def get_interf_res(atomlist, reftree, model):
    if len(atomlist) == 0 :
        return([], [], [])
    array = np.array([ a.get_coord() for a in atomlist])
    tree = KDTree(array)
    #list of list of interfacing nucl-atom per aa-atom
    interf = tree.query_ball_tree(reftree, args.cutoff)
    if max([len(i) for i in interf]) == 0:
        return([], [], [])
    # mask on aa-atoms: interface / non-interface
    mask = [len(j) > 0 for j in interf ]
    interf = array[np.array(mask)]
    # list of interfacing aa-atoms
    interf_at = set([id(a) for anr,a in enumerate(atomlist) if mask[anr]])
    interf_res = []
    for residue in model.get_residues():
        for atom in residue:
            if id(atom) in interf_at:
    interftree = KDTree(interf)
    nainterf = natree.sparse_distance_matrix(interftree, args.cutoff)
    A = nainterf.toarray()
    A[A==0] = 99
    mininterf = np.min(A, axis=1)
    return(mininterf, interf, interf_res)
Example #2
def get_N_ngbs(positions, radii, N=12, maxdist=3.0, edge = None):
    """N first neighbours, with a maximum relative distances, such that $r_{ij} < maxdist (R_i + R_j)$.
    If a potential neighbour is further away than the distance to the edge of the field of view, 
    the current particle of interest is considered as "on the edge" and the neighbour not taken into account.
    Returns neighbours, inside"""
    assert len(positions)==len(radii)
    if edge is None:
        edge = (positions.min(0), positions.max(0))
    #initialize the geometry of each particle
    to_edge = np.minimum((positions - edge[0]).min(-1), (edge[0] - positions).min(-1))**2
    inside = np.full(len(positions), True, dtype=bool)
    neighbours = np.full([len(positions), N], -1, dtype=int)
    tree = KDTree(positions)
    rmax = radii.max()
    for i, js in enumerate(tree.query_ball_tree(tree, 2*rmax*maxdist)):
        disq = np.sum((positions[js] - positions[i])**2, -1)
        ags = np.argsort(disq)[:N]
        if disq[ags[-1]] < to_edge[i]:
            neighbours[i, :len(js)] = np.array(js)[ags]
            inside[i] = False
            N2 = np.where(disq[ags] < to_edge[i])[0][0]+1
            neighbours[i, :N2] = np.array(js)[ags[:N2]]
    return neighbours, inside
Example #3
def find_pairs(cutoff, X, Y=None):
    Find pairs with euclidean distance below C{cutoff}. Either between
    C{X} and C{Y}, or within C{X} if C{Y} is C{None}.

    Uses a KDTree and thus is memory efficient and reasonable fast.

    @type cutoff: float
    @type X: (m,n) numpy.array
    @type Y: (k,n) numpy.array
    @return: set of index tuples
    @rtype: iterable
        from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
    except (ImportError, AttributeError):
        from scipy.spatial import KDTree

    tree = KDTree(X, len(X))
    if Y is None:
        return tree.query_pairs(cutoff)

    other = KDTree(Y, len(Y))
    contacts = tree.query_ball_tree(other, cutoff)
    return ((i, j) for (i, js) in enumerate(contacts) for j in js)
Example #4
def binder(positions, orientations, bl, m=4, method='ball', margin=0):
    """Calculate the binder cumulant, given positions and orientations.

    bl: the binder length scale, such that
        B(bl) = 1 - .333 * S4 / S2^2
    where SN are <phibl^N> averaged over each block/cluster of size bl in frame.
    if margin:
        if margin < ss:
            margin *= ss
        center = 0.5*(positions.max(0) + positions.min(0))
        dmask = d < d.max() - margin
        positions = positions[dmask]
        orientations = orientations[dmask]
    if 'neigh' in method or 'ball' in method:
        tree = KDTree(positions)
        balls = tree.query_ball_tree(tree, bl)
        balls, ball_mask = helpy.pad_uneven(balls, 0, True, int)
        ball_orient = orientations[balls]
        ball_orient[ball_mask] = np.nan
        phis = np.nanmean(np.exp(m*ball_orient*1j), 1)
        phi2 =, phis) / len(phis)
        phiphi = phis*phis
        phi4 =, phiphi) / len(phiphi)
        return 1 - phi4 / (3*phi2*phi2)
    else:  # elif method=='block':
        raise ValueError("method {} not implemented".format(method))
Example #5
def get_N_ngbs(positions, radii, N=12, maxdist=3.0, edge = None):
    """N first neighbours, with a maximum relative distances, such that $r_{ij} < maxdist (R_i + R_j)$.
    If a potential neighbour is further away than the distance to the edge of the field of view, 
    the current particle of interest is considered as "on the edge" and the neighbour not taken into account.
    Returns neighbours, inside"""
    assert len(positions)==len(radii)
    if edge is None:
        edge = (positions.min(0), positions.max(0))
    #initialize the geometry of each particle
    to_edge = np.minimum((positions - edge[0]).min(-1), (edge[0] - positions).min(-1))**2
    inside = np.full(len(positions), True, dtype=bool)
    neighbours = np.full([len(positions), N], -1, dtype=int)
    tree = KDTree(positions)
    rmax = radii.max()
    for i, js in enumerate(tree.query_ball_tree(tree, 2*rmax*maxdist)):
        disq = np.sum((positions[js] - positions[i])**2, -1)
        ags = np.argsort(disq)[:N]
        if disq[ags[-1]] < to_edge[i]:
            neighbours[i, :len(js)] = np.array(js)[ags]
            inside[i] = False
            N2 = np.where(disq[ags] < to_edge[i])[0][0]+1
            neighbours[i, :N2] = np.array(js)[ags[:N2]]
    return neighbours, inside
Example #6
def binder(positions, orientations, bl, m=4, method='ball', margin=0):
    """Calculate the binder cumulant, given positions and orientations.

    bl: the binder length scale, such that
        B(bl) = 1 - .333 * S4 / S2^2
    where SN are <phibl^N> averaged over each block/cluster of size bl in frame.
    if margin:
        if margin < ss:
            margin *= ss
        center = 0.5 * (positions.max(0) + positions.min(0))
        dmask = d < d.max() - margin
        positions = positions[dmask]
        orientations = orientations[dmask]
    if 'neigh' in method or 'ball' in method:
        tree = KDTree(positions)
        balls = tree.query_ball_tree(tree, bl)
        balls, ball_mask = helpy.pad_uneven(balls, 0, True, int)
        ball_orient = orientations[balls]
        ball_orient[ball_mask] = np.nan
        phis = np.nanmean(np.exp(m * ball_orient * 1j), 1)
        phi2 =, phis) / len(phis)
        phiphi = phis * phis
        phi4 =, phiphi) / len(phiphi)
        return 1 - phi4 / (3 * phi2 * phi2)
    else:  # elif method=='block':
        raise ValueError("method {} not implemented".format(method))
Example #7
def find_pairs(cutoff, X, Y=None):
    Find pairs with euclidean distance below C{cutoff}. Either between
    C{X} and C{Y}, or within C{X} if C{Y} is C{None}.

    Uses a KDTree and thus is memory efficient and reasonable fast.

