Example #1
File: idw.py Project: tjtg/improver
def nearest_input_pts(
    in_latlons: ndarray, out_latlons: ndarray, k: int
) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]:
    Find k nearest source (input) points to each target (output)
    point, using a KDtree.

            Source grid points' latitude-longitudes (N x 2).
            Target grid points' latitude-longitudes (M x 2).
            Number of points surrounding each output point.

        - Distances from target grid point to source grid points (M x K).
        - Indexes of those source points (M x K).
    # Convert input latitude and longitude to XYZ coordinates, then create KDtree
    in_x, in_y, in_z = ecef_coords(in_latlons[:, 0].flat, in_latlons[:, 1].flat)
    in_coords = np.c_[in_x, in_y, in_z]
    in_kdtree = KDTree(in_coords)
    # Convert output to XYZ and query the KDtree for nearby input points
    out_x, out_y, out_z = ecef_coords(out_latlons[:, 0].flat, out_latlons[:, 1].flat)
    out_coords = np.c_[out_x, out_y, out_z]
    distances, indexes = in_kdtree.query(out_coords, k)
    # Avoid single dimension output for k=1 case
    if distances.ndim == 1:
        distances = np.expand_dims(distances, axis=1)
    if indexes.ndim == 1:
        indexes = np.expand_dims(indexes, axis=1)
    return distances, indexes
Example #2
class scan():
    def __init__(self, filepath):
        #start = time.time()
        self.name = filepath
        self.file = File(filepath, mode="r")
        #self.filesize = getsizeof(self.file)/8
        self.scale = self.file.header.scale[0]
        self.offset = self.file.header.offset[0]
        self.tree = KDTree(
            np.vstack([self.file.x, self.file.y, self.file.z]).transpose())
        #self.tree.size = getsizeof(self.tree)/8
        filename = splitext(basename(filepath))[0].replace("_", "")
        dateobj = [int(filename[i:i + 2]) for i in range(0, len(filename), 2)
                   ]  # year, month,day,hour,min,sec

        self.time = datetime.datetime(dateobj[0], dateobj[1], dateobj[2],
                                      dateobj[3], dateobj[4], dateobj[5], 0)
        #print("File Size: {}, KDTree Size: {}\n".format(self.filesize,self.treesize))
        self.file = None
        #end = time.time() - start
        #print("Time Elapsed: {} for {}".format(int(np.rint(end)),basename(self.name)))

    def NNN(self, point, k):
        return self.tree.data[self.tree.query(point, k=k)[1]]

    def radialcluster(self, point, radius):
        neighbor = self.tree.data[self.tree.query(point, k=1)[1]]
        points = self.tree.data[self.tree.query_ball_point(neighbor, radius)]
        return np.array(points)
Example #3
class Scan():
    def __init__(self, filepath, skipinterval=1, buildTree=True):

        self.filepath = filepath.filepath
        self.file = File(self.filepath, mode="r")
        self.scale = self.file.header.scale[0]
        self.offset = self.file.header.offset[0]
        if buildTree:
            self.tree = KDTree(
                    self.file.x[::skipinterval], self.file.y[::skipinterval],
            self.treeexis = True

        self.datetime = filepath.datetime

    def knear(self, point, k):
        if not self.treeexis:
            raise ValueError("Tree Is Not Built")
        return self.tree.data[self.tree.query(point, k=k)[1]]

    def radialcluster(self, point, radius):
        if not self.treeexis:
            raise ValueError("Tree Is Not Built")
        neighbor = self.tree.data[self.tree.query(point, k=1)[1]]
        points = self.tree.data[self.tree.query_ball_point(neighbor, radius)]
        return np.array(points)

    def pointSet(self):
        return np.vstack([
            self.file.x[::skipinterval], self.file.y[::skipinterval],
Example #4
    def cleanup_adjacency(self):
        Cleans up the adjacency matrix after alterations on the node level have been performed.
        non_empty_mask = (self.adjacency.getnnz(axis=0) + self.adjacency.getnnz(axis=1)) > 0
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        empty_indices, = np.where(~non_empty_mask)

