def zero_one_scale(patience_signal):
    res = []
    for signal in patience_signal:
        s = MinMaxScaler().fit(signal.reshape(-1, 1)).transform(
            signal.reshape(-1, 1)).ravel()
    return np.asarray(res)
Example #2
def DFT(signal):
    def dft_algo(n):
        return lambda i, j: cmath.e**(-(
            (2 * cmath.pi * np.complex(0, 1) * i * j) / n))

    img_shape = signal.shape
    dft_algo_res = dft_algo(img_shape[0])
    matrix = np.fromfunction(dft_algo_res, (img_shape[0], img_shape[0]))

    ret =, signal).reshape(img_shape)
    return ret
Example #3
def linear_regression(time, signal, verbose=True):

    regr = linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True), 1), signal.reshape(-1, 1))
    wsumpred = regr.predict(signal.reshape(-1, 1))
    slope = regr.coef_[0]
    intercept = regr.intercept_[0]
    if verbose:
        print('Coefficients: \n', regr.coef_)
        print('Mean squared error: %.2f' % mean_squared_error(signal, wsumpred))
        print('Variance score: %.2f' % r2_score(signal, wsumpred))

    return slope, intercept
def DFT(signal):
    ##calculate the fourier transform for 1D signal
    T_signal = signal.reshape(len(signal), )
    dft_mat = DFT_mat(len(T_signal))
    F_u =
    F_u = np.reshape(F_u, signal.shape)
    return F_u
Example #5
def analyze_spectrum(signal, npoints):
    """Computes FFT for the signal, discards the zero freq and the
    above-Nyquist freqs. Auto-pads signals nonmultple of npoints,
    auto-averages results from streams longer than npoints.
    Thus, npoints results in npoints/2 bands.

    Returns a numpy array, each element represents the raw amplitude
    of a frequency band.

    signal = signal.copy()
    if divmod(len(signal), npoints)[1] != 0:
        round_up = len(signal) / npoints * npoints + npoints

    window = scipy.signal.hanning(npoints)
    window_blocks = scipy.vstack([window for x in xrange(len(signal) / npoints)])

    signal_blocks = signal.reshape((-1, npoints))

    windowed_signals = signal_blocks * window_blocks

    ffts = numpy.fft.rfft(windowed_signals)[:, 1:]

    result = pow(abs(ffts), 2) / npoints
    result = result.mean(0)

    return result
Example #6
def normalize_signal(signal):
    signal = np.asarray(signal)
    signal = signal.reshape((len(signal), 1))
    scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
    scaler =
    normalized_signal = scaler.transform(signal)
    return normalized_signal
Example #7
def analyze_spectrum(signal, npoints):
    """Computes FFT for the signal, discards the zero freq and the
	above-Nyquist freqs. Auto-pads signals nonmultple of npoints,
	auto-averages results from streams longer than npoints.
	Thus, npoints results in npoints/2 bands.

	Returns a numpy array, each element represents the raw amplitude
	of a frequency band.

    signal = signal.copy()
    if divmod(len(signal), npoints)[1] != 0:
        round_up = len(signal) / npoints * npoints + npoints

    window = scipy.signal.hanning(npoints)
    window_blocks = scipy.vstack(
        [window for x in xrange(len(signal) / npoints)])

    signal_blocks = signal.reshape((-1, npoints))

    windowed_signals = signal_blocks * window_blocks

    ffts = numpy.fft.rfft(windowed_signals)[:, 1:]

    result = pow(abs(ffts), 2) / npoints
    result = result.mean(0)

    return result
Example #8
    def signal_xyz(self, signal, r):
        r"""Evaluate the signal on given points on the sphere