    @type cutoff: float
    @type X: (m,n) numpy.array
    @type Y: (k,n) numpy.array
    @return: set of index tuples
    @rtype: iterable
        from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
    except (ImportError, AttributeError):
        from scipy.spatial import KDTree

    tree = KDTree(X, len(X))
    if Y is None:
        return tree.query_pairs(cutoff)

    other = KDTree(Y, len(Y))
    contacts = tree.query_ball_tree(other, cutoff)
    return ((i, j) for (i, js) in enumerate(contacts) for j in js)
Example #8
def spatialCorelation(points,
    """Compute the spatial corellation of each field

    points -- 2D array of points coordinates. Shape is (N,d) with d the number of spatial dimensions.
    fields -- 2D array of scalar field or of coordinates of vector fields. Shape is (N, F)
    with F the sum of the dimensions of each field.
    vectorColumns -- 1D array indexing the columns of fields into vector fields.
    for example [0, 1, 1, 1] means that the first column of fields is the scalar field 0 and
    the next 3 columns are the coordinates of a 3D vector field.
    Nbins -- The number of bins of the histogram
    maxLength -- The maximum distance between a pair of points taken into account in the histogram
    #parameters parsing
    if len(points) != len(fields):
        raise ValueError('You must have exactly one field value per point\n' +
                         'Here points id %i and fieds is %i' %
                         (len(points), len(fields)))
    if vectorColumns == None:
        vectorColumns = np.arange(fields.shape[1])
    if len(vectorColumns) != fields.shape[1]:
        vectorColumns = np.concatenate(
            (vectorColumns, np.arange(vectorColumns.max() + 1,
    slices = [
        np.where(vectorColumns == v)[0] for v in range(vectorColumns.max() + 1)
    #spatial query
    lowerBound = points.min(axis=0) + maxDist / 2
    upperBound = points.max(axis=0) - maxDist / 2
    inside_id = [
        i for i, p in enumerate(points)
        if (p >= lowerBound).all() and (p <= upperBound).all()
    tree = KDTree(points)
    inside_tree = KDTree(points[inside_id])
    pairs = inside_tree.query_ball_tree(tree, maxDist)
    coord_bins = np.zeros((Nbins, fields.shape[1]))
    nb_bins = np.zeros((Nbins), dtype=int)
    for p, qs in zip(inside_id, pairs):
        rs = np.asarray(np.sqrt(
            ((points[qs] - points[p])**2).sum(axis=1)) * Nbins / maxDist,
        nb_bins[rs] += 1
        coord_bins[rs] += fields[qs] * fields[p]
    bins = np.column_stack(
        [coord_bins[:, cols].sum(axis=1) for cols in slices])
    bins[np.nonzero(nb_bins)] /= nb_bins[np.nonzero(nb_bins)][:, np.newaxis]
    return np.column_stack((np.arange(Nbins, dtype=float) / maxDist, bins))
Example #9
def test_1D_regular():
    grid = RegularGrid([0], [1], [3])
    pos = np.arange(-1, 4, 0.1)[:, None]
    tree = KDTree(pos)
    edges = np.array([[i, j]
                      for i, js in enumerate(tree.query_ball_tree(tree, 0.15))
                      for j in sorted(js) if i < j])
    sumw, count = bin_texture(pos, edges, grid)
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumw, np.full((3, 1), 0.3))
    assert_array_equal(count, np.full((3), 30))
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumw / count[:, None], np.full((3, 1), 0.01))
Example #10
def match(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius):
    # Build the trees
    p1 = np.array([*zip(x1, y1)])
    t1 = KDTree(p1)
    p2 = np.array([*zip(x2, y2)])
    t2 = KDTree(p2)

    # Do the matching
    m = t1.query_ball_tree(t2, radius)

    return m
Example #11
 def _sparse_mdm(self, big_tree: cKDTree, small_tree: cKDTree, iter_over: str) -> sparse.csr_matrix:
     neighbours = small_tree.query_ball_tree(big_tree, self.max_distance, p=2.0, eps=0)
     with job.Parallel(backend=self.joblib_backend, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, verbose=self.verbose) as parallel:
         results = parallel(job.delayed(self._apply_function)
                            ([i],[neighbours[i]], i, neighbours[i], iter_over)
                            for i in range([0]))
     coo_data = np.concatenate([results[i][0] for i in range(len(results))])
     coo_i = np.concatenate([results[i][1] for i in range(len(results))])
     coo_j = np.concatenate([results[i][2] for i in range(len(results))])
     sparse_mdm = sparse.coo_matrix((coo_data, (coo_i, coo_j)),
                                    shape=(self.samples1.shape[0], self.samples2.shape[0]),
     return sparse_mdm
Example #12
def spatialCorelation(points, fields, vectorColumns=None, Nbins=200, maxDist=50.0):
    """Compute the spatial corellation of each field

    points -- 2D array of points coordinates. Shape is (N,d) with d the number of spatial dimensions.
    fields -- 2D array of scalar field or of coordinates of vector fields. Shape is (N, F)
    with F the sum of the dimensions of each field.
    vectorColumns -- 1D array indexing the columns of fields into vector fields.
    for example [0, 1, 1, 1] means that the first column of fields is the scalar field 0 and
    the next 3 columns are the coordinates of a 3D vector field.
    Nbins -- The number of bins of the histogram
    maxLength -- The maximum distance between a pair of points taken into account in the histogram
    #parameters parsing
    if len(points) != len(fields):
        raise ValueError(
            'You must have exactly one field value per point\n'
            + 'Here points id %i and fieds is %i'%(len(points), len(fields))
    if vectorColumns==None:
        vectorColumns = np.arange(fields.shape[1])
    if len(vectorColumns) != fields.shape[1]:
        vectorColumns = np.concatenate((
    slices = [np.where(vectorColumns==v)[0] for v in range(vectorColumns.max()+1)]
    #spatial query
    lowerBound = points.min(axis=0) + maxDist/2
    upperBound = points.max(axis=0) - maxDist/2
    inside_id = [
        i for i, p in enumerate(points)
        if (p>= lowerBound).all() and (p <= upperBound).all()
    tree = KDTree(points)
    inside_tree = KDTree(points[inside_id])
    pairs = inside_tree.query_ball_tree(tree, maxDist)
    coord_bins = np.zeros((Nbins, fields.shape[1]))
    nb_bins = np.zeros((Nbins), dtype=int)
    for p, qs in zip(inside_id, pairs):
        rs = np.asarray(
                ((points[qs] - points[p])**2).sum(axis=1)
                ) * Nbins / maxDist,
        nb_bins[rs] += 1 
        coord_bins[rs] += fields[qs]*fields[p]
    bins = np.column_stack([coord_bins[:,cols].sum(axis=1) for cols in slices])
    bins[np.nonzero(nb_bins)] /= nb_bins[np.nonzero(nb_bins)][:,np.newaxis]
    return np.column_stack((np.arange(Nbins, dtype=float)/maxDist,bins))
Example #13
def remove_close_set(points_fixed, points_reduce, radius):
    Given two sets of points and a radius, return a set of points
    that is the subset of points_reduce where no point is within 
    radius of any point in points_fixed
    tree_fixed  = KDTree(points_fixed)
    tree_reduce = KDTree(points_reduce)
    reduce_duplicates = tree_fixed.query_ball_tree(tree_reduce, r = radius)
    reduce_duplicates = np.unique(np.hstack(reduce_duplicates).astype(int))
    reduce_mask = np.ones(len(points_reduce), dtype=np.bool)
    reduce_mask[reduce_duplicates] = False
    points_clean = points_reduce[reduce_mask]
    return points_clean
Example #14
def runMaxFlowMinCost(data, d_th, k1, tagList, n_threads, dth_max, prior):
    print("Generate Graph Model..." + " (" +
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ") " + "\n")
    num_hyb = np.arange(1, int(np.amax(data.hyb)) + 1)
    data.sort_values('hyb', inplace=True)
    data = data.reset_index(drop=True)
    ## Graphical Model Data Structures
    print("[INFO] Add D vars" + " (" +
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ") ")
    G = nx.Graph()
    print("[INFO] Add T vars" + " (" +
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ") ")
    for h1 in tqdm(num_hyb):
        KDTree_h1 = KDTree(data[data.hyb == h1][['x', 'y', 'z']])
        for h2 in num_hyb[h1:]:
            if h1 != h2:
                KDTree_h2 = KDTree(data[data.hyb == h2][['x', 'y', 'z']])
                query = KDTree_h1.query_ball_tree(KDTree_h2, d_th, p=2)
                E = []
                offset1 = data.index[data.hyb == h1].min()
                offset2 = data.index[data.hyb == h2].min()
                for i, e1 in enumerate(query):
                    if e1:
                        for e2 in e1:
                            E.append((i + offset1, e2 + offset2))

