Example #1
def main():
    parser = OptionParser(description='Fitting to a noisy data generated by a known function')
    parser.add_option("--npoints", type="int",   help="number of data points") 
    parser.add_option("--low",     type="float", help="smallest data point") 
    parser.add_option("--high",    type="float", help="highest data point") 
    parser.add_option("--sigma",   type="float", help="std of noise") 
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args() 

    ax = pl.subplot(1,1,1)

    sigma = options.sigma    
    Ls   = np.append(np.linspace(options.low,options.high,options.npoints),46)
    nLs  = np.linspace(min(Ls),max(Ls),100)
    Mis  = HalfLog(Ls,.5,0.5)
    errs = np.random.normal(0,sigma, len(Mis))
    Mis  = Mis+errs
    print sigma/Mis 

    coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(FreeLog,Ls,Mis,(1.0,1.0,1.0))
    err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(var_matrix))
    dof     = len(Ls) - len(coeff)
    chisq   = sum(((Mis-FreeLog(Ls,coeff[0],coeff[1],coeff[2]))/sigma)**2)
    cdf     = special.chdtrc(dof,chisq)
    print 'Free:  a = %0.2f(%0.2f); b = %0.2f(%0.2f); c = %0.2f(%0.2f); p-value = %0.2f ' %(coeff[0],err[0],coeff[1],err[1],coeff[2],err[2],cdf)

    coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(ZeroLog,Ls,Mis,(1.0,1.0))
    err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(var_matrix))
    dof     = len(Ls) - len(coeff)
    chisq   = sum(((Mis-ZeroLog(Ls,coeff[0],coeff[1]))/sigma)**2)
    cdf     = special.chdtrc(dof,chisq)
    print 'Zero:  a = %0.2f(%0.2f);                 c = %0.2f(%0.2f); p-value = %0.2f' %(coeff[0],err[0],coeff[1],err[1],cdf)

    coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(HalfLog,Ls,Mis,(1.0,1.0))
    err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(var_matrix))
    dof     = len(Ls) - len(coeff)
    chisq   = sum(((Mis-HalfLog(Ls,coeff[0],coeff[1]))/sigma)**2)
    cdf     = special.chdtrc(dof,chisq)
    print 'Half:  a = %0.2f(%0.2f);                 c = %0.2f(%0.2f); p-value = %0.2f' %(coeff[0],err[0],coeff[1],err[1],cdf)

    coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(OneLog,Ls,Mis,(1.0,1.0))
    err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(var_matrix))
    dof     = len(Ls) - len(coeff)
    chisq   = sum(((Mis-OneLog(Ls,coeff[0],coeff[1]))/sigma)**2)
    cdf     = special.chdtrc(dof,chisq)
    print 'Unity: a = %0.2f(%0.2f);                 c = %0.2f(%0.2f); p-value = %0.2f' %(coeff[0],err[0],coeff[1],err[1],cdf)

Example #2
def ejer5():
    sample = [6, 7, 3, 4, 7, 3, 7, 2, 6, 3, 7, 8, 2, 1, 3, 5, 8, 7]
    n = len(sample)
    simulado, t = ejer5ext1(sample, 1000, 9, n)
    print("simulado es {}".format(simulado))
    # 7 grados de libertad. k = 9 y m = 1
    print("chi-cuadrado {}".format(chdtrc(7, t)))
def chisquare(f_obs, f_exp):
    Fast replacement for scipy.stats.chisquare.
    Version from https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/2525 with additional
    f_obs = np.asarray(f_obs, dtype=np.float64)

    k = len(f_obs)
    # Reuse f_obs for chi-squared statistics
    chisq = f_obs
    chisq -= f_exp
    chisq **= 2
    with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
        chisq /= f_exp
    chisq = chisq.sum(axis=0)
    pvalue = special.chdtrc(k - 1, chisq)
    return pvalue
Example #4
 def test_p_value2(self):
     obs = np.array([[10,0], [0, 10]])
     ct = stats.ContingencyTable(observed=obs)
     xpd = stats.expected_nway(obs)
     chi2 = ((np.abs(obs - xpd) - 0.5)**2 / xpd).sum()        
     p = special.chdtrc(ct.dof, chi2)
     assert_equal(ct.dof, 1)        
     assert_equal(ct.p_value(correction=True), p)        
def pValor(v, T):
    Calculo de alfa?????
    v = Grados de libertad.
    T = Estadistico.
    Calcula: P(chi(v) >= T)

    T ... infinito
    return chdtrc(v, T)
Example #6
def one_way(data, n):
	dt = cells.dtype
	term = data.astype('float64')
	no_term = n - term
	t_exp = np.mean(term, 0)
	t_exp = np.array([t_exp,]*data.shape[0])
	nt_exp = n - t_exp
	t_mss = (term - t_exp)**2/t_exp
	nt_mss = (no_term - nt_exp)**2/nt_exp
	chi2 = t_mss + nt_mss
	return special.chdtrc(1, chi2).astype(dt)
Example #7
def two_way(cells):
	dt = cells.dtype
	cells = cells.astype('float64')  # Make sure we don't overflow
	total = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, cells, [1,2]).ravel()
	chi_sq = np.zeros(cells.shape, dtype='float64')
	for i in range(2):
		for j in range(2):
			exp = np.sum(cells[:,i,:], 1).ravel() * np.sum(cells[:,:,j], 1).ravel() / total
			chi_sq[:,i,j] = (cells[:,i,j] - exp)**2 / exp
	chi_sq = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, chi_sq, [1,2]).ravel()
	return special.chdtrc(1, chi_sq).astype(dt)
def _chisquare(f_obs, f_exp):
    f_obs = np.asarray(f_obs, dtype=np.float64)

    k = len(f_obs)
    # Reuse f_obs for chi-squared statistics
    chisq = f_obs
    chisq -= f_exp
    chisq **= 2
    chisq /= f_exp
    chisq = chisq.max(axis=0)
    return chisq, special.chdtrc(k - 1, chisq)
Example #9
def _chisquare(f_obs, f_exp):
    f_obs = np.asarray(f_obs, dtype=np.float64)

    k = len(f_obs)
    # Reuse f_obs for chi-squared statistics
    chisq = f_obs
    chisq -= f_exp
    chisq **= 2
    chisq /= f_exp
    chisq = chisq.max(axis=0)
    return chisq, special.chdtrc(k - 1, chisq)
Example #10
def two_way(cells):
    dt = cells.dtype
    cells = cells.astype('float64')  # Make sure we don't overflow
    total = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, cells, [1, 2]).ravel()
    chi_sq = np.zeros(cells.shape, dtype='float64')
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            exp = np.sum(cells[:, i, :], 1).ravel() * np.sum(
                cells[:, :, j], 1).ravel() / total
            chi_sq[:, i, j] = (cells[:, i, j] - exp)**2 / exp
    chi_sq = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, chi_sq, [1, 2]).ravel()
    return special.chdtrc(1, chi_sq).astype(dt)
Example #11
def _chisquare(f_obs, f_exp):
    f_obs = np.asarray(f_obs, dtype=np.float64)

    k = len(f_obs)
    # Reuse f_obs for chi-squared statistics
    chisq = f_obs
    chisq -= f_exp
    chisq **= 2
    with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
        chisq /= f_exp
    chisq = chisq.sum(axis=0)
    return chisq, special.chdtrc(k - 1, chisq)
Example #12
def one_way(data, n):
    dt = cells.dtype
    term = data.astype('float64')
    no_term = n - term
    t_exp = np.mean(term, 0)
    t_exp = np.array([
    ] * data.shape[0])
    nt_exp = n - t_exp
    t_mss = (term - t_exp)**2 / t_exp
    nt_mss = (no_term - nt_exp)**2 / nt_exp
    chi2 = t_mss + nt_mss
    return special.chdtrc(1, chi2).astype(dt)
Example #13
def two_way(cells):
    """ Two-way chi-square test of independence. 
	Takes a 3D array as input: N(voxels) x 2 x 2, where the last two dimensions
	are the contingency table for each of N voxels. Returns an array of p-values.
    # dt = cells.dtype
    cells = cells.astype("float64")  # Make sure we don't overflow
    total = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, cells, [1, 2]).ravel()
    chi_sq = np.zeros(cells.shape, dtype="float64")
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            exp = np.sum(cells[:, i, :], 1).ravel() * np.sum(cells[:, :, j], 1).ravel() / total
            chi_sq[:, i, j] = (cells[:, i, j] - exp) ** 2 / exp
    chi_sq = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, chi_sq, [1, 2]).ravel()
    return special.chdtrc(1, chi_sq)  # .astype(dt)
 def calc_chisquare(self):
     # chisquare.
     obs = np.reshape(self.act, -1)
     exp = np.reshape(self.exp, -1)
     oesd = np.zeros(len(obs))
     for i in range(len(obs)):
         if obs[i] <= 1e-8 >= exp[i]:
             oesd[i] = 0
         elif exp[i] <= 1e-8:
             oesd[i] = self.dead * obs[i] ** 2
             oesd[i] = (obs[i] - exp[i]) ** 2 / exp[i]
     stat = np.sum(oesd)
     dof = self.get_num_params()
     self.p_val = chdtrc(dof, stat)
Example #15
def chi2_contingency(observed, correction=True):
    observed = np.asarray(observed) + 0.0001
    if np.any(observed < 0):
        raise ValueError("All values in `observed` must be nonnegative.")
    if observed.size == 0:
        raise ValueError("No data; `observed` has size 0.")
    expected = expected_freq(observed)
    dof = expected.size - sum(expected.shape) + expected.ndim - 1
    if dof == 0:
        chi2 = 0.0
        p = 1.0
        chi2 = ((observed - expected) ** 2 / expected).sum()
        p = special.chdtrc(dof, chi2)    
    return chi2, p, dof, expected
def _chisquare(f_obs, f_exp):
    """Fast replacement for scipy.stats.chisquare.

    Version from https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/2525 with additional
    f_obs = np.asarray(f_obs, dtype=np.float64)

    k = len(f_obs)
    # Reuse f_obs for chi-squared statistics
    chisq = f_obs
    chisq -= f_exp
    chisq **= 2
    chisq /= f_exp
    chisq = chisq.sum(axis=0)
    return chisq, special.chdtrc(k - 1, chisq)
def _chisquare(f_obs, f_exp):
    """Fast replacement for scipy.stats.chisquare.

    Version from https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/2525 with additional
    f_obs = np.asarray(f_obs, dtype=np.float64)

    k = len(f_obs)
    # Reuse f_obs for χ² statistics
    chisq = f_obs
    chisq -= f_exp
    chisq **= 2
    chisq /= f_exp
    chisq = chisq.sum(axis=0)
    return chisq, special.chdtrc(k - 1, chisq)
def _chisquare(f_exp, f_obs):
    """Fast replacement for scipy.stats.chisquare.

