Example #1
def _calc_sc_1ph(net, bus):
    calculation method for single phase to ground short-circuit currents
    # pos. seq bus impedance
    ppc, ppci = _pd2ppc(net)

    # zero seq bus impedance
    ppc_0, ppci_0 = _pd2ppc_zero(net)

    if net["_options"]["inverse_y"]:
        _calc_zbus(net, ppci)
        _calc_zbus(net, ppci_0)
        # Factorization Ybus once
        ppci["internal"]["ybus_fact"] = factorized(ppci["internal"]["Ybus"])
        ppci_0["internal"]["ybus_fact"] = factorized(

    _calc_rx(net, ppci, bus=bus)
    _add_kappa_to_ppc(net, ppci)

    _calc_rx(net, ppci_0, bus=bus)
    _calc_ikss_1ph(net, ppci, ppci_0, bus=bus)

    if net._options["branch_results"]:
        _calc_branch_currents(net, ppci, bus=bus)
    ppc_0 = _copy_results_ppci_to_ppc(ppci_0, ppc_0, "sc")
    ppc = _copy_results_ppci_to_ppc(ppci, ppc, "sc")
    _extract_results(net, ppc, ppc_0, bus=bus)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, shape, viscosity, quantities):
        self.shape = shape
        # Defining these here keeps the code somewhat more readable vs. computing them every time they're needed.
        self.size = np.product(shape)
        self.dimensions = len(shape)

        # Variable viscosity, both in time and in space, is easy to set up; but it conflicts with the use of
        # SciPy's factorized function because the diffusion matrix must be recalculated every frame.
        # In order to keep the simulation speedy I use fixed viscosity.
        self.viscosity = viscosity

        # By dynamically creating advected-diffused quantities as needed prototyping becomes much easier.
        self.quantities = {}
        for q in quantities:
            self.quantities[q] = np.zeros(self.size)

        self.velocity_field = np.zeros((self.size, self.dimensions))
        # The reshaping here corresponds to a partial flattening so that self.indices
        # has the same shape as self.velocity_field.
        # This makes calculating the advection map as simple as a single vectorized subtraction each frame.
        self.indices = np.dstack(np.indices(self.shape)).reshape(
            self.size, self.dimensions)

        self.gradient = ops.matrices(
            shape, ops.differences(1, (1, ) * self.dimensions), False)

        # Both viscosity and pressure equations are just Poisson equations similar to the steady state heat equation.
        laplacian = ops.matrices(shape,
                                 ops.differences(1, (2, ) * self.dimensions),
        self.pressure_solver = factorized(laplacian)
        # Making sure I use the sparse version of the identity function here so I don't cast to a dense matrix.
        self.viscosity_solver = factorized(
            sp.identity(self.size) - laplacian * viscosity)
Example #3
 def set_matrices(self):
     """Set up all required matrices."""
     self.fA1 = linalg.factorized(self.A1)
     self.fA2 = linalg.factorized(self.A2)
     self.fM = linalg.factorized(self.M)
     self.fA2t = linalg.factorized(self.A2[1:-1, 1:-1])
Example #4
    def generate_direct_solver(self, grid=None):
        """Generates direct solver from a LU factorization of the sparse matrix

        if grid is None:
            # LOG.debug("Generate Solver for internal Spare Matrix: %s" % self.sp_matrix)
            solver = spla.factorized(self.sp_matrix)
            # LOG.debug("Generate Solver for given Grid %s" % (grid,))
            sp_matrix = self.to_sparse_matrix(grid, "csc")
            # LOG.debug("  with Sparse Matrix: %s" % sp_matrix.todense())
            # print("Jahier\n", sp_matrix.todense())
            # print("Jahier.shape\n", sp_matrix.todense().shape)
            solver = spla.factorized(sp_matrix)
        return solver
    def __init__(me, V, max_smooth_vectors=50):
        R = fenics.FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), 'R', 0)

        u_trial = fenics.TrialFunction(V)
        v_test = fenics.TestFunction(V)
        c_trial = fenics.TrialFunction(R)
        d_test = fenics.TestFunction(R)
        a11 = fenics.inner(fenics.grad(u_trial),
                           fenics.grad(v_test)) * fenics.dx
        a12 = c_trial * v_test * fenics.dx
        a21 = u_trial * d_test * fenics.dx
        A11 = convert_fenics_csr_matrix_to_scipy_csr_matrix(
        A12 = convert_fenics_csr_matrix_to_scipy_csr_matrix(
        A21 = convert_fenics_csr_matrix_to_scipy_csr_matrix(
        me.A = sps.bmat([[A11, A12], [A21, None]]).tocsc()
        solve_A = spla.factorized(me.A)

        m = u_trial * v_test * fenics.dx
        me.M = convert_fenics_csr_matrix_to_scipy_csr_matrix(
        solve_M = spla.factorized(me.M)

        def solve_neumann(f_vec):
            fe_vec = np.concatenate([f_vec, np.array([0])])
            ue_vec = solve_A(fe_vec)
            u_vec = ue_vec[:-1]
            return u_vec

        me.solve_neumann_linop = spla.LinearOperator((V.dim(), V.dim()),
        me.solve_M_linop = spla.LinearOperator((V.dim(), V.dim()),

        ee, UU = spla.eigsh(me.solve_neumann_linop,
                            k=max_smooth_vectors - 1,

        me.U_smooth = np.zeros((V.dim(), max_smooth_vectors))
        const_fct = np.ones(V.dim())
        me.U_smooth[:, 0] = const_fct / np.sqrt(
            np.dot(const_fct, me.M * const_fct))
        me.U_smooth[:, 1:] = solve_M(UU[:, ::-1])

        me.k = 0
Example #6
	def __init__(self,shape,As,projector,gamma,B=None,metric=None,verificators=None,solver='factorize') :
		self.metric=sp.eye(shape[0]) if metric is None else metric
		self.verificators=len(As)*[None] if verificators is None else verificators
		self.ATlist=[A.T.tocsr() for A in self.Alist]
	#	print('transposition done')
		for (A,AT,g) in zip(self.Alist,self.ATlist,self.gamma) :
	#	print('Matrix M assembly done')
		self.M= M if B==None else sp.bmat([[M,B.T],[B,None]])
		if self.solver=='factorize' :
		self.Alist=[A.tocsr() for A in self.Alist]
	#	print('Matrix M factorization done')
		for  A in self.Alist :
Example #7
def solve(A,
    """regularized weighted solve

    A : :class:`scipy.sparse.csr`
        the matrix, N (equations) x M (degrees of freedom)
    weights : :class:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`
        N x N diagonal matrix containing weights
    reg : :class:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`
        M x M diagonal matrix containing regularizations
    x0 : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        M x nsolve float constraint values for the DOFs
    b : :class:`numpy.ndarray`:
        N x nsolve float right-hand-side(s)
    precomputed_ATW : :class:`scipy.sparse.csc_matrix`
        value to use rather than computing A.T.dot(weights)
    precomputed_ATWA : :class:`scipy.sparse.csc_matrix`
        value to use rather than computing A.T.dot(weights).dot(A)
    precomputed_K_factorized : func
        factorized solve function to use rather than computing
        scipy.sparse.linalg.factorized(A.T.dot(weights).dot(A) + reg)

    solution : list of numpy.ndarray
        list of numpy arrays of x and y vertex positions of solution
    errx : numpy.ndarray
        numpy array of x residuals
    erry : numpy.ndarray
        numpy array of y residuals

