def __init__(self, degX, xMin, xMax, degY, yMin, yMax):
        self.degX = degX
        self.xMin = xMin
        self.xMax = xMax
        self.xRange = xMax - xMin

        self.degY = degY
        self.yMin = yMin
        self.yMax = yMax
        self.yRange = yMax - yMin

        self.Xp = sps.chebyt(self.degX)
        self.Yp = sps.chebyt(self.degY)
Example #2
def fchebyshev(x, m):
    """Compute the first `m` Chebyshev polynomials.

    x : array-like
        Compute the Chebyshev polynomials at these abscissa values.
    m : :class:`int`
        The number of Chebyshev polynomials to compute.  For example, if
        :math:`m = 3`, :math:`T_0 (x)`, :math:`T_1 (x)` and
        :math:`T_2 (x)` will be computed.

    if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
        n = x.size
        n = 1
    if m < 1:
        raise ValueError('Order of Chebyshev polynomial must be at least 1.')
        dt = x.dtype
    except AttributeError:
        dt = np.float64
    leg = np.ones((m, n), dtype=dt)
    if m >= 2:
        leg[1, :] = x
    if m >= 3:
        for k in range(2, m):
            leg[k, :] = np.polyval(chebyt(k), x)
    return leg
Example #3
def fchebyshev(x, m):
    """Compute the first `m` Chebyshev polynomials.

    x : array-like
        Compute the Chebyshev polynomials at these abscissa values.
    m : :class:`int`
        The number of Chebyshev polynomials to compute.  For example, if
        :math:`m = 3`, :math:`T_0 (x)`, :math:`T_1 (x)` and
        :math:`T_2 (x)` will be computed.

    from scipy.special import chebyt
    if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
        n = x.size
        n = 1
    if m < 1:
        raise ValueError('Order of Chebyshev polynomial must be at least 1.')
        dt = x.dtype
    except AttributeError:
        dt = np.float64
    leg = np.ones((m, n), dtype=dt)
    if m >= 2:
        leg[1, :] = x
    if m >= 3:
        for k in range(2, m):
            leg[k, :] = np.polyval(chebyt(k), x)
    return leg
 def __init__(self, order):
     self.order = order
     from scipy.special import chebyt
     self.poly = chebyt(order)
     self.domain = (-1, 1)
     self.intdomain = (-1+1e-6, 1-1e-6)
     #not sure if I need this, in integration nans are possible  on the boundary
     self.offsetfactor = 0.01  #required for integration
Example #5
 def __init__(self, order):
     self.order = order
     from scipy.special import chebyt
     self.poly = chebyt(order)
     self.domain = (-1, 1)
     self.intdomain = (-1+1e-6, 1-1e-6)
     #not sure if I need this, in integration nans are possible  on the boundary
     self.offsetfactor = 0.01  #required for integration
    def get_mode_cheb_coeffs(self, mode_index, cheb_order):
        Cheb coeffs of a mode.
        The projection process is performed on [0,1]^dim.

        import scipy.special as sps

        cheby_nodes, _, cheby_weights = \
            sps.chebyt(cheb_order).weights.T  # pylint: disable=E1136,E0633
        window = [0, 1]

        cheby_nodes = cheby_nodes * (window[1] -
                                     window[0]) / 2 + np.mean(window)
        cheby_weights = cheby_weights * (window[1] - window[0]) / 2

        mode = self.get_template_mode(mode_index)
        grid = np.meshgrid(*[cheby_nodes for d in range(self.dim)],
        mvals = mode(*grid)

        from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import Chebyshev

        coef_scale = 2 * np.ones(cheb_order) / cheb_order
        coef_scale[0] /= 2
        basis_1d = np.array([
            Chebyshev(coef=_orthonormal(cheb_order, i),
                      domain=window)(cheby_nodes) for i in range(cheb_order)

        from itertools import product

        if self.dim == 1:
            basis_set = basis_1d

        elif self.dim == 2:
            basis_set = np.array([
                b1.reshape([cheb_order, 1]) * b2.reshape([1, cheb_order])
                for b1, b2 in product(*[basis_1d for d in range(self.dim)])

        elif self.dim == 3:
            basis_set = np.array([
                b1.reshape([cheb_order, 1, 1]) *
                b2.reshape([1, cheb_order, 1]) * b3.reshape([1, 1, cheb_order])
                for b1, b2, b3 in product(*[basis_1d for d in range(self.dim)])

        mode_cheb_coeffs = np.array([
            np.sum(mvals * basis) for basis in basis_set
        ]) * _self_tp(coef_scale, self.dim).reshape(-1)

