Example #1
def prob6(N=10):
    """Time regular and sparse linear system solvers. Plot the system size
    versus the execution times. As always, use log scales where appropriate.
    domain = 2**np.arange(2,N+1)
    solve, spsolve = [], []

    for n in domain:
        A = prob5(n).tocsr()
        b = np.random.random(n)

        start = time()
        spla.spsolve(A, b)

        A = A.toarray()
        start = time()
        la.solve(A, b)

    plt.plot(domain, spsolve, '.-', lw=2, label="spla.spsolve()")
    plt.plot(domain, solve, '.-', lw=2, label="la.solve()")
    plt.xlabel("n"); plt.ylabel("Seconds")
    plt.legend(loc="upper left")

    plt.loglog(domain, spsolve, '.-', basex=2, basey=2, lw=2)
    plt.loglog(domain, solve, '.-', basex=2, basey=2, lw=2)

    plt.suptitle("Problem 6 Solution")
def mode_solver(mode, solver_data, shift, w):
    #safeguard stratagy with positive shifts:
    if shift.real > 0:
        shift = -shift.real + 1j * shift.imag
    #safeguard strategy with complex shifts:
    if math.fabs(shift.imag) < 1e-10 * math.fabs(shift.real) and la.norm(w.imag) < 1e-10 * la.norm(w):
        shift, w = shift.real, w.real
    if (mode == 'pyamg' or mode == 'pyamgE'): #and not np.any(solver_data['is_solver_direct']):
        #print 'Try pyamg'
        amg_hierarchy, orig_hierarchy = solver_data['amg_hierarchy'], solver_data['orig_hierarchy']
        pyamg_solver_shifting(amg_hierarchy, shift, orig_hierarchy)
        v = amg_hierarchy.solve(w, cycle = 'W', accel = 'gmres', tol = solver_data['solver_tol'], maxiter = 300).reshape(-1, 1)
        a, id_n = solver_data['a'], solver_data['id_n']
        if la.norm(a.dot(v) + shift * v - w) > solver_data['solver_tol'] * la.norm(w) * 1e5:
            print 'Fail, direct solver is used.', shift, la.norm(a.dot(v) + shift * v - w)
            v = sla.spsolve(a + shift * id_n, w).reshape(-1, 1)
    elif mode == 'splu':
        v = solver_data['lu'].solve(w).reshape(-1, 1)
        a, id_n = solver_data['a'], solver_data['id_n']
        v = sla.spsolve(a + shift * id_n, w).reshape(-1, 1)
    return v
Example #3
 def solve(a, y, negative=True):
     A wrapper for solving linear system 'ax = y' using:
         1) np.linalg.solve (if scipy is not available)
         2) cholesky decompose (if scipy is available and a is not sparse)
         3) spsolve (if scipy is available a is sparse)
     If scipy is available and matrix a is not sparse and is not positive definite, LinAlgError will be thrown
     :param a        : 'a'
     :param y        : 'y'
     :param negative : If True, we'll solve '-ax = y' instead
     :return         : 'x'
     if scipy_flag:
         if issparse(a):
             if negative:
                 return sparse_lin.spsolve(-a, y)
             return sparse_lin.spsolve(a, y)
         l = linalg.cholesky(a, lower=True)
         if negative:
             z = linalg.solve_triangular(-l, y, lower=True)
             z = linalg.solve_triangular(l, y, lower=True)
         return linalg.solve_triangular(l.T, z)
     if negative:
         return np.linalg.solve(-a, y)
     return np.linalg.solve(a, y)
Example #4
def ssor(A, b, x0=None, w=1., maxiter=200, tol=1E-6):
    '''For symmetric matrices combine forward and backward SOR.'''
    assert is_symmetric(A, tol=1E-6)

    L, D, U = tril(A, k=-1), diags(A.diagonal(), 0), triu(A, k=1)
    # Forward
    MF = L + D/w
    NF = (1/w - 1)*D - U
    # Backward
    MB = U + D/w
    NB = (1/w - 1)*D - L

    # Start from 0 initial guess
    if x0 is None: x0 = np.zeros(A.shape[1])

    r = b - A.dot(x0)
    residuals = [np.linalg.norm(r)]

    count = 0
    while residuals[-1] > tol and count < maxiter:
        # Update
        x0 = spsolve(MF, NF.dot(x0) + b)
        x0 = spsolve(MB, NB.dot(x0) + b)
        # Error 
        r = b - A.dot(x0)
        # Count
        count += 1
    converged = residuals[-1] < tol
    n_iters = len(residuals) - 1
    data = {'status': converged, 'iter count': n_iters, 'residuals': residuals}

    return x0, data
Example #5
def _pade(A, m):
    n = np.shape(A)[0]
    c = _padecoeff(m)
    if m != 13:
        apows = [[] for jj in range(int(np.ceil((m + 1) / 2)))]
        apows[0] = sp.eye(n, n, format='csc')
        apows[1] = A * A
        for jj in range(2, int(np.ceil((m + 1) / 2))):
            apows[jj] = apows[jj - 1] * apows[1]
        U = sp.lil_matrix((n, n)).tocsc()
        V = sp.lil_matrix((n, n)).tocsc()
        for jj in range(m, 0, -2):
            U = U + c[jj] * apows[jj // 2]
        U = A * U
        for jj in range(m - 1, -1, -2):
            V = V + c[jj] * apows[(jj + 1) // 2]
        F = spla.spsolve((-U + V), (U + V))
        return F.tocsr()
    elif m == 13:
        A2 = A * A
        A4 = A2 * A2
        A6 = A2 * A4
        U = A * (A6 * (c[13] * A6 + c[11] * A4 + c[9] * A2) +
                 c[7] * A6 + c[5] * A4 + c[3] * A2 +
                 c[1] * sp.eye(n, n).tocsc())
        V = A6 * (c[12] * A6 + c[10] * A4 + c[8] * A2) + c[6] * A6 + c[4] * \
            A4 + c[2] * A2 + c[0] * sp.eye(n, n).tocsc()
        F = spla.spsolve((-U + V), (U + V))
        return F.tocsr()
Example #6
def sparse_power_iteration(P, x, tol=10e-16, maxiter=200):
    """Preconditioned power iteration for a sparse stochastic matrix

    P : array, shape (n, n), sparse
        transition matrix of a Markov Chain
    x : array, shape (n, )
        On entry, the initial guess. On exit, the final solution.

    t = 0
    eps = tol + 1
    n = P.shape[0]
    # ILU factorization 
    LU = ilu0_factor(P)
    L = sparse.tril(LU)
    U = sparse.triu(LU)
    # New matrix Q
    Q = P.copy()
    Q.setdiag(1 - Q.diagonal())
    Q *= -1
    Q = Q.T
    info = -1
    t = -1
    for t in range(maxiter):
        ## dot() is matrix multiplication
        dx = spla.spsolve(U, spla.spsolve(L, Q.matvec(x)))
        x -= dx
        relres = tvnorm(dx)
        if relres < tol:
            info = 0
    t += 1
    return (info, t, relres)
Example #7
def scoreBoth(s,lap,pts,lap_t,pst_t,wt):
        f = lin.spsolve(lap, pts)
        h = lin.spsolve(lap_t, pst_t)
        # a singular matrix ... must solve each vector separately
        vecs = pts.shape[1]
        vlen = pts.shape[0]
        fsolns = []
        hsolns = []
        for i in range(vecs):
            pts2   = pts[:,i].todense()
            pst_t2 = pst_t[:,i].todense()
            f1 = lin.bicgstab(lap, pts2)[0]
            h1 = lin.bicgstab(lap_t, pst_t2)[0]
        f = np.matrix(fsolns)
        h = np.matrix(hsolns)
        f = f.transpose()
        h = h.transpose()
    if type(f) == type(np.array([])): # came back as an array
        fh = f+h
        score = fh.sum()
        touch = (fh > s["tx"]).sum()
    else: # came back as a sparse matrix
        fsum = np.array(f.sum(1)).flatten()
        hsum = np.array(h.sum(1)).flatten()
        fh = fsum + hsum
        touch = sum(fh > s["tx"])
        #  best score; best touch #
    return((touch+wt, touch))
def func_energy(E, tt, U_bias, A, spB_s, spB_d):

    eta = globvars.eta
    Nx = globvars.Nx
    Vd = Vdc.value
    Temp = Te
    fermi_flag = fermiflag1.value

    ee = E
    ep = ee+eta
    ck = 1-((ep-U_bias[0])/(2.0*tt))

    con_s = -tt*np.exp(1j*np.arccos(ck))
    ck = 1-((ep-U_bias[Nx-1])/(2*tt))
    con_d = -tt*np.exp(1j*np.arccos(ck))
    U_eff = U_bias
    U_eff = U_eff + 0j
    U_eff[0] = U_bias[0]+con_s
    U_eff[Nx-1] = U_bias[Nx-1]+con_d
    G_inv = (ep*np.eye(Nx))-A-np.diag(U_eff)
    G_s = spsolve(sparse.csr_matrix(G_inv), spB_s)
    G_d = spsolve(sparse.csr_matrix(G_inv), spB_d)
    f_1 = fermi(((-Vs-ee)/(k_B*Temp/q)), fermi_flag, -1.0/2.0)
    f_2 = fermi(((-Vd-ee)/(k_B*Temp/q)), fermi_flag, -1.0/2.0)
    N_den = -abs(G_s)**2*np.imag(con_s)*2.0*f_1-abs(G_d)**2*np.imag(con_d)*2.0*f_2
    return N_den
Example #9
    def compute_time_step(self, P_n):
           Computes a single time-step solution for the choice of solver method
           given in the input deck (implicit, explicit, mixed)

        #Pointer reassignment for convenience
        method = self.solver_method
        dt = self.time_step
        theta = self.solver_theta
        T = self.T
        B = self.B
        Q = self.Q

        #If mixed, or explicit are specified, otherwise default is implicit
        #therefore it's not actually required to be placed in the input deck
        if method == 'mixed':
            A = ((1.0 - theta) * T + B / dt)
            b = (B / dt - theta * T).dot(P_n) + Q
            P_np1 = spsolve(A, b)
        elif method == 'explicit':
            P_np1 = P_n + 1 / B * dt * (Q - T.dot(P_n))
            A = T + B / dt
            b = (B / dt).dot(P_n) + Q
            P_np1 = spsolve(A, b)

        #Return solution vector from a single time-step
        return P_np1
Example #10
def FlattenMesh( vertex, faces ):
    Flattens a mesh (with one hole) by mapping the edge to a unit circle

    vertex 3xN numpy.array: vertices
    faces 3xM numpy.array: faces

    Return the vertices Nx2 numpy.array of the flattening (faces are the same).
    n = vertex.shape[1]
    L = ComputeLaplacian( vertex, faces )
    boundary = np.array( GetSurfaceBoundary( faces ) )

    p = boundary.size
    t = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, p+1, endpoint=False)
    x0 = np.cos(t);
    y0 = np.sin(t);

    L = L.tolil()
    L[boundary,:] = 0;
    for i in range(p):
        L[boundary[i],boundary[i]] = 1;

    Rx = np.zeros(n); 
    Rx[boundary] = x0;
    Ry = np.zeros(n); 
    Ry[boundary] = y0;
    L = L.tocsr()

    result = np.zeros( (Rx.size, 2) )
    result[:,0] = linalg_sp.spsolve(L, Rx); #x
    result[:,1] = linalg_sp.spsolve(L, Ry); #y
    return result
Example #11
    def solve(self, b, x, tol=1e-8, maxiter=None, trans=False):
        # cannot solve rectangular system
        assert self.square, "System is not square!"

        # make sure the matrix is sparse CSR
        assert self.finalized, "Matrix assembly not finalized!"

        # if this is a serial solve, just use standard sparse solvers
        if self.comm_size == 1:
            if not trans:
                x.data = la.spsolve(self.data, b.data)
                x.data = la.spsolve(self.data.T, b.data)
            return 1

            # construct different matvecs depending on the system we're solving
            if not trans:
                def matvec(u, v):
                    self.product(u, v, trans=False)
                def matvec(u, v):
                    self.product(u, v, trans=True)
            # solve the system
            return bicgstab(
                matvec, b, x, self.precond, tol, maxiter, rank=self.rank)
Example #12
def main():
    print "Solve small matrix..."
    R = array([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2])
    C = array([0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2])
    V = array([4.0, -1.0, -1.0,  4.0, -1.0, -1.0, 4.0])
    b = array([3.0, 2.0, 3.0])
    A = coo_matrix((V, (R, C)), shape=(3, 3))
    # convert to csr format for efficiency
    x = spsolve(A.tocsr(), b)
    print "x = ", x

    print "Solve psd matrix..."
    # skip the first row (n, nnz)
    A = numpy.genfromtxt('../data/psd.txt', skiprows=1)
    b = numpy.genfromtxt('../data/b.txt')
    coo = coo_matrix((A[:, 2], (A[:, 0], A[:, 1])))
    x = spsolve(coo.tocsr(), b)
    print 'x = ', x

    print "Solve big matrix..."
    A = numpy.genfromtxt('../data/mat_helmholtz.txt', skiprows=1)
    coo = coo_matrix((A[:, 2], (A[:, 0], A[:, 1])))
    n = coo.shape[0]
    b = numpy.ones(n)
    x = spsolve(coo.tocsr(), b)
    print 'x = ', x
    def updateIntEfrom(self):
        if self.type_connection=='YgYg':
            b=csr_matrix(-self.I_to - dot(self.Yss, self.E_to))
        if self.type_connection!='YgYg':
            # for other type of connection Ysp is singular. therefore some tricks
            # have to be done. 
            # for definition of Yss1 and Ysp1 see self.__init__()
            b=csr_matrix(-self.I_tod - dot(self.Yss1, self.E_to))
            #self.E_temp=spsolve(a,b) # this contains no zero sequence components
            # below zero sequence component is added. This is ok for Yg Delta connection
            # what I do not understand at this moment is how about DD and DYg.
##            if self.type_connection=='YgD':
##                self.E_from0=sum(self.E_from)/3.0 
##                #print "****************YgD********************"
            self.E_temp=spsolve(a,b) + self.E_from0
            # this function should not update the from_bus.E because 
            # in current update only current is updated.
        if self.type_connection=='UV':
            b=-self.I_tod - dot(self.Yss1, self.E_to)
##            print B.shape
            self.E_temp=append(Epm,0) +self.E_from0 # what is the value of E_from[2] here?
        return self.E_temp# This is the intermediate primary voltage.
Example #14
def direct(A, b, x=None, I=None, use_umfpack=True):
    """Solve system Ax=b with Dirichlet boundary conditions.
    A : scipy sparse matrix
        The system matrix.
    b : numpy array
        The right hand side.
    x : (OPTIONAL) numpy array
        For implementing inhomogeneous Dirichlet conditions. Must be of size
    I : (OPTIONAL) numpy array
        The interior nodes. A list of integers to x corresponding to interior

    if I is None:
        x = spl.spsolve(A, b, use_umfpack=use_umfpack)
        if x is None:
            x = np.zeros(A.shape[0])
            x[I] = spl.spsolve(A[I].T[I].T, b[I], use_umfpack=use_umfpack)
            D = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(A.shape[0]), I)
            x[I] = spl.spsolve(A[I].T[I].T, b[I] - A[I].T[D].T.dot(x[D]), use_umfpack=use_umfpack)

    return x
Example #15
def solveSq(gates, pads, weights, start, end, botL, topR):
    A, bx, by = getVars(gates, pads, weights, start, end, botL, topR)

