Example #1
    def edges(cls):
        from scipy import ndimage, misc
        import numpy as np
        from skimage import feature
        col = Image.open("f990.jpg")
        gray = col.convert('L')

        # Let numpy do the heavy lifting for converting pixels to pure black or white
        bw = np.asarray(gray).copy()

        # Pixel range is 0...255, 256/2 = 128
        bw[bw < 245]  = 0    # Black
        bw[bw >= 245] = 255 # White
        bw[bw == 0] = 254
        bw[bw == 255] = 0
        im = bw
        im = ndimage.gaussian_filter(im, 1)
        edges2 = feature.canny(im, sigma=2)
        labels, numobjects =ndimage.label(im)
        slices = ndimage.find_objects(labels)
        print('\n'.join(map(str, slices)))
        misc.imsave('f990_sob.jpg', im)

        #im = misc.imread('f990.jpg')
        #im = ndimage.gaussian_filter(im, 8)
        sx = ndimage.sobel(im, axis=0, mode='constant')
        sy = ndimage.sobel(im, axis=1, mode='constant')
        sob = np.hypot(sx, sy)
        misc.imsave('f990_sob.jpg', edges2)
Example #2
def calc_orient(image):
    #image = cv2.imread('test_window2.png', cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
    #image = resize.resize_img(image)
    #dbl_image = image.astype(float)
    #cv2.imshow('orginal', image)
    smoothed_im = cv2.GaussianBlur(image,(3,3), 0) # gaussian blur using 3x3 window
    dx = ndimage.sobel(smoothed_im, 0)  # horizontal sobel gradient
    dy = ndimage.sobel(smoothed_im, 1)  # vertical sobel gradient
    print dy
    theta_mx = np.array([[]])
    for y in range(0,len(dy)):
        for x in range(0,len(dx)):
            theta_mx[x][y] = math.atan2(dy[y],dx[x])
    #theta =  # in radians
    print theta_mx
    lines_im = draw_lines2.draw_lines(image, theta, 1)
    #print lines_im
    return lines_im
    #print dx.shape[0],dx.shape[1]
    #print dx
    #print 'hello',dy
Example #3
def test_multiple_modes():
    # Test that the filters with multiple mode cababilities for different
    # dimensions give the same result as applying a single mode.
    arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
                    [1., 1., 0.],
                    [0., 0., 0.]])

    mode1 = 'reflect'
    mode2 = ['reflect', 'reflect']

    assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.prewitt(arr, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.prewitt(arr, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.sobel(arr, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.sobel(arr, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.laplace(arr, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.laplace(arr, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_laplace(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.gaussian_laplace(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
    assert_equal(sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=mode1),
                 sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=mode2))
Example #4
def image_multi_features(img, maxPixel, num_features,imageSize):
     # X is the feature vector with one row of features per image
     #  consisting of the pixel values a, num_featuresnd our metric
     mask = img > img.mean()
     label_im, nb_labels = ndimage.label(mask)
     X=np.zeros(num_features, dtype=float)
     # image=ndimage.median_filter(img, 3)

     image = resize(img, (maxPixel, maxPixel))
     granulo = granulometry(image,sizes=extra_sizes)

     sx = ndimage.sobel(image, axis=0, mode='constant')
     sy = ndimage.sobel(image, axis=1, mode='constant')
     sob = np.hypot(sx, sy)
     # Store the rescaled image pixels
     X[0:imageSize] = np.reshape(sob,(1, imageSize))
     for i in range(len(extra_sizes)):

     return X
def _compute_derivatives(image, mode='constant', cval=0):
    """Compute derivatives the way that scikit-image does it (for comparison).
    This method is fully copied from the repository."""
    imgy = ndimage.sobel(image, axis=0, mode=mode, cval=cval)
    imgx = ndimage.sobel(image, axis=1, mode=mode, cval=cval)

    return imgx, imgy
Example #6
def canny():
    image = cv2.imread('1_1.png', cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
    #image = misc.lena()
    # apply gaussian blur 3x3 sigma 0.5
    smoothed_im = cv2.GaussianBlur(image,(3,3), 0)
    # calculate gradients with sobel filter
    grad_x = ndimage.sobel(image, 0)
    grad_y = ndimage.sobel(image, 1)
    # calculate magnitude
    grad_mag = numpy.sqrt(grad_x**2+grad_y**2)
    # calculating theta
    grad_angle = numpy.arctan2(grad_y, grad_x)
    # quantize angles 0 to 3 
    quantized_angle = numpy.around(3 * (grad_angle + numpy.pi) /  (numpy.pi * 2))
    # non-maximal suppression
    # quantize magnitude into 4 directions
    #NE = ndimage.maximum_filter(grad_mag, footprint=_NE)
def showAllImages():
    fig, current = plt.figure(), 0
    for file_name in glob.glob("*.png"):
        image = img.imread(file_name)
        R, G, B = image[:,:,0], image[:,:,1], image[:,:,2]
        greyscale = 0.21 * R + 0.72 * G + 0.07 * B
        threshold = 210.0 / 256
        greyscale[greyscale > threshold] = 1
        greyscale[greyscale <=threshold] = 0

        dx = ndimage.sobel(greyscale, 0)  # horizontal derivative
        dy = ndimage.sobel(greyscale, 1)  # vertical derivative
        mag = np.hypot(dx, dy)  # magnitude

        y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = findMinMax(mag)
        mag = mag[x_min:x_max+1, y_min:y_max+1]

        # x, y = mag.shape
        # ration = float(x) / y
        # mag = imresize(mag, (50, int(50 / ration)))
        # mag[mag > threshold] = 1
        # mag[mag <=threshold] = 0
        current += 1
        if current == 7:
            fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1).imshow(mag, cmap=cm.Greys_r)
            print guessFigure(mag)

Example #8
def compute_harris_response(image, eps=1e-6):
    """ compute the Harris corner detector response function
        for each pixel in the image"""

    # derivatives
    image = ndimage.gaussian_filter(image, 1)
    imx = ndimage.sobel(image, axis=0, mode='constant')
    imy = ndimage.sobel(image, axis=1, mode='constant')

    Wxx = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imx * imx, 1.5, mode='constant')
    Wxy = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imx * imy, 1.5, mode='constant')
    Wyy = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imy * imy, 1.5, mode='constant')

