Example #1
 def jinc(self, x):
     # I'm jury-rigging / hard coding this to work
     # to test it
     y = numpy.zeros(len(x))
     if (x[0] == 0.0):
         y[0] = 0.5
         y[1:] = j1(x[1:]) / (x[1:])
         return j1(x) / x
Example #2
def obsc_airy(x, h, w, q):
    #Search for 0 in array - if not present, pass
        #loc = n.argwhere(x==0.)[0]
        #x[loc[0],loc[1]] = 1.E-30 #Fix for 0. in array - using 1.E-30 seems to give good result for Airy function
        loc = n.argwhere(x==0.)
        x[loc] = 1.E-30
    except IndexError:
    return h*((2*j1(n.sin(x)/w) - q*j1(q*(n.sin(x)/w)))/((n.sin(x)/w)*(1 - q**2)))**2
Example #3
def cutoffHE1(b):
    a = rho * b
    i = ivp(1, u1*a) / (u1*a * i1(u1*a))

    X = (1 / (u1*a)**2 + 1 / (u2*a)**2)

    P = j1(u2*a) * y1(u2*b) - y1(u2*a) * j1(u2*b)
    Ps = (jvp(1, u2*a) * y1(u2*b) - yvp(1, u2*a) * j1(u2*b)) / (u2 * a)

    return (i * P + Ps) * (n12 * i * P + n22 * Ps) - n32 * X * X * P * P
Example #4
 def wave(self, **kw):
     amplitude, r, a, w, f = (
             kw.get(key, Human.aawf[key]) for key in (
                 'amplitude', 'radius', 'aperture', 'wavelength', 'focal'))
     u = (pi*r*a)/(w*f)
     if isinstance(r,float):
         return amplitude*(1.0 if u == 0.0 else 2.0*j1(u)/u)
         u[u==0.0] = 1e-32
         return amplitude*2.0*j1(u)/u
Example #5
def wijCoefficients(n, x, y, rad1, rad2, theta, ellipticity):
    wid, xcen, ycen = n, (n+1)/2, (n+1)/2
    dx, dy = x - xcen, y - ycen
    if n%2:
        dx, dy = dx + 1, dy + 1
    ftWij = numpy.zeros([wid, wid], dtype=complex)

    scale = 1.0 - ellipticity
    for iy in range(wid):

        ky = float(iy - ycen)/wid

        for ix in range(wid):

            kx = float(ix - xcen)/wid
# rotate and rescale
            cosT, sinT = numpy.cos(theta), numpy.sin(theta)
            kxr, kyr = kx*cosT + ky*sinT, scale*(-kx*sinT + ky*cosT)
            k = numpy.sqrt(kxr**2 + kyr**2)

# compute the airy terms, and apply shift theorem

            if k != 0.0:

                airy1 = rad1*special.j1(2.0*numpy.pi*rad1*k)/k
                airy2 = rad2*special.j1(2.0*numpy.pi*rad2*k)/k

                airy1, airy2 = numpy.pi*rad1**2, numpy.pi*rad2**2
            airy = airy2 - airy1
            phase = numpy.exp(-1.0j*2.0*numpy.pi*(dx*kxr + dy*kyr))
    ftWij[iy,ix] = phase*scale*airy