    csrA = A.tocsr()
    x = spsolve(csrA, bx)
    y = spsolve(csrA, by)

    return x,y
Example #16
def executeIgarashi():
    global v2
    b1 = igarashi.buildB1(pins, pinPoses, w, nEdges)
    v1 = spla.spsolve(sqA1, tA1 * b1)
    b2 = igarashi.buildB2(heVectors, heIndices, edges, pinPoses, w, G, v1)
    v2x = spla.spsolve(sqA2, tA2 * b2[:, 0])
    v2y = spla.spsolve(sqA2, tA2 * b2[:, 1])
    v2 = np.vstack((v2x, v2y)).T
Example #17
 def fit(self, A, u):
     n = A.shape[0]
     D = sparse.diags(np.asarray(A.sum(axis=1).T), [0])
     L = D - A
     self.f = la.spsolve(L+self.alpha*sparse.identity(n), u)
     #self.f = la.spsolve(self.beta*L/(n**2)+self.alpha*sparse.identity(n), u) # <- this is the correct formula,
     self.f = la.spsolve(self.beta*L+self.alpha*sparse.identity(n), u) # but we use this one for convenience
     self.f = np.maximum(0.0, self.f)
     return self
Example #18
def generate_matrix(gate,pad):
	C = {}
	b_x = {}
	b_y = {}
	for i in range(len(gate)):
		C[i] = {}
		for j in range(len(gate)):
			C[i][j] = 0
	for i in range(len(gate)):
		for k in gate[i].net_connection:
			for j in range(i+1,len(gate)):
				if k in gate[j].net_connection:
					C[i][j] = C[i][j]+1 #if gate i connected to gate j more than once, will add the weight 1
					C[j][i] = C[i][j]
			for t in range(len(pad)):
				if k in pad[t].net_connection:
					if i not in b_x:
						b_x[i] = pad[t].x
						b_y[i] = pad[t].y
						#print "in line 83", b_x[i],b_y[i]
						b_x[i] = b_x[i]+pad[t].x #if one gate connected to multiple pads, will calculate as w1x1+w2x2, now weight is 1. 
						b_y[i] = b_y[i]+pad[t].y
					C[i][i] = C[i][i]+1 #if one gate connected to multiple pads, will calculate each weight sum w
	for i in range(len(gate)):
		C[i][i] = sum(C[i].values())
	fp = open("data",'w')
	for i in C:
		for j in C[i]:
			if(C[i][j] != 0):
					fp.write('%d %d %d\n' %(i,j,-C[i][j]))
					fp.write('%d %d %d\n' %(i,j,C[i][j]))
	fp = open("b_x","w")
	for i in range(len(gate)):
		if i in b_x: 
			fp.write('%.10f\n' %(b_x[i]))
			fp.write('%f\n' %(0.0))
	fp = open("b_y","w")
	for i in range(len(gate)):
		if i in b_y:
			fp.write('%.10f\n' %(b_y[i]))
			fp.write('%f\n' %(0.0))
	A = numpy.genfromtxt('data')
	b_x_array = numpy.genfromtxt('b_x')
	b_y_array = numpy.genfromtxt('b_y')
	coo = coo_matrix((A[:, 2], (A[:, 0], A[:, 1])),shape = (len(gate),len(gate)))
	x = spsolve(coo.tocsr(), b_x_array)
	y = spsolve(coo.tocsr(), b_y_array)
	return (x,y)
def check_input_opa(NU, femp=None):

    if femp is None:
        # from dolfin_navier_scipy.problem_setups import cyl_fems
        # femp = cyl_fems(2)
        from dolfin_navier_scipy.problem_setups import drivcav_fems

        femp = drivcav_fems(20)

    V = femp["V"]
    Q = femp["Q"]

    cdcoo = femp["cdcoo"]

    # get the system matrices
    stokesmats = dts.get_stokessysmats(V, Q)

    # check the B
    B1, Mu = cou.get_inp_opa(cdcoo=cdcoo, V=V, NU=NU, xcomp=0)
    B2, Mu = cou.get_inp_opa(cdcoo=cdcoo, V=V, NU=NU, xcomp=1)

    # get the rhs expression of Bu
    Bu1 = spsla.spsolve(
        B1 * np.vstack([np.linspace(0, 1, NU).reshape((NU, 1)), np.linspace(0, 1, NU).reshape((NU, 1))]),

    Bu2 = spsla.spsolve(
        B2 * np.vstack([np.linspace(0, 1, NU).reshape((NU, 1)), np.linspace(0, 1, NU).reshape((NU, 1))]),
    Bu3 = spsla.spsolve(stokesmats["M"], B1 * np.vstack([1 * np.ones((NU, 1)), 0.2 * np.ones((NU, 1))]))

    bu1 = dolfin.Function(V)
    bu1.vector()[2] = 1  # for scaling and illustration purposes

    bu2 = dolfin.Function(V)
    bu2.vector()[2] = 1  # for scaling and illustration purposes

    bu3 = dolfin.Function(V)
    bu3.vector()[2] = 1  # for scaling and illustration purposes

    dolfin.plot(bu1, title="plot of Bu - extending in x")
    dolfin.plot(bu2, title="plot of Bu - extending in y")
    dolfin.plot(bu3, title="plot of Bu - extending in y")
    # dolfin.plot(V.mesh())

Example #20
  def TStar(self,g,out=None):
    g = g.core()
    if out is None:
      out = NumpyVector(g.shape)
    v = spsolve(self.system,self.B*g)
    w = spsolve(self.B,self.Trhs)

    return NumpyVector(w)
Example #21
 def time_solve(self, n, solver):
     if solver == 'dense':
         linalg.solve(self.P_dense, self.b)
     elif solver == 'cg':
         cg(self.P_sparse, self.b)
     elif solver == 'minres':
         minres(self.P_sparse, self.b)
     elif solver == 'spsolve':
         spsolve(self.P_sparse, self.b)
         raise ValueError('Unknown solver: %r' % solver)
def Solve_PDE(C, size):

    for j in range(n):
    for i in range(1,n-1):
        for j in range(1,n-1):
    for i in range(n):
    for i in range(0,n):
        X1[i,:] = spsolve(A,Y1[i,:]) 
    for i in range(n):
    for i in range(1,n-1):
        for j in range(1,n-1):
    for j in range(n):
    for j in range(0,n):
        Y2[:,j] = spsolve(A,X2[:,j]) 

    for i in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
    return Y2
Example #23
  def solve(self):
    self.u[0,:] = self.v
    A1 = self._getA(init=True)
    A  = self._getA(init=False)

    b = self._rhs(1)     

    self.u[1,1:self.nx-1] = linalg.spsolve(A1,b)

    for it in range(2,self.nt,1):
      b = self._rhs(it)       
      self.u[it,1:self.nx-1] = linalg.spsolve(A,b) 
    return self.u
Example #24
 def SolveMat(self, gates, pads):
     (R, C, V) = self.GetMatA(gates, pads)
     (bx, by) = self.GetVecb(gates, pads)
     print R
     print C
     print V
     print bx
     print by
     A = coo_matrix((V, (R, C)), shape=(len(bx), len(bx)))
     # convert to csr format for efficiency
     x = spsolve(A.tocsr(), bx)
     y = spsolve(A.tocsr(), by)
     return (list(x), list(y))
    def updateForward(self):
        # 1. Calculate primary current injaction
        # update voltage at from_bus

        # 2. Calculate secondary voltage
        # 2.a. if Yps is invertible
        if self.type_connection=='YgYg':
            a=csr_matrix(self.Yps) # This Yps is singular for other type of connection
        # 2.b. if Yps is NOT invertibel i.e. singular 
        if self.type_connection!='YgYg':
            # Calculate secondary voltage positive+negative segquence part
            b=csr_matrix( self.I_fromd -dot(self.Ypp2,self.E_from))
            self.E_to_temp=spsolve(a,b) # this contains NO zero sequence part
            # Calculate secondary voltage zero sequence part
            self.E_to0=0 # this is a potential error
            # a. when Yss is NOT singular ==> YgYg and DYg
            if self.type_connection=='DYg': #or self.type_connection=='YgYg':
                b=csr_matrix( -self.I_to -dot(self.Ysp,self.E_from))
                #self.E_to0=sum(self.E_to)/3.0 #this leads to nonconvergences
                #print '================Update Forwad', self.type_connection
                # in the rest of connection types, zero components of secondary
                # voltage depend on downstream network situation. In situation
                # where there is multigrounded system, it is NOT zero and therefore
                # this assuption is wrong.
                # It is unfortunate that this feature is not yet developed as it
                # is very situational.
                # however, in most of situation this assumption is correct.       
            if self.type_connection=='YgD' or self.type_connection=='YD' :
##                print 'find me!'
            if self.type_connection=='UV':
##                print 'UV Forward sweep'
                b=csr_matrix( self.I_fromd -dot(self.Ypp2,self.E_from))
            # Sum all sequences
Example #26
def test2():
    n = 10
    scale = 10
    xy, triangles = planemesh.build(n, scale)
    halfedges = halfedge.build(triangles)
    heVectors = np.asarray([xy[he.ivertex, :] - xy[he.prev().ivertex, :] for he in halfedges])
    pins = np.asarray([0, n])
    #pinPoses = xy[pins, :]
    pinPoses = np.asarray(( (-scale, 0), (0, 0) ))
    w = 1000.0
    nVertices = xy.shape[0]
    edges, heIndices = halfedge.toEdge(halfedges)
    nEdges = edges.shape[0]
    A1top, G = buildA1top(heVectors, halfedges, edges, heIndices, nVertices)
    A1bottom = buildA1bottom(pins, w, nVertices)
    b1 = buildB1(pins, pinPoses, w, nEdges)
    A1 = sp.vstack((A1top, A1bottom))
    tA1 = A1.transpose()
    v1 = spla.spsolve(tA1 * A1, tA1 * b1)
    A2top = buildA2top(edges, nVertices)
    A2bottom = buildA2bottom(pins, w, nVertices)
    b2 = buildB2(heVectors, heIndices, edges, pinPoses, w, G, v1)
    A2 = sp.vstack((A2top, A2bottom))
    tA2 = A2.transpose()
    v2x = spla.spsolve(tA2 * A2, tA2 * b2[:, 0])
    v2y = spla.spsolve(tA2 * A2, tA2 * b2[:, 1])
    v2 = np.vstack((v2x, v2y)).T
    if n == 1:
        answerA1top = np.asarray(( (     0,      0, -0.25,  0.25, -0.25, -0.25,    0.5,      0),
                                   (     0,      0, -0.25, -0.25,  0.25, -0.25,      0,    0.5),
                                   (-0.333,  0.333, 0.666,     0,     0,     0, -0.333, -0.333),
                                   (-0.333, -0.333,     0, 0.666,     0,     0,  0.333, -0.333),
                                   (   0.5,      0,  -0.5,  -0.5,     0,     0,      0,    0.5),
                                   (     0,    0.5,   0.5,  -0.5,     0,     0,   -0.5,      0),
                                   (-0.333, -0.333,     0,     0, 0.666,     0, -0.333,  0.333),
                                   ( 0.333, -0.333,     0,     0,     0, 0.666, -0.333, -0.333),
                                   (     0,    0.5,     0,     0,  -0.5,  -0.5,    0.5,      0),
                                   (  -0.5,      0,     0,     0,   0.5,  -0.5,      0,    0.5)
        print "Error of G : %e" % la.norm(A1top - answerA1top, np.Inf)
        #print "Full A1top : ", A1top.todense()

    v1 = v1.reshape(-1, 2)
    plt.triplot(v2[:,0], v2[:,1], triangles)
Example #27
    def aggregatorSemiParallel(self,S, comm):
        ''' Do the aggregation step in parallel whoop! '''
        ''' oh this is going to get trickier when we return to 3d & multivariates'''
        n = S[0].fwd.getPSize()
        nX = S[0].fwd.getXSize()
        ''' matrix method, i.e. TM, TE3D req'd' '''
        uL = sparse.lil_matrix((n,n),dtype='complex128')
        bL = np.zeros(n,dtype='complex128')
        for L in S:
            M = L.s*(sparse.spdiags(L.fwd.x2u.T*(L.ub+L.us),0,nX,nX))*self.fwd.p2x
            uL = uL + M.T.conj()*M
            bL = bL + M.T.conj()*(L.X + L.Z)
        U = sparse.lil_matrix((n,n),dtype='complex128')
        B = np.zeros(n,dtype='complex128')

        U = comm.allreduce(uL,U,op=MPI.SUM)
        B = comm.allreduce(bL,B,op=MPI.SUM)
        ''' interesting: += isn't implemented?'''
        U = U + sparse.spdiags((self.lmb/self.rho)*np.ones(n), 0, n, n)
        P = lin.spsolve(U,B)
        ''' matrix free method '''
#        uL = np.zeros(n,dtype='complex128')
#        bL = np.zeros(n,dtype='complex128')
#        for L in S:
#            uL += self.s*self.fwd.Md*(self.us + self.ub)
#            bL += self.X + self.Z

#        U = np.zeros(n,dtype='complex128')
#        B = np.zeros(n,dtype='complex128')
#        U = comm.allreduce(uL,U,op=MPI.SUM)
#        B = comm.allreduce(bL,B,op=MPI.SUM)
#        num = self.rho*(U.real*B.real + U.imag*B.imag)
#        den = self.rho*(U.conj()*U) + self.lmb
#        P = (num/den)
#        self.pL.append((uL.real*bL.real + uL.imag*bL.imag)/(uL.conj()*uL))        
        ''' finish off '''
        P = P.real
        P = np.maximum(P,0)
        P = np.minimum(P,self.upperBound)
        return P
Example #28
		def PrecByB2(qqpq):
			qq = MLumpI*qqpq[:Nv,] 

			p  = qqpq[Nv:-(Np-1),]
			p  = spsla.spsolve(B2Sme, p)
			p  = MLump2*np.atleast_2d(p).T
			p  = spsla.spsolve(B2Sme.T,p)
			p  = np.atleast_2d(p).T

			q2 = qqpq[-(Np-1):,]
			q2 = spsla.spsolve(B2Sme,q2)
			q2 = np.atleast_2d(q2).T

			return np.vstack([np.vstack([qq, -p]), q2])
def solve_sym_gauss_seidel(A, b, x0=None, maxiter=100):
    N = len(b)
    L, D, U = lower_diag_upper(A)
    E = -L
    F = -U

    x = parse_initial_cond(x0, N)

    residual = 1
    for _ in xrange(maxiter):
        x = spsolve(D - E, (b + F * x))
        x = spsolve(D - F, (b + E * x))
        residual = compute_normalized_linf_residual(A, x, b)

    return x, residual
Example #30
def _solve_P_Q(U, V, structure=None):
    A helper function for expm_2009.

    U : ndarray
        Pade numerator.
    V : ndarray
        Pade denominator.
    structure : str, optional
        A string describing the structure of both matrices `U` and `V`.
        Only `upper_triangular` is currently supported.

    The `structure` argument is inspired by similar args
    for theano and cvxopt functions.

    P = U + V
    Q = -U + V
    if isspmatrix(U):
        return spsolve(Q, P)
    elif structure is None:
        return solve(Q, P)
    elif structure == UPPER_TRIANGULAR:
        return solve_triangular(Q, P)
        raise ValueError('unsupported matrix structure: ' + str(structure))
Example #31
def ASD2(Ybus, S0, V0, I0, pv, pq, vd, tol, max_it=15, gamma=0.1):
    Alternate Search Directions Power Flow

    As defined in the paper:

        Unified formulation of a family of iterative solvers for power system analysis
        by Domenico Borzacchiello et. Al.

