Example #1
def decompose_camera_matrix(P: np.ndarray) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
        Decomposes the camera matrix into the K intrinsic and R rotation matrix
        -  P: 3x4 numpy array projection matrix

        - K: 3x3 intrinsic matrix (numpy array)
        - R: 3x3 orthonormal rotation matrix (numpy array)

        hint: use scipy.linalg.rq()

    # TODO: Student code goes here

    # Get first three columns of P
    M = P[:, :3]
    K, R = rq(M)


    return K, R
def decompose_camera_matrix(P: np.ndarray) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
        Decomposes the camera matrix into the K intrinsic and R rotation matrix

        -  P: 3x4 numpy array projection matrix


        - K: 3x3 intrinsic matrix (numpy array)
        - R: 3x3 orthonormal rotation matrix (numpy array)

        hint: use scipy.linalg.rq()
    K = None
    R = None

    # TODO: Student code goes here
    M = P[:, 0:3]
    K, R = rq(M)

    # raise NotImplementedError

    return K, R
 def test_random(self):
     n = 20
     for k in range(2):
         a = random([n,n])
         r,q = rq(a)
def calculate_extrinsic(positions, K_matrix, end_effector_positions, noiter):
    max_inliers = 0
    p = get_p(K_matrix, positions)
    P = get_P(end_effector_positions)
    for i in range(0, 50000):
        # Sample 6 points
        indices = np.random.randint(0, noiter, size=6)
        M = get_projection_matrix(p[indices, :], P[indices, :])

        # Calculate reprojection error
        homogeneous_P = np.hstack((P, np.ones((P.shape[0], 1))))
        estimated_p = np.matmul(M, homogeneous_P.T)
        estimated_p = estimated_p / estimated_p[2, :]
        error = p - estimated_p[0:2, :].T
        error = error[:, 0] * error[:, 0] + error[:, 1] * error[:, 1]

        # Find inliers
        inlier_indices = np.unique(np.where(np.abs(error) < 3))
        noinliers = np.sum(np.abs(error) < 2)
        if noinliers > max_inliers:
            max_inliers = noinliers
            final_inliers = inlier_indices

    final_M = get_projection_matrix(p[final_inliers, :], P[final_inliers, :])
    # RQ decomposition
    K, R = linalg.rq(final_M[:, 0:3])
    rvec = forward_kinematics_extrinsics.forwardKinematics.getEulerAngles(
    tvec = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(K), final_M[:, 3])
    H = np.vstack((np.hstack((R, tvec.reshape(
        (3, 1)))), np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])))
    print("Using PnP Algorithm without non-linear optimization  ")
    print("Orientation : {0}".format(rvec))
    print("Position : {0}".format(tvec))
    return np.linalg.inv(H)
Example #5
def decompose_camera_matrix(P: np.ndarray) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
        Decomposes the camera matrix into the K intrinsic and R rotation matrix

        -  P: 3x4 numpy array projection matrix


        - K: 3x3 intrinsic matrix (numpy array)
        - R: 3x3 orthonormal rotation matrix (numpy array)

        hint: use scipy.linalg.rq()
    #print("P is", P)
    M = np.delete(P, 3, 1)  #delete 4th column of P
    K, R = rq(M)
    # TODO: Student code goes here

    # raise NotImplementedError

    return K, R
Example #6
def decompose_projection(P):
    """Decompose the projection matrix into K, R, C"""
    M = P[:, 0:3]
    MC = -1 * P[:, 3]
    C = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(M), MC)
    K, R = linalg.rq(M)
    return K, R, C
Example #7
def decomposeCameraMatrix(P):
    p1 = P[:, [0]]
    p2 = P[:, [1]]
    p3 = P[:, [2]]
    p4 = P[:, [3]]

    M = np.hstack((p1, p2, p3))

    X = np.linalg.det(np.hstack((p2, p3, p4)))
    Y = -np.linalg.det(np.hstack((p1, p3, p4)))
    Z = np.linalg.det(np.hstack((p1, p2, p4)))
    T = -np.linalg.det(np.hstack((p1, p2, p3)))

