Example #1
def get_intersection_point(buy_x_list, buy_y_list, sell_x_list, sell_y_list, time=None):
    #calculate intersection point
    f_buy = lambda x: interp(x, buy_x_list, buy_y_list)
    f_sell = lambda x: interp(x, sell_x_list, sell_y_list)
    intersect_x = fsolve(lambda x : f_sell(x) - f_buy(x), 10000)
    return intersect_x, f_buy(intersect_x)
Example #2
def fit_data(file_name,
             out_dir=os.environ['OBER'] + '/doc/qc'):
    '''Fit a curve QC data and calculate a cutoff.'''

    # Load data
    data = np.loadtxt(file_name, skiprows=1, usecols=usecols, dtype=float)
    r, n, c = data[::2, 0], data[::2, 1], data[::2, 2]
    has_data = (n > 0)
    r, n, c = r[has_data], n[has_data], c[has_data]
    r = 1.0 - r / r[-1]  # Convert no call count to call rate

    # Fit model
    f, p = fit_curve(r, n, c)
    g = lambda x: model(x, *p) - threshold
    cutoff = fsolve(g, 0.5)

    # Generate plot
    plot_data_and_model(r, c, f, cutoff, title)
    P.savefig('%s/%s.png' % (out_dir, out_name))

    if cutoff >= 1:
        print '%-40s: don\'t use at all' % (title, )
        print '%-40s: %.2f   mean %.3f' % (title, cutoff, 1 - np.mean(c))
    return r, n, c
Example #3
def focus_to_grating(x,y,z,xv,yv,zv,ga=ga,gb=gb,grating_r0=grating_r0,grating_z0=grating_z0,torus=torus,toroid_c=toroid_c):
    Returns the time a vector must travel from the focal point to hit the grating
    Done by solving xfoc+xv*t = xg for all 3 positional arguments and the equation
    of the (spherical or toroidal) grating

    if torus:
        def fz(t):
            return (toroid_c + toroid_pm2*sqrt( (x+xv*t)**2 + (z+zv*t-grating_z0+toroid_pm2*toroid_c)**2 ) )**2 + (y+yv*t)**2 - grating_r0**2
            #return  (z+zv*t) - sqrt( grating_r0**2 + toroid_c**2 - (x+xv*t)**2 - (y+yv*t)**2 - 2*sqrt( grating_r0**2*toroid_c**2 - toroid_c**2 * (y+yv*t)**2 ))
        t = fsolve(fz,1.0,warning=False)
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        term1 = (2*gb**2*x*xv + 2*ga**2*y*yv + 2*ga**2*gb**2*z*zv - 2*ga**2*gb**2*grating_z0*zv)
        term2 = -1.0* sqrt((-2*gb**2*x*xv - 2*ga**2*y*yv - 2*ga**2*gb**2*z*zv + 2*ga**2*gb**2*grating_z0*zv)**2 - 
          4*(ga**2*gb**2*grating_r0**2 - gb**2*x**2 - ga**2*y**2 - ga**2*gb**2*z**2 + 
             2*ga**2*gb**2*z*grating_z0 - ga**2*gb**2*grating_z0**2)*(-gb**2*xv**2 - ga**2*yv**2 - 
        term3 = 1.0/(2*(-gb**2*xv**2 - ga**2*yv**2 - ga**2*gb**2*zv**2))
        #toroid_c = 0.0
        #def fz(t):
        #    return (toroid_c - sqrt( (x+xv*t)**2 + (z+zv*t-grating_z0)**2 ) )**2 + (y+yv*t)**2 - grating_r0**2
        #    #return  (z+zv*t) + sqrt( grating_r0**2 - (x+xv*t)**2 - (y+yv*t)**2 + 2*sqrt( grating_r0**2 * (y+yv*t)**2 ))