    - Better reactive power computation

    :param Ybus: Admittance matrix
    :param S0: Power injections
    :param V0: Initial Voltage Vector
    :param I0: Current injections @V=1.0 p.u.
    :param pv: Array of PV bus indices
    :param pq: Array of PQ bus indices
    :param vd: Array of Slack bus indices
    :param tol: Tolerance
    :param max_it: Maximum number of iterations
    :return: V, converged, normF, Scalc, iterations, elapsed
    start = time.time()

    # initialize
    V = V0.copy()
    Vset_pv = np.abs(V0[pv])
    Scalc = S0.copy()
    Scalc[pv] = Scalc[pv].real + 0j
    normF = 1e20
    iterations = 0
    converged = False
    n = len(V0)
    npq = len(pq)
    npv = len(pv)
    pqpv = np.r_[pq, pv]

    npqpv = len(pqpv)

    # kron
    Y11 = Ybus[pq, :][:, pq]
    Y12 = Ybus[pq, :][:, pv]
    Y21 = Ybus[pv, :][:, pq]
    Y22 = Ybus[pv, :][:, pv]

    # reduced system
    Yred = vstack_sp((hstack_sp((Y11, Y12)), hstack_sp((Y21, Y22))))
    Sred = S0[pqpv]
    I0_red = I0[pqpv]

    Yslack = - Ybus[np.ix_(pqpv, vd)]  # yes, it is the negative of this
    Vslack = V0[vd]

    # compute alpha
    Vabs = np.ones(npqpv)
    alpha = sp.diags(np.conj(Sred) / (Vabs * Vabs))

    # compute Y-alpha
    Y_alpha = (Yred - alpha)

    # compute beta as a vector
    B = Y_alpha.diagonal()
    beta = diags(B)
    Y_beta = Yred - beta

    # get the first voltage approximation V0, or simply V(l
    Ivd = Yslack * Vslack  # slack currents
    V_l = spsolve(Y_alpha, Ivd)  # slack voltages influence
    # V_l = V0[pqpv]

    while not converged and iterations < max_it:

        iterations += 1

        # Global step
        rhs_global = np.conj(Sred) / np.conj(V_l) - alpha * V_l + I0_red + Ivd
        V_l12 = spsolve(Y_alpha, rhs_global)

        # PV correction (using Lynn's formulation)
        V_pv = V_l12[npq:]
        V_l12[npq:] = V_pv * Vset_pv / np.abs(V_pv)
        V[pq] = V_l12[:npq]
        V[pv] = V_l12[npq:]
        Qpv = (V[pv] * np.conj((Ybus[pv, :] * V))).imag
        Sred[npq:] = Sred[npq:].real + 1j * gamma * Qpv

        # local step
        A = (Y_beta * V_l12 - I0_red - Ivd) / B
        Sigma = - np.conj(Sred) / (A * np.conj(A) * B)
        U = (-1 - np.sqrt(1 - 4 * (Sigma.imag * Sigma.imag + Sigma.real))) / 2.0 + 1j * Sigma.imag
        V_l = U * A

        # Assign the reduced solution
        V[pq] = V_l[:npq]
        V[pv] = V_l[npq:]

        # compute the calculated power injection and the error of the voltage solution
        Scalc = V * np.conj(Ybus * V - I0)
        mis = Scalc - S0  # complex power mismatch
        mismatch = np.r_[mis[pv].real, mis[pq].real, mis[pq].imag]  # concatenate again
        normF = np.linalg.norm(mismatch, np.Inf)

        converged = normF < tol


    end = time.time()
    elapsed = end - start

    return V, converged, normF, Scalc, iterations, elapsed
Example #32
while (t_D[k] < numerical.PV_final): #non dimensional time marching    
    P_old = np.copy(P)   #Placeholdering the old array
    #Calculating the arrays
    Tw, To, T, d11, d12, d21, d22, D, G = myarrays(fluid,reservoir,petro,numerical,BC,P,Sw)

    #updating the wells
    well, Qw, Qo, Jw, Jo = updatewells(reservoir,fluid,numerical,petro,P,Sw,well)
    Q = (-d22 @ inv(d12)) @ Qw + Qo
    J = (-d22 @ inv(d12)) @ Jw + Jo
    if numerical.method == 'IMPES':
        IM = T + J + D          #implicit part coefficient in Eq. 3.44   
        EX = D @ P_old + Q + G  #explicit part or RHS of Eq. 3.44
        P = np.transpose([spsolve(IM,EX)])                              #solving IM*P = EX or Ax=B        
        Sw = Sw + inv(d12) @ (-Tw @ P - d11 @ (P - P_old) + Qw)         #explicit saturation

    k = k+1    
    P_plot[:,k] = P[:,0]  
    Sw_plot[:,k]= np.array(Sw)[:,0]
    t[k]= t[k-1] + numerical.dt
    t_D[k]= well.constraint[0][0]*t[k-1]/(reservoir.L*reservoir.W*reservoir.h*reservoir.phi[0,0])

    kblock  = numerical.N-1
    krw,kro = rel_perm(petro,Sw[kblock,0])
    M = (kro*fluid.muw[kblock,0])/(krw*fluid.muo[kblock,0])
    fw[k] = 1/(1+M)

P_plot[np.argwhere(reservoir.permx < 0.01)] = np.nan
Example #33
def LevenbergMarquardtPF(Ybus, Sbus, V0, Ibus, pv, pq, tol, max_it=50):
    Solves the power flow problem by the Levenberg-Marquardt power flow algorithm.
    It is usually better than Newton-Raphson, but it takes an order of magnitude more time to converge.
        Ybus: Admittance matrix
        Sbus: Array of nodal power injections
        V0: Array of nodal voltages (initial solution)
        Ibus: Array of nodal current injections
        pv: Array with the indices of the PV buses
        pq: Array with the indices of the PQ buses
        tol: Tolerance
        max_it: Maximum number of iterations
        Voltage solution, converged?, error, calculated power injections

    @Author: Santiago Peñate Vera
    start = time.time()

    # initialize
    V = V0
    Va = angle(V)
    Vm = abs(V)
    dVa = zeros_like(Va)
    dVm = zeros_like(Vm)
    # set up indexing for updating V
    pvpq = r_[pv, pq]
    npv = len(pv)
    npq = len(pq)

        # generate lookup pvpq -> index pvpq (used in createJ)
        pvpq_lookup = zeros(max(Ybus.indices) + 1, dtype=int)
        pvpq_lookup[pvpq] = arange(len(pvpq))

    # j1:j2 - V angle of pv buses
    j1 = 0
    j2 = npv
    # j3:j4 - V angle of pq buses
    j3 = j2
    j4 = j2 + npq
    # j5:j6 - V mag of pq buses
    j5 = j4
    j6 = j4 + npq

    update_jacobian = True
    converged = False
    iter_ = 0
    nu = 2.0
    lbmda = 0
    f_prev = 1e9  # very large number
    nn = 2 * npq + npv
    ii = np.linspace(0, nn-1, nn)
    Idn = sparse((np.ones(nn), (ii, ii)), shape=(nn, nn))  # csr_matrix identity

    # do Newton iterations
    while not converged and iter_ < max_it:

        # evaluate Jacobian
        if update_jacobian:
            if NUMBA_DETECTED:
                H = create_J_with_numba(Ybus, V, pvpq, pq, pvpq_lookup, npv, npq, Ibus=Ibus)
                H = Jacobian(Ybus, V, Ibus, pq, pvpq)

        # evaluate the solution error F(x0)
        Scalc = V * conj(Ybus * V - Ibus)
        mis = Scalc - Sbus  # compute the mismatch
        dz = r_[mis[pv].real, mis[pq].real, mis[pq].imag]  # mismatch in the Jacobian order

        # system matrix
        # H1 = H^t
        H1 = H.transpose()
        # H2 = H1·H
        H2 = H1.dot(H)

        # set first value of lmbda
        if iter_ == 0:
            lbmda = 1e-3 * H2.diagonal().max()

        # compute system matrix A = H^T·H - lambda·I
        A = H2 + lbmda * Idn

        # right hand side
        # H^t·dz
        rhs = H1.dot(dz)

        # Solve the increment
        dx = spsolve(A, rhs)

        # objective function to minimize
        f = 0.5 * dz.dot(dz)

        # decision function
        rho = (f_prev - f) / (0.5 * dx.dot(lbmda * dx + rhs))

        # lambda update
        if rho > 0:
            update_jacobian = True
            lbmda *= max([1.0 / 3.0, 1 - (2 * rho - 1) ** 3])
            nu = 2.0

            # reassign the solution vector
            if npv:
                dVa[pv] = dx[j1:j2]
            if npq:
                dVa[pq] = dx[j3:j4]
                dVm[pq] = dx[j5:j6]

            Vm -= dVm
            Va -= dVa
            # update Vm and Va again in case we wrapped around with a negative Vm
            V = Vm * exp(1j * Va)
            Vm = abs(V)
            Va = angle(V)
            update_jacobian = False
            lbmda *= nu
            nu *= 2

        # check convergence
        normF = np.linalg.norm(dx, np.Inf)
        converged = normF < tol
        f_prev = f

        # update iteration counter
        iter_ += 1

    end = time.time()
    elapsed = end - start

    return V, converged, normF, Scalc, iter_, elapsed
Example #34
def solve_hemholtz(f, boundary_func=lambda x,y: x*y, lap_f=lambda x: None, n=20,xint=(0,1), solver='spdiags', scheme='5-point', k=20):
	h = (xint[1]-xint[0])/float(n+1)

	if scheme == 'deferred':
		#Get the second-order approximation
		u_bar = np.zeros((n+2, n+2))
		u_bar[1:-1,1:-1] = solve_hemholtz(f, boundary_func, lap_f, n, xint,k=k).reshape((n,n))
		#Fill in the boundary data
		grid_1d = np.linspace(xint[0], xint[1], n+2)
		u_bar[0] = boundary_func(xint[0], grid_1d)
		u_bar[-1] = boundary_func(xint[1], grid_1d)
		u_bar[:,0] = boundary_func(grid_1d, xint[0])
		u_bar[:,-1] = boundary_func(grid_1d, xint[1])
		#Compute the xxyy derivative
		u_xx = (u_bar[:-2]+u_bar[2:]-2*u_bar[1:-1])/h**2
		u_xxyy = (u_xx[:,2:]+u_xx[:,:-2]-2*u_xx[:,1:-1])/h**2
	#First, construct the diagonals and the RHS
	#Here we assume that the domain is square
	b = np.zeros((n,n))
	yvals = np.linspace(xint[0], xint[1], n+2)[1:-1]
#	print h, yvals[1]-yvals[0]
	for i in xrange(n):
		xval = yvals[i]
		b[i] = f(xval, yvals)
		if scheme == '9-point':
			b[i] += h**2/12. * (lap_f(xval, yvals) - k**2*f(xval, yvals))
		elif scheme == 'deferred':
			b[i] += h**2/12. * (lap_f(xval, yvals) - k**2*f(xval, yvals) + k**4 * u_bar[i+1,1:-1] - 2*u_xxyy[i] )
	if scheme == '5-point' or scheme == 'deferred':
		b *= h**2
	else: b *= 6*h**2
#	print b
	if scheme=='5-point' or scheme == 'deferred':
		diags = make_5_point_diags(n, h)
		diags[0] += h**2 * k**2
		#Now we need to make use of the boundary conditions
		b[0] -= boundary_func(xint[0], yvals)
		b[-1] -= boundary_func(xint[1], yvals)
		b[:,0] -= boundary_func(yvals, xint[0])
		b[:,-1] -= boundary_func(yvals, xint[1])
	elif scheme=='9-point':
		diags = make_9_point_diags(n, h)
		diags[0] += 6 *((h*k)**2 - 1./12* (h*k)**4)
		#This is like the 5-point stencil
		b[0] -= 4*boundary_func(xint[0], yvals)
		b[-1] -= 4*boundary_func(xint[1], yvals)
		b[:,0] -= 4*boundary_func(yvals, xint[0])
		b[:,-1] -= 4*boundary_func(yvals, xint[1])
		#Here we handle the corners of the stencil
		vals = np.linspace(xint[0], xint[1], n+2)
		#Take care of effects to the top and bottom boundaries
		b[0] -= boundary_func(xint[0], vals[:-2]) + boundary_func(xint[0], vals[2:])
		b[-1] -= boundary_func(xint[1], vals[:-2]) + boundary_func(xint[1], vals[2:])
		#Handle the sides - be careful not to double count the corners
		b[1:,0] -= boundary_func(vals[1:-2], xint[0])
		b[:-1,0] -= boundary_func(vals[2:-1], xint[0])
		b[1:,-1] -= boundary_func(vals[1:-2], xint[1])
		b[:-1,-1] -= boundary_func(vals[2:-1], xint[1])

		raise ValueError("Unrecognized scheme {}".format(scheme))
	#Next, create the sparse matrix and solve the system
#	print([(d, sum(diags[d]!=0)) for d in diags if isinstance(diags[d], np.ndarray)])
	offsets = sorted(diags.keys())
	mat = sparse_diags([diags[d] for d in offsets], offsets, format='csc')
#	print mat.todense()
	if solver == 'spdiags':
#		print b
#		print mat.shape
		return spsolve(mat, b.flatten())
	elif solver == 'solve_banded':
		ab, l_and_u = diags_to_banded(diags)
#		print b.flatten().shape, ab.shape
		return solve_banded(l_and_u,ab, b.flatten())
		return solver(mat, b.flatten())
Example #35
def solve_waveguide_mode_2d(mode_number: int,
                            omega: complex,
                            dxes: dx_lists_t,
                            epsilon: vfield_t,
                            mu: vfield_t = None,
                            wavenumber_correction: bool = True
                            ) -> Dict[str, Union[complex, field_t]]:
    Given a 2d region, attempts to solve for the eigenmode with the specified mode number.

    :param mode_number: Number of the mode, 0-indexed
    :param omega: Angular frequency of the simulation
    :param dxes: Grid parameters [dx_e, dx_h] as described in fdfd_tools.operators header
    :param epsilon: Dielectric constant
    :param mu: Magnetic permeability (default 1 everywhere)
    :param wavenumber_correction: Whether to correct the wavenumber to
        account for numerical dispersion (default True)
    :return: {'E': List[np.ndarray], 'H': List[np.ndarray], 'wavenumber': complex}

    Solve for the largest-magnitude eigenvalue of the real operator
     by using power iteration.
    # check if eps has a imaginary part
    if (np.imag(epsilon)!=0).any():
        warnings.warn('Epsilon in 2D mode solver has an imaginary part'

    dxes_real = [[np.real(dx) for dx in dxi] for dxi in dxes]

    A_r = waveguide.operator(np.real(omega), dxes_real, np.real(epsilon), np.real(mu))

    # Use power iteration for 20 steps to estimate the dominant eigenvector
    v = np.random.rand(A_r.shape[0])
    for _ in range(20):
        v = A_r @ v
        v /= np.linalg.norm(v)

    lm_eigval = v @ A_r @ v

    Shift by the absolute value of the largest eigenvalue, then find a few of the
     largest (shifted) eigenvalues. The shift ensures that we find the largest
     _positive_ eigenvalues, since any negative eigenvalues will be shifted to the range
     0 >= neg_eigval + abs(lm_eigval) > abs(lm_eigval)
    shifted_A_r = A_r + abs(lm_eigval) * sparse.eye(A_r.shape[0])
    eigvals, eigvecs = spalg.eigs(shifted_A_r, which='LM', k=mode_number + 3, ncv=50)

    # Pick the eigenvalue we want from the few we found
    k = eigvals.argsort()[-(mode_number+1)]
    v = eigvecs[:, k]

    Now solve for the eigenvector of the full operator, using the real operator's
     eigenvector as an initial guess for Rayleigh quotient iteration.
    A = waveguide.operator(omega, dxes, epsilon, mu)

    eigval = None
    for _ in range(40):
        eigval = v @ A @ v
        if np.linalg.norm(A @ v - eigval * v) < 1e-13:
        w = spalg.spsolve(A - eigval * sparse.eye(A.shape[0]), v)
        v = w / np.linalg.norm(w)

    # Calculate the wave-vector (force the real part to be positive)
    wavenumber = np.sqrt(eigval)
    wavenumber *= np.sign(np.real(wavenumber))

    e, h = waveguide.normalized_fields(v, wavenumber, omega, dxes, epsilon, mu)

    Perform correction on wavenumber to account for numerical dispersion.