    # camera centre
    C = ut.h2a(np.array((X, Y, Z, T)).reshape(4, 1))

    K, R = la.rq(M)
    K = K / np.abs(K[2, 2])

    if K[0, 0] < 0:
        D = np.diag([-1, -1, 1])
        K = K.dot(D)
        R = D.dot(R)

    if K[1, 1] < 0:
        D = np.diag([1, -1, -1])
        K = K.dot(D)
        R = D.dot(R)

    if np.dot(np.cross(R[:, 0], R[:, 1]), R[:, 2]) < 0:
        print('Warning: R is left handed')

    return K, R, C
Example #8
def decompose_proj_mat(P):
    ''' Decompose projection matrix into calib mat A, rotation R and translation t'''
    B = P[:, 0:-1]
    b = P[:, -1]
    K = B.dot(B.T)
    scale = K[2, 2]
    K = K / K[2, 2]  # normalize
    A = np.zeros((3, 3))
    A[0, 2] = K[0, 2]  # u0
    A[1, 2] = K[1, 2]  # v0
    A[1, 1] = np.sqrt(K[1, 1] - A[1, 2]**2)  # fy
    A[0, 1] = (K[1, 0] - (A[0, 2]*A[1, 2]))/A[1, 1]  # shear
    A[0, 0] = np.sqrt(K[0, 0] - A[0, 2]**2 - A[0, 1]**2)  # fx
    A[2, 2] = 1.0
    R = np.linalg.solve(A, B)
    t = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
    return A, R, t, scale

    # use instead RQ transform
    K, R = linalg.rq(P[:, :-1])
    t = linalg.solve(K, P[:, -1])
    # scale = K[-1, 1]
    return K, R, t
Example #9
def decompose_camera_matrix(P: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        Decomposes the camera matrix into the K intrinsic and R rotation matrix
        -  P: 3x4 numpy array projection matrix

        - K: 3x3 intrinsic matrix (numpy array)
        - R: 3x3 orthonormal rotation matrix (numpy array)

        hint: use scipy.linalg.rq()
    K = None
    R = None

    # First three cols correspond to M
    M = P[:, :3]
    # RQ decoposition yields upper triangular matrix R & orthonormal matrix Q
    R, Q = rq(M)
    # Assign each to K & R
    K = R
    R = Q

    #raise NotImplementedError('`decompose_camera_matrix` function in '
    #                          + 'projection_matrix.py needs to be implemented')
    #                             END OF YOUR CODE

    return K, R
Example #10
    def factor(self):
        """ Factorize the camera into:
			K: Camera intrinsics 
			t: Camera position (or translation)
			R: Camera pose (or Rotation)
			P = K[R|t]

        # factor for first 3*3 part
        K, R = linalg.rq(self.P[:, :3])
        #print "camera matrix: ", self.P

        # make diagonal of K positive
        # because focal length is positive
        T = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(K)))

        self.K = np.dot(K, T)
        self.fx = K[0, 0]
        self.fy = K[1, 1]

        self.R = np.dot(T, R)  # T is its own inverse
        self.t = np.dot(linalg.inv(self.K), self.P[:, 3])

        return self.K, self.R, self.t
Example #11
def P2KRt(P):
    """Decomposition of projection matrix into K,R,t.

    >>> K = np.matrix([[1,0,50],[0,2,50],[0,0,1]])
    >>> R = np.matrix([[-1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,-1]])
    >>> t = np.matrix([10,-10,0])
    >>> P = K*np.hstack((R,t.T))
    >>> K_,R_,t_ = P2KRt(P)
    >>> np.all(K_ == K)
    >>> np.all(R_ == R)
    >>> np.all(t_ == t)
    K,R = rq(P[:,0:3])