    Version from https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/2525 with additional
    assert np.issubdtype(f_obs.dtype, np.floating)

    k = len(f_obs)
    # Reuse f_obs for χ² statistics
    chisq = f_obs
    chisq -= f_exp
    chisq **= 2
    chisq /= f_exp
    chisq = chisq.sum(axis=0)
    return chisq, special.chdtrc(k - 1, chisq)
Example #19
 def plot_residuums(self,
     y = ydata - self.apply(xdata)
     plt.errorbar(xdata, y, yerr=sigma, **plotopts)
     plt.axhline(0, color="gray")
     if box:
         text =  r"$ \chi^2 $ / ndf = " + number.formatNumber(self.chisq) + " / " \
          + number.formatNumber(self.ndf)
         text += "\n" + "p = " + number.formatNumber(
             chdtrc(self.ndf, self.chisq))
         info_box(text, location=box)
Example #20
def one_way(data, n):
    """ One-way chi-square test of independence.
    Takes a 1D array as input and compares activation at each voxel to proportion
    expected under a uniform distribution throughout the array. Note that
    if you're testing activation with this, make sure that only valid voxels
    (e.g., in-mask gray matter voxels) are included in the array, or results
    won't make any sense!
    term = data.astype('float64')
    no_term = n - term
    t_exp = np.mean(term, 0)
    t_exp = np.array([t_exp,]*data.shape[0])
    nt_exp = n - t_exp
    t_mss = (term - t_exp) ** 2 / t_exp
    nt_mss = (no_term - nt_exp) ** 2 / nt_exp
    chi2 = t_mss + nt_mss
    return special.chdtrc(1, chi2)
Example #21
def one_way(data, n):
    """ One-way chi-square test of independence.
    Takes a 1D array as input and compares activation at each voxel to
    proportion expected under a uniform distribution throughout the array. Note
    that if you're testing activation with this, make sure that only valid
    voxels (e.g., in-mask gray matter voxels) are included in the array, or
    results won't make any sense!
    term = data.astype('float64')
    no_term = n - term
    t_exp = np.mean(term, 0)
    t_exp = np.array([t_exp, ]*data.shape[0])
    nt_exp = n - t_exp
    t_mss = (term - t_exp) ** 2 / t_exp
    nt_mss = (no_term - nt_exp) ** 2 / nt_exp
    chi2 = t_mss + nt_mss
    return special.chdtrc(1, chi2)
Example #22
def two_way(cells):
  """ Two-way chi-square test of independence.
  Takes a 3D array as input: N(voxels) x 2 x 2, where the last two dimensions
  are the contingency table for each of N voxels. Returns an array of p-values.
  # Mute divide-by-zero warning for bad voxels since we account for that later
  warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning)

  cells = cells.astype('float64')  # Make sure we don't overflow
  total = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, cells, [1,2]).ravel()
  chi_sq = np.zeros(cells.shape, dtype='float64')
  for i in range(2):
    for j in range(2):
      exp = np.sum(cells[:,i,:], 1).ravel() * np.sum(cells[:,:,j], 1).ravel() / total
      bad_vox = np.where(exp==0)[0]
      chi_sq[:,i,j] = (cells[:,i,j] - exp)**2 / exp
      chi_sq[bad_vox,i,j] = 1.0  # Set p-value for invalid voxels to 1
  chi_sq = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, chi_sq, [1,2]).ravel()
  return special.chdtrc(1, chi_sq)#.astype(dt)
def chisqprob(chisq, df):
    Probability value (1-tail) for the Chi^2 probability distribution.

    Broadcasting rules apply.

    chisq : array_like or float > 0

    df : array_like or float, probably int >= 1

    chisqprob : ndarray
        The area from `chisq` to infinity under the Chi^2 probability
        distribution with degrees of freedom `df`.

    return special.chdtrc(df,chisq)
Example #24
def chisqprob(chisq, df):
    Probability value (1-tail) for the Chi^2 probability distribution.

    Broadcasting rules apply.

    chisq : array_like or float > 0

    df : array_like or float, probably int >= 1

    chisqprob : ndarray
        The area from `chisq` to infinity under the Chi^2 probability
        distribution with degrees of freedom `df`.

    return special.chdtrc(df, chisq)
Example #25
def two_way(cells):
    """ Two-way chi-square test of independence.
  Takes a 3D array as input: N(voxels) x 2 x 2, where the last two dimensions
  are the contingency table for each of N voxels. Returns an array of p-values.
    # Mute divide-by-zero warning for bad voxels since we account for that later
    warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning)

    cells = cells.astype('float64')  # Make sure we don't overflow
    total = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, cells, [1, 2]).ravel()
    chi_sq = np.zeros(cells.shape, dtype='float64')
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            exp = np.sum(cells[:, i, :], 1).ravel() * np.sum(
                cells[:, :, j], 1).ravel() / total
            bad_vox = np.where(exp == 0)[0]
            chi_sq[:, i, j] = (cells[:, i, j] - exp)**2 / exp
            chi_sq[bad_vox, i, j] = 1.0  # Set p-value for invalid voxels to 1
    chi_sq = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, chi_sq, [1, 2]).ravel()
    return special.chdtrc(1, chi_sq)  #.astype(dt)
Example #26
    def p_value(self, correction=False):
        """Compute the p-value associated with a chi-square statistic.

        correction : bool
            If `correction` is True, and the number of degrees of freedom
            is 1, use Yates' correction for continuity.

        p : float
            The p-value associated with the chi-square statistic.
        # Check and see if the chi2 value has already been computed.
        # If not, call chi_square()
        if not hasattr(self, "chi2"):

        # Compute the p-value from the degrees of freedom and the chi-square value.
        self.p = special.chdtrc(self.dof, self.chi2)
        return self.p
Example #27
def neurosynth_decode(
    """Perform discrete functional decoding according to Neurosynth's meta-analytic method.

    This does not employ correlations between unthresholded maps, which are the
    method of choice for decoding within Neurosynth and Neurovault.
    Metadata (i.e., feature labels) for studies within the selected sample
    (`ids`) are compared to the unselected studies remaining in the database

    Neurosynth was described in :footcite:t:`yarkoni2011large`.

    coordinates : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        DataFrame containing coordinates. Must include a column named 'id' and
        must have a separate row for each reported peak coordinate for each
        study (i.e., there are multiple rows per ID).
        IDs from ``coordinates`` must match those from ``annotations``.
    annotations : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        DataFrame containing labels. Must include a column named 'id' and each
        row must correspond to a study. Other columns may correspond to
        individual labels.
        IDs from ``annotations`` must match those from ``coordinates``.
    ids : :obj:`list`
        Subset of studies in coordinates/annotations dataframes indicating
        target for decoding. Examples include studies reporting at least one
        peak in an ROI, or studies selected from a clustering analysis.
    ids2 : :obj:`list` or None, optional
        Second subset of studies, representing "unselected" studies. If None,
        then all studies in coordinates/annotations dataframes **not** in
        ``ids`` will be used.
    features : :obj:`list`, optional
        List of features in dataset annotations to use for decoding.
        Default is None, which uses all features available.
    frequency_threshold : :obj:`float`, optional
        Threshold to apply to dataset annotations. Values greater than or
        equal to the threshold as assigned as label+, while values below
        the threshold are considered label-. Default is 0.001.
    prior : :obj:`float`, optional
        Uniform prior probability of each label being active in a study in
        the absence of evidence (labels or selection) from the study.
        Default is 0.5 (50%).
    u : :obj:`float`, optional
        Alpha level for multiple comparisons correction. Default is 0.05.
    correction : {None, "bh", "by", "bonferroni"}, optional
        Multiple comparisons correction method to apply.
        Default is 'bh' (Benjamini-Hochberg FDR correction).

    out_df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Table with each label and the following values associated with each
        label: 'pForward', 'zForward', 'probForward', 'pReverse', 'zReverse',
        and 'probReverse'.

    See Also
    :class:`~nimare.decode.discrete.NeurosynthDecoder`: The associated class for this method.
    :func:`~nimare.decode.continuous.CorrelationDecoder`: The correlation-based decoding
        method employed in Neurosynth and NeuroVault.

    .. footbibliography::
    dataset_ids = sorted(list(set(coordinates["id"].values)))
    if ids2 is None:
        unselected = sorted(list(set(dataset_ids) - set(ids)))
        unselected = ids2[:]

    # Binarize with frequency threshold
    features_df = annotations.set_index("id", drop=True)
    features_df = features_df[features].ge(frequency_threshold)

    sel_array = features_df.loc[ids].values
    unsel_array = features_df.loc[unselected].values

    n_selected = len(ids)
    n_unselected = len(unselected)

    n_selected_term = np.sum(sel_array, axis=0)
    n_unselected_term = np.sum(unsel_array, axis=0)

    n_selected_noterm = n_selected - n_selected_term
    n_unselected_noterm = n_unselected - n_unselected_term

    n_term = n_selected_term + n_unselected_term
    n_noterm = n_selected_noterm + n_unselected_noterm

    p_term = n_term / (n_term + n_noterm)

    p_selected_g_term = n_selected_term / n_term
    p_selected_g_noterm = n_selected_noterm / n_noterm

    # Recompute conditions with empirically derived prior (or inputted one)
    if prior is None:
        # if this is used, p_term_g_selected_prior = p_selected (regardless of term)
        prior = p_term

    # Significance testing
    # One-way chi-square test for consistency of term frequency across terms
    chi2_fi = one_way(n_selected_term, n_term)
    p_fi = special.chdtrc(1, chi2_fi)
    sign_fi = np.sign(n_selected_term - np.mean(n_selected_term)).ravel()  # pylint: disable=no-member

    # Two-way chi-square test for specificity of activation
    cells = np.array([
        [n_selected_term, n_selected_noterm],  # pylint: disable=no-member
        [n_unselected_term, n_unselected_noterm],
    chi2_ri = two_way(cells)
    p_ri = special.chdtrc(1, chi2_ri)
    sign_ri = np.sign(p_selected_g_term - p_selected_g_noterm).ravel()  # pylint: disable=no-member

    # Multiple comparisons correction across terms. Separately done for FI and RI.
    if correction in ("bh", "by"):
        p_corr_fi = fdr(p_fi, alpha=u, method=correction)
        p_corr_ri = fdr(p_ri, alpha=u, method=correction)
    elif correction == "bonferroni":
        p_corr_fi = bonferroni(p_fi)
        p_corr_ri = bonferroni(p_ri)
        p_corr_fi = p_fi
        p_corr_ri = p_ri

    # Compute z-values
    z_corr_fi = p_to_z(p_corr_fi, "two") * sign_fi
    z_corr_ri = p_to_z(p_corr_ri, "two") * sign_ri

    # Effect size
    # est. prob. of brain state described by term finding activation in ROI
    p_selected_g_term_g_prior = prior * p_selected_g_term + (
        1 - prior) * p_selected_g_noterm

    # est. prob. of activation in ROI reflecting brain state described by term
    p_term_g_selected_g_prior = p_selected_g_term * prior / p_selected_g_term_g_prior

    arr = np.array([
        p_selected_g_term_g_prior,  # pylint: disable=no-member

    out_df = pd.DataFrame(
            "pForward", "zForward", "probForward", "pReverse", "zReverse",
    out_df.index.name = "Term"
    return out_df
Example #28
def brainmap_decode(
    """Perform image-to-text decoding for discrete inputs according to the BrainMap method.