     See Numerical Dispersion in Taflove's FDTD book.
     This correction term reduces the error in emitted power, but additional
      error is introduced into the E_err and H_err terms. This effect becomes
      more pronounced as beta increases.
    if wavenumber_correction:
        wavenumber -= 2 * np.sin(np.real(wavenumber / 2)) - np.real(wavenumber)

    shape = [d.size for d in dxes[0]]
    fields = {
        'wavenumber': wavenumber,
        'E': unvec(e, shape),
        'H': unvec(h, shape),

    return fields
Example #36
def tvdip(y, lambdas, display=1, stoptol=1e-3, maxiter=60):
    """Performs discrete total variation denoising (TVD) using a primal-dual
    interior-point solver. It minimizes the following discrete functional:
    over the variable x, given the input signal y, according to each value of
    the regularization parametero lambda > 0. D is the first difference matrix.
    Uses hot-restarts from each value of lambda to speed up convergence for
    subsequent values: best use of the feature is made by ensuring that the
    chosen lambda values are close to each other.
        y: Original signal to denoise, size N x 1.
        lambdas: A vector of positive regularization parameters, size L x 1.
            TVD will be applied to each value in the vector.
        display: (Optional) Set to 0 to turn off progress display, 1 to turn
            on. Defaults to 1.
        stoptol: (Optional) Precision as determined by duality gap tolerance,
            if not specified defaults to 1e-3.
        maxiter: (Optional) Maximum interior-point iterations, if not specified
            defaults to 60.
        x: Denoised output signal for each value of lambda, size N x L.
        E: Objective functional at minimum for each lamvda, size L x 1.
        s: Optimization result, 1 = solved, 0 = maximum iterations
            exceeded before reaching duality gap tolerance, size L x 1.
        lambdamax: Maximum value of lambda for the given y. If
            lambda >= lambdamax, the output is the trivial constant solution
            x = mean(y).

    # Search tuning parameters
    ALPHA = 0.01  # Backtracking linesearch parameter (0,0.5]
    BETA = 0.5  # Backtracking linesearch parameter (0,1)
    MAXLSITER = 20  # Max iterations of backtracking linesearch
    MU = 2  # t update

    N = y.size  # Length of input signal y
    M = N - 1  # Size of Dx

    # Construct sparse operator matrices
    I1 = sparse.eye(M)
    O1 = sparse.dia_matrix((M, 1))
    D = sparse.hstack([I1, O1]) - sparse.hstack([O1, I1])

    DDT = D.dot(D.conj().T)
    Dy = D.dot(y)

    # Find max value of lambda
    lambdamax = (np.absolute(linalg.spsolve(DDT, Dy))).max(0)

    if display:
        print("lambda_max=%5.2e" % lambdamax)

    L = lambdas.size
    x = np.zeros((N, L))
    s = np.zeros((L, 1))
    E = np.zeros((L, 1))

    # Optimization variables set up once at the start
    z = np.zeros((M, 1))
    mu1 = np.ones((M, 1))
    mu2 = np.ones((M, 1))

    # Work through each value of lambda, with hot-restart on optimization
    # variables
    for idx, l in enumerate(lambdas):
        t = 1e-10
        step = np.inf
        f1 = z - l
        f2 = -z - l

        # Main optimization loop
        s[idx] = 1

        if display:
            print("Solving for lambda={0:5.2e}, lambda/lambda_max={1:5.2e}".
                  format(l, l / lambdamax))
            print("Iter# primal    Dual    Gap")

        for iters in range(maxiter):
            DTz = (z.conj().T * D).conj().T
            DDTz = D.dot(DTz)
            w = Dy - (mu1 - mu2)

            # Calculate objectives and primal-dual gap
            pobj1 = 0.5 * w.conj().T.dot(linalg.spsolve(
                DDT, w)) + l * (np.sum(mu1 + mu2))
            pobj2 = 0.5 * DTz.conj().T.dot(DTz) + l * np.sum(
                np.absolute(Dy - DDTz))
            pobj = np.minimum(pobj1, pobj2)
            dobj = -0.5 * DTz.conj().T.dot(DTz) + Dy.conj().T.dot(z)
            gap = pobj - dobj
            if display:
                print("{:5d} {:7.2e} {:7.2e} {:7.2e}".format(
                    iters, pobj[0, 0], dobj[0, 0], gap[0, 0]))

            # Test duality gap stopping criterion
            if np.all(gap <= stoptol):  # ****
                s[idx] = 1

            if step >= 0.2:
                t = np.maximum(2 * M * MU / gap, 1.2 * t)

            # Do Newton step
            rz = DDTz - w
            Sdata = (mu1 / f1 + mu2 / f2)
            S = DDT - sparse.csc_matrix(
                (Sdata.reshape(Sdata.size), (np.arange(M), np.arange(M))))
            r = -DDTz + Dy + (1 / t) / f1 - (1 / t) / f2
            dz = linalg.spsolve(S, r).reshape(r.size, 1)
            dmu1 = -(mu1 + ((1 / t) + dz * mu1) / f1)
            dmu2 = -(mu2 + ((1 / t) - dz * mu2) / f2)

            resDual = rz.copy()
            resCent = np.vstack((-mu1 * f1 - 1 / t, -mu2 * f2 - 1 / t))
            residual = np.vstack((resDual, resCent))

            # Perform backtracking linesearch
            negIdx1 = dmu1 < 0
            negIdx2 = dmu2 < 0
            step = 1
            if np.any(negIdx1):
                step = np.minimum(
                    step, 0.99 * (-mu1[negIdx1] / dmu1[negIdx1]).min(0))
            if np.any(negIdx2):
                step = np.minimum(
                    step, 0.99 * (-mu2[negIdx2] / dmu2[negIdx2]).min(0))

            for _ in range(MAXLSITER):
                newz = z + step * dz
                newmu1 = mu1 + step * dmu1
                newmu2 = mu2 + step * dmu2
                newf1 = newz - l
                newf2 = -newz - l

                # Update residuals
                newResDual = DDT.dot(newz) - Dy + newmu1 - newmu2
                newResCent = np.vstack(
                    (-newmu1 * newf1 - 1 / t, -newmu2 * newf2 - 1 / t))
                newResidual = np.vstack((newResDual, newResCent))

                if (np.maximum(newf1.max(0), newf2.max(0)) < 0
                        and (scp.linalg.norm(newResidual) <=
                             (1 - ALPHA * step) * scp.linalg.norm(residual))):

                step = BETA * step

            # Update primal and dual optimization parameters
            z = newz
            mu1 = newmu1
            mu2 = newmu2
            f1 = newf1
            f2 = newf2

        x[:, idx] = (y - D.conj().T.dot(z)).reshape(x.shape[0])
        xval = x[:, idx].reshape(x.shape[0], 1)
        E[idx] = 0.5 * np.sum(
            (y - xval)**2) + l * np.sum(np.absolute(D.dot(xval)))

        # We may have a close solution that does not satisfy the duality gap
        if iters >= maxiter:
            s[idx] = 0

        if display:
            if s[idx]:
                print("Solved to precision of duality gap %5.2e") % gap
                print("Max iterations exceeded - solution may be inaccurate")

    return x, E, s, lambdamax
def update_fund_state_vec(J, x, f):
    """ perform Newton-Raphson iteration """
    # TODO: try other solvers
    x_new = x - spsolve(J, f.T)
    return x_new
Example #38
start_run_time = time.time()

t = 0
RHS = model.RHS_system.coeffs
X = model.state_system.coeffs
for i in range(n_iterations):

    # Timestep
    for dm, m in enumerate(simplesphere.local_m):
        # Forward Euler for RHS
        RHS[dm] = model.M[dm].dot(X[dm]) + dt * (RHS[dm])
        if STORE_LU:
            X[dm] = A[dm].solve(RHS[dm])
            X[dm] = spla.spsolve(A[dm], RHS[dm])
    t += dt

    # Imagination cleaning
    if i % n_clean == 0:
        # Zero imaginary part by performing full transform loop

    # Output
    if i % n_output == 0:
        # Gather full data to output
Example #39
    def _solve_S_from_DC(self,
        """Solves a basic least squares problems with SVD.
            C_dataFrame (DataFrame) data frame with concentration values
            DataFrame with estimated S_values 
        D_data = self.model.D
        if self._n_meas_lambdas:
            # build Dij vector
            D_vector = np.zeros(self._n_meas_times * self._n_meas_lambdas)

            row = []
            col = []
            data = []
            for i, t in enumerate(self._meas_times):
                for j, l in enumerate(self._meas_lambdas):
                    for k, c in enumerate(self._mixture_components):
                        row.append(i * self._n_meas_lambdas + j)
                        col.append(j * self._n_components + k)
                    D_vector[i * self._n_meas_lambdas + j] = D_data[t, l]

            Bd = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)),
                            shape=(self._n_meas_times * self._n_meas_lambdas,
                                   self._n_components * self._n_meas_lambdas))

            if not with_bounds:
                if self._n_meas_times == self._n_components:
                    s_array = spsolve(Bd, D_vector)
                elif self._n_meas_times > self._n_components:
                    result_ls = lsqr(Bd, D_vector, show=tee)
                    s_array = result_ls[0]
                    raise RuntimeError('Need n_t_meas >= self._n_components')
                nl = self._n_meas_lambdas
                nt = self._n_meas_times
                nc = self._n_components
                x0 = np.zeros(nl * nc) + 1e-2
                M = Bd.tocsr()

                def F(x, M, rhs):
                    return rhs - M.dot(x)

                def JF(x, M, rhs):
                    return -M

                if tee == True:
                    verbose = 2
                    verbose = 0

                res_lsq = least_squares(F,
                                        bounds=(0.0, np.inf),
                                        args=(M, D_vector))
                s_array = res_lsq.x

            s_shaped = s_array.reshape(
                (self._n_meas_lambdas, self._n_components))
            s_shaped = np.empty((self._n_meas_lambdas, self._n_components))

        return s_shaped
Example #40
 def full(self,v):
     v = sp_la.spsolve(self.A,v)
     self.n_iter +=1
     print('iter #' +str(self.n_iter))
     return v
Example #41
    def fit(self, X_train, y_train, sample_weight=None):
        """Form K and solve (K + lambda * I)x = y in a block-wise fashion."""
        self.X_train = X_train
        n_features = X_train.shape[1]
        y = self.encode_y(y_train)
        if self.gamma is None:
            self.gamma = 1. / n_features
        K = metrics.pairwise.pairwise_kernels(X_train,
        if self.verbose:
            print('Finished forming kernel matrix.')

        # compute some constants
        num_classes = len(list(set(y)))
        num_samples = K.shape[0]
        num_blocks = math.ceil(num_samples * 1.0 / self.block_size)
        x = np.zeros((K.shape[0], num_classes))
        y_hat = np.zeros((K.shape[0], num_classes))
        onehot = lambda x: np.eye(num_classes)[x]
        y_onehot = np.array(list(map(onehot, y)))
        idxes = np.diag_indices(num_samples)
        if sample_weight is not None:
            weights = np.sqrt(sample_weight)
            weights = weights[:, np.newaxis]
            y_onehot = weights * y_onehot
            K *= np.outer(weights, weights)
        if num_blocks == 1:
            epochs = 1
            epochs = self.epochs

        for e in range(epochs):
            shuffled_coords = np.random.choice(num_samples,
            for b in range(int(num_blocks)):
                residuals = y_onehot - y_hat

                # Form a block of K.
                K[idxes] += (self.C * num_samples)
                block = shuffled_coords[b * self.block_size:min(
                    (b + 1) * self.block_size, num_samples)]
                K_block = K[:, block]
                # Dim should be block size x block size
                KbTKb = K_block.T.dot(K_block)

                if self.verbose:
                    print('solving block {0}'.format(b))
                # Try linalg solve then sparse solve for handling of sparse input.
                    x_block = linalg.solve(KbTKb, K_block.T.dot(residuals))
                        x_block = spsolve(KbTKb, K_block.T.dot(residuals))
                        return None

                # update model
                x[block] = x[block] + x_block
                K[idxes] = K[idxes] - (self.C * num_samples)
                y_hat = K.dot(x)

                y_pred = np.argmax(y_hat, axis=1)
                train_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(y, y_pred)
                if self.verbose:
                    print('Epoch: {0}, Block: {1}, Train Accuracy: {2}'.format(
                        e, b, train_acc))
        self.coef_ = x
Example #42
 def mult(self,v):
     v = sp_la.spsolve(self.A,v)
     return v
Example #43
def uzawa3(KKK,G,Nfem,nel,rhs_f,rhs_h):
    Vsol    = numpy.zeros((Nfem),dtype=float)
    Psol    = numpy.zeros((nel),dtype=float)
    Vsolmem = numpy.zeros((Nfem),dtype=float)
    Psolmem = numpy.zeros((nel),dtype=float)
    KKKmem  = numpy.zeros((Nfem,Nfem),dtype=float)
    phi     = numpy.zeros((Nfem),dtype=float)
    h       = numpy.copy(phi)
    q       = numpy.zeros((nel),dtype=float)
    d       = numpy.copy(q)
    qkp1    = numpy.zeros((nel),dtype=float)
    dkp1    = numpy.copy(q)


    V_diff = []
    P_diff = []

    #compute u1
    for iter in range(0,niter):
        #compute pk
        #compute hk=A^-1 pk
        #compute alpha
        #update pressure
        #update velocity
        #compute qk+1
        #compute beta
        #compute dkp1
        #check for convergence
        file1.write(str(iter+1) + ' ' + str(V_diff[iter]) + ' ' + str(P_diff[iter]) + '\n')
        if max(V_diff[iter],P_diff[iter]) < tol or iter == niter-1 :
            return (Vsol,Psol,V_diff,P_diff)
Example #44
def ASD4(Ybus, S0, V0, I0, pv, pq, vd, tol, max_it=15, gamma=0.1):
    Alternate Search Directions Power Flow

    As defined in the paper:

        Unified formulation of a family of iterative solvers for power system analysis
        by Domenico Borzacchiello et. Al.