        # purge small coeffs whose magnitude are less than 8 times machine epsilon
        mode_cheb_coeffs[np.abs(mode_cheb_coeffs) < 8 *
                         np.finfo(mode_cheb_coeffs.dtype).eps] = 0

        return mode_cheb_coeffs
Example #7
def axes8(epsoutfile):
    """Plot of Chebychev polynomials"""    
    g = pyxgraph(key=pyx.graph.key.key(pos="mr",hinside=0),
                 ylimits=(-1.1, 1.1), xlabel="$x$", ylabel="$T_j(x)$")
    x = arange(-1.0,1.01,0.01)
    for i in xrange(5):
        g.pyxplot((x, special.chebyt(i)(x)),
                  title="$T_%d(x)$" % i, style="l", dl=2, color=0)
        doplot = 1
        if doplot:
            plt.hist(obs_dist, bins=50, normed=True, color='red')
            plt.plot(grid, xf, lw=2, color='black')
            plt.plot(grid, mpdf, lw=2, color='green')
            plt.title('using Hermite polynomials')

        #check orthonormality:
        print(np.max(np.abs(inner_cont(dop.polys[:5], 0, 1)[0] -np.eye(5))))

    #check orthonormality

    hpolys = [HPoly(i) for i in range(5)]
    inn = inner_cont(hpolys, -6, 6)[0]
    print(np.max(np.abs(inn - np.eye(5))))

    from scipy.special import hermite, chebyt
    htpolys = [hermite(i) for i in range(5)]
    innt = inner_cont(htpolys, -10, 10)[0]

    polysc = [chebyt(i) for i in range(4)]
    r, e = inner_cont(polysc, -1, 1, weight=lambda x: (1-x*x)**(-1/2.))
    print(np.max(np.abs(r - np.diag(np.diag(r)))))

Example #9
# page 98
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.special as spec

def Plot(x, y, label, figure, line) :
    plt.plot(x, y, line, label=label)
    plt.title('this function', fontsize='large', va='bottom', ha='right')
    plt.legend(loc='lower left')

x = np.linspace(-1., 1., 100)
y1 = spec.chebyt(1)(x)
Plot(x, y1, '$T_1(x)$', 1,'-')

y2 = spec.chebyt(2)(x)
Plot(x, y2, '$T_2(x)$', 1,'--')

y3 = spec.chebyt(3)(x)
Plot(x, y3, '$T_3(x)$', 1,'-.')

y4 = spec.chebyt(4)(x)
Plot(x, y4, '$T_4(x)$', 1,':')

Example #10

        doplot = 1
        if doplot:
            plt.hist(obs_dist, bins=50, normed=True, color='red')
            plt.plot(grid, xf, lw=2, color='black')
            plt.plot(grid, mpdf, lw=2, color='green')
            plt.title('using Hermite polynomials')

        #check orthonormality:
        print(np.max(np.abs(inner_cont(dop.polys[:5], 0, 1)[0] -np.eye(5))))

    #check orthonormality

    hpolys = [HPoly(i) for i in range(5)]
    inn = inner_cont(hpolys, -6, 6)[0]
    print(np.max(np.abs(inn - np.eye(5))))

    from scipy.special import hermite, chebyt
    htpolys = [hermite(i) for i in range(5)]
    innt = inner_cont(htpolys, -10, 10)[0]

    polysc = [chebyt(i) for i in range(4)]
    r, e = inner_cont(polysc, -1, 1, weight=lambda x: (1-x*x)**(-1/2.))
    print(np.max(np.abs(r - np.diag(np.diag(r)))))
Example #11
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import chebyt, hermitenorm

x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
xx = np.linspace(-5, 5, 100)

t1 = np.polyval(chebyt(1), x)
t2 = np.polyval(chebyt(2), x)
t3 = np.polyval(chebyt(3), x)
t4 = np.polyval(chebyt(4), x)

h1 = np.polyval(hermitenorm(1), x)
h2 = np.polyval(hermitenorm(2), x)
h3 = np.polyval(hermitenorm(3), x)
h4 = np.polyval(hermitenorm(4), x)

plt.rc('mathtext', fontset='stix')
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(9, 6))
ax1.plot(x, t1, label=r'$T_{1}(x)$')
ax1.plot(x, t2, label=r'$T_{2}(x)$')
ax1.plot(x, t3, label=r'$T_{3}(x)$')
ax1.plot(x, t4, label=r'$T_{4}(x)$')
ax1.set_title('First four Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind')

ax2.plot(xx, h1, label=r'$H_{1}(x)$')
ax2.plot(xx, h2, label=r'$H_{2}(x)$')
ax2.plot(xx, h3, label=r'$H_{3}(x)$')
def P(x):
    sum = 0
    for i in range(n):
        sum += c[i] * chebyt(i)(x)
    return sum
def func(k, x):
    return chebyt(k)(x) * f(x) / math.sqrt(1 - x**2)
        return 1. / math.pi
        return 2. / math.pi