        .. math::

            f(\vec x / \|\vec x\|)

        signal : `torch.Tensor`
            tensor of shape ``(*A, self.dim)``

        r : `torch.Tensor`
            tensor of shape ``(*B, 3)``

            tensor of shape ``(*A, *B)``

        >>> s = SphericalTensor(3, 1, -1)
        >>> s.signal_xyz(s.randn(2, 1, 3, -1), torch.randn(2, 4, 3)).shape
        torch.Size([2, 1, 3, 2, 4])
        sh = o3.spherical_harmonics(self, r, normalize=True)
        dim = (self.lmax + 1)**2
        output = torch.einsum('bi,ai->ab', sh.reshape(-1, dim),
                              signal.reshape(-1, dim))
        return output.reshape(signal.shape[:-1] + r.shape[:-1])
def distance_neighbors(signal):
    '''Finds Distance of each point in the timeseries from its 4 nearest neighbors


       signal : array
           The timeseries

       distances : array
           Distance of each point from its nearest neighbors in decreasing order
    nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=4) # 4 nearest neighbors
    distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(signal.reshape(-1,1))
    distances = sorted(distances[:,-1],reverse=True)
    return distances
Example #10
    def average_singular_signal(self, signal):
        Avarage over single signal for the length of one period

        Lperiod = len(self.beaconList[0].binarySignal)
        Ncycle = len(signal) // Lperiod

        reshaped = signal.reshape((Ncycle, Lperiod))
        averaged = np.mean(np.abs(reshaped), 0)

        return averaged
Example #11
def decode_fsk(signal, nb_echantillon, x):
	rest = len(signal) % nb_echantillon
	zero = np.zeros((nb_echantillon - rest))
	signal = np.concatenate((signal,zero))
	nb_trame = len(signal)/nb_echantillon
	signal_matrix = signal.reshape(nb_trame,nb_echantillon)
	for i in range(nb_trame):
		if np.mean(tmp)>0.2:
	return message_rcv
def stft(signal: np.ndarray, window_size=256, copy=True, pad=True):
    """Return the short time Fourier transform of signal.

    :param signal: numpy array of shape (L, N).
    :param window_size: window length.
    :param copy: whether to make a copy of signal.
    :param pad: whether to zero-pad input (if True) or truncate (if False).
    :return: numpy array of shape (M, window_size, N).

    Divide signal into chunks of length window_size and compute
    their Fourier transforms. If signal's length is not a multiple
    of window_size it will be filled with zeroes if pad is True
    and truncated otherwise.
    assert isinstance(signal, np.ndarray)
    assert len(signal.shape) == 2

    if copy:
        signal = np.copy(signal)

    # Zero-pad or truncate if necessary.
    windows, remainder = divmod(signal.shape[0], window_size)
    if remainder != 0:
        if pad:
            padding = window_size * (windows + 1) - signal.shape[0]
            signal = np.pad(signal, ((0, padding), (0, 0)))
            windows += 1
            signal = signal[:(window_size * windows), :]

    # Reshape into "windowed view".
    signal = signal.reshape((windows, window_size, -1))

    # Compute FFT for each channel.
    signal_stft = np.empty_like(signal)
    for c in range(signal.shape[2]):
        signal_stft[..., c] = np.absolute(np.fft.fft(signal[..., c]))

    return signal_stft
Example #13
    def _file_callback(self, in_data, frame_count, time_info, status):
        """Gets called every time a block of samples is read from a file.
        Prepares the raw audio data for analyze_signal. In particular translates the sample values
        into a reasonable amplitude range depending on the format of the file.
        For multiple channels it passes only the first channel to analyze_signal.

        data = self._wave_file.readframes(frame_count)

        signal = np.copy(np.frombuffer(data, self._format))

        # play back a zero array if silent
        if self.silent:
            data = np.zeros_like(signal).tobytes()

        # we only analyze full blocks
        if len(signal) != self.blocksize * self._nr_channels:
            return data, pyaudio.paContinue

        signal = np.copy(
            signal)  # frombuffer yields read only, so we need a copy

        # if it's not mono, use only the first channel
        if self._nr_channels > 1:
            signal = signal.reshape((self.blocksize, self._nr_channels))[:, 0]