        if isnan(term1) or isnan(term2) or isnan(term3): pdb.set_trace()
        #t1 = fsolve(fz,1.88,warning=False)
        #t2 = newton(fz,1.88,tol=1e-35)
        t = (term1+term2)*term3
        #print t,t1,t2
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    return t
Example #4
 def fsolve_fn(s, t):
     ##                rerr.start()
     res = minpack.fsolve(f, x0, args=(t,) + extrafargs, xtol=xtolval, maxfev=maxnumiter, fprime=fprime)
     ##                warns = rout.stop()
     ##                rerr.stop()
     return res
Example #5
 def fsolve_fn(s, t):
     with RedirectStdout(_logfile):
         res = minpack.fsolve(f,
                              args=(t, ) + extrafargs,
         return res
Example #6
 def fsolve_fn(s, t):
     ##                rerr.start()
     res = minpack.fsolve(f,
                          args=(t, ) + extrafargs,
     ##                warns = rout.stop()
     ##                rerr.stop()
     return res
	def BEM(self):
		L = self.L
		R = self.R
		self.Ubem = np.zeros([L, 2])
		self.Ubem[0] = self.Uzero
		for j in np.arange(L-1):
			self.Winc = np.sum(self.dWj[:, R * (j) : R * (j + 1)], axis=1)
			self.Winc = self.Winc.reshape([2, 1])
			uj = self.Ubem[j,:].reshape([2, 1])
			increment = fsolve(self.ai, uj, args=(j)).reshape([2, 1])
			self.Ubem[j+1, :] = increment[:, 0]
		ubem = self.Ubem
		return ubem
Example #8
def find_reference_sphere_radius(ip, pl):
    """Find the radius os the reference sphere that best fits the input data.
    This method assumes that the optical axis coincides with the z axis. This 
    means that the center of the sphere, has coordinates (0,0,r).

    ip : list
        list of the points where the optical path is measured, that are being 
        fitted. Each point is (XYZ) tuple. It can be also an array with a shape 
        n,3 where n is the number of points.
    pl : list
        List of path lengths. pl[i] corresponds to the point ip[i].

        Reference sphere radius

    ipa = array(ip)
    pla = array(pl)
    n, t = ipa.shape

    # Find the point closest to the center of the aperture.
    rm = sqrt(dot(ipa[0], ipa[0]))
    im = 0
    for i in range(n):
        if rm > sqrt(dot(ipa[i], ipa[i])):
            rm = sqrt(dot(ipa[i], ipa[i]))
            im = i

    #Make the OPL 0 at the center of the aperture
    pla = pla - pla[im]

    #Encontrar el radio de la esfera de mejor ajuste
    def F(z):
        dist = pla - (sqrt(ipa[:, 0]**2 + ipa[:, 1]**2 +
                           (ipa[:, 2] - z)**2) - z)
        u = sqrt((dist**2).sum())
        #print "*", u
        #print u
        return u

    r = fsolve(F, -10.)

    return r
Example #9
def find_reference_sphere_radius(ip, pl):
    """Find the radius os the reference sphere that best fits the input data.
    This method asumes that the optical axis coincides with the z axis. This 
    means that the center of the sphere, has coordinates (0,0,r).

        list of the points where the optical path is measured, that are being 
        fitted. Each point is (XYZ) tuple. It can be also an array with a shape 
        n,3 where n is the numbre of points.
        List of path lengths. pl[i] corresponds to the point ip[i].
    n, t=ipa.shape
    # Find the point closest to the center of the aperture.
    rm=sqrt(dot(ipa[0], ipa[0]))
    for i in range (n):
        if rm>sqrt(dot(ipa[i], ipa[i])):
            rm=sqrt(dot(ipa[i], ipa[i]))
    #Make the OPL 0 at the center of the aperture
    #Encontrar el radio de la esfera de mejor ajuste
    def F(z):
        dist=pla-(sqrt(ipa[:, 0]**2+ipa[:, 1]**2+(ipa[:, 2]-z)**2)-z)
        #print "*", u
        #print u
        return  u
    r=fsolve(F, -10.)
    return r
Example #10
def find_steady_states(rates, sos_counts, ras, rasgap, rasgrp, guesses, output_dirname="output"):
    Solve for steady states. We start with the guesses
    obtained from solving the ODE to plot it. We then bootstrap
    to get all the intermediate points.
    last = None
    steady_states = []

    for sos_mol in sos_counts:
        sos = Sos(num_molecules=sos_mol)
        reactions = Reactions(rates, sos.num_molecules, ras.num_molecules, rasgap.num_molecules, rasgrp.num_molecules)

            guess = guesses[sos_mol]
        except KeyError:
            guess = last
        steady_state_y = fsolve(dy_dt, guess, args=(0, reactions))
        print("Steady Y: {}".format(steady_state_y))

