def coadd_coords(lon,lat,labels=None,index=None): """ Calculated the median coordinates of each object. Returns out : Dictionary of average coordinates. """ if labels is None: labels = np.ones(len(lon),dtype=int) if index is None: index = np.unique(labels) x,y,z = healpy.rotator.dir2vec(lon,lat,lonlat=True) # Mean coordinates #x_out = nd.mean(x,labels=labels,index=index) #y_out = nd.mean(y,labels=labels,index=index) #z_out = nd.mean(z,labels=labels,index=index) # Median coordinates x_out = nd.median(x,labels=labels,index=index) y_out = nd.median(y,labels=labels,index=index) z_out = nd.median(z,labels=labels,index=index) # std coordinates #x_std = nd.standard_deviation(x,labels=labels,index=index) #y_std = nd.standard_deviation(y,labels=labels,index=index) #z_std = nd.standard_deviation(z,labels=labels,index=index) lon_out, lat_out = healpy.rotator.vec2dir(x_out,y_out,z_out,lonlat=True) # What about adding a dispersion? return lon_out % 360.,lat_out
def test_median02(): a = np.array([[1, 2, 0, 1], [5, 3, 0, 4], [0, 0, 0, 7], [9, 3, 0, 0]]) output = ndimage.median(a) assert_almost_equal(output, 1.0)
def procesar_imagen(archivo="", factor=0.5, f="white"): ''' A partir de archivo procesa una imagen del Sol, detectando los centros de masa con un factor por encima del valor medio y por debajo del maximo. Crea un archivo procesado en la carpeta output/img/~.png y otro en output/mosaico_~.png con una superpocision de todos los valores. @param archivo: la ruta del archivo a procesar @param factor: Desde 0 para valor promedio, hasta 1 para valor maximo @param f: puede ser 'white' para usar white_~.png o 'sun' para usar sun_~.png ''' # Lee la imagen del disco duro img = misc.imread("img/" + archivo, 1) # Calcula el valor maximo de intensidad para un pixel e invierte todos los valores, de modo que ahora oscuridad = max y luz = 0 maximum = ndimage.maximum(img) img = maximum - img # calcula para los nuevos datos maximo y valor promedio median = ndimage.median(img) maximum = ndimage.maximum(img) # Crea filtro con un criterio muy relativo :P filtro = img > median + (maximum - median) * factor img = img * filtro # Calcula los centros de masa con un maximo de NUM posibles manchas lbl, num = ndimage.label(img) # centros de masa center_of_mass = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass( img, lbl, range(2, num + 1)) # crear mapa de imagen con elementos calculados arch = archivo.split("_", 3) sun = misc.imread("lib/img/" + f + "_" + arch[2] + ".png", 1) mosaico = misc.imread("output/mosaico_" + arch[2] + ".png", 1) for elemento in center_of_mass: y = int(elemento[0]) x = int(elemento[1]) mosaico[y, x] = 0 sun[y, x] = 0 # configura un nuevo nombre para la imagen en output/ archivo = arch[0] + "_" + arch[1] + "_" + arch[2] + ".png" misc.imsave("output/img/" + archivo, sun) misc.imsave("output/mosaico_" + arch[2] + ".png", mosaico)
def depth(infile,nside=NSIDE,signal_to_noise=10.): MAGS = bfields('MAG_PSF',BANDS) MAGERRS = bfields('MAGERR_PSF',BANDS) SPREADS = bfields('WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL',BANDS) # From propagation of errors: # mag = -2.5 * log10(flux) # magerr = -2.5/ln(10) * fluxerr/flux mag_snr = (2.5/np.log(10)) / (signal_to_noise) ret = dict() for band,mag,magerr,spread in zip(BANDS,MAGS,MAGERRS,SPREADS): data =,columns=['RA','DEC',mag,magerr,spread]) h, edges = np.histogram(data[mag], bins=np.arange(17, 30, 0.1)) mag_bright_end = edges[np.argmax(h)] - 3. cut = (np.fabs(data[spread]) < 0.002) & (data[mag] > mag_bright_end) & (data[mag] < 30.) d = data[cut] if len(d) < 2: logger.warn("Insufficent objects in %s-band"%band) ret[band] = [np.array([],dtype=int),np.array([])] continue