        # this is my hacky method of translating sample values into reasonable amplitude values
        if self._format == np.float32:
            signal = signal / np.finfo(self._format).max * 20
            signal = signal / np.iinfo(self._format).max * 20


        return data, pyaudio.paContinue
def impdaspy(filename):

        Open a binary file written by Data Acquisition System (DAS).

        filename : file or str
               Open file object or filename
        savef : boolean, optional
            If true, saves the binary file to a text file

       all_sign : array_like
            All signals acquired with DAS. The number of signal returned
            is equal to the number of channels used in the acquisition.
       config : dict
           Some configuration parameters: sampling frequency, file names,
           acquisition hour, positivegain, negative gain
    #handing error

    if not filename.endswith('bin'):
        raise Exception("File must have binary extension -> filename.bin")
        fid = open(filename, 'rb')
    except IOError:
        print "******* %s ---> File not found" % filename
        return None, None

    dim = np.fromfile(fid, dtype='>u4', count=2)
    temp = np.fromfile(fid, dtype='>f',
                       count=dim[0] * dim[1]).reshape(dim[1],
                                                      dim[0], order='F').T

    freq = temp[0, 0]
    nchannels = temp[0, 1]
    #dgpoli = dim[1]
    temp = temp[1::, :]

    baseline = temp[0:nchannels, 0]
    #basenoise = temp[0:nchannels, 1]
    temp = temp[nchannels::, :]

    positivegain = np.concatenate((np.fliplr(temp[0:nchannels, :]),
                                   np.zeros((nchannels, 1))), axis=1)
    temp = temp[nchannels::, :]
    negativegain = np.concatenate((np.fliplr(temp[0:nchannels, :]),
                                   np.zeros((nchannels, 1))), axis=1)

    dim1 = np.fromfile(fid, dtype='>u4', count=1)
    name = []
    name_c = []

    for iter1 in xrange(dim1):
        name.append(np.fromfile(fid, dtype='B', count=np.fromfile(fid,
        name_c.append(' '.join([chr(str_it1) for str_it1 in name[iter1]]))

    hour = np.fromfile(fid, dtype='B', count=np.fromfile(fid, dtype='>u4',
    hour = ' '.join([chr(str_it2) for str_it2 in hour])
    signal = np.fromfile(fid, dtype='>f')
    signal = signal.reshape(dim1, len(signal) / float(dim1), order='F')

    #remove baseline

    all_sig = np.array([signal[iter3] - baseline[iter3]
                        for iter3 in xrange(dim1)])

    config = {'fs': freq, 'hour': hour, 'names': name_c,
              'posgain': positivegain, 'neggain': negativegain}
    #config = {'fs': freq, 'hour': hour, 'names': name_c,
    #'temp': temp}

    return all_sig, config
Example #15
def calculate_loudness(signal, fs, prefiltered=False, gated=True):
    def K_filter(signal, fs, debug=False):

        # pre-filter 1
        f0 = 1681.9744509555319
        G = 3.99984385397
        Q = 0.7071752369554193
        # TODO: precompute
        K = np.tan(np.pi * f0 / fs)
        Vh = np.power(10.0, G / 20.0)
        Vb = np.power(Vh, 0.499666774155)
        a0_ = 1.0 + K / Q + K * K
        b0 = (Vh + Vb * K / Q + K * K) / a0_
        b1 = 2.0 * (K * K - Vh) / a0_
        b2 = (Vh - Vb * K / Q + K * K) / a0_
        a0 = 1.0
        a1 = 2.0 * (K * K - 1.0) / a0_
        a2 = (1.0 - K / Q + K * K) / a0_
        signal_1 = sp.signal.lfilter([b0, b1, b2], [a0, a1, a2], signal)

        if debug:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
            # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
            w, h1 = sp.signal.freqz([b0, b1, b2], [a0, a1, a2],
                                    worN=8000)  # np.logspace(-4, 3, 2000))
            plt.semilogx((fs * 0.5 / np.pi) * w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h1)))
            plt.title('Pre-filter 1')
            plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
            plt.ylabel('Gain [dB]')
            plt.xlim([20, 20000])
            plt.ylim([-10, 10])
            plt.grid(True, which='both')
            ax = plt.axes()
            # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(2))