    # Fix signs
    T = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(K)))
    K = np.dot(K,T)
    R = np.dot(T,R)

    t = np.linalg.inv(K) * P[:,3]
    return K,R,t.T
def P_to_KRt(P):
    ''' This function computes the decomposition of the projection matrix into intrinsic parameters, K, 
    and extrinsic parameters Q (the rotation matrix) and t (the translation vector)
    Usage: K, Q, t = P_to_KRt(P)
    Input: P: 3x4 projection matrix
        K: 3x3 camera intrinsics
        Q: 3x3 rotation matrix (extrinsics)
        t: 3x1 translation vector(extrinsics) '''
    M = P[0:3, 0:3]
    R, Q = rq(M)
    # R, Q = scipy.linalg.rq(M)
    K = R / float(R[2, 2])
    if K[0, 0] < 0:
        K[:, 0] = -1 * K[:, 0]
        Q[0, :] = -1 * Q[0, :]
    if K[1, 1] < 0:
        K[:, 1] = -1 * K[:, 1]
        Q[1, :] = -1 * Q[1, :]
    if np.linalg.det(Q) < 0:
        print('Warning: Determinant of the supposed rotation matrix is -1')
    P_3_3 = np.dot(K, Q)
    P_proper_scale = (P_3_3[0, 0] * P) / float(P[0, 0])
    t = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(K), P_proper_scale[:, 3])
    return K, Q, t
Example #13
def decompose_camera_matrix(P: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        Decomposes the camera matrix into the K intrinsic and R rotation matrix

        -  P: 3x4 numpy array projection matrix


        - K: 3x3 intrinsic matrix (numpy array)
        - R: 3x3 orthonormal rotation matrix (numpy array)

        hint: use scipy.linalg.rq()
    K = None
    R = None

    # TODO: Student code goes here

    K, R = rq(P[:, :3])


    return K, R
Example #14
 def test_random(self):
     n = 20
     for k in range(2):
         a = random([n, n])
         r, q = rq(a)
         assert_array_almost_equal(dot(q, transpose(q)), identity(n))
         assert_array_almost_equal(dot(r, q), a)
Example #15
    def gaugeL(self, R, cutD):
        Similar to gaugeR, but towards the opposite direction.
        self.A = np.einsum('ijk,kl->ijl', self.A, R)
        self.Dr = self.A.shape[2]
        L = 0

        if (self.Dl == 1):
            L = LA.norm(self.A)
            self.A = self.A / L
            L = np.array([[L]])
            aux = np.swapaxes(self.A, 0, 1)
            aux = aux.reshape((self.Dl, self.s * self.Dr))
            if (cutD == 0):
                L, Q = LA.rq(aux)
                self.A = np.swapaxes(Q.reshape((-1, self.s, self.Dr)), 0, 1)
                U, S, Vdag = LA.svd(aux, full_matrices=False)
                if (S.shape[0] > cutD):
                    U = U[:, 0:cutD]
                    S = S[0:cutD]
                    Vdag = Vdag[0:cutD, :]

                L = np.einsum('ij,j->ij', U, S)
                self.A = np.swapaxes(Vdag.reshape((-1, self.s, self.Dr)), 0, 1)
        self.Dl = self.A.shape[1]
        return L
Example #16
    def DLT(self, imagePoints, groundPoints):
        """ compute exterior and inner orientation using direct linear transformations"""

        # change to homogeneous representation
        groundPoints = np.hstack((groundPoints, np.ones((len(groundPoints), 1))))
        imagePoints = np.hstack((imagePoints, np.ones((len(imagePoints), 1))))

        # compute design matrix
        a = self.ComputeDLTDesignMatrix(imagePoints, groundPoints)

        # compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors
        w, v = np.linalg.eig(np.dot(a.T, a))

        # the solution is the eigenvector of the minimal eigenvalue
        p = v[:, np.argmin(w)]
        p = np.reshape(p, (3, 4))
        k, r = rq(p[:3, :3])
        k = k/np.abs(k[2,2])  # normalize

        # handle signs
        signMat = findSignMat(k)
        k = np.dot(k, signMat)
        r = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(signMat), r)

