Example #1
def _convertBounds(bounds):
    if bounds is None:
        raise ValueError('bounds need to be defined')
    if isinstance(bounds, Bounds):
        limits = np.array(new_bounds_to_old(bounds.lb, bounds.ub,
        limits = np.array(bounds, dtype='float').T
    if (np.size(limits, 0) != 2 or not np.all(np.isfinite(limits))):
        raise ValueError('bounds should be a sequence containing '
                         'real valued (min, max) pairs for each value'
                         ' in x')
    return limits[0], limits[1]
Example #2
def test_new_bounds_to_old():
    lb = np.array([-np.inf, 2, 3])
    ub = np.array([3, np.inf, 10])

    bounds = [(None, 3), (2, None), (3, 10)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(lb, ub, 3), bounds)

    bounds_single_lb = [(-1, 3), (-1, None), (-1, 10)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(-1, ub, 3), bounds_single_lb)

    bounds_no_lb = [(None, 3), (None, None), (None, 10)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(-np.inf, ub, 3), bounds_no_lb)

    bounds_single_ub = [(None, 20), (2, 20), (3, 20)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(lb, 20, 3), bounds_single_ub)

    bounds_no_ub = [(None, None), (2, None), (3, None)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(lb, np.inf, 3), bounds_no_ub)

    bounds_single_both = [(1, 2), (1, 2), (1, 2)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(1, 2, 3), bounds_single_both)

    bounds_no_both = [(None, None), (None, None), (None, None)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(-np.inf, np.inf, 3), bounds_no_both)
def test_new_bounds_to_old():
    lb = np.array([-np.inf, 2, 3])
    ub = np.array([3, np.inf, 10])

    bounds = [(None, 3), (2, None), (3, 10)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(lb, ub, 3), bounds)

    bounds_single_lb = [(-1, 3), (-1, None), (-1, 10)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(-1, ub, 3), bounds_single_lb)

    bounds_no_lb = [(None, 3), (None, None), (None, 10)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(-np.inf, ub, 3), bounds_no_lb)

    bounds_single_ub = [(None, 20), (2, 20), (3, 20)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(lb, 20, 3), bounds_single_ub)

    bounds_no_ub = [(None, None), (2, None), (3, None)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(lb, np.inf, 3), bounds_no_ub)

    bounds_single_both = [(1, 2), (1, 2), (1, 2)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(1, 2, 3), bounds_single_both)

    bounds_no_both = [(None, None), (None, None), (None, None)]
    assert_array_equal(new_bounds_to_old(-np.inf, np.inf, 3), bounds_no_both)
Example #4
def dual_annealing(func,
    Find the global minimum of a function using Dual Annealing.

    func : callable
        The objective function to be minimized. Must be in the form
        ``f(x, *args)``, where ``x`` is the argument in the form of a 1-D array
        and ``args`` is a  tuple of any additional fixed parameters needed to
        completely specify the function.
    bounds : sequence or `Bounds`
        Bounds for variables. There are two ways to specify the bounds:

        1. Instance of `Bounds` class.
        2. Sequence of ``(min, max)`` pairs for each element in `x`.

    args : tuple, optional
        Any additional fixed parameters needed to completely specify the
        objective function.
    maxiter : int, optional
        The maximum number of global search iterations. Default value is 1000.
    minimizer_kwargs : dict, optional
        Extra keyword arguments to be passed to the local minimizer
        (`minimize`). Some important options could be:
        ``method`` for the minimizer method to use and ``args`` for
        objective function additional arguments.
    initial_temp : float, optional
        The initial temperature, use higher values to facilitates a wider
        search of the energy landscape, allowing dual_annealing to escape
        local minima that it is trapped in. Default value is 5230. Range is
        (0.01, 5.e4].
    restart_temp_ratio : float, optional
        During the annealing process, temperature is decreasing, when it
        reaches ``initial_temp * restart_temp_ratio``, the reannealing process
        is triggered. Default value of the ratio is 2e-5. Range is (0, 1).
    visit : float, optional
        Parameter for visiting distribution. Default value is 2.62. Higher
        values give the visiting distribution a heavier tail, this makes
        the algorithm jump to a more distant region. The value range is (1, 3].
    accept : float, optional
        Parameter for acceptance distribution. It is used to control the
        probability of acceptance. The lower the acceptance parameter, the
        smaller the probability of acceptance. Default value is -5.0 with
        a range (-1e4, -5].
    maxfun : int, optional
        Soft limit for the number of objective function calls. If the
        algorithm is in the middle of a local search, this number will be
        exceeded, the algorithm will stop just after the local search is
        done. Default value is 1e7.
    seed : {None, int, `numpy.random.Generator`,
            `numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional

        If `seed` is None (or `np.random`), the `numpy.random.RandomState`
        singleton is used.
        If `seed` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used,
        seeded with `seed`.
        If `seed` is already a ``Generator`` or ``RandomState`` instance then
        that instance is used.
        Specify `seed` for repeatable minimizations. The random numbers
        generated with this seed only affect the visiting distribution function
        and new coordinates generation.
    no_local_search : bool, optional
        If `no_local_search` is set to True, a traditional Generalized
        Simulated Annealing will be performed with no local search
        strategy applied.
    callback : callable, optional
        A callback function with signature ``callback(x, f, context)``,
        which will be called for all minima found.
        ``x`` and ``f`` are the coordinates and function value of the
        latest minimum found, and ``context`` has value in [0, 1, 2], with the
        following meaning:

            - 0: minimum detected in the annealing process.
            - 1: detection occurred in the local search process.
            - 2: detection done in the dual annealing process.

        If the callback implementation returns True, the algorithm will stop.
    x0 : ndarray, shape(n,), optional
        Coordinates of a single N-D starting point.
    local_search_options : dict, optional
        Backwards compatible flag for `minimizer_kwargs`, only one of these
        should be supplied.

    res : OptimizeResult
        The optimization result represented as a `OptimizeResult` object.
        Important attributes are: ``x`` the solution array, ``fun`` the value
        of the function at the solution, and ``message`` which describes the
        cause of the termination.
        See `OptimizeResult` for a description of other attributes.

    This function implements the Dual Annealing optimization. This stochastic
    approach derived from [3]_ combines the generalization of CSA (Classical
    Simulated Annealing) and FSA (Fast Simulated Annealing) [1]_ [2]_ coupled
    to a strategy for applying a local search on accepted locations [4]_.
    An alternative implementation of this same algorithm is described in [5]_
    and benchmarks are presented in [6]_. This approach introduces an advanced
    method to refine the solution found by the generalized annealing
    process. This algorithm uses a distorted Cauchy-Lorentz visiting
    distribution, with its shape controlled by the parameter :math:`q_{v}`

    .. math::

        g_{q_{v}}(\\Delta x(t)) \\propto \\frac{ \\
        \\left[T_{q_{v}}(t) \\right]^{-\\frac{D}{3-q_{v}}}}{ \\
        \\left[{1+(q_{v}-1)\\frac{(\\Delta x(t))^{2}} { \\
        \\left[T_{q_{v}}(t)\\right]^{\\frac{2}{3-q_{v}}}}}\\right]^{ \\

    Where :math:`t` is the artificial time. This visiting distribution is used
    to generate a trial jump distance :math:`\\Delta x(t)` of variable
    :math:`x(t)` under artificial temperature :math:`T_{q_{v}}(t)`.

    From the starting point, after calling the visiting distribution
    function, the acceptance probability is computed as follows:

    .. math::

        p_{q_{a}} = \\min{\\{1,\\left[1-(1-q_{a}) \\beta \\Delta E \\right]^{ \\

    Where :math:`q_{a}` is a acceptance parameter. For :math:`q_{a}<1`, zero
    acceptance probability is assigned to the cases where

    .. math::

        [1-(1-q_{a}) \\beta \\Delta E] < 0

    The artificial temperature :math:`T_{q_{v}}(t)` is decreased according to

    .. math::

        T_{q_{v}}(t) = T_{q_{v}}(1) \\frac{2^{q_{v}-1}-1}{\\left( \\
        1 + t\\right)^{q_{v}-1}-1}

    Where :math:`q_{v}` is the visiting parameter.

    .. versionadded:: 1.2.0

    .. [1] Tsallis C. Possible generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs
        statistics. Journal of Statistical Physics, 52, 479-487 (1998).
    .. [2] Tsallis C, Stariolo DA. Generalized Simulated Annealing.
        Physica A, 233, 395-406 (1996).
    .. [3] Xiang Y, Sun DY, Fan W, Gong XG. Generalized Simulated
        Annealing Algorithm and Its Application to the Thomson Model.
        Physics Letters A, 233, 216-220 (1997).
    .. [4] Xiang Y, Gong XG. Efficiency of Generalized Simulated
        Annealing. Physical Review E, 62, 4473 (2000).
    .. [5] Xiang Y, Gubian S, Suomela B, Hoeng J. Generalized
        Simulated Annealing for Efficient Global Optimization: the GenSA
        Package for R. The R Journal, Volume 5/1 (2013).
    .. [6] Mullen, K. Continuous Global Optimization in R. Journal of
        Statistical Software, 60(6), 1 - 45, (2014).