    # determinant and trace
    Wdet = Wxx * Wyy - Wxy ** 2
    Wtr = Wxx + Wyy
    harris = Wdet / (Wtr + eps)

    # Non maximum filter of size 3
    harris_max = ndimage.maximum_filter(harris, 3, mode='constant')
    harris *= harris == harris_max
    # Remove the image corners
    harris[:3] = 0
    harris[-3:] = 0
    harris[:, :3] = 0
    harris[:, -3:] = 0

    return harris
Example #9
def slope_aspect(array, pix_size, scale):
    dzdx = ndimage.sobel(array, axis=1)/(8.*pix_size)
    dzdy = ndimage.sobel(array, axis=0)/(8.*pix_size)
    hyp = numpy.hypot(dzdx,dzdy)
    slp = numexpr.evaluate("arctan(hyp * scale)")
    asp = numexpr.evaluate("arctan2(dzdy, -dzdx)")
    return slp, asp
Example #10
def _compute_derivatives(image, mode="constant", cval=0):
    """Compute derivatives in x and y direction using the Sobel operator.

    image : ndarray
        Input image.
    mode : {'constant', 'reflect', 'wrap', 'nearest', 'mirror'}, optional
        How to handle values outside the image borders.
    cval : float, optional
        Used in conjunction with mode 'constant', the value outside
        the image boundaries.

    imx : ndarray
        Derivative in x-direction.
    imy : ndarray
        Derivative in y-direction.


    imy = ndimage.sobel(image, axis=0, mode=mode, cval=cval)
    imx = ndimage.sobel(image, axis=1, mode=mode, cval=cval)

    return imx, imy
Example #11
 def sobel(self, img):
     fig = scipy.misc.imread(img).astype('int32')
     dx = ndimage.sobel(fig, 0) # horizontal derivative
     dy = ndimage.sobel(fig, 1) # vertical derivative
     mag = np.hypot(dx, dy) # magnitude
     mag *= 255.0 / np.max(mag) # normalize
     scipy.misc.imsave('sobel.png', mag)
Example #12
def gradient_transformation(data):
    """Gradient distance transformation."""
    gx = ndimage.sobel(data, 0)
    gy = ndimage.sobel(data, 1)
    gz = ndimage.sobel(data, 2)
    grad = np.sqrt(gx**2 + gy**2 + gz**2)
    return grad
Example #13
def testAll():
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8))
    current = 0
    for file_name in glob.glob("img/*.jpg"):
        image = img.imread(file_name)
        r = imresize(image, (100, 100))

        mask1 = ndimage.binary_erosion(coloration(r), structure=np.ones((3, 3)))

        greyscale = np.average(image, axis=2)
        dx = ndimage.sobel(greyscale, 0)  # horizontal derivative
        dy = ndimage.sobel(greyscale, 1)  # vertical derivative
        mask2 = np.hypot(dx, dy)  # magnitude

        current += 1
        fig.add_subplot(3, 3, current).imshow(mask1, cmap=cm.Greys_r, interpolation='none')
        labeled_array, num_features = ndimage.label(mask1)
        print labeled_array, num_features
        current += 1
        fig.add_subplot(3, 3, current).imshow(mask2, cmap=cm.Greys_r, interpolation='none')
        current += 1
        fig.add_subplot(3, 3, current).imshow(r, cmap=cm.Greys_r, interpolation='none')

def detectCircles(img, r, useGradient):
    grayimg = rgb2gray(img)
    edges = cv2.Canny(img,100,200)
    ax[0].imshow(edges, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    ax[0].set_title('after canny image operation')
    if useGradient == 0:
        accumulator1 = np.zeros(edges.shape)
        for (i,j),value in np.ndenumerate(edges):
            if value:
                for t_idx in np.arange(0,2*math.pi,math.pi/100):
                    a = int(i - (r * math.cos(t_idx)));
                    b = int(j + (r * math.sin(t_idx)));
                    if a>0 and b>0 and a < accumulator1.shape[0] and b < accumulator1.shape[1]:
                        accumulator1[a, b] += 1
        print accumulator1
        ax[1].imshow(accumulator1, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax[1].set_title('Accumulator array without using gradient')
        dx = ndimage.sobel(grayimg, axis=0, mode='constant')
        dy = ndimage.sobel(grayimg, axis=1, mode='constant')
        accumulator = np.zeros(edges.shape)
        for (i,j),value in np.ndenumerate(edges):
            if value:
                gradient = math.atan(-dx[i,j]/(dy[i,j]+0.00001))
                for theta in np.arange(gradient-math.pi/4,gradient+math.pi/4,math.pi/100):
                    a = int(i - (r * math.cos(theta)));
                    b = int(j + (r * math.sin(theta)));
                    if a < accumulator.shape[0] and b < accumulator.shape[1]:
                        accumulator[a, b] += 1
        ax[1].imshow(accumulator, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax[1].set_title('Accumulator array with gradient')
        print accumulator
Example #15
def calc_orient(image):
    #image = cv2.imread('test_window.png', cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
    #image = resize.resize_img(image)
    #dbl_image = image.astype(float)
    #cv2.imshow('orginal', image)
    smoothed_im = cv2.GaussianBlur(image,(3,3), 0) # gaussian blur using 3x3 window
    dx = ndimage.sobel(smoothed_im, 0)  # horizontal sobel gradient
    dy = ndimage.sobel(smoothed_im, 1)  # vertical sobel gradient
    max_dx = np.max(dx)-np.min(dx)
    max_dy = np.max(dy)-np.min(dy)
   # print max_dx
    #print max_dy
    theta = math.atan2(max_dy,max_dx) # in radians
    print 'grad',theta
    orientation_im = draw_lines.draw_lines(image, theta)
    return orientation_im
    #print dx.shape[0],dx.shape[1]
    #print dx
    #print 'hello',dy
Example #16
def get_hist_angle_bins(img):
    given a python image, return 2 lists of 16 elements each. 1 list (bin_lowers) has the lower bounds for each bin, the other list (hist_vals)
    has the number of pixels in each bin.

    im = numpy.array(img)
    im = numpy.resize(im,(8,8))#reshape array to model 8x8 cell
    sx = ndimage.sobel(im, axis=0, mode = 'constant')#apply sobel operator in x-direction
    sy = ndimage.sobel(im, axis=1, mode = 'constant')#apply sobel operator in y-direction
    sx = list(numpy.array(sx).reshape(-1,))#reshape sobel output into 1-d list for easy manipulation
    sy = list(numpy.array(sx).reshape(-1,))

    sobel = []
    for index in range(0,64):
        x = float(sx[index])
        y = float(sy[index])
        if x != 0:#Avoid a divide-by-zero error
            angle = math.degrees((math.atan2(y,x))) #does this give the angle we're looking for?  trying to get the full 360-degree range
            angle = math.degrees((math.atan2(y,1)))#what should the value be if x is 0?
        if angle<0:
            angle +=360