pix = ang2pix(nside,d['RA'],d['DEC']) match = ugali.utils.projector.match(d['RA'],d['DEC'],d['RA'],d['DEC'],nnearest=2) delta_mag = d[mag][match[1]] - d[mag][match[0]] delta_log_magerr = np.log10(d[magerr][match[1]]) - np.log10(d[magerr][match[0]]) old = np.seterr(divide='ignore',invalid='ignore') ratio = delta_log_magerr / delta_mag cut_nan_inf = np.isfinite(ratio) & (delta_mag > 0.5) np.seterr(**old) if cut_nan_inf.sum() < 2: logger.warn("Insufficent objects in %s-band"%band) ret[band] = [np.array([],dtype=int),np.array([])] continue kde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(ratio[cut_nan_inf]) values = np.linspace(0., 1., 1000) kde_values = kde.evaluate(values) slope = values[np.argmax(kde_values)] maglims = d[mag] - ((np.log10(d[magerr]) - np.log10(mag_snr)) / slope) hpx = np.unique(pix) maglim = nd.median(maglims,labels=pix,index=hpx) ret[band] = [hpx,maglim] return ret
def test_median01(): a = np.array([[1, 2, 0, 1], [5, 3, 0, 4], [0, 0, 0, 7], [9, 3, 0, 0]]) labels = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 2], [1, 1, 0, 2], [0, 0, 0, 2], [3, 3, 0, 0]]) output = ndimage.median(a, labels=labels, index=[1, 2, 3]) assert_array_almost_equal(output, [2.5, 4.0, 6.0])
def test_median03(): a = np.array([[1, 2, 0, 1], [5, 3, 0, 4], [0, 0, 0, 7], [9, 3, 0, 0]]) labels = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 2], [1, 1, 0, 2], [0, 0, 0, 2], [3, 3, 0, 0]]) output = ndimage.median(a, labels=labels) assert_almost_equal(output, 3.0)
def centroid(lon, lat, stat='median', labels=None, index=None): if labels is None: labels = np.ones(len(lon), dtype=int) if index is None: index = np.unique(labels) x, y, z = hp.rotator.dir2vec(lon, lat, lonlat=True) if stat == 'mean': x_out = nd.mean(x, labels=labels, index=index) y_out = nd.mean(y, labels=labels, index=index) z_out = nd.mean(z, labels=labels, index=index) elif stat == 'median': x_out = nd.median(x, labels=labels, index=index) y_out = nd.median(y, labels=labels, index=index) z_out = nd.median(z, labels=labels, index=index) else: msg = "Unrecognized stat: %s" % stat raise Exception(msg) lon_out, lat_out = hp.rotator.vec2dir(x_out, y_out, z_out, lonlat=True) return lon_out % 360., lat_out
def draw_magerr(mag,magerr,**kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('fmt','o') bins = kwargs.pop('bins',np.linspace(16,25,100)) ax = plt.gca() labels = np.digitize(mag,bins) index = np.unique(labels) centers = ((bins[1:]+bins[:-1])/2.)[index] median = nd.median(magerr,labels=labels,index=index) mean = nd.mean(magerr,labels=labels,index=index) std = nd.standard_deviation(magerr,labels=labels,index=index) ax.errorbar(centers,mean,yerr=std,**kwargs) return median,mean,std
def center_estimation_Tsukada2021b(img, x1st, y1st, radius=60): ### triming img = np.pad(img, radius, mode="constant", constant_values=np.nan) x1st, y1st = x1st + radius, y1st + radius img = SAR.lee_filter(img[y1st-radius:y1st+radius, x1st-radius:x1st+radius], 3) ### eye extraction eye_region_candidates = img < 0.8 * np.nanmean(img) # high_wind_region = img > 1.2 * np.nanmean(img) lbls, nlbls = ndi.label(eye_region_candidates) sizes = np.bincount(lbls.ravel())[1:] img = np.where(np.isnan(img), 0, img) eyewall_features = {} for nlbl in range(1, nlbls+1): if sizes[nlbl-1] < size_min or sizes[nlbl-1] > size_max: continue lbl = (lbls == nlbl) dilated = ndi.binary_dilation(lbl, structure=np.ones([3,3]), iterations=15) eyewall = dilated ^ lbl eyewall_feature = ndi.median(img, eyewall) - ndi.minimum(img, lbl) if ~np.isnan(eyewall_feature): eyewall_features[nlbl] = eyewall_feature eye_lbl = max(eyewall_features, key=eyewall_features.get) y, x = ndi.center_of_mass(lbls == eye_lbl) x, y = x + x1st - 2 * radius, y + y1st - 2 * radius # rmax = int(rmax/(110*np.abs([0][1]))) # flags = cv2.INTER_LINEAR + cv2.WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS + cv2.WARP_POLAR_LINEAR # wind_norm = cv2.normalize(img, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_8U) # polar = cv2.warpPolar(wind_norm, (rmax, int(360/0.5)), (x, y), rmax, flags) # diff = np.diff(polar.astype(np.float), axis=1) # blurred_diff = ndi.gaussian_filter(diff, sigma=5) # eye_extents = np.argmax(blurred_diff, axis=1) # align with 0.5 deg # eye_region_polar = np.zeros_like(polar) # for i, eye_r in enumerate(eye_extents): # eye_region_polar[i, :eye_r] = 1 # eye_region = SAR.get_cart(eye_region_polar, rmax, rmax * 2, rmax * 2) # plt.imshow(eye_region) # # ydiff, xdiff = ndi.measurements.center_of_mass(eye_region) - np.array([rmax, rmax]) # x, y = x + xdiff, y + ydiff return x, y
def removeObjects(binarized): """ This function identify objects as contigunious spot of white on a black image and remove the bigger and smaller ones. --------------------------- @args: binarized: 2D array Represent the inversed color binarized picture from which objects bigger than the mean will be taken from. @return: binarized: 2D array "cleaned" array scale: double Represent the size of the mean object --------------------------- This function improve line detection and "clean" the image. A coefficient could be added to the function to change the value of height and width of the deleted object, or to choose only horizontal or vertical objects. """ labels, n = ocrolib.morph.label(binarized) objects = ocrolib.morph.find_objects(labels) # Calculate the median of all objects bysize = sorted(objects, scalemap = np.zeros(binarized.shape) for sub_object in bysize: if np.amax(scalemap[sub_object]) > 0: continue scalemap[sub_object] =**0.5 scale = ndi.median(scalemap[(scalemap > 3) & (scalemap < 100)]) # Take the mesurement of small objects sums = ndi.measurements.sum(binarized, labels, range(n + 1)) sums = sums[labels] # Find all objects and remove big ones for i, b in enumerate(objects): if ( > scale * 8) \ or ( > scale * 8): labels[b][labels[b] == i + 1] = 0 # Recreate an array without big objects binarized = np.array(labels != 0, 'B') # Remove small objects from this image binarized = np.minimum(binarized, 1 - (sums > 0) * (sums < scale)) return binarized, scale
def getCMFromImage(archivo="", factor=0.5): ''' A partir de archivo procesa una imagen del Sol, detectando los centros de masa con un factor por encima del valor medio y por debajo del maximo. @param archivo: la ruta del archivo a procesar @param factor: Desde 0 para valor promedio, hasta 1 para valor maximo @return: retorna centros de masa para la imagen ''' # Lee la imagen del disco duro img = misc.imread("img/" + archivo, 1) # Calcula el valor maximo de intensidad para un pixel e invierte todos los valores, de modo que ahora oscuridad = max y luz = 0 maximum = ndimage.maximum(img) img = maximum - img # calcula para los nuevos datos maximo y valor promedio median = ndimage.median(img) maximum = ndimage.maximum(img) # Crea filtro con un criterio muy relativo :P filtro = img > median + (maximum - median) * factor img = img * filtro # Calcula los centros de masa con un maximo de NUM posibles manchas lbl, num = ndimage.label(img) # centros de masa # center_of_mass = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(img, lbl, range(2, num + 1)) # El primer valor es el centro del Sol center_of_mass = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass( img, lbl, range(1, num + 1)) # lee el tiempo de toma de la imagen arch = archivo.split("_", 2) tiempo = time.strptime(arch[0] + arch[1], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # return centros de masa y tiempo de foto return center_of_mass, time.mktime(tiempo)