        # pre-filter 2
        f0 = 38.13547087613982
        Q = 0.5003270373253953
        K = np.tan(np.pi * f0 / fs)
        a0 = 1.0
        a1 = 2.0 * (K * K - 1.0) / (1.0 + K / Q + K * K)
        a2 = (1.0 - K / Q + K * K) / (1.0 + K / Q + K * K)
        b0 = 1.0
        b1 = -2.0
        b2 = 1.0
        signal_2 = sp.signal.lfilter([b0, b1, b2], [a0, a1, a2], signal_1)

        if debug:
            plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
            # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
            w, h2 = sp.signal.freqz([b0, b1, b2], [a0, a1, a2], worN=8000)
            plt.semilogx((fs * 0.5 / np.pi) * w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h2)))
            plt.title('Pre-filter 2')
            plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
            plt.ylabel('Gain [dB]')
            plt.xlim([10, 20000])
            plt.ylim([-30, 5])
            plt.grid(True, which='both')
            ax = plt.axes()
            # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5))

        return signal_2  # return signal passed through 2 pre-filters

    G = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.41, 1.41]

    if len(signal.shape) == 1:  # if shape (N,), then make (N,1)
        signal = signal.reshape((signal.shape[0], 1))

    # filter or not
    if prefiltered:
        if len(signal.shape) == 1:  # if shape (N,), then make (N,1)
            signal_filtered = copy.copy(signal.reshape((signal.shape[0], 1)))
            signal_filtered = copy.copy(signal)

        for i in range(signal_filtered.shape[1]):
            signal_filtered[:, i] = K_filter(signal_filtered[:, i], fs)
        signal_filtered = signal

    # mean square
    T_g = 0.400  # 400 ms gating block
    Gamma_a = -70.0  # absolute threshold: -70 LKFS
    overlap = .75  # relative overlap (0.0-1.0)
    step = 1 - overlap

    T = signal_filtered.shape[
        0] / fs  # length of measurement interval in seconds
    j_range = np.arange(0, (T - T_g) / (T_g * step)).astype(int)
    z = np.ndarray(shape=(signal_filtered.shape[1], len(j_range)))

    # write in explicit for-loops for readability and translatability
    for i in range(signal_filtered.shape[1]):  # for each channel i
        for j in j_range:  # for each window j
            lbound = np.round(fs * T_g * j * step).astype(int)
            hbound = np.round(fs * T_g * (j * step + 1)).astype(int)
            z[i, j] = (1 / (T_g * fs)) * np.sum(
                np.square(signal_filtered[lbound:hbound, i]))

    G_current = np.array(
          shape[1]])  # discard weighting coefficients G_i unused channels
    n_channels = G_current.shape[0]
    l = [-.691 + 10.0 * np.log10(np.sum([G_current[i] * z[i, j.astype(int)] for i in range(n_channels)])) \
         for j in j_range]

    if gated:
        # Suppress warnings
        with warnings.catch_warnings():

            # throw out anything below absolute threshold:
            indices_gated = [idx for idx, el in enumerate(l) if el > Gamma_a]
            z_avg = [
                np.mean([z[i, j] for j in indices_gated])
                for i in range(n_channels)
            Gamma_r = -.691 + 10.0 * np.log10(
                np.sum([G_current[i] * z_avg[i]
                        for i in range(n_channels)])) - 10.0