    hist, bin_edges = numpy.histogram(sobel, bins = 16)
    bin_lowers = list(numpy.array(bin_edges).reshape(-1,))#unnecessary because i've already reshaped the data?
    bin_lowers.pop()#gets rid of the high side of the highest bin
    hist_vals = list(numpy.array(hist).reshape(-1,))#also unnecessary?
    return bin_lowers, hist_vals
Example #17
    def load_contourlabel(self, idx):
        Load label image as 1 x height x width integer array of label indices.
        The leading singleton dimension is required by the loss.
        import scipy.io
        mat = scipy.io.loadmat('{}/cls/{}.mat'.format(self.sbdd_dir, idx))
        label = mat['GTcls'][0]['Segmentation'][0].astype(np.uint8)        
        from scipy import ndimage
        edge_horizont = ndimage.sobel(label, 0)
        edge_vertical = ndimage.sobel(label, 1)
        magnitude = np.hypot(edge_horizont, edge_vertical)     

        contour_label = np.zeros(label.shape,dtype=np.uint8)
        contour_mask = np.zeros(label.shape,dtype=np.uint8)
        contour_mask[magnitude>0] = 255            
        kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8)
        import cv2
        #contour_mask = cv2.dilate(contour_mask,kernel,iterations = 1)
        #contour_mask = cv2.erode(contour_mask,kernel,iterations = 1)

        contour_label = contour_label[np.newaxis, ...]
        return contour_label
def sobel_gradient(Im):
    Imy=nd.sobel(Im, axis=0)
    Imx=nd.sobel(Im, axis=1)
    ImMag=(Imx**2 +Imy**2)**0.5
    return ImMag, Imx, Imy
Example #19
def canny(image, high_threshold, low_threshold):
  grad_x = ndimage.sobel(image, 0)
  grad_y = ndimage.sobel(image, 1)
  grad_mag = numpy.sqrt(grad_x**2+grad_y**2)
  grad_angle = numpy.arctan2(grad_y, grad_x)
  # next, scale the angles in the range [0, 3] and then round to quantize
  quantized_angle = numpy.around(3 * (grad_angle + numpy.pi) / (numpy.pi * 2))
  # Non-maximal suppression: an edge pixel is only good if its magnitude is
  # greater than its neighbors normal to the edge direction. We quantize
  # edge direction into four angles, so we only need to look at four
  # sets of neighbors
  NE = ndimage.maximum_filter(grad_mag, footprint=_NE)
  W  = ndimage.maximum_filter(grad_mag, footprint=_W)
  NW = ndimage.maximum_filter(grad_mag, footprint=_NW)
  N  = ndimage.maximum_filter(grad_mag, footprint=_N)
  thinned = (((grad_mag > W)  & (quantized_angle == _N_d )) |
             ((grad_mag > N)  & (quantized_angle == _W_d )) |
             ((grad_mag > NW) & (quantized_angle == _NE_d)) |
             ((grad_mag > NE) & (quantized_angle == _NW_d)) )
  thinned_grad = thinned * grad_mag
  # Now, hysteresis thresholding: find seeds above a high threshold, then
  # expand out until we go below the low threshold
  high = thinned_grad > high_threshold
  low = thinned_grad > low_threshold
  canny_edges = ndimage.binary_dilation(high, structure=numpy.ones((3,3)), iterations=-1, mask=low)
  return grad_mag, thinned_grad, canny_edges
Example #20
    def make_sobel(self):
        """Find edges using the Sobel filter"""
        luminance = self.arrays['l']

        sx = ndimage.sobel(luminance, axis=0, mode='nearest')
        sy = ndimage.sobel(luminance, axis=1, mode='nearest')
        sob = numpy.hypot(sx, sy)
        return sx, sy, sob
def structure_tensor(im, radius):
    bi = ndimage.gaussian_filter(im.astype(np.float32), 1)
    imy = ndimage.sobel(bi, axis=0)
    imx = ndimage.sobel(bi, axis=1)
    Axx = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imx ** 2, radius)
    Axy = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imx * imy, radius)
    Ayy = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imy ** 2, radius)
    return Axx, Axy, Ayy
Example #22
def compute_energy(im):
    im = rgb2gray(im)
    im = im.astype('int32')
    dx = ndimage.sobel(im, 0)
    dy = ndimage.sobel(im, 1)
    mag = numpy.hypot(dx,dy)
    mag *= 255.0/numpy.max(mag)
    return mag
Example #23
 def detect_edges(self):
     sx = ndimage.sobel(self.image_raw.image, axis=0, mode='constant')
     sy = ndimage.sobel(self.image_raw.image, axis=1, mode='constant')
     image_edges = np.hypot(sx, sy)
     t = image_edges.mean()*1.4
     self.image_bw.image = image_edges
Example #24
def apply_sobel_filter(image):
    """ Apply sobel filter on an image, return the filtered object. 
        This routine roughly follows the solution provided in:
    dx = ndimage.sobel(image, 0)  # horizontal derivative
    dy = ndimage.sobel(image, 1)  # vertical derivative
    mag = numpy.hypot(dx, dy)     # magnitude
    return mag
Example #25
def sobelFunction(s):
    im = scipy.misc.imread(s)
    im = im.astype('int32')
    imagename = s[:-4]
    dx = ndimage.sobel(im, 0)  # horizontal derivative
    dy = ndimage.sobel(im, 1)  # vertical derivative
    mag = numpy.hypot(dx, dy)  # magnitude
    mag *= 255.0 / numpy.max(mag)  # normalize (Q&D)
    scipy.misc.imsave(imagename+'SobelOutput.jpg', mag)
Example #26
def TestsobHypot(rec):

    x=ndimage.sobel(abs(rec)**2,axis=0, mode='constant')
    y=ndimage.sobel(abs(rec)**2,axis=1, mode='constant')
    hype = np.hypot(x,y)
    hype = hype.mean(axis=0).mean(axis=0)

    index = hype.argmax()
    return index
Example #27
 def add_basic_transforms(self):
     rgb = [_Transform(lambda im, k=i: im[..., k]) for i in range(3)]
     laplace = [_Transform(lambda im, k=i: ndimage.filters.laplace(im)[..., k]) for i in range(3)]
     grad = [_Transform(lambda im, k=i: np.arctan2(ndimage.sobel(im[..., k], 0), ndimage.sobel(im[..., k], 1)))
             for i in range(3)] + [_Transform(
             lambda im, k=i: np.hypot(ndimage.sobel(im[..., k], 0), ndimage.sobel(im[..., k], 1))) for i in range(3)]
     # svm = Svm()
     # svm.load('svm_skin.pkl')
     # skin = [_Transform(lambda im: svm.classify_vec(im))]
     self.transform_lists += [rgb, laplace, grad]
def ExtractEdge(imdata):
    dx = ndimage.sobel(imdata.getDataBuffer(), 0)
    dy = ndimage.sobel(imdata.getDataBuffer(), 1)
    mag = np.hypot(dx, dy)
    mag = mag.astype("int32")
    mag = 255 * mag / np.max(np.max(mag))