def rms_photometry(catfile,nside=64,band=None,plot=False): """ Calculate photometric repeatability """ if not os.path.exists(catfile): msg = "Couldn't find %s"%catfile raise Exception(msg) columns = ['RA','DEC'] spread,nepochs = bfields(['WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL','NEPOCHS'],band) mag,magerr,magrms = bfields(['WAVG_MAG_PSF','WAVG_MAGERR_PSF','WAVG_MAGRMS_PSF'],band) columns += [spread, nepochs, mag, magerr, magrms] # Hack to get pixel location hpx = int(catfile.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]) #hpx = ang2pix(NSIDE, cat['RA'], cat['DEC']) ra,dec = pix2ang(NSIDE, hpx) msg = '%s (RA,DEC) = %.2f,%.2f'%(os.path.basename(catfile),ra,dec) print(msg) #print "Getting coadd catalog: DES" cat = load_infiles([catfile],columns) # Select stars with 16 < r < 20 and 0.0 < (g-i) < 1.5 sel = (np.fabs(cat[spread]) < 0.002) & \ (cat[mag] > 16) & (cat[mag] < 18) &\ (cat[magrms] < 90) &\ (cat[nepochs] > 1) cat = cat[sel] if len(cat) == 0: msg = "WARNING: No objects passing selection in: %s"%catfile print(msg) return np.array([],dtype=int), np.array([]) pix = ang2pix(nside,cat['RA'],cat['DEC']) upix = np.unique(pix) stat = nd.median(cat[magrms],labels=pix,index=upix) if False: plt.figure() plt.hist(cat[magrms],bins=50) import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return upix,stat
def teff(infile,nside=NSIDE,mode='median'): TEFFS = bfields('TEFF',BANDS) ret = dict() for band,teff in zip(BANDS,TEFFS): data =,columns=['RA','DEC',teff]) pix = ang2pix(nside,data['RA'],data['DEC']) hpx = np.unique(pix) if mode.lower() is 'median': teff_value = nd.median(data[teff],labels=pix,index=hpx) elif mode.lower() is 'mean': teff_value = nd.mean(data[teff],labels=pix,index=hpx) else: msg = 'Unrecognized mode: %s'%mode raise Exception(msg) ret[band] = [hpx,maglim] return ret
def get_spectrum(dark_noise, channels, mask): """Get spectrum from image set using mask. The median of the masked area is extracted, the camera dark noise subtracted, and normalized. Parameters ---------- dark_noise : int Intrinsic dark noise of camera. Image taken when shutter closed. channels : slice, list Slice of channels mask : NumPy array Labeled mask. """ data = np.array([ndi.median(ch, mask) for ch in channels]) data -= dark_noise # Dark noise subtract data /= data.sum() # Normalize to 1. return data
def imagestats(): import math import scipy.ndimage as nd image = getvar('image', inmodule=True) if image is None: print('could not find image') return do = getvar('do', inmodule=True) if do is None: print('could not find display object') return data =[:, :, do.zp].squeeze() dmed = nd.median(data) print("mean:\t\t%f" % data.mean()) print("variance:\t%f" % data.var()) print("std dev:\t%f" % data.std()) print("median:\t\t%f" % dmed) print("med-sqrt:\t%f" % math.sqrt(dmed))
def distance(args,plot=False): nice = os.nice(0) os.nice(10-nice) pix,nside = args catfile = glob.glob('cat/*_%05d.fits'%pix)[0] if not os.path.exists(catfile): msg = "Couldn't find %s"%catfile raise Exception(msg) print(catfile) columns = [OBJECT_ID,'RA','DEC'] spread,mag,nepochs = bfields(['WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL','MAG_PSF','NEPOCHS'],band) columns += [spread,mag,nepochs] cat = load_infiles([catfile],columns) sel = (np.fabs(cat[spread])<0.002)&(cat[mag]>16)&(cat[mag]<22)&(cat[nepochs] > 1) cat = cat[sel] if len(cat) == 0: print("WARNING: No catalog objects passing selection") return np.array([],dtype=int), np.array([]) ra,dec = cat['RA'],cat['DEC'] m = ugali.utils.projector.match(ra,dec,ra,dec,nnearest=2) sep = m[-1] hpx = ang2pix(nside,ra,dec) peak = nd.median(sep,labels=hpx,index=np.unique(hpx)) if plot: plt.figure() draw_angsep(sep) if isinstance(plot,basestring): outfile = plot plt.savefig(outfile,bbox_inches='tight') return hpx,peak
