def opt(func, bound, niter=30): ''' optimize a function in a given bounds limit, returns [min, max]''' stepsize = None center = [] for interval in bound: center.append((interval[0] + interval[1]) / 2.0) width = interval[1] - interval[0] if stepsize is None or width < stepsize: stepsize = width minimum = optimize.basinhopping(func, \ center, minimizer_kwargs=dict(method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=bound),\ niter=niter, stepsize=stepsize).fun maximum = -optimize.basinhopping(lambda x: -func(x), \ center, minimizer_kwargs=dict(method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=bound),\ niter=niter, stepsize=stepsize).fun # scipy bug: the doc says basinhopping returns a Result object, # but I sometimes get a float, sometimes a numpy float, some sometimes and numpy array minimum = float(minimum) maximum = float(maximum) return [minimum, maximum]
def prob2(): """Explore the documentation on the function scipy.optimize.basinhopping() online or via IPython. Use it to find the global minimum of the multmin() function given in the lab, with initial point x0 = np.array([-2, -2]) and the Nelder-Mead algorithm. Try it first with stepsize=0.5, then with stepsize=0.2. Return the minimum value of the function with stepsize=0.2. Print a statement answering the following question: Why doesn't scipy.optimize.basinhopping() find the minimum the second time (with stepsize=0.2)? """ def multimin(x): r = np.sqrt((x[0]+1)**2 + x[1]**2) return r**2 *(1+ np.sin(4*r)**2) x0 = np.array([-2,-2]) correct_x = opt.basinhopping(multimin, x0, stepsize=0.5, minimizer_kwargs={'method':'nelder-mead'}).x wrong_x = opt.basinhopping(multimin, x0, stepsize=0.2, minimizer_kwargs={'method':'nelder-mead'}).x output_string = """ When stepsize=0.2, the step is not large enough to jump out of the basin. Therefore, we get the incorrect answer. """ return multimin(wrong_x)
def minimize_negative_acquisition(self, gpreg): # minimization of negative acquisition function vals, par = [], [] x0 = list(self.rand.uniform(np.array(self.bounds).T[0], np.array(self.bounds).T[1], size=(self.n_iters_aqui - 1, self.dim) )) + [self.x[int(np.argmax(self.y))]] for x in x0: if self.acquisition_func == "EI": if self.bashop: opti = basinhopping(expected_improvement, x0=x, minimizer_kwargs={"method": "L-BFGS-B", "bounds": self.bounds, "args": (self.aquis_par[-1], np.max(self.y), gpreg, self.dim,)}) else: opti = minimize(expected_improvement, x0=x, method="L-BFGS-B", args=(self.aquis_par[-1], np.max(self.y), gpreg, self.dim,), bounds=self.bounds) else: if self.bashop: opti = basinhopping(upper_confidence_bound, x0=x, minimizer_kwargs={"method": "L-BFGS-B", "bounds": self.bounds, "args": (self.aquis_par[-1], gpreg, self.dim,)}) else: opti = minimize(upper_confidence_bound, x0=x, method="L-BFGS-B", args=(self.aquis_par[-1], gpreg, self.dim,), bounds=self.bounds) par.append(opti.x) vals.append( return np.array(vals), np.array(par)
def bench_run(self, **minimizer_kwargs): """ do an optimization test starting at x0 for all the optimizers """ kwargs = self.minimizer_kwargs if hasattr(, "temperature"): kwargs["T"] = self.function.temperature if hasattr(, "stepsize"): kwargs["stepsize"] = self.function.stepsize minimizer_kwargs = {"method": "L-BFGS-B"} x0 = self.get_random_configuration() # basinhopping - with gradient if hasattr(self.function, 'der'): minimizer_kwargs['jac'] = True t0 = time.time() res = basinhopping( self.energy_gradient, x0, accept_test=self.accept_test, callback=self.stop_criterion, niter=1000, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, **kwargs) t1 = time.time() res.success = True if not self.found_target(res): res.success = False self.add_result(res, t1 - t0, 'basinhopping') # basinhopping - no gradient x0 = self.get_random_configuration() minimizer_kwargs['jac'] = False t0 = time.time() res = basinhopping(, x0, accept_test=self.accept_test, callback=self.stop_criterion, niter=1000, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, **kwargs) t1 = time.time() res.success = True if not self.found_target(res): res.success = False self.add_result(res, t1 - t0, 'basinhopping - no gradient') # differential_evolution t0 = time.time() res = differential_evolution(, self.bounds, popsize=20, polish=True) t1 = time.time() if not self.found_target(res): res.success = False self.add_result(res, t1 - t0, 'differential_evolution')
def prob3(): """Explore the documentation on the function scipy.optimize.basinhopping() online or via IPython. Use it to find the global minimum of the multmin() function given in the lab, with initial point x0 = np.array([-2, -2]) and the Nelder-Mead algorithm. Try it first with stepsize=0.5, then with stepsize=0.2. Plot the multimin function and minima found using the code provided. Print statements answering the following questions: Which algorithms fail to find the global minimum? Why do these algorithms fail? Finally, return the global minimum. """ # Define the function to be optimized and the initial condition. def multimin(x): r = np.sqrt((x[0]+1)**2 + x[1]**2) return r**2 *(1+ np.sin(4*r)**2) x0 = np.array([-2, -1.9]) small_step = .2 large_step = .5 # Optimize using variations on Nelder-Mead. NOTE: Here, each has been stored # seperately for ease of plotting differently colored minimums. small = opt.basinhopping(multimin, x0, stepsize=small_step, minimizer_kwargs={'method':'nelder-mead'}) large = opt.basinhopping(multimin, x0, stepsize=large_step, minimizer_kwargs={'method':'nelder-mead'}) # Print the results. print("Stepsize:\t{}\nMinimum:\t{}\nX-Values:\t{}\n".format(small_step, small['fun'], small['x'])) print("Stepsize:\t{}\nMinimum:\t{}\nX-Values:\t{}\n".format(large_step, large['fun'], large['x'])) # Plot the multimin graph. Here, the points are colored differently for emphasis. xdomain = np.linspace(-3.5,1.5,70) ydomain = np.linspace(-2.5,2.5,60) X,Y = np.meshgrid(xdomain,ydomain) Z = multimin((X,Y)) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax1.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z, linewidth=.5, color='c') ax1.scatter(x0[0], x0[1], multimin(x0), c='b') # Initial pt: blue # Plot the results of the algorithms. ax1.scatter(small.x[0], small.x[1],, s=30, c='r') # Small step: red ax1.scatter(large.x[0], large.x[1],, s=30, c='g') # Large step: green # Answer the problem questions. print("minimize() fails because it gets trapped in a basin.") print("0.2 fails because it is too small a stepsize to escape a basin.") # Return the correct global minimum. return large['fun']
def test_pass_accept_test(self): # test passing a custom accept test # makes sure it's being used and ensures all the possible return values # are accepted. accept_test = MyAcceptTest() i = 1 # there's no point in running it more than a few steps. basinhopping(func2d, self.x0[i], minimizer_kwargs=self.kwargs, niter=10, disp=self.disp, accept_test=accept_test) assert_(accept_test.been_called)
def optimize_basin_hopping_multiple(crater): # return optimize_basin_hopping(crater) # crater = craters[0] x0 = [crater.x,crater.y,crater.hs,crater.D2,,crater.aRepose,crater.lema,crater.lemp] # crater = craters[1] x1 = [crater.hs,,crater.aRepose] x2 = [crater.hs,,crater.aRepose] x3 = [crater.hs,,crater.aRepose] angles = [-1,2.141592,4] print "DOing multiple" basinhopping(craterXY_multiple,np.hstack([x0,x1,x2,x3]),minimizer_kwargs={"method":"nelder-mead"},niter=1)