        # update orientation
        self.RotationMatrix = r.T
        self.PerspectiveCenter = -np.dot(inv(p[:3,:3]),p[:,3])
        # update calibration
        self.camera.principalPoint = k[:2, 2]
        self.camera.focalLength = -k[0,0]
 def test_random_complex(self):
     n = 20
     for k in range(2):
         a = random([n,n])+1j*random([n,n])
         r,q = rq(a)
         assert_array_almost_equal(dot(q, conj(transpose(q))),identity(n))
Example #18
 def test_random_tall(self):
     m = 200
     n = 100
     for k in range(2):
         a = random([m, n])
         r, q = rq(a)
         assert_array_almost_equal(dot(q, transpose(q)), identity(n))
         assert_array_almost_equal(dot(r, q), a)
 def test_random_tall(self):
     m = 200
     n = 100
     for k in range(2):
         a = random([m,n])
         r,q = rq(a)
         assert_array_almost_equal(dot(q, transpose(q)),identity(n))
Example #20
def cameraMatrix(P):
    M = P[:, :3]
    K, R = linalg.rq(M, mode='full')
    C = -1 * np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(M), P[:, 3])
    extrinsic = np.zeros((3, 4))
    extrinsic[0:3, 0:3] = R
    extrinsic[:, 3] = -1 * np.matmul(R, C)
    return K, extrinsic
Example #21
def QR_decomposition(matrix_P):
    # Extract P3x3 and do its QR decomposition as P3x3 = KR
    matrix = matrix_P[0:3, 0:3]
    K, R = linalg.rq(matrix)
    K = K / float(K[2, 2])
    inv = np.linalg.inv(K)
    # Calculate Translation vector
    T = np.matmul(-inv, matrix_P[:, 3])
    return K, R, T
Example #22
    def factor(self):
        K, R = linalg.rq(self.P[:, :3])
        T = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(K)))
        self.K = np.dot(K, T)
        self.R = np.dot(T, R)
        self.t = np.linalg.inv(self.K) @ self.P[:, 3]

        return self.K, self.R, self.t
def decomp_projection_matrix(P):
    K, R = linalg.rq(P[:,:-1])
    s = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(K)))
    K = K.dot(s)
    R = R.dot(s)
    # print(s)
    T = np.linalg.inv(K).dot(P[:,-1])
    C = R.T.dot(-T)
    return K, R, T, C
Example #24
    def factor(self):
        K, R = linalg.rq(self.P[:, :3])
        T = geek.diag(geek.sign(geek.diag(K)))
        T[1, 1] *= -1

        self.K = geek.dot(K, T)
        self.R = geek.dot(T, R)
        self.t = geek.dot(linalg.inv(self.K), self.P[:, 3])

        return self.K, self.R, self.t
Example #25
def test_decomposeCameraMatrix():
    for i in range(0, 10000):
        M = np.random.rand(3, 3)
        K, R = la.rq(M)
        C = np.random.rand(3, 1)
        P = K.dot(np.hstack((R, -R.dot(C))))
        Kr, Rr, Cr = camera.decomposeCameraMatrix(P)
        Pr = Kr.dot(np.hstack((Rr, -Rr.dot(Cr))))
        assert (np.all((P - Pr) < eps)) & (np.all((K - Kr) < eps)) & (np.all(
            (R - Rr) < eps)) & (np.all((C - Cr) < eps))
Example #26
def factor(P):
    K, R = rq(P[:, :3])
    T = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(K)))
    if np.linalg.det(T) < 0:
        T[1, 1] *= -1
    K = np.dot(K, T)
    R = np.dot(T, R)
    t = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(K), P[:, 3])
    c = -np.dot(R.T, t)
    return K, R, t, c
 def test_random_complex_economic(self):
     m = 100
     n = 200
     for k in range(2):
         a = random([m,n])+1j*random([m,n])
         r,q = rq(a, mode='economic')
         assert_equal(q.shape, (m, n))
         assert_equal(r.shape, (m, m))
def factor(P):
    K, R = linalg.rq(P[:, :3])
    T = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(K)))
    if linalg.det(T) < 0:
        T[1, 1] *= -1

    K = np.dot(K, T)
    R = np.dot(T, R)
    t = np.dot(linalg.inv(K), P[:, 3])
    return K, R, t
def factor(P):
    K, R = linalg.rq(P[:, :3])
    T = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(K)))
    if linalg.det(T) < 0:
        T[1, 1] *= -1

