Example #1
    def detect_jumps(self):
        wle = int(self.regressor_t/self.pitch_t_hop)
        isel = self.mag > np.max(self.mag)*self.mag_threshold
        tsel = self.t[isel]
        fsel = self.f0[isel]
        self.isel = isel

        le = linreg2_err(tsel, fsel, wleft=wle, wright=wle, use_l=True)
        imax = argrelmax(le)[0]
        lemax = le[imax]
        idx = imax[lemax > self.t_threshold]
        ijup = idx
        imin = argrelmax(-le)[0]
        lemin = le[imin]
        idx = imin[lemin < -self.t_threshold]
        ijdn = idx

        self.down_jump_indices = np.asarray(ijdn)
        self.up_jump_indices = np.asarray(ijup)
        self.down_jump_times = tsel[ijdn]
        self.up_jump_times = tsel[ijup]
def timebetweenpeaks(dataMatrix, Sensor,Min = False,order=10):
    timedifference = []
    if Min==False:
        for Sensors in Sensor:
            peaks = (argrelmax(dataMatrix[:,Sensors],order=order))
            distance = []
            for p in range(0,len(peaks[0])-1):
            for d in distance:
                number +=d

        for Sensors in Sensor:
            peaks = (argrelmax(dataMatrix[:,Sensors],order=order))
            distance = []
            for p in range(0,len(peaks[0])-1):
            for d in distance:
                number +=d

    return timedifference
    def on_change2(pt):
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2)
        ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[:, 0])
        ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0,1])
        ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[1,1])
        #ax1.text(f[pt],normList[pt],str(f[pt])+ 'Hz')
        string='f={:.3f} Hz\nMode={:.0f}'.format(f[pt],pt)
        ax1.text(0.05, 0.95, string, transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=14,
        print np.diff(exti)

        print 'n=',L/(np.diff(maxi)*dx)+gamma
        print 'n=',L/(np.diff(mini)*dx)+gamma
        print 'n=',L/(np.diff(exti)*dx*2.0)+gamma
        print 'n=',L/(np.diff(maxi_imag)*dx)+gamma
        print 'n=',L/(np.diff(mini_imag)*dx)+gamma
        print 'n=',L/(np.diff(exti_imag)*dx*2.0)+gamma
Example #4
def getWinSize(im, padFactor=4):
    h, w = im.shape
    im = np.pad(im, ((0, h * (padFactor - 1)), (0, w * (padFactor - 1))), mode='constant')

    spec = abs(np.fft.fft2(im))

    horizIs = sig.argrelmax(spec[0, :])[0]
    vertIs = sig.argrelmax(spec[:, 0])[0]
    maxHorizI = max(horizIs, key=lambda i: spec[0, i])
    maxVertI = max(vertIs, key=lambda i: spec[i, 0])
    return round(float(im.shape[1]) / maxHorizI), round(float(im.shape[0]) / maxVertI)
Example #5
def locxymax(nda, order=1, mode='clip') :
    """For 2-d or 3-d numpy array finds mask of local maxima in x and y axes (diagonals are ignored) 
       using scipy.signal.argrelmax and return their product.

       @param nda - input ndarray
       @param order - range to search for local maxima along each dimension
       @param mode - parameter of scipy.signal.argrelmax of how to treat the boarder
    shape = nda.shape
    size  = nda.size
    ndim = len(shape)

    if ndim< 2 or ndim>3 :
        msg = 'ERROR: locxymax nda shape %s should be 2-d or 3-d' % (shape)

    ext_cols = argrelmax(nda, -1, order, mode)
    ext_rows = argrelmax(nda, -2, order, mode)
    indc = np.array(ext_cols, dtype=np.uint16)
    indr = np.array(ext_rows, dtype=np.uint16)

    msk_ext_cols = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.uint16)
    msk_ext_rows = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.uint16)

    if ndim == 2 :
        icr = indc[0,:] 
        icc = indc[1,:]
        irr = indr[0,:]
        irc = indr[1,:]

        msk_ext_cols[icr,icc] = 1
        msk_ext_rows[irr,irc] = 1

    elif ndim == 3 :
        ics = indc[0,:] 
        icr = indc[1,:] 
        icc = indc[2,:]
        irs = indr[0,:]
        irr = indr[1,:]
        irc = indr[2,:]

        msk_ext_cols[ics,icr,icc] = 1
        msk_ext_rows[irs,irr,irc] = 1

    #print 'nda.size:',   nda.size
    #print 'indc.shape:', indc.shape
    #print 'indr.shape:', indr.shape
    return msk_ext_rows * msk_ext_cols
Example #6
    def find_current_peak_position(self, data):
        Finds the current average peak position.

            data : numpy.ndarray
            A phase-corrected datacube.

            peak_position : int
            The argument of the highest local maximum.
        self.info('Finding current peak position.')
        data = data.sum(axis=2)
        data = data.sum(axis=1)
        data = np.where(data < 0.75 * data.max(), 0, data)
        peaks = signal.argrelmax(data, axis=0, order=5)[0]
        self.info('Encountered {:d} peaks: '.format(len(peaks)))

        peaks_values = data[peaks]
        max_peaks_arg = np.argmax(peaks_values)
        peak = peaks[max_peaks_arg]

        return peak
Example #7
    def apocenter(self, type=np.mean):
        Estimate the apocenter(s) of the orbit. By default, this returns
        the mean apocenter. To get, e.g., the minimum apocenter,
        pass in ``type=np.min``. To get all apocenters, pass in

        type : func (optional)
            By default, this returns the mean apocenter. To return all
            apocenters, pass in ``None``. To get, e.g., the minimum
            or maximum apocenter, pass in ``np.min`` or ``np.max``.

        apo : float, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
            Either a single number or an array of apocenters.
        r = self.r
        max_ix = argrelmax(r, mode='wrap')[0]
        max_ix = max_ix[(max_ix != 0) & (max_ix != (len(r)-1))]

        if type is not None:
            return type(r[max_ix])
            return r[max_ix]
Example #8
def par_find_peaks_by_chan(info):
    p_spect_array: numpy.ndarray
        An array with dimensions frequencies x channels
    frequencies: numpy.ndarray
        An array of the frequencies used
    std_thresh: float
        Threshold in number of standard deviations above the corrected power spectra to be counted as a peak

    peaks_all_chans: numpy.ndarray with type bool
        An array of booleans the same shape as p_spect_array, specifying if there is a peak at a given frequency
        and electrode

    p_spect_array = info[0]
    frequencies = info[1]
    std_thresh = info[2]

    peaks_all_chans = np.zeros(p_spect_array.shape).astype(bool)
    for i, chan_data in enumerate(p_spect_array.T):
        x = sm.tools.tools.add_constant(np.log10(frequencies))
        model_res = sm.RLM(chan_data, x).fit()
        peak_inds = argrelmax(model_res.resid)
        peaks = np.zeros(x.shape[0], dtype=bool)
        peaks[peak_inds] = True
        above_thresh = model_res.resid > (np.std(model_res.resid) * std_thresh)
        peaks_all_chans[:,i] = peaks & above_thresh
    return peaks_all_chans
Example #9
def find_peaks(x, threshold=None, order=1):
    """Finds local maxima of a function.