    This method was described in :footcite:t:`amft2015definition`.

    coordinates : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        DataFrame containing coordinates. Must include a column named 'id' and
        must have a separate row for each reported peak coordinate for each
        study (i.e., there are multiple rows per ID).
        IDs from ``coordinates`` must match those from ``annotations``.
    annotations : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        DataFrame containing labels. Must include a column named 'id' and each
        row must correspond to a study. Other columns may correspond to
        individual labels.
        IDs from ``annotations`` must match those from ``coordinates``.
    ids : :obj:`list`
        Subset of studies in coordinates/annotations dataframes indicating
        target for decoding. Examples include studies reporting at least one
        peak in an ROI, or studies selected from a clustering analysis.
    ids2 : :obj:`list` or None, optional
        Second subset of studies, representing "unselected" studies. If None,
        then all studies in coordinates/annotations dataframes **not** in
        ``ids`` will be used.
    features : :obj:`list`, optional
        List of features in dataset annotations to use for decoding.
        Default is None, which uses all features available.
    frequency_threshold : :obj:`float`, optional
        Threshold to apply to dataset annotations. Values greater than or
        equal to the threshold as assigned as label+, while values below
        the threshold are considered label-. Default is 0.001.
    u : :obj:`float`, optional
        Alpha level for multiple comparisons correction. Default is 0.05.
    correction : {None, "bh", "by", "bonferroni"}, optional
        Multiple comparisons correction method to apply.
        Default is 'bh' (Benjamini-Hochberg FDR correction).

    out_df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Table with each label and the following values associated with each
        label: 'pForward', 'zForward', 'likelihoodForward', 'pReverse',
        'zReverse', and 'probReverse'.

    See Also
    :func:`~nimare.decode.discrete.BrainMapDecoder`: The associated class for this method.

    .. footbibliography::
    dataset_ids = sorted(list(set(coordinates["id"].values)))
    if ids2 is None:
        unselected = sorted(list(set(dataset_ids) - set(ids)))
        unselected = ids2[:]

    # Binarize with frequency threshold
    features_df = annotations.set_index("id", drop=True)
    features_df = features_df[features].ge(frequency_threshold)

    sel_array = features_df.loc[ids].values
    unsel_array = features_df.loc[unselected].values

    n_selected = len(ids)
    n_unselected = len(unselected)

    # the number of times any term is used (e.g., if one experiment uses
    # two terms, that counts twice). Why though?
    n_exps_across_terms = np.sum(np.sum(features_df))

    n_selected_term = np.sum(sel_array, axis=0)
    n_unselected_term = np.sum(unsel_array, axis=0)

    n_selected_noterm = n_selected - n_selected_term
    n_unselected_noterm = n_unselected - n_unselected_term

    n_term = n_selected_term + n_unselected_term
    p_term = n_term / n_exps_across_terms

    n_foci_in_database = coordinates.shape[0]
    p_selected = n_selected / n_foci_in_database

    # I hope there's a way to do this without the for loop
    n_term_foci = np.zeros(len(features))
    n_noterm_foci = np.zeros(len(features))
    for i, term in enumerate(features):
        term_ids = features_df.loc[features_df[term] == 1].index.values
        noterm_ids = features_df.loc[features_df[term] == 0].index.values
        n_term_foci[i] = coordinates["id"].isin(term_ids).sum()
        n_noterm_foci[i] = coordinates["id"].isin(noterm_ids).sum()

    p_selected_g_term = n_selected_term / n_term_foci  # probForward
    l_selected_g_term = p_selected_g_term / p_selected  # likelihoodForward
    p_selected_g_noterm = n_selected_noterm / n_noterm_foci

    p_term_g_selected = p_selected_g_term * p_term / p_selected  # probReverse
    p_term_g_selected = p_term_g_selected / np.nansum(
        p_term_g_selected)  # Normalize

    # Significance testing
    # Forward inference significance is determined with a binomial distribution
    p_fi = 1 - binom.cdf(k=n_selected_term, n=n_term_foci, p=p_selected)
    sign_fi = np.sign(n_selected_term - np.mean(n_selected_term)).ravel()  # pylint: disable=no-member

    # Two-way chi-square test for specificity of activation
    cells = np.array([
        [n_selected_term, n_selected_noterm],  # pylint: disable=no-member
        [n_unselected_term, n_unselected_noterm],
    chi2_ri = two_way(cells)
    p_ri = special.chdtrc(1, chi2_ri)
    sign_ri = np.sign(p_selected_g_term - p_selected_g_noterm).ravel()  # pylint: disable=no-member

    # Ignore rare features
    p_fi[n_selected_term < 5] = 1.0
    p_ri[n_selected_term < 5] = 1.0

    # Multiple comparisons correction across features. Separately done for FI and RI.
    if correction in ("bh", "by"):
        p_corr_fi = fdr(p_fi, alpha=u, method=correction)
        p_corr_ri = fdr(p_ri, alpha=u, method=correction)
    elif correction == "bonferroni":
        p_corr_fi = bonferroni(p_fi)
        p_corr_ri = bonferroni(p_ri)
        p_corr_fi = p_fi
        p_corr_ri = p_ri

    # Compute z-values
    z_corr_fi = p_to_z(p_corr_fi, "two") * sign_fi
    z_corr_ri = p_to_z(p_corr_ri, "two") * sign_ri

    # Effect size
    arr = np.array([
        l_selected_g_term,  # pylint: disable=no-member

    out_df = pd.DataFrame(
    out_df.index.name = "Term"
    return out_df
Example #29
def pValorChi(v, T):
    return chdtrc(v, T)
Example #30
def chi2_contingency(observed, correction=True):
    """Chi-square test of independence of variables in a contingency table.

    This function computes the chi-square statistic and p-value for the
    hypothesis test of independence of the observed frequencies in the
    contingency table [1]_ `observed`.  The expected frequencies are computed
    based on the marginal sums under the assumption of independence;
    see scipy.stats.expected_freq.  The number of degrees of freedom is
    (expressed using numpy functions and attributes)::

        dof = observed.size - sum(observed.shape) + observed.ndim - 1

    observed : array_like
        The contingency table. The table contains the observed frequencies
        (i.e. number of occurrences) in each category.  In the two-dimensional
        case, the table is often described as an "R x C table".
    correction : bool, optional
        If True, *and* the degrees of freedom is 1, apply Yates' correction
        for continuity.

    chi2 : float
        The chi-square test statistic.  Without the Yates' correction, this
        is the sum of the squares of the observed values minus the expected
        values, divided by the expected values.  With Yates' correction,
        0.5 is subtracted from the squared differences before dividing by
        the expected values.
    p : float
        The p-value of the test
    dof : int
        Degrees of freedom
    expected : ndarray, same shape as `observed`
        The expected frequencies, based on the marginal sums of the table.

    See Also

    An often quoted guideline for the validity of this calculation is that
    the test should be used only if the observed and expected frequency in
    each cell is at least 5.

    This is a test for the independence of different categories of a
    population. The test is only meaningful when the dimension of
    `observed` is two or more.  Applying the test to a one-dimensional
    table will always result in `expected` equal to `observed` and a
    chi-square statistic equal to 0.

    This function does not handle masked arrays, because the calculation
    does not make sense with missing values.

    Like stats.chisquare, this function computes a chi-square statistic;
    the convenience this function provides is to figure out the expected
    frequencies and degrees of freedom from the given contingency table.
    If these were already known, and if the Yates' correction was not
    required, one could use stats.chisquare.  That is, if one calls::

        chi2, p, dof, ex = chi2_contingency(obs, correction=False)

    then the following is true::

        (chi2, p) == stats.chisquare(obs.ravel(), f_exp=ex.ravel(),
                                     ddof=obs.size - 1 - dof)

    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contingency_table

    A two-way example (2 x 3):

    >>> obs = np.array([[10, 10, 20], [20, 20, 20]])
    >>> chi2_contingency(obs)
     array([[ 12.,  12.,  16.],
            [ 18.,  18.,  24.]]))

    A four-way example (2 x 2 x 2 x 2):

    >>> obs = np.array(
    ...     [[[[12, 17],
    ...        [11, 16]],
    ...       [[11, 12],
    ...        [15, 16]]],
    ...      [[[23, 15],
    ...        [30, 22]],
    ...       [[14, 17],
    ...        [15, 16]]]])
    >>> chi2_contingency(obs)
     array([[[[ 14.15462386,  14.15462386],
              [ 16.49423111,  16.49423111]],
             [[ 11.2461395 ,  11.2461395 ],
              [ 13.10500554,  13.10500554]]],
            [[[ 19.5591166 ,  19.5591166 ],
              [ 22.79202844,  22.79202844]],
             [[ 15.54012004,  15.54012004],
              [ 18.10873492,  18.10873492]]]]))
    observed = np.asarray(observed)
    if np.any(observed < 0):
        raise ValueError("All values in `observed` must be nonnegative.")
    if observed.size == 0:
        raise ValueError("No data; `observed` has size 0.")

    expected = expected_freq(observed)
    if np.any(expected == 0):
        # Include one of the positions where expected is zero in
        # the exception message.
        zeropos = list(np.where(expected == 0)[0])
        raise ValueError("The internally computed table of expected "
                         "frequencies has a zero element at %s." % zeropos)

    # The degrees of freedom
    dof = expected.size - sum(expected.shape) + expected.ndim - 1

    if dof == 0:
        # Degenerate case; this occurs when `observed` is 1D (or, more
        # generally, when it has only one nontrivial dimension).  In this
        # case, we also have observed == expected, so chi2 is 0.
        chi2 = 0.0
        p = 1.0
        if dof == 1 and correction:
            # Use Yates' correction for continuity.
            chi2 = ((np.abs(observed - expected) - 0.5)**2 / expected).sum()
            # Regular chi-square--no correction.
            chi2 = ((observed - expected)**2 / expected).sum()
        p = special.chdtrc(dof, chi2)

    return chi2, p, dof, expected
Example #31
 def pvalue(self):
     return chdtrc(self.ndf, self.chi2)
Example #32
print("Params:        ", fitter.params)
print("Iterations:    ", fitter.niter)
print("Function ev:   ", fitter.nfev) 
print("Uncertainties: ", fitter.xerror)
print("dof:           ", fitter.dof)
print("chi^2, rchi2:  ", fitter.chi2_min, fitter.rchi2_min)
print("stderr:        ", fitter.stderr)   
print("Status:        ", fitter.status)

print("\n======== Statistics ========")

from scipy.stats import chi2
rv = chi2(fitter.dof)
print("Three methods to calculate the right tail cumulative probability:")
print("1. with gammainc(dof/2,chi2/2):  ", 1-gammainc(0.5*fitter.dof, 0.5*fitter.chi2_min))
print("2. with scipy's chdtrc(dof,chi2):", chdtrc(fitter.dof,fitter.chi2_min))
print("3. with scipy's chi2.cdf(chi2):  ", 1-rv.cdf(fitter.chi2_min))

xc = fitter.chi2_min
print("Threshold chi-squared at alpha=0.05: ", rv.ppf(1-0.05))
print("Threshold chi-squared at alpha=0.01: ", rv.ppf(1-0.01))

f = lambda x: -rv.pdf(x)
x_max = fminbound(f,1,200)
print("""For %d degrees of freedom, the maximum probability in the distribution is
at chi-squared=%g """%(fitter.dof, x_max))

alpha = 0.05           # Select a p-value
chi2max = max(3*x_max, fitter.chi2_min)
Example #33
def chi2sf(x, df):
    return special.chdtrc(df, x)
Example #34
    def _fit(self, dataset1, dataset2):
        self.dataset1 = dataset1
        self.dataset2 = dataset2
        self.masker = self.masker or dataset1.masker
        self.null_distributions_ = {}

        ma_maps1 = self._collect_ma_maps(
        ma_maps2 = self._collect_ma_maps(

        # Calculate different count variables
        n_selected = ma_maps1.shape[0]
        n_unselected = ma_maps2.shape[0]
        n_mappables = n_selected + n_unselected
        n_selected_active_voxels = np.sum(ma_maps1, axis=0)
        n_unselected_active_voxels = np.sum(ma_maps2, axis=0)