        last = steady_state_y

    # Steady states by starting Sos molecules
    steady_states = np.array(steady_states)
    plt.figure(figsize=[10, 8])
    plt.plot(sos_counts, steady_states[:, 0], "o", label="SOS")
    plt.plot(sos_counts, steady_states[:, 1], "o", label="SOS-RasGTP")
    plt.plot(sos_counts, steady_states[:, 2], "o", label="RasGTP")
    plt.xlabel("Initial SOS Count")
    plt.ylabel("Steady State Count")

    title = "Das Minimal Model- Steady State RasGTP"
    dirname = os.path.join(output_dirname, "steady_states")
    if not os.path.exists(dirname):
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(dirname, title.replace(" ", "-") + ".png"))
    # plt.show()

    return steady_states
Example #11
    def solve(self, graph):
        new_graph = deepcopy(graph)
        new_graph.ns_x_mesh.phi_old = deepcopy(graph.ns_x_mesh.phi)
        new_graph.ns_y_mesh.phi_old = deepcopy(graph.ns_y_mesh.phi)
        new_graph.pressure_mesh.phi_old = deepcopy(graph.pressure_mesh.phi)

        pressure_mesh = new_graph.pressure_mesh
        ns_x_mesh = new_graph.ns_x_mesh
        ns_y_mesh = new_graph.ns_y_mesh

        # Prepare initial guess
        X = _create_X(ns_x_mesh.phi, ns_y_mesh.phi, pressure_mesh.phi,

        if PLOT_JACOBIAN:
            from lid_driven_cavity_problem.nonlinear_solver._utils import _plot_jacobian
            _plot_jacobian(new_graph, X)
            assert False, "Finished plotting Jacobian matrix. Program will be terminated (This is expected behavior)"

        X_, infodict, ier, mesg = fsolve(self._residual_f,
                                         args=(new_graph, ),
            logger.info("Number of function calls=%s" % (infodict['nfev'], ))
            if ier == 1:

        if not IGNORE_DIVERGED:
            if not ier == 1:
                raise SolverDivergedException()

        U, V, P = _recover_X(X_, new_graph)
        new_graph.ns_x_mesh.phi = U
        new_graph.ns_y_mesh.phi = V
        new_graph.pressure_mesh.phi = P

        return new_graph
Example #12
def fit_data(file_name, usecols, title, out_name, threshold=0.99, out_dir=os.environ['OBER'] + '/doc/qc'):
    '''Fit a curve QC data and calculate a cutoff.'''

    # Load data
    data = np.loadtxt(file_name, skiprows=1, usecols=usecols, dtype=float)
    r, n, c = data[::2, 0], data[::2, 1], data[::2, 2]
    has_data = (n > 0)
    r, n, c = r[has_data], n[has_data], c[has_data]
    r = 1.0 - r / r[-1]  # Convert no call count to call rate

    # Fit model
    f, p = fit_curve(r, n, c)
    g = lambda x: model(x, *p) - threshold
    cutoff = fsolve(g, 0.5)
    # Generate plot
    plot_data_and_model(r, c, f, cutoff, title)
    P.savefig('%s/%s.png' % (out_dir, out_name))
    if cutoff >= 1:
        print '%-40s: don\'t use at all' % (title,)
        print '%-40s: %.2f   mean %.3f' % (title, cutoff, 1 - np.mean(c))
    return r, n, c

# Find fixed point of map
def fp_residual(ic):
    x0 = ic[0]
##    print "\nfp_residual: x0 = ", x0
    v = return_map({'x': x0})
    print v
    return v-ic[0]

print "Finding fixed point of return map as function of initial condition"

# Equally efficient alternatives to shoot for f.p. solution
x0_guess = map_ics['x']
sol_pdc = minpack.fsolve(fp_residual, array([x0_guess]), xtol=1e-6)
print "sol_pdc = ", sol_pdc

traj,pts=getTraj({'y':0,'x':sol_pdc}, t1=10,


print "Initializing PyCont to follow y=0 crossing as parameter m varied:"

pcargs=args(name='FPu', type='FP-C',
  freepars = ['m'],
  StepSize = 1e-1,
  MaxNumPoints = 30, # 40 causes IndexError in PyCont/BifPoint.py, line 149
Example #14

def fp_beta_newton(b, x0):
    SLIP_map.set(pars={'beta': b})
    x0['z'] = math.sin(b)
    x0['y'] = math.cos(b)
    x1 = pdc_map(x0)
    return x1['zdot'] - x0['zdot']  # Point

icdict_pert = copy(icdict)
icpt = Point({'coorddict': icdict_pert})
print("\nFinding fixed point of periodic map as a function of beta")