        x: A data vector.
        threshold: Local maxima under this value will be discarded.
            If threshold is None, the function will return only the global
            Defaut value os None.
        order: Number of samples before and after a data point that have
            to be smaller than the data point to be considered a local maximum.
            If 'threshold' is None, this argument has no effect.
            Default: 1.
        out: A list of local maxima, numpy array type.
    if threshold is not None:
        event_peaks = signal.argrelmax(x, order=int(order))[0]
        if event_peaks.size > 0:
            return event_peaks[x[event_peaks] > threshold]
        return event_peaks
        if x.size > 0:
            return np.array([np.argmax(x)])
        return np.array([])
Example #10
def elliptical_orbit_to_events(t, w):
    Convert an orbit to MIDI events using Cartesian coordinates and rules.

    t : array_like
    w : array_like
    midi_pool : array_like


    loop = gd.classify_orbit(w)

    # apocenters
    x,y,z = w.T[:3]
    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    apo = np.array([argrelmax(rr)[0] for rr in r])

    # get periods
    periods = []
    for i in range(w.shape[1]):
        if np.any(loop[i] == 1):
            w2 = gd.align_circulation_with_z(w[:,i], loop[i])

            R = np.sqrt(w2[:,0]**2 + w2[:,1]**2)
            phi = np.arctan2(w2[:,1], w2[:,0]) % (2*np.pi)
            z = w2[:,2]

            # loop
            T1 = gd.peak_to_peak_period(t, R)
            T2 = gd.peak_to_peak_period(t, phi)
            T3 = gd.peak_to_peak_period(t, z)

            # box
            T1 = gd.peak_to_peak_period(t, w[:,i,0])
            T2 = gd.peak_to_peak_period(t, w[:,i,1])
            T3 = gd.peak_to_peak_period(t, w[:,i,2])


    freqs = (2*np.pi / np.array(periods)) * 10000.

    delays = []
    notes = []
    for j in range(w.shape[0]):
        _no = []
        for i in range(w.shape[1]):
            if j in apo[i]:

        if len(_no) > 0:

    delays = np.array(delays)
    notes = np.array(notes)

    return delays, notes
Example #11
    def unwrap_fsr(peaks, fsr_channel, running_for=None):
        Use clusters of data to identify regions that are wrapped and
        unwrap it using the fsr in number of channels.

        peaks (numpy.ndarray) : 1D array containing the peaks with more than a
        fsr_channel (int) : the FSR in number of channels.

        peaks (numpy.ndarray) : 1D array containing the peaks unwrapped.

        To Do: Test with more than 1 FSR.

        indexes = np.argsort(peaks)
        sorted_peaks = np.sort(peaks)
        diff_sorted_peaks = np.diff(sorted_peaks)
        temp = np.abs(diff_sorted_peaks)

        where = np.abs(temp - np.median(temp)) < np.std(temp)
        temp[where] = 0
        split_indexes = signal.argrelmax(temp)[0]

        split_y_indexes = np.split(indexes, split_indexes + 1)
        for (i, idx) in enumerate(split_y_indexes):
            peaks[idx] -= fsr_channel * i

        return peaks
Example #12
def get_peaks(freq, spectrum, threshold, outdir, metadata):
    This gets the frequency of the peaks of a signal.
    # Smooth the data by using repeated mean smoothing.
    radius = 2
    for i in range(3):
        smooth_spec, _ = mean_smooth(spectrum, radius)
        freq = freq[radius:-radius+1]
        spectrum = spectrum[radius:-radius+1]

    # Get the peaks from the smoothed spectum.
    prad = 4
    peak_index = sig.argrelmax(smooth_spec, order=prad)[0]

    # Remove "peaks" that are only noise fluctuations.
    peaks = []
    for i in peak_index:
        lower = max(i - prad,  0)
        upper = min(i + prad + 1, len(smooth_spec))
        segment = smooth_spec[lower:upper] - smooth_spec[i]
        if abs(np.min(segment)) > threshold:

    # Frequencies and the spectra.
    freq_peaks = np.array([freq[i] for i in peaks])
    spec_peaks = np.array([spectrum[i] for i in peaks])

    # Create a plot.
    plt.plot(freq, spectrum, 'k')
    plt.plot(freq, smooth_spec, 'r')
    plt.plot(freq_peaks, spec_peaks, 'bo')
    plot_tools(metadata, outdir, 'peak_find')

    return freq_peaks
    def spline_max_growth_rate(self, s, droplow=False):

        ### N.B.: set parameter of -2.3 for dropping low OD values from analysis - i.e., OD 0.1###
        if droplow: data = np.where(self.log_data < -2.3, 'nan', self.log_data)
        else: data = self.log_data
        interpolator = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(self.elapsed_time, data, k=4, s=s)  #k can be 3-5
        der = interpolator.derivative()

        # Get the approximation of the derivative at all points
        der_approx = der(self.elapsed_time)

        # Get the maximum
        self.maximum_index = np.argmax(der_approx)
        self.growth_rate = der_approx[self.maximum_index]
        self.doubling_time = np.log(2)/self.growth_rate
        self.time_of_max_rate = self.elapsed_time[self.maximum_index]

        # Get estimates of lag time and saturation time from 2nd derivative
        der2 = der.derivative()
        der2_approx = der2(self.elapsed_time)
        try: self.lag_index = signal.argrelmax(der2_approx)[0][0]  # find first max
        except: self.lag_index = 0
        if self.lag_index > self.maximum_index: self.lag_index = 0
        self.lag_time = self.elapsed_time[self.lag_index]
        self.lag_OD = self.raw_data[self.lag_index]
        minima = signal.argrelmin(der2_approx)[0]  # find first min after maximum_index
        which_min = bisect.bisect(minima, self.maximum_index)
        try: self.sat_index = minima[which_min]
        except: self.sat_index = len(self.elapsed_time) - 1
        self.sat_time = self.elapsed_time[self.sat_index]
        self.sat_OD = self.raw_data[self.sat_index]

        self.spline = interpolator(self.elapsed_time)
        self.intercept = self.log_data[self.maximum_index] - (self.growth_rate*self.time_of_max_rate) # b = y - ax
        self.fit_y_values = [((self.growth_rate * x) + self.intercept) for x in self.elapsed_time]  # for plotting
Example #14
	def relativeExtremaSegments(self, rawData, maxMin="max", minSegSize=50):
		from scipy.signal import argrelmax, argrelmin
		PCs = pca(rawData, n_components=1)[0]
		if maxMin == 'max':
			return argrelmax(PCs[:,0], order=minSegSize)[0]
		if maxMin == 'min':
			return argrelmin(PCs[:,0], order=minSegSize)[0]
Example #15
def get_envelops(x, t=None):
    """ Find the upper and lower envelopes of the array `x`.
    if t is None:
        t = np.arange(x.shape[0])
    maxima = argrelmax(x)[0]
    minima = argrelmin(x)[0]