    - Better reactive power computation
    - No need to partition the buses in PQ|PV
    - No need to perform the partitioning of Y, nor the Kron reduction for the PV buses correction
    - Automatic finding of gamma

    :param Ybus: Admittance matrix
    :param S0: Power injections
    :param V0: Initial Voltage Vector
    :param I0: Current injections @V=1.0 p.u.
    :param pv: Array of PV bus indices
    :param pq: Array of PQ bus indices
    :param vd: Array of Slack bus indices
    :param tol: Tolerance
    :param max_it: Maximum number of iterations
    :return: V, converged, normF, Scalc, iterations, elapsed
    start = time.time()

    # initialize
    V = V0.copy()
    Vset_pv = np.abs(V0[pv])
    Scalc = S0.copy()
    normF = 1e20
    iterations = 0
    converged = False
    n = len(V0)
    pqpv = np.r_[pq, pv]

    # Create the zero-based indices in the internal reduced scheme
    pq_, pv_ = convert_to_reduced(pq, pv, vd, n)

    # reduced system
    Yred = Ybus[np.ix_(pqpv, pqpv)]
    Sred = S0[pqpv]
    I0_red = I0[pqpv]

    Yslack = - Ybus[np.ix_(pqpv, vd)]  # yes, it is the negative of this
    Vslack = V0[vd]

    # compute alpha
    # Vabs = np.abs(Vslack)
    # alpha = sp.diags(np.conj(Sred) / (Vabs * Vabs))
    alpha = -sp.linalg.inv(sp.diags(Yred.diagonal()).tocsc())

    # compute Y-alpha
    Y_alpha = (Yred - alpha).tocsc()

    # compute beta as a vector
    B = Yred.diagonal()
    beta = diags(B)
    Y_beta = Yred - beta

    # get the first voltage approximation V0, or simply V(l
    Ivd = Yslack * Vslack  # slack currents
    V_l = spsolve(Y_alpha, Ivd)  # slack voltages influence

    while not converged and iterations < max_it:

        # Global step
        rhs_global = np.conj(Sred) / np.conj(V_l) - alpha * V_l + I0_red + Ivd
        V_l12 = spsolve(Y_alpha, rhs_global)

        # Better PV correction than the paper, using Lynn's formulation
        V_pv = V_l12[pv_]
        V_l12[pv_] = V_pv * Vset_pv / np.abs(V_pv)  # compute the corrected bus voltage
        V[pqpv] = V_l12  # Assign the reduced solution

        # compute the reactive power at the PV nodes (actual scheme)
        Qpv = (V[pv] * np.conj((Ybus[pv, :] * V - I0[pv]))).imag

        # Find gamma the first time
        # if iterations == 0:
        N = 1
        a = 1.0
        b = 0
        found = False
        c = (a + b) / 2
        while not found or N <= max_it:  # limit iterations to prevent infinite loop
            c = (a + b) / 2  # new midpoint

            f_c = func(Sred.copy(), pv_, c, Qpv, Y_beta, V_l12, I0_red, Ivd, B, V.copy(), pqpv, Ybus, I0, S0, pv, pq)
            f_a = func(Sred.copy(), pv_, a, Qpv, Y_beta, V_l12, I0_red, Ivd, B, V.copy(), pqpv, Ybus, I0, S0, pv, pq)

            sign_fa = f_a < 0
            sign_fc = f_c < 0

            if f_c <= tol or (a - b) / 2 < tol:  # solution found
                found = True

            N += 1  # increment step  counter
            if f_a > f_c:
                b = c
                a = c  # new interval

        gamma = c

        # compute the reactive power at the PV nodes (actual scheme)
        Sred[pv_] = Sred[pv_].real + 1j * gamma * Qpv  # assign the PV reactive power in the reduced scheme

        # local step
        A = (Y_beta * V_l12 - I0_red - Ivd) / B
        Sigma = - np.conj(Sred) / (A * np.conj(A) * B)
        U = (-1.0 - np.sqrt(1.0 - 4.0 * (Sigma.imag * Sigma.imag + Sigma.real))) / 2.0 + 1.0j * Sigma.imag
        V_l = U * A

        # Assign the reduced solution
        V[pqpv] = V_l

        # compute the calculated power injection and the error of the voltage solution
        Scalc = V * np.conj(Ybus * V - I0)
        mis = Scalc - S0  # complex power mismatch
        mismatch = np.r_[mis[pv].real, mis[pq].real, mis[pq].imag]  # concatenate again
        normF = 0.5 * np.dot(mismatch, mismatch)  # np.linalg.norm(mismatch, np.Inf)

        converged = normF < tol

        iterations += 1

    end = time.time()
    elapsed = end - start

    return V, converged, normF, Scalc, iterations, elapsed
Example #45
def helm_coefficients_josep(Ybus,
    Holomorphic Embedding LoadFlow Method as formulated by Josep Fanals Batllori in 2020
    THis function just returns the coefficients for further usage in other routines
    :param Yseries: Admittance matrix of the series elements
    :param V0: vector of specified voltages
    :param S0: vector of specified power
    :param Ysh0: vector of shunt admittances (including the shunts of the branches)
    :param pq: list of pq nodes
    :param pv: list of pv nodes
    :param sl: list of slack nodes
    :param pqpv: sorted list of pq and pv nodes
    :param tolerance: target error (or tolerance)
    :param max_coeff: maximum number of coefficients
    :param verbose: print intermediate information
    :return: U, X, Q, iterations

    npqpv = len(pqpv)
    npv = len(pv)
    nsl = len(sl)
    n = Yseries.shape[0]

    # --------------------------- PREPARING IMPLEMENTATION -------------------------------------------------------------
    U = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex)  # voltages
    W = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex)  # compute X=1/conj(U)
    Q = np.zeros((max_coeff, npqpv), dtype=complex)  # unknown reactive powers
    Vm0 = np.abs(V0)
    Vm2 = Vm0 * Vm0

    if n < 2:
        return U, W, Q, 0

    if verbose:
        df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.c_[Ysh0.imag, S0.real, S0.imag, Vm0],
                          columns=['Ysh', 'P0', 'Q0', 'V0'])

    Yred = Yseries[np.ix_(pqpv, pqpv)]  # admittance matrix without slack buses
    Yslack = -Yseries[np.ix_(pqpv, sl)]  # yes, it is the negative of this
    Yslack_vec = Yslack.sum(axis=1).A1
    G = np.real(Yred)  # real parts of Yij
    B = np.imag(Yred)  # imaginary parts of Yij
    P_red = S0.real[pqpv]
    Q_red = S0.imag[pqpv]
    Vslack = V0[sl]
    Ysh_red = Ysh0[pqpv]

    # indices 0 based in the internal scheme
    nsl_counted = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)
    compt = 0
    for i in range(n):
        if i in sl:
            compt += 1
        nsl_counted[i] = compt

    pq_ = pq - nsl_counted[pq]
    pv_ = pv - nsl_counted[pv]

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [0] ------------------------------------------------------------------

    U[0, :] = spsolve(Yred, Yslack_vec)
    W[0, :] = 1 / np.conj(U[0, :])

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [1] ------------------------------------------------------------------
    valor = np.zeros(npqpv, dtype=complex)

    # get the current injections that appear due to the slack buses reduction
    I_inj_slack = Yslack * Vslack

    valor[pq_] = I_inj_slack[pq_] - Yslack_vec[pq_] + (
        P_red[pq_] - Q_red[pq_] * 1j) * W[0, pq_] - U[0, pq_] * Ysh_red[pq_]
    valor[pv_] = I_inj_slack[pv_] - Yslack_vec[pv_] + P_red[pv_] * W[
        0, pv_] - U[0, pv_] * Ysh_red[pv_]

    # compose the right-hand side vector
    RHS = np.r_[valor.real, valor.imag, Vm2[pv] - (U[0, pv_] * U[0, pv_]).real]

    # Form the system matrix (MAT)
    Upv = U[0, pv_]
    Xpv = W[0, pv_]
    VRE = coo_matrix((2 * Upv.real, (np.arange(npv), pv_)),
                     shape=(npv, npqpv)).tocsc()
    VIM = coo_matrix((2 * Upv.imag, (np.arange(npv), pv_)),
                     shape=(npv, npqpv)).tocsc()
    XIM = coo_matrix((-Xpv.imag, (pv_, np.arange(npv))),
                     shape=(npqpv, npv)).tocsc()
    XRE = coo_matrix((Xpv.real, (pv_, np.arange(npv))),
                     shape=(npqpv, npv)).tocsc()
    EMPTY = csc_matrix((npv, npv))

    MAT = vs((hs((G, -B, XIM)), hs((B, G, XRE)), hs((VRE, VIM, EMPTY))),

    if verbose:

    # factorize (only once)
    MAT_LU = factorized(MAT.tocsc())

    # solve

    # update coefficients
    U[1, :] = LHS[:npqpv] + 1j * LHS[npqpv:2 * npqpv]
    Q[0, pv_] = LHS[2 * npqpv:]
    W[1, :] = -W[0, :] * np.conj(U[1, :]) / np.conj(U[0, :])

    # .......................CALCULATION OF TERMS [>=2] ----------------------------------------------------------------
    iter_ = 1
    range_pqpv = np.arange(npqpv, dtype=np.int64)
    V = V0.copy()
    c = 2
    converged = False
    norm_f = tolerance + 1.0  # any number that violates the convergence

    while c < max_coeff and not converged:  # c defines the current depth

        valor[pq_] = (P_red[pq_] - Q_red[pq_] *
                      1j) * W[c - 1, pq_] - U[c - 1, pq_] * Ysh_red[pq_]
        valor[pv_] = -1j * conv2(W, Q, c, pv_) - U[
            c - 1, pv_] * Ysh_red[pv_] + W[c - 1, pv_] * P_red[pv_]

        RHS = np.r_[valor.real, valor.imag, -conv3(U, U, c, pv_).real]

        LHS = MAT_LU(RHS)

        # update voltage coefficients
        U[c, :] = LHS[:npqpv] + 1j * LHS[npqpv:2 * npqpv]

        # update reactive power
        Q[c - 1, pv_] = LHS[2 * npqpv:]

        # update voltage inverse coefficients
          range_pqpv] = -conv1(U, W, c, range_pqpv) / np.conj(U[0, range_pqpv])

        # compute power mismatch
        if not np.mod(c, 2):  # check the mismatch every 4 iterations
            V[pqpv] = U.sum(axis=0)
            Scalc = V * np.conj(Ybus * V)
            dP = np.abs(S0[pqpv].real - Scalc[pqpv].real)
            dQ = np.abs(S0[pq].imag - Scalc[pq].imag)
            norm_f = np.linalg.norm(np.r_[dP, dQ],
                                    np.inf)  # same as max(abs())

            # check convergence
            converged = norm_f < tolerance
            print('mismatch check at c=', c)

        c += 1
        iter_ += 1

    return U, W, Q, iter_, norm_f
Example #46
 def solve(self, A, b):
     return slin.spsolve(A, b)
Example #47
 def f_solve(self, b, alpha):
     L = sp.eye(self.Ndof) - alpha * self.M
     return LA.spsolve(L, b)
Example #48
# plt.imshow(colorized)

color_copy_for_nonzero = isColored.reshape(image_size, order='F').copy(
)  # We have to reshape and make a copy of the view of an array for the nonzero() to work like in MATLAB
colored_inds = np.nonzero(color_copy_for_nonzero)
# print colored_inds
# colored_inds as lblInds
# print color_copy_for_nonzero.shape

for t in [1, 2]:
    curIm = YUV[:, :, t].reshape(image_size, order='F').copy()
    # print curIm.shape
    b[colored_inds] = curIm[colored_inds]
    # print b[colored_inds]
    new_vals = linalg.spsolve(
        A, b
    )  # new_vals = linalg.lsqr(A, b)[0] # least-squares solution (much slower), slightly different solutions
    # lsqr returns unexpectedly (ndarray,ndarray) tuple, first is correct so:
    # use new_vals[0] for reshape if you use lsqr
    colorized[:, :, t] = new_vals.reshape(n, m, order='F')

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------ Back to RGB --------------------------------- #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

(R, G, B) = yiq_to_rgb(colorized[:, :, 0], colorized[:, :, 1], colorized[:, :,
colorizedRGB = np.zeros(colorized.shape)
colorizedRGB[:, :, 0] = R  # colorizedRGB as colorizedIm
colorizedRGB[:, :, 1] = G
colorizedRGB[:, :, 2] = B
def update_harmonic_state_vec(J, x, f):
    """ perform Newton-Raphson iteration """
    x_new = x - spsolve(J, f)
    return x_new
Example #50
    def _make_spline(self):
        pcount = self._xdata.size

        dx = np.diff(self._xdata)

        if not all(dx > 0):
            raise ValueError(
                'Items of xdata vector must satisfy the condition: x1 < x2 < ... < xN'

        dy = np.diff(self._ydata, axis=self._axis)
        divdydx = dy / dx

        if pcount > 2:
            diags_r = np.vstack((dx[1:], 2 * (dx[1:] + dx[:-1]), dx[:-1]))
            r = sp.spdiags(diags_r, [-1, 0, 1], pcount - 2, pcount - 2)

            odx = 1. / dx
            diags_qt = np.vstack((odx[:-1], -(odx[1:] + odx[:-1]), odx[1:]))
            qt = sp.diags(diags_qt, [0, 1, 2], (pcount - 2, pcount))

            ow = 1. / self._weights
            osqw = 1. / np.sqrt(self._weights)  # type: np.ndarray
            w = sp.diags(ow, 0, (pcount, pcount))
            qtw = qt @ sp.diags(osqw, 0, (pcount, pcount))
            qtwq = qtw @ qtw.T

            if self._smooth:
                p = self._smooth
                p = self._compute_smooth(r, qtwq)

            a = (6. * (1. - p)) * qtwq + p * r
            b = np.diff(divdydx, axis=self._axis).T
            u = np.array(la.spsolve(a, b), ndmin=2)

            if self._ydim == 1:
                u = u.T

            dx = np.array(dx, ndmin=2).T
            d_pad = np.zeros((1, self._ydim))

            d1 = np.diff(np.vstack((d_pad, u, d_pad)), axis=0) / dx
            d2 = np.diff(np.vstack((d_pad, d1, d_pad)), axis=0)

            yi = np.array(self._ydata, ndmin=2).T
            yi = yi - ((6. * (1. - p)) * w) @ d2
            c3 = np.vstack((d_pad, p * u, d_pad))
            c2 = np.diff(yi, axis=0) / dx - dx * (2. * c3[:-1, :] + c3[1:, :])

            coeffs = np.hstack(((np.diff(c3, axis=0) / dx).T,
                                3. * c3[:-1, :].T, c2.T, yi[:-1, :].T))

            c_shape = ((pcount - 1) * self._ydim, 4)
            coeffs = coeffs.reshape(c_shape, order='F')
            p = 1.
            coeffs = np.array(np.hstack(
                (divdydx, np.array(self._ydata[:, 0], ndmin=2).T)),

        self._smooth = p
        self._spline = SplinePPForm(self._xdata, coeffs, self._ydim)
def fill_depth_colorization(imgRgb=None, imgDepthInput=None, alpha=1):
    imgIsNoise = imgDepthInput == 0
    maxImgAbsDepth = np.max(imgDepthInput)
    imgDepth = imgDepthInput / maxImgAbsDepth
    imgDepth[imgDepth > 1] = 1
    (H, W) = imgDepth.shape
    numPix = H * W
    indsM = np.arange(numPix).reshape((W, H)).transpose()
    knownValMask = (imgIsNoise == False).astype(int)
    grayImg = skimage.color.rgb2gray(imgRgb)
    winRad = 1
    len_ = 0
    absImgNdx = 0
    len_window = (2 * winRad + 1)**2
    len_zeros = numPix * len_window

    cols = np.zeros(len_zeros) - 1
    rows = np.zeros(len_zeros) - 1
    vals = np.zeros(len_zeros) - 1
    gvals = np.zeros(len_window) - 1

    for j in range(W):
        for i in range(H):
            nWin = 0
            for ii in range(max(0, i - winRad), min(i + winRad + 1, H)):
                for jj in range(max(0, j - winRad), min(j + winRad + 1, W)):
                    if ii == i and jj == j:

                    rows[len_] = absImgNdx
                    cols[len_] = indsM[ii, jj]
                    gvals[nWin] = grayImg[ii, jj]

                    len_ = len_ + 1
                    nWin = nWin + 1

            curVal = grayImg[i, j]
            gvals[nWin] = curVal
            c_var = np.mean((gvals[:nWin + 1] - np.mean(gvals[:nWin + 1]))**2)

            csig = c_var * 0.6
            mgv = np.min((gvals[:nWin] - curVal)**2)
            if csig < -mgv / np.log(0.01):
                csig = -mgv / np.log(0.01)

            if csig < 2e-06:
                csig = 2e-06

            gvals[:nWin] = np.exp(-(gvals[:nWin] - curVal)**2 / csig)
            gvals[:nWin] = gvals[:nWin] / sum(gvals[:nWin])
            vals[len_ - nWin:len_] = -gvals[:nWin]