# Equally efficient alternatives to shoot for f.p. solution
beta_pdc = minpack.fsolve(fp_beta_fsolve, beta, args=(icpt, ), xtol=1e-4)
##beta_pdc = minpack.newton(fp_beta_newton, beta, args=(icpt,), tol=1e-4)
beta_pdc_known = 1.21482619378
print("beta_pdc = ", beta_pdc)
assert abs(beta_pdc -
           beta_pdc_known) < 1e-4, "beta_pdc was not found accurately"

# update i.c. for new beta
icdict_pert['z'] = math.sin(beta_pdc)
icdict_pert['y'] = math.cos(beta_pdc)
icdict_maps = copy(icdict_pert)
icpt = Point({'coorddict': icdict_maps})
print("\nCalculating approximation to periodic maps")
SLIP_map.set(pars={'beta': beta_pdc})
states = [icpt]
for i in range(5):
Example #15
def solwave_m1(c, n, d, M, dist = pi / 2., xtol = 1.e-12, verbose = False):
	Compute the collocation points and values for the general d-dimensional
	solitary wave equation with n > 1, and m=1

	Inputs: c - soliton parameter, 

	n - first nonlinearity, 

	d - dimension, 

	M - No. of points, 

	[dist = pi/2] - distance from the x axis to the nearest
	singularity in the complex plane, 

	[xtol = 1.e-12] - solver tolerance,


	Outputs: r, f - collocation points and the soliton

	# Iterate in soliton parameter, if neccessary, to achieve a good
	# guess.  This may be replaced with another algorithm if a better
	# initial guess for the 1D soliton is available.
	if verbose:
		print " iterating in c"

	# Initial value for delta c.  This can be tuned as needed.
	delta_c = .5 * n / c

	# Loop will terminate if the delta c value gets too small, this may be
	# adjusted as needed
	delta_c_min = 1.e-6

	c0 = n
	d0 = 1.

	while c0 < c and delta_c > delta_c_min:

		c1 = min([c0 + delta_c, c])

		decay = sqrt(1. - n / c1)

		h = sqrt((pi * dist) / (decay * M))

		r1 = sinc_eo.points(M, h)

		D2 = sinc_eo.D2_e(M, h)
		D1 = sinc_eo.D1_eo(M, h)
		D1_r = sinc_eo.D1_x_e(M, h)
		IN1 = sinc_eo.IN1_oe(M, h)

		params = {'c': c1, 'n': n, 'd': d0, 
			  'D2': D2, 'D1': D1, 'D1_r': D1_r, 'IN': IN1}

#			uguess = spline(r0, u0, r1)
			uguess = sinc_eo.sincinterp_e(r0,u0,r1)
			uguess = 3. * (1. - n / c1) / cosh(.5 * decay * r1)**2

		if verbose:
			print ' computing with c = ', c1

		u1, infodict, ier, mesg = \
		    fsolve(lambda v: solwave_m1_eq(v,params), uguess, \
#			   fprime = lambda v:solwave_m1_eq_jac(v, params), \
			   xtol= xtol,

		if ier == 1 and np.max(np.abs(u1)) > 1.e-10:

			c0 = c1
			u0 = u1
			r0 = r1

			if verbose:
				if np.max(np.abs(u1)) <= 1.e-8:
					print " converged to the zero solution, adjusteing delta_c"
					print " solver failed to converge, adjusting delta_c"
					print " solver err = ", ier

			delta_c = delta_c / 2.

	u = u0
	r = r0

	# Iterate in dimension, if neccessary
	if d > 1.:

		if verbose:
			print " iterating in d"

		delta_dim = (n - 1.) / 10.

		# Loop will terminate if the delta dim value gets too
		# small, this can be adjusted as desired 
		delta_dim_min = 1.e-6

		d0 = 1.