    # consider the start and end to be extrema

    ext_maxima = np.zeros((maxima.shape[0] + 2,), dtype=int)
    ext_maxima[1:-1] = maxima
    ext_maxima[0] = 0
    ext_maxima[-1] = t.shape[0] - 1

    ext_minima = np.zeros((minima.shape[0] + 2,), dtype=int)
    ext_minima[1:-1] = minima
    ext_minima[0] = 0
    ext_minima[-1] = t.shape[0] - 1

    tck = interpolate.splrep(t[ext_maxima], x[ext_maxima])
    upper = interpolate.splev(t, tck)
    tck = interpolate.splrep(t[ext_minima], x[ext_minima])
    lower = interpolate.splev(t, tck)
    return upper, lower
Example #16
def extr(x):
    """Extract the indices of the extrema and zero crossings.
    :param x: input signal
    :type x: array-like
    :return: indices of minima, maxima and zero crossings.
    :rtype: tuple
    m = x.shape[0]

    x1 = x[:m - 1]
    x2 = x[1:m]
    indzer = find(x1 * x2 < 0)
    if np.any(x == 0):
        iz = find(x == 0)
        indz = []
        if np.any(np.diff(iz) == 1):
            zer = x == 0
            dz = np.diff([0, zer, 0])
            debz = find(dz == 1)
            finz = find(dz == -1) - 1
            indz = np.round((debz + finz) / 2)
            indz = iz
        indzer = np.sort(np.hstack([indzer, indz]))

    indmax = argrelmax(x)[0]
    indmin = argrelmin(x)[0]

    return indmin, indmax, indzer
Example #17
def decode(file_name):
    image = Image.open("temp.png")
    q = border.find("temp.png")
    ind = sp.argmin(sp.sum(q, 1), 0)
    up_left = q[ind, 0] + 2
    up_top = q[ind, 1] + 2
    d_right = q[ind+1, 0] - 3
    d_bottom = q[ind-1, 1] - 3

    box = (up_left, up_top, d_right, d_bottom)
    region = image.crop(box)
    h_sum = sp.sum(region, 0)
    m = argrelmax(sp.correlate(h_sum, h_sum, 'same'))
    s = sp.average(sp.diff(m))
    m = int(round(d_right - up_left)/s)
    if m % 3 != 0:
        m += 3 - m % 3
    n = int(round(d_bottom - up_top)/s)
    if n % 4 != 0:
        n += 4 - n % 4
    s = int(round(s))+1

    region = region.resize((s*m, s*n), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
    pix = region.load()
    matrix = mix.off(rec.matrix(pix, s, m, n))
    str2 = hamming.decode(array_to_str(matrix))

    return hamming.bin_to_str(str2)
Example #18
    def test_amgauss(self):
        """Test if the gaussian amplitude modulator works correctly."""
        time_center = 63
        n_points = 128
        spread = 10
        signal = am.amgauss(n_points, time_center, spread)
        # parameters of the underlying gaussian function of the form
        # f(x) = a * exp( (-(x - b) **2) / (2 * (c ** 2)))
        a, b, c = 1, time_center, spread / np.sqrt(2 * pi)
        # Integral of a Gaussian is a * c * sqrt( 2 * pi)
        integral = a * c * np.sqrt(2 * pi)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(integral, signal.sum())

        # Other miscellaneous properties of a Gaussian
        maximum = argrelmax(signal)
        self.assertEqual(len(maximum), 1)
        self.assertEqual(maximum[0][0], time_center - 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(signal[time_center - 1], 1.0)

        self.assert_is_monotonic_increasing(signal[:(time_center - 1)])
        self.assert_is_monotonic_decreasing(signal[(time_center - 1):])

        infpl1 = np.floor(b - c).astype(int) - 1
        infpl2 = np.floor(b + c).astype(int)
Example #19
def _get_psp_list(bins, neuron_model, di_param, timestep, simtime):
    Return the list of effective weights from a list of NEST connection
    # create neuron and recorder
    neuron = nest.Create(neuron_model, params=di_param)
    vm = nest.Create("voltmeter", params={"interval": timestep})
    nest.Connect(vm, neuron)
    # send the spikes
    times = [ timestep+n*simtime for n in range(len(bins)) ]
    sg = nest.Create("spike_generator", params={'spike_times':times,
    nest.Connect(sg, neuron)
    # get the max and its time
    dvm = nest.GetStatus(vm)[0]
    da_voltage = dvm["events"]["V_m"]
    da_times = dvm["events"]["times"]
    da_max_psp = da_voltage[ argrelmax(da_voltage) ]
    da_min_psp = da_voltage[ argrelmin(da_voltage) ]
    da_max_psp -= da_min_psp
    if len(bins) != len(da_max_psp):
        raise InvalidArgument("simtime too short: all PSP maxima are not in \
        plt.plot(da_times, da_voltage)
        return da_max_psp
def peakFind(data,l,pos,order=1,_even=False):
    sets = re.sub('x',str(pos),'Report: xm (m)')
    print sets    
    iterr = 1

    while not _even:                
        iterr += 1
        mean = int(l[2]*iterr)
        maxlen = []
        phases = {}
        framepeak = {}
        for frame in data.iteritems():
            name = frame[0]
            frame = frame[1][sets]
            frameMean = mo.rolling_sum(frame**3,mean,center=True).values
            maxpeak = sig.argrelmax(frameMean,order=order)
            framepeak[name] = frame.index[maxpeak]
            phase = np.zeros([framepeak[name].shape[0]-1])
            for i in xrange(phase.shape[0]):
                phase[i] = framepeak[name][i+1]-framepeak[name][i]
            phases[name] = phase
            phases = pd.DataFrame(phases)
            framePeaks = pd.DataFrame(framepeak)
            _even = True
        except ValueError:
            print maxlen
            print '----- All of the peaks have not been found ------'
            if iterr is 200:
                _even = True
                print ' ------ max iterations reached. Check data length ------'
                sets,phases,framePeaks = [],[],[]
    return [sets,phases,framePeaks]
Example #21
    def extractResponse(self):

        stimStarts = (self.stimStartInds) / self.downSamplingFactor
        stimEnds = (self.stimEndInds) / self.downSamplingFactor
        samplingRateDown = self.vibrationSignalDown.sampling_rate

        self.stimAmps = []
        self.stimFreqs = []
        self.responseVTraces = []
        self.stimTraces = []
        for (stD, endD, st, end) in zip(stimStarts, stimEnds, self.stimStartInds, self.stimEndInds):

            stimDown = self.vibrationSignalDown[stD:endD + 1]
            stimDownFFT = np.fft.rfft(stimDown, n=2048)
            self.stimFreqs.append(np.argmax(np.abs(stimDownFFT)) * samplingRateDown / 2 / len(stimDownFFT))

            stimAS = self.vibrationSignal[st:end + 1]
            stim = stimAS.magnitude
            allAmps = stim[np.concatenate((argrelmin(stim)[0], argrelmax(stim)[0]))]

            self.stimAmps.append(np.abs(allAmps).mean() * self.vibrationSignal.units)

            self.responseVTraces.append(self.voltageSignal[st:end + 1])

            self.stimTraces.append((stimAS - np.mean(stimAS)))
def manual_detect(x, times, ker_len, clip, rate):

    kernel = np.ones((int(ker_len))) / ker_len
    x_smoothed = convolve(x, kernel)

    boundaries = argrelmax(x_smoothed)[0]
    boundaries = np.append(boundaries, len(x)-1)
    boundaries = np.insert(boundaries, 0, 0)
    boundaries = times[boundaries]

