Example #1
 def __pow__(self, other):
     if not is_integer(other):
         return NotImplemented
     n, d = self.tf
     if other > 0:
         return LinearSystem(normalize(n**other, d**other), self.analog)
     elif other < 0:
         return LinearSystem(normalize(d**-other, n**-other), self.analog)
         assert other == 0
         return LinearSystem(1., self.analog)
Example #2
 def __pow__(self, other):
     if not is_integer(other):
         return NotImplemented
     n, d = self.tf
     if other > 0:
         return LinearSystem(normalize(n**other, d**other), self.analog)
     elif other < 0:
         return LinearSystem(normalize(d**-other, n**-other), self.analog)
         assert other == 0
         return LinearSystem(1., self.analog)
Example #3
def sys_equal(sys1, sys2, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08):
    """Returns true iff sys1 and sys2 have the same transfer functions."""
    # TODO: doesn't do pole-zero cancellation
    sys1 = LinearSystem(sys1)
    sys2 = LinearSystem(sys2)
    if sys1.analog != sys2.analog:
        raise ValueError("Cannot compare analog with digital system")
    tf1 = normalize(*sys2tf(sys1))
    tf2 = normalize(*sys2tf(sys2))
    for t1, t2 in zip(tf1, tf2):
        if len(t1) != len(t2) or not np.allclose(t1, t2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
            return False
    return True
Example #4
def sys_equal(sys1, sys2, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08):
    """Returns true iff sys1 and sys2 have the same transfer functions."""
    # TODO: doesn't do pole-zero cancellation
    sys1 = LinearSystem(sys1)
    sys2 = LinearSystem(sys2)
    if sys1.analog != sys2.analog:
        raise ValueError("Cannot compare analog with digital system")
    tf1 = normalize(*sys2tf(sys1))
    tf2 = normalize(*sys2tf(sys2))
    for t1, t2 in zip(tf1, tf2):
        if len(t1) != len(t2) or not np.allclose(t1, t2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
            return False
    return True
Example #5
def pink(N, state=None):
    Pink noise.
    :param N: Amount of samples.
    :param state: State of PRNG.
    :type state: :class:`np.random.RandomState`
    Pink noise has equal power in bands that are proportionally wide.
    Power density decreases with 3 dB per octave.
    # This method uses the filter with the following coefficients.
    #b = np.array([0.049922035, -0.095993537, 0.050612699, -0.004408786])
    #a = np.array([1, -2.494956002, 2.017265875, -0.522189400])
    #return lfilter(B, A, np.random.randn(N))
    # Another way would be using the FFT
    #x = np.random.randn(N)
    #X = rfft(x) / N
    state = np.random.RandomState() if state is None else state
    uneven = N % 2
    X = state.randn(N // 2 + 1 +
                    uneven) + 1j * state.randn(N // 2 + 1 + uneven)
    S = np.sqrt(np.arange(len(X)) + 1.)  # +1 to avoid divide by zero
    y = (irfft(X / S)).real
    if uneven:
        y = y[:-1]
    return normalize(y, 1)
Example #6
 def __add__(self, other):
     n1, d1 = self.tf
     n2, d2 = LinearSystem(other, self.analog).tf
     if len(d1) == len(d2) and np.allclose(d1, d2):
         # short-cut to avoid needing pole-zero cancellation
         return LinearSystem((n1 + n2, d1), self.analog)
     return LinearSystem(normalize(n1*d2 + n2*d1, d1*d2), self.analog)
Example #7
 def __add__(self, other):
     n1, d1 = self.tf
     n2, d2 = LinearSystem(other, self.analog).tf
     if len(d1) == len(d2) and np.allclose(d1, d2):
         # short-cut to avoid needing pole-zero cancellation
         return LinearSystem((n1 + n2, d1), self.analog)
     return LinearSystem(normalize(n1*d2 + n2*d1, d1*d2), self.analog)
Example #8
    def test_allclose(self):
        """Test for false positive on allclose in normalize() in
        # Test to make sure the allclose call within signal.normalize does not
        # choose false positives. Then check against a known output from MATLAB
        # to make sure the fix doesn't break anything.

        # These are the coefficients returned from
        #   `[b,a] = cheby1(8, 0.5, 0.048)'
        # in MATLAB. There are at least 15 significant figures in each
        # coefficient, so it makes sense to test for errors on the order of
        # 1e-13 (this can always be relaxed if different platforms have
        # different rounding errors)
        b_matlab = np.array([
            2.150733144728282e-11, 1.720586515782626e-10,
            6.022052805239190e-10, 1.204410561047838e-09,
            1.505513201309798e-09, 1.204410561047838e-09,
            6.022052805239190e-10, 1.720586515782626e-10, 2.150733144728282e-11
        a_matlab = np.array([
            1.000000000000000e+00, -7.782402035027959e+00,
            2.654354569747454e+01, -5.182182531666387e+01,
            6.334127355102684e+01, -4.963358186631157e+01,
            2.434862182949389e+01, -6.836925348604676e+00,