        # if this ever becomes multi threaded, we should lock the trees now
        # endpoint_tree, junction_tree = None, None

        e_length = non_empty_mask[:self.junction_shift].sum()
        j_length = non_empty_mask[self.junction_shift:].sum()

        total_length = e_length + j_length

        self.junction_shift = e_length
        self.endpoint_shift = 0

        self.data = self.data[non_empty_mask]

        self.endpoint_tree_data = self.data[:e_length]
        self.junction_tree_data = self.data[e_length:]

        if e_length > 0:
            self.endpoint_tree = KDTree(self.endpoint_tree_data)
            self.endpoint_tree = None

        if j_length > 0:
            self.junction_tree = KDTree(self.junction_tree_data)
            self.junction_tree = None

        new_adjacency = lil_matrix((total_length, total_length), dtype=self.adjacency.dtype)

        coo = self.adjacency.tocoo()

        for n, m, value in zip(coo.row, coo.col, coo.data):
            npos, = np.where(n >= empty_indices)
            mpos, = np.where(m >= empty_indices)
            npos = 0 if len(npos) == 0 else npos[-1] + 1
            mpos = 0 if len(mpos) == 0 else mpos[-1] + 1
            new_adjacency[n-npos, m-mpos] = value

        self.adjacency = new_adjacency

        self.every_endpoint = range(self.endpoint_shift, self.junction_shift)
        self.every_junction = range(self.junction_shift, self.junction_shift + len(self.junction_tree_data))
Example #5
    def run(self):
        Compute the density proxy. This attaches the following attribute:

        - :attr:`density`

        density : array_like, length: :attr:`size`
            a unit-less, proxy density value for each object on the local
            rank. This is computed as the inverse cube of the distance
            to the closest, nearest neighbor

        # do the domain decomposition
        Np = split_size_3d(self.comm.size)
        edges = [
                           Np[d] + 1,
                           endpoint=True) for d in range(3)
        domain = GridND(comm=self.comm, periodic=True, edges=edges)

        # read all position and exchange
        pos = self._source.compute(self._source['Position'])
        layout = domain.decompose(pos,
                                  smoothing=self.attrs['margin'] *
        xpos = layout.exchange(pos)

        # wait for scipy 0.19.1
        assert all(self.attrs['BoxSize'] == self.attrs['BoxSize'][0])
        xpos[...] /= self.attrs['BoxSize']
        xpos %= 1

        # KDTree
        tree = KDTree(xpos, boxsize=1.0)
        d, i = tree.query(xpos, k=[8])
        d = d[:, 0]

        # gather back to original root, taking the minimum distance
        d = layout.gather(d, mode=numpy.fmin)
        self.density = 1 / (d**3 * self.attrs['BoxSize'].prod())
 def __init__(self, data, labels, k=1, window_size=1.):
 Internally uses scipy.spatial.KDTree for most of its algorithms.
     self.kdtree = KDTree(data, leafsize=20)
     self._k = k
     self.window_size = window_size
     self.points = np.ascontiguousarray(data)  # needed for saving the state
     self.labels = np.asarray(labels)
     self.label_range = [self.labels.min(), self.labels.max()]
Example #7
def clean_by_radius(points, radius=15.0):
    Bins points by radius and returns only one per radius, removing duplicates.
    :param points: Input points 
    :param radius: Radius
    :return: Filtered points
    >>> clean_by_radius(np.array([[1.0, 1.0],
    ...                           [1.1, 1.1],
    ...                           [9.0, 9.0]]), radius=1.5)
    array([[1., 1.],
           [9., 9.]])
    if len(points) == 0:
        return points
    tree = KDTree(points)
    mapping = tree.query_ball_tree(tree, radius)
    unique_indices = np.unique(list(l[0] for l in sorted(mapping)))
    return points[unique_indices]
Example #8
    def run(self):
        Compute the density proxy. This attaches the following attribute:

        - :attr:`density`

        density : array_like, length: :attr:`size`
            a unit-less, proxy density value for each object on the local
            rank. This is computed as the inverse cube of the distance
            to the closest, nearest neighbor

        # do the domain decomposition
        Np = split_size_3d(self.comm.size)
        edges = [numpy.linspace(0, self.attrs['BoxSize'][d], Np[d] + 1, endpoint=True) for d in range(3)]
        domain = GridND(comm=self.comm, periodic=True, edges=edges)

        # read all position and exchange
        pos = self._source.compute(self._source['Position'])
        layout = domain.decompose(pos, smoothing=self.attrs['margin'] * self.attrs['meansep'])
        xpos = layout.exchange(pos)

        # wait for scipy 0.19.1
        assert all(self.attrs['BoxSize'] == self.attrs['BoxSize'][0])
        xpos[...] /= self.attrs['BoxSize']
        xpos %= 1

