def invert_qubits_state(state: coo_matrix, length: int) -> coo_matrix: new_idx = range(2**length) result = np.array(list( map(lambda i: aux.to_decimal(aux.decimal_to_binary(i, length)[::-1]), new_idx)), dtype=np.int64) return state.toarray().reshape((2**length), )[result]
def plot_binarized_vs_weighted_roi( weighted_mask: coo_matrix, binary_mask: coo_matrix, weighted_trace: np.ndarray, binary_trace: np.ndarray) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure: fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True) gs = fig.add_gridspec(nrows=3, ncols=6) # Plot ROIs binary_roi_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:-1, -3:]) weighted_roi_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:-1, :-3], sharex=binary_roi_ax, sharey=binary_roi_ax) weighted_roi_ax.set_xticks([]) weighted_roi_ax.set_yticks([]) weighted_roi_ax.set_title("Native Suite2P (weighted) ROI") weighted_roi_ax.imshow(weighted_mask.toarray()) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = weighted_roi_ax.axis() binary_roi_ax.set_xticks([]) binary_roi_ax.set_yticks([]) binary_roi_ax.set_title("Binarized Suite2P ROI") binary_roi_ax.imshow(binary_mask.toarray()) binary_roi_ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) binary_roi_ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) # Plot traces binary_trace_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1, -3:]) weighted_trace_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1, :-3], sharex=binary_trace_ax, sharey=binary_trace_ax) weighted_trace_ax.set_ylabel("Weighted F") weighted_trace_ax.set_xlabel("Frame Number") weighted_trace_ax.plot(range(len(weighted_trace)), weighted_trace, linewidth=0.5) binary_trace_ax.set_ylabel("Binarized F") binary_trace_ax.set_xlabel("Frame Number") binary_trace_ax.plot(range(len(binary_trace)), binary_trace, linewidth=0.25) return fig
def col_compress(matrix_in: coo_matrix, indices: bool = False) -> csr_matrix: matrix = np.sort(matrix_in.toarray(), axis=1) indices_out = [] for col_index in range(matrix.shape[1] - 1): if np.array_equal(matrix[:, col_index], matrix[:, col_index + 1]): indices_out.append(col_index) if indices: return indices_out return csr_matrix( matrix[:, list(set(range(matrix.shape[1])) - set(indices_out))], dtype=np.uint8)
def _hu_moments(roi: coo_matrix) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the 7 Hu moments for an ROI image. See # noqa for more information. Returns ------- 7-element, 1d np.array of Hu's image moments References ---------- M. K. Hu, “Visual Pattern Recognition by Moment Invariants”, IRE Trans. Info. Theory, vol. IT-8, pp. 179-187, 1962 """ roi_image = roi.toarray() mu = moments_central(roi_image) nu = moments_normalized(mu) return moments_hu(nu)
def stage_data( spots: pd.DataFrame, coo: coo_matrix) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Reads the spots and the label image that are passed in and calculates which cell (if any) encircles any given spot within its boundaries. It also retrieves the coordinates of the cell boundaries, the cell centroids and the cell area """' Number of spots passed-in: %d' % spots.shape[0])' Number of segmented cells: %d' % len(set( ' Segmentation array implies that image has width: %dpx and height: %dpx' % (coo.shape[1], coo.shape[0])) mask_x = (spots.x >= 0) & (spots.x <= coo.shape[1]) mask_y = (spots.y >= 0) & (spots.y <= coo.shape[0]) spots = spots[mask_x & mask_y] # Debugging code! # resuffle # spots = spots.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True) # _point = [5471-14, 110] #'label at (y, x): (%d, %d) is %d' % (_point[0], _point[1], coo.toarray()[_point[0], _point[1]])) # coo = remap_labels(coo) #'remapped label at (y, x): (%d, %d) is %d' % (_point[0], _point[1], coo.toarray()[_point[0], _point[1]])) # 1. Find which cell the spots lie within yx_coords = spots[['y', 'x']].values.T inc = inside_cell(coo.tocsr(), yx_coords) spots = spots.assign(label=inc) # 2. Get cell centroids and area props = skmeas.regionprops(coo.toarray().astype(np.int32)) props_df = pd.DataFrame(data=[ (d.label, d.area, d.centroid[1], d.centroid[0]) for d in props ], columns=['label', 'area', 'x_cell', 'y_cell']) # 3. Get the cell boundaries cell_boundaries = extract_borders_dip(coo.toarray().astype(np.uint32), 0, 0, [0]) assert props_df.shape[0] == cell_boundaries.shape[0] == assert set(spots.label[spots.label > 0]) <= set(props_df.label) cells = props_df.merge(cell_boundaries) cells.sort_values(by=['label', 'x_cell', 'y_cell']) assert cells.shape[0] == cell_boundaries.shape[0] == props_df.shape[0] # join spots and cells on the cell label so you can get the x,y coords of the cell for any given spot spots = spots.merge(cells, how='left', on=['label']) _cells = cells[['label', 'area', 'x_cell', 'y_cell']].rename(columns={ 'x_cell': 'x', 'y_cell': 'y' }) _cell_boundaries = cells[['label', 'coords']] _spots = spots[['x', 'y', 'label', 'Gene', 'x_cell', 'y_cell']].rename(columns={ 'Gene': 'target', 'x': 'x_global', 'y': 'y_global' }) return _cells, _cell_boundaries, _spots