        # Remove large arrays
        del ma_maps1, ma_maps2

        # Nomenclature for variables below: p = probability,
        # F = feature present, g = given, U = unselected, A = activation.
        # So, e.g., pAgF = p(A|F) = probability of activation
        # in a voxel if we know that the feature is present in a study.
        pF = n_selected / n_mappables
        pA = np.array(
            (n_selected_active_voxels + n_unselected_active_voxels) / n_mappables

        # Conditional probabilities
        pAgF = n_selected_active_voxels / n_selected
        pAgU = n_unselected_active_voxels / n_unselected
        pFgA = pAgF * pF / pA

        # Recompute conditionals with uniform prior
        pAgF_prior = self.prior * pAgF + (1 - self.prior) * pAgU
        pFgA_prior = pAgF * self.prior / pAgF_prior

        # One-way chi-square test for consistency of activation
        pAgF_chi2_vals = one_way(np.squeeze(n_selected_active_voxels), n_selected)
        pAgF_p_vals = special.chdtrc(1, pAgF_chi2_vals)
        pAgF_sign = np.sign(n_selected_active_voxels - np.mean(n_selected_active_voxels))
        pAgF_z = p_to_z(pAgF_p_vals, tail="two") * pAgF_sign

        # Two-way chi-square for specificity of activation
        cells = np.squeeze(
                    [n_selected_active_voxels, n_unselected_active_voxels],
                        n_selected - n_selected_active_voxels,
                        n_unselected - n_unselected_active_voxels,
        pFgA_chi2_vals = two_way(cells)
        pFgA_p_vals = special.chdtrc(1, pFgA_chi2_vals)
        pFgA_p_vals[pFgA_p_vals < 1e-240] = 1e-240
        pFgA_sign = np.sign(pAgF - pAgU).ravel()
        pFgA_z = p_to_z(pFgA_p_vals, tail="two") * pFgA_sign
        images = {
            "prob_desc-A": pA,
            "prob_desc-AgF": pAgF,
            "prob_desc-FgA": pFgA,
            ("prob_desc-AgF_given_pF=%0.2f" % self.prior): pAgF_prior,
            ("prob_desc-FgA_given_pF=%0.2f" % self.prior): pFgA_prior,
            "z_desc-consistency": pAgF_z,
            "z_desc-specificity": pFgA_z,
            "chi2_desc-consistency": pAgF_chi2_vals,
            "chi2_desc-specificity": pFgA_chi2_vals,
            "p_desc-consistency": pAgF_p_vals,
            "p_desc-specificity": pFgA_p_vals,
        return images
Example #35
def main():
    parser = OptionParser(description='Fitting to a noisy data generated by a known function')
    parser.add_option("--npoints", type="int",   help="number of data points") 
    parser.add_option("--low",     type="float", help="smallest data point") 
    parser.add_option("--high",    type="float", help="highest data point") 
    parser.add_option("--sigma",   type="float", help="std of noise") 
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args() 

    ax = pl.subplot(1,1,1)
    minorLocator   = AutoMinorLocator(5)                                        
    minorLocator   = AutoMinorLocator(5)                                        

    choice = 4 #4#0 
    off  = 0

    FitFuncs = [FreeLog,FreeLog2,OneLog,HalfLog,HalfLog2,ZeroLog]
    FitEqs   = [r'0.5N_G log(L)/L+',r'b \, log(L)/L+',r'log(L)/L+',r'0.5log(L)/L+',r'0.5log(\frac{\rho_s}{c}L)/L+','']
    for i,fit in enumerate(FitEqs):
        if   choice == 1: FitEqs[i] = r'a+'+fit+r'c(b,\gamma_{free})/L'
        elif choice == 3: FitEqs[i] = r'a+'+fit+r'c(\gamma_{free})/L'
        elif choice == 4: FitEqs[i] = r'a+'+fit+r'\gamma_{ord}/L'
        else:             FitEqs[i] = r'a+'+fit+r'd/L'
    FitEqs[1] = FitEqs[1] + r'+d/L^2'
    FitEqs[4] = FitEqs[4] + r'+d/L^2'
    FitFunc = FitFuncs[choice]
    FitEq  = FitEqs[choice]
    if  choice == 0: 
        clab  = ['a','N_G','d']
        guess = np.ones(3)
    elif choice == 1:
         clab  = ['a','b',r'\gamma_{free}','d']
         guess = np.ones(4)
    elif choice == 3:
         clab  = ['a',r'\gamma_{free}']
         guess = np.ones(2)
    elif choice == 4:
         clab  = ['a',r'\gamma_{ord}','d']
         guess = np.ones(3)
        clab = ['a','c']
        guess = np.ones(2)
    ax.set_title(r'$Fit\, to\, the\, form:\, %s$' %FitEq)
    sigma = options.sigma    

    off = 1
    offh = 8
    beta = 184

    gammae_exp = []
    gammav_exp = []
    off = 0
    Ls   = np.array([8,16,24,32])
    #MIs  = np.array([0.20170987004291954, 0.16195953475521396, 0.14235010902049608, 0.13113092651426075]) 
    #dMIs = np.array([0.00019319572927642786, 0.00023402606005673606, 0.00024543616376892271, 0.00019744156940868488])
    MIs  = np.array([0.20170987004291954, 0.16195953475521396, 0.14235010902049608, 0.13107297667495113]) 
    dMIs = np.array([0.00019319572927642786, 0.00023402606005673606, 0.00024543616376892271, 0.00016942024648351241])
    print Ls
    coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(FitFunc,Ls,MIs,guess,sigma=1.0/(dMIs**2))
    err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(var_matrix))
    dof     = len(Ls) - len(coeff)
    chisq   = sum(((MIs-FitFunc(Ls,*coeff))/dMIs)**2)
    cdf     = special.chdtrc(dof,chisq)
    lab = 'Fit: '
    if  choice == 4: 
    for i in range(len(guess)):
        lab += r'$%s = %0.3f(%0.3f);\,$' %(clab[i],coeff[i],err[i])
    lab += r'$\chi^2/DOF=%0.2f;\,$' %(chisq/float(dof))
    lab += r'$\, p-value = %0.2f$' %cdf
    #pl.errorbar(Ls,MIs,dMIs,ls='',label=r'$\beta =%3.0f$'%beta,color='y')
    pl.errorbar(Ls,MIs,dMIs,ls='',label=r'$Data\, for\, A/(L_xL_y)=1/8$',color=fcolors(4))
    nLs = np.linspace(Ls[0],Ls[-1],100)

    off = 1
    Ls   = np.array([4,8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28,32])[off:]
    #MIs  = np.array([ 0.27140758767953033, 0.22113400442581177, 0.19095315323315157, 0.17249654628602423, 0.15946872869885381, 0.14956906776848633, 0.14271734664170935, 0.13648367829389965])[off:]
    #dMIs = np.array([ 0.00035063105703284086, 0.00028390662712597328, 0.00030945156199167442, 0.00032588203068154991, 0.00021749486902703514, 0.00034962902498649281, 0.00033862852457444855,0.00027553624634053158])[off:]
    MIs  = np.array([ 0.27140758767953033, 0.22113400442581177, 0.19095315323315157, 0.17249654628602423, 0.15946872869885381, 0.14956906776848633, 0.14271734664170935, 0.13639189179498032])[off:]
    dMIs = np.array([ 0.00035063105703284086, 0.00028390662712597328, 0.00030945156199167442, 0.00032588203068154991, 0.00021749486902703514, 0.00034962902498649281, 0.00033862852457444855,0.0002417771731823463])[off:]

    coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(FitFunc,Ls,MIs,guess,sigma=1.0/(dMIs**2))
    err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(var_matrix))
    dof     = len(Ls) - len(coeff)
    chisq   = sum(((MIs-FitFunc(Ls,*coeff))/dMIs)**2)
    cdf     = special.chdtrc(dof,chisq)
    lab = 'Fit: '
    if  choice == 4: 
    for i in range(len(guess)):
        lab += r'$%s = %0.3f(%0.3f);\,$' %(clab[i],coeff[i],err[i])
    lab += r'$\chi^2/DOF=%0.2f;\,$' %(chisq/float(dof))
    lab += r'$\, p-value = %0.2f$' %cdf
    #pl.errorbar(Ls,MIs,dMIs,ls='',label=r'$\beta =%3.0f$'%beta,color='b')
    pl.errorbar(Ls,MIs,dMIs,ls='',label=r'$Data\, for\, A/(L_xL_y)= 1/4$',color=fcolors(6))
    nLs = np.linspace(Ls[0],Ls[-1],100)

    off = 0
    Ls   = np.array([8,16,24,32])
    #MIs  = np.array([0.22996345403546045, 0.17674766273907488, 0.15299083379548556, 0.13889845232701539]) 
    #dMIs = np.array([0.00035023175479636717, 0.00039822181187702241, 0.00037804621953715169, 0.00032578195392620591])
    MIs  = np.array([0.22996345403546045, 0.17674766273907488, 0.15299083379548556, 0.13883803379406248]) 
    dMIs = np.array([0.00035023175479636717, 0.00039822181187702241, 0.00037804621953715169, 0.00029383814706680241])
    coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(FitFunc,Ls,MIs,guess,sigma=1.0/(dMIs**2))
    err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(var_matrix))
    dof     = len(Ls) - len(coeff)
    chisq   = sum(((MIs-FitFunc(Ls,*coeff))/dMIs)**2)
    cdf     = special.chdtrc(dof,chisq)
    lab = 'Fit: '
    if  choice == 4: 
    for i in range(len(guess)):
        lab += r'$%s = %0.3f(%0.3f);\,$' %(clab[i],coeff[i],err[i])
    lab += r'$\chi^2/DOF=%0.2f;\,$' %(chisq/float(dof))
    lab += r'$\, p-value = %0.2f$' %cdf
    #pl.errorbar(Ls,MIs,dMIs,ls='',label=r'$\beta =%3.0f$'%beta,color='y')
    pl.errorbar(Ls,MIs,dMIs,ls='',label=r'$Data\, for\, A/(L_xL_y)=3/8$',color=fcolors(3))
    nLs = np.linspace(Ls[0],Ls[-1],100)

