wannier90 ''' from import FortranFile if spin == 0: spin_str = '.1' else: spin_str = '.2' if ngrid is None: ngrid = self.ngrid.copy() else: ngrid = np.array(ngrid, dtype=np.int64) assert ngrid.shape[0] == 3, 'Wrong syntax for ngrid' assert np.alltrue(ngrid >= self.ngrid), "Minium FT grid size: (%d, %d, %d)" % \ (self.ngrid[0], self.ngrid[1], self.ngrid[2]) for kpt in range(self.nkpts): unk_file = FortranFile('UNK' + "%05d" % (kpt + 1) + spin_str, 'w') unk_file.write_record( np.asarray( [ngrid[0], ngrid[1], ngrid[2], kpt + 1, self.nbands], dtype=np.int32)) for band in range(self.nbands): unk = self.get_unk(spin=spin, kpt=kpt + 1, band=band + 1, ngrid=ngrid, norm=False, norm_c=False) unk = unk.T.flatten() unk_file.write_record(unk) unk_file.close()
def export_unk(self, grid=[50, 50, 50]): ''' Export the periodic part of BF in a real space grid for plotting with wannier90 ''' from import FortranFile grids_coor = general_grid(self.cell, grid) for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc): kpt = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc[k_id]) ao = numint.eval_ao(self.cell, grids_coor, kpt=kpt) u_ao = np.einsum('x,xi->xi', np.exp(-1j *, kpt)), ao, optimize=True) unk_file = FortranFile('UNK0000' + str(k_id + 1) + '.1', 'w') unk_file.write_record( np.asarray( [grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], k_id + 1, self.num_bands_loc], dtype=np.int32)) mo_included = self.U[k_id], self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id])[:, self.band_included_list] u_mo = np.einsum('xi,in->xn', u_ao, mo_included, optimize=True) for band in range(len(self.band_included_list)): unk_file.write_record( np.asarray(u_mo[:, band], dtype=np.complex)) unk_file.close()
def fits_to_unformatted( input_filename, output_filename, omega_m ): # define cosmology cosmo = Cosmology(omega_m=omega_m) # open fits file with as hdul: cat = hdul[1].data # convert redshifts to distances dist = cosmo.ComovingDistance(cat['Z']) x = dist * np.sin(cat['DEC'] * np.pi / 180) * np.cos(cat['RA'] * np.pi / 180) y = dist * np.sin(cat['DEC'] * np.pi / 180) * np.sin(cat['RA'] * np.pi / 180) z = dist * np.cos(cat['DEC'] * np.pi / 180) # write result to output file cout = np.c_[x, y, z] nrows, ncols = np.shape(cout) f = FortranFile(output_filename, 'w') nrows, ncols = np.shape(cout) f.write_record(nrows) f.write_record(ncols) f.write_record(cout) f.close()
def get_circumcentres(self, radius_limit=1000): ''' Find the centre of the circumspheres associated to an input catalogue of tetrahedra. ''' print('Finding circumcentres of tetrahedra...') vertices = self.delaunay_triangulation() cenx, ceny, cenz, r = [], [], [], [] sing = 0 for tetra in vertices: x0, x1, x2, x3 = tetra A = [] B = [] A.append((x1 - x0).T) A.append((x2 - x0).T) A.append((x3 - x0).T) A = np.asarray(A) B = np.sum(A**2, axis=1) B = np.asarray(B) try: C = np.linalg.inv(A).dot(B) except: sing += 1 continue centre = x0 + 0.5 * C radius = 0.5 * np.sqrt(np.sum(C**2)) if radius < radius_limit: cenx.append(centre[0]) ceny.append(centre[1]) cenz.append(centre[2]) r.append(radius) print('{} singular matrices found.'.format(sing)) cenx = np.asarray(cenx) ceny = np.asarray(ceny) cenz = np.asarray(cenz) cenx = cenx.reshape(len(cenx), 1) ceny = ceny.reshape(len(ceny), 1) cenz = cenz.reshape(len(cenz), 1) cout = np.hstack([cenx, ceny, cenz]) print('{} centres found.'.format(len(cout))) f = FortranFile(self.centres_file, 'w') nrows, ncols = np.shape(cout) f.write_record(nrows) f.write_record(ncols) f.write_record(cout) f.close() self.centres = cout return
def read_galaxy_list(listfile): galFile = FortranFile(listfile, 'r') print(listfile) ngal, columns = galFile.read_ints() _tmp = (galFile.read_reals(dtype=np.float32)).reshape((columns, ngal)).transpose() galaxies = pd.DataFrame(_tmp, columns=['id', 'vt', 'dvz', 'dvr', 'dvtheta', 'mass', 'x', 'y', 'z']) galaxies['sigma'] = 1/3.*np.sqrt(galaxies.dvz**2 + galaxies.dvtheta**2 +**2) galaxies['sigmaoverv'] = galaxies.sigma / galaxies.vt galaxies['elliptic'] = galaxies.sigmaoverv > 1.5 galaxies['spiral'] = galaxies.sigmaoverv < 0.8 return galaxies
def read_unformatted(filename): ''' Reads an unformatted Fortran 90 files as a numpy array. Parameters: filename: str Name of the unformatted file. ''' fin = FortranFile(filename, 'r') nrows = fin.read_ints()[0] ncols = fin.read_ints()[0] data = fin.read_reals(dtype=np.float64).reshape(nrows, ncols) return data, nrows, ncols
def get_inverse_covmat(self): #read full covmat f = FortranFile(self.cov_file, 'r') covmat = f.read_reals(dtype=float).reshape( (self.nbin_hi, self.nbin_hi)) for i in range(self.nbin_hi): for j in range(i, self.nbin_hi): covmat[i, j] = covmat[j, i] #select relevant covmat if self.use_tt and not (self.use_ee) and not (self.use_te): #just tt bin_no = self.nbintt_hi start = 0 end = start + bin_no cov = covmat[start:end, start:end] elif not (self.use_tt) and not (self.use_ee) and self.use_te: #just te bin_no = self.nbinte start = self.nbintt_hi end = start + bin_no cov = covmat[start:end, start:end] elif not (self.use_tt) and self.use_ee and not (self.use_te): #just ee bin_no = self.nbinee start = self.nbintt_hi + self.nbinte end = start + bin_no cov = covmat[start:end, start:end] elif self.use_tt and self.use_ee and self.use_te: #use all bin_no = self.nbin_hi cov = covmat else: print("not implemented") #invert high ell covariance matrix (cholesky decomposition should be faster) fisher = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(scipy.linalg.cho_factor(cov), np.identity(bin_no)) fisher = fisher.transpose() if self.use_low_ell_bins: bin_no += self.nbintt_low_ell inv_covmat_with_lo = np.zeros(shape=(bin_no, bin_no)) inv_covmat_with_lo[0:2, 0:2] = np.diag(1. / self.X_sig_low_ell**2) inv_covmat_with_lo[2:, 2:] = fisher fisher = inv_covmat_with_lo return fisher