    ftWijShift = numpy.fft.fftshift(ftWij)
    wijShift = numpy.fft.ifft2(ftWijShift)
    wij = numpy.fft.fftshift(wijShift)
    return wij.real
Example #6
 def rootAiryIntensity(self, myxaxis, epsilon=0.0, showplot=False):
     This function computes 2*J1(x)/x, which can be squared to get an Airy disk.
     myxaxis: the x-axis values to use
     epsilon: radius of central hole in units of the dish diameter
     Migrated from AnalysisUtils.py (revision 1.2204, 2015/02/18)
     if (epsilon > 0):
         a = (2*spspec.j1(myxaxis)/myxaxis - \
              epsilon**2*2*spspec.j1(myxaxis*epsilon)/(epsilon*myxaxis)) / (1-epsilon**2)
         a = 2*spspec.j1(myxaxis)/myxaxis  # simpler formula for epsilon=0
def funcCn(root, b):
    First term in the theta function
    root = root from the zeta, Bi equation
    b = shape factor where 2 sphere, 1 cylinder, 0 slab
    if b == 2:
        Cn = 4*(np.sin(root)-root*np.cos(root)) / (2*root-np.sin(2*root))
    elif b == 1:
        Cn = (2/root) * (sp.j1(root) / (sp.j0(root)**2 + sp.j1(root)**2))
    elif b == 0:
        Cn = (4*np.sin(root)) / (2*root + np.sin(2*root))
    return Cn
Example #8
 def jinc(self, x):
     # a 'jinc' function
     if (len(x) == 1):
         if (x == 0.0):
             return 0.5
             return j1(x)/x
         y = numpy.zeros(len(x))
         index_0 = numpy.where(x == 0.0)
         y[index_0] = 0.5
         y[index_not_0] = j1(x[index_not_0])/x[index_not_0]
Example #9
def j1_x_over_x(x,EPS=1E-8):
    x = numpy.asarray(x)
    if x.shape==():
        if abs(x)<EPS:
            return 1./3.
            return j1(x)/x
        x = numpy.asarray(x)
        i = numpy.where(abs(x)<EPS)
        x[i] = 1.
        ret = j1(x)/x
        ret[i] = 1./3.
        return ret
Example #10
    def SNRcalc(self, pulsar, pop):
        """Calculate the S/N ratio of a given pulsar in the survey"""
        # if not in region, S/N = 0

        # if we have a list of pointings, use this bit of code
        # haven't tested yet, but presumably a lot slower
        # (loops over the list of pointings....)

        # otherwise check if pulsar is in entire region
        if self.inRegion(pulsar):
            # If pointing list is provided, check how close nearest 
            # pointing is
            if self.pointingslist is not None:
                # convert offset from degree to arcmin
                offset = self.inPointing(pulsar) * 60.0

                # calculate offset as a random offset within FWHM/2
                offset = self.fwhm * math.sqrt(random.random()) / 2.0
            return -2

        # Get degfac depending on self.gainpat
        if self.gainpat == 'airy':
            conv    = math.pi/(60*180.)         # Conversion arcmins -> radians
            eff_diam = 3.0e8/(self.freq*self.fwhm*conv*1.0e6)  # Also MHz -> Hz
            a       = eff_diam/2.               # Effective radius of telescope
            lamda   = 3.0e8/(self.freq*1.0e6)   # Obs. wavelength
            kasin   = (2*math.pi*a/lamda)*np.sin(offset*conv)
            degfac = 4*(j1(kasin)/kasin)**2
            degfac = math.exp(-2.7726 * offset * offset / (self.fwhm *self.fwhm))

        # Dunc's code here uses a ^-2.6 to convert frequencies
        # don't think I need to do this - I'm using the frequency in call
        Ttot = self.tsys + self.tskypy(pulsar)

        # calc dispersion smearing across single channel
        tdm = self._dmsmear(pulsar)

        # calculate bhat et al scattering time (inherited from GalacticOps)
        # in units of ms
        tscat = go.scatter_bhat(pulsar.dm, pulsar.scindex, self.freq)

        # Calculate the effective width
        weff_ms = math.sqrt(pulsar.width_ms()**2 + self.tsamp**2 + tdm**2 + tscat**2)

        # calculate duty cycle (period is in ms)
        delt = weff_ms / pulsar.period
        #print weff_ms, pulsar.period

        # if pulse is smeared out, return -1.0
        if delt > 1.0:
            #print weff_ms, tscat, pulsar.dm, pulsar.gl, pulsar.gb, pulsar.dtrue
            return -1
            return self._SNfac(pulsar, pop.ref_freq, degfac, Ttot) \
                                  * math.sqrt((1.0 -delt)/delt)
Example #11
def vis_disk(u, v, wavels, p):
	''' Calculate the visibilities observed by an array on a binary star
	p: 3-component vector (+2 optional), the binary "parameters":
	- p[0] = angular size of star (mas)
	- p[1] = linear limb-darkening coefficient - not done yet
	- p[2] = quadratic limb-darkening coefficient - not done yet