    # 4/8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Ls   = np.array([8,10, 12, 16, 20, 24,28,32])
    #MIs  = np.array([0.23251280150358983, 0.21337256591279627,0.19797531796757287, 0.17775003649902879, 0.16411815945015565, 0.15374365325070799, 0.14583169547075336, 0.13937802905214949])
    #dMIs = np.array([0.00040395552486499571, 0.00062070973509060503,0.00043835040610511769, 0.00046104739832369675, 0.00030739428405506897, 0.00043982489905168917, 0.00047582622823638226, 0.00037807728176096899])
    MIs  = np.array([0.23251280150358983, 0.21337256591279627,0.19797531796757287, 0.17775003649902879, 0.16411815945015565, 0.15374365325070799, 0.14583169547075336, 0.13931301552362246])
    dMIs = np.array([0.00040395552486499571, 0.00062070973509060503,0.00043835040610511769, 0.00046104739832369675, 0.00030739428405506897, 0.00043982489905168917, 0.00047582622823638226, 0.00033882833155090007])
    coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(FitFunc,Ls,MIs,guess,sigma=1.0/(dMIs**2))
    err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(var_matrix))
    dof     = len(Ls) - len(coeff)
    chisq   = sum(((MIs-FitFunc(Ls,*coeff))/dMIs)**2)
    cdf     = special.chdtrc(dof,chisq)
    lab = 'Fit: '
    if  choice == 4: 
    for i in range(len(guess)):
        lab += r'$%s = %0.3f(%0.3f);\,$' %(clab[i],coeff[i],err[i])
    lab += r'$\chi^2/DOF=%0.2f;\,$' %(chisq/float(dof))
    lab += r'$\, p-value = %0.2f$' %cdf
    #pl.errorbar(Ls,MIs,dMIs,ls='',label=r'$\beta =%3.0f$'%beta,color='y')
    pl.errorbar(Ls,MIs,dMIs,ls='',label=r'$Data\, for\, A/(L_xL_y)=0.50$',color=fcolors(2))
    nLs = np.linspace(Ls[0],Ls[-1],100)

    lgd = pl.legend()

    if  choice == 4:
        geom_exp  = [0.125,0.250,0.375,0.500]
        geom_thr  = [0.100,0.125,0.1500,0.2000,0.2500,0.3000,0.3500,0.3750,0.4000,0.4500,0.5000]
        gamma_thr = [0.598,0.672,0.7255,0.8008,0.8512,0.8866,0.9116,0.9209,0.9283,0.9379,0.9410]
        print np.array(gamma_thr) - 0.5*np.log(2.0*np.pi)
        ax = pl.subplot(1,1,1)
        minorLocator   = AutoMinorLocator(5)                                        
        minorLocator   = AutoMinorLocator(5)                                        
                    ls='', color=colors[2], label=r"$MC$")
        lgd = pl.legend()
Example #36
 def test_p_value1(self):
     obs = np.array([[10,0], [0, 10]])
     ct = stats.ContingencyTable(observed=obs)
     chi2 = ct.chi_square()
     p = special.chdtrc(ct.dof, chi2)
     assert_equal(ct.p_value(), p)        
print "Params:        ", fitter.params
print "Iterations:    ", fitter.niter
print "Function ev:   ", fitter.nfev 
print "Uncertainties: ", fitter.xerror
print "dof:           ", fitter.dof
print "chi^2, rchi2:  ", fitter.chi2_min, fitter.rchi2_min
print "stderr:        ", fitter.stderr   
print "Status:        ", fitter.status

print "\n======== Statistics ========"

from scipy.stats import chi2
rv = chi2(fitter.dof)
print "Three methods to calculate the right tail cumulative probability:"
print "1. with gammainc(dof/2,chi2/2):  ", 1-gammainc(0.5*fitter.dof, 0.5*fitter.chi2_min)
print "2. with scipy's chdtrc(dof,chi2):", chdtrc(fitter.dof,fitter.chi2_min)
print "3. with scipy's chi2.cdf(chi2):  ", 1-rv.cdf(fitter.chi2_min)
print ""

xc = fitter.chi2_min
print "Threshold chi-squared at alpha=0.05: ", rv.ppf(1-0.05)
print "Threshold chi-squared at alpha=0.01: ", rv.ppf(1-0.01)

f = lambda x: -rv.pdf(x)
x_max = fminbound(f,1,200)
print """For %d degrees of freedom, the maximum probability in the distribution is
at chi-squared=%g """%(fitter.dof, x_max)

alpha = 0.05           # Select a p-value
chi2max = max(3*x_max, fitter.chi2_min)
Example #38
def chi2_contingency(observed, correction=True):
    """Chi-square test of independence of variables in a contingency table.

    This function computes the chi-square statistic and p-value for the
    hypothesis test of independence of the observed frequencies in the
    contingency table [1]_ `observed`.  The expected frequencies are computed
    based on the marginal sums under the assumption of independence;
    see scipy.stats.expected_freq.  The number of degrees of freedom is
    (expressed using numpy functions and attributes)::

        dof = observed.size - sum(observed.shape) + observed.ndim - 1

    observed : array_like
        The contingency table. The table contains the observed frequencies
        (i.e. number of occurrences) in each category.  In the two-dimensional
        case, the table is often described as an "R x C table".
    correction : bool, optional
        If True, *and* the degrees of freedom is 1, apply Yates' correction
        for continuity.

    chi2 : float
        The chi-square test statistic.  Without the Yates' correction, this
        is the sum of the squares of the observed values minus the expected
        values, divided by the expected values.  With Yates' correction,
        0.5 is subtracted from the squared differences before dividing by
        the expected values.
    p : float
        The p-value of the test
    dof : int
        Degrees of freedom
    expected : ndarray, same shape as `observed`
        The expected frequencies, based on the marginal sums of the table.

    See Also

    An often quoted guideline for the validity of this calculation is that
    the test should be used only if the observed and expected frequency in
    each cell is at least 5.

    This is a test for the independence of different categories of a
    population. The test is only meaningful when the dimension of
    `observed` is two or more.  Applying the test to a one-dimensional
    table will always result in `expected` equal to `observed` and a
    chi-square statistic equal to 0.

    This function does not handle masked arrays, because the calculation
    does not make sense with missing values.

    Like stats.chisquare, this function computes a chi-square statistic;
    the convenience this function provides is to figure out the expected
    frequencies and degrees of freedom from the given contingency table.
    If these were already known, and if the Yates' correction was not
    required, one could use stats.chisquare.  That is, if one calls::

        chi2, p, dof, ex = chi2_contingency(obs, correction=False)

    then the following is true::

        (chi2, p) == stats.chisquare(obs.ravel(), f_exp=ex.ravel(),
                                     ddof=obs.size - 1 - dof)

    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contingency_table

    A two-way example (2 x 3):

    >>> obs = np.array([[10, 10, 20], [20, 20, 20]])
    >>> chi2_contingency(obs)
     array([[ 12.,  12.,  16.],
            [ 18.,  18.,  24.]]))

    A four-way example (2 x 2 x 2 x 2):

    >>> obs = np.array(
    ...     [[[[12, 17],
    ...        [11, 16]],
    ...       [[11, 12],
    ...        [15, 16]]],
    ...      [[[23, 15],
    ...        [30, 22]],
    ...       [[14, 17],
    ...        [15, 16]]]])
    >>> chi2_contingency(obs)
     array([[[[ 14.15462386,  14.15462386],
              [ 16.49423111,  16.49423111]],
             [[ 11.2461395 ,  11.2461395 ],
              [ 13.10500554,  13.10500554]]],
            [[[ 19.5591166 ,  19.5591166 ],
              [ 22.79202844,  22.79202844]],
             [[ 15.54012004,  15.54012004],
              [ 18.10873492,  18.10873492]]]]))
    observed = np.asarray(observed)
    if np.any(observed < 0):
        raise ValueError("All values in `observed` must be nonnegative.")
    if observed.size == 0:
        raise ValueError("No data; `observed` has size 0.")

    expected = expected_freq(observed)
    if np.any(expected == 0):
        # Include one of the positions where expected is zero in
        # the exception message.
        zeropos = list(np.where(expected == 0)[0])
        raise ValueError("The internally computed table of expected "
                         "frequencies has a zero element at %s." % zeropos)

    # The degrees of freedom
    dof = expected.size - sum(expected.shape) + expected.ndim - 1

    if dof == 0:
        # Degenerate case; this occurs when `observed` is 1D (or, more
        # generally, when it has only one nontrivial dimension).  In this
        # case, we also have observed == expected, so chi2 is 0.
        chi2 = 0.0
        p = 1.0
        if dof == 1 and correction:
            # Use Yates' correction for continuity.
            chi2 = ((np.abs(observed - expected) - 0.5) ** 2 / expected).sum()
            # Regular chi-square--no correction.
            chi2 = ((observed - expected) ** 2 / expected).sum()
        p = special.chdtrc(dof, chi2)

    return chi2, p, dof, expected
Example #39
def neurosynth_decode(coordinates,
    Perform discrete functional decoding according to Neurosynth's
    meta-analytic method [1]_. This does not employ correlations between
    unthresholded maps, which are the method of choice for decoding within
    Neurosynth and Neurovault.
    Metadata (i.e., feature labels) for studies within the selected sample
    (`ids`) are compared to the unselected studies remaining in the database

    .. [1] Yarkoni, Tal, et al. "Large-scale automated synthesis of human
        functional neuroimaging data." Nature methods 8.8 (2011): 665.
    id_cols = ['id', 'study_id', 'contrast_id']
    dataset_ids = sorted(list(set(coordinates['id'].values)))
    if ids2 is None:
        unselected = sorted(list(set(dataset_ids) - set(ids)))
        unselected = ids2[:]

    if features is None:
        features = annotations.columns.values
        features = [f for f in features if f not in id_cols]

    # Binarize with frequency threshold
    features_df = annotations.set_index('id', drop=True)
    features_df = features_df[features].ge(frequency_threshold)

    sel_array = features_df.loc[ids].values
    unsel_array = features_df.loc[unselected].values

    n_selected = len(ids)
    n_unselected = len(unselected)

    n_selected_term = np.sum(sel_array, axis=0)
    n_unselected_term = np.sum(unsel_array, axis=0)

    n_selected_noterm = n_selected - n_selected_term
    n_unselected_noterm = n_unselected - n_unselected_term

    n_term = n_selected_term + n_unselected_term
    n_noterm = n_selected_noterm + n_unselected_noterm

    p_term = n_term / (n_term + n_noterm)

    p_selected_g_term = n_selected_term / n_term
    p_selected_g_noterm = n_selected_noterm / n_noterm

    # Recompute conditions with empirically derived prior (or inputted one)
    if prior is None:
        # if this is used, p_term_g_selected_prior = p_selected (regardless of term)
        prior = p_term