    ATW = (A.transpose().dot(weights)
           if precomputed_ATW is None else precomputed_ATW)
    if precomputed_K_factorized is None:
        K = (ATW.dot(A)
             if precomputed_ATWA is None else precomputed_ATWA) + reg
        K_factorized = factorized(K)
        K_factorized = precomputed_K_factorized
    solution = []

    i = 0
    for x in x0:
        Lm = reg.dot(x) + ATW.dot(b[:, i])
        i += 1

    errx = A.dot(solution[0]) - b[:, 0]
    erry = A.dot(solution[1]) - b[:, 1]

    return solution, errx, erry
Example #8
    def _init_matrices(self):
        from scipy.sparse.linalg import factorized
        from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix

        intp_mat = np.zeros((self.n_window * self.dim_ext,
                             self.n_window * self.dim_ext))
        sum_mat = np.zeros((self.dim_ext, self.n_window * self.dim_ext))

        # nex = self.n_ext
        nwi = self.n_window
        nwi2 = (self.n_window - 1) / 2
        # print self.dim_ext
        for i in range(0, self.dim_ext):
            for m in range(nwi):
                intp_mat[nwi * i + m, nwi * i:nwi * (1 + i)] = (
                    self.grid_ext[i:i + nwi]**m * self.widths_ext[i:i + nwi])

        idx = lambda i: [(i-k)*nwi + k + nwi2 for k in range(-nwi2, nwi2 +1)
                         if 0 <= ((i-k)*nwi + k + nwi2) < self.n_window*self.dim_ext]

        for i in range(self.dim_ext):
            sum_mat[i, idx(i)] = 1.

        self.intp_mat = csc_matrix(intp_mat)
        self.sum_mat = csc_matrix(sum_mat)

        self.solver = factorized(self.intp_mat)
Example #9
def make_matrix_square_root_applier(A, check_error=True):
    A = A.tocsr()
    weights, poles, _ = matrix_inverse_square_root_rational_weights_and_poles(
    N = len(weights)

    AA = [A - poles[k] * sps.eye(A.shape[0]) for k in range(N)]
    AA_solvers = [spla.factorized(A) for A in AA]

    def apply_isqrtA(v):
        u = np.zeros(v.shape)
        for k in range(N):
            u = u + weights[k] * AA_solvers[k](v)
        return u

    def apply_sqrtA(v):
        return A * apply_isqrtA(v)

    if check_error:
        v = np.random.randn(A.shape[1])
        u1 = apply_sqrtA(apply_sqrtA(v))
        u2 = A * v
        sqrt_err = np.linalg.norm(u1 - u2) / np.linalg.norm(u2)
        print('sqrt_err=', sqrt_err)

    return apply_sqrtA
Example #10
def modified_newton(func, U0, jac, tol=1.0e-6, maxiter=10, ifprint=False):

    func ---- 函数,平衡方程,变量为U
    U0   ---- 解的初始估计值
    jac  ---- 切线刚度 \partial{func} / \partial{U}
    tol  ---- 收敛容差(相对)
    maxiter  ---- 最多迭代次数
    U = U0
    conv = 0
    K = jac(U)
    solve = spsl.factorized(K)  # Makes LU decomposition.

    for niter in xrange(maxiter):
        UF = func(U)
        dU = -solve(UF)  # Uses the LU factors.
        nerr = np.linalg.norm(dU) / np.linalg.norm(U)
        if nerr > tol:
            U = U0 + dU

    if ifprint:
        if niter < maxiter - 1:
            print "Converged after %d iterations, norm error = %.4g %%." % (niter + 1, nerr)
            conv = 1
            print "Fail to Converge after %d iterations, norm error = %.4g %%." % (maxiter, nerr)
    return U, conv
Example #11
def _kappa_method_c(net, ppc):
    if net.f_hz == 50:
        fc = 20
    elif net.f_hz == 60:
        fc = 24
        raise ValueError(
            "Frequency has to be 50 Hz or 60 Hz according to the standard")
    ppc_c = copy.deepcopy(ppc)
    ppc_c["branch"][:, BR_X] *= fc / net.f_hz

    zero_conductance = np.where(ppc["bus"][:, GS] == 0)
    ppc["bus"][zero_conductance, BS] *= net.f_hz / fc

    conductance = np.where(ppc["bus"][:, GS] != 0)
    z_shunt = 1 / (ppc_c["bus"][conductance, GS] +
                   1j * ppc_c["bus"][conductance, BS])
    y_shunt = 1 / (z_shunt.real + 1j * z_shunt.imag * fc / net.f_hz)
    ppc_c["bus"][conductance, GS] = y_shunt.real[0]
    ppc_c["bus"][conductance, BS] = y_shunt.imag[0]

    if net["_options"]["inverse_y"]:
        _calc_zbus(net, ppc_c)
        # Factorization Ybus once
        ppc_c["internal"]["ybus_fact"] = factorized(ppc_c["internal"]["Ybus"])

    _calc_rx(net, ppc_c, bus=None)
    rx_equiv_c = ppc_c["bus"][:,
                              R_EQUIV] / ppc_c["bus"][:,
                                                      X_EQUIV] * fc / net.f_hz
    return _kappa(rx_equiv_c)
Example #12
    def setUp(self):
        self.NV = 200
        self.NP = 40
        self.NY = 5
        self.NU = self.NY + 3
        self.verbose = False
        self.comprthresh = 1e-6  # threshhold for SVD trunc. for compr. of Z

        self.nwtn_adi_dict = dict(adi_max_steps=300,

        # -F, M spd -- coefficient matrices
        self.F = -sps.eye(self.NV) - \
            sps.rand(self.NV, self.NV) * sps.rand(self.NV, self.NV)
        self.M = sps.eye(self.NV) + \
            sps.rand(self.NV, self.NV) * sps.rand(self.NV, self.NV)
            self.Mlu = spsla.factorized(self.M.tocsc())
        except RuntimeError:
            print 'M is not full rank'

        # bmatrix that appears in the nonliner ric term X*B*B.T*X
        self.bmat = np.random.randn(self.NV, self.NU)

        # right-handside: C= -W*W.T
        self.W = np.random.randn(self.NV, self.NY)

        # smw formula Asmw = A - UV
        self.U = 1e-4 * np.random.randn(self.NV, self.NY)
        self.Usp = 1e-4 * sps.rand(self.NV, self.NY)
        self.V = np.random.randn(self.NY, self.NV)
        self.uvs = sps.csr_matrix(np.dot(self.U, self.V))
        self.uvssp = sps.csr_matrix(self.Usp * self.V)

        # initial value for newton adi
        self.Z0 = np.random.randn(self.NV, self.NY)

        # we need J sparse and of full rank
        for auxk in range(10):
                self.J = sps.rand(self.NP, self.NV, density=0.03, format='csr')
                spsla.splu((self.J * self.J.T).tocsc())
            except RuntimeError:
                if self.verbose:
                    print 'J not full row-rank.. I make another try'
            spsla.splu((self.J * self.J.T).tocsc())
        except RuntimeError:
            raise Warning('Fail: J is not full rank')