	- u,v: baseline coordinates (meters)
	- wavel: wavelength (meters)
	---------------------------------------------------------------- '''

	p = np.array(p)
	# relative locations
	th1 = mas2rad(p[0])
	if np.size(p)>1:
		mu = p[1]
		mu = 0.
	# baselines into number of wavelength
	pref = 1./((1.-mu)/2. + mu/3.)
	eps = 1.e-20
	x = np.sqrt(u*u+v*v)/wavels+eps

	v1 = pref*((1.-mu)*j1(np.pi*th1*x)/(np.pi*th1*x) + mu*np.sqrt(np.pi/2.)*jv(1.5,np.pi*th1*x)/((np.pi*th1*x)**1.5))

	return np.abs(v1)
Example #12
def makeAiryArr(maxRad,dd):
    from numpy import pi,sqrt,arctan2,zeros,zeros_like
    from scipy import where
    from scipy.special import j1
    pixCtr = maxRad / dd

    ##make position/radius Arrays
    npix = int(2.*maxRad/dd + 1)
    xArr = zeros((npix,npix))
    yArr = zeros_like(xArr)
    for x in range(npix):
        xArr[x,:] = -maxRad + x*dd
        yArr[:,x] = -maxRad + x*dd
    radArr = sqrt(xArr**2 + yArr**2)
    azArr = arctan2(yArr,xArr)
    ##remove zero
    radArr = where(radArr == 0.,1.e-12,radArr)
        ###radius is the angle in units of lambda/d

    ##Make Airy function
    bessArr = j1(pi*radArr)
    airyArr = ((2./pi) * (bessArr / radArr))**2
Example #13
def airyconv(xArr,yArr,airyArr,wid,radList):

    from scipy.special import j1,j0
    from numpy import pi,sum,ones,arange
    from scipy import where
    from scipy.signal import convolve2d
    from beam import beam_azsm

    #print 'wid:',wid
    #print 'dd:',dd
    radListTot=where(radListTot == 0.,1.e-12,radListTot)
    airyList= ((2./pi) * (j1(pi*radListTot)/radListTot))**2
    #print 'airyTot:',airyTot
    npKer=wid / dd
    #kernel = kernel/size(kernel)
    kernel = kernel * (dd**2.) / airyTot


Example #14
 def calc_ff(self, Q_VALS):	
     for q in Q_VALS:      
         temp = np.sin(self.theta)*np.cos(self.phi)+ np.sin(self.theta)*np.sin(self.phi)
         if temp < -1:
                 a = np.floor(temp)
                 temp = temp - a
         if temp > 1:
                 a = np.ceil(temp)
                 temp = temp - a
         self.alpha = np.arccos(temp)
         h,r,v,c, a= self.h,self.r,self.V,self.rho, self.alpha
         inside = q*r*np.sin(a)
         if a == 0:
                 J1 = 0
                 J1 = special.j1(inside)/(inside)
         inside = q*r*np.cos(a)
         if inside == 0:
                 j0 = 1
                 j0 = np.sin(inside)/inside
         temp = 2*(2*3.14*r*h)*c*j0*J1
         yield temp
Example #15
def discreteModel(theta, uvsamples, bins):

    # retrieve inputs
    incl, PA, offset, w = theta
    rin, b = bins
    u, v = uvsamples			# in **lambda** units

    # convert angles to radians
    inclr = np.radians(incl)
    PAr = 0.5*np.pi-np.radians(PA)
    offr = offset * np.pi / (180.*3600.)

    # coordinate change to deal with projection, rotation, and shifts
    #uprime = ((u-offr[0])*np.cos(PAr) + (v-offr[1])*np.sin(PAr)) * np.cos(inclr)
    #vprime = (-(u-offr[0])*np.sin(PAr) + (v-offr[1])*np.cos(PAr))
    uprime = (u*np.cos(PAr) + v*np.sin(PAr)) 
    vprime = (-u*np.sin(PAr) + v*np.cos(PAr)) * np.cos(inclr)
    rho = np.sqrt(uprime**2 + vprime**2) * np.pi / (180.*3600.)