# Найдем коэффициенты с_k
for i in range(n):
    c[i] = coef(i) * quad(lambda x: func(i, x), a, b)[0]

# Функция, которая считает значение искомого многочлена в точке x
def P(x):
    sum = 0
    for i in range(n):
        sum += c[i] * chebyt(i)(x)
    return sum

# Построим на графике sin(x) и многочлен P(x) на отрезке [-1,1]
X = np.linspace(a, b, 100)
pylab.plot(X, f(X), 'r', lw=2)
pylab.plot(X, P(X), 'b', lw=2)

# Построим график ошибки на отрезке [-1,1]
           f(X) - np.array([c[i] * chebyt(i)(X)
                            for i in range(n)]).sum(axis=0),
Example #15
import bionet.ted.bpa_python as bpa_python
if 'linux' in sys.platform:
    import bionet.ted.bpa_cython_linux2 as bpa_cython
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
    import bionet.ted.bpa_cython_darwin as bpa_cython
    raise RuntimeError('cannot import binary BPA module')

# Try to find the coefficients of a Chebyshev polynomial by solving
# a Vandermonde system. This test case should exhibit good accuracy for
# N less than about 13:
N = 12
i = arange(N)
a = 1.0/(i+2)
T = chebyt(N-1)
f = T(a)
V = fliplr(vander(a))
c = array(T)[::-1]

start = time()
c_solve = bpa_python.bpa(V, f)
end = time()

print 'Python implementation results:'
print 'original c = ', c
print 'solved c   = ', c_solve
print 'error      = ', abs(c-c_solve)
print 'time       = ', end-start

start = time()
Example #16
def test_gh_6721():
    # Regresssion test for gh_6721. This should not raise.
Example #17
import bionet.ted.bpa_python as bpa_python
if 'linux' in sys.platform:
    import bionet.ted.bpa_cython_linux2 as bpa_cython
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
    import bionet.ted.bpa_cython_darwin as bpa_cython
    raise RuntimeError('cannot import binary BPA module')

# Try to find the coefficients of a Chebyshev polynomial by solving
# a Vandermonde system. This test case should exhibit good accuracy for
# N less than about 13:
N = 12
i = arange(N)
a = 1.0 / (i + 2)
T = chebyt(N - 1)
f = T(a)
V = fliplr(vander(a))
c = array(T)[::-1]

start = time()
c_solve = bpa_python.bpa(V, f)
end = time()

print 'Python implementation results:'
print 'original c = ', c
print 'solved c   = ', c_solve
print 'error      = ', abs(c - c_solve)
print 'time       = ', end - start

start = time()
def test_gh_6721():
    # Regresssion test for gh_6721. This should not raise.
Example #19
def max_rE_gamma_2d(sh_l):
    max_rE = max_rE_2d(np.max(sh_l))
    return np.array([np.polyval(spec.chebyt(deg), max_rE) for deg in sh_l])
def Afunc_pp(n, p, q, sgn):
    return PseudoPolynomial(p=p * np.array(chebyt(n).coef)[::-1],
                            q=-sgn * q * np.array(chebyu(n-1).coef)[::-1] \
                               if n > 0 else np.array([0]),
Example #21
# page 98
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.special as spec

def Plot(x, y, label, figure, line):
    plt.plot(x, y, line, label=label)
    plt.title('this function', fontsize='large', va='bottom', ha='right')
    plt.legend(loc='lower left')

x = np.linspace(-1., 1., 100)
y1 = spec.chebyt(1)(x)
Plot(x, y1, '$T_1(x)$', 1, '-')

y2 = spec.chebyt(2)(x)
Plot(x, y2, '$T_2(x)$', 1, '--')

y3 = spec.chebyt(3)(x)
Plot(x, y3, '$T_3(x)$', 1, '-.')

y4 = spec.chebyt(4)(x)
Plot(x, y4, '$T_4(x)$', 1, ':')