        # the Leray projector
        MinvJt = lau.app_luinv_to_spmat(self.Mlu, self.J.T)
        Sinv = np.linalg.inv(self.J * MinvJt)
        self.P = np.eye(self.NV) - np.dot(MinvJt, Sinv * self.J)
Example #13
def compute_cycle_currents(r_mat, v_vec, cyclebasis):
    # special case for no cycles (which otherwise makes a singular matrix)
    if len(cyclebasis) == 0:
        return np.array([], dtype=v_vec.dtype)

    solver = spla.factorized(r_mat.tocsc())
    return solver(v_vec).reshape([len(cyclebasis)])
Example #14
 def gaussSeidel(A):
     dd = A.diagonal()
     D = spsp.dia_matrix(A.shape)
     L = spsp.tril(A, -1)
     U = spsp.triu(A, 1)
     return splinalg.factorized(D + L)
Example #15
    def diff_tangent(self, dependees_diff_u):
        if hasattr(self, 'residual') and self.residual:
            resid_diff_u, = dependees_diff_u
            if resid_diff_u is 0:
                return 0
                # inverse of Jacobian matrix
                resid_diff_self = self.jacobian
                # check if diagonal matrix
                n = resid_diff_self.shape[0]
                    is_diag = resid_diff_self.indices.size == n and \
                              resid_diff_self.indptr.size == n+1 and \
                              all(resid_diff_self.indices == np.arange(n)) and \
                              all(resid_diff_self.indptr == np.arange(n+1))
                except TypeError:
                    is_diag = False
                if is_diag:
                    # inverse of diagonal matrix
                    self_diff_resid = resid_diff_self.copy()
                    self_diff_resid.data = 1 / np.array(self_diff_resid.data)

                    self_diff_u = -self_diff_resid * resid_diff_u
                    return self_diff_u
                    if hasattr(resid_diff_u, 'todense'):
                        resid_diff_u = resid_diff_u.todense()
                    resid_diff_u = np.array(resid_diff_u)
                    self_diff_resid = splinalg.factorized(resid_diff_self.tocsc())
                    self_diff_u = np.transpose([-self_diff_resid(b) \
                                            for b in resid_diff_u.T])
                    self_diff_u = self_diff_u.reshape(resid_diff_u.shape)
                    return sp.csr_matrix(self_diff_u)
            return 0
Example #16
def matricles():

    N = 2000
#    A = scipy.sparse.rand(N,N,0.2)
#    A = A + scipy.sparse.spdiags(np.ones(N),0,N,N)
#    A = A.tocoo()
#    AC = cvxopt.spmatrix(A.data.tolist(),A.row.tolist(), A.col.tolist())
#    b = cvxopt.normal(N,1)
    for superIx in range(5):
        A = scipy.sparse.rand(N,N,0.2)
        A = A + scipy.sparse.spdiags(np.ones(N),0,N,N)
        A = A.tocsr()
        b = np.random.randn(N)
        for ix in range(1):
            b = np.random.randn(N)
            ti = time.time()
            P = wrapCvxopt.staticSolver(A)
            uOPT = P(b)
            print 'cvx opt time = ' + repr(time.time()-ti)
            ti = time.time()
            Q = lin.factorized(A)
            uSPS = Q(b)
            print 'scipy time  = ' + repr(time.time() - ti)
            print np.linalg.norm(uOPT-uSPS)
Example #17
def test_factorized(B):
    if B.__class__.__name__[:3] != 'csc':

    LU = spla.factorized(B)
    npt.assert_allclose(LU(np.array([1, 2])),
                        np.linalg.solve(B.todense(), [1, 2]))
Example #18
    def diff_adjoint(self, f_diff_dependers):
        f_diff_self = 0
        iter_f_diff_dependers = iter(f_diff_dependers)

        if hasattr(self, 'solution') and self.solution():
            f_diff_soln = next(iter_f_diff_dependers)

            if f_diff_soln is not 0:
                # inverse of Jacobian matrix
                self_diff_soln = self.solution().jacobian.T
                # check if diagonal matrix
                n = self_diff_soln.shape[0]
                    is_diag = all(self_diff_soln.indices == arange(n)) and \
                              all(self_diff_soln.indptr == arange(n+1))
                except TypeError:
                    is_diag = False
                if is_diag:
                    assert f_diff_soln.shape[-1] == n
                    # inverse of diagonal matrix
                    soln_diff_self = self_diff_soln.copy()
                    soln_diff_self.data = 1. / np.array(soln_diff_self.data)
                    f_diff_self = -f_diff_soln * soln_diff_self
                    if hasattr(f_diff_soln, 'todense'):
                        f_diff_soln = f_diff_soln.todense()
                    f_diff_soln = np.array(f_diff_soln)
                    soln_diff_self = splinalg.factorized(self_diff_soln.tocsc())
                    f_diff_self = np.array([-soln_diff_self(b) \
                                            for b in f_diff_soln])
                    f_diff_self = np.matrix(f_diff_self.reshape(f_diff_soln.shape))

        f_diff_self_1 = IntermediateState.diff_adjoint(self,
        return _add_ops(f_diff_self, f_diff_self_1)
Example #19
    def solveDirect_scipy(self, b, factorize):
            Use solve instead of this interface.

            :param numpy.ndarray b: the right hand side
            :param bool factorize: if you want to factorize and store factors
            :rtype: numpy.ndarray
            :return: x
        if factorize and self.dsolve is None:
            self.A = self.A.tocsc()  # for efficiency
            self.dsolve = linalg.factorized(self.A)

        if len(b.shape) == 1 or b.shape[1] == 1:
            # Just one RHS
            if factorize:
                return self.dsolve(b.flatten())
                return linalg.dsolve.spsolve(self.A, b)

        # Multiple RHSs
        X = np.empty_like(b)
        for i in range(b.shape[1]):
            if factorize:
                X[:,i] = self.dsolve(b[:,i])
                X[:,i] = linalg.dsolve.spsolve(self.A,b[:,i])

        return X
Example #20
def Modif_Ytrans():
    global Ytrans, Ytrans_mod, Y_Vsp_PV, N, Buses_type, solve, branches_buses, list_gen
    Ytrans_mod = np.zeros((2 * N, 2 * N), dtype=float)
    Y_Vsp_PV = []
    for i in range(N):
        if Buses_type[i] == 'Slack':
            Ytrans_mod[2 * i][2 * i] = 1
            Ytrans_mod[2 * i + 1][2 * i + 1] = 1
            for j in branches_buses[i]:
                Ytrans_mod[2 * i][2 * j] = Ytrans[i][j].real
                Ytrans_mod[2 * i][2 * j + 1] = Ytrans[i][j].imag * -1
                Ytrans_mod[2 * i + 1][2 * j] = Ytrans[i][j].imag
                Ytrans_mod[2 * i + 1][2 * j + 1] = Ytrans[i][j].real
    for i in list_gen:
        array = np.zeros(2 * len(branches_buses[i]), dtype=float)
        pos = 0
        for k in branches_buses[i]:
            array[pos] = Ytrans_mod[2 * k][2 * i]
            array[pos + 1] = Ytrans_mod[2 * k + 1][2 * i]
            Ytrans_mod[2 * k][2 * i] = 0
            Ytrans_mod[2 * k + 1][2 * i] = 0
            pos += 2
        Y_Vsp_PV.append([i, array.copy()])
        Ytrans_mod[2 * i + 1][2 * i] = 1

    # Return a function for solving a sparse linear system, with Ytrans_mod pre-factorized.
    solve = factorized(csc_matrix(Ytrans_mod))
Example #21
def get_regularized_c(Ct=None, J=None, Mt=None):
    """apply the regularization (projection to divfree vels)

    i.e. compute rC = C*[I-M^-1*J.T*S^-1*J] as
    rCT = [I - J.T*S.-T*J*M.-T]*C.T

    raise UserWarning('deprecated - use more explicit approach to proj via ' +
                      'sadpoints systems as implemented in linalg_utils')

    Nv, NY = Mt.shape[0], Ct.shape[1]
        rCt = np.load('data/regCNY{0}vdim{1}.npy'.format(NY, Nv))
    except IOError:
        print 'no data/regCNY{0}vdim{1}.npy'.format(NY, Nv)
        MTlu = spsla.factorized(Mt)
        auCt = np.zeros(Ct.shape)
        # M.-T*C.T
        for ccol in range(NY):
            auCt[:, ccol] = MTlu(np.array(Ct[:, ccol].todense())[:, 0])
        # J*M.-T*C.T
        auCt = J * auCt
        # S.-T*J*M.-T*C.T
        auCt = lau.app_schurc_inv(MTlu, J, auCt)
        rCt = Ct - J.T * auCt
        np.save('data/regCNY{0}vdim{1}.npy'.format(NY, Nv), rCt)

    return np.array(rCt)
Example #22
def _calc_sc(net, bus):
    ppc, ppci = _pd2ppc(net)

    if net["_options"]["inverse_y"]:
        _calc_zbus(net, ppci)
        # Factorization Ybus once
        ppci["internal"]["ybus_fact"] = factorized(ppci["internal"]["Ybus"])