    return imdata
def energy_image_2 (im):
    gray_img = rgb2gray(im)
    double_img = im2double(gray_img)
    dx = ndimage.sobel(im, 0)  # horizontal derivative
    dy = ndimage.sobel(im, 1)  # vertical derivative
    mag = numpy.hypot(dx, dy)  # magnitude
    mag *= 255.0 / numpy.max(mag)  # normalize (Q&D)
    scipy.misc.imsave('sobel.jpg', mag)
    #gradient_img = ndimage.filters.sobel(double_img, axis=-1, output=None, mode='reflect', cval=0.0) 
    return im2double(gradient_img)
def saveEdges(binary, name):
    Creates an image where you only see the edges of the particles.
    dilatedForSobel = binary.astype(np.int)
    dilatedForSobel[binary] = 255
    dx = ndimage.sobel(dilatedForSobel, 0)  # horizontal derivative
    dy = ndimage.sobel(dilatedForSobel, 1)  # vertical derivative
    mag = np.hypot(dx, dy)  # magnitude
    cv2.imwrite(name+"_"+_NAME_OF_EDGES_IMAGE, mag)
def sobel(file):
    sx = ndimage.sobel(file, axis=0, mode='constant')
    sy = ndimage.sobel(file, axis=1, mode='constant')
    sob = np.hypot(sx, sy)

    #es warn 235 und 250
    sob = split_histogram(sob, 50000, 80000)

    sx2 = ndimage.sobel(sob, axis=0, mode='constant')
    sy2 = ndimage.sobel(sob, axis=1, mode='constant')
    sob2 = np.hypot(sx2, sy2)

    #sob2 = split_histogram(sob2, 0, 200)

    return sob2
Example #32
def process(img):
    # processes (resize, color, crop, etc) the image  to be sent
    # to trained model for evaluation

    crop = img[tah:h, 0:(w // 3)]  # crops

    resized = cv2.resize(crop, (28, 28))  # resizes image to 28*28 pixels

    resized = ndimage.gaussian_filter(resized,
                                      0.25)  #gassian filter with sigma = 0.25
    ho = ndimage.sobel(resized, 0)  #horizontal sobel edge detection
    v = ndimage.sobel(resized, 1)  # vertical sobel edge detection
    inverted = np.hypot(ho, v)  # combine both edge detection images

    return inverted  #return processed image
Example #33
def apply_sobel_2d(img):
	Takes in the data array from a nii file and applies the Sobel gradient operator on it. Sobel gradient
	directions are binned from 0-8.
		NUMPY.NDARRAY representing the greyscale voxel values

		NUMPY.NDARRAY of the binned Sobel direction for each voxel
		NUMPY.NDARRAY of the Sobel magnitude for each voxel

    start = time.time()
    sobel_threshold = 2

    #matrices of sobel gradients in x and y directions
    dx = ndimage.sobel(img, 0)
    dy = ndimage.sobel(img, 1)

    shape = dx.shape

    sobel_magnitudes = numpy.ndarray(shape=shape)
    sobel_directions = numpy.ndarray(shape=shape)

    #for every pixel
    for x in range(shape[0]):
        for y in range(shape[1]):

            coord = tuple((x, y))
            mx = dx.item(coord)
            my = dy.item(coord)

            #calculate gradient magnitude
            mag = math.sqrt((mx**2) + (my**2))
            sobel_magnitudes.itemset(coord, mag)

            #if mag is high enough, calculate gradient bin and save it
            if mag > sobel_threshold:

                bin = bin_sobel_2d(mx, my)
                sobel_directions.itemset(coord, bin)

                sobel_directions.itemset(coord, 0)

    # print("TIME: " + str(time.time()-start))

    return sobel_directions, sobel_magnitudes
Example #34
def main():
    if not os.path.exists('results'):

    for filename in os.listdir("data"):
        for method in ["SSD", "NCC"]:
            #### using naive method on smaller .jpg images ####
            if filename.endswith(".jpg"):
                b, g, r = split_image("data/" + filename)

                # align the green and red color channels to the blue color channel
                ag, g_shift = align(g, b)
                ar, r_shift = align(r, b)

                # stack the color channels
                im_out = np.dstack([ar, ag, b])

                # save the image
                skio.imsave("results/" + str.split(filename, ".")[0] + "_" + method + "_g_" + str(g_shift) + \
                            "_r_" + str(r_shift) + ".jpg", im_out)

            #### using pyramid method on larger .tif images ####
            elif filename.endswith(".tif"):
                b, g, r = split_image("data/" + filename)

                # apply sobel edge filter (improvement is neglibile for all images other than emir.tiff)
                b_s = np.abs(sobel(b))
                g_s = np.abs(sobel(g))
                r_s = np.abs(sobel(r))

                _, g_shift = pyramid(g_s, b_s)
                _, r_shift = pyramid(r_s, b_s)

                # apply displacement shift to original color channels
                ag = np.roll(g, g_shift, (0, 1))
                ar = np.roll(r, r_shift, (0, 1))

                # stack the color channels
                im_out = np.dstack([ar, ag, b])

                # save the image
                skio.imsave("results/" + str.split(filename, ".")[0] + "_" + method + "_g_" + str(g_shift) + \
                            "_r_" + str(r_shift) + ".jpg", im_out)
    def gen_data(self, row, size=30):
        gray = self.gray_padded_image
        binar = self.bin_padded_image
        self.my_dict = {'gray_pixel_value': [], 'mean_gray_pixel_value': [], 'bin_percentage_colored': [], 'sobel_gradient': [], 'label': []}
        for r in range(30, 220):
            row_idx = r
            for c in range(230, 255):
                col_idx = c
                self.plot_frame(gray, row_idx, col_idx, size)
                self.plot_frame(binar, row_idx, col_idx, size)
                gray_window = self.gray_padded_image[row_idx:row_idx+size, col_idx:col_idx+size]
                bin_window = self.bin_padded_image[row_idx:row_idx+size, col_idx:col_idx+size]
                gray_pixel_value = gray_window[15, 15]
                bin_pixel_value = bin_window[15, 15]
                mean_pixel_value = np.mean(gray_window)
                gray_window_sobel = ndimage.sobel(gray_window, axis=0)
                colored_percentage = np.count_nonzero(bin_window==0)/(30**2)
                above_area = np.mean(gray_window_sobel[8:16, 15])
                below_area = np.mean(gray_window_sobel[16:23, 15])
                sobel_gradient = above_area - -below_area
                if bin_pixel_value == 0.0:
                    label = self.get_label()
                    self.update_dict(gray_pixel_value, mean_pixel_value, colored_percentage, sobel_gradient, label)
                    self.save_imgs(label, gray_window, bin_window, row_idx, col_idx)