        # KDTree
        tree = KDTree(xpos, boxsize=1.0)
        d, i = tree.query(xpos, k=[8])
        d = d[:, 0]

        # gather back to original root, taking the minimum distance
        d = layout.gather(d, mode=numpy.fmin)
        self.density = 1 / (d ** 3 * self.attrs['BoxSize'].prod())
Example #9
    def __init__(self, filepath, skipinterval=1, buildTree=True):

        self.filepath = filepath.filepath
        self.file = File(self.filepath, mode="r")
        self.scale = self.file.header.scale[0]
        self.offset = self.file.header.offset[0]
        if buildTree:
            self.tree = KDTree(
                    self.file.x[::skipinterval], self.file.y[::skipinterval],
            self.treeexis = True

        self.datetime = filepath.datetime
Example #10
    def __init__(self, filepath):
        #start = time.time()
        self.name = filepath
        self.file = File(filepath, mode="r")
        #self.filesize = getsizeof(self.file)/8
        self.scale = self.file.header.scale[0]
        self.offset = self.file.header.offset[0]
        self.tree = KDTree(
            np.vstack([self.file.x, self.file.y, self.file.z]).transpose())
        #self.tree.size = getsizeof(self.tree)/8
        filename = splitext(basename(filepath))[0].replace("_", "")
        dateobj = [int(filename[i:i + 2]) for i in range(0, len(filename), 2)
                   ]  # year, month,day,hour,min,sec

        self.time = datetime.datetime(dateobj[0], dateobj[1], dateobj[2],
                                      dateobj[3], dateobj[4], dateobj[5], 0)
        #print("File Size: {}, KDTree Size: {}\n".format(self.filesize,self.treesize))
        self.file = None
class Neighbors:
  Classifier implementing k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm.

  data : array-like, shape (n, k)
      The data points to be indexed. This array is not copied, and so
      modifying this data will result in bogus results.
  labels : array
      An array representing labels for the data (only arrays of
      integers are supported).
  k : int
      default number of neighbors.
  window_size : float
      the default window size.

  >>> samples = [[0.,0.,1.], [1.,0.,0.], [2.,2.,2.], [2.,5.,4.]]
  >>> labels = [0,0,1,1]
  >>> neigh = Neighbors(samples, labels=labels)
  >>> print neigh.predict([[0,0,0]])
    def __init__(self, data, labels, k=1, window_size=1.):
    Internally uses scipy.spatial.KDTree for most of its algorithms.
        self.kdtree = KDTree(data, leafsize=20)
        self._k = k
        self.window_size = window_size
        self.points = np.ascontiguousarray(data)  # needed for saving the state
        self.labels = np.asarray(labels)
        self.label_range = [self.labels.min(), self.labels.max()]

    def __getinitargs__(self):
    Returns the state of the neighboorhood
        return (self.points, self._k, self.window_size)

    def __setstate__(self, state):

    def __getstate__(self):
        return {}

    def kneighbors(self, data, k=None):
    Finds the K-neighbors of a point.

    point : array-like
        The new point.
    k : int
        Number of neighbors to get (default is the value
        passed to the constructor).

    dist : array
        Array representing the lenghts to point.
    ind : array
        Array representing the indices of the nearest points in the
        population matrix.

    In the following example, we construnct a Neighbors class from an
    array representing our data set and ask who's the closest point to

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> samples = [[0., 0., 0.], [0., .5, 0.], [1., 1., .5]]
    >>> labels = [0, 0, 1]
    >>> neigh = Neighbors(samples, labels=labels)
    >>> print neigh.kneighbors([1., 1., 1.])
    (0.5, 2)

    As you can see, it returns [0.5], and [2], which means that the
    element is at distance 0.5 and is the third element of samples
    (indexes start at 0). You can also query for multiple points:

    >>> print neigh.kneighbors([[0., 1., 0.], [1., 0., 1.]])
    (array([ 0.5       ,  1.11803399]), array([1, 2]))

        if k is None: k = self._k
        return self.kdtree.query(data, k=k)

    def parzen(self, point, window_size=None):
    Finds the neighbors of a point in a Parzen window
    Parameters :
      - point is a new point
      - window_size is the size of the window (default is the value passed to the constructor)
        if window_size is None: window_size = self.window_size
        return self.kdtree.query_ball_point(data, p=1.)

    def predict(self, data):
    Predict the class labels for the provided data.

    data: matrix
        An array representing the test point.

    labels: array
        List of class labels (one for each data sample).