def _partial_optimize(self, optimize_nodes, evaluate_nodes, fall_to_simplex=True, minimizer='Powell', use_basin=False, debug=False, minimizer_kwargs=None, basin_kwargs=None): """Optimize part of the model. :Arguments: nodes : iterable list nodes to optimize. """ if minimizer_kwargs is None: minimizer_kwargs = {} if basin_kwargs is None: basin_kwargs = {} non_observeds = filter(lambda x: not x.observed, optimize_nodes) init_vals = [node.value for node in non_observeds] # define function to be optimized def opt(values): if debug: print(values) for value, node in zip(values, optimize_nodes): node.set_value(value) try: logp_optimize = [node.logp for node in optimize_nodes] logp_evaluate = [node.logp for node in evaluate_nodes] neglogp = -np.sum(logp_optimize) - np.sum(logp_evaluate) if debug: print(neglogp) return neglogp except pm.ZeroProbability: if debug: print('Outside support!') return np.inf # optimize if use_basin: try: minimizer_kwargs_passed = {'method': minimizer, 'options': minimizer_kwargs} basinhopping(opt, init_vals, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs_passed, **basin_kwargs) except: if fall_to_simplex: print("Warning: Powell optimization failed. Falling back to simplex.") minimizer_kwargs_passed = {'method': minimizer, 'options': minimizer_kwargs} basinhopping(opt, init_vals, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs_passed, **basin_kwargs) else: raise else: try: minimize(opt, init_vals, method=minimizer, options=minimizer_kwargs) except: if fall_to_simplex: print("Warning: Powell optimization failed. Falling back to simplex.") minimize(opt, init_vals, method='Nelder-Mead', options=minimizer_kwargs) else: raise
def optimize(self): mybounds = MyBounds(self._lower, self._upper) basinhopping( self._funcwrapped, self._xinit, minimizer_kwargs={ 'method': 'L-BFGS-B', 'bounds': [ x for x in zip(self._lower, self._upper) ] }, accept_test=mybounds, niter=MAX_IT, )
def fit_gaussian_basis(x,y,angmom): nregrid=400 xfit=np.linspace(1e-5,12.0,nregrid) yfit=scipy.interpolate.griddata(np.array(x),np.array(y),xfit,method='cubic') yfit=np.array(yfit)/np.array(xfit)**(angmom+1) errfunc=lambda p,x,y: sum_gauss(p,x)-y objfunc=lambda p,x,y: np.sum(errfunc(p,x,y)**2/len(x)) for ng in range(4,10): p0=[] for i in range(ng): p0.append(0.2) for i in range(ng): p0.append(0.5*2**i) #p1,cov,infodict,mesg,success=optimize.leastsq(errfunc,p0[:],args=(xfit,yfit),full_output=True) optres=optimize.basinhopping(objfunc,p0[:], disp=True, minimizer_kwargs={ 'args':(xfit,yfit), 'options':{'disp':True} }, stepsize=2.0 ) p1=optres.x coeffnorm=coeff_normalization(np.array(p1[ng:]),angmom) print("angular momentum",angmom) for i in range(ng): print(i+1,p1[i+ng],p1[i]/coeffnorm[i]) #print('rms',np.sqrt(np.sum(infodict['fvec']**2)/len(infodict['fvec'])),'ng',ng) print('rms',np.sqrt(
def maximize(self): """ Maximizes the given acquisition function. Returns ------- np.ndarray(N,D) Point with highest acquisition value. """ cand = np.zeros([self.n_restarts, self.X_lower.shape[0]]) cand_vals = np.zeros([self.n_restarts]) f = partial(self._acquisition_fkt_wrapper, acq_f=self.objective_func) for i in range(self.n_restarts): start = np.array([self.rng.uniform(self.X_lower, self.X_upper, self.X_lower.shape[0])]) res = optimize.basinhopping( f, start, minimizer_kwargs={ "bounds": zip( self.X_lower, self.X_upper), "method": "L-BFGS-B"}, disp=self.verbosity) cand[i] = res.x cand_vals[i] = best = np.argmax(cand_vals) return np.array([cand[best]])
def scipyBasinhopping(recipe, method='L-BFGS-B', *args, **kwargs): # new in scipy 0.12 from scipy.optimize import basinhopping print "Fit using scipy's basin hopping optimizer" mybounds = MyBounds(recipe) mystep = MyRandomDisplacement(recipe) minimizer_kwargs = {'method': method, # 'bounds': recipe.getBounds(), 'bounds': recipe.getBoundsFlat(), 'options': {'maxiter': 300}, } if kwargs.has_key('maxiter'): minimizer_kwargs['options'] = kwargs['maxiter'] bh_kwargs = {'take_step': mystep, 'accept_test': mybounds} if kwargs.has_key('callback'): bh_kwargs['callback'] = kwargs['callback'] if kwargs.has_key('maxxint'): bh_kwargs['niter'] = kwargs['maxxint'] else: bh_kwargs['niter'] = 20 res = basinhopping(recipe.scalarResidual, recipe.getValues(), minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, **bh_kwargs) return {'x': res['x'], 'raw': res}
def optimize(self,niter=100): """ Optimize kernel's hyperparameters using basin hopping. Args: niter: iterations in basin hopping function. Returns: optimized covariance parameters for kernel. """ def optimized_marginal_likelihood(cov_args): """ Negative log marginal likelihood to be minimized. if cov_args is out of bounds specified by kernel return inf """ in_bounds=True for i in xrange(len(cov_args)): lower=self.kernel.cov_bounds[i][0] upper=self.kernel.cov_bounds[i][1] if cov_args[i]<lower or cov_args[i]>upper: in_bounds=False if in_bounds==False: return 1e309 else: cov_matrix=np.matrix([[self.kernel.cov(xm,xn,cov_args) for xm in self.X] for xn in self.X])+10**-9*np.identity(len(self.X)) return -1*np.log(multivariate_normal(self.mean_vector,cov_matrix).pdf(self.Y)) opt=basinhopping(optimized_marginal_likelihood,self.kernel.cov_args,niter=niter).x self.kernel.update_args(list(opt))
def execute(self, **minimize_options): """ Execute the basin-hopping minimization. :param minimize_options: options to be passed on to :func:`scipy.optimize.basinhopping`. :return: :class:`symfit.core.fit_results.FitResults` """ if 'minimizer_kwargs' not in minimize_options: minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs'] = {} if 'method' not in minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs']: # If no minimizer was set by the user upon execute, use local_minimizer minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs']['method'] = self.local_minimizer.method_name() if 'jac' not in minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs'] and isinstance(self.local_minimizer, GradientMinimizer): # Assign the jacobian minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs']['jac'] = self.local_minimizer.wrapped_jacobian if 'constraints' not in minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs'] and isinstance(self.local_minimizer, ConstrainedMinimizer): # Assign constraints minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs']['constraints'] = self.local_minimizer.wrapped_constraints if 'bounds' not in minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs'] and isinstance(self.local_minimizer, BoundedMinimizer): # Assign bounds minimize_options['minimizer_kwargs']['bounds'] = self.local_minimizer.bounds ans = basinhopping( self.objective, self.initial_guesses, **minimize_options ) return self._pack_output(ans)
def eq_ellipse_calc(cutout,weight,userNSuccess): mytakestep = MyTakeStep() global nSuccess_basinhopping nSuccess_basinhopping = userNSuccess global minVals_basinhopping minVals_basinhopping = np.empty(nSuccess_basinhopping) minVals_basinhopping[:] = np.nan global successCount_basinhopping successCount_basinhopping = 0 #maxDist = max(np.hypot(*cutout.boundary.xy)) minimizer_kwargs = {"args": (cutout,weight,#maxDist, ), "method": 'BFGS' } x0 = np.array([0,0,1,1,0]) output = basinhopping(ellipse_in_cutout,x0, niter=1000,minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, take_step=mytakestep, callback=print_fun) return output
def __tune__(self): if self.minimizer == Minimizer.DifferentialEvolution: bounds = [ self.spectralRadiusBound, self.inputScalingBound, self.reservoirScalingBound, self.leakingRateBound, ] result = optimize.differential_evolution(self.__reservoirTrain__, bounds=bounds) print("The Optimization results are :" + str(result)) return result.x[0], result.x[1], result.x[2], result.x[3] else: bounds = [ self.spectralRadiusBound, self.inputScalingBound, self.reservoirScalingBound, self.leakingRateBound, ] minimizer_kwargs = {"method": "TNC", "bounds": bounds, "options": {"eps": 0.005}} mytakestep = ParameterStep() result = optimize.basinhopping( self.__reservoirTrain__, x0=self.initialGuess, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, take_step=mytakestep, stepsize=0.005, ) print("The Optimization results are :" + str(result)) return result.x[0], result.x[1], result.x[2], result.x[3]
def main(): x0 = 10.0* np.random.random(6)- 5.0 mybounds = MyBounds() minimizer_kwargs = {"method":"L-BFGS-B"} ret=optimize.basinhopping(rastrigin, x0, niter=500, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, callback=print_fun, accept_test=mybounds) print(ret.x, print ret print xiteration[499] fig = plt.figure() xp=[] for i in range(0,len(xminima)): xp.append(np.linalg.norm(xminima[i])) plt.plot(xp, ".") plt.savefig("sin.png") fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(fminima, ".")