		u0 = u

		while d0 < d and delta_dim > delta_dim_min:

			d1 = min([d0 + delta_dim, d])

			params['d'] = d1

			if verbose:
				print ' computing with d = ', d1
			u1, infodict, ier, mesg = \
			    fsolve(lambda v: solwave_m1_eq(v, params), u0, \
#				   fprime = lambda v:solwave_m1_eq_jac(v, params),
				   xtol= xtol,

			if ier == 1 and np.max(np.abs(u1)) > 1.e-8:

				d0 = d1
				u0 = u1

				if verbose:
					if np.max(np.abs(u1)) <= 1.e-8:
						print " converged to the zero solution, adjusteing delta_dim"
						print " solver failed to converge, adjusting delta_dim"
						print " solver err = ", ier

				delta_dim = delta_dim / 2.
		u = u0
	if d0 < d:
		print " Failed to converge to the soliton solution, last value of d =", d0
		f = 0.0
		f = 1. + u

	return r, f
Example #16
 def fsolve_fn(s, t):
     with RedirectStdout(_logfile):
         res = minpack.fsolve(f, x0, args=(t,)+extrafargs,
                             xtol=xtolval, maxfev=maxnumiter,
         return res
Example #17
def solwave_mck(c, d, M, dist = pi / 2., xtol = 1.e-12, verbose = False):
	Compute the collocation points and values for the d-dimensional
	McKenzie solitary wave equation.  n=3, m=0.

	Inputs: c - soliton parameter, 

	d - dimension, 

	M - No. of points, 

	[dist = pi/2] - distance from the x axis to the nearest
	singularity in the complex plane, 

	[xtol = 1.e-12] - solver tolerance,


	Outputs: r, f - collocation points and the soliton
	decay = sqrt(1. - 3. / c)

	h = sqrt((pi * dist) / (decay * M))
	r = sinc_eo.points(M, h)
	u0 = magma1d.solwave_mck(r, c) - 1.

	d0 = 1.
	D2 = sinc_eo.D2_e(M, h)
	D1 = sinc_eo.D1_eo(M, h)
	D1_r = sinc_eo.D1_x_e(M, h)
	IN1 = sinc_eo.IN1_oe(M, h)
	params = {'c': c, 'd': d0, 
		  'D2': D2, 'D1':D1, 'D1_r':D1_r, 'IN': IN1}

	if d < 2.:
		params['d'] = d

		u = fsolve(lambda v: solwave_mck_eq(v, params), u0, 
			   fprime = lambda v:solwave_mck_eq_jac(v, params), 
			   xtol= xtol)
		# Initial value for the delta dimension value.  
		# This can be tuned as needed
		delta_dim = (d - 1.)/10.

		# Loop will terminate if the delta dim value gets too
		# small, this may be tunded as needed
		delta_dim_min = 1.e-6

		d0 = 1.

		while d0 < d and delta_dim > delta_dim_min:

			d1 = min([d0 + delta_dim, d])
			params['d'] = d1

			if verbose:
				print ' computing with d = ', d1
			u1, infodict, ier, mesg = \
			    fsolve(lambda v:solwave_mck_eq(v,params), u0, \
				   fprime =lambda v:solwave_mck_eq_jac(v, params), \
				   xtol= xtol,

			if ier == 1 and np.max(np.abs(u1)) > 1.e-8:

				d0 = d1
				u0 = u1

				if verbose:
					if np.max(np.abs(u1)) <= 1.e-8:
						print " converged to the zero solution, adjusteing delta_dim"
						print " solver failed to converge, adjusting delta_dim"
						print " solver err = ", ier

				delta_dim = delta_dim / 2.
			if verbose:
				jac = solwave_mck_eq_jac(u1, params)
				condnum = np.linalg.cond(jac)
				print " condition number = ", condnum

		u = u0

	if d0 < d:
		print " Failed to converge to the soliton solution, last value of d =", d0
		f = 0.0
		f = 1. + u

	return r, f
Example #18
m2 = 2150
delta_f2 = f0 * 1e9 / m2
L2 = 1e6 * c / (2 * n2 * delta_f2)

def VCCL_threshold_static(x):
    k = 2 * pi / x[0]
    g1 = x[1] / 20000
    g2 = g1 * L1 / L2
    y1 = r1 * r2 * cmath.exp(2 * g1 * L1 + 2 * 1j * k * n1 * L1)
    y2 = r1 * r2 * cmath.exp(2 * g2 * L2 + 2 * 1j * k * n2 * L2)
    yc = C11 * y1 + C22 * y2 - (C11 * C22 - C12 * C21) * y1 * y2 - 1
    yr = yc.real
    yi = yc.imag
    return [yr, yi]

X = fsolve(VCCL_threshold_static, [lambda0, gain0])