    The following example is a 10-D problem, with many local minima.
    The function involved is called Rastrigin

    >>> from scipy.optimize import dual_annealing
    >>> func = lambda x: np.sum(x*x - 10*np.cos(2*np.pi*x)) + 10*np.size(x)
    >>> lw = [-5.12] * 10
    >>> up = [5.12] * 10
    >>> ret = dual_annealing(func, bounds=list(zip(lw, up)))
    >>> ret.x
    array([-4.26437714e-09, -3.91699361e-09, -1.86149218e-09, -3.97165720e-09,
           -6.29151648e-09, -6.53145322e-09, -3.93616815e-09, -6.55623025e-09,
           -6.05775280e-09, -5.00668935e-09]) # random
    >>> ret.fun


    if isinstance(bounds, Bounds):
        bounds = new_bounds_to_old(bounds.lb, bounds.ub, len(bounds.lb))

    # noqa: E501
    if x0 is not None and not len(x0) == len(bounds):
        raise ValueError('Bounds size does not match x0')

    lu = list(zip(*bounds))
    lower = np.array(lu[0])
    upper = np.array(lu[1])
    # Check that restart temperature ratio is correct
    if restart_temp_ratio <= 0. or restart_temp_ratio >= 1.:
        raise ValueError('Restart temperature ratio has to be in range (0, 1)')
    # Checking bounds are valid
    if (np.any(np.isinf(lower)) or np.any(np.isinf(upper))
            or np.any(np.isnan(lower)) or np.any(np.isnan(upper))):
        raise ValueError('Some bounds values are inf values or nan values')
    # Checking that bounds are consistent
    if not np.all(lower < upper):
        raise ValueError('Bounds are not consistent min < max')
    # Checking that bounds are the same length
    if not len(lower) == len(upper):
        raise ValueError('Bounds do not have the same dimensions')

    # Wrapper for the objective function
    func_wrapper = ObjectiveFunWrapper(func, maxfun, *args)
    # Wrapper for the minimizer
    if local_search_options and minimizer_kwargs:
        raise ValueError(
            "dual_annealing only allows either 'minimizer_kwargs' (preferred) or "
            "'local_search_options' (deprecated); not both!")
    if local_search_options is not None:
            "dual_annealing argument 'local_search_options' is "
            "deprecated in favor of 'minimizer_kwargs'",
        minimizer_kwargs = local_search_options

    # minimizer_kwargs has to be a dict, not None
    minimizer_kwargs = minimizer_kwargs or {}

    minimizer_wrapper = LocalSearchWrapper(bounds, func_wrapper,

    # Initialization of random Generator for reproducible runs if seed provided
    rand_state = check_random_state(seed)
    # Initialization of the energy state
    energy_state = EnergyState(lower, upper, callback)
    energy_state.reset(func_wrapper, rand_state, x0)
    # Minimum value of annealing temperature reached to perform
    # re-annealing
    temperature_restart = initial_temp * restart_temp_ratio
    # VisitingDistribution instance
    visit_dist = VisitingDistribution(lower, upper, visit, rand_state)
    # Strategy chain instance
    strategy_chain = StrategyChain(accept, visit_dist, func_wrapper,
                                   minimizer_wrapper, rand_state, energy_state)
    need_to_stop = False
    iteration = 0
    message = []
    # OptimizeResult object to be returned
    optimize_res = OptimizeResult()
    optimize_res.success = True
    optimize_res.status = 0

    t1 = np.exp((visit - 1) * np.log(2.0)) - 1.0
    # Run the search loop
    while (not need_to_stop):
        for i in range(maxiter):
            # Compute temperature for this step
            s = float(i) + 2.0
            t2 = np.exp((visit - 1) * np.log(s)) - 1.0
            temperature = initial_temp * t1 / t2
            if iteration >= maxiter:
                message.append("Maximum number of iteration reached")
                need_to_stop = True
            # Need a re-annealing process?
            if temperature < temperature_restart:
                energy_state.reset(func_wrapper, rand_state)
            # starting strategy chain
            val = strategy_chain.run(i, temperature)
            if val is not None:
                need_to_stop = True
                optimize_res.success = False
            # Possible local search at the end of the strategy chain
            if not no_local_search:
                val = strategy_chain.local_search()
                if val is not None:
                    need_to_stop = True
                    optimize_res.success = False
            iteration += 1