            # Now the self-reference (along the diagonal).
            rows[len_] = absImgNdx
            cols[len_] = absImgNdx
            vals[len_] = 1  # sum(gvals(1:nWin))

            len_ = len_ + 1
            absImgNdx = absImgNdx + 1

    vals = vals[:len_]
    cols = cols[:len_]
    rows = rows[:len_]
    A = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((vals, (rows, cols)), (numPix, numPix))

    rows = np.arange(0, numPix)
    cols = np.arange(0, numPix)
    vals = (knownValMask * alpha).transpose().reshape(numPix)
    G = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((vals, (rows, cols)), (numPix, numPix))

    A = A + G
    b = np.multiply(vals.reshape(numPix), imgDepth.flatten('F'))

    #print ('Solving system..')

    new_vals = spsolve(A, b)
    new_vals = np.reshape(new_vals, (H, W), 'F')

    #print ('Done.')

    denoisedDepthImg = new_vals * maxImgAbsDepth

    output = denoisedDepthImg.reshape((H, W)).astype('float32')

    output = np.multiply(output, (1 - knownValMask)) + imgDepthInput

    return output
Example #52
c1 = (1j*(hbarc*c)/(2*mc_2))
data = np.ones((3, int(Nx)))
data[1,:] = -2
diags = [-1, 0, 1]
D = c1*sparse.spdiags(data, diags, Nx, Nx)/(dx**2)

c2 =-1j*c/hbarc
M = c2*sparse.spdiags(V(x), [0], Nx, Nx)

Psi = np.zeros((Nt, Nx), dtype = complex)
Psi[0] = psi(x)

for n,i in enumerate(t[1:]):
    A = (I - 0.5*dt*(D + M))
    b = (I + 0.5*dt*(D + M))*Psi[n]
    Psi[n+1] = linalg.spsolve(A, b)
    Psi[n+1] = Psi[n+1]/sp.integrate.simps(abs(Psi[n+1])**2, dx=dx)

psi = np.absolute(Psi)
psi[:,i_x2:] *= 1e59
animate(x, psi)
t0 = 1e-18
i = np.abs(t-t0).argmin()
plt.title("t = %1.1g. For $x > x_2$, is $|\psi(x,t)|$ scaled up by factor $10^{59}$" % t0)
plt.plot([x1, x1], [0,1],'k--')
plt.plot([x2, x2], [0,1],'k--', label="potensial barrier, $\Delta x$ = %2.f fm" % delta_x)
plt.plot(x,psi[i],'y-',label="|$\psi(x,%1.1g)$|" % t0)
plt.xlabel("x [fm]")
plt.ylabel("|$\psi(x,%1.1g)$|" % t0)
Example #53
def fin_vol(x_nodes,
    # bring in global variables
    global gamma
    global phi_ext
    global phi_xl
    global phi_x0
    global hf
    global CV_h
    global CV_l

    dx = CV_l / x_nodes  # distance between nodes in the x direction
    dy = CV_h / y_nodes  # distance between nodes in the y direction
    total_nodes = y_nodes * x_nodes  # total number of nodes

    x_index = np.zeros(x_nodes)  # initialize x nodes matrix to zero
    y_index = np.zeros(y_nodes)  # initialize y nodes matrix to zero
    matrix_index = np.arange(total_nodes).reshape(
        x_nodes, y_nodes)  # matrix index to map node position within CV
    matrix_a = sp.lil_matrix(
        (total_nodes, total_nodes))  # coefficent matrix of form AX = B, "A"
    matrix_b = np.zeros(total_nodes)  # product matrix of form AX = B, "B"

    if inflation == "no":
        for i in range(y_nodes):
            for j in range(x_nodes):
                if i == 0:  # southern most node
                    a_n = gamma * (dx / dy)
                    a_s = 0
                    s_p = 0
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[
                        i + 1]] = -a_n  # updates coef right of ap equal to an
                    # print(matrix_index[i, j], matrix_index[j, i+1])
                        j, i]] = a_s  # sets product matrix equal to as
                elif i == y_nodes - 1:  # northern most node
                    a_n = 0
                    a_s = gamma * (dx / dy)
                    s_p = -hf * dx  # source term sp
                    s_u = hf * phi_ext * dx  # source term su
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[
                        i - 1]] = -a_s  # updates coef left of ap equal to as
                        j, i]] = a_n + s_u  # updates product matrix
                else:  # middle nodes
                    a_n = gamma * (dx / dy)
                    a_s = gamma * (dx / dy)
                    s_p = 0
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[
                        j, i + 1]] = -a_n  # updates coeffs to the right
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[
                        j, i - 1]] = -a_s  # updates coeffs to the left

                if j == 0:
                    a_w = gamma * (
                        dy / (dx / 2)
                    )  # divide by 2 because at western most node dx is halved
                    a_e = gamma * (dy / dx)
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i],
                             matrix_index[j + 1,
                                          i]] = -a_e  # updates row below ap
                        j, i]] = a_w * phi_x0  # updates product matrix
                elif j == x_nodes - 1:
                    a_w = gamma * (dy / dx)
                    a_e = gamma * (
                        dy / (dx / 2)
                    )  # divide by 2 because at eastern most node dx is halved
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i],
                             matrix_index[j - 1,
                                          i]] = -a_w  # updates row above ap
                        j, i]] = a_e * phi_xl  # updates product matrix
                    a_w = gamma * (dy / dx)
                    a_e = gamma * (dy / dx)
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[j + 1, i]] = -a_e
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[j - 1, i]] = -a_w

                a_p = a_n + a_s + a_w + a_e - s_p  # updates coefficient at point p (i.e. the investigated node)
                matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[
                    j, i]] = a_p  # sets node value at i,j equal to ap

        # updates x position of node within control volume
        for i in range(x_nodes):
            if i == 0:
                    i] = dx / 2  # initial node position within control volume
                x_index[i] = x_index[
                    i -
                    1] + dx  # add dx to the last node to get next node position
        # updates y position of node within control volume
        for j in range(y_nodes):
            if j == 0:
                    j] = dy / 2  # initial y node position within control volume
                y_index[j] = y_index[
                    j -
                    1] + dy  # add dy to last node to get next node position

    elif inflation == "yes":

        inflate_x = np.zeros(
            x_nodes + 1)  # initialize new array for inflated x spacing values
        inflate_y = np.zeros(
            y_nodes + 1)  # initialize new array for inflated y spacing values
        xmap = 0  # initial position of first node in x
        ymap = 0  # initial position of first node in y

        for i in range(x_nodes + 1):
            if i == 0:
                inflate_x[i] = ((1 - inflation_factor) /
                                (1 - inflation_factor**
                                 (x_nodes / 2))) * CV_l / 2  # first node
                if xmap <= CV_l / 2:
                    inflate_x[i] = inflation_factor * inflate_x[
                        i -
                        1]  # inflate x according to above if before halfway pt
                    inflate_x[i] = inflate_x[
                        i -
                        1] / inflation_factor  # deflate x after halfway point
            xmap += inflate_x[i]

        inflate_x = (
            1 / xmap) * inflate_x  # re scales domain according to new spacing

        for i in range(y_nodes + 1):
            if i == 0:
                inflate_y[i] = ((1 - inflation_factor) /
                                (1 - inflation_factor**
                                 (y_nodes / 2))) * CV_h / 2  # first y node
                if ymap <= CV_h / 2:
                    inflate_y[i] = inflation_factor * inflate_y[
                        i - 1]  # inflates y node up until halfway point
                    inflate_y[i] = inflate_y[
                        i -
                        1] / inflation_factor  # deflates y node after halfway
            ymap += inflate_y[i]

        inflate_y = (1 / ymap) * inflate_y  # rescales domain in y direction

        # same process as no inflation except now we are using inflated x,y and not dx,dy
        for i in range(y_nodes):
            for j in range(x_nodes):
                if i == 0:
                    a_n = gamma * (inflate_x[j] / inflate_y[i + 1])
                    a_s = 0
                    s_p = 0
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[j, i + 1]] = -a_n
                    matrix_b[matrix_index[j, i]] = a_s
                elif i == y_nodes - 1:
                    a_n = 0
                    a_s = gamma * (inflate_x[j] / inflate_y[i])
                    s_p = -hf * inflate_x[j]
                    s_u = hf * phi_ext * inflate_x[j]
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[j, i - 1]] = -a_s
                    matrix_b[matrix_index[j, i]] = a_n + s_u
                    a_n = gamma * (inflate_x[j] / inflate_y[i + 1])
                    a_s = gamma * (inflate_x[j] / inflate_y[i])
                    s_p = 0
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[j, i + 1]] = -a_n
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[j, i - 1]] = -a_s

                if j == 0:
                    a_w = gamma * (inflate_y[i] / inflate_x[j])
                    a_e = gamma * (inflate_y[i] / inflate_x[j + 1])
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[j + 1, i]] = -a_e
                    matrix_b[matrix_index[j, i]] = a_w * phi_x0
                elif j == x_nodes - 1:
                    a_w = gamma * (inflate_y[i] / inflate_x[j])
                    a_e = gamma * (inflate_y[i] / inflate_x[j + 1])
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[j - 1, i]] = -a_w
                    matrix_b[matrix_index[j, i]] = a_e * phi_xl
                    a_w = gamma * (inflate_y[i] / inflate_x[j])
                    a_e = gamma * (inflate_y[i] / inflate_x[j + 1])
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[j + 1, i]] = -a_e
                    matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[j - 1, i]] = -a_w

                a_p = a_n + a_s + a_w + a_e - s_p
                matrix_a[matrix_index[j, i], matrix_index[j, i]] = a_p

        # updates x with inflated nodes
        for i in range(x_nodes):
            if i == 0:
                x_index[i] = inflate_x[i]
                x_index[i] = x_index[i - 1] + inflate_x[i]

        # updates y with inflated nodes
        for i in range(y_nodes):
            if i == 0:
                y_index[i] = inflate_y[i]
                y_index[i] = y_index[i - 1] + inflate_y[i]

        print("this is not a valid entry, please enter 'yes' or 'no'")

    # solves sparse matrices a and b
    phi_p = sparlin.spsolve(sp.csc_matrix(matrix_a), matrix_b)
    # reshape the solved matrix to match node position within the control volume
    phi_p = phi_p.reshape(x_nodes, y_nodes)

    # sets grid spacing for plots according to wether or not there is inflation
    if inflation == "no":
        x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, CV_l, x_nodes),
                           np.linspace(0, CV_h, y_nodes))
        x, y = np.meshgrid(x_index, y_index)

    return phi_p, x_index, y_index, x, y
def ScalarField_InitialData(outputname,

    if CoordSystem == "Spherical":
        r = np.linspace(0, rmax, NR + 1)  # Set the r array
        dr = np.zeros(NR)
        for i in range(NR):
            dr[i] = r[1] - r[0]
        r = np.delete(
            r - dr[0] / 2,
            0)  # Shift the vector by -dr/2 and remove the negative entry
    elif CoordSystem == "SinhSpherical":
        if sinhA is None or sinhW is None:
                "Error: SinhSpherical coordinates require initialization of both sinhA and sinhW"
            x = np.linspace(0, 1.0, NR + 1)
            dx = 1.0 / (NR + 1)
            x = np.delete(
                x - dx / 2,
                0)  # Shift the vector by -dx/2 and remove the negative entry
            r = sinhA * np.sinh(x / sinhW) / np.sinh(1.0 / sinhW)
            dr = sinhA * np.cosh(x / sinhW) / np.sinh(1.0 / sinhW) * dx
        print("Error: Unknown coordinate system")

    # Set the step size squared
    dr2 = dr**2

    # Let's begin by setting the parameters involved in the initial data
    phi0, rr, rr0, sigma = sp.symbols("phi0 rr rr0 sigma", real=True)

    # Now set the initial profile of the scalar field
    if ID_Family == "Gaussian_pulse":
        phiID = phi0 * sp.exp(-rr**2 / sigma**2)
    elif ID_Family == "Gaussian_pulsev2":
        phiID = phi0 * rr**3 * sp.exp(-(rr - rr0)**2 / sigma**2)
    elif ID_Family == "Tanh_pulse":
        phiID = phi0 * (1 - sp.tanh((rr - rr0)**2 / sigma**2))
        print("Unkown initial data family: ", ID_Family)
            "Available options are: Gaussian_pulse, Gaussian_pulsev2, and Tanh_pulse"

    # Now compute Phi := \partial_{r}phi
    PhiID = sp.diff(phiID, rr)

    # Now set numpy functions for phi and Phi
    phi = sp.lambdify((phi0, rr, rr0, sigma), phiID)
    Phi = sp.lambdify((phi0, rr, rr0, sigma), PhiID)

    # ## Part A.1c: populating the varphi(0,r) array
    phi0 = pulse_amplitude
    r0 = pulse_center
    sigma = pulse_width
    ID_sf = phi(phi0, r, r0, sigma)

    # Set the main diagonal
    main_diag = np.pi * dr2 * Phi(phi0, r, r0, sigma)**2 - 2

    # Update the first element of the main diagonal
    main_diag[0] += 1 - dr[0] / r[0]

    # Update the last element of the main diagonal
    main_diag[NR -
              1] += -(2 * dr[NR - 1] / r[NR - 1]) * (1 +
                                                     dr[NR - 1] / r[NR - 1])

    # Set the upper diagonal, ignoring the last point in the r array
    upper_diag = np.zeros(NR)
    upper_diag[1:] = 1 + dr[:-1] / r[:-1]

    # Set the lower diagonal, start counting the r array at the second element
    lower_diag = np.zeros(NR)
    lower_diag[:-1] = 1 - dr[1:] / r[1:]

    # Change the last term in the lower diagonal to its correct value
    lower_diag[NR - 2] = 2

    # Set the sparse matrix A by adding up the three diagonals
    # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.sparse.spdiags.html
    A = spdiags([main_diag, upper_diag, lower_diag], [0, 1, -1], NR, NR)