def test_2d_nograd(self): # test 2d minimizations without gradient i = 1 res = basinhopping( func2d_nograd, self.x0[i], minimizer_kwargs=self.kwargs_nograd, niter=self.niter, disp=self.disp ) assert_almost_equal(res.x, self.sol[i], self.tol)
def fit(self, niter: int=1000) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]: """ Optimize the spectral gap using basin hopping. Parameters ---------- niter : Number of iterations to use. Returns ------- coeffs : The found ideal coefficients. """ dim = self._data.shape[1] rs = np.ones((dim,)) rs *= 1 / np.sqrt((rs ** 2).sum()) result = basinhopping( func=self._score, x0=rs, niter=niter, minimizer_kwargs=dict( method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=[(0.0001, 1.) for _ in range(dim)] ), stepsize=0.1, T=2.5 ) self.coeffs = result['x'] return -result['fun'], self.coeffs
def call_bh_prelim_params(trans_data): '''This function calls the basinhopping algorithm to minimize the sum of the distances between the data points projected onto an arbitrary plane, and the center of mass of the projected points Parameters trans_data - data roughly translated to the origin ''' minimizer_kwargs = {"method": "L-BFGS-B", "args": trans_data, "bounds": ((0,2*pi),(0,2*pi))} x0 = [pi, pi] ret = optimize.basinhopping(prelim_params_test, x0, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, niter = 200) print("Preliminary parameters minimization: x = [%.4f, %.4f], epsilon = %.4f" %\ (ret.x[0], ret.x[1], z = array([cos(ret.x[0])*sin(ret.x[1]), sin(ret.x[0])*sin(ret.x[1]), cos(ret.x[1])]) epsilon = n = size(trans_data[0]) r_guess = sqrt(epsilon / n ) # average distance from COM beta_guess = pi - arctan2(-z[0],z[2]) alpha_guess = arctan2(z[1], sqrt((z[0])**2 + (z[2])**2)) print('Initial guess for alpha, beta and r from preliminary parameter test:') print('alpha = %.4f' %alpha_guess) print('beta = %.4f' %beta_guess) print('r = %.4f' %r_guess) return r_guess, beta_guess, alpha_guess, z
def BasinHop(funcToMinimize,x0,boundsBasin,method="TNC",disp=False, interval=10,niter=30,niter_success=10,T=1,stepsize=0.001, ftol=1e-3,xtol=1e-3,gtol=1e-3): """ Returns the result of basin hopping, given the arguments: Args: funcToMinimize: function to minimize, should take in the parameters as described by scipy's basinhopping routine x0: initial guessses, one per minimizer boundsBasin: the bounds, same size as x0. open ends of intervals are None all others: consult basinhopping function """ # the minimizer itself (for each 'basin') takes keywords # here, we are a little less 'picky' about the function tolerances # than before minimizer_kwargs = dict(method=method,bounds=boundsBasin, options=dict(ftol=ftol,xtol=xtol,gtol=gtol)) # use basin-hopping to get a solid guess of where we should start obj = basinhopping(funcToMinimize,x0=x0,disp=disp,T=T, stepsize=stepsize,minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, niter_success=niter_success,interval=interval, niter=niter) return obj
def test_2d(self): # test 2d minimizations with gradient i = 1 res = basinhopping(func2d, self.x0[i], minimizer_kwargs=self.kwargs, niter=self.niter, disp=self.disp) assert_almost_equal(res.x, self.sol[i], self.tol) self.assertTrue(res.nfev > 0)
def run_basinhopping(self): """ Do an optimization run for basinhopping """ kwargs = self.minimizer_kwargs if hasattr(, "temperature"): kwargs["T"] = self.function.temperature if hasattr(, "stepsize"): kwargs["stepsize"] = self.function.stepsize minimizer_kwargs = {"method": "L-BFGS-B"} x0 = self.function.initial_vector() # basinhopping - no gradient minimizer_kwargs['jac'] = False self.function.nfev = 0 t0 = time.time() res = basinhopping(, x0, accept_test=self.accept_test, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, **kwargs) t1 = time.time() res.success = self.function.success(res.x) res.nfev = self.function.nfev self.add_result(res, t1 - t0, 'basinh.')