    print("[INFO] Generate model" + " (" +
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ") ")
    conn_comps = [list(c) for c in nx.connected_components(G)]
    for c in tqdm(range(len(conn_comps))):
        data.loc[conn_comps[c], 'conn_comp'] = c

    # Drop conn components with less than n_hybs elements
    gr = data.groupby('conn_comp')
    for i, group in gr:
        if len(group) < len(num_hyb):
            data = data.drop(group.index)
    labels = np.unique(data.conn_comp)

    if labels.size > 0:
        res = []
        for l in tqdm(np.nditer(labels), total=len(labels)):
                runComponent(data, int(l), d_th, k1, tagList, num_hyb, dth_max,
        #return maxFlowMinCost
        return [x for x in res if x is not None]
Example #15
def remove_close_set(points_fixed, points_reduce, radius):
    Given two sets of points and a radius, return a set of points
    that is the subset of points_reduce where no point is within
    radius of any point in points_fixed
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

    tree_fixed = KDTree(points_fixed)
    tree_reduce = KDTree(points_reduce)
    reduce_duplicates = tree_fixed.query_ball_tree(tree_reduce, r=radius)
    reduce_duplicates = np.unique(np.hstack(reduce_duplicates).astype(int))
    reduce_mask = np.ones(len(points_reduce), dtype=np.bool)
    reduce_mask[reduce_duplicates] = False
    points_clean = points_reduce[reduce_mask]
    return points_clean
Example #16
def remove_ps1_source(ps1_cat, ns_cat):
    ps1 =[1].data
    ps1_ra = ps1['f0']
    ps1_dec = ps1['f1']
    ra = ns_cat['X_WORLD']
    dec = ns_cat['Y_WORLD']
    ns_tree = KDTree(zip(ra, dec))
    ps1_tree = KDTree(zip(ps1_ra, ps1_dec))
    match = ns_tree.query_ball_tree(ps1_tree, r=.5 / 3600.)
    #print len(match), len(ra), len(ps1)
    ps1_match = []
    for i in match:
        if i != []:
    return array(ps1_match)
Example #17
def get_bonds(positions, radii, maxdist=3.0):
    """Bonds by relative distances, such that $r_{ij} < maxdist (R_i + R_j)$.
    Returns pairs, distances. Pairs are sorted and unique."""
    assert len(positions)==len(radii)
    tree = KDTree(positions)
    rmax = radii.max()
    #fetch all potential pairs, already sorted
    pairs = np.array([
        for i, js in enumerate(tree.query_ball_tree(tree, 2*rmax*maxdist))
        for j in sorted(js)
        if i<j
    #compute all pair's square distances via numpy
    dists = np.sum((positions[pairs[:,0]] - positions[pairs[:,1]])**2, -1)
    #filter out the pairs that are too far
    good = dists < maxdist**2 * radii[pairs].sum(-1)**2
    return pairs[good], np.sqrt(dists[good])
Example #18
def get_bonds(positions, radii, maxdist=3.0):
    """Bonds by relative distances, such that $r_{ij} < maxdist (R_i + R_j)$.
    Returns pairs, distances. Pairs are sorted and unique."""
    assert len(positions)==len(radii)
    tree = KDTree(positions)
    rmax = radii.max()
    #fetch all potential pairs, already sorted
    pairs = np.array([
        for i, js in enumerate(tree.query_ball_tree(tree, 2*rmax*maxdist))
        for j in sorted(js)
        if i<j
    if len(pairs) == 0:
        return np.zeros((0,2), int), np.zeros(0)
    #compute all pair's square distances via numpy
    dists = np.sum((positions[pairs[:,0]] - positions[pairs[:,1]])**2, -1)
    #filter out the pairs that are too far
    good = dists < maxdist**2 * radii[pairs].sum(-1)**2
    return pairs[good], np.sqrt(dists[good])
Example #19
class kdtree():
    def __init__(self, nodes, get_latlon=id, transformer=None):
        if transformer:
            self.transformer = transformer
            from pyproj import CRS, Transformer
            self.transformer = Transformer.from_crs(CRS("WGS84"),
        if nodes:
            from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
            self.nodes = list(nodes)
            self.tree = KDTree(
                    map(lambda x: self.transformer.transform(*get_latlon(x)),
            self.nodes = self.tree = None
        self.get_latlon = get_latlon

    def query(self, node, around, get_latlon=lambda x: x):
        if not self.tree:
            return []
        latlon = get_latlon(node)
        projected = self.transformer.transform(*latlon)
        indices = self.tree.query_ball_point(projected, r=around)
        results = list(map(lambda x: self.nodes[x], indices))
        return results

    def get_neighbours(self, around):
        if not self.tree:
            return []
        indicess = self.tree.query_ball_tree(self.tree, r=around)
        results = list(
            map(lambda indices: list(map(lambda x: self.nodes[x], indices)),
        return indicess, results
Example #20
def keypoints_match_geometry(src_frame, dest_frame):
	Finds keypoint matches based on scene geometry

	@return pairs, angles
	`pairs[n] = (src_pt_n, dest_pt_n)`
	`angles[n]` = angle btw rays of src_pt_n and dest_pt_n

    if hasattr(src_frame, 'kpt_proj_cloud'):
        helper_cloud = src_frame.kpt_proj_cloud
        helper_cloud = build_point_cloud_for_projection(src_frame)

    # spatial and perspective projection src_frame -> dest_frame
    spatial_mat = dest_frame.world_to_camera @ src_frame.camera_to_world
    full_projection_mat = dest_frame.intrinsic_mat @ spatial_mat[:3, :]