    # Then compress the sparse matrix A column wise, so that SciPy can invert it later
    # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.sparse.csc_matrix.html
    A = csc_matrix(A)

    # Set up the right-hand side of the linear system: s
    s = np.zeros(NR)

    # Update the last entry of the vector s
    s[NR - 1] = -(2 * dr[NR - 1] / r[NR - 1]) * (1 + dr[NR - 1] / r[NR - 1])

    # Compress the vector s column-wise
    # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.sparse.csc_matrix.html
    s = csc_matrix(s)

    # Solve the sparse linear system using scipy
    # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve.html
    psi = spsolve(A, s.T)

    if lapse_condition == "Pre-collapsed":
        ID_alpha = psi**(-2)

        if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
                       list(zip(r, ID_sf, psi**4, ID_alpha)),

        elif sys.version_info[0] == 2:
                       zip(r, ID_sf, psi**4, ID_alpha),

    elif lapse_condition == "Unity":
        ID_alpha = np.ones(NR)

        if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
                       list(zip(r, ID_sf, psi**4, ID_alpha)),

        elif sys.version_info[0] == 2:
                       zip(r, ID_sf, psi**4, ID_alpha),

            "Error: unknown lapse condition. Available options are: \"Pre-collapsed\" and \"Unity\""

    print("Generated the ADM initial data for the gravitational collapse \n" \
          "of a massless scalar field in %s coordinates.\n"%CoordSystem)
    print("Type of initial condition: Scalar field: \"Gaussian\" Shell\n"\
          "                         ADM quantities: Time-symmetric\n"\
          "                        Lapse condition: "+lapse_condition)
    print("Parameters: amplitude         = "+str(phi0)+",\n" \
          "            center            = "+str(r0)+",\n"   \
          "            width             = "+str(sigma)+",\n"   \
          "            domain size       = "+str(rmax)+",\n"   \
          "            number of points  = "+str(NR)+",\n"
          "            Initial data file = "+str(outputname)+".\n")

    with open(os.path.join(Ccodesdir, "ID_scalar_field_ADM_quantities.h"),
              "w") as file:
// This function takes as input either (x,y,z) or (r,th,ph) and outputs
//   all ADM quantities in the Cartesian or Spherical basis, respectively.
void ID_scalar_field_ADM_quantities(
                     const REAL xyz_or_rthph[3],

                     const ID_inputs other_inputs,

                     REAL *gammaDD00,REAL *gammaDD01,REAL *gammaDD02,REAL *gammaDD11,REAL *gammaDD12,REAL *gammaDD22,
                     REAL *KDD00,REAL *KDD01,REAL *KDD02,REAL *KDD11,REAL *KDD12,REAL *KDD22,
                     REAL *alpha,
                     REAL *betaU0,REAL *betaU1,REAL *betaU2,
                     REAL *BU0,REAL *BU1,REAL *BU2) {

      const REAL r  = xyz_or_rthph[0];
      const REAL th = xyz_or_rthph[1];
      const REAL ph = xyz_or_rthph[2];

      REAL sf_star,psi4_star,alpha_star;


      // Update alpha
      *alpha = alpha_star;
      // gamma_{rr} = psi^4
      *gammaDD00 = psi4_star;
      // gamma_{thth} = psi^4 r^2
      *gammaDD11 = psi4_star*r*r;
      // gamma_{phph} = psi^4 r^2 sin^2(th)
      *gammaDD22 = psi4_star*r*r*sin(th)*sin(th);

      // All other quantities ARE ZERO:
      *gammaDD01 = 0.0; *gammaDD02 = 0.0;
      /**/              *gammaDD12 = 0.0;

      *KDD00 = 0.0; *KDD01 = 0.0; *KDD02 = 0.0;
      /**/          *KDD11 = 0.0; *KDD12 = 0.0;
      /**/                        *KDD22 = 0.0;

      *betaU0 = 0.0; *betaU1 = 0.0; *betaU2 = 0.0;

      *BU0 = 0.0; *BU1 = 0.0; *BU2 = 0.0;

    print("Wrote to file " +
          os.path.join(Ccodesdir, "ID_scalar_field_ADM_quantities.h"))

    with open(os.path.join(Ccodesdir, "ID_scalar_field_spherical.h"),
              "w") as file:
    void ID_scalarfield_spherical(
                     const REAL xyz_or_rthph[3],
                     const ID_inputs other_inputs,
                     REAL *sf, REAL *sfM) {

      const REAL r  = xyz_or_rthph[0];
      const REAL th = xyz_or_rthph[1];
      const REAL ph = xyz_or_rthph[2];

      REAL sf_star,psi4_star,alpha_star;


      // Update varphi
      *sf  = sf_star;
      // Update Pi
      *sfM = 0;


    print("Wrote to file " +
          os.path.join(Ccodesdir, "ID_scalar_field_spherical.h"))

    # Make sure that rfm.reference_metric() has been called.
    #    We'll need the variables it defines throughout this module.

    CoordType_in = "Spherical"
    pointer_to_ID_inputs = False

    sf, sfM = sp.symbols("sfSphorCart sfMSphorCart")

    r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_oID_xx = []
    if CoordType_in == "Spherical":
        r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_oID_xx = rfm.xxSph
            "Error: Can only convert scalar field Spherical initial data to BSSN Curvilinear coords."

    with open(
            "w") as file:
            "void ID_scalarfield_xx0xx1xx2_to_BSSN_xx0xx1xx2(const paramstruct *restrict params,const REAL xx0xx1xx2[3],"
        if pointer_to_ID_inputs == True:
            file.write("ID_inputs *other_inputs,")
            file.write("ID_inputs other_inputs,")
                    REAL *restrict sf, REAL *restrict sfM ) {
#include \"set_Cparameters.h\"

      REAL sfSphorCart,sfMSphorCart;
      const REAL xx0 = xx0xx1xx2[0];
      const REAL xx1 = xx0xx1xx2[1];
      const REAL xx2 = xx0xx1xx2[2];
      REAL xyz_or_rthph[3];\n""")
    outCparams = "preindent=1,outCfileaccess=a,outCverbose=False,includebraces=False"
        ["xyz_or_rthph[0]", "xyz_or_rthph[1]", "xyz_or_rthph[2]"],
        outCparams + ",CSE_enable=False")

    with open(
            "a") as file:
        file.write("""ID_scalarfield_spherical(xyz_or_rthph, other_inputs,
                      &sfSphorCart, &sfMSphorCart);
        // Next compute all rescaled BSSN curvilinear quantities:\n""")
    outCparams = "preindent=1,outCfileaccess=a,outCverbose=False,includebraces=False"
    outputC([sf, sfM], ["*sf", "*sfM"],

    with open(
            "a") as file:

    # Driver
    with open(os.path.join(Ccodesdir, "ID_scalarfield.h"), "w") as file:
            """void ID_scalarfield(const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *restrict xx[3],
                                          ID_inputs other_inputs,REAL *restrict in_gfs) {
#include \"set_Cparameters.h\"\n""")
            lp.loop(["i2", "i1", "i0"], ["0", "0", "0"], [
                "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS2", "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS1",
            ], ["1", "1", "1"], [
                "#pragma omp parallel for", "    const REAL xx2 = xx[2][i2];",
                "        const REAL xx1 = xx[1][i1];"
            ], "", """const REAL xx0 = xx[0][i0];
const int idx = IDX3S(i0,i1,i2);
const REAL xx0xx1xx2[3] = {xx0,xx1,xx2};
Example #55
    def colorize(self, imgpath, mark):
        original = np.array(Image.open(imgpath).resize((400, 400)))
        neworiginal = np.zeros((original.shape[0], original.shape[1], 3))
        if len(original.shape) == 2:  #单通道灰度图
            neworiginal[:, :, 0] = original
            neworiginal[:, :, 1] = original
            neworiginal[:, :, 2] = original
            original = neworiginal.astype(np.uint8)
        marked = np.array(mark)
        isColored = ((marked[:, :, 0] > 20) | (marked[:, :, 1] > 20) |
                     (marked[:, :, 2] > 20))
        yuv_origin = self._rgb2yuv(original)
        yuv_mark = self._rgb2yuv(marked)
        #isColored = abs(original - marked).sum(2) > 2.55 # isColored as colorIm
        YUV = np.zeros((original.shape))
        YUV[:, :, 0] = yuv_origin[:, :, 0]
        YUV[:, :, 1] = yuv_mark[:, :, 1]
        YUV[:, :, 2] = yuv_mark[:, :, 2]
        h, w, _ = YUV.shape
        image_size = h * w

        order = np.arange(image_size).reshape(h, w, order='F').copy()
        around_num = 9
        max_matrix_len = image_size * around_num
        row_inds = np.zeros(max_matrix_len, dtype=np.int64)
        col_inds = np.zeros(max_matrix_len, dtype=np.int64)
        vals = np.zeros(max_matrix_len)

        inds_length = 0  # 稀疏索引长度
        pixel_where = 0  # 像素所在位置
        for j in range(w):
            self.progress = 100 * j / w if 100 * j / w < 95 else 95
            for i in range(h):
                if (not isColored[i, j]):
                    window_index = 0
                    window_vals = np.zeros(around_num)

                    for ii in range(max(0, i - 1), min(i + 2, h)):
                        for jj in range(max(0, j - 1), min(j + 2, w)):
                            if (ii != i or jj != j):
                                row_inds[inds_length] = pixel_where
                                col_inds[inds_length] = order[ii, jj]
                                window_vals[window_index] = YUV[ii, jj, 0]
                                inds_length += 1
                                window_index += 1

                    center = YUV[i, j, 0].copy()  # t_val as center
                    window_vals[window_index] = center

                    variance = np.var(window_vals[0:window_index + 1])
                    sigma = variance * 0.6

                    mgv = min((window_vals[0:window_index + 1] - center)**2)
                    if (sigma < (-mgv / np.log(0.01))):
                        sigma = -mgv / np.log(0.01)
                    if (sigma < 0.000002):
                        sigma = 0.000002

                    window_vals[0:window_index] = np.exp(
                        -((window_vals[0:window_index] - center)**2) / (sigma))
                    window_vals[0:window_index] = window_vals[
                        0:window_index] / np.sum(window_vals[0:window_index])
                    vals[inds_length - window_index:
                         inds_length] = -window_vals[0:window_index]

                row_inds[inds_length] = pixel_where
                col_inds[inds_length] = order[i, j]
                vals[inds_length] = 1
                inds_length += 1
                pixel_where += 1
        vals = vals[0:inds_length]
        col_inds = col_inds[0:inds_length]
        row_inds = row_inds[0:inds_length]
        A = sparse.csr_matrix((vals, (row_inds, col_inds)),
                              (pixel_where, image_size))
        b = np.zeros((A.shape[0]))

        colorized = np.zeros(YUV.shape)
        colorized[:, :, 0] = YUV[:, :, 0]

        color_copy_for_nonzero = isColored.reshape(image_size,
        colored_inds = np.nonzero(color_copy_for_nonzero)
        for t in [1, 2]:
            curIm = YUV[:, :, t].reshape(image_size, order='F').copy()
            b[colored_inds] = curIm[colored_inds]
            new_vals = linalg.spsolve(A, b)
            colorized[:, :, t] = new_vals.reshape(h, w, order='F')
        self.progress = 100
        return Image.fromarray(self._yuv2rgb(colorized.astype(np.uint8)))
Example #56
def implicit_weighted_ALS(training_set, lambda_val = 0.1, alpha = 40, iterations = 10, rank_size = 20, seed = 0):
    Implicit weighted ALS taken from Hu, Koren, and Volinsky 2008. Designed for alternating least squares and implicit
    feedback based collaborative filtering. 
    training_set - Our matrix of ratings with shape m x n, where m is the number of users and n is the number of items.
    Should be a sparse csr matrix to save space. 
    lambda_val - Used for regularization during alternating least squares. Increasing this value may increase bias
    but decrease variance. Default is 0.1. 
    alpha - The parameter associated with the confidence matrix discussed in the paper, where Cui = 1 + alpha*Rui. 
    The paper found a default of 40 most effective. Decreasing this will decrease the variability in confidence between
    various ratings.
    iterations - The number of times to alternate between both user feature vector and item feature vector in
    alternating least squares. More iterations will allow better convergence at the cost of increased computation. 
    The authors found 10 iterations was sufficient, but more may be required to converge. 
    rank_size - The number of latent features in the user/item feature vectors. The paper recommends varying this 
    between 20-200. Increasing the number of features may overfit but could reduce bias. 
    seed - Set the seed for reproducible results
    The feature vectors for users and items. The dot product of these feature vectors should give you the expected 
    "rating" at each point in your original matrix. 
    # first set up our confidence matrix
    conf = (alpha*training_set) # To allow the matrix to stay sparse, I will add one later when each row is taken 
                                # and converted to dense. 
    num_user = conf.shape[0]
    num_item = conf.shape[1] # Get the size of our original ratings matrix, m x n
    # initialize our X/Y feature vectors randomly with a set seed
    rstate = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    X = sparse.csr_matrix(rstate.normal(size = (num_user, rank_size))) # Random numbers in a m x rank shape
    Y = sparse.csr_matrix(rstate.normal(size = (num_item, rank_size))) # Normally this would be rank x n but we can 
                                                                 # transpose at the end. Makes calculation more simple.
    X_eye = sparse.eye(num_user)
    Y_eye = sparse.eye(num_item)
    lambda_eye = lambda_val * sparse.eye(rank_size) # Our regularization term lambda*I. 
    # We can compute this before iteration starts. 
    # Begin iterations
    for iter_step in tqdm(range(iterations)): # Iterate back and forth between solving X given fixed Y and vice versa
        # Compute yTy and xTx at beginning of each iteration to save computing time
        yTy = Y.T.dot(Y)
        xTx = X.T.dot(X)
        # Being iteration to solve for X based on fixed Y
        for u in range(num_user):
            conf_samp = conf[u,:].toarray() # Grab user row from confidence matrix and convert to dense
            pref = conf_samp.copy() 
            pref[pref != 0] = 1 # Create binarized preference vector 
            CuI = sparse.diags(conf_samp, [0]) # Get Cu - I term, don't need to subtract 1 since we never added it 
            yTCuIY = Y.T.dot(CuI).dot(Y) # This is the yT(Cu-I)Y term 
            yTCupu = Y.T.dot(CuI + Y_eye).dot(pref.T) # This is the yTCuPu term, where we add the eye back in
                                                      # Cu - I + I = Cu
            X[u] = spsolve(yTy + yTCuIY + lambda_eye, yTCupu) 
            # Solve for Xu = ((yTy + yT(Cu-I)Y + lambda*I)^-1)yTCuPu, equation 4 from the paper  
        # Begin iteration to solve for Y based on fixed X 
        for i in range(num_item):
            conf_samp = conf[:,i].T.toarray() # transpose to get it in row format and convert to dense
            pref = conf_samp.copy()
            pref[pref != 0] = 1 # Create binarized preference vector
            CiI = sparse.diags(conf_samp, [0]) # Get Ci - I term, don't need to subtract 1 since we never added it
            xTCiIX = X.T.dot(CiI).dot(X) # This is the xT(Cu-I)X term
            xTCiPi = X.T.dot(CiI + X_eye).dot(pref.T) # This is the xTCiPi term
            Y[i] = spsolve(xTx + xTCiIX + lambda_eye, xTCiPi)
            # Solve for Yi = ((xTx + xT(Cu-I)X) + lambda*I)^-1)xTCiPi, equation 5 from the paper
    # End iterations
    return X, Y.T # Transpose at the end to make up for not being transposed at the beginning. 
def solve_Nullspace(A12, A21, A10, A13, h0, eta, n_exp, qk, hk, d, NP, nulldata, auxdata, headloss):
    '''Based on the work of Edo Abraham, Imperial College London, 2014'''
    if headloss == 'D-W':
        Viscos = DW_water_constants()
        pD = auxdata['D']  # Pipe Diameters
        pR = auxdata['C']  # Pipe Roughness
        pL = auxdata['L']  # Pipe Length
    ResCoeff = auxdata['ResCoeff']
    CL = auxdata['closed_pipes']
    if len(CL) > 0:
        CLmask = np.ones(NP, dtype=bool)
        CLmask[CL] = False
        A12 = A12[CLmask, :]
        A21 = A12.T
        A10 = A10[CLmask, :]
        NP = NP - len(CL)
        A13 = A13[CLmask, :]
        ResCoeff = ResCoeff[CLmask, :]
        qk = qk[CLmask, :]
        if headloss == 'D-W':
            pD = pD[CLmask, :]
            pR = pR[CLmask, :]
            pL = pL[CLmask, :]

    x = nulldata['x']
    Z = nulldata['Z']
    P_r = nulldata['Pr']
    L_A12 = nulldata['L_A12']