def cv(): width = 10 * 24 # predict 10 days into future tests = 20 starts = numpy.random.randint(width, len(train) - width, 20) for start in starts: cv_train = train.iloc[:start] cv_test = train.iloc[start:start + width] nbsm = NonlinearBikeShareModel(cv_train) res = optimize.basinhopping( nbsm, nbsm.beta0(), minimizer_kwargs={ 'method':'L-BFGS-B', 'jac':True, 'bounds': nbsm_train.bounds(), 'options': {'disp': False, 'maxiter': 500} }, disp=True, niter=2 ) print 'error:', nbsm(res.x)[0] plt.plot_date(cv_train['dates'], cv_train['count'], label='train') plt.plot_date(cv_train['dates'], nbsm.count(res.x), label='train fit') plt.plot_date(cv_test['dates'], cv_test['count'], label='test') plt.plot_date(cv_test['dates'], nbsm.predict(cv_test, res.x), label='predicted') plt.legend() plt.clf()
def register_masked(ref_mask, img_mask, niter=None, x0=None): """Register img_mask to ref_mask, assumes inputs are contour masks Args: ref_mask -- reference image img_mask -- image to register to reference niter -- number of iterations x0 -- starting value for transform (dx, dy, dsx, dsy) Returns: (matrix, image) matrix -- skimage AffineTranform object image -- img warped to reference """ assert ref_mask.ndim == img_mask.ndim == 2 if niter is None: niter = 100 x0 = x0 or (0, 0, 1, 1) ny, nx = ref_mask.shape img_mask_resized = skimage.transform.resize(img_mask, ref_mask.shape) minimizer_kwargs = dict(method='COBYLA') res = basinhopping(CostFunc(ref_mask, img_mask_resized), x0=x0, niter=niter, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs) tr = _x_to_affine(res.x) img_mask_warped = resize_and_warp_mask(img_mask, ref_mask.shape, tr) reg_res = RegistrationResult(tr, ref_mask, img_mask, img_mask_warped, res) return img_mask_warped, reg_res
def minimize(lipids, box, stepxy=0.5, steprot=50, contactthresh=2.6): from scipy.optimize import basinhopping # rotate in 10deg increments # translate in a 2x2 box in 0.25A increments # swap lipid conformer? headnames = [l.headname for l in lipids] zpos = [[2] for l in lipids] neighbours = [l.neighbours for l in lipids] pos = np.vstack([[:2] for l in lipids]) x0 = pos.flatten().tolist() numlips = len(lipids) bounds = [(x - 1, x + 1) for x in x0] x0 += [180] * numlips # Add the rotations bounds += [(0, 360)] * numlips # Add the rotations stepsizes = np.ones(numlips * 2) * stepxy stepsizes = np.hstack((stepsizes, np.ones(numlips) * steprot)) # Add the rotations # define the new step taking routine and pass it to basinhopping take_step = RandomDisplacementBounds(np.vstack(bounds), stepsizes=stepsizes) minimizer_kwargs = dict(method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bounds, args=(lipids, headnames, zpos, contactthresh, neighbours, numlips, box)) res = basinhopping(totalContacts, x0, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, disp=True, take_step=take_step, niter=10) newpos = res.x[:numlips * 2].reshape((-1, 2)) newrot = res.x[numlips * 2:] return newpos, newrot
def find_assignment(variable_handler, atoms, max_num_resets, tol, verbose=True): init = variable_handler.dict_to_vector() def func(vector): return sum(evaluate(atom, variable_handler.vector_to_dict(vector)).norm for atom in atoms) xs = [] fs = [] options = {'ftol': tol**2} minimizer_kwargs = {"method": "SLSQP", "options": options} for i in range(max_num_resets): result = basinhopping(func, init, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs) if verbose: print("iteration %d:" % (i+1)) print(result) xs.append(result.x) fs.append( if < tol: break init = np.random.rand(len(init)) min_idx = min(enumerate(fs), key=lambda pair: pair[1])[0] assignment = variable_handler.vector_to_dict(xs[min_idx]) norm = fs[min_idx] return assignment, norm
def test_basinhopping_2d_lmfit_vs_scipy(): """Test basinhopping in lmfit versus scipy.""" # SciPy def func2d(x): return np.cos(14.5*x[0] - 0.3) + (x[1]+0.2) * x[1] + (x[0]+0.2) * x[0] minimizer_kwargs = {'method': 'L-BFGS-B'} x0 = [1.0, 1.0] ret = basinhopping(func2d, x0, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, seed=7) # lmfit def residual_2d(params): x0 = params['x0'].value x1 = params['x1'].value return np.cos(14.5*x0 - 0.3) + (x1+0.2) * x1 + (x0+0.2) * x0 pars = lmfit.Parameters() pars.add_many(('x0', 1.), ('x1', 1.)) mini = lmfit.Minimizer(residual_2d, pars) kws = {'minimizer_kwargs': {'method': 'L-BFGS-B'}, 'seed': 7} out = mini.minimize(method='basinhopping', **kws) assert_allclose(out.residual, assert_allclose(out.params['x0'].value, ret.x[0], rtol=1e-5) assert_allclose(out.params['x1'].value, ret.x[1], rtol=1e-5)
def best_position(tag_kde, all_kde, coords): X, Y = zip(*coords) x_max = max(X) x_min = min(X) y_max = max(Y) y_min = min(Y) # Start in the center of the map start_x = x_min + (x_max-x_min)/2. start_y = y_min + (y_max-y_min)/2. # Define the function to minimize, the - is to find the maximum def fn(pos, tag_kde=tag_kde, all_kde=all_kde): result = -tag_kde(pos) / all_kde(pos) return result #print "Start:", (start_x, start_y) peak_fit = optimize.basinhopping( fn, (start_x, start_y), stepsize = 0.15, ) peak_lon = peak_fit['x'][0] peak_lat = peak_fit['x'][1] return peak_lon, peak_lat, start_x, start_y
def findOptimumCurve(self): """ Uses basic downhill simplex optimization to find a curve with freqs target Returns: optpts (tuple): points (x,y) defining optimized curve """ x, y = self.c0 flatpts = np.append(x, y) if self.grade == 'coarse': ftol = 1.0 xtol = 1.0 else: ftol = .1 xtol = .1 if self.method == 'simplex': retvals = fmin(lambda pts: self.evalFitness(pts), flatpts, disp=True, xtol=xtol, ftol=ftol, retall=True, maxiter=300) elif self.method == 'basinhopping': def test(f_new, x_new, f_old, x_old): c = (x_new[:len(x_new) // 2], x_new[len(x_new) // 2:]) return not xy.curve_intersects(xy.interp(c)) # check for intersection # TODO - redundant - happens inside basinhopping anyways minimizer_kwargs = {'tol':ftol*100} res = basinhopping(lambda pts: self.evalFitness(pts), flatpts, T=1, accept_test=test, stepsize=20, disp=True, callback = print, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs) retvals = [res.x, list(res.x)] # this is so indexing to look for xopt doesn't break else: raise ValueError("Invalid method selected") # save the data for lata # TODO - live update instead of waiting til end to write - better crash recovery labels = ['xopt','allvecs'] retdict = dict(zip(labels,retvals)) # automatically ignores allvecs if absent retdict['fits'] = self.fits retdict['fqs'] = self.fqs outpts = retvals[0] x = outpts[:len(outpts) // 2] y = outpts[len(outpts) // 2:] self.optpts = (x, y) print(self.optpts) retdict['optpts'] = self.optpts # for redundancy retdict['target'] = retdict['c0'] = self.c0 self.allvecs = retdict['allvecs'] # TODO - this is ridiculous # isolate best case self.best_fit = min(self.fits) self.best_fq = self.fqs[self.fits.index(self.best_fit)] pickle.dump(retdict, open('vals.p','wb')) # TODO - account for overwriting pickle.dump(self, open('bell.b','wb')) return retdict