    _calc_rx(net, ppci, bus)

    # kappa required inverse of Zbus, which is optimized
    if net["_options"]["kappa"]:
        _add_kappa_to_ppc(net, ppci)
    _calc_ikss(net, ppci, bus)

    if net["_options"]["ip"]:
        _calc_ip(net, ppci)
    if net["_options"]["ith"]:
        _calc_ith(net, ppci)

    if net._options["branch_results"]:
        _calc_branch_currents(net, ppci, bus)

    ppc = _copy_results_ppci_to_ppc(ppci, ppc, "sc")
    _extract_results(net, ppc, ppc_0=None, bus=bus)

    if "ybus_fact" in ppci["internal"]:
        # Delete factorization object
Example #23
    def __init__(self, y):
        # Pre-cache a sparse LU decomposition of the FL matrix
        from pygfl.utils import get_1d_penalty_matrix
        from scipy.sparse.linalg import factorized
        from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
        D = get_1d_penalty_matrix(y.shape[0])
        D = np.vstack([D, np.zeros(y.shape[0])])
        D[-1,-1] = 1e-6 # Nugget for full rank matrix
        D = csc_matrix(D)
        self.invD = factorized(D)

        # Setup the fast GFL solver
        from pygfl.solver import TrailSolver
        from pygfl.trails import decompose_graph
        from pygfl.utils import hypercube_edges, chains_to_trails
        from networkx import Graph
        edges = hypercube_edges(y.shape)
        g = Graph()
        chains = decompose_graph(g, heuristic='greedy')
        ntrails, trails, breakpoints, edges = chains_to_trails(chains)
        self.solver = TrailSolver()
        self.solver.set_data(y, edges, ntrails, trails, breakpoints)

        from pygfl.easy import solve_gfl
        self.beta = solve_gfl(y)
Example #24
def calculate_continuity_constant(gq, lq):
    A = gq["op"].matrix
    H1 = gq["k_product"].matrix
    Y = H1
    X = H1

        a = gq["data"]['boundary_info'].dirichlet_boundaries(2)
        b = np.arange(A.shape[0])
        c = np.delete(b, a)
        A = A[:, c][c, :]
        X = X[:, c][c, :]
        Y = Y[:, c][c, :]
    except KeyError:

    Yinv = sp.factorized(Y.astype(complex))

    def mv(v):
        return A.H.dot(Yinv(A.dot(v)))

    M1 = LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec=mv)
    eigvals = sp.eigs(M1, M=X, k=1, tol=1e-4)[0]
    eigvals = np.sqrt(np.abs(eigvals))
    result = eigvals[0]
    gq["continuity_constant"] = result
    print("calculated_continuity_constant: ", result)
    return result
Example #25
def update_z(xyz, Q, C, p, free, fixed, updateloads, tol=1e-3, kmax=100, display=False):
    Ci = C[:, free]
    Cf = C[:, fixed]
    Ct = C.transpose()
    Cit = Ci.transpose()
    A = Cit.dot(Q).dot(Ci)
    A_solve = factorized(A)
    B = Cit.dot(Q).dot(Cf)
    CtQC = Ct.dot(Q).dot(C)

    updateloads(p, xyz)

    for k in range(kmax):
        if display:

        xyz[free, 2] = A_solve(p[free, 2] - B.dot(xyz[fixed, 2]))

        updateloads(p, xyz)

        r = CtQC.dot(xyz[:, 2]) - p[:, 2]
        residual = norm(r[free])

        if residual < tol:

    return residual
Example #26
    def solveDirect_scipy(self, b, factorize):
            Use solve instead of this interface.

            :param numpy.ndarray b: the right hand side
            :param bool factorize: if you want to factorize and store factors
            :rtype: numpy.ndarray
            :return: x
        if factorize and self.dsolve is None:
            self.A = self.A.tocsc()  # for efficiency
            self.dsolve = linalg.factorized(self.A)

        if len(b.shape) == 1 or b.shape[1] == 1:
            # Just one RHS
            if factorize:
                return self.dsolve(b.flatten())
                return linalg.dsolve.spsolve(self.A, b)

        # Multiple RHSs
        X = np.empty_like(b)
        for i in range(b.shape[1]):
            if factorize:
                X[:, i] = self.dsolve(b[:, i])
                X[:, i] = linalg.dsolve.spsolve(self.A, b[:, i])

        return X
Example #27
def solver_umfpack(A):
    Return a function for solving a sparse linear system using UMFPACK.
    A : (N, N) array_like
    solve : callable
        To solve the linear system of equations given in `A`, the `solve`
        callable should be passed an ndarray of shape (N,).

    import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla

    #_useUmfpack = spla.dsolve.linsolve.useUmfpack

    A.indptr = A.indptr.astype(np.int64)
    A.indices = A.indices.astype(np.int64)

    iA = spla.factorized(A)

    def solver(b, x0=None):
        return iA(b)


    return solver,
Example #28
def solver_superlu(A):
    Return a function for solving a sparse linear system using SuperLU.
    A : (N, N) array_like
    solve : callable
        To solve the linear system of equations given in `A`, the `solve`
        callable should be passed an ndarray of shape (N,).

    import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla

    _useUmfpack = spla.dsolve.linsolve.useUmfpack

    iA = spla.factorized(A)

    def solver(b, x0=None):
        return iA(b)


    return solver,
Example #29
def Modif_Ytrans():
    global Ytrans, Ytrans_mod, N, Buses_type, K, slack, solve, branches_buses, list_gen
    Ytrans_mod = np.zeros((2*N+1,2*N+1),dtype=float)

    for i in range(N):
        if Buses_type[i]=='Slack':
            Ytrans_mod[2*i + 1][2*i + 1]=1
        elif Buses_type[i]=='PQ':
            for j in branches_buses[i]:
                Ytrans_mod[2*i][2*j + 1]=Ytrans[i][j].imag*-1
                Ytrans_mod[2*i + 1][2*j]=Ytrans[i][j].imag
                Ytrans_mod[2*i + 1][2*j + 1]=Ytrans[i][j].real
        elif Buses_type[i]=='PVLIM' or Buses_type[i]=='PV':
            Ytrans_mod[2*i + 1][2*i]=1
            for j in branches_buses[i]:
                Ytrans_mod[2*i][2*j + 1]=Ytrans[i][j].imag*-1

    # Last row
    for k in branches_buses[slack]:
        Ytrans_mod[2*N][2*k] = Ytrans[slack][k].real
        Ytrans_mod[2*N][2*k+1] = Ytrans[slack][k].imag*-1

    # last Column
    for i in list_gen:

    # Return a function for solving a sparse linear system, with Ytrans_mod pre-factorized.
    solve = factorized(csc_matrix(Ytrans_mod))
def make_prior_preconditioner_and_adjoint(M, check_adjoint_correctness=True):
    # Square root of covariance operator, C, and transpose
    # C = (Laplacian + I)^(-2)
    vt = TestFunction(M)
    ut = TrialFunction(M)

    C_form = inner(grad(vt), grad(ut)) * dx + vt * ut * dx
    C = fenics_to_scipy_matrix_conversion(assemble(C_form))
    solve_C = spla.factorized(C)