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> labels = [0,0,1]
    >>> samples = [[0., 0., 0.], [0., .5, 0.], [1., 1., .5]]
    >>> neigh = Neighbors(samples, labels=labels)
    >>> print neigh.predict([.2, .1, .2])
    >>> print neigh.predict([[0., -1., 0.], [3., 2., 0.]])
    [0 1]
        dist, ind = self.kneighbors(data)
        labels = self.labels[ind]
        if self._k == 1: return labels
        # search most common values along axis 1 of labels
        # this is much faster than scipy.stats.mode
        return np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.bincount(x).argmax(),
Example #12
def map_functionspaces_between_mesh_and_submesh(functionspace_on_mesh, mesh, functionspace_on_submesh, submesh, global_indices=True):
    mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs = dict()
    submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs = dict()
    # Initialize map from mesh dofs to submesh dofs, and viceversa
    if functionspace_on_mesh.num_sub_spaces() > 0:
        assert functionspace_on_mesh.num_sub_spaces() == functionspace_on_submesh.num_sub_spaces()
        for i in range(functionspace_on_mesh.num_sub_spaces()):
            (mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs_i, submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs_i) = map_functionspaces_between_mesh_and_submesh(functionspace_on_mesh.sub(i), mesh, functionspace_on_submesh.sub(i), submesh, global_indices)
            for (mesh_dof, submesh_dof) in mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs_i.items():
                assert mesh_dof not in mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs
                assert submesh_dof not in submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs
        # Return
        return (mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs, submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs)
        assert functionspace_on_mesh.ufl_element().family() in ("Lagrange", "Discontinuous Lagrange"), "The current implementation has been tested only for Lagrange or Discontinuous Lagrange function spaces"
        assert functionspace_on_submesh.ufl_element().family() in ("Lagrange", "Discontinuous Lagrange"), "The current implementation has been tested only for Lagrange or Discontinuous Lagrange function spaces"
        mesh_element = functionspace_on_mesh.element()
        mesh_dofmap = functionspace_on_mesh.dofmap()
        submesh_element = functionspace_on_submesh.element()
        submesh_dofmap = functionspace_on_submesh.dofmap()
        for submesh_cell in cells(submesh):
            submesh_dof_coordinates = submesh_element.tabulate_dof_coordinates(submesh_cell)
            submesh_cell_dofs = submesh_dofmap.cell_dofs(submesh_cell.index())
            if global_indices:
                submesh_cell_dofs = [functionspace_on_submesh.dofmap().local_to_global_index(local_dof) for local_dof in submesh_cell_dofs]
            mesh_cell = Cell(mesh, submesh.submesh_to_mesh_cell_local_indices[submesh_cell.index()])
            mesh_dof_coordinates = mesh_element.tabulate_dof_coordinates(mesh_cell)
            mesh_cell_dofs = mesh_dofmap.cell_dofs(mesh_cell.index())
            if global_indices:
                mesh_cell_dofs = [functionspace_on_mesh.dofmap().local_to_global_index(local_dof) for local_dof in mesh_cell_dofs]
            assert len(submesh_dof_coordinates) == len(mesh_dof_coordinates)
            assert len(submesh_cell_dofs) == len(mesh_cell_dofs)
            # Build a KDTree to compute distances from coordinates in mesh
            kdtree = KDTree(mesh_dof_coordinates)
            distances, mesh_indices = kdtree.query(submesh_dof_coordinates)
            # Map from mesh to submesh
            for (i, submesh_dof) in enumerate(submesh_cell_dofs):
                distance, mesh_index = distances[i], mesh_indices[i]
                assert distance < mesh_cell.h()*1e-5
                mesh_dof = mesh_cell_dofs[mesh_index]
                if mesh_dof not in mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs:
                    mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs[mesh_dof] = submesh_dof
                    assert mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs[mesh_dof] == submesh_dof
                if submesh_dof not in submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs:
                    submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs[submesh_dof] = mesh_dof
                    assert submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs[submesh_dof] == mesh_dof
        # Broadcast in parallel
        if global_indices:
            mpi_comm = mesh.mpi_comm()
            if not has_pybind11():
                mpi_comm = mpi_comm.tompi4py()
            allgathered_mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs = mpi_comm.bcast(mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs, root=0)
            allgathered_submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs = mpi_comm.bcast(submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs, root=0)
            for r in range(1, mpi_comm.size):
                allgathered_mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs.update(mpi_comm.bcast(mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs, root=r))
                allgathered_submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs.update(mpi_comm.bcast(submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs, root=r))
            allgathered_mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs = mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs
            allgathered_submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs = submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs
        # Return
        return (allgathered_mesh_dofs_to_submesh_dofs, allgathered_submesh_dofs_to_mesh_dofs)
def restriction_map(V, Vb, _all_coords=None, _all_coordsb=None):
    "Return a map between dofs in Vb to dofs in V. Vb's mesh should be a submesh of V's Mesh."
    if V.ufl_element().family(
    ) == "Discontinuous Lagrange" and V.ufl_element().degree() > 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "This function does not work for DG-spaces of degree >0 \
                           (several dofs associated with same point in same subspace)."

    if V.ufl_element().family() != "Lagrange":
        cbc_warning("This function is only tested for CG-spaces.")
    assert V.ufl_element().family() == Vb.ufl_element().family(
    ), "ufl elements differ in the two spaces"
    assert V.ufl_element().degree() == Vb.ufl_element().degree(
    ), "ufl elements differ in the two spaces"
    assert V.ufl_element().cell() == Vb.ufl_element().cell(
    ), "ufl elements differ in the two spaces"