def get_start(self, num_walkers=1): """Gets an optimised `n` starting points by calculating a best fit starting point using basinhopping""""Getting start position") def minimise(scale_params): return -self.get_posterior(self.unscale(scale_params)) close_default = 3 start_random = self.get_raw_start() start_close = [(s + p.default * close_default) / (1 + close_default) for s, p in zip(start_random, self.get_active_params())] "Starting basin hopping to find a good starting point") res = basinhopping( minimise, self.scale(start_close), niter_success=3, niter=30, stepsize=0.05, minimizer_kwargs={ "method": "Nelder-Mead", "options": { "maxiter": 600 } }, ) scaled_start = res.x ratio = 0.05 # 5% of the unit hypercube mins = np.clip(scaled_start - ratio, 0, 1) maxes = np.clip(scaled_start + ratio, 0, 1) samples = np.random.uniform(mins, maxes, size=(num_walkers, len(maxes))) unscaled_samples = np.array([self.unscale(s) for s in samples]) self.logger.debug(f"Start samples have shape {unscaled_samples.shape}") return unscaled_samples
def best_score_search(true_labels, predictions, f): # # def f_neg(threshold): ## Scipy tries to minimize the function so we must get its inverse return - f(true_labels, pd.DataFrame(predictions).values > pd.DataFrame(threshold).values.reshape(1, len(predictions[0]))) # return - f(np.array(true_labels), pd.DataFrame(predictions).values > pd.DataFrame(threshold).values)[2] # print(len(predictions[0])) # Initialization of best threshold search thr_0 = [0.20] * len(predictions[0]) constraints = [(0.,1.)] * len(predictions[0]) def bounds(**kwargs): x = kwargs["x_new"] tmax = bool(np.all(x <= 1)) tmin = bool(np.all(x >= 0)) return tmax and tmin # Search using L-BFGS-B, the epsilon step must be big otherwise there is no gradient minimizer_kwargs = {"method": "L-BFGS-B", "bounds":constraints, "options":{ "eps": 0.05 } } # We combine L-BFGS-B with Basinhopping for stochastic search with random steps print("===> Searching optimal threshold for each label") start_time = timer() opt_output = basinhopping(f_neg, thr_0, stepsize = 0.1, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, niter=10, accept_test=bounds) end_time = timer() print("===> Optimal threshold for each label:\n{}".format(opt_output.x)) print("Threshold found in: %s seconds" % (end_time - start_time)) score = - return score, opt_output.x
def bhop_boxfit(data, initial_params, cutoff_fwhm=3, npoints=200, niter=100, verbose=False): """Use scipy basinhopping to fit a box profile convolved with a gaussian beam. Args: data: Tuple of (xdata, ydata) to be fitted initial_params: SlabscanFitParams object for this fit. fwhm_cutoff (float): Number of fwhm to integrate over in the convolution. npoints (int): Number of integration points in the convolution. Returns: A dict with the following keys: Time (t), minima (xmin), basinhopping result object (res). """ xdata, ydata = data param_names = ('center', 'height', 'width', 'fwhm') params_tuple = initial_params.ndarray_of(param_names) param_normalizers = initial_params.ndarray_of_norms_for(param_names) err_func = get_oer_fit_err_func(xdata, ydata, param_normalizers, cutoff_fwhm, npoints) # bh_callback = get_bh_callback(param_normalizers, verbose) t0 = time() res = basinhopping(func=err_func, x0=initial_params.normalized_ndarray_of(param_names), T=1.0, stepsize=0.1, niter=niter) if verbose: print('Seconds', (time() - t0)) print('Initial params: ') initial_params.pp() print('Final params : ', boxfit_ps2str(res.x * param_normalizers)) return {'t': time() - t0, 'res': res, 'xmin': res.x * param_normalizers}
def lml_opt(train_features, train_targets, test_features, kernel_dict, regularization, global_opt=False, algomin='L-BFGS-B', eval_jac=True): """Test Gaussian process predictions.""" # Test prediction routine with linear kernel. N, N_D = np.shape(train_features) regularization_bounds = (1e-3, None) kdict, bounds = prepare_kernels(kernel_dict, regularization_bounds, eval_gradients, N_D) print(bounds) # Create a list of all hyperparameters. theta = kdicts2list(kdict, N_D=N_D) theta = np.append(theta, regularization) # Define fixed arguments for log_marginal_likelihood args = (np.array(train_features), np.array(train_targets), kdict, scale_optimizer, eval_gradients, None, eval_jac) # Optimize if not global_opt: popt = minimize(lml.log_marginal_likelihood, theta, args=args, method=algomin, jac=eval_jac, options={'disp': True}, bounds=bounds) else: minimizer_kwargs = { 'method': algomin, 'args': args, 'bounds': bounds, 'jac': eval_jac } popt = basinhopping(lml.log_marginal_likelihood, theta, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, disp=True) return popt
def fftfit(prof, template=None, **fftfit_kwargs): """Align a template to a pulse profile. Parameters ---------- phase : array The phases corresponding to each bin of the profile prof : array The pulse profile template : array, default None The template of the pulse used to perform the TOA calculation. If None, a simple sinusoid is used Returns ------- mean_amp, std_amp : floats Mean and standard deviation of the amplitude mean_phase, std_phase : floats Mean and standard deviation of the phase Other Parameters ---------------- fftfit_kwargs : arguments Additional arguments to be passed to error calculation """ prof = prof - np.mean(prof) nbin = len(prof) ph = np.arange(0, 1, 1/nbin) if template is None: template = np.cos(2 * np.pi * ph) template = template - np.mean(template) p0 = [np.max(prof), np.float(np.argmax(prof) / nbin)] res = basinhopping(_fft_fun_wrap, p0, minimizer_kwargs={'args': ([prof, template],), 'bounds': [[0, None], [0, None]]}, niter=10000, niter_success=200) return fftfit_error(ph, prof, template, res.x, **fftfit_kwargs)
def best_f2_score(true_labels, predictions): def f_neg(threshold): ## Scipy tries to minimize the function so we must get its inverse return -fbeta_score( true_labels, predictions > threshold, beta=2, average='samples') # Initialization of best threshold search thr_0 = [0.20] * 17 constraints = [(0., 1.)] * 17 def bounds(**kwargs): x = kwargs["x_new"] tmax = bool(np.all(x <= 1)) tmin = bool(np.all(x >= 0)) return tmax and tmin # Search using L-BFGS-B, the epsilon step must be big otherwise there is no gradient minimizer_kwargs = { "method": "L-BFGS-B", "bounds": constraints, "options": { "eps": 0.05 } } # We combine L-BFGS-B with Basinhopping for stochastic search with random steps print("===> Searching optimal threshold for each label") start_time = timer() opt_output = basinhopping(f_neg, thr_0, stepsize=0.1, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, niter=10, accept_test=bounds) end_time = timer() print("===> Optimal threshold for each label:\n{}".format(opt_output.x)) print("Threshold found in: %s seconds" % (end_time - start_time)) score = return score, opt_output.x