    W_form = ut*vt*dx
    W = fenics_to_scipy_matrix_conversion(assemble(W_form))
    apply_sqrtW = make_matrix_square_root_applier(W)

    def apply_sqrtC(f_vec):
        return solve_C(apply_sqrtW(f_vec))

    def apply_sqrtC_T(u_vec):
        return apply_sqrtW(solve_C(u_vec))

    if check_adjoint_correctness:
        xl = np.random.randn(M.dim())
        xr = np.random.randn(M.dim())
        smooth_vector_adjoint_err = np.dot(apply_sqrtC(xl).copy(), xr) - np.dot(xl, apply_sqrtC_T(xr).copy())
        print('prior_adjoint_err=', smooth_vector_adjoint_err)

    return apply_sqrtC, apply_sqrtC_T
Example #31
def comp_proj_lyap_res_norm(Z,
    """compute the squared f norm of projected lyap residual

        res = Pt*[ Ft*ZZt*M + Mt*ZZt*M + W*Wt ]*P

    if Z.shape[1] >= Z.shape[0]:
        raise Warning('TODO: catch cases where Z has more cols than rows')

    if Sinv is None:
        Mlu = spsla.factorized(mmat)
        MinvJt = lau.app_luinv_to_spmat(Mlu, jmat.T)
        Sinv = np.linalg.inv(jmat * MinvJt)

    def _app_pt(Z, jmat, MinvJt, Sinv):
        return Z - jmat.T * np.dot(Sinv, np.dot(MinvJt.T, Z))

    if umat is None and vmat is None:
        amattZ = amat.T * Z
        amattZ = amat.T * Z - lau.comp_uvz_spdns(vmat.T, umat.T, Z)

    PtFtZ = _app_pt(amattZ, jmat, MinvJt, Sinv)
    PtMtZ = _app_pt(mmat.T * Z, jmat, MinvJt, Sinv)
    PtW = _app_pt(wmat, jmat, MinvJt, Sinv)

    return lau.comp_sqfnrm_factrd_lyap_res(PtMtZ, PtFtZ, PtW)
Example #32
def calculate_inf_sup_constant(gq, lq, bases):
    op = gq["op_fixed"]
    rhs = gq["rhs"]
    spaces = gq["spaces"]
    localizer = gq["localizer"]
    operator_reductor = LRBOperatorProjection(op, rhs, localizer, spaces,
                                              bases, spaces, bases)
    A = operator_reductor.get_reduced_operator().matrix
    H1 = gq["k_product"]
    operator_reductor = LRBOperatorProjection(H1, rhs, localizer, spaces,
                                              bases, spaces, bases)
    X = operator_reductor.get_reduced_operator().matrix
    Y = operator_reductor.get_reduced_operator().matrix

    Yinv = sp.factorized(Y.astype(complex))

    def mv(v):
        return A.H.dot(Yinv(A.dot(v)))

    M1 = LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec=mv)

    eigvals = sp.eigs(M1, M=X, which='SM', tol=1e-4)[0]
    eigvals = np.sqrt(np.abs(eigvals))
    result = eigvals[0]
    gq["inf_sup_constant"] = result
    print("calculated_inf_sup_constant: ", result)
    return result
Example #33
def _lufactorized(A):
    r"""Return a function for solving a sparse linear system (LU decomposition).

    A : array
        Matrix A represented as an (m x n) array.

        Function to solve linear system with input matrix (n x 1).

    LU decomposition factors a matrix as the product of a lower triangular and
    an upper triangular matrix L and U.

    .. math::

        \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{L} \mathbf{U}

    >>> fn = _lufactorized(array([[3, 2, -1], [2, -2, 4], [-1, 0.5, -1]]))
    >>> fn(array([1, -2, 0]))
    array([ 1., -2., -2.])

    return factorized(A)
Example #34
def compute_cycle_currents(r_mat, v_vec, cyclebasis):
	# special case for no cycles (which otherwise makes a singular matrix)
	if len(cyclebasis) == 0:
		return np.array([], dtype=v_vec.dtype)

	solver = spla.factorized(r_mat.tocsc())
	return solver(v_vec).reshape([len(cyclebasis)])
Example #35
def comp_proj_lyap_res_norm(Z, amat=None, mmat=None, wmat=None,
                            jmat=None, umat=None, vmat=None, Sinv=None):
    """compute the squared f norm of projected lyap residual

        res = Pt*[ Ft*ZZt*M + Mt*ZZt*M + W*Wt ]*P

    if Z.shape[1] >= Z.shape[0]:
        raise Warning('TODO: catch cases where Z has more cols than rows')

    if Sinv is None:
        Mlu = spsla.factorized(mmat)
        MinvJt = lau.app_luinv_to_spmat(Mlu, jmat.T)
        Sinv = np.linalg.inv(jmat * MinvJt)

    def _app_pt(Z, jmat, MinvJt, Sinv):
        return Z - jmat.T * np.dot(Sinv, np.dot(MinvJt.T, Z))

    if umat is None and vmat is None:
        amattZ = amat.T * Z
        amattZ = amat.T*Z - lau.comp_uvz_spdns(vmat.T, umat.T, Z)

    PtFtZ = _app_pt(amattZ, jmat, MinvJt, Sinv)
    PtMtZ = _app_pt(mmat.T * Z, jmat, MinvJt, Sinv)
    PtW = _app_pt(wmat, jmat, MinvJt, Sinv)

    return lau.comp_sqfnrm_factrd_lyap_res(PtMtZ, PtFtZ, PtW)
    def factorize(self):
        # function to solve Cx = b, using cyclic reduction
        if len(self.Dinv) != 0:
            print("the matrix is already factorized")
        elif self.nblocks == 1:
            # if we are in a leaf, i.e. we are dealing with a dense matrix
            # defining the indices
            IdxO = np.arange(0, self.nblocks, 2)
            IdxE = np.arange(1, self.nblocks, 2)

            # we start inverting the diagonal blocks
            Dinv = []

            for ii in range(len(IdxO)):

            E, D, F = [], [], []

            for ii in range(len(IdxE)):

                jj = IdxE[ii]
                Dlocal = np.zeros(self.D[jj].shape)

                Dlocal += self.D[jj]

                if jj > 0:  # this should never be false, but just in case
                    # update the diagonal
                    Dlocal -= self.E[jj].dot(Dinv[ii](self.F[jj -
                if jj < self.nblocks - 1:  # this can be true
                    # update the diagonal
                    Dlocal -= self.F[jj].dot(Dinv[ii + 1](self.E[jj +

                # now treating the off-diagonal blocks
                if jj > 0 and ii > 0:
                    Elocal = -self.E[jj].dot(Dinv[ii](
                        self.E[jj - 1].toarray()))
                    Elocal = np.zeros((self.n, self.n))

                if jj < self.nblocks - 1 and ii < len(IdxE) - 1:
                    Flocal = -self.F[jj].dot(Dinv[ii + 1](
                        self.F[jj + 1].toarray()))
                    Flocal = np.zeros((self.n, self.n))


            # defining the local inverses
            self.Dinv = Dinv
            # building the matrix for the resulting problem
            self.C = CyclicMatrix(self.n, len(IdxE), E, D, F)
            #factorizing the new matrix
Example #37
    def __init__(self, M):
        """Initialize the linear operator

        :param M: The matrix to be factorized/solved.
        :type M: Sparse Matrix
        self.solve = sla.factorized(M)
        self.shape = M.shape
Example #38
def S(u):
    """evaluate control-to-state mapping"""
    u_fe.vector()[:] = u
    A = assemble_csr(inner(u_fe*grad(w), grad(v))*dc(1) +
                     inner(umin*grad(w), grad(v))*dx)
    AMinv = factorized(csc_matrix(M+sigma*dt*dt*A))
    y = forward(A, AMinv)
    return y
Example #39
    def get_atmtlu(At, Mt, jmat, ms):
        """compute the LU of the projection matrix