    K = np.dot(K, T)
    R = np.dot(T, R)
    t = np.dot(linalg.inv(K), P[:, 3])
    return K, R, t
Example #30
 def test_random_complex_economic(self):
     m = 100
     n = 200
     for k in range(2):
         a = random([m, n]) + 1j * random([m, n])
         r, q = rq(a, mode='economic')
         assert_array_almost_equal(dot(q, conj(transpose(q))), identity(m))
         assert_array_almost_equal(dot(r, q), a)
         assert_equal(q.shape, (m, n))
         assert_equal(r.shape, (m, m))
Example #31
    def factor(self):
        ''' to be used when P is given '''
        K, R = linalg.rq(self.P[:, :3])
        T = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(K)))
        if linalg.det(T) < 0:
            T[1, 1] *= -1
        self.K = np.dot(K, T)
        self.R = np.dot(T, R)
        self.t = np.dot(linalg.inv(self.K), self.P[:, 3])

        return self.K, self.R, self.t
Example #32
def calibrateCamera_Tsai(p, P):
    # DLT using Tsai's method
    # INPUT
    # p : homogeneous coordinates of pixel in the image frame
    # P : homogeneous coordinates of points in the world frame
    # OUTPUT
    # K, R, T, M
    assert p.shape[
        0] == 3, "p : homogeneous coordinates of pixel in the image frame of 3 by n"
    assert P.shape[
        0] == 4, "P : homogeneous coordinates of points in the world frame"
    assert p.shape[1] == P.shape[
        1], "number of columns of p shold match with P"

    n = p.shape[1]
    p_uv = p[0:2, :] / p[2, :]

    Q = np.empty((0, 12))
    for i in range(n):
        Qi_0 = np.array([[1, 0, -p_uv[0, i]], [0, 1, -p_uv[1, i]]])
        Qi = np.kron(Qi_0, P[:, i].T)
        Q = np.append(Q, Qi, axis=0)

    # 1. Find M_tilde using SVD

    U, S, VT = linalg.svd(Q)
    M_tilde = VT.T[:, -1].reshape(3, 4)
    # print(M_tilde /M_cv) # M is determined up to scale

    # 2. RQ factorization to find K_tilde and R

    K_tilde, R = linalg.rq(M_tilde[:, 0:3])

    # 3. Resolve the ambiguity of RQ factorization
    D = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(K_tilde)))
    K_tilde = K_tilde @ D
    R = D @ R

    # 4. Find T
    T = linalg.solve(K_tilde, M_tilde[:, -1]).reshape(3, 1)

    # 5. Recover scale

    s = 1 / K_tilde[2, 2]
    K = s * K_tilde
    M = s * M_tilde

    # 6. Resolve sign ambiguity
    if linalg.det(R) < 0:
        R = -R
        T = -T
        M = -M

    return K, R, T, M
def estimate_params(P):
    # Compute camera center c by svd
    u, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(P)
    # c ~ col of V w/ least eigval (last row of vt)
    c = np.array([vt[-1, 0:3] / vt[-1, -1]]).T  # (3,)
    # Compute K and R by QR decomposition
    M = P[:, 0:3]
    K, R = rq(M)
    # Compute t = -Rc
    t = -np.dot(R, c)
    return K, R, t
Example #34
	def factor(self):
		""" Factorize the camera matrix into K,R,t as P = K[R|t]. """
		# factor first 3*3 part
		K,R = linalg.rq(self.P[:,:3])
		# make diagonal of K positive
		T = diag(sign(diag(K)))
		if linalg.det(T) < 0:
			T[1,1] *= -1
		self.K = dot(K,T)
		self.R = dot(T,R) # T is its own inverse
		self.t = dot(linalg.inv(self.K),self.P[:,3])
		return self.K, self.R, self.t
Example #35
 def factor(self):
     """  Factorize the camera matrix into K,R,t as P = K[R|t]. """
     # factor first 3*3 part
     K, R = rq(self.P[:, :3])
     # make diagonal of K positive
     T = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(K)))
     if det(T) < 0:
         T[1, 1] *= -1
     self.K = np.dot(K, T)
     self.R = np.dot(T, R)  # T is its own inverse
     self.t = np.dot(inv(self.K), self.P[:, 3])
     return self.K, self.R, self.t
Example #36
def RQ_decomposition(projection_matrix4):

    p1 = projection_matrix4[:, :3]
    p2 = projection_matrix4[:, 3]

    k, r1 = linalg.rq(p1)
    #np.allclose(p1, k @ r1)
    k = k / k[-1, -1]

    r2 = np.matmul(inv(k), p2)

    return k, r1, r2
Example #37
def factor(self):