    # Setting the OptimizeResult values
    optimize_res.x = energy_state.xbest
    optimize_res.fun = energy_state.ebest
    optimize_res.nit = iteration
    optimize_res.nfev = func_wrapper.nfev
    optimize_res.njev = func_wrapper.ngev
    optimize_res.nhev = func_wrapper.nhev
    optimize_res.message = message
    return optimize_res
    def __init__(self, func, bounds, config, args=(), strategy='best1bin',
                 maxiter=1000, popsize=15, tol=0.01, mutation=(0.5, 1),
                 recombination=0.7, seed=None, maxfun=np.inf, callback=None,
                 disp=False, polish=True, init='latinhypercube', atol=0,
                 updating='immediate', workers=1):
        self.config = config
        if strategy in self._binomial:
            self.mutation_func = getattr(self, self._binomial[strategy])
        elif strategy in self._exponential:
            self.mutation_func = getattr(self, self._exponential[strategy])
            raise ValueError("Please select a valid mutation strategy")
        self.strategy = strategy

        self.callback = callback
        self.polish = polish

        # set the updating / parallelisation options
        if updating in ['immediate', 'deferred']:
            self._updating = updating

        # want to use parallelisation, but updating is immediate
        if workers != 1 and updating == 'immediate':
            warnings.warn("differential_evolution: the 'workers' keyword has"
                          " overridden updating='immediate' to"
                          " updating='deferred'", UserWarning)
            self._updating = 'deferred'

        # an object with a map method.
        self._mapwrapper = MapWrapper(workers)

        # relative and absolute tolerances for convergence
        self.tol, self.atol = tol, atol

        # Mutation constant should be in [0, 2). If specified as a sequence
        # then dithering is performed.
        self.scale = mutation
        if (not np.all(np.isfinite(mutation)) or
                np.any(np.array(mutation) >= 2) or
                np.any(np.array(mutation) < 0)):
            raise ValueError('The mutation constant must be a float in '
                             'U[0, 2), or specified as a tuple(min, max)'
                             ' where min < max and min, max are in U[0, 2).')

        self.dither = None
        if hasattr(mutation, '__iter__') and len(mutation) > 1:
            self.dither = [mutation[0], mutation[1]]

        self.cross_over_probability = recombination

        # we create a wrapped function to allow the use of map (and Pool.map
        # in the future)
        self.func = _FunctionWrapper(func, args)
        self.args = args

        # convert tuple of lower and upper bounds to limits
        # [(low_0, high_0), ..., (low_n, high_n]
        #     -> [[low_0, ..., low_n], [high_0, ..., high_n]]
        if isinstance(bounds, Bounds):
            self.limits = np.array(new_bounds_to_old(bounds.lb,
            self.limits = np.array(bounds, dtype='float').T

        if (np.size(self.limits, 0) != 2 or not
            raise ValueError('bounds should be a sequence containing '
                             'real valued (min, max) pairs for each value'
                             ' in x')

        if maxiter is None:  # the default used to be None
            maxiter = 1000
        self.maxiter = maxiter
        if maxfun is None:  # the default used to be None
            maxfun = np.inf
        self.maxfun = maxfun

        # population is scaled to between [0, 1].
        # We have to scale between parameter <-> population
        # save these arguments for _scale_parameter and
        # _unscale_parameter. This is an optimization
        self.__scale_arg1 = 0.5 * (self.limits[0] + self.limits[1])
        self.__scale_arg2 = np.fabs(self.limits[0] - self.limits[1])

        self.parameter_count = np.size(self.limits, 1)

        self.random_number_generator = check_random_state(seed)

        # default population initialization is a latin hypercube design, but
        # there are other population initializations possible.
        # the minimum is 5 because 'best2bin' requires a population that's at
        # least 5 long
        self.num_population_members = max(5, popsize * self.parameter_count)

        self.population_shape = (self.num_population_members,

        self._nfev = 0
        if isinstance(init, string_types):
            if init == 'latinhypercube':
            elif init == 'random':
                raise ValueError(self.__init_error_msg)

        self.disp = disp
        self.fx_history = []
        self.x_best_history = np.zeros((self.maxiter, self.parameter_count))