        self.df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.my_dict)
    def plot_frame(self, zoom, row_index, col_index, size):
        masked_window = np.random.random((zoom.shape[0],zoom.shape[1]))
        masked_window[row_index:row_index+size, col_index:col_index+size] = 1
        masked_window = np.ma.masked_where(masked_window != 1, masked_window)

        masked_pixel = np.random.random((zoom[row_index:row_index+size, col_index:col_index+size].shape[0],zoom[row_index:row_index+size, col_index:col_index+size].shape[1]))
        masked_pixel[15,15] = 1
        masked_pixel = np.ma.masked_where(masked_pixel != 1, masked_pixel)

        masked_pixel1 = np.random.random((zoom[row_index:row_index+size, col_index:col_index+size].shape[0],zoom[row_index:row_index+size, col_index:col_index+size].shape[1]))
        masked_pixel1[8:23, 15] = 1
        masked_pixel1 = np.ma.masked_where(masked_pixel1 != 1, masked_pixel1)
        window = zoom[row_index:row_index+size, col_index:col_index+size]
        colored_percentage = np.count_nonzero(window==0)/(30**2)
        pixel_value = window[15, 15]
        window_sobel = ndimage.sobel(window, axis=0)
        above_area = np.mean(window_sobel[8:16, 15])
        below_area = np.mean(window_sobel[16:23, 15])
        sobel_value = window_sobel[15, 15]
        # Overlay the two images
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3)
        ax[0].imshow(zoom, cmap='gray')
        ax[0].imshow(masked_window, cmap='prism', interpolation='none')
        # ax[0].imshow(masked_pixel, cmap=cm.jet, interpolation='none')
        ax[0].set_title('Colored: {}'.format(round(colored_percentage, 2)))
        ax[1].imshow(window, cmap='gray')
        ax[1].imshow(masked_pixel, cmap='prism', interpolation='none')
        ax[1].set_title('Pixel Value: {}'.format(pixel_value))
        ax[2].imshow(masked_pixel1, cmap='jet')
        ax[2].imshow(masked_pixel, cmap='prism', interpolation='none')
Example #37
def showDrawing(event):
    threshold = thresholdScale.get()
    startTime = time.time()
    imageArray = np.array(dataSet[imageScale.get(), :, :])
    dimension = imageArray[0].size
    imageArray = (imageArray - imageArray.min()) / (
        imageArray.max() - imageArray.min()) * threshold / 255
    maskArray = np.array(
        file.get(list(file.items())[0][0])[imageScale.get(), ...])
    maskArray = sobel(maskArray)
    maskArray = np.sqrt(maskArray**2)
    minmaxLabel.configure(text="Min = " + str(imageArray.min()) + " Max = " +
    maskArray = (maskArray - maskArray.min()) / (maskArray.max() -
    if not applyMask.get():
        finalArray = np.rint(imageArray * 255)
        imageArray = np.rint(imageArray * 255)
        rgbArray = np.zeros((dimension, dimension, 3), 'uint8')
                 0] = imageArray + maskArray * (255 - thresholdScale.get())
        rgbArray[..., 1] = imageArray
        rgbArray[..., 2] = imageArray
        finalArray = rgbArray
    img = Image.fromarray(finalArray)
    img = img.resize((800, 800))
    img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(master=window, image=img)

    window.dontDeleteMePlease = img
    canvas.create_image(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, image=img)
    print(time.time() - startTime)
def sobel(img_array):
    image: image to convert with Sobel filter
    col = np.zeros((img_array.shape))

    for i in range(img_array.shape[0]):
        # print(i)
        img = img_array[i]
        dx = ndimage.sobel(img, 0)  # horizontal derivative
        dy = ndimage.sobel(img, 1)  # vertical derivative
        mag = np.hypot(dx, dy)  # magnitude, equivalent to sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
        mag *= 255.0 / np.max(mag)  # normalize (Q&D)
        col[i] = mag

    return col
Example #39
def harris_feature(im, region_size=5, to_return='harris', scale=0.05):
    Harris-motivated feature detection on a d-dimensional image.

        to_return : {'harris','matrix','trace-determinant'}

    ndim = im.ndim
    #1. Gradient of image
    grads = [nd.sobel(im, axis=i) for i in range(ndim)]
    #2. Corner response matrix
    matrix = np.zeros((ndim, ndim) + im.shape)
    for a in range(ndim):
        for b in range(ndim):
            matrix[a, b] = nd.filters.gaussian_filter(grads[a] * grads[b],
    if to_return == 'matrix':
        return matrix
    #3. Trace, determinant
    trc = np.trace(matrix, axis1=0, axis2=1)
    det = np.linalg.det(matrix.T).T
    if to_return == 'trace-determinant':
        return trc, det
        #4. Harris detector:
        harris = det - scale * trc * trc
        return harris
def generate_features3D(image, sigma):
    # generate range of sigmas
    sigmas = range(sigma[0], sigma[1] + 1)

    f_values = image.flatten()
    f_sobel = scp.sobel(image).flatten()

    f_gauss = np.zeros([len(image.flatten()), len(sigmas)])
    f_dog = np.zeros([len(image.flatten()), len(sigmas) - 1])

    idx = 0
    for s in range(sigma[0], sigma[1] + 1):
        # consider only Re part for gabor filter
        f_gauss[:, idx] = scp.gaussian_filter(image, s).flatten()
        if (idx != 0):
            f_dog[:, idx - 1] = f_gauss[:, idx] - f_gauss[:, idx - 1]
        idx += 1

    f_max = scp.maximum_filter(image, sigma[0]).flatten()
    f_median = scp.median_filter(image, sigma[0]).flatten() # run median only with the minimal sigma
    f_laplacian = scp.laplace(image).flatten()

    # full set of features
    f_set = np.vstack([f_values, f_max,
                       f_median, f_sobel,
                       f_gauss.T, f_dog.T,
    return f_set
Example #41
def demo(image_path, model_path, device):
    import os
    import numpy as np
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from scipy.ndimage import sobel
    from PIL import Image
    import torch
    from dextr.model import DextrModel

    if device is None:
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            device = 'cuda:0'
            device = 'cpu'

    torch_device = torch.device(device)

    # Load model
    if model_path is not None:
        # A model path was provided; load it
        dextr_model = torch.load(model_path, map_location=torch_device)
        # No model path; download (if necessary) and load a pre-trained model
        dextr_model = DextrModel.pascalvoc_resunet101().to(torch_device)