    # Significance testing
    # One-way chi-square test for consistency of term frequency across terms
    chi2_fi = one_way(n_selected_term, n_term)
    p_fi = special.chdtrc(1, chi2_fi)
    sign_fi = np.sign(n_selected_term - np.mean(n_selected_term)).ravel()  # pylint: disable=no-member

    # Two-way chi-square test for specificity of activation
    cells = np.array([
        [n_selected_term, n_selected_noterm],  # pylint: disable=no-member
        [n_unselected_term, n_unselected_noterm]
    chi2_ri = two_way(cells)
    p_ri = special.chdtrc(1, chi2_ri)
    sign_ri = np.sign(p_selected_g_term - p_selected_g_noterm).ravel()  # pylint: disable=no-member

    # Multiple comparisons correction across terms. Separately done for FI and RI.
    if correction is not None:
        _, p_corr_fi, _, _ = multipletests(p_fi,
        _, p_corr_ri, _, _ = multipletests(p_ri,
        p_corr_fi = p_fi
        p_corr_ri = p_ri

    # Compute z-values
    z_corr_fi = p_to_z(p_corr_fi, 'two') * sign_fi
    z_corr_ri = p_to_z(p_corr_ri, 'two') * sign_ri

    # Effect size
    # est. prob. of brain state described by term finding activation in ROI
    p_selected_g_term_g_prior = prior * p_selected_g_term + (
        1 - prior) * p_selected_g_noterm

    # est. prob. of activation in ROI reflecting brain state described by term
    p_term_g_selected_g_prior = p_selected_g_term * prior / p_selected_g_term_g_prior

    arr = np.array([
        p_selected_g_term_g_prior,  # pylint: disable=no-member

    out_df = pd.DataFrame(data=arr,
                              'pForward', 'zForward', 'probForward',
                              'pReverse', 'zReverse', 'probReverse'
    out_df.index.name = 'Term'
    return out_df
Example #40
    elif U <= 5 / 6:
        return (5)
        return (6)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Enunciado: Para verificar que cierto dado no estaba trucado, se registraron
    1000 lanzamientos, resultando que el número de veces que el dado arrojó el
    valor i (i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) fue, respectivamente, 158, 172, 164, 181,
    160, 165. Aproximar el p-valor de la prueba: “el dado es honesto”
    a) utilizando un aproximación ji-cuadrada
    b) realizando una simulación
    pi = [1 / 6, 1 / 6, 1 / 6, 1 / 6, 1 / 6, 1 / 6]
    Ni = [158, 172, 164, 181, 160, 165]
    n, k = sum(Ni), len(pi)
    Iter = 1000
    T = chi2_stadistical(pi, Ni, n)
    chi2 = chdtrc(k - 1, T)
    sim = simulation_distribution(n, Iter, T, k, pi, func)

    print("Estadístico: {}".format(T))
    print("P-valor con Chi-cuadrado: {}".format(chi2))
    print("P-valor con Simulación: {}".format(sim))
Example #41
    def fit(self, voxel_thresh=0.01, q=0.05, corr='FWE', n_iters=5000,
            prior=0.5, n_cores=4):
        self.voxel_thresh = voxel_thresh
        self.corr = corr
        self.n_iters = n_iters

        k_est = self.kernel_estimator(self.coordinates, self.mask)
        ma_maps1 = k_est.transform(self.ids, masked=True,
        ma_maps2 = k_est.transform(self.ids2, masked=True,

        # Calculate different count variables
        eps = np.spacing(1)
        n_selected = len(self.ids)
        n_unselected = len(self.ids2)
        n_mappables = n_selected + n_unselected

        # Transform MA maps to 1d arrays
        ma_maps_all = np.vstack((ma_maps1, ma_maps2))

        n_selected_active_voxels = np.sum(ma_maps1, axis=0)
        n_unselected_active_voxels = np.sum(ma_maps2, axis=0)

        # Nomenclature for variables below: p = probability,
        # F = feature present, g = given, U = unselected, A = activation.
        # So, e.g., pAgF = p(A|F) = probability of activation
        # in a voxel if we know that the feature is present in a study.
        pF = (n_selected * 1.0) / n_mappables
        pA = np.array(np.sum(ma_maps_all, axis=0) / n_mappables).squeeze()

        # Conditional probabilities
        pAgF = n_selected_active_voxels * 1.0 / n_selected
        pAgU = n_unselected_active_voxels * 1.0 / n_unselected
        pFgA = pAgF * pF / pA

        # Recompute conditionals with uniform prior
        pAgF_prior = prior * pAgF + (1 - prior) * pAgU
        pFgA_prior = pAgF * prior / pAgF_prior

        # One-way chi-square test for consistency of activation
        pAgF_chi2_vals = self._one_way(np.squeeze(n_selected_active_voxels),
        pAgF_p_vals = special.chdtrc(1, pAgF_chi2_vals)
        pAgF_sign = np.sign(n_selected_active_voxels - np.mean(n_selected_active_voxels))
        pAgF_z = p_to_z(pAgF_p_vals, tail='two') * pAgF_sign

        # Two-way chi-square for specificity of activation
        cells = np.squeeze(
            np.array([[n_selected_active_voxels, n_unselected_active_voxels],
                      [n_selected - n_selected_active_voxels,
                       n_unselected - n_unselected_active_voxels]]).T)
        pFgA_chi2_vals = self._two_way(cells)
        pFgA_p_vals = special.chdtrc(1, pFgA_chi2_vals)
        pFgA_p_vals[pFgA_p_vals < 1e-240] = 1e-240
        pFgA_sign = np.sign(pAgF - pAgU).ravel()
        pFgA_z = p_to_z(pFgA_p_vals, tail='two') * pFgA_sign
        images = {
            'pA': pA,
            'pAgF': pAgF,
            'pFgA': pFgA,
            ('pAgF_given_pF=%0.2f' % prior): pAgF_prior,
            ('pFgA_given_pF=%0.2f' % prior): pFgA_prior,
            'consistency_z': pAgF_z,
            'specificity_z': pFgA_z,
            'consistency_chi2': pAgF_chi2_vals,
            'specificity_chi2': pFgA_chi2_vals}

        if corr == 'FWE':
            pool = mp.Pool(n_cores)
            iter_dfs = [self.coordinates.copy()] * n_iters
            null_ijk = np.vstack(np.where(self.mask.get_data())).T
            rand_idx = np.random.choice(null_ijk.shape[0],
            rand_ijk = null_ijk[rand_idx, :]
            iter_ijks = np.split(rand_ijk, rand_ijk.shape[1], axis=1)

            params = zip(iter_dfs, iter_ijks, range(n_iters))
            perm_results = pool.map(self._perm, params)
            pAgF_null_chi2_dist, pFgA_null_chi2_dist = zip(*perm_results)

            # pAgF_FWE
            pAgF_null_chi2_dist = np.squeeze(pAgF_null_chi2_dist)
            np.savetxt('null_dist.txt', pAgF_null_chi2_dist)
            pAgF_p_FWE = np.empty_like(pAgF_chi2_vals).astype(float)
            for voxel in range(pFgA_chi2_vals.shape[0]):
                pAgF_p_FWE[voxel] = null_to_p(pAgF_chi2_vals[voxel],
            # Crop p-values of 0 or 1 to nearest values that won't evaluate to
            # 0 or 1. Prevents inf z-values.
            pAgF_p_FWE[pAgF_p_FWE < eps] = eps
            pAgF_p_FWE[pAgF_p_FWE > (1. - eps)] = 1. - eps
            pAgF_z_FWE = p_to_z(pAgF_p_FWE, tail='two') * pAgF_sign
            images['consistency_p_FWE'] = pAgF_p_FWE
            images['consistency_z_FWE'] = pAgF_z_FWE

            # pFgA_FWE
            pFgA_null_chi2_dist = np.squeeze(pFgA_null_chi2_dist)
            pFgA_p_FWE = np.empty_like(pFgA_chi2_vals).astype(float)
            for voxel in range(pFgA_chi2_vals.shape[0]):
                pFgA_p_FWE[voxel] = null_to_p(pFgA_chi2_vals[voxel],
            # Crop p-values of 0 or 1 to nearest values that won't evaluate to
            # 0 or 1. Prevents inf z-values.
            pFgA_p_FWE[pFgA_p_FWE < eps] = eps
            pFgA_p_FWE[pFgA_p_FWE > (1. - eps)] = 1. - eps
            pFgA_z_FWE = p_to_z(pFgA_p_FWE, tail='two') * pFgA_sign
            images['specificity_p_FWE'] = pFgA_p_FWE
            images['specificity_z_FWE'] = pFgA_z_FWE
        elif corr == 'FDR':
            _, pAgF_p_FDR, _, _ = multipletests(pAgF_p_vals, alpha=0.05,
            pAgF_z_FDR = p_to_z(pAgF_p_FDR, tail='two') * pAgF_sign
            images['consistency_z_FDR'] = pAgF_z_FDR

            _, pFgA_p_FDR, _, _ = multipletests(pFgA_p_vals, alpha=0.05,
            pFgA_z_FDR = p_to_z(pFgA_p_FDR, tail='two') * pFgA_sign
            images['specificity_z_FDR'] = pFgA_z_FDR

        self.results = MetaResult(mask=self.mask, **images)
Example #42
    teoría, se estudió una muestra de 564 guisantes, donde se encontró que 141
    produjeron flores blancas, 291 flores rosas y 132 flores rojas.
    Aproximar el p−valor de esta muestra:

    a) utilizando un aproximación ji-cuadrada,
    b) realizando una simulación.

    # a)
    probs = [1/4, 1/2, 1/4]
    frecuency = [141, 291, 132]
    n = sum(frecuency)
    T = stadistic(probs, frecuency, n)
    k = 3

    print("Estadisitico: {}".format(T))
    # Tomar chi_cuadrado con k-1 grados de libertad
    p_value = chdtrc(k-1, T)
    print("P-Valor ji-cuadrada: {}".format(p_value))

    # b)
    ITER = 1000
    p_value_simulation = simulation(n, ITER, T, k, probs, F)
    print("P-Valor simulacion: {}".format(p_value_simulation))
Example #43
def brainmap_decode(coordinates,
    Perform image-to-text decoding for discrete image inputs (e.g., regions
    of interest, significant clusters) according to the BrainMap method [1]_.