def test_stat_funcs_2d(): a = np.array([[5,6,0,0,0], [8,9,0,0,0], [0,0,0,3,5]]) lbl = np.array([[1,1,0,0,0], [1,1,0,0,0], [0,0,0,2,2]]) mean = ndimage.mean(a, labels=lbl, index=[1, 2]) assert_array_equal(mean, [7.0, 4.0]) var = ndimage.variance(a, labels=lbl, index=[1, 2]) assert_array_equal(var, [2.5, 1.0]) std = ndimage.standard_deviation(a, labels=lbl, index=[1, 2]) assert_array_almost_equal(std, np.sqrt([2.5, 1.0])) med = ndimage.median(a, labels=lbl, index=[1, 2]) assert_array_equal(med, [7.0, 4.0]) min = ndimage.minimum(a, labels=lbl, index=[1, 2]) assert_array_equal(min, [5, 3]) max = ndimage.maximum(a, labels=lbl, index=[1, 2]) assert_array_equal(max, [9, 5])
img_v2 = cv2.imread(r'data/e-codices_kba-0016-2_006v_large.jpg') img_v2 = cv2.cvtColor(img_v2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB).astype(np.uint16) gray2 = cv2.cvtColor(img_v2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img_mean = np.mean(gray2) #todo Exercise 8.1: computing projection profiles img_contrast = cv2.normalize(gray2, gray2, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) img_contrast = img_contrast - img_mean imagetoshow2D(img_contrast) projection = np.sum(img_contrast, axis=1) #todo Exercise 8.2: searching for line starts subImg = img_contrast[:, :int(img_contrast.shape[1] * 0.25)] temp = np.sum(subImg, axis=1) cost = median(temp, size=5) cost[cost > 0] = 0 x = abs(cost) peaks, _ = find_peaks(x, height=0) idx = np.argmin(x) plt.figure() plt.plot(x) plt.plot(peaks, x[peaks], "x") #todo Exercise 8.3: compute seams img_cost = ComputerEnergy(img_contrast) m = np.max(np.sum(img_cost, axis=0)) img_cost[:, 0] = m img_cost[peaks, 0] = -m allpath = seam_carving_row(img_cost, peaks) for path in allpath:
def external_astrometry(catfile,catalog='GAIA',nside=64,band='r',plot=False): #nice = os.nice(0) #os.nice(10-nice) if band=='all': band = 'r' if not os.path.exists(catfile): msg = "Couldn't find %s"%catfile raise Exception(msg) columns = [OBJECT_ID,'RA','DEC'] spread,mag,nepochs = bfields(['WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL','MAG_PSF','NEPOCHS'],band) columns += [spread,mag,nepochs] # Hack to get pixel location hpx = int(catfile.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]) #hpx = ang2pix(NSIDE, cat['RA'], cat['DEC']) ra,dec = pix2ang(NSIDE, hpx) radius = np.degrees(healpy.max_pixrad(NSIDE)) msg = '%s (RA,DEC,RAD) = %.2f,%.2f,%.2f'%(os.path.basename(catfile),ra,dec,radius) print(msg) #print "Getting coadd catalog: DES" cat = load_infiles([catfile],columns) # Select stars with 16 < mag < 21 sel = (np.fabs(cat[spread])<0.002) & \ (cat[mag]>16) & \ (cat[mag]<21) & \ (cat[nepochs] > 1) cat = cat[sel] if len(cat) == 0: msg = "WARNING: No objects passing selection in: %s"%catfile print(msg) return np.array([],dtype=int), np.array([]) #print "Getting external catalog: %s"%catalog if catalog in list(CATALOGS.keys()): ext = get_vizier_catalog(ra,dec,radius,**CATALOGS[catalog]) else: ext = get_local_catalog(ra,dec,radius,catalog) m = match_query(cat['RA'],cat['DEC'],ext['_RAJ2000'],ext['_DEJ2000']) # Use a fairly wide matching radius (2 arcsec) cut = 2.0 sel = m[-1]*3600. < cut sepdeg = m[-1][sel] sepsec = m[-1][sel] * 3600. sepmas = sepsec * 1000. sep = sepmas pix = ang2pix(nside,cat['RA'][sel],cat['DEC'][sel]) upix = np.unique(pix) try: peak = nd.median(sep,labels=pix,index=upix) except ValueError: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if plot: plt.figure() draw_angsep(sep,bins=np.linspace(0,cut*1000.,101)) if isinstance(plot,basestring): outfile = plot plt.savefig(outfile,bbox_inches='tight') #return cat,ext,m return upix,peak