def from_file(filename: str) -> object: """ Reads the UNK data from file. Args: filename (str): path to UNK file to read Returns: Unk object """ input_data = [] with FortranFile(filename, "r") as f: *ng, ik, nbnd = f.read_ints() for _ in range(nbnd): input_data.append( # when reshaping need to specify ordering as fortran f.read_record(np.complex128).reshape(ng, order="F")) try: for _ in range(nbnd): input_data.append( f.read_record(np.complex128).reshape(ng, order="F")) is_noncollinear = True except FortranEOFError: is_noncollinear = False # mypy made me create an extra variable here >:( data = np.array(input_data, dtype=np.complex128) # spinors are interwoven, need to separate them if is_noncollinear: temp_data = np.empty((nbnd, 2, *ng), dtype=np.complex128) temp_data[:, 0, :, :, :] = data[::2, :, :, :] temp_data[:, 1, :, :, :] = data[1::2, :, :, :] return Unk(ik, temp_data) return Unk(ik, data)
def test_fortranfiles_read(): for filename in iglob(path.join(DATA_PATH, "fortran-*-*x*x*.dat")): m ='fortran-([^-]+)-(\d+)x(\d+)x(\d+).dat', filename, re.I) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Couldn't match %s filename to regex" % filename) dims = (int(, int(, int( dtype ='s', '<') f = FortranFile(filename, 'r', '<u4') data = f.read_record(dtype=dtype).reshape(dims, order='F') f.close() expected = np.arange( assert_equal(data, expected)
def __init__(self, resroot, filename="LUM_SF.bin", NT_TOT=107, NBMU=51): """ Filename defined by -OSOAA.ResFile.vsZ: This optional file provides the radiance field (I,Q,U) versus the altitude or depth, for the given relative azimuth angle (-OSOAA.View.Phi) and for the given viewing zenith angle (-OSOAA.View.VZA). resroot OSOAA results root directory. filename Filename to look for the results. I I Stokes parameters Fourier components. The array is I(LEVEL;WAVE_NUMBER) Q Q Stokes parameters Fourier components. The array is Q(LEVEL;WAVE_NUMBER) U U Stokes parameters Fourier components. The array is U(LEVEL;WAVE_NUMBER) """ # We read the fortran binary file with FortranFile(resroot + "/Advanced_outputs/" + filename, "r") as file: tmp = file.read_reals() # Reshape the array into 3 array for I, Q and U tmp = tmp.reshape(3, int(tmp.size / 3)) Itmp = tmp[0, :] Qtmp = tmp[1, :] Utmp = tmp[2, :] # We reshape the array for the number of levels Itmp = Itmp.reshape(int(Itmp.size / (NT_TOT + 1)), NT_TOT + 1) Qtmp = Qtmp.reshape(int(Qtmp.size / (NT_TOT + 1)), NT_TOT + 1) Utmp = Utmp.reshape(int(Utmp.size / (NT_TOT + 1)), NT_TOT + 1) # We transpose the result to get and array of ARRAY[LEVEL:ANGLE] self.I = Itmp.transpose() self.Q = Qtmp.transpose() self.U = Utmp.transpose()
def get_nframes(dcdfilename): """ Get the number of frames in the dcd file """ with FortranFile(dcdfilename, 'r') as f: nframes = f.read_ints()[1] return nframes
def test_fortran_eof_multidimensional(tmpdir): filename = path.join(str(tmpdir), "scratch") n, m, q = 3, 5, 7 dt = np.dtype([("field", np.float64, (n, m))]) a = np.zeros(q, dtype=dt) with FortranFile(filename, 'w') as f: f.write_record(a[0]) f.write_record(a) f.write_record(a) with open(filename, "ab") as f: f.truncate(path.getsize(filename) - 20) with FortranFile(filename, 'r') as f: assert len(f.read_record(dtype=dt)) == 1 assert len(f.read_record(dtype=dt)) == q with pytest.raises(FortranFormattingError): f.read_record(dtype=dt)
def read_fortran_file(filename: Union[str, Path]) -> np.ndarray: with FortranFile(str(filename), 'r') as f: [t, gamma] = f.read_reals('f4') [nx, ny, nvar, nstep] = f.read_ints('i') dat = f.read_reals('f4') dat = np.array(dat) return dat.reshape(nvar, ny, nx)
def readfun(filename): ''' reads unformatted fortran files ''' f = FortranFile('Outputs/'+filename, 'r') names = ''.join(f.read_reals('c')) data = [] while True: try: data.append(f.read_reals(dtype=np.float_)) except TypeError: break #array = np.reshape(array, (nspecs,-1)) f.close() return [names.replace(' ',''),np.array(data)]
def from_file(self, fname): with FortranFile(fname, 'r') as f: self.header = ''.join(map(str, f.read_record('c'))) self.nbnds = f.read_ints()[0] self.nbnds_excl = f.read_ints()[0] self.bands_excl = f.read_ints() self.dlv = f.read_reals().reshape((3, 3), order='F') self.rlv = f.read_reals().reshape((3, 3), order='F') self.nkpts = f.read_ints()[0] self.grid_dims = f.read_ints() self.kpoints = f.read_reals().reshape((-1, 3)) self.nntot = f.read_ints()[0] self.nwann = f.read_ints()[0] self.chkpt = f.read_record('c') self.disentanglement = bool(f.read_ints()[0]) if self.disentanglement: self.omega_invariant = f.read_reals()[0] = f.read_ints().reshape((self.nbnds, self.nkpts), order='F').transpose f.read_ints() self.umat_opt = np.transpose( f.read_reals().view(complex).reshape( (self.nbnds, self.nwann, self.nkpts), order='F'), axes=(2, 0, 1)) self.umat = np.transpose(f.read_reals().view(complex).reshape( (self.nwann, self.nwann, self.nkpts), order='F'), axes=(2, 0, 1)) self.mmat = np.transpose(f.read_reals().view(complex).reshape( (self.nwann, self.nwann, self.nntot, self.nkpts), order='F'), axes=(3, 2, 0, 1)) self.wannier_centers = f.read_reals().reshape((-1, 3)) self.wannier_spreads = f.read_reals()
class SIMRA3DMeshReader(SIMRAMeshReader): reader_name = "SIMRA-3D" filename: Path mesh: FortranFile nodeshape: Shape @classmethod def applicable(cls, filename: Path) -> bool: _, u4_type = dtypes(config.input_endianness) try: with FortranFile(filename, 'r', header_dtype=u4_type) as f: assert f._read_size() == 6 * 4 return True except: return False def __init__(self, filename: Path): super().__init__() self.filename = filename def __enter__(self): self.mesh = FortranFile(self.filename, 'r', header_dtype=self.u4_type).__enter__() with save_excursion(self.mesh._fp): _, _, imax, jmax, kmax, _ = self.mesh.read_ints(self.u4_type) if config.fix_orientation: self.nodeshape = (jmax, imax, kmax) else: self.nodeshape = (imax, jmax, kmax) return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.mesh.__exit__(*args) @cache(1) def patch(self) -> Patch: i, j, k = self.nodeshape return Patch(('geometry',), StructuredTopology((j-1, i-1, k-1), celltype=Hex())) @cache(1) def nodes(self) -> Array2D: with save_excursion(self.mesh._fp): fortran_skip_record(self.mesh) nodes = transpose(self.mesh.read_reals(self.f4_type), self.nodeshape) nodes = ensure_native(nodes) return translate(self.filename.parent, nodes)