    D = V.mesh().geometry().dim()

    # Recursively call this function if V has sub-spaces
    if V.num_sub_spaces() > 0:
        mapping = {}
        if MPI.size(mpi_comm_world()) == 1:
            if _all_coords is None:
                    # For 1.6.0+ and newer
                    all_coords = V.tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape(
                        V.dim(), D)
                    all_coordsb = Vb.tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape(
                        Vb.dim(), D)
                    # For 1.6.0 and older
                    all_coords = V.dofmap().tabulate_all_coordinates(
                        V.mesh()).reshape(V.dim(), D)
                    all_coordsb = Vb.dofmap().tabulate_all_coordinates(
                        Vb.mesh()).reshape(Vb.dim(), D)
                all_coords = _all_coords
                all_coordsb = _all_coordsb
            all_coords = None
            all_coordsb = None
        for i in range(V.num_sub_spaces()):
                restriction_map(V.sub(i), Vb.sub(i), all_coords, all_coordsb))

        return mapping

    dm = V.dofmap()
    dmb = Vb.dofmap()

    N = len(dm.dofs())
    Nb = len(dmb.dofs())

    dofs = dm.dofs()

    # Extract coordinates of dofs
    if dm.is_view():
        if _all_coords is not None:
            coords = _all_coords[V.dofmap().dofs()]
                # For 1.6.0+ and newer
                coords = V.collapse().tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape(N, D)
                # For 1.6.0 and older
                coords = V.collapse().dofmap().tabulate_all_coordinates(
                    V.mesh()).reshape(N, D)

        if _all_coordsb is not None:
            coordsb = _all_coordsb[Vb.dofmap().dofs()]
                # For 1.6.0+ and newer
                coordsb = Vb.collapse().tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape(
                    Nb, D)
                # For 1.6.0 and older
                coordsb = Vb.collapse().dofmap().tabulate_all_coordinates(
                    Vb.mesh()).reshape(Nb, D)
        if LooseVersion(dolfin_version()) > LooseVersion("1.6.0"):
            # For 1.6.0+ and newer
            coords = V.tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape(N, D)
            coordsb = Vb.tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape(Nb, D)
            # For 1.6.0 and older
            coords = V.dofmap().tabulate_all_coordinates(V.mesh()).reshape(
                N, D)
            coordsb = Vb.dofmap().tabulate_all_coordinates(Vb.mesh()).reshape(
                Nb, D)

    # Build KDTree to compute distances from coordinates in base
    kdtree = KDTree(coords)
    eps = 1e-12

    mapping = {}
    request_dofs = np.array([])

    distances, indices = kdtree.query(coordsb)

    for i, subdof in enumerate(dmb.dofs()):
        # Find closest dof in base
        #d, idx = kdtree.query(coordsb[i])
        d, idx = distances[i], indices[i]
        if d < eps:
            # Dof found on this process, add to map
            dof = dofs[idx]
            assert subdof not in mapping
            mapping[subdof] = dof
            # Search for this dof on other processes
            add_dofs = np.hstack(([subdof], coordsb[i]))
            request_dofs = np.append(request_dofs, add_dofs)

    del distances
    del indices

    # Scatter all dofs not found on current process to all processes
    all_request_dofs = [None] * MPI.size(mpi_comm_world())
    for j in xrange(MPI.size(mpi_comm_world())):
        all_request_dofs[j] = broadcast(request_dofs, j)

    # Re-order all requested dofs
    # Remove items coming from this process
    all_request_dofs[MPI.rank(mpi_comm_world())] = []
    all_request_dofs = np.hstack(all_request_dofs)

    all_request_dofs = all_request_dofs.reshape(
        len(all_request_dofs) / (D + 1), D + 1)
    all_request_dofs = dict(
        zip(all_request_dofs[:, 0], all_request_dofs[:, 1:]))

    # Search this process for all dofs not found on same process as subdof
    for subdof, coordsbi in all_request_dofs.items():
        subdof = int(subdof)