    # re-orient arrays
    rbin = np.concatenate([np.array([rin]), b])
    wbin = np.append(np.concatenate([np.array([0.0]), w]), 0.)
    ww = wbin-np.roll(wbin, -1)
    intensity = np.delete(ww, b.size+1)

    # compute the visibilities
    jarg = np.outer(2.*np.pi*rbin, rho)
    jinc = sc.j1(jarg)/jarg
    vis = np.dot(2.*np.pi*rbin**2*intensity, jinc)

    # impart a phase center shift
    shift = np.exp(-2.*np.pi*1.0j*((u*-offr[0]) + (v*-offr[1])))
    model_vis = vis*shift

    return model_vis
Example #16
def d3sbModel(theta, uvsamples, bins):

    incl = 0.
    w = theta
    #incl = np.deg2rad(theta[0]) #Projected Inclination
    #w = theta[1:] #Ring bin amplitudes

    u, v = uvsamples
    udeproj = u * np.cos(incl) #Deproject
    #vdeproj = v * np.cos(incl) #Deproject
    rho  = 1e3*np.sqrt(udeproj**2+v**2)
    #rho = 1e3*np.sqrt(vdeproj**2+u**2)

    rin, b = bins

    rbin = np.concatenate([np.array([rin]), b])
    wbin = np.append(np.concatenate([np.array([0.0]), w]), 0.)
    ww = wbin-np.roll(wbin, -1)
    wgt = np.delete(ww, b.size+1)

    jarg = np.outer(2.*np.pi*rbin, rho/206264.806427)
    jinc = sc.j1(jarg)/jarg

    vis = np.dot(2.*np.pi*rbin**2*wgt, jinc)

    return vis
Example #17
 def jinc(x):
     """Jinc function (J_1(x) / x)."""
     j = np.ones(x.shape)
     # Handle 0/0 at origin
     nonzero_x = abs(x) > 1e-20
     j[nonzero_x] = 2 * sp.j1(np.pi * x[nonzero_x]) / (np.pi * x[nonzero_x])
     return j
Example #18
File: initials.py Project: natl/bg
def gravground( x          ,
                y          ,
                g          ,
                G          ,
                *args      ,
  def gravground( x       ,
                  y       ,
                  g       ,
                  G       ,
                  *args   ,
  Create the Thomas-Fermi ground state for a gravitational system
  X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
  R = np.sqrt( X ** 2. + Y ** 2. )
  bj0z1   = jn_zeros( 0, 1 ) #First zero of zeroth order besselj
  scaling = np.sqrt( 2 * np.pi * G / g  )
  gr0     = bj0z1 / scaling
  Rprime  = R * scaling
  gtfsol = j0( Rprime ) * np.array( [ map( int,ii ) for ii in map( 
                                      lambda rad: rad <= gr0, R ) ] )

  gtfsol *= scaling ** 2. / ( 2 * np.pi * j1( bj0z1 ) * bj0z1 ) 
  return gtfsol
Example #19
def discreteModel(theta, uvsamples, bins):

    # retrieve inputs
    incl, PA, offset, w = theta
    rin, b = bins
    u, v = uvsamples			# in **lambda** units

    # convert angles to radians
    inclr = np.radians(incl)
    PAr = np.radians(PA)
    offr = offset * np.pi / (180.*3600.)

    # coordinate change to deal with projection, rotation, and shifts
    uprime = (u * np.cos(PAr) + v * np.sin(PAr)) * np.cos(inclr)
    vprime = (-u * np.sin(PAr) + v * np.cos(PAr))
    rho = np.sqrt(uprime**2 + vprime**2) * np.pi / (180.*3600.)