    # project and retrieve keypoints
    helper_projected = projection_apply_rowvec(full_projection_mat,
    proj_pts, proj_sizes, proj_orientations = kptproj_interpret_projected_vectors(

    # find pairs of neighbours in radius of MATCH_DISTANCE
    tree_proj = KDTree(proj_pts)
    tree_dest = KDTree(dest_frame.kpt_locs)
    match_suggestions = tree_dest.query_ball_tree(tree_proj, r=MATCH_DISTANCE)
    matches = []

    # kpt_matched_id[n] = id of point in src_frame which matches n
    #frame.kpt_matched_id = np.zeros(frame.pt_count, dtype=np.int32)
    #frame.kpt_matched_id[:] = -1 # no match

    #print(src_frame.pt_count, dest_frame.pt_count, len(match_suggestions))

    for dest_pt_idx, suggestions in enumerate(match_suggestions):

        dest_pt_size = dest_frame.kpt_sizes[dest_pt_idx]

        for src_pt_idx in suggestions:
            proj_size = proj_sizes[src_pt_idx]

            if ((max(dest_pt_size / proj_size, proj_size / dest_pt_size) <
                 MATCH_SIZE_DIFF_RELATIVE) and (angular_distance_abs(
                     proj_orientations[src_pt_idx]) < MATCH_ANGLE_DIFF)):
                matches.append((src_pt_idx, dest_pt_idx))
                #frame.kpt_matched_id[pt_idx] = src_pt_idx

    if len(matches) == 0:
        return AttrDict(
            pairs=np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=np.int32),
            angles=np.zeros(0, dtype=np.float32),
        # store matched pairs
        match_pairs = np.array(matches, dtype=np.int32)
        # sort by src_point_id
        match_pairs = match_pairs[np.argsort(match_pairs[:, 0]), :]

        view_angle_changes = derive_keypoint_view_angle_change(
            src_frame, dest_frame, match_pairs)

        return AttrDict(
Example #21
  if result: break
  nstruc += 1
  coor = collectlib.collect_all_coor()
  pdbsizes2 = np.cumsum([0] + pdbsizes)
  coors = [coor[pdbsizes2[n]:pdbsizes2[n+1]] for n in range(len(pdbs))]
  for n1 in range(len(pdbs)):
    c1 = coors[n1]
    tree1 = KDTree(c1)
    resids1 = resids[n1]
    rescounts1 = rescounts[n1]
    for n2 in range(n1+1, len(pdbs)):
      c2 = coors[n2]
      tree2 = KDTree(c2)
      resids2 = resids[n2]
      rescounts2 = rescounts[n2]
      pairs = tree1.query_ball_tree(tree2, cutoff)
      for p1,pp in enumerate(pairs):
        if not len(pp): continue
        resid1 = resids1[p1]
        if resid1 not in rescounts1:
          rescounts1[resid1] = 0
        rescounts1[resid1] += len(pp)
        for p2 in pp:
          resid2 = resids2[p2]
          if resid2 not in rescounts2:
            rescounts2[resid2] = 0
          rescounts2[resid2] += 1
avg_contacts = [sum(c.values())/float(nstruc) for c in rescounts]
#from pprint import pprint
#print(sum(rescounts[0].values()), sum(rescounts[1].values()), avg_contacts)
Example #22
    tid = np.array(tycho2["tycho2_id"])

    print("Loading the Kepler catalog...")
    kepler = load_kepler()
    kepler_xyz = convert_to_cartesian(np.array(kepler[["ra", "dec"]],

    # Building KD-tree.
    print("Building KD trees...")
    tycho2_tree = KDTree(tycho2_xyz)
    kepler_tree = KDTree(kepler_xyz)

    # Cross match.
    print("Cross matching trees...")
    match = kepler_tree.query_ball_tree(tycho2_tree, np.sqrt(2-2*np.cos(tol)))
    match_flag = np.zeros(len(kepler), dtype=bool)
    match_id = np.zeros(len(kepler), dtype=np.uint64)
    distances = np.nan + np.zeros(len(kepler))
    tycho_id = []
    for i, m in enumerate(match):
        if len(m):
            # Compute the angular distance.
            d = np.arccos([i], tycho2_xyz[m].T))
            distances[i] = np.min(d)
            if distances[i] <= tol:
                match_id[i] = m[np.argmin(d)]
                match_flag[i] = True