def read_cproj_NormalCar(inf='NormalCAR', save_cproj=True): ''' Read NormalCAR of VASP output, which contains the coefficients of the PAW projector functions. Data stored in NormalCAR: WRITE(IU) LMDIM,WDES%NIONS,WDES%NRSPINORS WRITE(IU) CQIJ(1:LMDIM,1:LMDIM,1:WDES%NIONS,1:WDES%NRSPINORS) WRITE(IU) WDES%NPROD, WDES%NPRO, WDES%NTYP DO NT = 1, WDES%NTYP WRITE(IU) WDES%LMMAX(NT), WDES%NITYP(NT) END DO DO ISPIN=1,WDES%ISPIN DO NK=1,WDES%NKPTS DO N=1,WDES%NB_TOT WRITE(IU) CPROJ(1:WDES1%NPRO_TOT) END DO END DO END DO ''' from import FortranFile ncr = FortranFile(inf, 'r') # rec1 = ncr.read_record(dtype=np.int32) rec1 = ncr.read_ints() lmdim, nions, nrspinors = rec1 # rec2 = ncr.read_record(dtype=np.complex) cqij = np.array(ncr.read_reals()).reshape((lmdim, lmdim, nions, nrspinors), order='F') rec3 = ncr.read_ints() nprod, npro, ntyp = rec3 # lmmax, natoms for each type of elements lmmax_per_typ = np.array([ncr.read_ints() for ii in range(ntyp)]) cproj = [] while True: try: rec = ncr.read_record(dtype=np.complex) cproj.append(rec) except: break cproj = np.array(cproj) if save_cproj:'cproj', cproj) ncr.close() return cproj
def __init__(self,seedname): seedname=seedname.strip() FIN=FortranFile(seedname+'.chk','r') readint = lambda : FIN.read_record('i4') readfloat = lambda : FIN.read_record('f8') def readcomplex(): a=readfloat() return a[::2]+1j*a[1::2] print ( 'Reading restart information from file '+seedname+'.chk :') self.comment=readstr(FIN) self.num_bands = readint()[0] num_exclude_bands = readint()[0] self.exclude_bands = readint() assert len(self.exclude_bands)==num_exclude_bands self.real_lattice=readfloat().reshape( (3 ,3),order='F') self.recip_lattice=readfloat().reshape( (3 ,3),order='F') assert np.linalg.norm(*np.pi)-np.eye(3)) < 1e-14 self.num_kpts = readint()[0] self.mp_grid = readint() assert len(self.mp_grid)==3 assert self.kpt_latt=readfloat().reshape( (self.num_kpts,3)) self.nntot = readint()[0] self.num_wann = readint()[0] self.checkpoint=readstr(FIN) self.have_disentangled=bool(readint()[0]) if self.have_disentangled: self.omega_invariant=readfloat()[0] lwindow=np.array( readint().reshape( (self.num_kpts,self.num_bands)),dtype=bool ) ndimwin=readint() u_matrix_opt=readcomplex().reshape( (self.num_kpts,self.num_wann,self.num_bands) ) self.win_min = np.array( [np.where(lwin)[0].min() for lwin in lwindow] ) self.win_max = np.array( [wm+nd for wm,nd in zip(self.win_min,ndimwin)]) else: self.win_min = np.array( [0]*self.num_kpts ) self.win_max = np.array( [self.num_wann]*self.num_kpts) u_matrix=readcomplex().reshape( (self.num_kpts,self.num_wann,self.num_wann) ) m_matrix=readcomplex().reshape( (self.num_kpts,self.nntot,self.num_wann,self.num_wann) ) if self.have_disentangled: self.v_matrix=[[:,:nd]) for u,u_opt,nd in zip(u_matrix,u_matrix_opt,ndimwin)] else: self.v_matrix=[u for u in u_matrix ] self.wannier_centres=readfloat().reshape((self.num_wann,3)) self.wannier_spreads=readfloat().reshape((self.num_wann))
def test_fortranfiles_read(): for filename in iglob(path.join(DATA_PATH, "fortran-*-*x*x*.dat")): m ='fortran-([^-]+)-(\d+)x(\d+)x(\d+).dat', filename, re.I) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Couldn't match %s filename to regex" % filename) dims = (int(, int(, int( f = FortranFile(filename, 'r', '<u4') data = f.read_record( f.close() counter = 0 for k in range(dims[2]): for j in range(dims[1]): for i in range(dims[0]): assert_equal(counter, data[i,j,k]) counter += 1
def __init__(self, filename, itype, newResults=[]): self.mesh = Mesh() self.newResults = newResults # print(self.newResults) self.filename = filename self.itype = itype self.intType = 'i4' self.f = FortranFile(filename) try: self.defGeneralVars() except ValueError: self.f.close() self.f = FortranFile(filename) self.intType = 'i8' self.defGeneralVars() self.readGeom() self.getTypeAndNnodePerElement()
def readBinaryArray(path, ncols) -> np.ndarray: """Get array from Fortran binary file. Parameters ---------- path : Path Path to Fortran binary array. ncols : uint Number of columns in the binary file. """ array = FortranFile(path, 'r') array = array.read_reals() nrows = int(array.shape[0] / ncols) array = np.reshape(array, (nrows, ncols)) return array
def read_stalker_data(self, datadir='/data', procdir='proc0'): f = FortranFile(datadir+'/'+procdir+'/particles_stalker.dat','r') file_not_ended=True firstline = f.read_record([('a','f8'),('b','i4')]) firstline = f.read_record([('a','f8'),('b','i4')]) snaptime = [] nrshot = [] partdata = [] iddata = [] while (True): try: temp = f.read_record([('snaptime','f8'),('nrshot','i4')]) snaptime.append(temp['snaptime']) nrshot.append(temp['nrshot']) except TypeError: break except ValueError: break if (nrshot[-1] > 0): temp = f.read_record([('iddata','i4')]) iddata.append(temp['iddata']) temp = f.read_record([('partdata','f8')]) temp = np.reshape(temp,(-1,self.ndims_stalk)) partdata.append(temp['partdata']) else: iddata.append([]) partdata.append([]) partdata=np.asarray(partdata) iddata = np.asarray(iddata) snaptime = np.asarray(snaptime) nrshot = np.array(nrshot) oldshape = np.shape(partdata) partdata = np.reshape(partdata,oldshape) setattr(self,procdir+'_snaptime',snaptime) setattr(self,procdir+'_iddata',iddata) setattr(self,procdir+'_partdata',partdata) setattr(self,procdir+'_nrshot',nrshot)
def read_fbin(filename): ''' this reads each written binary instance itteratively''' f = FortranFile(filename, 'r') array = [] while True: try: array.append(f.read_reals(dtype=np.float_)) except TypeError: break #array = np.reshape(array, (nspecs,-1)) f.close() #newdata = np.array(array)[:,selected_index] #indices = xrange(0,len(array)-sets_of,sets_of) #newdata = newdata[indices,:] #return newdata return array