    # Optionaly clip all boundaries that are too close apart
    if clip > 0:
        y = [boundaries[0]]
        i = 0
        for j in range(1, len(boundaries)):
            if boundaries[j]-boundaries[i] >= clip:
                boundaries[i:j] = np.mean(boundaries[i:j])
                i = j
            j += 1

        for bound in boundaries:
            if bound != y[-1]:
        boundaries = np.array(y)

    return boundaries
Example #23
def guess_syllables(wave, window_size=10, len_threshold=0.01):
    amp, _ = segmentation(wave)
    windowed_amp = feature.normalize(moving_window(amp, window_size))
    maximi=signal.argrelmax(windowed_amp, order=7)
    return len(maximi[0])
Example #24
def initSMParamsFourier(Q, x, y, sn, samplingFreq, nPeaks, relMaxOrder=2):
    Initialize hyperparameters for the spectral-mixture kernel. Weights are
    all set to be uniformly distributed, means are given as the peaks in the
    frequency spectrum, and variances are given by a random sample from a 
    uniform distribution with a max equal to the max distance.
    x = np.atleast_2d(x)
    y = np.atleast_2d(y)
    n, D = x.shape
    w = np.zeros(Q)
    m = np.zeros((D,Q))
    s = np.zeros((D,Q))
    w[:] = np.std(y) / Q
    hypinit = {
        'cov': np.zeros(Q+2*D*Q),
        'lik': np.atleast_1d(np.log(sn)),
        'mean': np.array([])

    # Assign hyperparam weights
    hypinit['cov'][0:Q] = np.log(w)

    # Assign hyperparam frequencies (mu's)
    signal = np.array(y.ravel()).ravel()  # Make into 1D array
    n = x.shape[0]
    k = np.arange(n)
    ts = n/samplingFreq
    frqx = k/float(ts)
    frqx = frqx[range(n/2)]
    frqy = np.fft.fft(signal)/n
    frqy = abs(frqy[range(n/2)])
    # Find the peaks in the frequency spectrum
    peakIdx = np.array([])
    while not peakIdx.any() and relMaxOrder > 0:
        peakIdx = spsig.argrelmax(np.log(frqy**2), order=relMaxOrder)[0]
        relMaxOrder -= 1
    if not peakIdx.any():
        raise ValueError("Data doesn't have any detectable peaks in Fourier space."
                         " Switching to a different kernel besides the spectral "
                         "mixture is recommended.")
    # Find specified number (nPeaks) largest peaks
    sortedIdx = frqy[peakIdx].argsort()[::-1][:nPeaks]
    sortedPeakIdx = peakIdx[sortedIdx]
    hypinit['cov'][Q + np.arange(0,Q*D)] = np.log(frqx[sortedPeakIdx])

    # Assign hyperparam length scales (sigma's)
    for i in range(0,D):
        xslice = np.atleast_2d(x[:,i])
        d2 = spat.distance.cdist(xslice, xslice, 'sqeuclidean')
        if n > 1:
            d2[d2 == 0] = d2[0,1]
            d2[d2 == 0] = 1
        maxshift = np.max(np.max(np.sqrt(d2)))
        s[i,:] = 1./np.abs(maxshift*np.random.ranf((1,Q)))
    hypinit['cov'][Q + Q*D + np.arange(0,Q*D)] = np.log(s[:]).T
    return hypinit
Example #25
def top_peak_pixels(pixels,spectra):
    max_locs = argrelmax(spectra)[0]
    max_vals = spectra[max_locs]
    sorted_max_val_inds = np.argsort(max_vals).astype(int)
    top_max_val_inds = sorted_max_val_inds[-2:]
    top_max_locs = max_locs[top_max_val_inds]
    max_flux_pixels = pixels[top_max_locs]
    return np.sort(max_flux_pixels)
Example #26
def test_ampd_peaks():
    x = np.sin(np.arange(0, 20*np.pi, np.pi/20))
    noise = np.random.sample(size=x.shape)/100  # test with just a little noise
    actual_peaks = signal.argrelmax(x)[0]
    detected_peaks = discrete.ampd_peaks(x + noise)
    assert set(detected_peaks) - set(actual_peaks) == set()
    # Grant forgiveness for first and last peaks.
    assert set(actual_peaks) - set(detected_peaks) - {actual_peaks[0], actual_peaks[-1]} == set()
def convolution_metric(convolved, response, sample_size):
    convolved = np.convolve(convolved, np.ones(10)/10, mode='same')
    peaks = argrelmax(convolved)[0]
    peak_values = convolved[peaks]
    samples = np.argsort(peak_values)[::-1][:sample_size]
    response = response[peaks[samples]]
    weights = convolved[peaks[samples]]
    weights = weights / np.sum(weights)
    return np.sum(response * weights), np.std(response)
Example #28
def getSpectralPeaks(aSpectrum, method="MAD",halfWindowSize=20, SNR=2):
    if (method=="MAD"):
        idx = argrelmax(np.array(aSpectrum.df['intensity']), order=halfWindowSize)[0]
        noise = estimateNoise(aSpectrum.df['intensity'])
        dfPeaksPythonCleaned = dfPeaksPython[dfPeaksPython['intensity'] > (SNR*noise)]
        pks = massPeaks(mass=dfPeaksPythonCleaned['mass'], intensity=dfPeaksPythonCleaned['intensity'])
        return pks
Example #29
def peaky(f, o=3):
    fpeak = signal.argrelmax(f, order=o)[0]
    peak_mean = f[fpeak].mean()
    # consider that no train is less than half of average train
    limit = peak_mean / 2.0
    # collect volume around the peak
    ff = np.array([f[i - o : i + o + 1].sum() if (i in fpeak) and (x > limit) else 0 for i, x in enumerate(f)])
    scale = f.sum() / ff.sum()
    return ff * scale
Example #30
 def test_residue(self):
     """Test the residue of the emd output."""
     signal = np.sum([self.trend, self.mode1, self.mode2], axis=0)
     decomposer = EMD(signal, t=self.ts)
     imfs = decomposer.decompose()
     n_imfs = imfs.shape[0]
     n_maxima = argrelmax(imfs[n_imfs - 1, :])[0].shape[0]
     n_minima = argrelmin(imfs[n_imfs - 1, :])[0].shape[0]
     self.assertTrue(max(n_maxima, n_minima) <= 2)
Example #31
def extremes(values: [T]) -> [T]:
    max_indices = argrelmax(numpy.array(values))[0]
    min_indices = argrelmin(numpy.array(values))[0]

    max_i = 0
    min_i = 0
    result = []

    # Merge two arrays of minimums and maximums into one
    while max_i < len(max_indices) and min_i < len(min_indices):
        if max_indices[max_i] < min_indices[min_i] and \
                values[max_indices[max_i]] > values[min_indices[min_i]]:
            max_i += 1
            min_i += 1
    result.extend(map(lambda i: values[i], max_indices[max_i:]))
    result.extend(map(lambda i: values[i], min_indices[min_i:]))
    return result
Example #32
def get_first_mode(data, rare_prop=99, remove_tail=True):
    gets the first (reliable) peak in the histogram
        data (np.ndarray): image data
        rare_prop (float): if remove_tail, use the proportion of hist above
        remove_tail (bool): remove rare portions of histogram
            (included to replicate the default behavior in the R version)
        first_peak (int): index of the first peak
    if remove_tail:
        rare_thresh = np.percentile(data, rare_prop)
        which_rare = data >= rare_thresh
        data = data[which_rare != 1]
    grid, pdf = smooth_hist(data)
    maxima = argrelmax(pdf)[
        0]  # for some reason argrelmax returns a tuple, so [0] extracts value
    first_peak = grid[maxima[0]]
    return first_peak
Example #33
def extr(x):
    """Extract the indices of the extrema and zero crossings.