    # Load image
    if image_path is None:
        image_path = os.path.join('images', 'giraffes_1.jpg')
    image = Image.open(image_path)
    img_arr = np.array(image) / 255.0
    plt.title('Click four extreme points of the object\nHit enter when done')

    def overlay(image, colour, mask, alpha):
        alpha_img = mask * alpha
        return image * (1 - alpha_img[:, :, None]
                        ) + colour[None, None, :] * alpha_img[:, :, None]

    while True:
        # Get points from user
        extreme_points = np.array(plt.ginput(4, timeout=0))
        if len(extreme_points) < 4:
            # Less than four points; quit

        # Predict masks (points come from matplotlib in [x,y] order; this must be flipped)
        masks = dextr_model.predict([image], extreme_points[None, :, ::-1])

        mask_bin = masks[0] >= 0.5
        edges = sobel(mask_bin.astype(float)) != 0

        img_arr = overlay(img_arr, np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), mask_bin, 0.3)
        img_arr = overlay(img_arr, np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]), edges, 0.3)

        plt.plot(extreme_points[:, 0], extreme_points[:, 1], 'gx')
Example #42
def main(file1, file2):
    mat = cv2.imread(file1)
    nmat = cv2.imread(file2)
    blurmat = cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, (5, 5), 3)
    nblurmat = cv2.GaussianBlur(nmat, (25, 25), 50)
    sx = ndimage.sobel(mat, axis=0, mode='constant')
    sy = ndimage.sobel(mat, axis=1, mode='constant')
    sobel = np.hypot(sx, sy).mean()
    sx = ndimage.sobel(nmat, axis=0, mode='constant')
    sy = ndimage.sobel(nmat, axis=1, mode='constant')
    sobel = np.hypot(sx, sy).mean()
    cv2.imshow("", blurmat)
    cv2.imshow("n", nblurmat)
def featArray(data, timesObs):
    freqs1 = n.linspace(100, 200, n.shape(data)[1])
    sh = n.shape(data)
    CW1mean = n.zeros_like(data)
    for i in range(CW1mean.shape[1]):
        CW1 = cwt(n.abs(data[:, i]), haar, n.arange(1, 10, 1))
        CW1 = n.ma.masked_where(CW1 == 0, CW1)
        CW1mean[:, i] = n.ma.mean(n.abs(CW1), 0)

    CT1mean = n.zeros_like(data)
    for j in range(CW1mean.shape[0]):
        CT1 = cwt(data[j, :], signal.morlet, n.arange(1, 3, 1))
        CT1 = n.ma.masked_where(CT1 == 0, CT1)
        CT1mean[j, :] = n.mean(n.abs(CT1), 0)
    processed = ndimage.sobel(n.abs(data))
    X1 = n.zeros((sh[0] * sh[1], 5))
    X1[:, 0] = (n.real(data)).reshape(sh[0] * sh[1])
    X1[:, 1] = (n.imag(data)).reshape(sh[0] * sh[1])
    #X1[:,2] = n.abs(CW1mean).reshape(sh[0]*sh[1])
    X1[:, 2] = n.abs(CT1mean).reshape(sh[0] * sh[1])
    #    X1[:,2] = n.log10(n.abs(processed)).reshape(sh[0]*sh[1])
    X1[:, 3] = (n.array([timesObs] * sh[1])).reshape(sh[0] * sh[1])
    X1[:, 4] = (n.array([freqs1] * sh[0])).reshape(sh[0] * sh[1])
    X1 = n.nan_to_num(X1)
    #    for m in range(n.shape(X1)[1]):
    #        X1[:,m] = X1[:,m]/X1[:,m].max()
    X1 = normalize(X1, norm='l2', axis=1)
    X1 = n.nan_to_num(X1)
    return X1
Example #44
def _compute_derivatives(image, mode='constant', cval=0):
    """Compute derivatives in axis directions using the Sobel operator.

    image : ndarray
        Input image.
    mode : {'constant', 'reflect', 'wrap', 'nearest', 'mirror'}, optional
        How to handle values outside the image borders.
    cval : float, optional
        Used in conjunction with mode 'constant', the value outside
        the image boundaries.

    derivatives : list of ndarray
        Derivatives in each axis direction.


    derivatives = [
        ndi.sobel(image, axis=i, mode=mode, cval=cval)
        for i in range(image.ndim)

    return derivatives
Example #45
 def func_write_gradmag_img(imf, fout):
   im_dy = ndimage.sobel(imf, 0)
   im_dx = ndimage.sobel(imf, 1)
   mmin = np.minimum(np.min(im_dy), np.min(im_dx))
   im_dy -= mmin
   im_dx -= mmin
   mmax = np.maximum(np.max(im_dy), np.max(im_dx))
   im_dy = (im_dy / mmax)*255.0
   im_dx = (im_dx / mmax)*255.0
   im_dmag = np.sqrt(im_dx**2 + im_dy**2)
   im_dmag -= np.min(im_dmag)
   im_dmag = (im_dmag / np.max(im_dmag) )*255
   im_d = np.stack((im_dmag, im_dx, im_dy), axis=2)
   im_d = im_d.astype(np.uint8)
   plt.imsave(fout, im_d)
Example #46
def createPoints_sober(image1):

    Ix = ndimage.sobel(image1, 0)  # pre-calculate the derivatives
    Iy = ndimage.sobel(image1, 1)
    Iz = ndimage.sobel(image1, 2)
    Ix2 = Ix * Ix
    Iy2 = Iy * Iy
    Iz2 = Iz * Iz
    Ixy = Ix * Iy
    Ixz = Ix * Iz
    Iyz = Iy * Iz
    k = 0.06
    I_feature = (Ix2 * Iy2 * Iz2 + Ixy * Iyz * Ixz + Ixy * Iyz * Ixz -
                 Ixy * Ixy * Iz2 - Iyz * Iyz * Ix2 -
                 Ixz * Ixz * Iy2) - k * (Ix2 + Iy2 + Iz2)**3
    return I_feature
Example #47
def sample_points(im, step, mask=None, maxiter=20):

    shape = np.asarray(im.shape, dtype=int)
    steps = np.ones(im.ndim, dtype=int) * step