    K,R = linalg.rq(self.P[:,:3])
    T = diag(sign(diag(K)))
    if linalg.det(T) < 0:
        T[1,1] *= -1

    self.K = dot(K,T)
    self.R = dot(T,R)
    self.t = dot(linalg.inv(self.K), self.P[:,:3])

    return self.K, self.R, self.t
Example #38
 def factor(self):
     """Factorize the camera matrix into K, R, t as P=K[P|t]"""
     K,R = linalg.rq(self.P[:,:3])
     #make diagonal of K positive
     T = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(K)))
     if linalg.det(T)<0:
     self.K = np.dot(K,T)
     self.R = np.dot(T,R)
     self.t = np.dot(linalg.inv(self.K),self.P[:,3])
     return self.K, self.R, self.t
Example #39
 def factor(self):
     """ P = K[R|t]に従い、カメラ行列を K,R,tに分解する """
     # 最初の3*3の部分を分解する
     K,R = linalg.rq(self.P[:,:3])
     # Kの対角成分が正になるようにする。
     T = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(K)))
     if linalg.det(T) < 0:
         T[1,1] *= -1
     self.K = np.dot(K,T)
     self.R = np.dot(T,R) # Tはそれ自身が逆行列
     self.t = np.dot(linalg.inv(self.K),self.P[:,3])
     return self.K, self.R, self.t
Example #40
def extract_KRt(P):
	"""Based on http://www.janeriksolem.net/2011/03/rq-factorization-of-camera-matrices.html"""
	H = P[0:3, 0:3]
	K, R = rq(H)
	T = np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(K)))
	K = np.dot(K,T)
	R = np.dot(T,R)
	t = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(K), P[:,-1])

	if np.linalg.det(R) < 0 :
		R = np.dot(R, -1 * np.eye(3))
		t = np.dot(-1 * np.eye(3), t)

	K = K/K[-1,-1]

	return K,R,t
    def retr(self, X, Z):
        XU, XS, XV = X
        ZUp, ZM, ZVp = Z
        Qu, Ru = la.qr(ZUp)
        Rv, Qv = rq(ZVp, mode='economic')

        zero_block = np.zeros((Ru.shape[0], Rv.shape[1]))
        block_mat = np.array(np.bmat([[XS + ZM, Rv],
                                     [Ru, zero_block]]))

        Ut, St, Vt = la.svd(block_mat, full_matrices=False)

        U = np.hstack((XU, Qu)).dot(Ut[:, :self._k])
        V = Vt[:self._k, :].dot(np.vstack((XV, Qv)))
        # add some machinery eps to get a slightly perturbed element of a manifold
        # even if we have some zeros in S
        S = np.diag(St[:self._k]) + np.diag(np.spacing(1) * np.ones(self._k))
        return (U, S, V)
Example #42
    def factor(self, K=None):
        """    Factorize the camera matrix into K,R,t as P = K[R|t]. """
        if K is not None:
            # factor first 3*3 part
            K,R = linalg.rq(self.P[:,:3])

            # make diagonal of K positive
            T = diag(sign(diag(K)))
            if linalg.det(T) < 0:
                T[1,1] *= -1

            self.K = dot(K,T)
            self.R = dot(T,R) # T is its own inverse
            self.t = dot(linalg.inv(self.K),self.P[:,3])

            return self.K, self.R, self.t
            Kinv = linalg.inv(self.K)
            Pose = dot(Kinv, self.P)
 def test_simple_complex(self):
     a = [[3,3+4j,5],[5,2,2+7j],[3,2,7]]
     r,q = rq(a)
     assert_array_almost_equal(dot(q, conj(transpose(q))),identity(3))
Example #44
    def decomposeQR(self, gl=None, order='qr'):
        Decomposes gl using QR decomposition into:

          gl = q p s m (order 'qr' or 'qpsm') 
          gl = p s m q (order 'rq' or 'psmq')