        # Find closest dof in base
        d, idx = kdtree.query(coordsbi)
        if d < eps:
            # Dof found on this process, add to map
            dof = dofs[idx]
            assert subdof not in mapping
            mapping[subdof] = dof
    return mapping
Example #14
    def prepare_graph(self, pf):
        Prepares the graph from the data stored in the PixelFrame pf. 
        :param pf: PixelFrame
        endpoint_tree_data = clean_by_radius(pf.endpoints, NodeEndpointMergeRadius.value / self.calibration)
        junction_tree_data = clean_by_radius(pf.junctions, NodeJunctionMergeRadius.value / self.calibration)

        e_length = len(endpoint_tree_data)
        j_length = len(junction_tree_data)

        total_length = e_length + j_length

        data = np.r_[endpoint_tree_data, junction_tree_data]

        endpoint_tree_data = data[:e_length]
        junction_tree_data = data[e_length:]

        if e_length > 0:
            endpoint_tree = KDTree(endpoint_tree_data)
            endpoint_tree = None

        if j_length > 0:
            junction_tree = KDTree(junction_tree_data)
            junction_tree = None

        junction_shift = e_length
        endpoint_shift = 0

        # while ends and junctions need to remain different,
        # they are put in the same graph / adjacency matrix
        # so, first come end nodes, then junction nodes
        # => shifts

        adjacency = lil_matrix((total_length, total_length), dtype=float)

        # little bit of nomenclature:
        # a pathlet (pixel graph so to say) is a path of on the image
        # its begin is the 'left' l_ side, its end is the 'right' r_ side
        # (not using begin / end not to confuse end with endpoint ...)

        distance_threshold = NodeLookupRadius.value / self.calibration
        cutoff_radius = NodeLookupCutoffRadius.value / self.calibration

        for pathlet in pf.pathlets:
            pathlet_length = calculate_length(pathlet)

            l_side = pathlet[0]
            r_side = pathlet[-1]

            # experiment
            l_test_distance, l_test_index = endpoint_tree.query(l_side, k=1)
            if l_test_distance < distance_threshold:
                l_is_end = True
                # original code
                l_is_end = pf.endpoints_map[l_side[0], l_side[1]]

            # experiment
            r_test_distance, r_test_index = endpoint_tree.query(r_side, k=1)
            if r_test_distance < distance_threshold:
                r_is_end = True
                # original code
                r_is_end = pf.endpoints_map[r_side[0], r_side[1]]

            l_index_shift = endpoint_shift if l_is_end else junction_shift
            r_index_shift = endpoint_shift if r_is_end else junction_shift

            l_tree = endpoint_tree if l_is_end else junction_tree
            r_tree = endpoint_tree if r_is_end else junction_tree

            # first tuple value would be distance, but we don't care
                l_distance, l_index = l_tree.query(l_side, k=1)
                r_distance, r_index = r_tree.query(r_side, k=1)
            except AttributeError:

            if l_distance > cutoff_radius or r_distance > cutoff_radius:
                # probably does not happen

            adjacency_left_index = l_index + l_index_shift
            adjacency_right_index = r_index + r_index_shift
            adjacency[adjacency_left_index, adjacency_right_index] = pathlet_length
            adjacency[adjacency_right_index, adjacency_left_index] = pathlet_length

        self.junction_shift = junction_shift
        self.endpoint_shift = endpoint_shift

        self.data = data

        self.endpoint_tree = endpoint_tree
        self.junction_tree = junction_tree

        self.endpoint_tree_data = endpoint_tree_data
        self.junction_tree_data = junction_tree_data

        self.adjacency = adjacency

        self.every_endpoint = range(self.endpoint_shift, self.junction_shift)
        self.every_junction = range(self.junction_shift, self.junction_shift + len(self.junction_tree_data))

        cleanup_graph_after_creation = True

        if cleanup_graph_after_creation:

        self.adjacency = self.adjacency.tocsr()
Example #15
class NodeFrame(object):
    Node frame is a representation of an image stack frame on the graph/node level, it populates its values from
    a PixelFrame passed.
    def __init__(self, pf):
        Initializes the NodeFrame
        :param pf: PixelFrame the NodeFrame corresponds to
        # initializing vars
        self.timepoint = None
        self.calibration = None

        self.junction_shift = None
        self.endpoint_shift = None

        self.data = None

        self.endpoint_tree = None
        self.junction_tree = None

        self.endpoint_tree_data = None
        self.junction_tree_data = None

        self.adjacency = None

        self.every_endpoint = None
        self.every_junction = None

        self.predecessors = None
        self.shortest_paths = None
        self.shortest_paths_num = None

        self.connected_components_count = None
        self.connected_components = None

        self._cycles = None

        self.self_to_successor = None
        self.successor_to_self = None
        self.self_to_successor_alternatives = None