    ## make regular grid
    grid = np.zeros(shape)
    grid[::steps[0], ::steps[1], ::steps[2]] = 1

    if mask is not None:
        grid = grid * mask

    points0 = np.argwhere(grid)
    points = points0

    ## move points
    fim = ndimage.gaussian_filter(im.astype(float), sigma=1.0)
    emap = np.sqrt(
        np.sum([ndimage.sobel(fim, axis=d)**2 for d in range(im.ndim)],
    gradient = np.asarray(np.gradient(emap)).astype(float)
    for i in range(np.max(steps) / 2):
        axes = i < (steps / 2)
        if i >= maxiter: break
        dp = gradient[(slice(None), ) + tuple(points.T)].T
        dp = dp / np.c_[np.maximum(np.max(np.abs(dp), axis=1), 1e-10)]
        dp = (dp + 0.5 * (-1)**(dp < 0)).astype(int)

        for axe in np.where(axes)[0]:
            points[:, axe] = (points - dp)[:, axe]
        points = points[np.all(points > 0, axis=1)
                        & np.all(points < shape, axis=1)]

    return points
    def edge_filters(self):
        ''' Plot five edge-filters (kernels) in grayscale

        self.gray = rgb2gray(self.im)

        self.edges = {
            'Original': self.im,
            'Grayscale': self.gray,
            'Sobel': ndimage.sobel(self.gray),
            'Prewitt': ndimage.prewitt(self.gray),
            'Laplacian': ndimage.laplace(self.gray, mode='reflect'),
            'LoG': ndimage.gaussian_laplace(self.gray, sigma=1, mode='reflect')

        fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(18, 10))
        axs = iter(axes.ravel())

        for name, edge in self.edges.items():
            ax = next(axs)
            ax.imshow(edge, cmap='gray')


        plt.savefig('.'.join(FNAME.split('.')[:-1]) + '_processed.png')
Example #49
def suction_cam_callback(image):
    assert image.encoding == 'bgra8'
    raw = np.fromstring(image.data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(
        (image.height, image.width, 4))
    colorized = np.stack((raw[:, :, 2], raw[:, :, 1], raw[:, :, 0]), axis=2)
    grayscale = rgb_to_grayscale(raw[:, :, 2], raw[:, :, 1],
                                 raw[:, :, 0]).astype(np.uint8)
    blurred = signal.fftconvolve(grayscale, GAUSSIAN_KERNEL, mode='same')
    edges = ndimage.sobel(blurred)

    dev_mean = np.mean(edges)
    dev_bitmap = 1 - (np.abs(edges - dev_mean) > 10 * dev_mean).astype(np.int)

    gray_mean = np.mean(grayscale)
    gray_bitmap = ((grayscale - gray_mean) > 3 * gray_mean).astype(np.int)

    combined_bitmap = dev_bitmap / dev_bitmap.max(
    ) + 2 * gray_bitmap / gray_bitmap.max()

    # saturated = np.minimum(0.97*256, np.maximum(0.03*256, blurred)) # - 0.05*256)/0.9

    # b, a = signal.butter(2, 0.001, 'highpass')
    # deglared = signal.lfilter(b, a, grayscale)
    # deglared = grayscale

    # processed = blurred

    global SHOWN
    if not SHOWN:
        SHOWN = True
        # plt.imshow(colorized)
        plt.imshow(combined_bitmap, cmap='gray')
Example #50
    def sobel_filter_image(self):

        image = misc.fromimage(self._new_image)
        image = image.astype('int32')
        dx = ndimage.sobel(image, 1)  # horizontal derivative
        dy = ndimage.sobel(image, 0)  # vertical derivative
        mag = np.hypot(dx, dy)  # magnitude
        mag *= 255.0 / np.max(mag)  # normalize (Q&D)

        print(222222, mag)

        self._new_image = Image.fromarray(mag)

        self._view.update_ui(self._initial_image, self._new_image)
    def sobel(self):
        Performs the sobel operator in x and y direction and combines the
        output. The output is normalized by using contrast_stretch.

        gray = ImageUtils.rgb2grey_fixed(self.image_array) / 255

        sobel_x = ndimage.sobel(gray, 0)
        sobel_y = ndimage.sobel(gray, 1)
        sobel_xy = numpy.hypot(sobel_x, sobel_y)
        sobel_xy = ImageUtils.normalize_intensity_p298(sobel_xy)
        # sobel_xy *= (255 / sobel_xy.max())
        sobel_xy = ImageUtils.rgb2grey_fixed(sobel_xy)

        self._update_image_data(sobel_xy, "Sobel edge-detection")
Example #52
def genSimpleFeatures(volume):
    return [
    ] + \
      genBlurSharpen(volume, 2.0) + \
      genBlurSharpen(volume, 5.0)
Example #53
def _get_frame_entropy((i, capture, sobelized)):
    frame = capture.get_frame(i, True).astype('float')
    if sobelized:
        frame = ndimage.median_filter(frame, 3)

        dx = ndimage.sobel(frame, 0)  # horizontal derivative
        dy = ndimage.sobel(frame, 1)  # vertical derivative
        frame = numpy.hypot(dx, dy)  # magnitude
        frame *= 255.0 / numpy.max(frame)  # normalize (Q&D)

    histogram = numpy.histogram(frame, bins=256)[0]
    histogram_length = sum(histogram)
    samples_probability = [float(h) / histogram_length for h in histogram]
    entropy = -sum([p * math.log(p, 2) for p in samples_probability if p != 0])

    return entropy
Example #54
    def run(self, ips, snap, img, para=None):
        imgs = ips.imgs
        gradient = np.zeros(imgs.shape, dtype=np.float32)
        gradient += ndimg.sobel(imgs, axis=0, output=np.float32)**2
        gradient += ndimg.sobel(imgs, axis=1, output=np.float32)**2
        gradient += ndimg.sobel(imgs, axis=2, output=np.float32)**2
        gradient **= 0.5

        msk = np.zeros(imgs.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        msk[imgs > para['thr2']] = 1
        msk[imgs < para['thr1']] = 2

        #rst = watershed(gradient, msk)
        rst = watershed(gradient, msk.astype(np.uint16))
        imgs[:] = (rst == 1) * 255
        ips.lut = self.buflut
Example #55
 def scrub(self, size=30):
     gray = self.gray_image
     binar = self.bin_image
     visit_list = np.argwhere(gray <= (self.whitespace - 5))
     last_3 = [-1, -1, -1]
     # self.save_fig(os.path.join(RESULTS_DIRECTORY, '{}_before.png'.format(self.figname)))
     for x in visit_list:
         i = x[0] - 15
         j = x[1] - 15
         print(i, j)
         # self.plot_frame(gray, i, j, size)
         # self.plot_frame(binar, i, j, size)
         # plt.show()
         gray_window = gray[i:i + size, j:j + size]
         bin_window = binar[i:i + size, j:j + size]
         gray_window_sobel = ndimage.sobel(gray_window, axis=0)
         mean_pixel_value = np.mean(gray_window)
         gray_pixel_value = gray_window[15, 15]
         colored_percentage = np.count_nonzero(bin_window == 0) / (30**2)
         above_area = np.mean(gray_window_sobel[8:16, 15])
         below_area = np.mean(gray_window_sobel[16:23, 15])
         sobel_gradient = above_area - -below_area
         # print('Pix Val: {}, Mean Pix Val: {}, Bin Colored: {}, Sobel Gradient: {}, Last 3: {}'.format(gray_pixel_value, mean_pixel_value, colored_percentage, sobel_gradient, last_3))
         prediction = self.predict(gray_pixel_value, mean_pixel_value,
                                   colored_percentage, sobel_gradient,
         self.alter_image(i, j, prediction)
         last_3.insert(0, prediction)
Example #56
    def paintLayer(self, ref_img, radius):
        S = []
        self.cur_nparray = self.Surface2array(self.canvas)
        self.ref_nparray = self.Image2array(ref_img)
        D = self.img_diff(self.cur_nparray, self.ref_nparray)
        grid = int(self.style.grid_size * radius)