def test_fortranfiles_write(): for filename in iglob(path.join(DATA_PATH, "fortran-*-*x*x*.dat")): m ='fortran-([^-]+)-(\d+)x(\d+)x(\d+).dat', filename, re.I) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Couldn't match %s filename to regex" % filename) dims = (int(, int(, int( dtype ='s', '<') data = np.arange( tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: testFile = path.join(tmpdir,path.basename(filename)) f = FortranFile(testFile, 'w','<u4') f.write_record(data.T) f.close() originalfile = open(filename, 'rb') newfile = open(testFile, 'rb') assert_equal(,, err_msg=filename) originalfile.close() newfile.close() finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def export_FFT_field(phi,outfile): """ export_FFT_field(phi,outfile) outfile: string phi[:,:,:] : np.array, rank 3 This function takes in a 3-D field, of dimension Ngrid x Ngrid x Ngrid, and exports a half-field Ngrid/2+1 x Ngrid x Ngrid in unformatted Fortran record. Equivalent to a write(field) statement. """ f=FortranFile(outfile,'w') n=phi.shape[2] f.write_record(np.array([n],dtype=np.int32)) # write integer record f.write_record(phi[:n//2+1].ravel(order='F')) # write half-field f.close()
def export_unk(self, grid = [50,50,50]): ''' Export the periodic part of BF in a real space grid for plotting with wannier90 ''' from import FortranFile grids_coor, weights = periodic_grid(self.cell, grid, order = 'F') for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc): spin = '.1' if self.spin_up != None and self.spin_up == False : spin = '.2' kpt = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc[k_id]) ao = numint.eval_ao(self.cell, grids_coor, kpt = kpt) u_ao = np.einsum('x,xi->xi', np.exp(-1j*, kpt)), ao, optimize = True) unk_file = FortranFile('UNK' + "%05d" % (k_id + 1) + spin, 'w') unk_file.write_record(np.asarray([grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], k_id + 1, self.num_bands_loc], dtype = np.int32)) mo_included = self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id][:,self.band_included_list] u_mo = np.einsum('xi,in->xn', u_ao, mo_included, optimize = True) for band in range(len(self.band_included_list)): unk_file.write_record(np.asarray(u_mo[:,band], dtype = np.complex128)) unk_file.close()
if calcUIU: reorder_uXu("uIu",UIUformatted) if calcSPN: try: print "----------\n SPN \n---------\n" if SPNformatted: f_spn_in = open(seedname+".spn", 'r') f_spn_out = open(seednameGW+".spn", 'w') header=f_spn_in.readline() f_spn_out.write(header) nbnd,NK=np.array(f_spn_in.readline().split(),dtype=np.int32) f_spn_out.write(" ".join(str(x) for x in (NBND,NKPT) ) ) else: f_spn_in = FortranFile(seedname+".spn", 'r') f_spn_out = FortranFile(seednameGW+".spn", 'w') header=f_spn_in.read_record(dtype='c') f_spn_out.write_record(header) nbnd,NK=f_spn_in.read_record(dtype=np.int32) f_spn_out.write_record(np.array([NBND,NKPT],dtype=np.int32)) print "".join(header) assert nbnd==nbndDFT indm,indn=np.tril_indices(nbnd) indmQP,indnQP=np.tril_indices(NBND) if SPNformatted: SPN=np.loadtxt(f_spn_in).reshape(-1)
def main(sourcedir, sourcefile, savedir, saveheader, moving=0, incr=1, imin=0, imax=-1 ): """ imin --> minimum iteration above which files will be written incr --> iteration interval to write files at """ # ogdir = os.getcwd() # os.chdir(savedir) MakeOutputDir(savedir) #link in source file if not os.path.isfile('{}/{}'.format(savedir, sourcefile)): # cmd('ln -s {}/{} {}'.format(sourcedir, sourcefile, sourcefile)) cmd('ln -s {}/{} {}/{}'.format(sourcedir, sourcefile, savedir, sourcefile)) #GET GRID/FILE DIMENSIONS f = FortranFile('{}/{}'.format(savedir, sourcefile), 'r') dims = f.read_ints('uint32')[2:6] #Number of iterations, Number of points in each direction, number of parameters, needed to read whole file nj, nk, nl, nq = dims #FORMATS IN BC201 FILE bc201formats = [ ('ints', '<i4', (1,7)), #IGRID,ISTEP,NJ,NK,NL,NQ,NQC ('tvr', 'float64'), #TVREF ('dtr', 'float64'), #DTVREF ('xyz', 'float64', (3,nj,nk,nl)), #XYZ points ('q', 'float64', (nq,nj,nk,nl)), #Q variables (nq variables, njXnkXnl values for each) ('iblank', 'int32', (nj,nk,nl)), #IBLANK status of each grid point ] ######################### #Save pressure coeff history at certian locations #! I want to write out a subset through time (every iteration!) ports = [8,13,30,45] out = open(savedir+"/cp_history.dat","w") out.write("ITER") for p in ports: out.write(" {}_x {}_cp".format(p,p)) out.write("\n") ############################# #RESTART FILE AND READ EACH RECORD f = FortranFile('{}/{}'.format(savedir, sourcefile), 'r') keep_reading = True irecord = -1 while (keep_reading is True): irecord += 1 #READ CURRENT RECORD b = f.read_record(bc201formats) #GET CURRENT ITERATION istep = b['ints'][0][0][1] # print(istep) #DONT WRITE UNDESIRED FILES (SKIP) #only write files at specified interval if (istep % incr != 0): continue #Don't write files below start iter if (istep < imin): continue #Stop reading when max desired iteration is reached if istep > imax - incr: keep_reading = False #WRITE GRID POINTS TO PLOT3D FORMATTED FILE if moving: #Grid is moving, write to file at each iteration savename = '{}/{}.x.{}'.format(savedir, saveheader, istep) WriteGrid(savename, b, nj, nk, nl) elif irecord == 0: #Grid is stationary, write to file only once savename = '{}/{}.x'.format(savedir, saveheader) WriteGrid(savename, b, nj, nk, nl) #CALCULATE CP FOR EACH POINT cps = np.zeros((nj,nk,nl)) # print(cps.shape) for j in range(nj): for k in range(nk): for l in range(nl): #print(j,k,l,b['q'].shape) q = np.zeros(nq) for iq in range(nq): q[iq] = b['q'][0][iq][j][k][l] #print(q) u = q[1] / q[0] v = q[2] / q[0] w = q[3] / q[0] v2 = (u*u + v*v + w*w) dp = 0.5 * q[0] * v2 # Dynamic Pressure dpinf = 0.5 * 1.0 * 0.107**2.0 # DP_oo 0.107=Mach p = (q[5] - 1.0)*(q[4] - dp) cp = (p - 1.0/1.4)/dpinf # 1.4 = gamma_oo cps[j][k][l] = cp #WRITE CP TO PLOT3D FILE # #If horizontal line, the pressure at the gap behind the ramp is at this location to use a reference pressure # vent_cp = cps[45][0][0] #get biggest pressure aft of gap to use as reference pressure vent_cps = [] for j in range(15): vent_cps.append(cps[49+j][0][0]) vent_cp = max(vent_cps) ofile = open('{}/cp.{}.{}'.format(savedir, saveheader, istep), 'w') #write header line with grid dimensions ofile.write('X Y Z cp cp_ref\n') #for the three dimensions, x,y,z... for j in range(nj): for k in range(nk): for l in range(nl): for x in range(3): ofile.write( ' {}'.format(b['xyz'][0][x][j][k][l]) ) ofile.write( ' {}'.format(cps[j][k][l]) ) #if horizontal line, also write gap cp for reference ofile.write( ' {}'.format(vent_cp)) ofile.write( '\n') # ofile.close() ##################### #Save pressure coeff history at certian locations out.write("{:10d}".format(istep)) for p in ports: out.write(" {:12g} {:12g}".format(b['xyz'][0][0][p][0][0],cps[p][0][0])) out.write("\n")