def get_xhat(locs, N, k, inverse, pdf_ref, pdf, pdf_metric): '''Compute xhat for given coefficient locs using basinhopping. Parameters ---------- locs : array_like Coefficient location indices. N : int Length of the desired signal (also number of coefficients in total). k : int Desired sparsity level. inverse : callable Inverse sparsifying transform. pdf_ref : array_like Reference pdf of the prior to compare against. pdf : callable Function that estimates pixel intensity distribution. pdf_metric : callable Function that returns the distance between pdfs. Returns ------- xhat : array_like Inverse transform of coeffs. locs : array_like Indices of non-zero coefficients. coeffs : array_like Coefficients of xhat. ''' c0 = np.zeros(N) ck = np.zeros(k) res = basinhopping(obj, ck, minimizer_kwargs={ 'args': (N, locs, inverse, pdf_ref, pdf, pdf_metric) }) c0[locs] = res['x'] xhat = inverse(c0) xhat /= np.max(np.abs(xhat)) + np.finfo('float').eps return (xhat, locs, res['x'])
def get_inverse(x, y, z): ''' Funtion to get inverse kinematics -----------------INPUT--------------- x,y,z = target end coordinates ----------------RETURN--------------- Returns list of r(theta[1]),2,3,4''' b = (-150, 150) # Arbitrary bounds for now bnds = (b, (-75, 70), (-95, 75), (-90, 45) ) # Bounds for r(theta[2]), r(theta[3]), theta4 # cons = [ # {'type': 'eq', 'fun': end_constraint}] # Define constraint type and function to feed into scipy constraints def _get_theta(x, y): '''Function to get r(theta[1]) ''' try: t1 = degrees(arctan(y / x)) return t1 except ZeroDivisionError: # Catch Error for when y=0 raise ZeroDivisionError return 0 # t1 = _get_theta(x, y) x0 = array([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3]) cons = {'type': 'eq', 'fun': end_constraint} minimizer_kwargs = { "method": "SLSQP", "args": (x, y, z), "bounds": bnds, "constraints": cons } # sol = minimize(objective, x0, args=(x, y, z), method='SLSQP', constraints=[cons],bounds=bnds,options={'disp': True}) # sol = minimize(objective, x0, args=(x, y, z), method='SLSQP',bounds=bnds,options={'disp': True}) sol = basinhopping(objective, x0, niter=50, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, disp=False) angles = sol.x return angles
def best_eer(val_scores, utt2len, utt2label, key_list): def f_neg(threshold): ## Scipy tries to minimize the function return utt_eer(val_scores, utt2len, utt2label, key_list, threshold) # Initialization of best threshold search thr_0 = [0.20] * 1 # binary class constraints = [(0., 1.)] * 1 # binary class def bounds(**kwargs): x = kwargs["x_new"] tmax = bool(np.all(x <= 1)) tmin = bool(np.all(x >= 0)) return tmax and tmin # Search using L-BFGS-B, the epsilon step must be big otherwise there is no gradient minimizer_kwargs = { "method": "L-BFGS-B", "bounds": constraints, "options": { "eps": 0.05 } } # We combine L-BFGS-B with Basinhopping for stochastic search with random steps"===> Searching optimal threshold for each label") start_time = timer() opt_output = basinhopping(f_neg, thr_0, stepsize=0.1, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, niter=10, accept_test=bounds) end_time = timer()"===> Optimal threshold for each label:\n{}".format( opt_output.x))"Threshold found in: %s seconds" % (end_time - start_time)) score = return score, opt_output.x
def solve(self, init_value_sampler=None, n_init=20, n_iters=1000, verbose=True, multiprocessing=0): assert self.target_stats is not None, "self.target_stats should have been set before solve." bound = np.array([[-0.25, 0.1, 0, -0.1, 20], [0, 1, 0.2, 1, 75]]) if init_value_sampler is None: init_value_sampler = lambda n: np.random.uniform( low=bound[0, :], high=bound[1, :], size=[n, 5]) init = init_value_sampler(n_init) result = np.zeros([n_init, 5]) if multiprocessing: params = (self, [init[i] for i in range(n_init)], [i + 1 for i in range(n_init)], True, n_iters, bound) pool = mp.Pool(multiprocessing) result =, params) pool.close() else: for i in range(n_init): init_value = init[i, :] if verbose: print( f'{i + 1}/{n_init} is starting. Initial value: {init_value}.' ) time_stamp = time.time() temp_value = basinhopping(self.eval_and_compute_loss, x0=init_value, niter=n_iters, stepsize=0.01).x result[i] = minimize(self.eval_and_compute_loss, x0=temp_value, method='Nelder-Mead').x if verbose: time_elapsed = time.time() - time_stamp formatted_time_elapsed = f'{int(time_elapsed // 3600)}:{int(time_elapsed % 3600 // 60)}:{time_elapsed % 60}' print( f'{i + 1}/{n_init} has completed. Optimized value: {result[i]}. Time elapsed: {formatted_time_elapsed}' ) self.result = result return result
def basinhopping_mode(info): prebuild(info['c_source_list'], info['cc_options'], info['kernel_file']) make_measure_script(int(info['threads'])) #minimizer_kwargs = {"method": "BFGS"} #ret = basinhopping(testfunc, [1.], minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, niter=200) #print(ret.x) #print( #minimizer_kwargs = {"args": 1.0} #ret = basinhopping(testfunc, [1.], minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, stepsize=1) #rranges = (slice(-4, 4, 0.25), slice(-4, 4, 0.25)) #ret = brute(testfunc, rranges, full_output=True, finish=scipy.optimize.fmin) #print("global minimum: x = %.4f, f(x0) = %.4f" % (ret.x, #print(ret) #x0 = [1.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.9, 1.2] #res = minimize(rosen, x0, method='Nelder-Mead', tol=1e-6) #print(res) #scipy.optimize.basinhopping(func, x0, niter=100, T=1.0, stepsize=0.5, minimizer_kwargs=None, take_step=None, accept_test=None, callback=None, interval=50, disp=False, niter_success=None, seed=None) #x0 = [10, 10, 10, 10, 10] #res = minimize(rosen, x0, method='Nelder-Mead', tol=1e-6) #res = minimize(rosen, x0, args=(), method='Nelder-Mead', jac=None, hess=None, hessp=None, bounds=None, constraints=(), tol=None, callback=None, options=None) #print(res) #params = (2, 3, 7) #rranges = (slice(-4, 4, 0.25), slice(-4, 4, 0.25)) #ret = optimize.brute(testfunc, rranges, args=params, full_output=True, finish=optimize.fmin) #print(ret) #x0 = [32, 32, 32] #ret = basinhopping(testfunc, x0, niter=30, T=1.0, stepsize=10, minimizer_kwargs=None, take_step=None, accept_test=None, callback=None, interval=50, disp=True, niter_success=None, seed=None) #ret = basinhopping(testfunc, x0, niter=300, T=1.0, stepsize=10, minimizer_kwargs=None, take_step=None, accept_test=None, callback=None, interval=50, disp=True, niter_success=None, seed=None) #print(ret) minimizer_kwargs = {"args": (info, info['remote'], int(info['repetition']), info['huge_num'])} #ret = basinhopping(testfunc, [32,32,32], niter=300, T=1.0, stepsize=10, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, take_step=None, accept_test=None, callback=None, interval=50, disp=True, niter_success=None, seed=None) ret = basinhopping(evalfunc, [32,32,32], niter=10, T=1.0, stepsize=10, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, take_step=None, accept_test=None, callback=None, interval=50, disp=True, niter_success=None, seed=None) print(ret)
def custom_basinhopping(self): self.successful_results = np.empty(self.n) self.successful_results[:] = np.nan self.current_success_number = 0 minimizer_config = { "method": 'BFGS', "options": { 'gtol': self.confidence } } output = basinhopping(self.to_minimise, self.initial, niter=1000, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_config, take_step=self.step_function, callback=self.callback_function) return output.x