        width = self.canvas.get_width() // grid * grid
        height = self.canvas.get_height() // grid * grid

        ref_l = self.Image2array(ref_img.convert(mode='I'))
        self.gradient_x = ndimage.sobel(ref_l, 0)
        self.gradient_y = ndimage.sobel(ref_l, 1)

        cnt = 0
        for x in range(0, width, grid):
            for y in range(0, height, grid):
                M = D[x:x + grid, y:y + grid]
                areaError = M.sum() / (grid * grid)
                if areaError > self.style.threshold:
                    cnt += 1
                    x1, y1 = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(M), M.shape)
                    s = self.makeSplineStroke(x1 + x, y1 + y, radius)

        print("radius=%d : stroke %d" % (radius, cnt))

        for s in S:
                        2 * radius, 2 * radius)))
            stroke_color = self.ref_nparray[s[0]] / 255
            self.context.set_source_rgb(stroke_color[0], stroke_color[1],

            self.context.move_to(s[0][0] / self.canvas.get_width(),
                                 s[0][1] / self.canvas.get_height())
            for i in range(1, len(s)):
                self.context.line_to(s[i][0] / self.canvas.get_width(),
                                     s[i][1] / self.canvas.get_height())
                self.context.move_to(s[i][0] / self.canvas.get_width(),
                                     s[i][1] / self.canvas.get_height())

Example #57
def single_scale_align_edge(img0, img1, offset):
    """Single scale aligns two images using edge detection
    Similar to single_scale_align(), but also runs an edge detection
    filter on top of the image before the search starts.
    Aligns img1 to img0, which acts like the anchor. 
    We exhaustively search over a window of possible displacements given
    by the offset (e.g. [-15,15] pixels), then score each offset image
    using some image matching metric (the sum of squared distances) and
    finally choose the displacement with the best score.
        img0: Anchor image to be aligned to
        img1: Image to be aligned
        offset: List of two offset ranges. First is for green, second
        is for red. Each offset range contains a x range first, then a
        y range
        A single aligned img and the alignment array, which contains
        alignemtn of green (index 0) and alignement of red (index 1)
    min_score = float("inf")
    final_offset = []

    # Edge detection
    edge_sobel_0 = ndimage.sobel(img0, 1)  # horizontal derivative
    edge_sobel_1 = ndimage.sobel(img1, 1)  # horizontal derivative
    array0 = np.array(edge_sobel_0)

    # imshow(img1)
    imshow(concat_n_images([img0, edge_sobel_0, img1, edge_sobel_1]))

    for x in range(offset[0][0], offset[0][1]):
        for y in range(offset[1][0], offset[1][1]):
            roll = np.roll(np.roll(edge_sobel_1, y, axis=0), x, axis=1)
            score = np.sum(np.power(array0 - np.array(roll), 2))

            if min_score >= score:
                min_score = score
                final_offset = (x, y)

    aligned = np.roll(np.roll(img1, final_offset[1], 0), final_offset[0], 1)

    #print("edge align offset", final_offset)

    return (aligned, final_offset)
def LucasKanade(It, It1, rect, p0=np.zeros(2)):
    # Input:
    #	It: template image
    #	It1: Current image
    #	rect: Current position of the car
    #	(top left, bot right coordinates)
    #	p0: Initial movement vector [dp_x0, dp_y0]
    # Output:
    #	p: movement vector [dp_x, dp_y]

    # Put your implementation here
    dp = np.array([100.0, 100.0])

    p = p0
    converge = False

    while (converge == False):

        # Warp the image and compute error
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]
        p_x, p_y = p[0], p[1]
        w = shift(It1, (p_y, p_x), It1.dtype)
        It_w = w[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1]
        er = It_w - It
        er = er.flatten()

        # 3) Compute the gradient and warp them, then demarcate the border
        dx = ndimage.sobel(It1, 1)  # horizontal derivative
        dy = ndimage.sobel(It1, 0)  # vertical derivative
        w_dx = shift(dx, (p_y, p_x), It1.dtype)
        It_dx = w_dx[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1]
        It_dx = It_dx.flatten()
        w_dy = shift(dy, (p_y, p_x), It1.dtype)
        It_dy = w_dy[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1]
        It_dy = It_dy.flatten()
        vstack = np.vstack((It_dx, It_dy))
        er_dec = np.matmul(vstack, er)  # Error of steepest descent

        # Compute hessian and find delta p (dp)
        l_mag = np.matmul(vstack.T, np.eye(2))
        Hessian = np.matmul(l_mag.T, l_mag)
        dp = np.matmul(inv(Hessian), er_dec)
        p = dp + p

        if (np.linalg.norm(dp) < 0.01):
            converge = True
    return p
def principal_curvature(image):
    rows, cols = image.shape
    gx = ndimage.sobel(image, axis=0, mode='constant')
    gy = ndimage.sobel(image, axis=1, mode='constant')

    gxx = ndimage.sobel(gx, axis=0, mode='constant')
    gxy = ndimage.sobel(gx, axis=1, mode='constant')  # same as gyx

    gyy = ndimage.sobel(gy, axis=1, mode='constant')

    lamdaplus = np.zeros(image.shape)

    for i in range(rows):
        for j in range(cols):
            lamdaplus[i, j] = lamdafind([gxx[i, j], gxy[i, j], gxy[i, j], gyy[i, j]])

    return img_as_float(lamdaplus)
Example #60
def Wateredge(Water, cellsize, buffer):
    # Lets use a sobel filter to find the water edges
    sx = ndimage.sobel(Water, axis=0, mode='constant')
    sy = ndimage.sobel(Water, axis=1, mode='constant')
    sob = np.hypot(sx, sy)
    borders = sob >= 1

    # Use 2D convolution to create a buffer around the water edges
    # first calculate number of cells needed for buffer based on cell size and desired buffer (20m)
    buf = int(buffer / cellsize)
    kernel = np.ones((buf, buf))

    result = np.int64(convolve2d(borders, kernel, mode='same') > 0)
    # Delete the water part so only the riperian zone is left
    riparian = result - Water

    return riparian