def reorder_uXu(ext,formatted=False): try: print "----------\n {0} \n----------".format(ext) if formatted: f_uXu_in = open(seedname+"."+ext, 'r') f_uXu_out = open(seednameGW+"."+ext, 'w') header=f_uXu_in.readline() f_uXu_out.write(header) nbnd,NK,nnb=np.array(f_uXu_in.readline().split(),dtype=int) f_uXu_out.write(" ".join(str(x) for x in [NBND,NK,nnb])+"\n") else: f_uXu_in = FortranFile(seedname+"."+ext, 'r') f_uXu_out = FortranFile(seednameGW+"."+ext, 'w') header=f_uXu_in.read_record(dtype='c') f_uXu_out.write_record(header) nbnd,NK,nnb=np.array(f_uXu_in.read_record(dtype=np.int32)) f_uXu_out.write_record(np.array([NBND,NK,nnb],dtype=np.int32)) assert nbnd==nbndDFT print nbnd,NK,nnb if formatted: uXu=np.loadtxt(f_uXu_in).reshape(-1) start=0 length=nbnd*nbnd for ik in xrange(NKPT): for ib2 in xrange(nnb): for ib1 in xrange(nnb): if formatted: A=uXu[start:start+length] start+=length else: A=f_uXu_in.read_record(dtype=np.complex) A=(A.reshape(nbnd,nbnd,order='F')[BANDSORT[KPNB[ik][ib2]],:][:,BANDSORT[KPNB[ik][ib1]]]+ np.einsum('ln,lm,l->nm',MMN[ik][ib2].conj(),MMN[ik][ib1],eigenDE[ik]) ).reshape(-1,order='F') if formatted: f_uXu_out.write("".join("{0:26.16e} {1:26.16f}\n".format(x.real,x.imag) for x in A)) else: f_uXu_out.write_record(A) f_uXu_out.close() f_uXu_in.close() print "----------\n {0} OK \n----------\n".format(ext) except IOError as err: print "WARNING: {0}.{1} not written : ".format(seednameGW,ext),err
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compute the smoothing tree of a halo.') parser.add_argument('--in', dest='infile', type=str, help='Path to the output file of compute_extrema (in hdf format)', required=True) parser.add_argument('--out', '-o', type=str, help='Prefix of the outputs') parser.add_argument('--infofile', type=str, help='Path to the information file (the one containing units of RAMSES, …)') args = parser.parse_args() # read the info file infos = dict() infos['headers'] = pd.read_csv(args.infofile, sep=' *= *', nrows=19, names=['key', 'value'], index_col='key').T infos['domain'] = pd.read_csv(args.infofile, delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=20) # read the center from import FortranFile ff = FortranFile('data/halo_536-centers.bin') ff.read_ints() # don't care outputs = ff.read_ints() centers = ff.read_reals().reshape(len(outputs), 3) mins = ff.read_reals().reshape(len(outputs), 3) span = ff.read_reals().reshape(len(outputs), 3) maxs = ff.read_reals().reshape(len(outputs), 3) # create the output dir if required # if not os.path.isdir(args.out): # os.mkdir(args.out) HDF = pd.HDFStore(args.infile) # read the data df = HDF['extremas']
def particles_in_halo(tree_brick, start=0, end=None, fun_filter=lambda x: True): ''' Open a tree bricks file and associate to each halo the corresponding particles. ''' # Open file f = FortranFile(tree_brick, 'r') # Give a value to end, by default start + 1 if end == None: end = start + 1 # Read headers nbodies = f.read_ints()[0] f.read_reals(dtype=np.float32) aexp = f.read_reals(dtype=np.float32) f.read_reals(dtype=np.float32) age = f.read_reals(dtype=np.float32) nhalo, nsubhalo = f.read_ints() halo_tot = nhalo + nsubhalo halos = {} for i in tqdm(range(halo_tot)): parts = f.read_ints()[0] members = f.read_ints() this_id = f.read_ints()[0] if (start <= this_id and this_id < end and fun_filter(this_id)): for dm_particle_id in members: if not halos.has_key(this_id): halos[this_id] = [] halos[this_id].append(dm_particle_id) elif this_id >= end: break f.read_ints() # Irrelevant level, hosthalo, hostsub, nbsub, nextsub = f.read_ints() mstar = 1e11 * f.read_reals(dtype=np.float32) px, py, pz = f.read_reals(dtype=np.float32) f.read_reals(dtype=np.float32) f.read_reals(dtype=np.float32) rad = f.read_reals(dtype=np.float32)[0] f.read_reals(dtype=np.float32) f.read_reals(dtype=np.float32) rvir, mvir, tvir, cvel = f.read_reals(dtype=np.float32) f.read_reals(dtype=np.float32) f.close() return halos
import numpy as np from import FortranFile from PyFuncemeClimateTools import CreateNetCDF as cn from decimal import * lons = [ -55.637 + (0.54 * i) for i in range(109)] lons = [ float(Decimal("%.2f" % elem)) for elem in lons] lats = [-21.397, -20.893, -20.387, -19.880, -19.371, -18.861, -18.349, -17.835, -17.320, -16.803, -16.285, -15.766, -15.246, -14.724, -14.200, -13.676, -13.150, -12.624, -12.096, -11.567, -11.037, -10.506, -9.975, -9.442, -8.909, -8.375, -7.840, -7.304, -6.768, -6.231, -5.694, -5.156, -4.617, -4.079, -3.539, -3.000, -2.460, -1.920, -1.380, -0.840, -0.300, 0.241, 0.781, 1.321, 1.861, 2.401, 2.941, 3.480, 4.019, 4.558, 5.097, 5.635, 6.172, 6.709, 7.245, 7.781, 8.316, 8.850, 9.384, 9.916, 10.448, 10.979, 11.509, 12.038, 12.566, 13.093, 13.618, 14.143, 14.666, 15.188, 15.709, 16.229] f = FortranFile('./plev.198811.DAILY.PER11.51', 'r') myvar = np.full((30, 72, 109), np.nan) for i in range(30): var = (f.read_reals(dtype='float32')).reshape(72, 109) myvar[i, ...] = var dummy = (f.read_reals(dtype='float32')) cn.create_netcdf(myvar, lats, lons, ntime=30) #
from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from import FortranFile #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # open file and read #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Parameters path_eigentb = '/Users/ccai/Works/Project/Ionization_calc/Code_develop/\ ionization_code_reu2016/python_script/chianti_8/' element = 'o' file_name = element+'eigen.dat' # Open file file_eigentb = path_eigentb + file_name f = FortranFile(file_eigentb, 'r') # Read file [nte, natom]=f.read_ints(dtype=np.int32) te_arr = f.read_reals(dtype=np.float64) eqistate = f.read_reals(dtype=np.float64).reshape((natom+1, nte), order='F') eigenvals = f.read_reals(dtype=np.float64).reshape((natom+1, nte), order='F') eigenvector = f.read_reals(dtype=np.float64).reshape((natom+1, natom+1, nte), order='F') eigenvector_invers = f.read_reals(dtype=np.float64).reshape((natom+1, natom+1, nte), order='F') # Close file f.close() # Note from Nick: I copied the next three routines to # but am leaving these also here for now.