# Calculate the effective "reflectivity" of the second cavity as seen by the first cavity, and vice versa
wavelength = numpy.arange(1530, 1570, 0.0005)
k = 2000 * pi / wavelength
g1 = X[1] / 20000
g2 = g1 * L1 / L2
y2 = numpy.exp(2 * g2 * L2) * numpy.exp(2 * 1j * k * n2 * L2)
eta2 = C11 + C12 * C21 * r1 * r2 * y2 / (1 - C22 * r1 * r2 * y2);
ETA2 = (numpy.absolute(eta2)) ** 2;
y1 = numpy.exp(2 * g1 * L1) * numpy.exp(2 * 1j * k * n1 * L1);
eta1 = C22 + C12 * C21 * r1 * r2 * y1 / (1 - C11 * r1 * r2 * y1);
ETA1 = (numpy.absolute(eta1)) ** 2;

pyplot.plot(wavelength, ETA1, ':k', label='ETA1')
Example #19

def error(f, x, y):
    return np.sum((f(x) - y)**2)

plot_models(x, y, None, os.path.join(CHART_DIR, "1400_01_01.png"))

fp1, res1, rank1, sv1, rcond1 = np.polyfit(x, y, 1, full=True)
print("Parámetros del modelo fp1: %s" % fp1)
print("Error del modelo fp1:", res1)
f1 = sp.poly1d(fp1)

fp2, res2, rank2, sv2, rcond2 = np.polyfit(x, y, 2, full=True)
print("Parámetros del modelo fp2: %s" % fp2)
print("Error del modelo fp2:", res2)
f2 = sp.poly1d(fp2)

funcion_definitiva = sp.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, 5))
funcion_definitiva1 = sp.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, 6))
funcion_definitiva2 = sp.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, 10))
funcion_definitiva3 = sp.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, 20))
funcion_definitiva4 = sp.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, 25))

plot_models(x, y, [funcion_definitiva, funcion_definitiva1],
            os.path.join(CHART_DIR, "1400_01_02.png"))

prediccion = fsolve(funcion_definitiva, x0=165)
print('Esperamos encontrar 0 casos diarios el dia: ', prediccion)
    return [yr, yi]

I3 = numpy.arange(0, 0.8, 0.001)  # 波长转换区电流(A)
lambda1 = I3.copy()
for ii in range(0, I3.size):
    a = C
    b = B
    c1 = A
    d = -I3[ii] / e / V3
    D = [a, b, c1, d]
    NN3 = roots(D)
    for r in [0, 1, 2]:
        if (NN3[r].imag == 0) and (NN3[r] >= 0):
            N3 = NN3[r]
    delta_n3 = tau_p * dn_dN * N3  # the carrier-induced index change
    # Calculate threshold gains of various modes
    wl = numpy.arange(1, 10, 1)
    threshold_gain = numpy.arange(1, 10, 1)
    for m in range(m1 - 4, m1 + 5):
        lmd = 1e6 * c / (m * delta_f1)
        X1 = fsolve(VCCL_threshold_dynamic, [lmd, 0.95 * gain0])
        wl[m - m1 + 4] = X1[0] * 1000
        threshold_gain[m - m1 + 4] = X1[1]
    lambda1[ii] = wl[threshold_gain.argmin()]
pyplot.plot(I3[0:I3.size-2], lambda1[0:I3.size-2], ':k+')
pyplot.xlabel('$Wavelength switching section current (A)$')
pyplot.ylabel('$laser wavelength (nm)$')
Example #21
def redise(p0, x, y):
    a, b = p0
    return (y - (a * x + b))

data = sp.genfromtxt("web_traffic.tsv", "\t")

y = data[:, 1]
x = data[:, 0]

x_clean = x[np.where(y > -1)]
y_clean = y[np.where(y > -1)]

rs1 = leastsq(redise, [0, 0], args=(x_clean, y_clean))
rs2 = polyfit(x_clean, y_clean, 2, full=True)
rs5 = polyfit(x_clean, y_clean, 25, full=True)

y_predit1 = rs1[0][0] * x_clean + rs1[0][1]
y_predit2 = sp.poly1d(rs2[0])
y_predit5 = sp.poly1d(rs5[0])

print y_predit2
result = fsolve(y_predit2 - 10000, 0)
print result
pt.plot(x_clean, y_clean, '.')
pt.plot(x_clean, y_predit1, '-', label="predit1")
pt.plot(x_clean, y_predit2(x_clean), '-', label="predit2")
pt.plot(x_clean, y_predit5(x_clean), '-', label='predit5')
Example #22
def solwave_m1(c, n, d, M, dist = pi / 2., xtol = 1.e-12, verbose = False):
	Compute the collocation points and values for the general d-dimensional
	solitary wave equation with n > 1, and m=1