    TGAS_PATH = "/export/bbq2/angusr/gaia/Tgas.csv"
Example #23
def test_2D_3branches():
    grid = RegularGrid([-1.2, -1.2], [0.8, 0.8], [3, 3])
    pos0 = np.array([[0, 0], [-1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]], dtype=float)
    tree = KDTree(pos0)
    edges = np.array([[i, j]
                      for i, js in enumerate(tree.query_ball_tree(tree, 1.5))
                      for j in sorted(js) if i < j])
    sumw0, count0 = bin_texture(pos0, edges, grid)
    assert_array_equal(count0, [[1, 4, 1], [3, 3, 3], [0, 0, 0]])
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumw0, [[[1, -1, 1], [4, 0, 2], [1, 1, 1]],
                                      [[1, -1, 3], [1, 0, 2], [1, 1, 3]],
                                      [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]])
    #move 1 point within the same grid element
    pos1 = np.copy(pos0)
    pos1[-1] += [0, 0.1]
    sumw1, count1 = bin_texture(pos1, edges, grid)
    assert_array_equal(count0, count1)
                              [[[1, -1, 1], [4, 0.1, 2.21], [1, 1.1, 1.21]],
                               [[1, -1, 3], [1, 0, 2.21], [1, 1.1, 3.63]],
                               [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]])
    sumw, count = bin_geometrical_changes(pos0, pos1, edges, grid)
    assert_array_equal(count0, count)
    sumB = C2B(sumw)
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumB, sumw1 - sumw0)
    ## there should be no topology change
    sumC, countc, sumT, counta, countd = bin_changes(pos0, pos1, edges, edges,
    assert_array_equal(count, countc)
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumw, sumC)
    assert_array_equal(counta, np.zeros_like(count))
    assert_array_equal(countd, np.zeros_like(count))
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumT, np.zeros_like(sumB))
    #flip the motif along x
    pos1 = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]], dtype=float)
    sumw1, count1 = bin_texture(pos1, edges, grid)
    assert_array_equal(count0, [[1, 4, 1], [3, 3, 3], [0, 0, 0]])
        [[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], [[1, 1, 3], [1, 0, 2], [1, -1, 3]],
         [[1, 1, 1], [4, 0, 2], [1, -1, 1]]])
    sumw, count = bin_geometrical_changes(pos0, pos1, edges, grid)
    assert_array_equal(count, [[0, 0, 0], [3, 3, 3], [0, 0, 0]])
    sumB = C2B(sumw)
        [[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], [[0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, -2, 0]],
         [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]])
    ## there should be no topology change
    sumC, countc, sumT, counta, countd = bin_changes(pos0, pos1, edges, edges,
    assert_array_equal(count, countc)
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumw, sumC)
    assert_array_equal(counta, np.zeros_like(count))
    assert_array_equal(countd, np.zeros_like(count))
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumT, np.zeros_like(sumB))
    #rotate the motif by 90°
    pos1 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0]], dtype=float)
    sumw1, count1 = bin_texture(pos1, edges, grid)
    assert_array_equal(count1, count0.T)
        [[[1, -1, 1], [3, -1, 1], [0, 0, 0]],
         [[2, 0, 4], [2, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]], [[1, 1, 1], [3, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0]]])
    sumw, count = bin_geometrical_changes(pos0, pos1, edges, grid)
    assert_array_equal(count, [[0, 0, 0], [0, 3, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
    sumB = C2B(sumw)
        [[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, -1], [0, 0, 0]],
         [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]])
    ## there should be no topology change
    sumC, countc, sumT, counta, countd = bin_changes(pos0, pos1, edges, edges,
    assert_array_equal(count, countc)
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumw, sumC)
    assert_array_equal(counta, np.zeros_like(count))
    assert_array_equal(countd, np.zeros_like(count))
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumT, np.zeros_like(sumB))
    #change topology only
    pos1 = np.copy(pos0)
    edges1 = np.array([[i, j]
                       for i, js in enumerate(tree.query_ball_tree(tree, 1.1))
                       for j in sorted(js) if i < j] + [[2, 3]])
    sumB, countc, sumT, counta, countd = bin_changes(pos0, pos1, edges, edges1,
    assert_array_equal(countc, [[0, 2, 0], [2, 3, 2], [0, 0, 0]])
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumB, np.zeros_like(sumw))
    assert_array_equal(counta, [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0]])
    assert_array_equal(countd, [[1, 2, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumT, [[[-1, 1, -1], [-2, 0, -2], [-1, -1, -1]],
                                     [[-1, 1, 3], [0, 0, 4], [-1, -1, 3]],
                                     [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]])
Example #24
def test_1D_notregular():
    grid = RegularGrid([0], [1], [3])
    pos0 = np.array([0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 1.5, 1.9, 2.2, 2.3])[:, None]
    tree = KDTree(pos0)
    edges = np.array([[i, j]
                      for i, js in enumerate(tree.query_ball_tree(tree, 0.5))
                      for j in sorted(js) if i < j])
        edges, np.array([[0, 1], [1, 2], [3, 4], [4, 5], [4, 6], [5, 6]]))
    sumw0, count0 = bin_texture(pos0, edges, grid)
    assert_array_equal(count0, [6, 5, 7])
            6 * 0.16, 3 * 0.16 + 1 * 0.09 + 1 * 0.16,
            2 * 0.09 + 2 * 0.16 + 3 * 0.01
        ])[:, None])
    #move 2 points within the same grid element
    pos1 = np.copy(pos0)
    pos1[:2] += 0.2
    sumw1, count1 = bin_texture(pos1, edges, grid)
    assert_array_equal(count0, count1)
            3 * 0.16 + 3 * 0.04, 3 * 0.16 + 1 * 0.09 + 1 * 0.16,
            2 * 0.09 + 2 * 0.16 + 3 * 0.01
        ])[:, None])
    sumw, count = bin_geometrical_changes(pos0, pos1, edges, grid)
    assert_array_equal(count0, count)
    sumB = C2B(sumw)
        np.array([2 * 3 * 0.3 * (0.2 - 0.4), 0, 0])[:, None])
    ## there should be no topology change
    sumC, countc, sumT, counta, countd = bin_changes(pos0, pos1, edges, edges,
    assert_array_equal(count, countc)
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumw, sumC)
    assert_array_equal(counta, np.zeros_like(count))
    assert_array_equal(countd, np.zeros_like(count))
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumT, np.zeros_like(sumB))

    #move one point to a different grid element, without straining any existing bond
    pos1 = np.copy(pos0)
    pos1[:3] += 0.2
    sumw1, count1 = bin_texture(pos1, edges, grid)
    assert_array_equal(count1, [5, 6, 7])
            5 * 0.16, 4 * 0.16 + 1 * 0.09 + 1 * 0.16,
            2 * 0.09 + 2 * 0.16 + 3 * 0.01
        ])[:, None])
    sumw, count = bin_geometrical_changes(pos0, pos1, edges, grid)
    assert_array_equal(count, [5, 5, 7])
    sumB = C2B(sumw)
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumB, np.array([0, 0, 0])[:, None])
    ## there should be no topology change
    sumC, countc, sumT, counta, countd = bin_changes(pos0, pos1, edges, edges,
    assert_array_equal(count, countc)
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumw, sumC)
    assert_array_equal(counta, np.zeros_like(count))
    assert_array_equal(countd, np.zeros_like(count))
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumT, np.zeros_like(sumB))
    ##update topology
    tree1 = KDTree(pos1)
    edges1 = np.array(
        [[i, j] for i, js in enumerate(tree1.query_ball_tree(tree1, 0.5))
         for j in sorted(js) if i < j])
        np.array([[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5], [4, 6], [5, 6]]))
    sumC, countc, sumT, counta, countd = bin_changes(pos0, pos1, edges, edges1,
    assert_array_equal(countc, np.array([5, 5, 7]))
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumw, sumC)
    assert_array_equal(counta, np.array([0, 3, 0]))
    assert_array_equal(countd, np.zeros_like(count))
    assert_array_almost_equal(sumT, np.array([0, 3 * 0.16, 0])[:, None])
Example #25
def runComponent(data, l, d_th, k1, tagList, num_hyb, dth_max, prior):
    if len(data[data.conn_comp == l]):
        if len(np.unique(data[data.conn_comp == l].hyb)) == len(num_hyb):
            data_tmp = data[data.conn_comp == l].sort_values(['hyb']).copy()
            data_tmp.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
            Dvar_tmp = pd.DataFrame(data={
                'x': [],
                'y': [],
                'z': [],
                'hyb': [],
                'ch': [],
                'X_idx': []
            for h in num_hyb:
                for i, row in data_tmp[data_tmp.hyb == h].iterrows():
                    # add detection variables
                    Dvar_tmp = Dvar_tmp.append(pd.Series([
                        row.x, row.y, row.z, h,, i,
                                                             'x', 'y', 'z',
                                                             'hyb', 'ch',
                                                             'X_idx', 'E_0',

            X_idx_tmp = len(Dvar_tmp)
            Tvar_tmp = pd.DataFrame(
                    'x_idx': [],
                    'anchestor_x_idx': [],
                    'descendant_x_idx': [],
                    'E_0': [],
                    'E_1': []
            for h1 in num_hyb[:-1]:
                h2 = h1 + 1
                if len(data_tmp[data_tmp.hyb == h1]) == 0:
                KDTree_h1 = KDTree(
                    data_tmp[data_tmp.hyb == h1][['x', 'y', 'z']])
                if len(data_tmp[data_tmp.hyb == h2]) == 0:

                KDTree_h2 = KDTree(
                    data_tmp[data_tmp.hyb == h2][['x', 'y', 'z']])
                query = KDTree_h1.query_ball_tree(KDTree_h2, dth_max, p=2)
                for i in range(len(query)):
                    if len(query[i]):
                        data_i_idx = data_tmp.index[data_tmp.hyb == h1][i]
                        row_i = data_tmp.loc[[data_i_idx]]
                        for j in range(len(query[i])):
                            data_j_idx = data_tmp.index[data_tmp.hyb == h2][
                            row_j = data_tmp.loc[[data_j_idx]]
                            d = np.linalg.norm(
                                np.array(row_i[['x', 'y', 'z']]) -
                                np.array(row_j[['x', 'y', 'z']]))
                            # create transition var only if two signals are close enough
                            fI = np.absolute(
                                np.float64(row_i.Imax_gf) -
                            mu_d = 1 / (1 + k1 * d)
                            Tvar_tmp = Tvar_tmp.append(pd.Series(
                                    X_idx_tmp, data_i_idx, data_j_idx,
                                    prob2Eng(1 - mu_d),
                                    prob2Eng(mu_d), mu_d
                                    'x_idx', 'anchestor_x_idx',
                                    'descendant_x_idx', 'E_0', 'E_1', 'mu_D'
                            X_idx_tmp = X_idx_tmp + 1

            if prior == "prior":
                # Exclude paths not in taglist
                Tvar_tmp.x_idx = np.ravel_multi_index([
                ], (len(Dvar_tmp), len(Dvar_tmp)))
                hyb_sets = []
                for h in num_hyb:
                        np.unique(np.array(Dvar_tmp[Dvar_tmp.hyb == h].ch)))
                allPaths = list(itertools.product(*hyb_sets))
                allowedPaths_D_list = []
                allowedPaths_T_list = []
                # Remove not existing paths
                if len(allPaths):
                    for tag in range(len(tagList)):
                        if (allPaths == np.array(
                                tagList.iloc[tag, :]).astype(int)
                            allowedDvar = pd.DataFrame(
                                    'x': [],
                                    'y': [],
                                    'z': [],
                                    'hyb': [],
                                    'ch': [],
                                    'X_idx': [],
                                    'E_0': [],
                                    'E_1': []
                            for h in num_hyb:
                                allowedDvar = allowedDvar.append(
                                    Dvar_tmp[(Dvar_tmp.hyb == h)
                                             & ( == int(
                                                              int(h - 1)]))],
                            DGraph = nx.Graph()
                                         & (Tvar_tmp.descendant_x_idx.isin(
                            for c in nx.connected_components(DGraph):
                                if len(allowedDvar[allowedDvar.X_idx.isin(
                                        c)].hyb.unique()) == len(num_hyb):
                                    tmp_dvar = np.array(Tvar_tmp[
                                        (Tvar_tmp.anchestor_x_idx.isin(c)) &
                                    tmp_path = []
                                    for v in range(len(tmp_dvar)):
                                                int(tmp_dvar[v, 0]),
                                                int(tmp_dvar[v, 1])
                                            ], (len(Dvar_tmp), len(Dvar_tmp))))

                Dvar_tmp = Dvar_tmp[Dvar_tmp.X_idx.isin(
                Tvar_tmp = Tvar_tmp[Tvar_tmp.x_idx.isin(

                d = dict(zip(Dvar_tmp.X_idx, np.arange(len(Dvar_tmp))))
                Dvar_tmp.X_idx = [d[x] for x in Dvar_tmp.X_idx]
                Tvar_tmp.anchestor_x_idx = [
                    d[x] for x in Tvar_tmp.anchestor_x_idx
                Tvar_tmp.descendant_x_idx = [
                    d[x] for x in Tvar_tmp.descendant_x_idx

            Dvar_tmp.X_idx = Dvar_tmp.X_idx + 1
            Tvar_tmp.anchestor_x_idx = Tvar_tmp.anchestor_x_idx + 1
            Tvar_tmp.descendant_x_idx = Tvar_tmp.descendant_x_idx + 1

            Dvar_tmp['X'] = np.arange(1, len(Dvar_tmp) + 1)

            sink = Dvar_tmp.X.max() + 1

            # Inizialize graph
            G = nx.DiGraph()

            E = []  # Edges
            n = sink + 1

            for h in num_hyb:
                for idx, row in Dvar_tmp[(Dvar_tmp.hyb == h)].iterrows():
                    if h == 1:
                        E.append((0, row.X, {'capacity': 1, 'weight': 0}))
                    # Add detection edges
                    E.append((row.X, n, {
                        'capacity': 1,
                        'weight': np.round(row.E_1 * 1000000).astype(int)
                    n = n + 1

                E = []
                for idx, row in Tvar_tmp[(Tvar_tmp.anchestor_x_idx.isin(
                        Dvar_tmp[Dvar_tmp.hyb == h].X_idx))].iterrows():
                    # Add transition edges
                              row.descendant_x_idx, {
                                  'capacity': 1,
                                  np.round(row.E_1 * 1000000).astype(int)

            # For each D of last cycle connect to sink
            E = []
            for idx, row in Dvar_tmp[(
                    Dvar_tmp.hyb == num_hyb.max())].iterrows():
                E.append((list(G.successors(row.X_idx))[0], sink, {
                    'capacity': 1,
                    'weight': 0

            # Prune graph removing leaf nodes
            remove_nodes = []
            for n in G.nodes:
                n_set = nx.algorithms.descendants(G, n)
                if not sink in n_set:
                    if n == 0:  # source and sink are not connected


            MaxFlowMinCost = nx.max_flow_min_cost(G, 0, sink)
            # Decode sequence
            E = []
            for n1 in MaxFlowMinCost:
                for n2 in MaxFlowMinCost[n1]:
                    if MaxFlowMinCost[n1][n2] == 1:
                        E.append((n1, n2))
            G = nx.Graph()

            return {'G': G, 'Dvar': Dvar_tmp, 'Tvar': Tvar_tmp}
Example #26
  if name is not None:
    newargs = initargs + ['--imodes','flexm-'+str(nstruc+1)+name+'.dat']
    if not os.path.exists('flexm-'+str(nstruc+1)+name+'.dat'):

  result = collectlib.collect_next()
  if result: break
  nstruc += 1
  coor = collectlib.collect_all_coor()
  pdbsizes2 = np.cumsum([0] + pdbsizes)
  coors = [coor[pdbsizes2[n]:pdbsizes2[n+1]] for n in range(len(pdbs))]
  energy = 0
  eblock = 0
  for n1 in range(len(pdbs)):
    c1 = coors[n1]
    tree1 = KDTree(c1)
    for n2 in range(n1+1, len(pdbs)):
      c2 = coors[n2]
      tree2 = KDTree(c2)
      energyblock = energyblocks[eblock]
      pairs = tree1.query_ball_tree(tree2, 10)
      ene = sum([sum(e[p]) for e,p in zip(energyblock,pairs) if len(p)])
      energy += ene

      eblock += 1

  f1.write("%.3f\n" % energy)
def _compute_global_cell_graph_features(
    """Internal support for compute_global_cell_graph_features that
    returns its result in a nested nametuple structure instead of a
    pandas DataFrame.
    vor = Voronoi(centroids)
    centroids = vor.points
    vertices = vor.vertices

    regions = [r for r in vor.regions if r and -1 not in r]
    areas = np.stack(_poly_area(vertices[r]) for r in regions)
    peris = np.stack(_poly_peri(vertices[r]) for r in regions)
    max_dists = np.stack(pdist(vertices[r]).max() for r in regions)
    poly_props = PolyProps._make(map(_pop_stats, (areas, peris, max_dists)))

    de = Delaunay(centroids)
    # From the docs: "Coplanar points are input points which were not
    # included in the triangulation due to numerical precision
    # issues."  I don't know how this would affect the results if
    # present, and it doesn't appear to happen, so it's excluded here.
    assert not de.coplanar.size
    indptr, indices = de.vertex_neighbor_vertices
    bin_connectivity = sparse.csr_matrix(
        (np.ones(len(indices), dtype=bool), indices, indptr),
        (len(centroids), ) * 2)
    ridge_points = sparse.triu(bin_connectivity, format='coo')
    ridge_points = np.stack((ridge_points.row, ridge_points.col), axis=-1)