def read(self, datadir='data', proc=-1, quiet=False, trim=False): """ Read the grid data from the pencil code simulation. If proc < 0, then load all data and assemble. Otherwise, load grid from specified processor. call signature: read(self, file_name='time_series.dat', datadir='data', double=0, quiet=0, comment_char='#') Keyword arguments: *datadir*: Directory where the data is stored. *proc* Processor to be read. If proc is -1, then read the 'global' grid. If proc is >=0, then read the grid.dat in the corresponding processor directory. *quiet* Flag for switching of output. *trim* Cuts off the ghost points. """ import numpy as np import os from import FortranFile import as read datadir = os.path.expanduser(datadir) dim = read.dim(datadir, proc) if dim.precision == 'D': precision = 'd' else: precision = 'f' if proc < 0: proc_dirs = list(filter(lambda string: string.startswith('proc'), os.listdir(datadir))) else: proc_dirs = ['proc' + str(proc)] # Define the global arrays. x = np.zeros(, dtype=precision) y = np.zeros(, dtype=precision) z = np.zeros(, dtype=precision) dx_1 = np.zeros(, dtype=precision) dy_1 = np.zeros(, dtype=precision) dz_1 = np.zeros(, dtype=precision) dx_tilde = np.zeros(, dtype=precision) dy_tilde = np.zeros(, dtype=precision) dz_tilde = np.zeros(, dtype=precision) for directory in proc_dirs: proc = int(directory[4:]) procdim = read.dim(datadir, proc) if not quiet: print("reading grid data from processor {0} of {1} ...".format(proc, len(proc_dirs))) mxloc = myloc = mzloc = # Read the grid data. file_name = os.path.join(datadir, directory, 'grid.dat') infile = FortranFile(file_name, 'r') grid_raw = infile.read_record(dtype=precision) dx, dy, dz = tuple(infile.read_record(dtype=precision)) Lx, Ly, Lz = tuple(infile.read_record(dtype=precision)) dx_1_raw = infile.read_record(dtype=precision) dx_tilde_raw = infile.read_record(dtype=precision) infile.close() # Reshape the arrays. t = grid_raw[0] x_loc = grid_raw[1:mxloc+1] y_loc = grid_raw[mxloc+1:mxloc+myloc+1] z_loc = grid_raw[mxloc+myloc+1:mxloc+myloc+mzloc+1] dx_1_loc = dx_1_raw[0:mxloc] dy_1_loc = dx_1_raw[mxloc:mxloc+myloc] dz_1_loc = dx_1_raw[mxloc+myloc:mxloc+myloc+mzloc] dx_tilde_loc = dx_tilde_raw[0:mxloc] dy_tilde_loc = dx_tilde_raw[mxloc:mxloc+myloc] dz_tilde_loc = dx_tilde_raw[mxloc+myloc:mxloc+myloc+mzloc] if len(proc_dirs) > 1: if procdim.ipx == 0: i0x = 0 i1x = i0x + i0x_loc = 0 i1x_loc = else: i0x = procdim.ipx*procdim.nx + procdim.nghostx i1x = i0x + - procdim.nghostx i0x_loc = procdim.nghostx i1x_loc = if procdim.ipy == 0: i0y = 0 i1y = i0y + i0y_loc = 0 i1y_loc = else: i0y = procdim.ipy*procdim.ny + procdim.nghosty i1y = i0y + - procdim.nghosty i0y_loc = procdim.nghosty i1y_loc = if procdim.ipz == 0: i0z = 0 i1z = i0z + i0z_loc = 0 i1z_loc = else: i0z = procdim.ipz* + procdim.nghostz i1z = i0z + - procdim.nghostz i0z_loc = procdim.nghostz i1z_loc = x[i0x:i1x] = x_loc[i0x_loc:i1x_loc] y[i0y:i1y] = y_loc[i0y_loc:i1y_loc] z[i0z:i1z] = z_loc[i0z_loc:i1z_loc] dx_1[i0x:i1x] = dx_1_loc[i0x_loc:i1x_loc] dy_1[i0y:i1y] = dy_1_loc[i0y_loc:i1y_loc] dz_1[i0z:i1z] = dz_1_loc[i0z_loc:i1z_loc] dx_tilde[i0x:i1x] = dx_tilde_loc[i0x_loc:i1x_loc] dy_tilde[i0y:i1y] = dy_tilde_loc[i0y_loc:i1y_loc] dz_tilde[i0z:i1z] = dz_tilde_loc[i0z_loc:i1z_loc] else: x = x_loc y = y_loc z = z_loc dx_1 = dx_1_loc dy_1 = dy_1_loc dz_1 = dz_1_loc dx_tilde = dx_tilde_loc dy_tilde = dy_tilde_loc dz_tilde = dz_tilde_loc if trim: self.x = x[dim.l1:dim.l2+1] self.y = y[dim.m1:dim.m2+1] self.z = z[dim.n1:dim.n2+1] self.dx_1 = dx_1[dim.l1:dim.l2+1] self.dy_1 = dy_1[dim.m1:dim.m2+1] self.dz_1 = dz_1[dim.n1:dim.n2+1] self.dx_tilde = dx_tilde[dim.l1:dim.l2+1] self.dy_tilde = dy_tilde[dim.m1:dim.m2+1] self.dz_tilde = dz_tilde[dim.n1:dim.n2+1] else: self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.dx_1 = dx_1 self.dy_1 = dy_1 self.dz_1 = dz_1 self.dx_tilde = dx_tilde self.dy_tilde = dy_tilde self.dz_tilde = dz_tilde self.t = t self.dx = dx self.dy = dy = dz self.Lx = Lx self.Ly = Ly self.Lz = Lz
from matplotlib import use use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages from import FortranFile # # Problem parameters # datafile = sys.argv[1] # # Read binary file # try: file = FortranFile(datafile, 'r') except: print("Usage: python <datefile>") raise SystemExit # Read the line number nline = file.read_reals(dtype=np.int32) # Set pdf pages with PdfPages('./nei_example-plot.pdf') as pdf: for iline in range(nline[0]): nei_conce = file.read_reals(dtype=np.float64).reshape(30, 30) ei_conce = file.read_reals(dtype=np.float64).reshape(30, 30) plt.figure(figsize=(11/1.5, 8.5/1.5))
def read(self, var_file='', datadir='data', proc=-1, ivar=-1, quiet=True, trimall=False, magic=None, sim=None, precision='f'): """ Read VAR files from Pencil Code. If proc < 0, then load all data and assemble, otherwise load VAR file from specified processor. The file format written by output() (and used, e.g. in var.dat) consists of the followinig Fortran records: 1. data(mx, my, mz, nvar) 2. t(1), x(mx), y(my), z(mz), dx(1), dy(1), dz(1), deltay(1) Here nvar denotes the number of slots, i.e. 1 for one scalar field, 3 for one vector field, 8 for var.dat in the case of MHD with entropy. but, deltay(1) is only there if lshear is on! need to know parameters. call signature: var(var_file='', datadir='data', proc=-1, ivar=-1, quiet=True, trimall=False, magic=None, sim=None, precision='f') Keyword arguments: var_file: Name of the VAR file. datadir: Directory where the data is stored. proc: Processor to be read. If -1 read all and assemble to one array. ivar: Index of the VAR file, if var_file is not specified. quiet: Flag for