def run(self, wrapper='basinhopping'): # maximize likelihood function by scipy.optimize.minimize function minimizer_kwargs = {"bounds": self.paramsBounds} if wrapper is 'minimize': self.result = minimize(self.chi2, self.paramsInit, **minimizer_kwargs) if wrapper is 'basinhopping': self.result = basinhopping(self.chi2, self.paramsInit, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs) self.paramsMax = self.result.x self.diagnostics = { 'paramsInit': self.paramsInit, 'paramsMax': self.paramsMax, 'paramsBounds': self.paramsBounds, 'paramsNames': self.paramsNames, 'result': self.result, 'Ndim': self.Ndim } return self.diagnostics
def train(self): f=self.create_lossOdeint() bnds = ((1e-12, .2),(1e-12, .2),(5,len(,(1e-12, .2), (1/120, .4),(1e-12, .4),(1e-12, .4),(1e-12, .4),(1e-12, .4),(1e-12, .4))# your bounds x0 = [1e-3, 1e-3, 0, 1e-3, 1/120, 1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3] minimizer_kwargs = { "method": "L-BFGS-B","bounds":bnds } optimal = basinhopping(f, x0, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs,niter=10,disp=True) point = self.s_0, self.start_date, self.i_0, self.d_0, self.r_0, self.startNCases, self.weigthCases, \ self.weigthRecov, self.weigthDeath strSave='{}, {}, '.format(, abs( strSave=strSave+', '.join(map(str,point)) self.append_new_line('./results/history_''.csv', strSave) del self, f, strSave, point gc.collect() return
def test_Wang_LAP(): """Test the least action path method from Jin Wang and colleagues ( Returns ------- """ x1_end=1 x2_end=0 x2_init=1.5 x1_init=1.5 N = 20 x1_input=np.arange(x1_init, x1_end + (x1_end-x1_init)/N, (x1_end-x1_init)/N) x2_input=np.arange(x2_init, x2_end + (x2_end-x2_init)/N, (x2_end-x2_init)/N) X_input=np.vstack((x1_input, x2_input)), F=F, D=0.1, N=20, lamada_=1) res = optimize.basinhopping(, x0=X_input,minimizer_kwargs={'args': (2, F, 0.1, 20, 1)}) res
def start(self, seq_to_optimize): """ @param: The starting list of values to be optimised. Note that the value bounds per element are fixed. """ x0 = seq_to_optimize assert isinstance(x0, list) and len(x0) > 0 and all([isinstance(x, Number) for x in x0]), \ "Input sequence should be a list of type numbers.Number." # the bounds xmin = [1.0] * len(x0) xmax = [2.0] * len(x0) # rewrite the bounds in the way required by L-BFGS-B bounds = [(low, high) for low, high in zip(xmin, xmax)] # use method L-BFGS-B because the problem is smooth and bounded minimizer_kwargs = dict(method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bounds) res = basinhopping(self.f, x0, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs) return res
def trainMinimizer(self, input, optimizer): flattenedWeights = self.__flattenNetwork() print(flattenedWeights.shape) # Minimize the cost function res = optimize.basinhopping(func=self.__loss, x0=flattenedWeights, disp=True, minimizer_kwargs={ "args": (input, input), "method": "L-BFGS-B", "options": { "disp": True } }) # res = adam(fun=self.__loss, x0=flattenedWeights, args=(input, input)) # Rebuild the weights matrix self.__rebuildNetwork(flattenedWeights) # Error of the cost function error = print(f'Final loss is {error}')
def test_all_nograd_minimizers(self): # test 2d minimizations without gradient. Newton-CG requires jac=True, # so not included here. i = 1 methods = [ 'CG', 'BFGS', 'L-BFGS-B', 'TNC', 'SLSQP', 'Nelder-Mead', 'Powell', 'COBYLA' ] minimizer_kwargs = copy.copy(self.kwargs_nograd) for method in methods: minimizer_kwargs["method"] = method res = basinhopping(func2d_nograd, self.x0[i], minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, niter=self.niter, disp=self.disp) tol = self.tol if method == 'COBYLA': tol = 2 assert_almost_equal(res.x, self.sol[i], decimal=tol)
def main(): results = {} results['shgo'] = optimize.shgo(eggholder, bounds) results['DA'] = optimize.dual_annealing(eggholder, bounds) results['DE'] = optimize.differential_evolution(eggholder, bounds) # basinhopping requires initiual guess x0 x0 = np.array([randint(-512, 513), randint(-512, 513)]) kwargs = {'bounds': bounds} results['BH'] = optimize.basinhopping(eggholder, x0, minimizer_kwargs=kwargs) # shgo has a second method, which returns all local minima rather # than only what it thinks is the global minimum: results['shgo_sobol'] = optimize.shgo(eggholder, bounds, n=200, iters=5, sampling_method='sobol') plot_minima(results)
def _fit_basinhopping(self, X, y, X_val, Y_val, activations, deltas, coef_grads, intercept_grads, layer_units): # Store meta information for the parameters self._coef_indptr = [] self._intercept_indptr = [] start = 0 # Save sizes and indices of coefficients for faster unpacking for i in range(self.n_layers_ - 1): n_fan_in, n_fan_out = layer_units[i], layer_units[i + 1] end = start + (n_fan_in * n_fan_out) self._coef_indptr.append((start, end, (n_fan_in, n_fan_out))) start = end # Save sizes and indices of intercepts for faster unpacking for i in range(self.n_layers_ - 1): end = start + layer_units[i + 1] self._intercept_indptr.append((start, end)) start = end # Run Basinhopping packed_coef_inter = _pack(self.coefs_, self.intercepts_) minimizer_kwargs = { 'method': 'L-BFGS-B', 'args': (X, y, activations, deltas, coef_grads, intercept_grads) } result = optimize.basinhopping(x0=packed_coef_inter, T=self.T, stepsize=self.stepsize, func=self._loss_func, niter=self.max_iter, callback=self._callback, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs) optimal_parameters = result.x self.loss = self._unpack(optimal_parameters)
def optimize(self, x0=None, nhops=None, polish=1e-6): """ Perform the optimization. Parameters ---------- x0 : ndarray, None Initial optimization vector. If None, use a random vector. nhops : int, None The number of basin hops to perform while optimizing. If None, hop a number of times equal to the dimension of the conditioning variable(s). polish : float If `polish` > 0, the found minima is improved by removing small components and optimized with lower tolerances. """ from scipy.optimize import basinhopping if x0 is not None: x = x0 else: x = self.construct_random_initial() if nhops is None: nhops = self._default_hops minimizer_kwargs = {'method': 'L-BFGS-B', 'bounds': [(0, 1)] * x.size, } res = basinhopping(func=self.objective, x0=x, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs, niter=nhops, accept_test=accept_test, ) self._optima = res.x if polish: self._polish(cutoff=polish)
def optimize_bis(params, args_, distance, I_A, I_B, I_C, mybounds, obs, cumul): """ Optimise sur la fonction objectif avec l'algorithme du recuit simule de gradient et renvoie le resultat de cette opt. Args ---- params : list Contient les parametres fixes du modele de la fonction mdl.integrateCecidoInflo args_ : list Contient une initialisation des parametres a estimer du modele de la fonction mdl.integrateCecidoInflo distance : fonction Fonction objectif choisie I_ABC : ndarray Nombre d'inflorescences vivantes au cours du temps dans chaque sous parcelle mybounds : Bornes des parametres a estimer obs : bool Vaut 0 si on fait l'optimisation sur toutes les valeurs journalieres, 1 si sur les valeurs observees cumul : bool Vaut 1 si on fait l'optimisation sur les valeurs cumulees au cours du temps. 0 sinon. Returns ------- res : float Resultat de l'optimisation """ res = basinhopping(objectif, params, minimizer_kwargs={ "args": (args_, distance, I_A, I_B, I_C, obs, cumul) }, accept_test=mybounds) return res