        # /initializing vars

        self.timepoint = pf.timepoint  # copy this information, so we can set pf to None for serialization
        self.calibration = pf.calibration

    def prepare_graph(self, pf):
        Prepares the graph from the data stored in the PixelFrame pf. 
        :param pf: PixelFrame
        endpoint_tree_data = clean_by_radius(pf.endpoints, NodeEndpointMergeRadius.value / self.calibration)
        junction_tree_data = clean_by_radius(pf.junctions, NodeJunctionMergeRadius.value / self.calibration)

        e_length = len(endpoint_tree_data)
        j_length = len(junction_tree_data)

        total_length = e_length + j_length

        data = np.r_[endpoint_tree_data, junction_tree_data]

        endpoint_tree_data = data[:e_length]
        junction_tree_data = data[e_length:]

        if e_length > 0:
            endpoint_tree = KDTree(endpoint_tree_data)
            endpoint_tree = None

        if j_length > 0:
            junction_tree = KDTree(junction_tree_data)
            junction_tree = None

        junction_shift = e_length
        endpoint_shift = 0

        # while ends and junctions need to remain different,
        # they are put in the same graph / adjacency matrix
        # so, first come end nodes, then junction nodes
        # => shifts

        adjacency = lil_matrix((total_length, total_length), dtype=float)

        # little bit of nomenclature:
        # a pathlet (pixel graph so to say) is a path of on the image
        # its begin is the 'left' l_ side, its end is the 'right' r_ side
        # (not using begin / end not to confuse end with endpoint ...)

        distance_threshold = NodeLookupRadius.value / self.calibration
        cutoff_radius = NodeLookupCutoffRadius.value / self.calibration

        for pathlet in pf.pathlets:
            pathlet_length = calculate_length(pathlet)

            l_side = pathlet[0]
            r_side = pathlet[-1]

            # experiment
            l_test_distance, l_test_index = endpoint_tree.query(l_side, k=1)
            if l_test_distance < distance_threshold:
                l_is_end = True
                # original code
                l_is_end = pf.endpoints_map[l_side[0], l_side[1]]

            # experiment
            r_test_distance, r_test_index = endpoint_tree.query(r_side, k=1)
            if r_test_distance < distance_threshold:
                r_is_end = True
                # original code
                r_is_end = pf.endpoints_map[r_side[0], r_side[1]]

            l_index_shift = endpoint_shift if l_is_end else junction_shift
            r_index_shift = endpoint_shift if r_is_end else junction_shift

            l_tree = endpoint_tree if l_is_end else junction_tree
            r_tree = endpoint_tree if r_is_end else junction_tree

            # first tuple value would be distance, but we don't care
                l_distance, l_index = l_tree.query(l_side, k=1)
                r_distance, r_index = r_tree.query(r_side, k=1)
            except AttributeError:

            if l_distance > cutoff_radius or r_distance > cutoff_radius:
                # probably does not happen

            adjacency_left_index = l_index + l_index_shift
            adjacency_right_index = r_index + r_index_shift
            adjacency[adjacency_left_index, adjacency_right_index] = pathlet_length
            adjacency[adjacency_right_index, adjacency_left_index] = pathlet_length

        self.junction_shift = junction_shift
        self.endpoint_shift = endpoint_shift

        self.data = data

        self.endpoint_tree = endpoint_tree
        self.junction_tree = junction_tree

        self.endpoint_tree_data = endpoint_tree_data
        self.junction_tree_data = junction_tree_data

        self.adjacency = adjacency

        self.every_endpoint = range(self.endpoint_shift, self.junction_shift)
        self.every_junction = range(self.junction_shift, self.junction_shift + len(self.junction_tree_data))

        cleanup_graph_after_creation = True

        if cleanup_graph_after_creation:

        self.adjacency = self.adjacency.tocsr()

    def cleanup_adjacency(self):
        Cleans up the adjacency matrix after alterations on the node level have been performed.
        non_empty_mask = (self.adjacency.getnnz(axis=0) + self.adjacency.getnnz(axis=1)) > 0
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        empty_indices, = np.where(~non_empty_mask)

        # if this ever becomes multi threaded, we should lock the trees now
        # endpoint_tree, junction_tree = None, None

        e_length = non_empty_mask[:self.junction_shift].sum()
        j_length = non_empty_mask[self.junction_shift:].sum()

        total_length = e_length + j_length

        self.junction_shift = e_length
        self.endpoint_shift = 0

        self.data = self.data[non_empty_mask]

        self.endpoint_tree_data = self.data[:e_length]
        self.junction_tree_data = self.data[e_length:]

        if e_length > 0:
            self.endpoint_tree = KDTree(self.endpoint_tree_data)
            self.endpoint_tree = None

        if j_length > 0:
            self.junction_tree = KDTree(self.junction_tree_data)
            self.junction_tree = None

        new_adjacency = lil_matrix((total_length, total_length), dtype=self.adjacency.dtype)

        coo = self.adjacency.tocoo()

        for n, m, value in zip(coo.row, coo.col, coo.data):
            npos, = np.where(n >= empty_indices)
            mpos, = np.where(m >= empty_indices)
            npos = 0 if len(npos) == 0 else npos[-1] + 1
            mpos = 0 if len(mpos) == 0 else mpos[-1] + 1
            new_adjacency[n-npos, m-mpos] = value