switching off output. trimall: Trim the data cube to exclude ghost zones. magic: Values to be computed from the data, e.g. B = curl(A). sim: Simulation sim object. precision: Float (f) or double (d). """ import numpy as np import os from import FortranFile from ..math.derivatives import curl, curl2 from .. import read from ..sim import __Simulation__ dim = None param = None index = None if isinstance(sim, __Simulation__): datadir = os.path.expanduser(sim.datadir) dim = sim.dim param = read.param(datadir=sim.datadir, quiet=True) index = read.index(datadir=sim.datadir) else: datadir = os.path.expanduser(datadir) if dim is None: if var_file[0:2].lower() == 'og': dim = read.ogdim(datadir, proc) else: dim = read.dim(datadir, proc) if param is None: param = read.param(datadir=datadir, quiet=quiet) if index is None: index = read.index(datadir=datadir) run2D = param.lwrite_2d if dim.precision == 'D': precision = 'd' else: precision = 'f' if param.lwrite_aux: total_vars = dim.mvar + dim.maux else: total_vars = dim.mvar if not var_file: if ivar < 0: var_file = 'var.dat' else: var_file = 'VAR' + str(ivar) if proc < 0: proc_dirs = self.__natural_sort(filter(lambda s: s.startswith('proc'), os.listdir(datadir))) else: proc_dirs = ['proc' + str(proc)] # Set up the global array. if not run2D: f = np.zeros((total_vars,,,, dtype=precision) else: if dim.ny == 1: f = np.zeros((total_vars,,, dtype=precision) else: f = np.zeros((total_vars,,, dtype=precision) x = np.zeros(, dtype=precision) y = np.zeros(, dtype=precision) z = np.zeros(, dtype=precision) for directory in proc_dirs: proc = int(directory[4:]) if var_file[0:2].lower() == 'og': procdim = read.ogdim(datadir, proc) else: procdim = read.dim(datadir, proc) if not quiet: print("Reading data from processor {0} of {1} ...".format( \ proc, len(proc_dirs))) mxloc = myloc = mzloc = # Read the data. file_name = os.path.join(datadir, directory, var_file) infile = FortranFile(file_name) if not run2D: f_loc = infile.read_record(dtype=precision) f_loc = f_loc.reshape((-1, mzloc, myloc, mxloc)) else: if dim.ny == 1: f_loc = infile.read_record(dtype=precision) f_loc = f_loc.reshape((-1, mzloc, mxloc)) else: f_loc = infile.read_record(dtype=precision) f_loc = f_loc.reshape((-1, myloc, mxloc)) raw_etc = infile.read_record(precision) infile.close() t = raw_etc[0] x_loc = raw_etc[1:mxloc+1] y_loc = raw_etc[mxloc+1:mxloc+myloc+1] z_loc = raw_etc[mxloc+myloc+1:mxloc+myloc+mzloc+1] if param.lshear: shear_offset = 1 deltay = raw_etc[-1] else: shear_offset = 0 dx = raw_etc[-3-shear_offset] dy = raw_etc[-2-shear_offset] dz = raw_etc[-1-shear_offset] if len(proc_dirs) > 1: # Calculate where the local processor will go in # the global array. # # Don't overwrite ghost zones of processor to the left (and # accordingly in y and z direction -- makes a difference on the # diagonals) # # Recall that in NumPy, slicing is NON-INCLUSIVE on the right end # ie, x[0:4] will slice all of a 4-digit array, not produce # an error like in idl. if procdim.ipx == 0: i0x = 0 i1x = i0x + i0xloc = 0 i1xloc = else: i0x = procdim.ipx*procdim.nx + procdim.nghostx i1x = i0x + - procdim.nghostx i0xloc = procdim.nghostx i1xloc = if procdim.ipy == 0: i0y = 0 i1y = i0y + i0yloc = 0 i1yloc = else: i0y = procdim.ipy*procdim.ny + procdim.nghosty i1y = i0y + - procdim.nghosty i0yloc = procdim.nghosty i1yloc = if procdim.ipz == 0: i0z = 0 i1z = i0zloc = 0 i1zloc = else: i0z = procdim.ipz* + procdim.nghostz i1z = i0z + - procdim.nghostz i0zloc = procdim.nghostz i1zloc = x[i0x:i1x] = x_loc[i0xloc:i1xloc] y[i0y:i1y] = y_loc[i0yloc:i1yloc] z[i0z:i1z] = z_loc[i0zloc:i1zloc] if not run2D: f[:, i0z:i1z, i0y:i1y, i0x:i1x] = \ f_loc[:, i0zloc:i1zloc, i0yloc:i1yloc, i0xloc:i1xloc] else: if dim.ny == 1: f[:, i0z:i1z, i0x:i1x] = \ f_loc[:, i0zloc:i1zloc, i0xloc:i1xloc] else: f[:, i0y:i1y, i0x:i1x] = \ f_loc[:, i0yloc:i1yloc, i0xloc:i1xloc] else: f = f_loc x = x_loc y = y_loc z = z_loc if magic is not None: if 'bb' in magic: # Compute the magnetic field before doing trimall. aa = f[, ...] # TODO: Specify coordinate system. = curl(aa, dx, dy, dz, run2D=run2D) if trimall: =[:, dim.n1:dim.n2+1, dim.m1:dim.m2+1, dim.l1:dim.l2+1] if 'jj' in magic: # Compute the electric current field before doing trimall. aa = f[, ...] # TODO: Specify coordinate system. self.jj = curl2(aa, dx, dy, dz) if trimall: self.jj = self.jj[:, dim.n1:dim.n2+1, dim.m1:dim.m2+1, dim.l1:dim.l2+1] if 'vort' in magic: # Compute the vorticity field before doing trimall. uu = f[, ...] # TODO: Specify coordinate system. # WL: The curl subroutine should take care of it. self.vort = curl(uu, dx, dy, dz, run2D=run2D) if trimall: if run2D: if == 1: self.vort = self.vort[:, dim.m1:dim.m2+1, dim.l1:dim.l2+1] else: self.vort = self.vort[:, dim.n1:dim.n2+1, dim.l1:dim.l2+1] else: self.vort = self.vort[:, dim.n1:dim.n2+1, dim.m1:dim.m2+1, dim.l1:dim.l2+1] # Trim the ghost zones of the global f-array if asked. if trimall: self.x = x[dim.l1:dim.l2+1] self.y = y[dim.m1:dim.m2+1] self.z = z[dim.n1:dim.n2+1] if not run2D: self.f = f[:, dim.n1:dim.n2+1, dim.m1:dim.m2+1, dim.l1:dim.l2+1] else: if dim.ny == 1: self.f = f[:, dim.n1:dim.n2+1, dim.l1:dim.l2+1] else: self.f = f[:, dim.m1:dim.m2+1, dim.l1:dim.l2+1] else: self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.f = f self.l1 = dim.l1 self.l2 = dim.l2 + 1 self.m1 = dim.m1 self.m2 = dim.m2 + 1 self.n1 = dim.n1 self.n2 = dim.n2 + 1 # Assign an attribute to self for each variable defined in # 'data/' so that e.g. self.ux is the x-velocity for key in index.__dict__.keys(): if key != 'global_gg' and key != 'keys': value = index.__dict__[key] setattr(self, key, self.f[value-1, ...]) # Special treatment for vector quantities. if hasattr(index, 'uu'): self.uu = self.f[, ...] if hasattr(index, 'aa'): self.aa = self.f[, ...] self.t = t self.dx = dx self.dy = dy = dz if param.lshear: self.deltay = deltay # Do the rest of magic after the trimall (i.e. no additional curl...). self.magic = magic if self.magic is not None: self.magic_attributes(param)