def internal_astrometry(catfile,hpxfile,nside=128,band='r',plot=False): """ Calculate internal relative astrometry. Parameters ---------- catfile : merged catalog file hpxfile : single epoch catalog file(s) nside : nside for calculation band : band to use plot : plot output Returns ------- stats : output statistics """ nice = os.nice(0) os.nice(10-nice) if band=='all': band = 'r' #print catfile,hpxfile,nside #catfile = glob.glob('cat/*_%05d.fits'%pix)[0] if not os.path.exists(catfile): msg = "Couldn't find %s"%catfile raise Exception(msg) columns = [OBJECT_ID,'RA','DEC'] spread,mag,nepochs = bfields(['WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL','MAG_PSF','NEPOCHS'],band) columns += [spread,mag,nepochs] cat = load_infiles([catfile],columns) # Select stars with 17 < mag < 21 sel = (np.fabs(cat[spread])<0.002) & \ (cat[mag]>17) & \ (cat[mag]<21) & \ (cat[nepochs] > 1) cat = cat[sel] if len(cat) == 0: print("WARNING: No objects passing selection in: %s"%catfile) return np.array([],dtype=int), np.array([]) #hpxfiles = glob.glob('hpx/%s/*_%05d.fits'%(band,pix)) hpx = load_infiles(hpxfile, [OBJECT_ID, 'RA', 'DEC']) hpx = hpx[np.in1d(hpx[OBJECT_ID],cat[OBJECT_ID])] if len(hpx) == 0: print("WARNING: No matched objects in: %s"%hpxfile) return np.array([],dtype=int), np.array([]) #keyfile = 'key/key_hpx_%05d.fits'%pix #key = load_infiles([keyfile],[OBJECT_ID,'FILENAME','OBJECT_NUMBER']) #key = key[np.in1d(key[OBJECT_ID],cat[OBJECT_ID])] # #key_id = np.char.add(key['FILENAME'],key['OBJECT_NUMBER'].astype(str)) #hpx_id = np.char.add(hpx['FILENAME'],hpx['OBJECT_NUMBER'].astype(str)) # #hpx = hpx[np.in1d(hpx_id,key_id)] uid,inv,cts = np.unique(hpx[OBJECT_ID],False,True,True) # Make sure that the order matches between coadd and single epoch. if not np.all(uid == cat[OBJECT_ID]): cat = cat[np.in1d(cat[OBJECT_ID],hpx[OBJECT_ID])] if not np.all(uid == cat[OBJECT_ID]): cat = cat[np.argsort(cat[OBJECT_ID])] assert np.all(uid == cat[OBJECT_ID]) ra,dec = cat['RA'][inv],cat['DEC'][inv] sepdeg = angsep(ra,dec,hpx['RA'],hpx['DEC']) sepsec = sepdeg * 3600. sepmas = sepsec * 1000. sel = [sepsec > 1e-5] sep = sepmas[sel] pix = ang2pix(nside,ra[sel],dec[sel]) upix = np.unique(pix) peak = nd.median(sep,labels=pix,index=upix) if plot: plt.figure() draw_angsep(sep) if isinstance(plot,basestring): outfile = plot plt.savefig(outfile,bbox_inches='tight') return upix,peak
def gaia_photometry(catfile,nside=64,band=None,plot=False,version='edr3'): if not os.path.exists(catfile): msg = "Couldn't find %s"%catfile raise Exception(msg) #columns = [OBJECT_ID,'RA','DEC'] columns = ['RA','DEC'] spread,nepochs = ['WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL_R','NEPOCHS_R'] mag_g,mag_r,mag_i,mag_z = bfields(['MAG_PSF'],['g','r','i','z']) #mag_g,mag_r,mag_i,mag_z = bfields(['WAVG_MAG_PSF'],['g','r','i','z']) columns += [spread, nepochs, mag_g, mag_r, mag_i, mag_z] # Hack to get pixel location hpx = int(catfile.