        NP = jmat.shape[0]
        sysm = sps.vstack([sps.hstack([At + ms.conjugate() * Mt, -jmat.T]),
                           sps.hstack([jmat, sps.csr_matrix((NP, NP))])],
        return spsla.factorized(sysm)
Example #40
 def fwd_solve(self, ind):
     '''Does the clean solve for the given index. The factorization is not cached'''      
     strm = time.time()
     self.gogo[ind] = lin.factorized(sparse.csc_matrix(self.nabla2+self.getk(ind)) )
     print 'factor time = ' + repr(time.time()-strm)
     # self.gogo[ind] = superSolve.wrapCvxopt.staticSolver(self.nabla2+self.getk(ind))
     strm = time.time()
     self.sol[ind] = self.gogo[ind](self.rhs.flatten())
     print 'sol time ' + repr(ind) + ' time = ' + repr(time.time()-strm)
Example #41
    def factor(self, A):
        """Compute internal factorization of A."""

        self.m, self.n = A.shape

        if self.use_sub_factor:
            self.A_factorized = spla.factorized(A)
Example #42
    def test_luinv_to_spmat_complex(self):
        """check the application of the inverse

        of a lu-factored matrix to a sparse mat"""

        alusolve = spsla.factorized(self.A)
        Z = sps.csr_matrix(self.U+1j*self.V.T)
        AinvZ = lau.app_luinv_to_spmat(alusolve, Z)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(Z.todense(), self.A * AinvZ))
Example #43
    def initOpt(self, uHat, D):
        self.rho = D['rho']
        self.xi = D['xi']
        self.uHat = uHat
        self.upperBound = D['uBound']
        self.lmb = D['lmb']
        self.obj = np.zeros(D['maxIter'])
        # add some local vars for ease
        self.s = self.fwd.getS() #  1j*self.muo*self.w
        self.A = self.fwd.nabla2+self.fwd.getk(0)

        ''' create some lists so that I can see how the algorithm progresses'''        
        self.gap = list()
        self.objInt = list()
        self.pL = list()
        self.phaseList = list()
        self.rlist = list()
        self.us = np.zeros(self.fwd.N,dtype='complex128')
        # just to make life easier:
        self.ub = self.fwd.sol[0] # shouldn't need --> .flatten()
        self.pp = np.zeros(self.fwd.getXSize(),dtype='complex128')
        self.r = np.zeros(self.fwd.getXSize(),dtype='complex128') # primal
        self.rt = np.zeros(self.fwd.getXSize(),dtype='complex128') # twiddle
        self.rd = np.zeros(self.fwd.getXSize(), dtype='complex128') # dual
        self.z = np.zeros(2*self.fwd.getXSize(), dtype='complex128') #primal?
        self.zt = np.zeros(self.fwd.getXSize(), dtype='complex128') # twiddle
        self.zd = np.zeros(self.fwd.getXSize(), dtype='complex128') # dual
        # self.pp = sparse.spdiags(np.exp(1j*np.angle(self.fwd.x2u.T*self.ub)),0,self.fwd.getXSize(),self.fwd.getXSize())
        ''' subtract out the background field '''
        self.uHat = self.uHat - self.fwd.Ms*self.ub
        ''' create the system KKT matrix '''
        uu = self.fwd.Ms.T*self.fwd.Ms + self.rho*(self.upperBound*self.fwd.x2u*self.fwd.x2u.T*self.upperBound)
        ur = -self.rho*self.upperBound*self.fwd.x2u
        ul = self.A.T.conj()
        rr = 2*self.rho*sparse.eye(self.fwd.getXSize(),self.fwd.getXSize())
        rl = self.s.conj()*self.fwd.x2u.T
        ll = sparse.coo_matrix((self.fwd.N,self.fwd.N))
        SM = spTools.vCat([spTools.hCat([uu,ur,ul]),\
                           spTools.hCat([ur.T.conj(), rr, rl]), \
                           spTools.hCat([ul.T.conj(), rl.T.conj(), ll])])
        self.internalGo = lin.factorized(SM)
Example #44
def getBinv(Bbus, bus):
    n = Bbus.shape[0]
    rhs = zeros(n-1)
    solve = factorized(Bbus[:-1,:-1])
    Binv = {} # dictionary with a key per wind bus, value is column array
    for i in bus:
        if not 'avg' in bus[i]: continue # only compute column if wind bus
        rhs[i] = 1
        Binv[i] = append(solve(rhs), 0)
        rhs[i] = 0
    return Binv
Example #45
    def __inv_greens_matrix(self, E, H):

        zplus = complex(0.0, 1.0) * 10 ** (-12)
        # sig1 = np.zeros((H.Ny * Nx, H.Ny * Nx), dtype = complex)
        # sig2 = np.zeros((H.Ny * Nx, H.Ny * Nx), dtype = complex)

        # if self.bc == 'open':
        # sig1[0,0] = self.calculate_self_energy_for_1d(E, -0.05)
        # sig2[-1,-1] = self.calculate_self_energy_for_1d(E, 0.05)
        matrix = (E + zplus) * sparse.eye(H.Ntot, H.Ntot, k=0, dtype=complex) - H.mtot
        solver = linalg.factorized(matrix.tocsc())
        return solver
Example #46
    def initialize_matrix(self):
        """Set up the state vector, matrix, and index variables
        Pre-factor the matrix for efficiency in the time loop
        n = self.nx * self.ny
        # keep only points where u is not 0
        ukeep = self.msk.flatten() * (self.IE * self.msk.flatten())
        # keep only points where v is not 0
        vkeep = self.msk.flatten() * (self.IN * self.msk.flatten())
        hkeep = self.msk.flatten()
        keep = np.hstack([ukeep, vkeep, hkeep])
        ikeep = np.nonzero(keep)[0]
        self.ikeep = ikeep

        #self.sbig = self.s
        self.s = self.sbig[np.nonzero(keep)]
        # indices of ocean points in the 2-d fields
        self.ih = np.nonzero(hkeep)
        self.iu = np.nonzero(ukeep)
        self.iv = np.nonzero(vkeep)
        # indices of variables inside the big s vector
        self.iubig = np.nonzero(np.hstack([ukeep,
        self.ivbig = np.nonzero(np.hstack([np.zeros(ukeep.shape),
        self.ihbig = np.nonzero(np.hstack([np.zeros(ukeep.shape),
        dt = 0.5 * self.dx / self.cg
        I = sparse.eye(3*n, 3*n).tocsc()
        A = I + (dt / 2) * self.L
        B = I - (dt / 2) * self.L
        A = A[ikeep, :]
        A = A[:, ikeep]                  # does this get used?
        B = B[ikeep, :]
        self.B = B[:, ikeep]
        self.dt = dt