dY3Right = Y3[:, -1] - Y3[:, -2] # Write mean tau WuResMeanValid = np.zeros((nlat * nlon,)) WuResMeanValid[~mask] = WuResMean WuResMeanValid = WuResMeanValid.reshape(nlat, nlon) tau = np.tile(np.expand_dims(WuResMeanValid, 0), (T, 1, 1)) * ampMean dtaudx = np.empty(tau.shape) dtaudx[:, :, 1:-1] = (tau[:, :, 2:] - tau[:, :, :-2]) / dX3Center dtaudx[:, :, 0] = (tau[:, :, 1] - tau[:, :, 0]) / dX3Left dtaudx[:, :, -1] = (tau[:, :, -1] - tau[:, :, -2]) / dX3Right dtaudy = np.empty(tau.shape) dtaudy[:, 1:-1] = (tau[:, 2:] - tau[:, :-2]) / dY3Center dtaudy[:, 0] = (tau[:, 1] - tau[:, 0]) / dY3Left dtaudy[:, -1] = (tau[:, -1] - tau[:, -2]) / dY3Right f = FortranFile('%s/tau_mean_ampMean%02d%s.bin' % (initDir, int(ampMean * 10), postfix), 'w') for t in np.arange(T): f.write_record(tau[t]) f.close() f = FortranFile('%s/dtaudx_mean_ampMean%02d%s.bin' % (initDir, int(ampMean * 10), postfix), 'w') for t in np.arange(T): f.write_record(dtaudx[t]) f.close() f = FortranFile('%s/dtaudy_mean_ampMean%02d%s.bin' % (initDir, int(ampMean * 10), postfix), 'w') for t in np.arange(T): f.write_record(dtaudy[t]) f.close() # Write tau with variations for k in np.arange(nEOF): print 'Writing tau with %d eofs...' % (k+1,)
def read_atomic_data(elements=['H', 'He', 'C', # twelve most abundant elements 'N', 'O', 'Ne', 'Mg', 'Si', 'S', 'Ar', 'Ca', 'Fe', ] , data_directory= 'sunnei/AtomicData', # not robust! Works when calling from the directory that sunnei is in screen_output=False): ''' This routine reads in the atomic data to be used for the non-equilibrium ionization calculations. Instructions for generating atomic data files ============================================= The atomic data files are generated from the routines described by Shen et al. (2015) and are available at: First, run the IDL routine '' in the subdirectory sswidl_read_chianti with optional parameters: nte (number of temperature bins, default=501), te_low (low log temperature, default=4.0), and te_high (high log temperature, default=9.0) to get an ionization rate table. The routine outputs the file "ionrecomb_rate.dat" which is a text file containing the ionization and recombination rates as a function of temperature. This routine requires the atomic database Chianti to be installed in IDL. Second, compile the Fortran routine 'create_eigenvmatrix.f90'. With the Intel mkl libraries it is compiled as: "ifort -mkl create_eigenvmatrix.f90 -o create.out" which can then be run with the command "./create.out". This routine outputs all the eigenvalue tables for the first 28 elements (H to Ni). As of 2016 April 7, data from Chianti 8 is included in the CMEheat/AtomicData subdirectory. ''' if screen_output: print('read_atomic_data: beginning program') from import FortranFile ''' Begin a loop to read in the atomic data files needed for the non-equilibrium ionization modeling. The information will be stored in the atomic_data dictionary. For the first element in the loop, the information that should be the same for each element will be stored at the top level of the dictionary. This includes the temperature grid, the number of temperatures, and the number of elements. For all elements, read in and store the arrays containing the equilibrium state, the eigenvalues, the eigenvectors, and the eigenvector inverses. ''' atomic_data = {} first_element_in_loop = True for element in elements: if screen_output: print('read_atomic_data: '+element) AtomicNumber = AtomicNumbers[element] nstates = AtomicNumber + 1 filename = data_directory + '/' + element.lower() + 'eigen.dat' H = FortranFile(filename, 'r') nte, nelems = H.read_ints(np.int32) temperatures = H.read_reals(np.float64) equistate = H.read_reals(np.float64).reshape((nte,nstates)) eigenvalues = H.read_reals(np.float64).reshape((nte,nstates)) eigenvector = H.read_reals(np.float64).reshape((nte,nstates,nstates)) eigenvector_inv = H.read_reals(np.float64).reshape((nte,nstates,nstates)) c_rate = H.read_reals(np.float64).reshape((nte,nstates)) r_rate = H.read_reals(np.float64).reshape((nte,nstates)) if first_element_in_loop: atomic_data['nte'] = nte atomic_data['nelems'] = nelems # Probably not used but store anyway atomic_data['temperatures'] = temperatures first_element_in_loop = False else: assert nte == atomic_data['nte'], 'Atomic data files have different number of temperature levels: '+element assert nelems == atomic_data['nelems'], 'Atomic data files have different number of elements: '+element assert np.allclose(atomic_data['temperatures'],temperatures), 'Atomic data files have different temperature bins' atomic_data[element] = {'element':element, 'AtomicNumber':AtomicNumber, 'nstates':nstates, 'equistate':equistate, 'eigenvalues':eigenvalues, 'eigenvector':eigenvector, 'eigenvector_inv':eigenvector_inv, 'ionization_rate':c_rate, 'recombination_rate':r_rate, } if screen_output: print('read_atomic_data: '+str(len(elements))+' elements read in') print('read_atomic_data: complete') return atomic_data
def read(): f=FortranFile(BinaryData,'r') n_vals=f.read_record('i4,i4,i4,i4,i4,(12,)i4') d_vals=f.read_reals('f4') xyz_vals=f.read_record('(500,)f4,(500,)f4,(500,)f4') a_vals=f.read_reals('i8') ndr_vals=f.read_ints('i4') ag_vals=f.read_record('(3,)i8') f.close() return n_vals,d_vals,xyz_vals,a_vals,ndr_vals,ag_vals