    # This isn't exactly the collection of sides, since if they should
    # be counted per-triangle then we weight border ridges wrong
    # relative to ridges that are part of two triangles.
    ridge_lengths = _dist(*np.swapaxes(centroids[ridge_points], 0, 1))
    sides = ridge_lengths
    areas = np.stack(_poly_area(centroids[t]) for t in de.simplices)
    tri_props = TriProps._make(map(_pop_stats, (sides, areas)))

    graph = sparse.coo_matrix((ridge_lengths, ridge_points.T),
                              (len(centroids), len(centroids)))
    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(graph)
    # Without looking into exactly how minimum_spanning_tree
    # constructs its output, elimate any explicit zeros to be on the
    # safe side.
    mst_branches = _pop_stats([ != 0])

    tree = KDTree(centroids)
    neigbors_in_distance = {
        # Yes, we just throw away the actual points
        r: _pop_stats(np.stack(map(len, tree.query_ball_tree(tree, r))) - 1)
        for r in neighbor_distances
    distance_for_neighbors = dict(
                tree.query(centroids, [c + 1 for c in neighbor_counts])[0].T),
    density_props = DensityProps(neigbors_in_distance, distance_for_neighbors)

    return Props(poly_props, tri_props, mst_branches, density_props)
Example #28
def _compute_global_cell_graph_features(
    """Internal support for compute_global_cell_graph_features that
    returns its result in a nested nametuple structure instead of a
    pandas DataFrame.

    vor = Voronoi(centroids)
    centroids = vor.points
    vertices = vor.vertices

    regions = [r for r in vor.regions if r and -1 not in r]
    areas = np.stack(_poly_area(vertices[r]) for r in regions)
    peris = np.stack(_poly_peri(vertices[r]) for r in regions)
    max_dists = np.stack(pdist(vertices[r]).max() for r in regions)
    poly_props = PolyProps._make(map(_pop_stats, (areas, peris, max_dists)))

    # Assume that each Voronoi vertex is on exactly three ridges.
    ridge_points = vor.ridge_points
    # This isn't exactly the collection of sides, since if they should
    # be counted per-triangle then we weight border ridges wrong
    # relative to ridges that are part of two triangles.
    ridge_lengths = _dist(*np.swapaxes(centroids[ridge_points], 0, 1))
    sides = ridge_lengths
    # Point indices of each triangle
    tris = [[] for _ in vertices]
    for p, ri in enumerate(vor.point_region):
        for vi in vor.regions[ri]:
            if vi != -1:
    # This will only fail in particular symmetrical cases where a
    # Voronoi vertex is associated with more than three centroids.
    # Since this should be unlikely in practice, we don't handle it
    # beyond throwing an AssertionError
    assert all(len(t) == 3 for t in tris)
    tris = np.asarray(tris)
    areas = np.stack(_poly_area(centroids[t]) for t in tris)
    tri_props = TriProps._make(map(_pop_stats, (sides, areas)))

    graph = sparse.coo_matrix((ridge_lengths, np.sort(ridge_points).T),
                              (len(centroids), len(centroids)))
    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(graph)
    # Without looking into exactly how minimum_spanning_tree
    # constructs its output, elimate any explicit zeros to be on the
    # safe side.
    mst_branches = _pop_stats([ != 0])

    tree = KDTree(centroids)
    neigbors_in_distance = {
        # Yes, we just throw away the actual points
        r: _pop_stats(np.stack(map(len, tree.query_ball_tree(tree, r))) - 1)
        for r in neighbor_distances
    distance_for_neighbors = dict(zip(
        map(_pop_stats, tree.query(centroids, [c + 1 for c in neighbor_counts])[0].T),
    density_props = DensityProps(neigbors_in_distance, distance_for_neighbors)

    return Props(poly_props, tri_props, mst_branches, density_props)
Example #29
def fast_fit_big_image(im,
    ps = []
    if len(centers_zxy) > 0:
        if avoid_neigbors:
            centers_tree = KDTree(centers_zxy)
            list_inters = centers_tree.query_ball_tree(centers_tree,
                                                       radius_fit * 2)
        centers_ = centers_zxy
        if verbose:
            from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
            centers_ = tqdm(centers_zxy)
        zb, xb, yb = np.reshape(
            np.indices([radius_fit * 2] * 3) - radius_fit, [3, -1]).astype(int)
        keep = zb * zb + xb * xb + yb * yb <= radius_fit**2
        zb, xb, yb = zb[keep], xb[keep], yb[keep]
        sz, sx, sy = im.shape
        X_c = np.array([zb, xb, yb]).T

        for ic, (zc, xc, yc) in enumerate(centers_):
            if avoid_neigbors:
                common_pts_ids = list_inters[ic]
                index_ic = list_inters[ic].index(ic)
                centers__ = centers_zxy[common_pts_ids] - [zc, xc, yc]
                nns_ = np.argmin(cdist(centers__, X_c), 0)
                zb_, xb_, yb_ = X_c[nns_ == index_ic].T
                zb_, xb_, yb_ = zb, xb, yb

            z_keep, x_keep, y_keep = int(zc) + zb_, int(xc) + xb_, int(
                yc) + yb_
            z_keep, x_keep, y_keep = in_dim(z_keep, x_keep, y_keep, sz, sx, sy)

            X_ = np.array([z_keep, x_keep, y_keep]).T
            im_ = im[z_keep, x_keep, y_keep]

            #recenter to max in the imge - generally indicated if using seeds from a different image
            if recenter:
                if len(im_) > 0:
                    #while True:
                    im_c = np.argmax(im_)
                    zcn, xcn, ycn = z_keep[im_c], x_keep[im_c], y_keep[im_c]
                    #if zcn==zc and xcn==xc and ycn==yc:
                    #    break
                    zc, xc, yc = zcn, xcn, ycn
                    z_keep, x_keep, y_keep = int(zc) + zb_, int(xc) + xb_, int(
                        yc) + yb_
                    z_keep, x_keep, y_keep = in_dim(z_keep, x_keep, y_keep, sz,
                                                    sx, sy)