    .. [1] Amft, Maren, et al. "Definition and characterization of an extended
        social-affective default network." Brain Structure and Function 220.2
        (2015): 1031-1049. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-013-0698-0
    id_cols = ['id', 'study_id', 'contrast_id']
    dataset_ids = sorted(list(set(coordinates['id'].values)))
    if ids2 is None:
        unselected = sorted(list(set(dataset_ids) - set(ids)))
        unselected = ids2[:]

    if features is None:
        features = annotations.columns.values
        features = [f for f in features if f not in id_cols]

    # Binarize with frequency threshold
    features_df = annotations.set_index('id', drop=True)
    features_df = features_df[features].ge(frequency_threshold)

    sel_array = features_df.loc[ids].values
    unsel_array = features_df.loc[unselected].values

    n_selected = len(ids)
    n_unselected = len(unselected)

    # the number of times any term is used (e.g., if one experiment uses
    # two terms, that counts twice). Why though?
    n_exps_across_terms = np.sum(np.sum(features_df))

    n_selected_term = np.sum(sel_array, axis=0)
    n_unselected_term = np.sum(unsel_array, axis=0)

    n_selected_noterm = n_selected - n_selected_term
    n_unselected_noterm = n_unselected - n_unselected_term

    n_term = n_selected_term + n_unselected_term
    p_term = n_term / n_exps_across_terms

    n_foci_in_database = coordinates.shape[0]
    p_selected = n_selected / n_foci_in_database

    # I hope there's a way to do this without the for loop
    n_term_foci = np.zeros(len(features))
    n_noterm_foci = np.zeros(len(features))
    for i, term in enumerate(features):
        term_ids = features_df.loc[features_df[term] == 1].index.values
        noterm_ids = features_df.loc[features_df[term] == 0].index.values
        n_term_foci[i] = coordinates['id'].isin(term_ids).sum()
        n_noterm_foci[i] = coordinates['id'].isin(noterm_ids).sum()

    p_selected_g_term = n_selected_term / n_term_foci  # probForward
    l_selected_g_term = p_selected_g_term / p_selected  # likelihoodForward
    p_selected_g_noterm = n_selected_noterm / n_noterm_foci

    p_term_g_selected = p_selected_g_term * p_term / p_selected  # probReverse
    p_term_g_selected = p_term_g_selected / np.sum(
        p_term_g_selected)  # Normalize

    # Significance testing
    # Forward inference significance is determined with a binomial distribution
    p_fi = 1 - binom.cdf(k=n_selected_term, n=n_term_foci, p=p_selected)
    sign_fi = np.sign(n_selected_term - np.mean(n_selected_term)).ravel()  # pylint: disable=no-member

    # Two-way chi-square test for specificity of activation
    cells = np.array([
        [n_selected_term, n_selected_noterm],  # pylint: disable=no-member
        [n_unselected_term, n_unselected_noterm]
    chi2_ri = two_way(cells)
    p_ri = special.chdtrc(1, chi2_ri)
    sign_ri = np.sign(p_selected_g_term - p_selected_g_noterm).ravel()  # pylint: disable=no-member

    # Ignore rare features
    p_fi[n_selected_term < 5] = 1.
    p_ri[n_selected_term < 5] = 1.

    # Multiple comparisons correction across features. Separately done for FI and RI.
    if correction is not None:
        _, p_corr_fi, _, _ = multipletests(p_fi,
        _, p_corr_ri, _, _ = multipletests(p_ri,
        p_corr_fi = p_fi
        p_corr_ri = p_ri

    # Compute z-values
    z_corr_fi = p_to_z(p_corr_fi, 'two') * sign_fi
    z_corr_ri = p_to_z(p_corr_ri, 'two') * sign_ri

    # Effect size
    arr = np.array([
        l_selected_g_term,  # pylint: disable=no-member

    out_df = pd.DataFrame(data=arr,
                              'pForward', 'zForward', 'likelihoodForward',
                              'pReverse', 'zReverse', 'probReverse'
    out_df.index.name = 'Term'
    return out_df
Example #44
    ((y_sigma * delta)**2) / ((y_sigma * delta)**2 + (x_sigma * epsilon)**2)))
dy_star = (y_sigma * numpy.sqrt(
    ((x_sigma * epsilon)**2) / ((y_sigma * delta)**2 +
                                (x_sigma * epsilon)**2)))
sigma_odr = numpy.sqrt(dx_star**2 + dy_star**2)
# residual is positive if the point lies above the fitted curve,
#             negative if below
residual = (numpy.sign(y_data - func(x_data, *p)) *
            numpy.sqrt(delta**2 + epsilon**2))

# Print quasi-chi-squared and associated quasi-CDF
#   WARNING: This CDF is not valid for large x uncertainties!
from scipy.special import chdtrc  # Chi-squared survival function
print(("\n Quasi Chi-Squared/dof   = {0:10.5f}," +
       " Quasi CDF = {1:10.5f}%").format(
           quasi_chisq, 100. * float(chdtrc(dof, dof * quasi_chisq))))

#### Monte Carlo estimation of uncertainties
print("\n**** Running Monte Carlo CDF Estimator ****")
# Initialize Monte Carlo output distributions
p_dist_Data, p_dist_Model = [], []
quasi_chisq_dist = []
# Initialize timing measurement
import time
start_time = time.clock()
for i in range(Number_of_MC_iterations):
    # Starting with the x and x uncertainty (x_sigma) values from
    #    the data, calculate Monte Carlo values assuming an uncertainty
    #    distibution defined above by smear e.g. gaussian, uniform, …
Example #45
def nonLinFit(func,
    non linear fit function
    func: callable
        The model function, func(x, ...).  It must take the independent
        variable as the first argument and the parameters to fit as
        separate remaining arguments.
    x_data: array 
        An N-length sequence or an (k,N)-shaped array
        for functions with k predictors. The independent variable where the data is measured.
    y_data: array 
        N-length sequence, the dependent data: nominally func(xdata, ...)
    p_guess: array, optional (default=None) 
        None, scalar, or M-length sequence
        Initial guess for the parameters.  If None, then the initial
        values will all be 1 (if the number of parameters for the 
        function can be determined using introspection, otherwise a 
        ValueError is raised).
    y_sigma: array, optional (default = None)
        None or N-length sequence
        If not None, it represents the standard-deviation of y_data.
        This vector, if given, will be used as weights in the
        least-squares problem. If None, they are set to unity.
    verbose: boolean, optional (default = True)
        in verbose mode it prints out
            * the optimal values for the parameters so that the sum of the 
              squared error of ``func(xdata, *popt) - ydata`` is minimized
              and their uncertainties
            * the estimated covariance and correlation matrices
              the diagonals provide the variance of the parameter estimate.
            * Chi-Squared
            * DOF: degree of freedom
            * CDF: cumulative distribution function
    plotting: boolean, optional (default = False)
        plotting results or not, it overplots:
            * the guess function, 
            * the measured values (inclusive error bars)
            * the final fit 
            * the residual with error bars   
    fit: array 
        the computed fit function
    popt: array
        the optimal values for the parameters so that the sum of the 
        squared error of ``func(xdata, *popt) - ydata`` is minimized
        and their uncertainties
        if the fit is bad

    x_func = np.linspace(min(x_data), max(x_data))

    initial_plot = func(x_func, *p_guess)

        # Notes: maxfev is the maximum number of func evaluations tried; you
        # can try increasing this value if the fit fails.
        p, cov = optimize.curve_fit(func,
                                    maxfev=100 * (len(x_data) + 1))
        print("scipy.optimize.curve_fit failed")
        p, cov = p_guess, None

    y_fit = func(x_data, *p)
    y_residual = y_data - y_fit

    perr = np.zeros(len(p))
    # Calculate degrees of freedom of fit
    dof = len(x_data) - len(p)

    ## Output results

    if verbose:
        print("\nNumber of Data Points = %7g, Number of Parameters = %1g"\
            %(len(x_data), len(p) ))

        print("Covariance Matrix : \n", cov, "\n")
    if y_sigma is None:
        y_sigma = 1
        if verbose:
            print("Correlation Matrix :")
        for i, row in enumerate(cov):
            for j in range(len(p)):
                if verbose:
                    print("%10f" %
                          (cov[i, j] / np.sqrt(cov[i, i] * cov[j, j])),
                          end=' ')
            if verbose:
        # Calculate Chi-squared
        chisq = sum(((y_data - func(x_data, *p)) / y_sigma)**2)
        #calculate parameter errors
        for i in range(len(p)):
            perr[i] = cov[i, i]**0.5 * max(1, np.sqrt(chisq / dof))

        if verbose:
                "\nEstimated parameters and uncertainties (with initial guesses)"
            for i in range(len(p)):
                print(("   p[%d] = %10.5f +/- %10.5f      (%10.5f)"\
                       %(i,p[i],cov[i,i]**0.5*max(1,np.sqrt(chisq/dof)), p_guess[i])))

            print("Chi-Squared/dof = %10.5f, CDF = %10.5f%%"\
                %(chisq/dof, 100.*float(special.chdtrc(dof,chisq))))
            if chisq > dof:
                    "\nNOTE:Because Chi-squared > dof, the parameter uncertainty"
                    "      estimates have been scaled up by sqrt(Chi-squared/dof)."

    # If cov has not been calculated because of a bad fit, the above block
    #   will cause a python TypeError which is caught by this try-except structure.
    except TypeError:
        print("**** BAD FIT ****")
        print("Parameters were: ", p)
        # Calculate Chi-squared for current parameters
        chisq = sum(((y_data - func(x_data, *p)) / y_sigma)**2)
        print("Chi-Squared/dof for these parameter values = %10.5f, CDF = %10.5f%%"\
            %(chisq/dof, 100.*float(special.chdtrc(dof,chisq))))
        print("Uncertainties not calculated.")
        print("Try a different initial guess for the fit parameters.")
        print("Or if these parameters appear close to a good fit, try giving")
            "    the fitting program more time by increasing the value of maxfev."
        chisq = None

    if plotting:
        ## Plot
        # create figure with light gray background
        fig = pyplot.figure(facecolor="0.98")
        # 3 rows, 1 column, subplot 1
        # 3 rows are declared, but there are only 2 plots; this leaves room for text
        #   in the empty 3rd row
        fit = fig.add_subplot(311)
        # remove tick labels from upper plot (for clean look)

        # Plot data as red circles, and fitted function as (default) line
        # (The sort is in case the x data are not in sequential order.)
        fit.plot(x_data, y_data, 'ro', np.sort(x_data),
                 func(np.sort(x_data), *p))
        # draw starting guess as dashed green line ('r-')
        fit.plot(x_func, initial_plot, 'g-', label="Start", linestyle="--")
        # Add error bars on data as red crosses.
        fit.errorbar(x_data, y_data, yerr=y_sigma, fmt='r+')

        # separate plot to show residuals
        residuals = fig.add_subplot(312)  # 3 rows, 1 column, subplot 2
        # make sure residual plot has same x axis as fit plot
        residuals.axhline(y=0)  # draw horizontal line at 0 on vertical axis

        # These data look better if 'plain', not scientific, notation is used,
        #   and if the tick labels are not offset by a constant (as is done by default).
        #   Note: This only works for matplotlib version 1.0 and newer, so it is
        #           enclosed in a "try" to avoid errors.
            pyplot.ticklabel_format(style='plain', useOffset=False, axis='x')

        # print selected information in empty 3rd plot row
                0.05, 0.25, "Converged with ChiSq = " + str(chisq) +
                ", DOF = " + str(dof) + ", CDF = " +
                str(100 * special.chdtrc(dof, chisq)) + "%")
            for i, value in enumerate(p):
                    0.16 - i * 0.03,
                    "p[" + str(i) + "]" + " = " + str(p[i]).ljust(18) +
                    " +/- " +
                    str(np.sqrt(cov[i, i]) * max(1, np.sqrt(chisq / dof))),
                # Note: Including family="Monospace" in the above figtext call will
                #       produce nicer looking output, but can cause problems with
                #       some older python installations.
        except TypeError:
            pyplot.figtext(0.05, 0.25, "BAD FIT.  Guess again.")