    :param x: input signal
    :type x: array-like
    :return: indices of minima, maxima and zero crossings.
    :rtype: tuple
    >>> from __future__ import print_function
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> x = np.array([0, -2, 0, 1, 3, 0.5, 0, -1, -1])
    >>> indmin, indmax, indzer = extr(x)
    >>> print(indmin)
    >>> print(indmax)
    >>> print(indzer)
    [0 2 6]
    m = x.shape[0]

    x1 = x[:m - 1]
    x2 = x[1:m]
    indzer = np.where(x1 * x2 < 0)[0]
    if np.any(x == 0):
        iz = np.where(x == 0)[0]
        indz = []
        if np.any(np.diff(iz) == 1):
            zer = x == 0
            dz = np.diff(np.r_[0, zer, 0])
            debz = np.where(dz == 1)[0]
            finz = np.where(dz == -1)[0] - 1
            indz = np.round((debz + finz) / 2)
            indz = iz
        indzer = np.sort(np.hstack([indzer, indz]))

    indmax = argrelmax(x)[0]
    indmin = argrelmin(x)[0]

    return indmin, indmax, indzer
Example #34
def find_max_peak(vector):
    Find the maximum peak of a 1D vector, using scipy argrelmax function.

    vector : np.array
        1D array

    peak, index : float, np.array
        The maximum peak and its corresponding index in the input vector.

    # no peaks returns nan
    >>> a = np.concatenate((np.arange(5), np.arange(5)[::-1]))
    >>> find_max_peak(a)
    (nan, nan)

    >>> a = np.concatenate((np.arange(5), np.arange(6)[::-1]))
    >>> print(a)
    [0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0]
    >>> find_max_peak(a)
    (5, array([5]))

    >>> a = np.concatenate((np.arange(5), np.arange(6)[::-1], [5, 0]))
    >>> print(a)
    [0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 0]
    >>> find_max_peak(a)
    (5, array([ 5, 11]))
    from scipy import signal
    assert np.ndim(vector) == 1
    pksind, = signal.argrelmax(vector)
    if len(pksind) == 0:
        return np.nan, np.nan
    pk = vector[pksind].max()
    inds, = np.where(vector == pk)
    return pk, inds
Example #35
def get_maxima(series, N, start_date=None, stop_date=None, _sorted=True):
        Function that determines the first N maxima of a pandas time series
        series - pandas series
        N - number of maxima
        start_date - start date as DateTime - used to limit the search for the maxima 
        stop_date - stop date as DateTime - used to limit the search for the maxima
        _sorted - tell to sort with respect to the highest values
        maxima - the maxima of the time series


    if start_date == None:
        start_date = series.index[0]

    if stop_date == None:
        stop_date = series.index[-1]

    ind_in_date_range = np.argwhere((series.index >= start_date)
                                    & (series.index <= stop_date)).flatten()

    # First find the local maxima
    all_maxima = signal.argrelmax(series.values[ind_in_date_range])[0]
    # all_maxima = argrelmax(series.values[ind_in_date_range])

    if _sorted:
        # Then sort the minima
        ind = np.argsort(series.values[ind_in_date_range[all_maxima]])
        nmaxima = min([N, len(ind)])
        ind = all_maxima[ind[-nmaxima:]]
        maxima = series.iloc[ind_in_date_range[np.sort(ind)]].copy()
        nmaxima = min([N, len(all_maxima)])
        maxima = series.iloc[ind_in_date_range[all_maxima[:nmaxima]]]

    return maxima
Example #36
def get_rise_times(color_plot, x_color, y_color, collection_rate=1):
    This function reads in a tdms file and returns a list of rise times for the peaks in the 
    same order as the x values from preprocessing.read_tdms.

    x_int = [int(i) for i in x_color]
    y_int = [int(i) for i in y_color]

    # Take derivatives of IvsTs
    peak_and_times = []
    for idx, i in enumerate(y_int):
        ivst = color_plot[i]
        dy_1 = diff(ivst) / collection_rate
        dy_2 = diff(dy_1) / collection_rate

        peak = (x_int[idx], argrelmax(dy_2)[0])

    peak_with_time = []
    for i in peak_and_times:
        greater = []
        smaller = []
        equal = []
        for idx, time in enumerate(i[1]):
            if time < i[0]:
            #if time == i[0]:
            if time > i[0]:
        if len(smaller) != 0:
            start_time = smaller[-1]
        if len(smaller) == 0:
            start_time = equal[0]
        peak_with_time.append((i[0], start_time))

    rise_times = [i[0] - i[1] for i in peak_with_time]
    rise_times = [i / 10 for i in rise_times]

    return np.absolute(rise_times)
Example #37
def getTresholdByReExtrem(gray, myorder=10):
    get thr by relative extrem-value,
    :param gray: a gray scale img data
    :param myorder: the order means step of thr
    :return: int a better thr
    hist = np.bincount(gray.ravel(), minlength=256)  # performence:0.003163 s
    # Returns the indices of the maximum values along an axis.
    # max_exts perf: 9.60826873779e-05, min_exts perf: 0.000133991241455, max_idx: 1.09672546387e-05
    max_idx = np.argmax(hist, axis=0)
    # calculate relative extrem value
    min_exts = argrelmin(hist, order=myorder)[0]
    max_exts = argrelmax(hist, order=myorder)[0]
    if myorder < 2:
        return np.mean(gray)
    elif min_exts.size < 1 or max_exts.size < 2:
        myorder -= 1
        other_thr = getTresholdByReExtrem(gray, myorder=myorder)
        return other_thr
    # for black background
    if max_idx < 128 and max_idx == max_exts[0]:
        min_ext_1 = min_exts[0]  # 背景的
        max_ext_0 = max_exts[0]
        max_ext_1 = max_exts[1]
        if max_ext_1 - max_ext_0 > 50:
            myorder -= 1
            other_thr = getTresholdByReExtrem(gray, myorder=myorder)
            return other_thr
        elif max_exts[0] < min_ext_1 < max_exts[1]:
            return min_ext_1
            myorder -= 1
            other_thr = getTresholdByReExtrem(gray, myorder=myorder)
            return other_thr
    elif max_idx < 128 and max_idx != max_exts[0]:
        myorder -= 1
        other_thr = getTresholdByReExtrem(gray, myorder=myorder)
        return other_thr
        return np.mean(gray)
Example #38
    def lifeSED(self, k, na, iqp, pya):

        q = self.calculateSED(k, na)
        x = self.freq
        nbranch = 3 * na
        w = [pya.frequency(iqp, ibr) for ibr in range(nbranch)]
        w1 = []
        df = 1.0 / (2.0 * self.timestep) / (self.totalStep / 2)
        span = int(1.0 / df)
        for i in range(nbranch):
            node = '/%s/%s' % (iqp, i)
            print node
            # get the 1Hz neighbor of the original w,because dw couldn't be too large
            ori = int(w[i] / df)
            low = max(ori - 1 * span, 0)
            hi = min(ori + 1 * span, len(q) - 1)
            filter = range(low, hi)
            qu = q[filter]
            xu = x[filter]
            if False:
                from scipy import signal
                peaks, = signal.argrelmax(qs, order=span / 3)
                center = peaks[np.abs(xu[peaks] - w[i]).argmin()]

            p = self.fitpart(xu, qu)
        w1 = np.array(w1)

        v = [
                          list(k) + [w[i], p[0], p[1], 1.0 / p[1]]))
            for i, p in enumerate(w1)
        c = '\n'.join(v)
        print "[sed]", c
        return c
Example #39
def pick_onsets_dynT(F, threshold=0.15, N=10, w=3.5):
    Peak picking with a dynamic threshold
    :param F: ODF
    :param delta: float, constant modifier for threshold
    :param N: int, number of frames the mean and median are calculated from
    :return: numpy array, peack indices
    # Indices of local maxima in F
    localMaximaInd = argrelmax(F, order=1)