def main(): args = create_cmd_args() if not args: args = get_input_args() # Select subjects for fitting if args.subject == 'all': # Fit model to all subjects subjects = range(100) elif args.subject[0] == '-': # For leave-one-subject-out cross validation subjects = [int(x) for x in range(100) if x != -int(args.subject)] else: # For single subject fitting subjects = [int(args.subject)] notes = 'na' bounds = model_bounds[args.training_model] simulator, trials = build_simulator(args.experiment_name, subjects) logfile = 'fitting_log_' + ymdhms() + '_' + str(args.subject) + '.txt' with open(logfile, 'a') as file: file.write(f'experiment_name: {args.experiment_name}\nsubject: {args.subject}\ntrials: {trials}\n' f'approach_experiment: {args.approach_experiment}\n' f'approach_model: {args.approach_model}, avoid_model: {args.avoid_model}\n' f'training_model: {args.training_model}\n' f'method: {args.method}\nbounds: {bounds}\nt_start: {args.t_start}, t_end: {args.t_end}\n' f'preferred speed: {}\nnotes: {notes}\n') if args.method == 'nelder-mead': res = optimize.minimize(error, x0, args=(simulator, trials, logfile, args), method='nelder-mead', options={'xatol': 1e-6, 'disp': True, 'adaptive': True}) elif args.method == 'shgo': res = optimize.shgo(error, bounds, args=(simulator, trials, logfile, args)) elif args.method == 'dual_annealing': res = optimize.dual_annealing(error, bounds, args=(simulator, trials, logfile, args), initial_temp=25000) elif args.method == 'differential_evolution': res = optimize.differential_evolution(error, bounds, args=(simulator, trials, logfile, args), updating='immediate', workers=1) elif args.method == 'basinhopping': res = optimize.basinhopping(error, bounds, minimizer_kwargs={'args':(simulator, trials, logfile, args)}) with open(logfile, 'a') as file: file.write(f'The optimal x: {res.x}') print(res.x)
def findminglob(self, pvals, f_name='None', email=0, meth='TNC', bnds='strict', it=300, stpsize=0.5, temp=1., displ=True, maxits=3000): """Function which minimizes 4DVAR cost fn. Takes an initial state (pvals), an obs dictionary, an obs error dictionary, a dataClass and a start and finish time step. """ p = np.array(pvals.tolist()[0], dtype=np.float) self.xb = p self.names = pvals.dtype.names if bnds == 'strict': bnds = self.opt_bnds(self.dC.bnds) else: bnds = bnds findmin = spop.basinhopping(self.cost, p, niter=it, minimizer_kwargs={ 'method': meth, 'bounds': bnds, 'jac': self.gradcost2, 'options': { 'maxiter': maxits } }, stepsize=stpsize, T=temp, disp=displ) if f_name != 'None': if email == 1: my_email.send_email(findmin, f_name) return findmin
def removecoin(inputimage, startguess=[0.5, 0.5, 0.1], method='local'): if method == 'local': x_opt = fmin(circlecost, [0.4, 0.7, 0.1], args=(inputimage)) print(x_opt) outermean = circlecost_outermean(x_opt, totuple(inputimage)) outputimage = drawcircle(inputimage, x_opt[0], x_opt[1], x_opt[2], 0) if method == 'global': minimizer_kwargs = { 'method': 'Nelder-Mead', 'args': totuple(inputimage) } result = basinhopping(circlecost, [0.4, 0.7, 0.1], minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs) x_opt = result.x print(x_opt) outermean = circlecost_outermean(x_opt, totuple(inputimage)) outputimage = drawcircle(inputimage, x_opt[0], x_opt[1], x_opt[2], 0) imshow(outputimage) return outputimage
def MSM_original(data,kbar,startingvals): """ Implementation of MSM close to the original one in Matlab data = data to use for likelihood calculation kbar = number of multipliers in the model startingvals = 4 parameters of the MSM, recommended to set to None so that the function can compute optimal starting values """ A_template = T_mat_template(kbar) startingvals, LLs,ordered_parameters = starting_values(data,startingvals,kbar,A_template) bnds = ((1.001,50),(1,1.99),(1e-3,0.999999),(1e-4,5)) minimizer_kwargs = dict(method = "L-BFGS-B",bounds = bnds,args = (kbar,data,A_template,None)) res = opt.basinhopping(likelihood,x0 = startingvals,minimizer_kwargs = minimizer_kwargs, niter = 1) parameters,LL,niters,output = res.x,,res.nit,res.message #print(LL,parameters) LL, LLs,pi_t = likelihood(parameters,kbar,data,A_template,None,2) LL = -LL return(LL,LLs,parameters,pi_t)
def fit(self, X, Y, sY): # first we need to build a distance matrix self.sY = sY if type(self.sY) is float: self.sY = self.Y * 0 + sY self.X = X self.Y = Y self.dX1X1 = dmat(X.reshape(-1, 1)) fitter = basinhopping(func=self.marginal_likelihood, x0=np.array([, self.sigma, self.length]), niter=13) = fitter.x[0] self.sigma = abs(fitter.x[1]) self.length = abs(fitter.x[2]) self.tY = (Y -, 1) self.KX1X1 = rbf_kern( self.dX1X1, self.sigma**2.0, self.length) + np.eye(self.dX1X1.shape[0]) * self.sY self.KX1X1_inv = np.linalg.pinv(self.KX1X1) self.KiY =
def basinhopping(self, x0=None, bounds=None, **kwargs): if x0 is None: x0 = [par.guess for par in self.fit_parameters] if bounds is None: bounds = [par.bounds for par in self.fit_parameters] xmin = np.array(bounds)[:, 0] xmax = np.array(bounds)[:, 1] def bounds_enforcer(**kwargs): x = kwargs["x_new"] tmax = bool(np.all(x <= xmax)) tmin = bool(np.all(x >= xmin)) return tmax and tmin from scipy.optimize import basinhopping sol = basinhopping( self.minimizer, x0, accept_test=bounds_enforcer, **kwargs ) sol.x = dict(zip([ for par in self.fit_parameters], sol.x)) return sol
def run_basinhopping(cf, mst, links_to_add, highD_dist_matrix, debug = False): ''' Returns new graph. cf = cost_function start = start x ''' disp = False if debug: disp = True start = len( if debug: print(f"Starting optimization at {start}") minimizer_kwargs = {'args':{'graph':mst,'list_of_links_to_add':links_to_add,'highD_dist_matrix':highD_dist_matrix,'debug':debug}} result = optimize.basinhopping( cf, start, disp=disp, minimizer_kwargs=minimizer_kwargs ) if debug: print(result) g = add_links_to_graph(mst, highD_dist_matrix, links_to_add, result.x[0]) return g
def argmaxvar(self, bounds = (-4., 4.)): assert isinstance(bounds, tuple) def neg_var_x(x): assert x.shape[0] == self._kern._input_dim X_test = x.reshape(1, x.shape[0]) K_test = self._kern.cov(self._X, X_test) K_test_grad = self._kern.d_cov_d_X(X_test, self._X)[:,0,:].T v = np.linalg.solve(self._chol, K_test) v_grad = np.linalg.solve(self._chol, K_test_grad) return - self.predict(X_test)[1][0,0], 2. *, v) bnds = (bounds,) * self._kern._input_dim #res = minimize(neg_var_x, np.random.normal(size = (self._kern._input_dim,)), method = 'L-BFGS-B', jac = True, bounds = bnds, options = {'ftol': 1e-16, 'gtol': 1e-16, 'maxiter' : 1000}) #res = minimize(neg_var_x, x0, method = 'TNC', jac = True) # --- Using optimize.basinhopping minimizer_kwargs = {'method': 'L-BFGS-B', 'jac': True, 'bounds': bnds, 'options' : {'ftol': 1e-16, 'gtol': 1e-16, 'maxiter' : 1000}} res = basinhopping(neg_var_x, np.random.uniform(size = (self._kern._input_dim,))- 0.5, minimizer_kwargs = minimizer_kwargs) return res.x