        print 'Factoring the big matrix...',
        tic = time.time()
        self.solve = linalg.factorized(A)
        print 'Elapsed time: ', time.time() - tic
        self.h = np.zeros(self.msk.shape).flatten()
        self.u = np.zeros(self.msk.shape).flatten()
        self.v = np.zeros(self.msk.shape).flatten()
        self.V = self.v.reshape(self.msk.shape)
        self.U = self.u.reshape(self.msk.shape)
        self.Z = self.h.reshape(self.msk.shape)
Example #47
 def initOpt(self, uHat, D):
     self.rho = D['rho']
     self.xi = D['xi']
     self.uHat = uHat
     self.upperBound = D['uBound']
     self.lmb = D['lmb']
     self.obj = np.zeros(D['maxIter'])
     # add some local vars for ease
     self.s = self.fwd.getS() #  1j*self.muo*self.w
     self.A = self.fwd.nabla2+self.fwd.getk(0)
     # variables for the scattered fields
     self.us = np.zeros(self.fwd.N,dtype='complex128')
     self.uT = np.zeros(self.fwd.getXSize(),dtype='complex128')
     self.uD = np.zeros(self.fwd.getXSize(),dtype='complex128')
     # variables for the contrast source
     self.x = np.zeros(self.fwd.getXSize(),dtype='complex128')
     self.xT = np.zeros(self.fwd.getXSize(),dtype='complex128')
     self.xD = np.zeros(self.fwd.getXSize(),dtype='complex128')
     # variables for theta
     self.tT = np.zeros(self.fwd.nRx*self.fwd.nRy, dtype='complex128')
     self.tD = np.zeros(self.fwd.nRx*self.fwd.nRy, dtype='complex128')
     # just to make life easier:
     self.ub = self.fwd.sol[0] # shouldn't need --> .flatten()
     self.uHat = uHat - self.fwd.Ms*self.fwd.sol[0]
     # create some new operators for doing what is necessary for the 
     # contrast X work
     # self.indefinite = projector()
     uu = self.fwd.Ms.T*self.fwd.Ms + self.fwd.Md.T*self.fwd.Md*self.rho
     ux = sparse.coo_matrix((self.fwd.N,self.fwd.getXSize()))
     ul = self.A.T.conj()
     xx = sparse.eye(self.fwd.getXSize(),self.fwd.getXSize())*self.rho
     xl = self.fwd.x2u.T
     ll = sparse.coo_matrix((self.fwd.N, self.fwd.N))
     M = spt.vCat([spt.hCat([uu, ux, ul]), \
                   spt.hCat([ux.T, xx, xl]),\
                   spt.hCat([ul.T.conj(), xl.T.conj(), ll])])
     print M.shape
     self.aux = lin.factorized(M)
Example #48
def reNumber():
    N = 2000
    A = scipy.sparse.rand(N,N,0.2) + scipy.sparse.eye(N,N)
    b = np.random.randn(N)
    aLocal = A.tocoo()
    I = aLocal.row.tolist()
    J = aLocal.col.tolist()
    D = aLocal.data.tolist()
    print len(D)
    # print A.shape
    alltm = time.time()
    Fs = wrapCvxopt.createSymbolic(A)
    solA = wrapCvxopt.solveNumeric(A, b, Fs)
    # return A,Fs
    # print A.shape
    print 'symb and num ' + repr(time.time()-alltm)
    lnf = time.time()
    Q = lin.factorized(A)
    uSPS = Q(b)
    print 'umfpack + scipy ' + repr(time.time()-lnf)

    M = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((np.random.randn(len(D)),(I,J)))
    numTim = time.time()
    solB = wrapCvxopt.solveNumeric(M, b, Fs)
    print Fs
    print 'num only ' + repr(time.time()-numTim)
    lnf = time.time()
    Q = lin.factorized(M)
    uSPS = Q(b)
    print 'umfpack + scipy ' + repr(time.time()-lnf)
Example #49
 def diff_tangent(self, dependees_diff_u):
     if hasattr(self, 'residual') and self.residual:
         resid_diff_u, = dependees_diff_u
         if resid_diff_u is 0:
             return 0
             if hasattr(resid_diff_u, 'todense'):
                 resid_diff_u = resid_diff_u.todense()
             resid_diff_u = np.array(resid_diff_u)
             # inverse of Jacobian matrix
             resid_diff_self = self.jacobian
             self_diff_resid = splinalg.factorized(resid_diff_self.tocsc())
             self_diff_u = np.transpose([-self_diff_resid(b) \
                                         for b in resid_diff_u.T])
             return np.matrix(self_diff_u.reshape(resid_diff_u.shape))
         return 0
Example #50
    def test_smw_formula_complex(self):
        """check the use of the smw formula

        for the inverse of A-UV"""

        # check the branch with direct solves
        apoi = self.A + 1j * self.M
        AuvInvZ = lau.app_smw_inv(apoi, umat=self.U, vmat=self.V,
                                  rhsa=self.Z, Sinv=None)
        AAinvZ = apoi * AuvInvZ - np.dot(self.U, np.dot(self.V, AuvInvZ))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(AAinvZ, self.Z))

        # check the branch where A comes as LU
        alusolve = spsla.factorized(apoi)
        AuvInvZ = lau.app_smw_inv(alusolve, umat=self.U, vmat=self.V,
                                  rhsa=self.Z, Sinv=None)
        AAinvZ = apoi * AuvInvZ - np.dot(self.U, np.dot(self.V, AuvInvZ))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(AAinvZ, self.Z))
Example #51
    def test_smw_formula_spv(self):
        """check the use of the smw formula with sparse v

        for the inverse of A-UV with v sparse"""

        # check the branch with direct solves
        AuvInvZ = lau.app_smw_inv(self.A, umat=self.U, vmat=self.Vsp,
                                  rhsa=self.Z, Sinv=None)
        AAinvZ = self.A * AuvInvZ - np.dot(self.U, self.Vsp * AuvInvZ)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(AAinvZ, self.Z))

        # check the branch where A comes as LU
        alusolve = spsla.factorized(self.A)
        AuvInvZ = lau.app_smw_inv(alusolve, umat=self.U, vmat=self.Vsp,
                                  rhsa=self.Z, Sinv=None)
        AAinvZ = self.A * AuvInvZ - np.dot(self.U, self.Vsp * AuvInvZ)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(AAinvZ, self.Z))
def apply_massinv(M, rhsa, output=None):
    """ Apply the inverse of mass or any other spd matrix

    to a rhs array
    TODO: by now just a wrapper for spsla.spsolve
    change e.g. to CG

    M : (N,N) sparse matrix
        symmetric strictly positive definite
    rhsa : (N,K) ndarray array or sparse matrix
        array the inverse of M is to be applied to
    output : string, optional
        set to 'sparse' if rhsa has many zero columns
        to get the output as a sparse matrix

    , : (N,K) ndarray or sparse matrix
        the inverse of `M` applied to `rhsa`


    if output == 'sparse':
        colinds = rhsa.tocsr().indices
        colinds = np.unique(colinds)
        rhsa_cpy = rhsa.tolil()
        for col in colinds:
            rhsa_cpy[:, col] = np.atleast_2d(spsla.spsolve(M,
                                             rhsa_cpy[:, col])).T
        return rhsa_cpy

        mlusolve = spsla.factorized(M.tocsc())
            mirhs = np.copy(rhsa.todense())
        except AttributeError:
            mirhs = np.copy(rhsa)

        for ccol in range(mirhs.shape[1]):
            mirhs[:, ccol] = mlusolve(mirhs[:, ccol])

        return mirhs
Example #53
def time_integrate(operators, forcing, coeffs, times, initial,
                   constant_load=False, solver='trapezoid'):
    """Integrate a linear convection-diffusion problem in time.

    - `operators`: an instance of Operators1D.
    - `forcing`: forcing function, capable of taking numpy arrays as
      input: see the `get_load_vector` of Operators1D.
    - `coeffs`: coefficients for the linear problem. Should be a
      dictionary with keys 'diffusion' and 'convection'.
    - `times`: time indices.
    - `initial`: Initial value of solution.
    - `constant_load`: truth-value of whether or not the load vector
      varies in time. Defaults to False.
    - `solver`: time integrator to use. Defaults to 'trapezoid'.