    # Values of local maxima in F
    localMaxima = F[localMaximaInd[0]]

    # Pick local maxima greater than threshold
    threshold_dyn = np.full((F.shape), threshold)
    for i in range(N, F.shape[0]):
        threshold_dyn[i] = threshold - 0.2 + .25 * np.median(
            F[i - N:i]) + .25 * np.mean(F[i - N:i])
        #threshold_dyn[i] = threshold - 0.2 + .5 * mova[i]
    # showEnvelope(threshold)
    # showEnvelope(F)
    # threshold=thresh*np.median(localMaxima)+delta
    onsets = []
    onsets = localMaxima >= threshold_dyn[localMaximaInd[0]]
    # showEnvelope([F, threshold_dyn])
    rets = localMaximaInd[0][onsets]
    # remove peak if detFunc has not been under threshold.
    i = 0
    while i in range(len(rets) - 1):
        # Check that the ODF goes under the threshold between onsets
        if F[rets[i]:rets[i + 1]].min() >= threshold:
            rets = np.delete(rets, i + 1)
        # Check that two onsets are not too close to each other
        elif rets[i] - rets[i + 1] > -w:
            rets = np.delete(rets, i + 1)
            i += 1
    # Return onset indices
    return rets
Example #40
    def GetAveMaxima(self, img):
            args : img -> uint,1ch
            dst  : AveLocalMax -> 極大値の平均
        '''maxima = np.array(signal.argrelmax(IntensityImg))'''

        maxima = np.array(signal.argrelmax(img))
        TotalMaxima = 1
        for i in range(len(maxima[1])):
            u = maxima[0, i]
            v = maxima[1, i]
            Maxima = img[u, v]
            TotalMaxima += Maxima
        if len(maxima[1]) == 0:
            AveMaxima = 0
            AveMaxima = TotalMaxima / len(maxima[1])

        return AveMaxima
Example #41
def sifting2_argrel(t, x):

	t_up = argrelmax(x)
	t_up = t_up[0]
	x_up = x[t_up]
	t_down = argrelmin(x)
	t_down = t_down[0]
	x_down = x[t_down]
	extrema_x = len(x_up) + len(x_down)
	tck = interpolate.splrep(t_up, x_up)
	x_up = interpolate.splev(t, tck)
	tck = interpolate.splrep(t_down, x_down)
	x_down = interpolate.splev(t, tck)

	x_mean = (x_up + x_down)/2
	h = x - x_mean
	return h, extrema_x
Example #42
def baseline_like_detect(x, times, threshold=1, min_threshold=1):
    #x = 1-np.exp(-x)
    potential_boundaries = argrelmax(x)[0]
    boundaries = []
    mean = np.mean(x[potential_boundaries])
    for i, pb in enumerate(potential_boundaries):
        if pb == 0 or pb == len(x):

        if x[pb] < min_threshold*mean:
        if not check_valleys(x, pb, threshold):
        # j=upper_valley(pb,valleys)
        # if j>0 and valleys[j]>pb and valleys[j-1]<pb:
        #    if pb-valleys[j] < valley_threshold or pb-valleys[j-1] < valley_threshold:
        #        continue

    return times[boundaries]
Example #43
def local_extrema(vec: np.array) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
    Takes a 1-d np array and return the indices of the
    local maximum and minimum, including boundary points

    maxInd = signal.argrelmax(vec)[0]
    minInd = signal.argrelmin(vec)[0]

    # TODO: Find a better way to do this because "argrelextrema" only looks for internal
    if vec[0] > vec[1]:
        maxInd = np.append(maxInd, 0)
        minInd = np.append(minInd, 0)

    if vec[-1] > vec[-2]:
        maxInd = np.append(maxInd, len(vec) - 1)
        minInd = np.append(minInd, len(vec) - 1)

    return maxInd, minInd
Example #44
def create_w_coef_mask(w_coefs, order, epsilon=0.1, remove_inf=False):
    Create a new matrix, the same shape as the wavelet coefficient one, but with zeros everywhere except for local
    maxima's. Epsilon here is used for ranking the strength of the local maxima.

    Assumes that the coefficient matrix coming in is already in absolute terms

    :param w_coefs: wavelet coefficient matrix
    :param epsilon: divided against the maxima, used for transparent ranking
    :param order: how many neighboors on a given row to look at to determine maxima
    :return: same shape array, see above
    if remove_inf:
        w_coefs[w_coefs == np.inf] = 0.0

    mask = np.zeros_like(w_coefs, dtype=int)
    for n, row in enumerate(w_coefs):
        maxs = signal.argrelmax(row, order=order)[0]
        mask[n, maxs] = row[maxs] / epsilon

    return mask
def noise_autoxcorr(fragment):
    xcoefs = []
    if np.mean(fragment) > np.median(fragment):
        # Positive peaks
        tp = signal.argrelmax(fragment, order=50)[0]
        pc = np.percentile(fragment, range(50, 100))
        pkthres = pc[np.argmax(np.diff(pc)) + 1]
        tp = tp[fragment[tp] > pkthres]
        # Negative peaks
        tp = signal.argrelmin(fragment, order=50)[0]
        pc = np.percentile(fragment, range(1, 51))
        pkthres = pc[np.argmax(np.diff(pc)) + 1]
        tp = tp[fragment[tp] < pkthres]
    if len(tp) < 2:
        return 0.0
    for i in range(1, len(tp)):
        delay = tp[i] - tp[0]
        tr1, tr2 = fragment[:-delay], fragment[delay:]
        xcoefs.append((np.correlate(tr1, tr2) / np.sqrt(np.dot(tr1, tr1) * np.dot(tr2, tr2)))[0])
    return np.median(xcoefs)
Example #46
def get_damp_from_decay(decay):
    """Calculates the damping of a decaying signal
    from its logarithmic decrement, obtained by
    least squares."""

    peak_ind = np.array([m for m in signal.argrelmax(abs(decay), order=1)
    log_peak_ratios = np.zeros(len(peak_ind) - 1)
    for i in range(len(peak_ind) - 1):
        log_peak_ratios[i] = 2 * np.log(
            abs(decay[peak_ind[0]] / decay[peak_ind[i + 1]]))
    peak_nums = np.linspace(1, len(log_peak_ratios), len(log_peak_ratios))