    CONDS = 1
    ERRORS = 1

    max_iter = auxdata['max_iter']
    tol = auxdata['tol_err']
    kappa = auxdata['kappa']

    Method = 'standard'
    if A13.shape[1] == 0:
        eta = np.zeros((1, 1))
        A13 = sp.csc_matrix((NP, 1))
    elif len(eta) == 0 and 'TargetNodes' in auxdata:
        Method = 'fix_headTarget'
        TargetNodes = auxdata['TargetNodes']
        h_target = auxdata['h_target']
        valves = auxdata['valves']
        eta = np.zeros((len(TargetNodes), 1))

    # calculate G (and constants for D-W)
    if headloss == 'D-W':
        cc, ResCoeff_LAMIflow, K = DW_constants(Viscos, pL, pD)

        ResCoeff = np.zeros((NP, 1))
        G = np.zeros((NP, 1))
        Fdiag = np.ones((NP, 1))

        alpha, beta = DW_cubic_spline(pR, pD)  # cubic interpolating spline
        G, Fdiag = DW_flow(pD, pR, Viscos, cc, qk, alpha, beta, ResCoeff_LAMIflow, K, G, Fdiag)
    elif headloss == 'H-W':
        G = ResCoeff[:, np.newaxis] * abs(qk) ** (n_exp - 1)

    # calculate initial error
    err1 = np.linalg.norm(
        np.vstack((G * qk + A12 @ hk + A10 @ h0 + A13 @ eta, A21 @ qk - d)), ord=np.inf)

    nc = Z.shape[1]

    # nnz_ZZ = (Z.T @ sp.eye(NP) @ Z).count_nonzero()
    ZT = Z.T

    # Fdiag_old = sp.csc_matrix((NP, 1))
    # X = sp.csc_matrix((nc, nc))

    updates = np.arange(NP)
    n_upd = len(updates)

    for kk in range(max_iter):
        if headloss == 'H-W':
            Fdiag = n_exp * G
        sigma_max = np.max(Fdiag)
        t_k = np.maximum((sigma_max / kappa) - Fdiag, 0)
        Fdiag = Fdiag + t_k

        X = ZT @ sp.spdiags(Fdiag.T, [0], n_upd, n_upd) @ Z

        b = ZT @ ((Fdiag - G) * qk - A10 @ h0 - A13 @ eta - Fdiag * x[:, np.newaxis])

        v = spla.spsolve(X, b)

        q = x[:, np.newaxis] + Z @ v[:, np.newaxis]

        b = A21 @ ((Fdiag - G) * qk - A10 @ h0 - A13 @ eta - Fdiag * q)
        y = spla.spsolve(L_A12, P_r @ b)
        h = P_r.T * spla.spsolve(L_A12.T, y)

        if headloss == 'D-W':
            G, Fdiag = DW_flow(pD, pR, Viscos, cc, q, alpha, beta, ResCoeff_LAMIflow, K, G, Fdiag)
        elif headloss == 'H-W':
            G[updates] = ResCoeff[updates, np.newaxis] * abs(q[updates]) ** (n_exp - 1)

        if Method == 'fix_headTarget':
            h_ideal = h
            h_ideal[TargetNodes] = h_target
            if headloss == 'H-W':
                eta = -A12[valves, :] @ h_ideal - A10[valves, :] @ h0 - q[valves] * ResCoeff[valves, :] * abs(
                    q[valves]) ** (n_exp - 1)
            elif headloss == 'D-W':
                eta = -A12[valves, :] @ h_ideal - A10[valves, :] @ h0 - G[valves] * q[valves]

        err1 = np.linalg.norm(np.vstack(
            (G * q + A12 @ h[:, np.newaxis] + A10 @ h0 + A13 @ eta, A21 @ q - d)),ord=np.inf)

        ERRORS = err1

        if err1 < tol:
            qk = q

    if len(CL) > 0:
        qorig = np.zeros((len(CL) + NP, 1))
        s = set(CL)
        qorig[[x for x in np.arange(len(CL) + NP) if x not in s]] = q
        q = qorig

    check = int(ERRORS > tol)

    return q.flatten(), h, err1, kk, CONDS, check
Example #58
        print 'Solving with:', ksp.getType()

        # Solve!
        ksp.solve(bb, x)
        SolTime[xx - 1] = toc()
        print "time to solve: ", SolTime[xx - 1]
        del AA, As

    if (Solving == 'Iterative'):

        if (UseExactSchur == 'yes'):
            Aschur = As[0:Vdim[xx - 1][0], 0:Vdim[xx - 1][0]]
            Bschur = As[Vdim[xx - 1][0]:, 0:Vdim[xx - 1][0]]
            Btschur = As[0:Vdim[xx - 1][0], Vdim[xx - 1][0]:]
            AinvB = slinalg.spsolve(Aschur, Btschur)
            schur = Bschur * AinvB
            PP = sps.block_diag((Aschur, schur))
            PP = PP.tocsr()
            P = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=PP.shape,
                                      csr=(PP.indptr, PP.indices, PP.data))

        ksp = PETSc.KSP().create()
        pc = PETSc.PC().create()
        print 'Solving with:', ksp.setType('minres')
        # ksp.setPCSide(2)

        pc = ksp.getPC()
Example #59
def topop_numpy(nelx,
    """Topology optimisation in 2D.

    nelx : int
        Number of elements in x.
    nely : int
        Number of elements in y.
    loads : dict
        {'i-j': [Px, Py]}.
    supports : dict
        {'i-j': [Bx, By]} 1=fixed, 0=free.
    volfrac : float
        Volume fraction.
    penal : float
        Penalisation power.
    rmin : float
        Filter radius.

        Density array.


    if callback and not callable(callback):
        raise Exception("The provided callback is not callable.")

    nx = nelx + 1
    ny = nely + 1
    nn = nx * ny
    ne = nelx * nely
    ndof = 2 * nn
    dv = ones((nely, nelx))

    # Finite element analysis

    v = 0.3
    E = 1.
    Emin = 10**(-10)

    A11 = array([[12, +3, -6, -3], [+3, 12, +3, +0], [-6, +3, 12, -3],
                 [-3, +0, -3, 12]])
    A12 = array([[-6, -3, +0, +3], [-3, -6, -3, -6], [+0, -3, -6, +3],
                 [+3, -6, +3, -6]])
    B11 = array([[-4, +3, -2, +9], [+3, -4, -9, +4], [-2, -9, -4, -3],
                 [+9, +4, -3, -4]])
    B12 = array([[+2, -3, +4, -9], [-3, +2, +9, -2], [+4, +9, +2, +3],
                 [-9, -2, +3, +2]])
    A21 = A12.transpose()
    B21 = B12.transpose()
    A = vstack([hstack([A11, A12]), hstack([A21, A11])])
    B = vstack([hstack([B11, B12]), hstack([B21, B11])])

    Ke = 1 / (1 - v**2) / 24 * (A + v * B)
    Ker = ravel(Ke, order='F')[:, newaxis]
    nodes = reshape(range(1, nn + 1), (ny, nx), order='F')
    eVec = tile(reshape(2 * nodes[:-1, :-1], (ne, 1), order='F'), (1, 8))
    edof = eVec + tile(
            [array([0, 1]), 2 * nely + array([2, 3, 0, 1]),
             array([-2, -1])]), (ne, 1))
    iK = reshape(kron(edof, ones((8, 1))).transpose(), (64 * ne), order='F')
    jK = reshape(kron(edof, ones((1, 8))).transpose(), (64 * ne), order='F')

    # Supports

    U = zeros((ndof, 1))
    fixed = []

    for support, B in supports.items():

        jb, ib = [int(i) for i in support.split('-')]
        Bx, By = B
        node = int(jb * ny + ib)

        if Bx:
            fixed.append(2 * node)
        if By:
            fixed.append(2 * node + 1)

    free = list(set(range(ndof)) - set(fixed))

    # Loads

    data = []
    rows = []
    cols = []

    for load, P in loads.items():

        jp, ip = [int(i) for i in load.split('-')]
        Px, Py = P
        node = int(jp * ny + ip)

        data.extend([Px, Py])
        rows.extend([2 * node, 2 * node + 1])
        cols.extend([0, 0])

    F = coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(ndof, 1))
    Find = F.tocsr()[free]

    # Filter

    iH = zeros(ne * (2 * (int(ceil(rmin)) - 1) + 1)**2, dtype=int64)
    jH = zeros(iH.shape, dtype=int64)
    sH = zeros(iH.shape)
    k = 0

    for i1 in range(nelx):

        max_i = int(max([i1 - (ceil(rmin) - 1), 0]))
        min_i = int(min([i1 + (ceil(rmin) - 1), nelx - 1]))

        for j1 in range(nely):

            max_j = int(max([j1 - (ceil(rmin) - 1), 0]))
            min_j = int(min([j1 + (ceil(rmin) - 1), nely - 1]))

            e1 = i1 * nely + j1

            for i2 in range(max_i, min_i + 1):
                for j2 in range(max_j, min_j + 1):
                    k += 1
                    e2 = i2 * nely + j2
                    iH[k] = e1
                    jH[k] = e2
                    sH[k] = max([0, rmin - sqrt((i1 - i2)**2 + (j1 - j2)**2)])

    H = coo_matrix((sH, (iH, jH)))
    Hs = sum(H.toarray(), 1)

    # Main loop

    iteration = 0
    change = 1
    move = 0.2

    x = tile(volfrac, (nely, nelx))
    xP = x * 1.
    nones = ones((ne)) * 0.001

    while change > 0.1:

        # FE

        xrav = ravel(xP, order='F').transpose()
        sK = reshape(Ker * (Emin + xrav**penal * (E - Emin)), (64 * ne),
        K = coo_matrix(
            (sK, (asarray(iK, dtype=int64), asarray(jK,
        Kind = (K.tocsc()[:, free]).tocsr()[free, :]
        U[free] = spsolve(Kind, Find)[:, newaxis]

        # Objective function

        ce = reshape(sum(dot(squeeze(U[edof]), Ke) * squeeze(U[edof]), 1),
                     (nely, nelx),
        c = sum(sum((Emin + xP**penal * (E - Emin)) * ce))
        dc = -penal * (E - Emin) * xP**(penal - 1) * ce
        xdc = squeeze(H.dot(ravel(x * dc, order='F')[:, newaxis]))
        dc = reshape(xdc / Hs / maximum(nones, ravel(x, order='F')),
                     (nely, nelx),

        # Lagrange mulipliers

        l1 = 0
        l2 = 10**9

        while (l2 - l1) / (l1 + l2) > 0.001:

            lmid = 0.5 * (l2 + l1)
            sdv = sqrt(-dc / dv / lmid)
            min1 = minimum(x + move, x * sdv)
            xn = maximum(0, maximum(x - move, minimum(1, min1)))
            xP = xn * 1.

            if sum(xP) > volfrac * ne:
                l1 = lmid
                l2 = lmid

        change = max(abs(xn - x))

        # Update

        x = xn * 1.
        iteration += 1

        print('Iteration: {0}  Compliance: {1:.4g}'.format(iteration, c))

        if callback:

    return x
Example #60
def run_varsat(L, T, dz, dts, h_init, bc, q, soil_carac, PICmax = 500, CRIT_CONV = 1e-3):
    # L : column length
    # T : simulation duration
    # dz : vertical discretization
    # dts : time step, which may be constant or variable. In the latter case, we must have : np.cumsum(dts) = T
    # h_init : initial profile of pressure head, must be of size I = int(round(L/dz))
    # bc : dictionary of boundary conditions : e.g. {'top':['fixed_head',[h_top]*N],'bot':['fixed_head',[h_bot]*N]}
    #      allowed bc at the top : 'fixed_head','fixed_flow',
    #      allowed bc at the bottom : 'fixed_head','fixed_flow','free_drainage'
    # q : source term. May be constant homogeneous (scalar), constant (size I array), variable in space and time (size I*N array)
    # soil_carac : e.g. soil_carac = {'Ksat':1e-4, 'Ss':0, 'eta':0.368, 'theta_r' : 0.102, 'theta_s' : 0.368, 'n':2, 'alpha':3.35}
    # PICmax : maximum number of Picard iteration
    # CRIT_CONV : convergence criteria.
    # -- model initialization
    # init vars
    if hasattr(dts,"__len__") == False:
	dts  = np.array( [dts] * int(round(T/dts)) )
    t = np.cumsum(dts) # time array
    N = len(dts) # number of time steps
    I = int(round(L/dz)) # number of cells
    z = np.linspace(0,L,I) # z coordinates of nodes
    # check h_init
    if len(h_init) != I:
	print('ERROR: check dimension of h_init')
    #  check q (not fully implemented)
    if hasattr(q,"__len__") == False: #  constant and homogeneous q
	q  = np.array( [ [q] * N] * I  )
    elif np.array(q).shape == (I,) :  # transient homogeneous q
	q = np.transpose(np.array(  [list(q)]*N ) ) 
    # -- check input data
    # check bc : 
    if bc['top'][0] not in ['fixed_head','fixed_flow','free_drainage'] :
	print('ERROR: check top boundary condition')
    if bc['bot'][0] not in ['fixed_head','fixed_flow','free_drainage'] :
	print('ERROR: check bottom boundary condition')
    # -- run initization
    # initialize output matrices
    # Store initial condition
    S[:,0]= np.transpose(np.mat(h_init))
    h = h0 = h_init 
    h_list = []
    # iterate over time
    for n in range(1,N):
	dt = dts[n]
	theta0 = get_theta(h0,soil_carac)
	# Picard iteration 
	for m in range(PICmax):
	    M , B = build_system(h0, h, theta0 , bc, q, soil_carac, n)
	    # solver linear system
	    #h1 =np.linalg.solve(M, B)[:,0]
	    h1 = np.transpose(np.matrix(spsolve(csr_matrix(M),B)))
	    #h1 = np.transpose(np.matrix(cg(csr_matrix(M),B)[0]))
	    if np.max(h1-h) < CRIT_CONV:
		print('PIC iteration = '+ str(m))
		h = h1
	    h = h1
	h0 = h
	S[:,n] = np.mat(h)
	print('iteration ' + str(n) + ' terminated.')
    # return simulation results