        # This is the input to signal.normalize after passing through the
        # equivalent steps in signal.iirfilter as was done for MATLAB
        b_norm_in = np.array([
            1.5543135865293012e-06, 1.2434508692234413e-05,
            4.3520780422820447e-05, 8.7041560845640893e-05,
            1.0880195105705122e-04, 8.7041560845640975e-05,
            4.3520780422820447e-05, 1.2434508692234413e-05,
        a_norm_in = np.array([
            7.2269025909127173e+04, -5.6242661430467968e+05,
            1.9182761917308895e+06, -3.7451128364682454e+06,
            4.5776121393762771e+06, -3.5869706138592605e+06,
            1.7596511818472347e+06, -4.9409793515707983e+05,

        b_output, a_output = normalize(b_norm_in, a_norm_in)

        # The test on b works for decimal=14 but the one for a does not. For
        # the sake of consistency, both of these are decimal=13. If something
        # breaks on another platform, it is probably fine to relax this lower.
        assert_array_almost_equal(b_matlab, b_output, decimal=13)
        assert_array_almost_equal(a_matlab, a_output, decimal=13)
Example #9
def violet(N, state=None):
    Violet noise. Power increases with 6 dB per octave.
    :param N: Amount of samples.
    :param state: State of PRNG.
    :type state: :class:`np.random.RandomState`
    Power increases with +9 dB per octave.
    Power density increases with +6 dB per octave.
    state = np.random.RandomState() if state is None else state
    uneven = N % 2
    X = state.randn(N // 2 + 1 +
                    uneven) + 1j * state.randn(N // 2 + 1 + uneven)
    S = (np.arange(len(X)))  # Filter
    y = (irfft(X * S)).real
    if uneven:
        y = y[:-1]
    return normalize(y, 1)
Example #10
 def test_allclose(self):
     """Test for false positive on allclose in normalize() in
     # Test to make sure the allclose call within signal.normalize does not
     # choose false positives. Then check against a known output from MATLAB
     # to make sure the fix doesn't break anything.
     # These are the coefficients returned from
     #   `[b,a] = cheby1(8, 0.5, 0.048)'
     # in MATLAB. There are at least 15 significant figures in each
     # coefficient, so it makes sense to test for errors on the order of
     # 1e-13 (this can always be relaxed if different platforms have
     # different rounding errors)
     b_matlab = np.array([2.150733144728282e-11, 1.720586515782626e-10,
                          6.022052805239190e-10, 1.204410561047838e-09,
                          1.505513201309798e-09, 1.204410561047838e-09,
                          6.022052805239190e-10, 1.720586515782626e-10,
     a_matlab = np.array([1.000000000000000e+00, -7.782402035027959e+00,
                          2.654354569747454e+01, -5.182182531666387e+01,
                          6.334127355102684e+01, -4.963358186631157e+01,
                          2.434862182949389e+01, -6.836925348604676e+00,
     # This is the input to signal.normalize after passing through the
     # equivalent steps in signal.iirfilter as was done for MATLAB
     b_norm_in = np.array([1.5543135865293012e-06, 1.2434508692234413e-05,
                           4.3520780422820447e-05, 8.7041560845640893e-05,
                           1.0880195105705122e-04, 8.7041560845640975e-05,
                           4.3520780422820447e-05, 1.2434508692234413e-05,
     a_norm_in = np.array([7.2269025909127173e+04, -5.6242661430467968e+05,
                           1.9182761917308895e+06, -3.7451128364682454e+06,
                           4.5776121393762771e+06, -3.5869706138592605e+06,
                           1.7596511818472347e+06, -4.9409793515707983e+05,
     b_output, a_output = normalize(b_norm_in, a_norm_in)
     # The test on b works for decimal=14 but the one for a does not. For
     # the sake of consistency, both of these are decimal=13. If something
     # breaks on another platform, it is probably fine to relax this lower.
     assert_array_almost_equal(b_matlab, b_output, decimal=13)
     assert_array_almost_equal(a_matlab, a_output, decimal=13)
Example #11
 def _override_tf(b, a):
     b, a = signal.normalize(b, a)
     Rs_, Rct_, Cdl_ = tf_to_circuit(b, a)
     b, a = circuit_to_tf((Rs if Rs else Rs_), (Rct if Rct else Rct_),
                          (Cdl if Cdl else Cdl_))
     return b, a
Example #12
def tf_to_circuit(b, a):
    b, a = signal.normalize(b, a)
    Rs = b[0]
    Rct = (b[1] / a[1]) - Rs
    Cdl = (a[1] * Rct)**-1
    return (Rs, Rct, Cdl)
Example #13
File: base.py Project: tfiers/sharp
 def tf(self):
     b_hi, a_hi = self.tf_high
     b_lo, a_lo = self.tf_low
     b = polymul(b_hi, b_lo)
     a = polymul(a_hi, a_lo)
     return normalize(b, a)
Example #14
 def __hash__(self):
     num, den = normalize(*self.tf)
     return hash((tuple(num), tuple(den), self.analog))
Example #15
 def __mul__(self, other):
     n1, d1 = self.tf
     n2, d2 = LinearSystem(other, self.analog).tf
     return LinearSystem(normalize(n1*n2, d1*d2), self.analog)
Example #16
 def __hash__(self):
     num, den = normalize(*self.tf)
     return hash((tuple(num), tuple(den), self.analog))
Example #17
 def __mul__(self, other):
     n1, d1 = self.tf
     n2, d2 = LinearSystem(other, self.analog).tf
     return LinearSystem(normalize(n1*n2, d1*d2), self.analog)