    An instance of ArchiveDictionary.
    time_steps = times[1:] - times[:-1]
    if np.linalg.norm(time_steps - time_steps.mean()) > 10e-12:
        raise NotImplementedError("Unequal time stepping not available")
    timestep = times[1] - times[0]
    archive = ad.ArchiveDictionary()
    archive[times[0]] = initial
    if solver == 'trapezoid':
        operator_lhs = operators.mass + timestep/2.0*(
            + coeffs['convection']*operators.convection)
        if constant_load:
            load = operators.get_load_vector(0.0, forcing)
            load = None
        op.set_boundary_condition_rows(operator_lhs, value=1.0)
        factorized = splg.factorized(operator_lhs.tocsc())
        for index, time in enumerate(times[1:], start=1):
            archive[time] = trapezoid_step(operators, forcing, coeffs,
                factorized, archive[times[index - 1]], time, timestep,
                constant_load=constant_load, load=load)
        raise NotImplementedError

    return archive
Example #54
    def diff_recurse(self, u):
        if u is self or hasattr(self, '_self_diff_u') or self.residual is None:
            return IntermediateState.diff_recurse(self, u)

        resid_diff_u = self.residual.diff_recurse(u)
        if resid_diff_u is 0:
            self_diff_u = 0
            if hasattr(resid_diff_u, 'todense'):
                resid_diff_u = resid_diff_u.todense()
            resid_diff_u = np.array(resid_diff_u)
            # inverse of Jacobian matrix
            resid_diff_self = self.jacobian
            self_diff_resid = splinalg.factorized(resid_diff_self.tocsc())
            self_diff_u = np.transpose([-self_diff_resid(b) \
                                        for b in resid_diff_u.T])
            self_diff_u = np.matrix(self_diff_u.reshape(resid_diff_u.shape))

        self.self_diff_u = self_diff_u
        return self_diff_u
Example #55
    def initOpt(self,uHat, D):
        ''' prepare for upcoming iterations '''
        self.rho = D['rho']
        self.xi = D['xi']
        self.uHat = uHat
        self.lmb = D['lmb']
        self.uBound = D['uBound']
        self.F = np.zeros(self.fwd.N,dtype='complex128')
        self.E = np.zeros(self.fwd.N,dtype='complex128')
        self.us = np.zeros(self.fwd.N,dtype='complex128')
        self.v = np.zeros(self.fwd.N,dtype='complex128')
        self.ub = self.fwd.sol[0] # -- update sol should be flat
        self.obj = np.zeros(D['maxIter'])
        # the update for the first step can be precomputed
        self.A = self.fwd.nabla2+self.fwd.getk(0)
        self.s = self.fwd.getS()
#        print self.xi
        self.Q = sparse.vstack([self.A, -self.xi*sparse.eye(self.fwd.N,self.fwd.N)])
        self.Moo = self.rho*(self.Q.conj().T*self.Q) + self.fwd.Ms.T*self.fwd.Ms
        self.M = lin.factorized(self.Moo.tocsc())
Example #56
    def diff_adjoint(self, f_diff_dependers):
        f_diff_self = 0
        iter_f_diff_dependers = iter(f_diff_dependers)

        if hasattr(self, 'solution') and self.solution():
            f_diff_soln = next(iter_f_diff_dependers)

            if f_diff_soln is not 0:
                if hasattr(f_diff_soln, 'todense'):
                    f_diff_soln = f_diff_soln.todense()
                f_diff_soln = np.array(f_diff_soln)

                # inverse of Jacobian matrix
                self_diff_soln = self.solution().jacobian.T
                soln_diff_self = splinalg.factorized(self_diff_soln.tocsc())
                f_diff_self = np.array([-soln_diff_self(b) \
                                        for b in f_diff_soln])
                f_diff_self = np.matrix(f_diff_self.reshape(f_diff_soln.shape))

        f_diff_self_1 = IntermediateState.diff_adjoint(self,
        return _add_ops(f_diff_self, f_diff_self_1)
Example #57
def backward_iteration(A, mu, x0, tol=1e-15, maxiter=100):
    r"""Find eigenvector to approximate eigenvalue via backward iteration.

    A : (N, N) scipy.sparse matrix
        Matrix for which eigenvector is desired
    mu : float
        Approximate eigenvalue for desired eigenvector
    x0 : (N, ) ndarray
        Initial guess for eigenvector
    tol : float
        Tolerace parameter for termination of iteration

    x : (N, ) ndarray
        Eigenvector to approximate eigenvalue mu

    T = A - mu * eye(A.shape[0], A.shape[0])
    T = T.tocsc()
    """Prefactor T and return a function for solution"""
    solve = factorized(T)
    """Starting iterate with ||y_0||=1"""
    r0 = 1.0 / np.linalg.norm(x0)
    y0 = x0 * r0
    """Local variables for inverse iteration"""
    y = 1.0 * y0
    r = 1.0 * r0
    N = 0
    for i in range(maxiter):
        x = solve(y)
        r = 1.0 / np.linalg.norm(x)
        y = x * r
        if r <= tol:
            return y
    msg = "Failed to converge after %d iterations, residuum is %e" % (maxiter, r)
    raise RuntimeError(msg)
Example #58
 def __init__(self,a=0,b=1,N=100):
     """Parameters are for spatial discretization (method of lines)"""
     self.N = N
     self.a = a
     self.b = b
     h = double(b-a)/(N+1)
     self.h = h
     # Function handles
     self.u_handle = lambda x: x*sin(pi*x)
     self.f_handle = lambda x: x*sin(pi*x)#exp(-t)*((pi**2-1)*x*sin(pi*x) - 2*pi*cos(pi*x))
     #self.f_handle = lambda x: x#(x*sin(pi*x))**2
     # Mass matrix
     d = h/6*ones(N+1)
     self.M = sp.spdiags([d,4*d,d],[-1,0,1],N,N).tocsc()
     # store LU factors to speed up solving
     self.M_LUsolve = sl.factorized(self.M)
     # Stiffness matrix
     d = ones(N+1)/h
     self.A = sp.spdiags([-d,2*d,-d],[-1,0,1],N,N).tocsc()
     # store domain
     self.xvals = a+h*r_[1:N+1]
     self.xvals_full = a+h*r_[0:N+2]
     # shape functions
     shap_LFE = lambda x: (x<0)*(x+1.) + (x>=0)*(1.-x)
     ## quadrature weights and nodes (overkill quadrature!):
     self.quad_x,self.quad_w = gaussNodes(1000)
     self.shap = shap_LFE(self.quad_x) # precompute shape functions
     # Load Vector
     self.F = zeros(self.N)
     for i in range(self.N):
         xi = self.a+h*(i+1)
         fvals = self.f_handle(h*self.quad_x+xi)
         self.F[i] = h*sum(self.quad_w*self.shap*fvals)
     # store standard initial values
     self.init1 = self.xvals*sin(pi*self.xvals)
     self.sol1 = HEsol
Example #59
    def prepProjector(self):
        ''' create a projection function, stored inside, that does the u,x projection step'''
        n = self.fwd.N
        m = self.fwd.getXSize()
        uu = self.fwd.Ms.T*self.fwd.Ms + self.xi*sparse.eye(n,n)
        ux = sparse.coo_matrix((n,m),dtype='complex128')
        ul = self.A.T.conj()

        xu = sparse.coo_matrix((m,n),dtype='complex128')
        xx = self.rho*sparse.eye(m,m,dtype='complex128')
        xl = self.fwd.x2u.T.conj()
        lu = self.A
        lx = self.fwd.x2u
        ll = sparse.coo_matrix((n,n),dtype='complex128')
        M = spt.vCat([spt.hCat([uu,ux,ul]),\
        self.projector = lin.factorized(M.tocsc())
Example #60
    def adjoint_recurse(self, f):
        if f is self or hasattr(self, '_f_diff_self') or \
                self.solution() is None:
            return IntermediateState.adjoint_recurse(self, f)

        f_diff_soln = self.solution().adjoint_recurse(f)
        if f_diff_soln is 0:
            return IntermediateState.adjoint_recurse(self, f)
            if hasattr(f_diff_soln, 'todense'):
                f_diff_soln = f_diff_soln.todense()
            f_diff_soln = np.array(f_diff_soln)
            # inverse of Jacobian matrix
            self_diff_soln = self.solution().jacobian.T
            soln_diff_self = splinalg.factorized(self_diff_soln.tocsc())
            f_diff_self = np.array([-soln_diff_self(b) for b in f_diff_soln])
            f_diff_self = np.matrix(f_diff_self.reshape(f_diff_soln.shape))

            f_diff_self_0 = IntermediateState.adjoint_recurse(self, f)
            f_diff_self = _add_ops(f_diff_self, f_diff_self_0)

            self.f_diff_self = f_diff_self
            return f_diff_self