    # re-orient arrays
    rbin = np.concatenate([np.array([rin]), b])
    wbin = np.append(np.concatenate([np.array([0.0]), w]), 0.)
    ww = wbin-np.roll(wbin, -1)
    intensity = np.delete(ww, b.size+1)

    jarg = np.outer(2.*np.pi*rbin, rho)
    jinc = sc.j1(jarg)/jarg

    vis = np.dot(2.*np.pi*rbin**2*intensity, jinc)

    Re_vis = vis * np.cos(-2*np.pi*(u*offr[0] + v*offr[1]))
    Im_vis = vis * np.sin(-2*np.pi*(u*offr[0] + v*offr[1]))

    vis_complex = Re_vis + 1j*Im_vis

    return vis_complex
Example #20
    def tetmConstants(self, ri, ro, neff, wl, EH, c, idx):
        a = numpy.empty((2, 2))
        n = self.maxIndex(wl)
        u = self.u(ro, neff, wl)
        urp = self.u(ri, neff, wl)

        if neff < n:
            B1 = j0(u)
            B2 = y0(u)
            F1 = j0(urp) / B1
            F2 = y0(urp) / B2
            F3 = -j1(urp) / B1
            F4 = -y1(urp) / B2
            c1 = wl.k0 * ro / u
            B1 = i0(u)
            B2 = k0(u)
            F1 = i0(urp) / B1
            F2 = k0(urp) / B2
            F3 = i1(urp) / B1
            F4 = -k1(urp) / B2
            c1 = -wl.k0 * ro / u
        c3 = c * c1

        a[0, 0] = F1
        a[0, 1] = F2
        a[1, 0] = F3 * c3
        a[1, 1] = F4 * c3

        return numpy.linalg.solve(a, EH.take(idx))
Example #21
 def _tmcoeq(self, v0, nu):
     u1r1, u2r1, u2r2, s1, s2, n1sq, n2sq, n3sq = self.__params(v0)
     if s1 == 0:  # e
         f11a, f11b = 2, 1
     elif s1 > 0:  # a, b, d
         f11a, f11b = j0(u1r1) * u1r1, j1(u1r1)
     else:  # c
         f11a, f11b = i0(u1r1) * u1r1, i1(u1r1)
     if s2 > 0:
         f22a, f22b = j0(u2r2), y0(u2r2)
         f2a = j1(u2r1) * f22b - y1(u2r1) * f22a
         f2b = j0(u2r1) * f22b - y0(u2r1) * f22a
     else:  # a
         f22a, f22b = i0(u2r2), k0(u2r2)
         f2a = i1(u2r1) * f22b + k1(u2r1) * f22a
         f2b = i0(u2r1) * f22b - k0(u2r1) * f22a
     return f11a * n2sq * f2a - f11b * n1sq * f2b * u2r1
Example #22
def phase_binary(u, v, wavel, p):
	''' Calculate the phases observed by an array on a binary star
	p: 3-component vector (+2 optional), the binary "parameters":
	- p[0] = sep (mas)
	- p[1] = PA (deg) E of N.
	- p[2] = contrast ratio (primary/secondary)
	- p[3] = angular size of primary (mas)
	- p[4] = angular size of secondary (mas)

	- u,v: baseline coordinates (meters)
	- wavel: wavelength (meters)
	---------------------------------------------------------------- '''

	p = np.array(p)
	# relative locations
	th = (p[1] + 90.0) * np.pi / 180.0
	ddec =  mas2rad(p[0] * np.sin(th))
	dra  = -mas2rad(p[0] * np.cos(th))

	# baselines into number of wavelength
	x = np.sqrt(u*u+v*v)/wavel

	# decompose into two "luminosity"
	l2 = 1. / (p[2] + 1)
	l1 = 1 - l2
	# phase-factor
	phi = np.zeros(u.size, dtype=complex)
	phi.real = np.cos(-2*np.pi*(u*dra + v*ddec)/wavel)
	phi.imag = np.sin(-2*np.pi*(u*dra + v*ddec)/wavel)