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]) #hpx = ang2pix(NSIDE, cat['RA'], cat['DEC']) ra,dec = pix2ang(NSIDE, hpx) radius = np.degrees(hp.max_pixrad(NSIDE)) msg = '%s (RA,DEC,RAD) = %.2f,%.2f,%.2f'%(os.path.basename(catfile),ra,dec,radius) print(msg) #print "Getting coadd catalog: DES" cat = load_infiles([catfile],columns) # Select stars with 16 < r < 20 and 0.0 < (g-i) < 1.5 sel = (np.fabs(cat[spread])<0.002) & \ (cat[mag_g]<90) & (cat[mag_r]<90) & (cat[mag_i]<90) & (cat[mag_z]<90) & \ (cat[mag_r]>16) & (cat[mag_r]<20) & \ ((cat[mag_g] - cat[mag_i]) > 0.0) & \ ((cat[mag_g] - cat[mag_i]) < 1.5) & \ (cat[nepochs] > 1) cat = cat[sel] if len(cat) == 0: msg = "WARNING: No objects passing selection in: %s"%catfile print(msg) return np.array([],dtype=int), np.array([]) #msg = "Getting external catalog: %s"%catalog ext = get_gaia_catalog(hpx,version=version) m = match_query(cat['RA'],cat['DEC'],ext['RA'],ext['DEC']) # Use a fairly wide matching radius (2 arcsec) cut = 1.0 sel = m[-1]*3600. < cut cat_match = cat[m[0][sel]] ext_match = ext[m[1][sel]] cat_G = gaia_transform(cat_match[mag_g],cat_match[mag_r],cat_match[mag_i],cat_match[mag_z], version=version) # Need to put Gaia flux onto the AB system ext_G = -2.5 * np.log10(ext_match['PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX']) + 25.7934 diff = cat_G - ext_G pix = ang2pix(nside,cat_match['RA'],cat_match['DEC']) upix = np.unique(pix) stat = nd.median(diff,labels=pix,index=upix) if False: plt.figure() plt.hist(cat_G - ext_G) import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return upix,stat
def test_median_gh12836_bool(): # test boolean addition fix on example from gh-12836 a = np.asarray([1, 1], dtype=bool) output = ndimage.median(a, labels=np.ones((2, )), index=[1]) assert_array_almost_equal(output, [1.0])
#plt.errorbar(bincenters, y, #yerr = np.sqrt(y), fmt='r.', markersize='5', alpha = 0.7, elinewidth= 2 ) #plt.plot(bincenters[y!=0], y[y!=0], 'r', alpha = 0.8, lw = 2, label = strLabel) errorfill(bincenters[y != 0], y[y != 0], np.sqrt(y[y != 0]), color='navy') #plt.xlim(binEdges[1:][0], xlim2) #plt.ylim(1, ) #plt.yscale('log') #if (strLabel != '#Grids in Halo'): plt.xscale('log') #plt.xlabel(strLabel) #plt.ylabel("pdf") #plt.legend(loc = "upper right") minnstrEachBlob = np.array(ndi.median(nstream, labels=labels3d, index=label1d)) array1d = minnstrEachBlob strLabel = r'median($n_{str}$)' xlim1 = np.min(array1d) xlim2 = np.max(array1d) bins = np.logspace(np.log10(xlim1), np.log10(xlim2), nbins) y, binEdges = np.histogram(array1d, bins=bins, density=False) bincenters = 0.5 * (binEdges[1:] + binEdges[:-1]) #plt.errorbar(bincenters, y, #yerr = np.sqrt(y), fmt='b.', markersize='5', alpha = 0.7, elinewidth= 2 ) # #plt.plot(bincenters[y!=0], y[y!=0], 'b', alpha = 0.8, lw = 2, label = strLabel)
plt.xlabel(r'${\rm ZP_{GCM} - ZP_{qSLR}}') plt.ylabel("Number of CCDs") gcm_bands = dict() qslr_bands = dict() diff_bands = dict() for b in BANDS: zp_g = gcm['MAG_ZERO'][gcm['BAND'] == b] zp_q = qslr['MAG_ZERO'][qslr['BAND'] == b] delta = zp_g - zp_q labels = qslr[HPX][qslr['BAND'] == b] index = np.unique(labels) for data, out in [(zp_g, gcm_bands), (zp_q, qslr_bands), (delta, diff_bands)]: skymap = blank(nside) skymap[index] = nd.median(data, labels=labels, index=index) out[b] = skymap diff_colors = dict() for name, (b1, b2) in COLORS: gcm_color = gcm_bands[b1] - gcm_bands[b2] qslr_color = qslr_bands[b1] - qslr_bands[b2] skymap = gcm_color - qslr_color diff_colors[name] = skymap for b in BANDS: skymap = diff_bands[b] plt.figure() im = plotting.draw_footprint(skymap) plt.colorbar(im, label=r'${\rm ZP_{GCM} - ZP_{qSLR}}$') plt.title('Median Zeropoint Offset (%s-band)' % (b))