            # throw out anything below relative threshold:
            indices_gated = [idx for idx, el in enumerate(l) if el > Gamma_r]
            z_avg = [
                np.mean([z[i, j] for j in indices_gated])
                for i in range(n_channels)
            L_KG = -.691 + 10.0 * np.log10(
                np.sum([G_current[i] * z_avg[i] for i in range(n_channels)]))
        Gamma_a = -np.Inf
        Gamma_r = -np.Inf

        indices_gated = [idx for idx, el in enumerate(l) if el > Gamma_r]
        z_avg = [
            np.mean([z[i, j] for j in indices_gated])
            for i in range(n_channels)
        L_KG = -.691 + 10.0 * np.log10(
            np.sum([G_current[i] * z_avg[i] for i in range(n_channels)]))

    return L_KG, max(Gamma_r, Gamma_a)
Example #16
def scale_signal(signal):
    signal = signal.values
    signal = signal.reshape(-1, 1)
    min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
    scaled_signal = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(signal)
    return scaled_signal, min_max_scaler
Example #17
def schmidt_spike_removal(signal, fs=2000):
    :param signal: 原始信号(time_step, 1)
    :param fs: 采样频率
    :return: 移除噪音峰值的信号
    S. E. Schmidt et al., "Segmentation of heart sound recordings by
    duration-dependent hidden Markov model," Physiol. Meas., vol. 31,
    no. 4, pp. 513-29, Apr. 2010.

    window_size = int(fs / 2)
    # 将信号按找窗口大小划分成一个个窗口,找到信号中剩余的不够一个完整窗口的采样点
    trailing_samples = len(signal) % window_size
    # 将信号转换成一些窗口,转换后的形状(window_size, -1)
    sample_frames = np.reshape(signal[:-trailing_samples], (window_size, -1))

    MAAs = np.max(abs(sample_frames), axis=0)
    is_greater = list(MAAs > (np.median(MAAs) * 3))
    while is_greater.count(True) > 0:
        max_val = np.max(MAAs)
        # 找到MAAs中最大值所在的窗口位置
        window_pos = np.argwhere(MAAs == max_val)
        # 如果等于最大值的窗口不止一个,则取第一个等于最大值的窗口
        if len(window_pos) > 1:
            window_pos = window_pos[0]
        window_pos = int(window_pos)
        # 找到窗口内的最大值,即噪音峰值
        spike_val = np.max(abs(sample_frames[:, window_pos]))
        spike_pos = np.argwhere(abs(sample_frames[:, window_pos]) == spike_val)

        if len(spike_pos) > 1:
            spike_pos = spike_pos[0]
        spike_pos = int(spike_pos)

        # 找到零交叉(这里可能没有实际的0值,只是从正到负的变化
        sign_change = abs(np.diff(np.sign(sample_frames[:, window_pos]))) > 1
        zero_crossing = np.concatenate([sign_change, np.array([False])])

        # 找到峰值的开始位置,峰值位置之前最后一个零交叉点的位置
        # 如果没有零交叉点,则取窗口开始的位置
        zero_cross_pos = np.argwhere(zero_crossing[0:spike_pos + 1] == True)
        if len(zero_cross_pos) == 0:
            spike_start = 0
            spike_start = np.squeeze(zero_cross_pos[-1])

        # 找到峰值的结束位置,峰值位置之后第一个零交叉点的位置
        # 如果没有零交叉点,则取窗口结束的位置

        zero_crossing[0:spike_pos + 1] = False
        zero_cross_pos = np.argwhere(zero_crossing == True)
        if len(zero_cross_pos) == 0:
            spike_end = window_size
            spike_end = np.squeeze(zero_cross_pos[0])
        # print("spike start pos is %d, spike pos is %d, spike end pos is %d" % (spike_start, spike_pos, spike_end))
        # 将噪音峰值设置为0
        sample_frames.flags.writeable = True
        sample_frames[spike_start:spike_end, window_pos] = 0.0001

        # 重新计算 MAAs
        MAAs = np.max(abs(sample_frames), axis=0)
        is_greater = list(MAAs > (np.median(MAAs) * 3))

    despike_signal = np.reshape(sample_frames, (-1, 1))
    signal = signal.reshape((-1, 1))
    despike_signal = np.concatenate(
        [despike_signal, signal[len(despike_signal):]])

    return despike_signal