        self.adjacency = new_adjacency

        self.every_endpoint = range(self.endpoint_shift, self.junction_shift)
        self.every_junction = range(self.junction_shift, self.junction_shift + len(self.junction_tree_data))

    def generate_derived_data(self):
        Generates derived data from the current adjacency matrix.
        Derived data are shortest paths, as well as connected components.
        self.shortest_paths, self.predecessors = shortest_path(self.adjacency, return_predecessors=True)
        self.shortest_paths_num = shortest_path(self.adjacency, unweighted=True)

        self.connected_components_count, self.connected_components = connected_components(self.adjacency)

    def cycles(self):
        Detects whether a cycle exists in the graph.
        if self._cycles is None:
            g = self.get_networkx_graph()
                self._cycles = True
            except NetworkXNoCycle:
                self._cycles = False

        return self._cycles

    def get_path(self, start_node, end_node):
        Walks from start_node to end_node in the graph and returns the list of nodes (including both).
        :param start_node: 
        :param end_node: 
        predecessor = end_node

        path = [predecessor]

        while predecessor != start_node:
            predecessor = self.predecessors[start_node, predecessor]

        return path[::-1]

    def is_endpoint(self, i):
        Returns whether node i is an endpoint.
        :param i: 
        return i in self.every_endpoint

    def is_junction(self, i):
        Returns whether node i is a junction.
        :param i: 
        return i in self.every_junction

    def get_connected_nodes(self, some_node):
        Get all nodes which are (somehow) connected to node some_node.
        :param some_node: 
        label = self.connected_components[some_node]
        return np.where(self.connected_components[self.connected_components == label])[0]

    def track(self, successor):
        Tracks nodes on this frame to nodes on a successor frame.
        :param successor: 
        delta_t = (successor.timepoint - self.timepoint) / (60.0*60.0)

        junction_shift_radius = (NodeTrackingJunctionShiftRadius.value / self.calibration) * delta_t
        endpoint_shift_radius = (NodeTrackingEndpointShiftRadius.value / self.calibration) * delta_t

        self_len = len(self.data)

        successor_len = len(successor.data)

        self_to_successor = np.zeros(self_len, dtype=int)
        successor_to_self = np.zeros(successor_len, dtype=int)

        self_to_successor[:] = -1
        successor_to_self[:] = -1

        self_to_successor_alternatives = [[]] * self_len

        if self.junction_tree is not None and successor.junction_tree is not None:
            junction_mapping = self.junction_tree.query_ball_tree(successor.junction_tree, junction_shift_radius)
            junction_mapping = []

        if self.endpoint_tree is not None and successor.endpoint_tree is not None:
            endpoint_mapping = self.endpoint_tree.query_ball_tree(successor.endpoint_tree, endpoint_shift_radius)
            endpoint_mapping = []

        # print(self.timepoint, get_or_else(lambda: self.endpoint_tree.data), endpoint_mapping)

        for self_hit, n in enumerate(chain(endpoint_mapping, junction_mapping)):
            if len(n) == 0:
                n = -1
                ordered_n = []
                search_point = self.data[self_hit]

                hit_points = np.array([successor.data[h] for h in n])

                distances = np.sqrt(((hit_points - search_point) ** 2).sum(axis=1))

                indexed = np.c_[distances, n]
                ordered_n = [int(nn[1]) for nn in sorted(indexed, key=lambda t: t[0])]

                min_distance = np.argmin(distances)

                n = n[min_distance]
                if self_hit > self.junction_shift:
                    n += successor.junction_shift

            self_to_successor_alternatives[self_hit] = ordered_n

            self_to_successor[self_hit] = n
            successor_to_self[n] = self_hit

        self.self_to_successor = self_to_successor  # this is mainly used
        self.successor_to_self = successor_to_self
        self.self_to_successor_alternatives = self_to_successor_alternatives

    def get_networkx_graph(self, with_z=0, return_positions=False):
        Convert the adjacency matrix based internal graph representation to a networkx graph representation.
        Positions are additionally set based upon the pixel coordinate based positions of the nodes.
        :param with_z: Whether z values should be set based upon the timepoint the nodes appear on
        :param return_positions: Whether positions should be returned jointly with the graph 
        g = from_scipy_sparse_matrix(self.adjacency)

        positions = {}

        for n, pos in enumerate(self.data):
            positions[n] = (float(pos[1]), float(pos[0]))
            g.nodes[n]['x'] = float(pos[1])
            g.nodes[n]['y'] = float(pos[0])

            if with_z > 0:
                g.nodes[n]['z'] = float(self.timepoint * with_z)
                positions[n] = (float(pos[1]), float(pos[0]), float(self.timepoint * with_z))

        if not return_positions:
            return g
            return g, positions