#plt.errorbar(bincenters, y, #yerr = np.sqrt(y), fmt='r.', markersize='5', alpha = 0.7, elinewidth= 2 ) #plt.plot(bincenters[y!=0], y[y!=0], 'r', alpha = 0.8, lw = 2, label = strLabel) errorfill(bincenters[y != 0], y[y != 0], np.sqrt(y[y != 0]), color='navy') #plt.xlim(binEdges[1:][0], xlim2) #plt.ylim(1, ) #plt.yscale('log') #if (strLabel != '#Grids in Halo'): plt.xscale('log') #plt.xlabel(strLabel) #plt.ylabel("pdf") #plt.legend(loc = "upper right") minffEachBlob = np.array(ndi.median(flip, labels=labels3d, index=label1d)) array1d = minffEachBlob strLabel = r'median($n_{str}$)' xlim1 = np.min(array1d) xlim2 = np.max(array1d) bins = np.logspace(np.log10(xlim1), np.log10(xlim2), nbins) y, binEdges = np.histogram(array1d, bins=bins, density=False) bincenters = 0.5 * (binEdges[1:] + binEdges[:-1]) #plt.errorbar(bincenters, y, #yerr = np.sqrt(y), fmt='b.', markersize='5', alpha = 0.7, elinewidth= 2 ) # #plt.plot(bincenters[y!=0], y[y!=0], 'b', alpha = 0.8, lw = 2, label = strLabel)
for i,v in enumerate(['WAVG_MAG_PSF','MAG_PSF']): for c,b in zip(['g','r','gold','indigo','gray'],BANDS): var = v+'_%s'%b.upper() alpha = 0.5 if i > 0 else 1.0 plt.hist(coadd[var],alpha=alpha,label=var,color=c,**kwargs) plt.legend(loc='upper left',fontsize=10) plt.savefig(pltdir+'mag_%05d.png'%opts.pix,bbox_inches='tight') for c,b in zip(['g','r','gold','indigo','gray'],BANDS): plt.figure() for i,v in enumerate(['WAVG_MAG_PSF','MAG_PSF']): var = v+'_%s'%b.upper() err = var.replace('MAG_','MAGERR_') bins = kwargs['bins'] labels = np.digitize(coadd[var],bins) index = np.unique(labels) medians = nd.median(coadd[err],labels=labels,index=index) alpha = 0.5 if i > 0 else 1.0 mag = bins[index[:-1]]; magerr = medians[:-1] plt.plot(mag,magerr,'-o',c=c,alpha=alpha,label=var) argmax = np.argmax(magerr > 0.1) maglim = (mag[argmax] + mag[argmax-1])/2. if i==1: plot_peak(maglim,'%.1f'%maglim,color=c,lw=1.5,ls='--') plt.axhline(0.1,color='gray',lw=1.5,ls='--') plt.xlim(16,25); plt.ylim(0,0.5) plt.xlabel('MAG_PSF') plt.xlabel('MAGERR_PSF') plt.legend(loc='upper left',fontsize=10) plt.savefig(pltdir+'magerr_%s_%05d.png'%(b,opts.pix),bbox_inches='tight')
float ) # for some reason ndi functions over int images give weird results result = {} for mask_name in MASKS: values = MASKS[mask_name](img, brain_mask, head_mask) for metric_name in METRICS: column = mask_name + ' ' + metric_name result[column] = METRICS[metric_name](values) result['histogram bg peak'] = mri_bg_peak( img) # no reason to use it with masks return result METRICS = { 'mean': lambda x: ndi.mean(x), 'median': lambda x: ndi.median(x), 'std': lambda x: ndi.standard_deviation(x), } MASKS = { 'brain': lambda i, b, h: i[b], 'head': lambda i, b, h: i[h], 'animal': lambda i, b, h: i[b | h], 'image': lambda i, b, h: i.flatten(), 'back': lambda i, b, h: i[~(b | h)], } def mri_bg_peak(img: np.ndarray) -> float: """ This function fits a gaussian onto image intensity histogram peak (the one, corresponding to background).
def test_median_no_int_overflow(): # test integer overflow fix on example from gh-12836 a = np.asarray([65, 70], dtype=np.int8) output = ndimage.median(a, labels=np.ones((2, )), index=[1]) assert_array_almost_equal(output, [67.5])
#!/bin/env python import sys from scipy import stats from scipy import ndimage import numpy import pysam numbers = [] samfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(sys.argv[1], 'rb', check_sq=False) for read in samfile: numbers.append(int(read.query_length)) describe = stats.describe(numbers) print "\t".join(["nobs", "min", "max", "mean", "std", "median", "coverage"]) out = [ describe.nobs, describe.minmax[0], describe.minmax[1], describe.mean, ndimage.standard_deviation(numpy.array(numbers)), ndimage.median(numbers), ndimage.sum(numpy.array(numbers)) / float(3100000000) ] print "\t".join(map(str, out))
def median_in_circle(imagen, r, centro=None): labels = ring_mask(imagen.shape[0], 0, r, center=centro) return nd.median(imagen, labels, 1)