	# optional effect of resolved individual sources
	if p.size == 5:
		th1, th2 = mas2rad(p[3]), mas2rad(p[4])
		v1 = 2*j1(np.pi*th1*x)/(np.pi*th1*x)
		v2 = 2*j1(np.pi*th2*x)/(np.pi*th2*x)
		v1 = np.ones(u.size)
		v2 = np.ones(u.size)

	cvis = l1 * v1 + l2 * v2 * phi
	phase = np.angle(cvis, deg=True)
	return np.mod(phase + 10980., 360.) - 180.0
Example #23
def _jinc(x):
    """Internal implementation of the `jinc` function.
    The `jinc(x)` is defined as `J_1(x)/2x` and `jinc(0)=0.5`.
    mask = x != 0.0
    result = 0.5*_np.ones(x.shape)
    result[mask] = _sps.j1(x[mask])/(x[mask])
    return result
Example #24
    def _tefield(self, wl, nu, neff, r):
        rho = self.fiber.outerRadius(0)
        k = wl.k0
        nco2 = self.fiber.maxIndex(0, wl)**2
        ncl2 = self.fiber.minIndex(1, wl)**2
        u = rho * k * sqrt(nco2 - neff**2)
        w = rho * k * sqrt(neff**2 - ncl2)

        if r < rho:
            hz = -Y0 * u / (k * rho) * j0(u * r / rho) / j1(u)
            ephi = -j1(u * r / rho) / j1(u)
            hz = Y0 * w / (k * rho) * k0(w * r / rho) / k1(w)
            ephi = -k1(w * r / rho) / k1(w)
        hr = -neff * Y0 * ephi

        return numpy.array((0, ephi, 0)), numpy.array((hr, 0, hz))
Example #25
def airyconv_MG(wid,radList):
    from scipy.special import j1,j0
    from numpy import pi,sum,ones,arange,zeros,sqrt
    from scipy import where

    #print 'wid:',wid
    #print 'dd:',dd
    radListTot=where(radListTot == 0.,1.e-12,radListTot)
    airyList= ((2./pi) * (j1(pi*radListTot)/radListTot))**2

    for x in range(npKer):
    for r in range(nRad):
        ##move along axis
        radArr=sqrt((xArr0+radList[r])**2 + yArr0**2)
        radArr=where(radArr == 0.,1.e-12,radArr) ##prevent div/0 errors
        bessArr = j1(pi*radArr)
        airyArr = ((2./pi) * (bessArr / radArr))**2
        conv1[r] = sum(airyArr)*dd**2./airyTot
        ##move at 45 degrees
        radArr=sqrt((xArr0+radList[r]/sqrt(2))**2 + (yArr0+radList[r]/sqrt(2))**2)
        radArr=where(radArr == 0.,1.e-12,radArr) ##prevent div/0 errors
        bessArr = j1(pi*radArr)
        airyArr = ((2./pi) * (bessArr / radArr))**2
        conv2[r] = sum(airyArr)*dd**2./airyTot
    convAz=(conv1 + conv2)/2.
Example #26
 def _j1(self, x):
     if self._nu == -1:
         return j0(x)
     elif self._nu == 0:
         return j1(x)
     elif np.floor(self._nu) == self._nu:
         return jn(self._nu + 1, x)
         return jv(self._nu + 1, x)
Example #27
def plotCF():
    ncl = 1.444
    nco = ncl + 0.05
    V = numpy.linspace(1, 7)

    pyplot.plot(V, j0(V))
    pyplot.plot(V, j1(V))
    pyplot.plot(V, jn(2, V))

    n02 = ncl*ncl / (nco * nco)
    a = (1 - n02) / (1 + n02)
    pyplot.plot(V, a * jn(2, V) - j0(V))
    pyplot.plot(V, a * jn(3, V) - j1(V))
    pyplot.plot(V, a * jn(4, V) - jn(2, V))

    pyplot.axhline(0, ls='--', color='k')

Example #28
def funcZetaCyl(z, Bi):
    zeta, Bi function for cylinder as f(z) = z*J1(z) - Bi*J0(z)
    note that J1 and J0 are bessel functions
    z = zeta values which are later solved for the positive roots for theta
    Bi = Biot number h*L/k, (-)
    f = z*sp.j1(z) - Bi*sp.j0(z)
    return f
Example #29
    def _tmfield(self, wl, nu, neff, r):
        rho = self.fiber.outerRadius(0)
        k = wl.k0
        nco2 = self.fiber.maxIndex(0, wl)**2
        ncl2 = self.fiber.minIndex(1, wl)**2
        u = rho * k * sqrt(nco2 - neff**2)
        w = rho * k * sqrt(neff**2 - ncl2)