        # Display the plot
        # To print the plot, save it first, and then print the saved image.
        # Closing the plot window will end the python script.
    return y_fit, p, perr
Example #46
    def _fit(self, dataset, dataset2):
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.dataset2 = dataset2
        self.mask = dataset.masker.mask_img

        ma_maps1 = self.kernel_estimator.transform(self.dataset,
        ma_maps2 = self.kernel_estimator.transform(self.dataset2,

        # Calculate different count variables
        n_selected = ma_maps1.shape[0]
        n_unselected = ma_maps2.shape[0]
        n_mappables = n_selected + n_unselected

        # Transform MA maps to 1d arrays
        ma_maps_all = np.vstack((ma_maps1, ma_maps2))

        n_selected_active_voxels = np.sum(ma_maps1, axis=0)
        n_unselected_active_voxels = np.sum(ma_maps2, axis=0)

        # Nomenclature for variables below: p = probability,
        # F = feature present, g = given, U = unselected, A = activation.
        # So, e.g., pAgF = p(A|F) = probability of activation
        # in a voxel if we know that the feature is present in a study.
        pF = (n_selected * 1.0) / n_mappables
        pA = np.array(np.sum(ma_maps_all, axis=0) / n_mappables).squeeze()

        # Conditional probabilities
        pAgF = n_selected_active_voxels * 1.0 / n_selected
        pAgU = n_unselected_active_voxels * 1.0 / n_unselected
        pFgA = pAgF * pF / pA

        # Recompute conditionals with uniform prior
        pAgF_prior = self.prior * pAgF + (1 - self.prior) * pAgU
        pFgA_prior = pAgF * self.prior / pAgF_prior

        # One-way chi-square test for consistency of activation
        pAgF_chi2_vals = one_way(np.squeeze(n_selected_active_voxels),
        pAgF_p_vals = special.chdtrc(1, pAgF_chi2_vals)
        pAgF_sign = np.sign(n_selected_active_voxels -
        pAgF_z = p_to_z(pAgF_p_vals, tail='two') * pAgF_sign

        # Two-way chi-square for specificity of activation
        cells = np.squeeze(
            np.array([[n_selected_active_voxels, n_unselected_active_voxels],
                          n_selected - n_selected_active_voxels,
                          n_unselected - n_unselected_active_voxels
        pFgA_chi2_vals = two_way(cells)
        pFgA_p_vals = special.chdtrc(1, pFgA_chi2_vals)
        pFgA_p_vals[pFgA_p_vals < 1e-240] = 1e-240
        pFgA_sign = np.sign(pAgF - pAgU).ravel()
        pFgA_z = p_to_z(pFgA_p_vals, tail='two') * pFgA_sign
        images = {
            'pA': pA,
            'pAgF': pAgF,
            'pFgA': pFgA,
            ('pAgF_given_pF=%0.2f' % self.prior): pAgF_prior,
            ('pFgA_given_pF=%0.2f' % self.prior): pFgA_prior,
            'consistency_z': pAgF_z,
            'specificity_z': pFgA_z,
            'consistency_chi2': pAgF_chi2_vals,
            'specificity_chi2': pFgA_chi2_vals,
            'consistency_p': pAgF_p_vals,
            'specificity_p': pFgA_p_vals,
        return images
Example #47
def main():

    # define the mapping between short names and label names 
    parMap = {'x': r'L_x',
              'y': r'L_y',
              'b': r'\beta',
              'T': r'T',
              'r': r'r'}

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plot Raw MC Equilibration Data for Scalar Estimators.')
    parser.add_argument('fileNames', help='Scalar estimator files', nargs='+')
    parser.add_argument('--cutoff',  action='store_true', default=False,  help='Plot Delta as function of the cut-off')
    args = parser.parse_args() 

    colors = ["#66CAAE", "#CF6BDD", "#E27844", "#7ACF57", "#92A1D6", "#E17597", "#C1B546",'b']
    if  args.cutoff:
        ax2 = subplot(211)
        ax4 = subplot(212)

    ax1  = subplot2grid((2,2), (0,0),colspan=2)
    global L 
    global l 
    global j_z
    i = 0
    geom = 'ful'
    LDelta  = []
    LDeltaE = []
    LJz     = []
    doubleJz = 1.0

    for fileName in args.fileNames:
        #print fileName
        scalarhelp = ssexyhelp.ScalarReduce(fileName)
        parmap = scalarhelp.getParmap()
        dA = int(parmap['dA'])
        Lx = int(parmap['Lx'])
        if 'delta' in parmap.keys(): 
            j_z = float(parmap['delta'])*doubleJz
            delta_fit = fDeltaJz(j_z)
            delta_fit = .5
        LJz += [j_z]
        L = Lx
        l = dA
        rb, Beta = scalarhelp.getrParams()
        if 'ALRatio' in scalarhelp.headers:
            Zr, dZr  = scalarhelp.getAverages('ALRatio')
            Zr       =  unumpy.uarray(Zr,dZr)
        elif 'nAred' in scalarhelp.headers:
            Ar, dAr  = scalarhelp.getAverages('nAred')
            Ar       = unumpy.uarray(Ar,dAr)
            Ae, dAe  = scalarhelp.getAverages('nAext')
            Ae       = unumpy.uarray(Ae,dAe)
            Zr       = Ae/Ar
        S2A = -unumpy.log(Zr)
        S2n = unumpy.nominal_values(S2A)
        S2d = unumpy.std_devs(S2A)
        #ax1.plot([Beta[0],Beta[-1]],[RenyiZero(),RenyiZero()],color='black',label = r'$S_2(T=0)$')
        mins = S2n - S2d                                       
        maxs = S2n + S2d                                       
        fill_between(Beta, mins,maxs, facecolor = colors[i%len(colors)], alpha =0.25, edgecolor='None')
                color = colors[i%len(colors)],linewidth=4)#,label = r"$Data \, L=%2d$" %Lx) 
        (A,B,C) = (0.4,1,0.4)
        #flshift = np.max(np.where(Beta<1.14)) 
        minB = CutOff(j_z)
        if (Beta[0] > Lx) and (j_z>0): flshift = 0# np.max(np.where(Beta<Lx)) 
            if Beta[0] < minB: flshift = np.max(np.where(Beta<minB))
            else:              flshift = 0
        fhshift = len(Beta)# np.min(np.where(Beta>245)) 
        ZBeta = np.linspace(Beta[flshift],Beta[fhshift-1],1000) 

        #coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(RenyiCorrection_C,np.array(Beta)[flshift:fhshift],S2n[flshift:fhshift],p0=(C))
        #(C) = coeff
        #errs = np.sqrt(var_matrix.diagonal())
        #S2pred  = RenyiCorrection_C(ZBeta,C)
        #ax1.plot(ZBeta, S2pred, color=colors[i%len(colors)], linewidth = 1.5, label = r"$\mathrm{L=%2d \, J_z=%0.2f }$" %(Lx,j_z))

        #coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(RenyiCorrection_DeltaC,np.array(Beta)[flshift:fhshift],S2n[flshift:fhshift],p0=(delta_fit,C))
        #(Delta,C) = coeff
        #errs = np.sqrt(var_matrix.diagonal())
        #print 'Length: %3d J_z: %4.3f Theory: %4.3f Fit: %4.3f +/- %4.3f' %(L, j_z, delta_fit,Delta,errs[0])
        #LDelta  += [Delta]
        #LDeltaE += [errs[0]]
        #S2pred  = RenyiCorrection_DeltaC(ZBeta,Delta,C)
        #ax1.plot(ZBeta, S2pred, color=colors[i%len(colors)], linewidth = 1.5, label = r"$\mathrm{L=%2d \, J_z=%0.2f }$" %(Lx,j_z))
        if  args.cutoff:
            #minB = 30
            flshift2 = flshift
            if Beta[0] < minB: flshift = np.max(np.where(Beta<minB))
            else:              flshift = 0
            leg = False
            ax2.plot([Beta[0],Beta[flshift]],[fDeltaJz(j_z),fDeltaJz(j_z)], ls = '-',color=colors[i%len(colors)], linewidth = 1.5)
            Bs   = []
            mins = []
            maxs = []
            chisqs = []
            cdfs   = []
            Bs2    = []
            for flshift in range(flshift):
                ZBeta = np.linspace(Beta[flshift],Beta[fhshift-1],1000) 
                coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(RenyiCorrection_DeltaC,np.array(Beta)[flshift:fhshift],S2n[flshift:fhshift],p0=(delta_fit,C))
                (Delta,C) = coeff
                if type(var_matrix) is float: break
                errs = np.sqrt(var_matrix.diagonal())
                if  flshift!=flshift2: 
                    if  not(leg): 
                        ax2.errorbar(Beta[flshift],Delta,errs[0], color=colors[i%len(colors)], label = r"$\mathrm{L=%2d \, J_z=%0.2f }$" %(Lx,j_z))
                        leg = True   
                        mins += [Delta - errs[0]]
                        maxs += [Delta + errs[0]]
                        Bs   += [Beta[flshift]]
                        ax2.errorbar(Beta[flshift],Delta,errs[0], color=colors[i%len(colors)])
                    ax2.errorbar(Beta[flshift],Delta,errs[0], color='black')
                Bs2    += [Beta[flshift]]
                dof     = len(np.array(Beta)[flshift:fhshift]) - len(coeff)
                chisqs += [sum(((S2n[flshift:fhshift]- RenyiCorrection_DeltaC(np.array(Beta)[flshift:fhshift],Delta,C))/np.array(S2d)[flshift:fhshift])**2)]
                cdfs   += [special.chdtrc(dof,chisqs[-1])]
            ax2.fill_between(Bs, mins,maxs, facecolor = colors[i%len(colors)], alpha =0.25, edgecolor='None')
            #ax4.plot(Bs2,chisqs, color=colors[i%len(colors)])
            ax4.plot(Bs2,cdfs, color=colors[i%len(colors)])
        i += 1

    ax1.set_title(r'$A_{\Delta} e^{-\beta*B_{\Delta}}-C$')
    #lg = ax1.legend(loc='best',ncol = 2,frameon=False)
    if args.cutoff:
        lg = ax2.legend(loc='best',ncol = 2,frameon=False)

    ax3  = subplot2grid((2,2), (1,0),colspan=2)
    #LJz = np.arccos(np.array(LJz))
    #print LJz
    if  len(LJz)==len(LDelta):
        ax3.errorbar(np.array(LJz), LDelta, LDeltaE,

    Jzs    = np.linspace(-1.0,1.0,5000)
    deltas = fDeltaJz(Jzs)
    #Jzs = np.arccos(Jzs)
    ax3.plot(Jzs*1.0, deltas, color=colors[0], linewidth = 1.5, label = r"$\mathrm{Theory}$")
    lg = ax3.legend(loc='best',ncol = 1,frameon=False)