    A = np.vstack([peak_nums, np.ones(len(peak_nums))]).T
    b = log_peak_ratios

    m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)[0]
    resid = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)[1][0]
    R2 = 1 - resid / (b.size * b.var())
    damp = m / np.sqrt(m**2 + 4 * np.pi**2)
    return damp, R2, A, b, c, m
Example #47
def call_peaks(sigvals, min_signal=0, sep=120, boundary=None, order=1):
    """Greedy algorithm for peak calling-- first call all local maxima,
    then call greatest maxima as a peak, then next greatest that isn't within
    'sep' distance of that peak, and so on"""
    if sum(np.isnan(sigvals)) > 0:
        if sum(np.isnan(sigvals)) == len(sigvals):
            return np.array([])
            replace = min(sigvals[~np.isnan(sigvals)])
            sigvals[np.isnan(sigvals)] = replace
    if boundary is None:
        boundary = sep / 2
    random = np.random.RandomState(seed=25)
    l = len(sigvals)
    peaks = signal.argrelmax(sigvals * (1 + random.uniform(0, 10**-12, l)),
    peaks = peaks[sigvals[peaks] >= min_signal]
    peaks = peaks[peaks >= boundary]
    peaks = peaks[peaks < (l - boundary)]
    sig = sigvals[peaks]
    return reduce_peaks(peaks, sig, sep)
Example #48
def fft_peak(data, s=0, e=24 * 3, dt=60, pdf_plot=False):

        data: numpy
        s: [time (h)] (default: {0})
        e: [time (h)] (default: {24 * 3})
        dt: [description] (default: {60})
        pdf_plot: [description] (default: {False})

    dt_h = dt / 60
    data = data[int(s / dt_h):int(e / dt_h) + 1]  # FFTに使うデータだけ.
    n = data.shape[0]
    time = np.arange(s, e + dt_h, dt_h)
    time = time - s
    # f = 1/dt_h*np.arange(int(n/2))/n  # 1時間あたりの頻度
    f = np.linspace(0, 1.0 / dt_h, n)
    # FFTアルゴリズム(CT)で一次元のn点離散フーリエ変換(DFT)
    fft_data = np.fft.fft(data, n=None,
                          axis=0)  # axisは要検討 # norm="ortho"で正規化.よくわからん
    P2 = np.abs(fft_data) / n  # 振幅を合わせる.
    P1 = P2[0:int(n / 2)]  # サンプリング頻度の半分しか有効じゃない
    P1[1:-1] = 2 * P1[1:-1]  # 交流成分を二倍.rのampspecとほぼ同じ
    P1[0] = 0
    # https://jp.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/fft.html
    fft_point = signal.argrelmax(P1, order=1, axis=0)  # peakの場所
    fft_df = pd.DataFrame(index=[], columns=["sample", "amp", "f", "pha"])
    fft_df["sample"] = fft_point[1]
    fft_df["amp"] = P1[fft_point]
    fft_df["f"] = f[fft_point[0]]
    # fft_df['per'] = np.mod(np.angle(fft_data)[fft_point]+2*np.pi, 2*np.pi)
    # 複素数なので位相が出る
    fft_df["pha"] = np.angle(fft_data)[fft_point]
    # 複素数なので位相が出る
    fft_df = fft_df.sort_values(by=["sample", "amp"], ascending=[True, False])
    return fft_df, time, data
def pitch(data, Fs, method=None, outImage=False):
    if data.ndim != 1:
        raise TypeError('data must be 1d numpy array')
    # int array -> float array
    data = data.astype('float32')

    if method == 'fft':
        return pitch_f(data, Fs)

    N = data.shape[0]
    # Normalized Autocorrelation(v)
    r0 = np.dot(data, data)
    shift = np.copy(data)
    v = np.zeros(N, dtype='float32')
    v[0] = 1.0
    for i in range(1, N):
        shift = np.roll(shift, N - 1)
        shift[N - 1] = 0.0
        v[i] = np.dot(data, shift) / r0

    # output graph of v
    if outImage:
        kaxis = np.arange(0.0, 1.0 * N / Fs, 1.0 / Fs)
        plt.xlabel('time delay[sec]')
        plt.plot(kaxis, v)

    # detect peek
    peeks = sig.argrelmax(v)
    maxpeek = 0.0
    delay = 0.0
    for peek in peeks[0]:
        if maxpeek < v[peek]:
            maxpeek = v[peek]
            delay = float(peek) / Fs
    if delay == 0:
        delay = -1
    F0 = 1.0 / delay
    return F0
Example #50
def doFFT(np_vector, num, category, fps, frame_num, savePath):
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy import signal

    # 必要な変数の準備
    dt = 1.0 / fps
    N = len(np_vector)
    t = np.arange(0, N * dt, dt)
    fq = np.linspace(0, 1.0 / dt, N)
    F = np.fft.fft(np_vector)

    F_abs = np.abs(F)
    F_abs = F_abs / (N / 2)
    F_abs[0] = 0

    plt.figure(figsize=(20, 6))

    maximal_idx = signal.argrelmax(F_abs, order=1)[0]
    peak_cut = 0.011
    maximal_idx = maximal_idx[(F_abs[maximal_idx] > peak_cut)
                              & (maximal_idx <= N / 2)]


    plt.axis([0, 1.0 / dt / 2, 0, max(F_abs) * 1.5])
    #plt.ylim(0, 0.1)
    plt.plot(fq, F_abs)
    #plt.plot(fq[maximal_idx], F_abs[maximal_idx],'ro')

    plt.plot([i for i in range(len(np_vector))], np_vector)
    plt.title('cat' + str(category + 1))

    plt.savefig(savePath + '/cat' + str(category + 1) + '/toFirstFFT/' +

Example #51
    def _inflectionpoints(self, xdata, verb=False):
        """ find inflection points in lineprofile """

        x_smooth = _smooth(xdata, window_len=self._smoothing)
        dx = np.gradient(x_smooth)
        dx_smooth = _smooth(dx, window_len=self._smoothing)
        wall1 = self._wall1 + self._wallpos
        wall2 = self._wall2 + self._wallpos
        infmax = np.argmax(dx_smooth[wall1:wall2]) + wall1 - 1
        (localmaxs, ) = argrelmax(dx_smooth[wall1:wall2],
        if verb:
            print('... smoothing: %i, order: %i' %
                  (self._smoothing, self._searchrange))
            print('... find %i local maximums' % len(localmaxs))

        # check wall
        if np.abs(infmax - wall2) < 0.1 * self._arrayWidth:
            # 10% of array width
            infmax = _find_before(localmaxs + wall1, infmax)

        return (localmaxs + wall1, infmax)
Example #52
 def extract_lines_wlen(self, wlen, flux, boxwid=3, shallow=0.01, 
         border=20, pctile=False):
     xpix = 1 + np.arange(wlen.size)
     smooth_flux = self._make_smooth_flux(xpix, flux, 
             boxwid=boxwid, pctile=pctile)
     maxima_idx = ssig.argrelmax(smooth_flux, order=3)[0]
     peak_fluxes = np.array([smooth_flux[x] for x in maxima_idx])
     highest_flx = np.max(peak_fluxes)
     #sys.stderr.write("Peaks found: %6d\n" % len(peak_fluxes))
     #sys.stderr.write("highest_flx: %10.3f\n" % highest_flx)
     flx_cut = shallow * highest_flx
     #sys.stderr.write("flx_cut: %10.5f\n" % flx_cut)
     keepers = (peak_fluxes >= flx_cut).nonzero()[0]
     #sys.stderr.write("Uncut peaks: %6d\n" % keepers.size)
     peak_center_idx = maxima_idx[keepers]
     x_lo, x_hi = border, xpix.max() - border
     safe_edge = (x_lo < peak_center_idx) & (peak_center_idx < x_hi)
     keep_center_idx = peak_center_idx[safe_edge]
     #sys.stderr.write("keep_center_idx: %s\n" % str(keep_center_idx))
     ctr_wlen = self._calc_centroids(wlen, flux, keep_center_idx, boxwid)
     ctr_flux = flux[keep_center_idx]
     return (ctr_wlen, ctr_flux)
 def imf_create(t,data):
     mins = signal.argrelmin(data)[0]
     mins_ = [float(data*60/8064) for data in mins]
     maxs = signal.argrelmax(data)[0]
     maxs_ = [float(data*60/8064) for data in maxs]
     #extrema = np.concatenate((mins, maxs))
     spl_min = interpolate.CubicSpline(mins_, data[mins])#, bc_type = 'natural') #clamped
     #l_env = spl_min(t)
     spl_max = interpolate.CubicSpline(maxs_, data[maxs])#, bc_type = 'natural')#clamped
     #u_env = spl_max(t)
     mid = (spl_max(t)+spl_min(t))/2
     #plt.plot(t, mid, '--')
     return data-mid
def find_peaks(chi, sides=6, intensity_threshold=0):
    # Find all potential peaks
    preliminary_peaks = argrelmax(chi, order=20)[0]