          - q: rotation (orthogonal, with det +1) matrix
          - p: parity (diagonal, all elements +1, except that the element 
          corresponding to self.parity_axismatrix can be -1)
          possibly -1
          - s: scale martix, diagonal and positive
          - m: shear matrix, upper triangular, all diagonal elements 1

          - gl: (ndarray) general linear transformation
          - order: decomposition order 'qr' or 'rq'

        Returns: (q, p, s, m)

        # set decomposition type
        self.order = order

        # parse arg
        if gl is None:
            gl = self.gl
        ndim = gl.shape[0]

        # QR decompose 
        if (order == 'rq') or (order == 'psmq'):
            r, q = linalg.rq(gl)
        elif (order == 'qr') or (order == 'qpsm'):
            q, r = linalg.qr(gl)
            ValueError("Argumnet order: ", order, " not understood. It should ",
                       "be 'psmq' (same as 'rq') or 'qpsm' (same as 'qr').")

        # extract s, p and m
        r_diag = r.diagonal()
        s_diag = numpy.abs(r_diag)
        s = numpy.diag(s_diag)
        p_diag = numpy.sign(r_diag)
        p = numpy.diag(p_diag)
        s_inv_diag = 1. * p_diag / s_diag
        m = numpy.dot(numpy.diag(s_inv_diag), r)

        # make q = q p and p = 1
        if (order == 'rq') or (order == 'psmq'):
            m = numpy.dot(numpy.dot(p, m), p)
            q = numpy.dot(p, q)
        elif (order == 'qr') or (order == 'qpsm'):
            q = numpy.dot(q, p)
        p = numpy.abs(p)

        # make sure det(q) > 0 and adjust p accordingly
        if linalg.det(q) < 0:
            p = numpy.identity(ndim, dtype=int)
            p[self.parity_axis, self.parity_axis] = -1
            if (order == 'rq') or (order == 'psmq'):
                q = numpy.dot(p, q)
                m = numpy.dot(numpy.dot(p, m), p)
            elif (order == 'qr') or (order == 'qpsm'):
                q = numpy.dot(q, p)

        return q, p, s, m
 def test_r(self):
     a = [[8,2,3],[2,9,3],[5,3,6]]
     r,q = rq(a)
     r2 = rq(a, mode='r')
     assert_array_almost_equal(r, r2)
 def test_simple_tall(self):
     a = [[8,2],[2,9],[5,3]]
     r,q = rq(a)
 def test_simple(self):
     a = [[8,2,3],[2,9,3],[5,3,6]]
     r,q = rq(a)
Example #48
def RDU(A): # Calculate the RDU decomposition of a matrix {{{
    r,U = rq(A)
    d = numpy.diagonal(r)
    R = r / d[newaxis,:]
    D = diagflat(d)
    return R,D,U #}}}
Example #49
def state2MPS(state,sitedim,l,method='qr',tol=1e-8):
    Parse a normal state into a Matrix produdct state.

        The target state, 1D array.
        The dimension of a single site, integer.
        The division point of left and right canonical scanning, integer between 0 and number of site.
        The method to extract A,B matrices.
        * 'qr'  -> get A,B matrices by the method of QR decomposition, faster, rank revealing in a non-straight-forward way.
        * 'svd'  -> get A,B matrices by the method of SVD decomposition, slow, rank revealing.
        The tolerence of singular value, float.

        A <MPS> instance.
    assert(method=='svd' or method=='qr')
    assert(l>=0 and l<=nsite)

    for i in xrange(l):
        if method=='svd':
            #remove zeros from v

    for i in xrange(nsite-l):
        if method=='svd':
            #remove zeros from v
    return KMPS(AL,BL,S=S)