	Inputs: c - soliton parameter, 

	n - first nonlinearity, 

	d - dimension, 

	M - No. of points, 

	[dist = pi/2] - distance from the x axis to the nearest
	singularity in the complex plane, 

	[xtol = 1.e-12] - solver tolerance,


	Outputs: r, f - collocation points and the soliton

	# Iterate in soliton parameter, if neccessary, to achieve a good
	# guess.  This may be replaced with another algorithm if a better
	# initial guess for the 1D soliton is available.
	if verbose:
		print " iterating in c"

	# Initial value for delta c.  This can be tuned as needed.
	delta_c = .5 * n / c

	# Loop will terminate if the delta c value gets too small, this may be
	# adjusted as needed
	delta_c_min = 1.e-6

	c0 = n
	d0 = 1.

	while c0 < c and delta_c > delta_c_min:

		c1 = min([c0 + delta_c, c])

		decay = sqrt(1. - n / c1)

		h = sqrt((pi * dist) / (decay * M))

		r1 = sinc_eo.points(M, h)

		D2 = sinc_eo.D2_e(M, h)
		D1 = sinc_eo.D1_eo(M, h)
		D1_r = sinc_eo.D1_x_e(M, h)
		IN1 = sinc_eo.IN1_oe(M, h)

		params = {'c': c1, 'n': n, 'd': d0, 
			  'D2': D2, 'D1': D1, 'D1_r': D1_r, 'IN': IN1}

#			uguess = spline(r0, u0, r1)
			uguess = sinc_eo.sincinterp_e(r0,u0,r1)
			uguess = 3. * (1. - n / c1) / cosh(.5 * decay * r1)**2

		if verbose:
			print ' computing with c = ', c1

		u1, infodict, ier, mesg = \
		    fsolve(lambda v: solwave_m1_eq(v,params), uguess, \
#			   fprime = lambda v:solwave_m1_eq_jac(v, params), \
			   xtol= xtol,

		if ier == 1 and np.max(np.abs(u1)) > 1.e-10:

			c0 = c1
			u0 = u1
			r0 = r1

			if verbose:
				if np.max(np.abs(u1)) <= 1.e-8:
					print " converged to the zero solution, adjusteing delta_c"
					print " solver failed to converge, adjusting delta_c"
					print " solver err = ", ier

			delta_c = delta_c / 2.

	u = u0
	r = r0

	# Iterate in dimension, if neccessary
	if d > 1.:

		if verbose:
			print " iterating in d"

		delta_dim = (n - 1.) / 10.

		# Loop will terminate if the delta dim value gets too
		# small, this can be adjusted as desired 
		delta_dim_min = 1.e-6

		d0 = 1.

		u0 = u

		while d0 < d and delta_dim > delta_dim_min:

			d1 = min([d0 + delta_dim, d])

			params['d'] = d1

			if verbose:
				print ' computing with d = ', d1
			u1, infodict, ier, mesg = \
			    fsolve(lambda v: solwave_m1_eq(v, params), u0, \
#				   fprime = lambda v:solwave_m1_eq_jac(v, params),
				   xtol= xtol,

			if ier == 1 and np.max(np.abs(u1)) > 1.e-8:

				d0 = d1
				u0 = u1

				if verbose:
					if np.max(np.abs(u1)) <= 1.e-8:
						print " converged to the zero solution, adjusteing delta_dim"
						print " solver failed to converge, adjusting delta_dim"
						print " solver err = ", ier

				delta_dim = delta_dim / 2.
		u = u0
	if d0 < d:
		print " Failed to converge to the soliton solution, last value of d =", d0
		f = 0.0
		f = 1. + u

	return r, f
Example #23
def solwave_mck(c, d, M, dist = pi / 2., xtol = 1.e-12, verbose = False):
	Compute the collocation points and values for the d-dimensional
	McKenzie solitary wave equation.  n=3, m=0.