    # peaks must have at least sides pixels of data to work with
    preliminary_peaks2 = preliminary_peaks[np.where(
        preliminary_peaks < len(chi) - sides)]

    # make certain that a peak has a drop off which causes the peak height to
    # be more than twice the height at sides pixels away
    criteria = chi[preliminary_peaks2] >= 2 * chi[preliminary_peaks2 + sides]
    criteria *= chi[preliminary_peaks2] >= 2 * chi[preliminary_peaks2 - sides]
    criteria *= chi[preliminary_peaks2] >= intensity_threshold

    peaks = preliminary_peaks[np.where(criteria)]

    left_idxs = peaks - sides
    right_idxs = peaks + sides
    peak_centers = peaks
    left_idxs[left_idxs < 0] = 0
    right_idxs[right_idxs > len(chi)] = len(chi)
    return left_idxs, right_idxs, peak_centers
Example #55
def find_extrema(X, ret_min=False):
    Identify extrema within a time-course and reject extrema whose magnitude is
    below a set threshold.

    X : ndarray
       Input signal
    ret_min : bool
         Flag to indicate whether maxima (False) or minima (True) should be identified(Default value = False)

    locs : ndarray
        Location of extrema in samples
    extrema : ndarray
        Value of each extrema


    if ret_min:
        ind = signal.argrelmin(X, order=1)[0]
        ind = signal.argrelmax(X, order=1)[0]

    # Only keep peaks with magnitude above machine precision
    if len(ind) / X.shape[0] > 1e-3:
        good_inds = ~(np.isclose(X[ind], X[ind - 1]) * np.isclose(X[ind], X[ind + 1]))
        ind = ind[good_inds]

    # if ind[0] == 0:
    #    ind = ind[1:]

    # if ind[-1] == X.shape[0]:
    #    ind = ind[:-2]

    return ind, X[ind]
Example #56
def getWave(data, waveLengthList, stftX, order=11, rate=0.5):
	ft = stft(data, stftX)
	ftAbsolute = np.abs(ft)
	mean = max(ftAbsolute)*rate
	ids = signal.argrelmax(ftAbsolute, order=order) #極大
	ids = ids[0]
	waveLength = -1
	for id in ids:
		if ftAbsolute[id] > mean:
			waveLength = id
	if waveLength == -1:
		return (0,0)
	phase = (np.angle(ft[waveLength])/(np.pi*2) + 1)%1-0.5
	start = int(0-phase*waveLengthList[waveLength])
	return (start,waveLengthList[waveLength])
Example #57
def filter_noise(df, samples_per_sec):
    :param df: Full Dataframe
    :param samples_per_sec: Samples per second in dataframe
    :return: Gets only the relevant 10 seconds

    peaks = argrelmax(np.array(df.y))[0]

    df['is_peak'] = 0

    for i in range(0, len(peaks)):
        if df.y[peaks[i]] > df.y[peaks].mean():
            df.loc[peaks[i], 'is_peak'] = 1

    index = return_end_of_walking_index(df, samples_per_sec * 10, 130, 0, 0,

    df_filtered = df[int(index - (samples_per_sec * NUM_OF_SEC_BEFORE)
                         ):int(index + samples_per_sec * NUM_OF_SEC_AFTER)]

    return df_filtered
Example #58
def profile(p, thresh=-0.7, upper=1.5, smooth=20, peaksize=5):
    dam = 0

    if p.size < smooth:
        smooth = p.size
    smooth_only = smoothg(p, smooth)  # smooth
    p = smooth_only
    # if whole luminance is high (eg, on a vessel)
    if p.min() >= upper:
        dam += 1

    # count high peaks only once
    t = p > upper
    dam += np.diff(t).nonzero()[0][::2].size
    p[p > upper] = upper

    p[p < thresh] = thresh  # elim small peaks

    # find number of peaks (ie, local maxima)
    dam += argrelmax(p, order=peaksize)[0].size

    return dam, p, smooth_only
Example #59
 def getSpecStrength2(self, refHR, tolHR=6, fmt=None):
     compute the spectral amplitude of the signal around the reference point (5bpm diff). If there is no local peak
     in the area of interest, return invalid.
     :param ref: array [nx1] reference point (bmp).
     :param fmt: format for screen print out
     + pk: nPk x 4 array; each row contains [ref point, minDis, pk, pkVal]
         o ref point(bpm:
         o minDis(bpm): distance from the spectral peak to ref point
         o pk(bpm): location of the spectral peak
         o pkVal(dB): spectral amplitude of the spectral peak
     + strOut
     pk = []
     strOut = ''
     i = -1
     for iref in refHR:
         i += 1
         bpmRange, bpmBin = self.freq2bpmRange(iref - tolHR, iref + tolHR)
         Px = self.X[bpmBin]
         mxIdx = signal.argrelmax(Px)[0]  # location of all local peaks
         if len(mxIdx) > 0:  # if there are local peaks
             mnDis = tolHR
             mnDisIdx = 100
             for idxTmp in mxIdx:  # get the local peak that closest to trueHR
                 dis = abs(bpmRange[idxTmp] - iref)
                 if dis < mnDis:
                     mnDis = dis
                     mnDisIdx = idxTmp
                 iref, mnDis, bpmRange[mnDisIdx],
                 20 * np.log10(Px[mnDisIdx])
             #todo handle edge -> assuming argrelmax does not consider edge as pk
         else:  # no local pks
             pk.append([iref, 999, 0, 999])  # refHR, dis, HR, Px
         strOut += fmt % (pk[i][0], pk[i][1], pk[i][2], pk[i][3]) + '\n'
     return pk, strOut
def get_hist_peaks(data, smooth=True, sigma=1, order=5, debug=False):
    hist, bins = skiexp.histogram(data)
    hist[0] = hist[1:].max()

    if debug:
        hist_o = hist.copy()

    if smooth:
        hist = scindi.filters.gaussian_filter1d(hist, sigma=sigma)

    peaks_idx = scisig.argrelmax(hist, order=order)[0]
    peaks = bins[peaks_idx]

    if debug:
        plt.bar(bins, hist_o)
        plt.plot(bins, hist, 'g')

        for p in peaks:
            plt.plot(p, hist[p], 'ro')

    return peaks