                    X_ = np.array([z_keep, x_keep, y_keep]).T
                    im_ = im[z_keep, x_keep, y_keep]

            if not better_fit:
                reconstruct, plt_val, compare_with_fitting = False, False, False
                if troubleshoot:
                    reconstruct, plt_val, compare_with_fitting = True, True, True
                p_ = gfit_fast(im_,
                p_ = np.array([np.nan] * 11)
                if len(im_) > 0:
                    center = X_[np.argmax(im_)]
                    obj = GaussianFit(im_,
                    p_ = obj.p
    ps = np.array(ps)
    return ps
Example #30
def mean_neighbors(tree, radius):
    if isinstance(tree, np.ndarray):
        tree = KDTree(tree)
    indices = tree.query_ball_tree(tree, radius)
    num_neighbors = [len(i) for i in indices]
    return np.mean(num_neighbors)
Example #31
def spherematch(lon1, lat1, lon2=None, lat2=None, matchrad=None,
                nnearest=0, maxmatches=-1):
    Finds matches in one catalog to another. 

    lon1 : array-like
         Longitude-like (RA, etc.) coordinate in degrees of the first catalog
    lat1 : array-like
        Latitude-like (Dec, etc.) coordinate in degrees of the first catalog (shape of array must match `lon1`)
    lon2 : array-like
        Latitude-like (RA, etc.) coordinate in degrees of the second catalog
    lat2 : array-like
        Latitude-like (Dec, etc.) in degrees of the second catalog (shape of array must match `ra2`)
    matchrad : float or None, optional
        How close (in degrees) a match has to be to count as a match.  If None,
        all nearest neighbors for the first catalog will be returned. 
    nnearest : int, optional
        The nth neighbor to find.  
    maxmatches : int, optional
        Maximum number of matches to find. If maxmatches > 0, the code finds 
        all matches up to maxmatches satisfying matchrad and nnearest is

    m1 : int array
        Indices into the first catalog of the matches. 
    m2 : int array
        Indices into the second catalog of the matches. 
    d12 : float array
        Distance (in degrees) between the matches 

        lon1, lat1
    except NameError:
        raise NameError('lon1 and/or lat1 not defined. Aborting spherematch()')
    if not isinstance(lon1, (list, NP.ndarray)):
        lon1 = NP.asarray(lon1)
    if not isinstance(lat1, (list, NP.ndarray)):
        lat1 = NP.asarray(lat1)

        nnearest = int(nnearest)
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError('nnearest should be a non-negative integer.')

        maxmatches = int(maxmatches)
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError('maxmatches should be a non-negative integer.')

    if matchrad is None:
        if maxmatches > 0:
            nnearest = 0
            print 'No matchrad specified. Will determine all the {0} nearest neighbours.'.format(maxmatches)
            maxmatches = -1
            if nnearest <= 0:
                nnearest = 1
            print 'No matchrad specified. Will determine the nearest neighbour # {0}.'.format(nnearest)
    elif not isinstance(matchrad, (int,float)):
        raise TypeError('matchrad should be a scalar number.')
    elif matchrad > 0.0:
        matchrad_cartesian = 2.0*NP.sin(0.5*matchrad*NP.pi/180.0)
        if maxmatches >= 0:
            nnearest = 0
            if nnearest <= 0:
                nnearest = 1
            print 'maxmatches is negative. Will determine the nearest neighbour # {0}.'.format(nnearest)            
        raise ValueError('matchrad is not positive.')

    self_match = False
    if (lon2 is None) and (lat2 is None):
        self_match = True
    elif lon2 is None:
        lon2 = lon1
    elif lat2 is None:
        lat2 = lat2

    if lon1.shape != lat1.shape:
        raise ValueError('lon1 and lat1 should be of same length')
    if not self_match:
        if lon2.shape != lat2.shape:
            raise ValueError('lon2 and lat2 should be of same length')
    if lon1.size == 1:
        lon1 = NP.asarray(lon1).reshape(1)
        lat1 = NP.asarray(lat1).reshape(1)

    if lon2.size == 1:
        lon2 = NP.asarray(lon2).reshape(1)
        lat2 = NP.asarray(lat2).reshape(1)

    x1, y1, z1 = sph2xyz(lon1.ravel(), lat1.ravel())

    # this is equivalent to, but faster than just doing NP.array([x1, y1, z1])
    coords1 = NP.empty((x1.size, 3))
    coords1[:, 0] = x1
    coords1[:, 1] = y1
    coords1[:, 2] = z1

    if (lon2 is not None) and (lat2 is not None):
        x2, y2, z2 = sph2xyz(lon2.ravel(), lat2.ravel())

        # this is equivalent to, but faster than just doing NP.array([x1, y1, z1])
        coords2 = NP.empty((x2.size, 3))
        coords2[:, 0] = x2
        coords2[:, 1] = y2
        coords2[:, 2] = z2
    if maxmatches == 0:
        kdt1 = KDT(coords1)
        if not self_match:
            kdt2 = KDT(coords2)
            ngbr_of_first_in_second = kdt1.query_ball_tree(kdt2, matchrad_cartesian)
            m1 = [i for i in xrange(len(ngbr_of_first_in_second)) for j in ngbr_of_first_in_second[i] if ngbr_of_first_in_second[i] != []]
            m2 = [j for i in xrange(len(ngbr_of_first_in_second)) for j in ngbr_of_first_in_second[i] if ngbr_of_first_in_second[i] != []]
            d12 = sphdist(lon1[m1], lat1[m1], lon2[m2], lat2[m2])
            ngbr_of_first_in_itself = kdt1.query_ball_tree(kdt1, matchrad_cartesian)
            m1 = [i for i in xrange(len(ngbr_of_first_in_itself)) for j in ngbr_of_first_in_itself[i] if ngbr_of_first_in_itself[i] != [] and i != j]
            m2 = [j for i in xrange(len(ngbr_of_first_in_itself)) for j in ngbr_of_first_in_itself[i] if ngbr_of_first_in_itself[i] != [] and i != j]
            d12 = sphdist(lon1[m1], lat1[m1], lon1[m2], lat1[m2])
        if not self_match:
            kdt2 = KDT(coords2)
            if matchrad is None:
                m2 = kdt2.query(coords1, max(maxmatches,nnearest))[1]
                m2 = kdt2.query(coords1, max(maxmatches,nnearest), distance_upper_bound=matchrad_cartesian)[1]
            kdt1 = KDT(coords1)
            if matchrad is None:
                m2 = kdt1.query(coords1, max(maxmatches,nnearest)+1)[1]
                m2 = kdt2.query(coords1, max(maxmatches,nnearest)+1, distance_upper_bound=matchrad_cartesian)[1]

        if nnearest > 0:
            m1 = NP.arange(lon1.size)
            if nnearest > 1:
                m2 = m2[:,-1]
            m1 = NP.repeat(NP.arange(lon1.size).reshape(lon1.size,1), maxmatches, axis=1).flatten()
            m2 = m2[:,-maxmatches:].flatten() # Extract the last maxmatches columns

        if not self_match:
            msk = m2 < lon2.size
            msk = m1 < lon1.size
        m1 = m1[msk]
        m2 = m2[msk]

        if not self_match:
            d12 = sphdist(lon1[m1], lat1[m1], lon2[m2], lat2[m2])
            d12 = sphdist(lon1[m1], lat1[m1], lon1[m2], lat1[m2])

        if matchrad is not None:
            msk = d12 <= matchrad
            m1 = m1[msk]
            m2 = m2[msk]
            d12 = d12[msk]

    return m1, m2, d12