	Inputs: c - soliton parameter, 

	d - dimension, 

	M - No. of points, 

	[dist = pi/2] - distance from the x axis to the nearest
	singularity in the complex plane, 

	[xtol = 1.e-12] - solver tolerance,


	Outputs: r, f - collocation points and the soliton
	decay = sqrt(1. - 3. / c)

	h = sqrt((pi * dist) / (decay * M))
	r = sinc_eo.points(M, h)
	u0 = magma1d.solwave_mck(r, c) - 1.

	d0 = 1.
	D2 = sinc_eo.D2_e(M, h)
	D1 = sinc_eo.D1_eo(M, h)
	D1_r = sinc_eo.D1_x_e(M, h)
	IN1 = sinc_eo.IN1_oe(M, h)
	params = {'c': c, 'd': d0, 
		  'D2': D2, 'D1':D1, 'D1_r':D1_r, 'IN': IN1}

	if d < 2.:
		params['d'] = d

		u = fsolve(lambda v: solwave_mck_eq(v, params), u0, 
			   fprime = lambda v:solwave_mck_eq_jac(v, params), 
			   xtol= xtol)
		# Initial value for the delta dimension value.  
		# This can be tuned as needed
		delta_dim = (d - 1.)/10.

		# Loop will terminate if the delta dim value gets too
		# small, this may be tunded as needed
		delta_dim_min = 1.e-6

		d0 = 1.

		while d0 < d and delta_dim > delta_dim_min:

			d1 = min([d0 + delta_dim, d])
			params['d'] = d1

			if verbose:
				print ' computing with d = ', d1
			u1, infodict, ier, mesg = \
			    fsolve(lambda v:solwave_mck_eq(v,params), u0, \
				   fprime =lambda v:solwave_mck_eq_jac(v, params), \
				   xtol= xtol,

			if ier == 1 and np.max(np.abs(u1)) > 1.e-8:

				d0 = d1
				u0 = u1

				if verbose:
					if np.max(np.abs(u1)) <= 1.e-8:
						print " converged to the zero solution, adjusteing delta_dim"
						print " solver failed to converge, adjusting delta_dim"
						print " solver err = ", ier

				delta_dim = delta_dim / 2.
			if verbose:
				jac = solwave_mck_eq_jac(u1, params)
				condnum = np.linalg.cond(jac)
				print " condition number = ", condnum

		u = u0

	if d0 < d:
		print " Failed to converge to the soliton solution, last value of d =", d0
		f = 0.0
		f = 1. + u

	return r, f

def fp_beta_newton(b, x0):
    SLIP_map.set(pars={'beta': b})
    x0['z'] = math.sin(b)
    x0['y'] = math.cos(b)
    x1 = pdc_map(x0)
    return x1['zdot']-x0['zdot']  # Point

icdict_pert = copy(icdict)
icpt = Point({'coorddict': icdict_pert})
print "\nFinding fixed point of periodic map as a function of beta"

# Equally efficient alternatives to shoot for f.p. solution
beta_pdc = minpack.fsolve(fp_beta_fsolve, beta, args=(icpt,), xtol=1e-4)
##beta_pdc = minpack.newton(fp_beta_newton, beta, args=(icpt,), tol=1e-4)
beta_pdc_known = 1.21482619378
print "beta_pdc = ", beta_pdc
assert abs(beta_pdc-beta_pdc_known)<1e-4, "beta_pdc was not found accurately"

# update i.c. for new beta
icdict_pert['z'] = math.sin(beta_pdc)
icdict_pert['y'] = math.cos(beta_pdc)
icdict_maps = copy(icdict_pert)
icpt = Point({'coorddict': icdict_maps})
print "\nCalculating approximation to periodic maps"
SLIP_map.set(pars={'beta': beta_pdc})
states = [icpt]
for i in range(5):

# Find fixed point of map
def fp_residual(ic):
    x0 = ic[0]
    ##    print "\nfp_residual: x0 = ", x0
    v = return_map({'x': x0})
    print v
    return v - ic[0]

print "Finding fixed point of return map as function of initial condition"

# Equally efficient alternatives to shoot for f.p. solution
x0_guess = map_ics['x']
sol_pdc = minpack.fsolve(fp_residual, array([x0_guess]), xtol=1e-6)
print "sol_pdc = ", sol_pdc

traj, pts = getTraj({'y': 0, 'x': sol_pdc}, t1=10, termFlag=False)

map.set(ics={'x': sol_pdc})

print "Initializing PyCont to follow y=0 crossing as parameter m varied:"

pc = ContClass(map)
pcargs = args(
    MaxNumPoints=30,  # 40 causes IndexError in PyCont/BifPoint.py, line 149