        if r < rho:
            ez = -u / (k * neff * rho) * j0(u * r / rho) / j1(u)
            er = j1(u * r / rho) / j1(u)
            hphi = Y0 * nco2 / neff * er
            ez = nco2 / ncl2 * w / (k * neff * rho) * k0(w * r / rho) / k1(w)
            er = nco2 / ncl2 * k1(w * r / rho) / k1(w)
            hphi = Y0 * nco2 / ncl2 * k1(w * r / rho) / k1(w)

        return numpy.array((er, 0, ez)), numpy.array((0, hphi, 0))
Example #30
 def _j1(self, x):
     if self._nu == -1:
         return j0(x)
     elif self._nu == 0:
         return j1(x)
     elif isinstance(self._nu, int):
         return jn(self._nu + 1, x)
         return jv(self._nu + 1, x)
Example #31
def plot_temp_ana(name):
    # parameters
    mu = 0.01
    E = 30000  # Young's modulus
    v = 0.2  # poisson's ratio
    mu_s = E / (2 + 2 * v)  # lame coefficient
    lambda_s = 2 * mu_s * v / (1 - 2 * v)  # lame coefficient
    HA = lambda_s + 2 * mu_s  # aggregate modulus
    r0 = 1.0  # radius 1m
    ubc = -0.05  # displacement boundary
    epsilon0 = ubc / r0  # strain
    kappa = 1e-10  # permeability
    vis = 1e-3  # viscosity
    K = kappa / vis  # hydraulic conductivity
    t = 10  # unit second
    eta = (1 - v) / (1 - 2 * v)

    tol = 1e-10  # tolerance to stop

    r = np.arange(0, 1.05, 0.05)  # the different locations along the axises
    u1 = np.zeros(21)
    for i in range(len(r)):
        u1[i] = r0 * epsilon0 * (1 - eta) / (2 * eta - 1) * r[i] / r0

    u2 = np.zeros(21)
    for i in range(len(r)):
        error = 1e10  # initial error
        n = 1  # iteration calculator
        u0 = 1e10  # initial guess for displacement
        while error > tol:
            a1 = sp.j1(roots[n] * r[i] / r0)
            a2 = roots[n] * sp.j0(
                roots[n]) * (2 * eta - 1 - eta * eta * roots[n] * roots[n])
            a3 = math.exp(-roots[n] * roots[n] * t * HA * K / (r0 * r0))
            #  u2[i] += (HA - lambda_s) / (
            #           roots[n] * ((HA + lambda_s) * sp.j0(roots[n]) - roots[n] * HA * sp.j1(roots[n]))) * sp.j1(
            #           roots[n] * r[i] / r0) * math.exp(-HA * K / (r0 ** 2) * (roots[n] ** 2) * t)
            u2[i] += a1 / a2 * a3
            error = np.fabs(u2[i] - u0)
            u0 = u2[i]
            n += 1

    u2 = u2 * r0 * epsilon0
    u = u1 + u2

    # np.savetxt('test',R)
    # fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='col', sharey='row')
    # ax.plot(r, s_tt, label='analytical')
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    # lns1 = ax.plot(data.arc_length, data.displacement1, "o", mec="red", mfc="none", label='ogs6')
    lns2 = ax.plot(r, u, "b--", label='analytical')
    ax.set_xlabel('radius (m)')
    ax.set_ylabel('Displacment_x (m)', color='b')
    legend = ax.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True)
    plt.title('Unconfined Consolidation')
    '''fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
    # fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ay = ax.twinx()
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221)
    # fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
    ax2 = ax1.twinx()
    ax1.set_title('2 months')
    #lns1 = ax1.plot(data1_2m.arc_length, data1_2m.TEMPERATURE1, "b", label='ogs5')
    ax1.plot(data2_2m.arc_length, T2months_num, "o", mec="red", mfc="none", label='ogs6')
    ax1.plot(x, T2months, "b--", label='analytical')
    ax2.plot(x, R1, "black", label='error')

    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(222)
    ax4 = ax3.twinx()
    ax3.set_title('1 year')
    #ax3.plot(data1_1y.arc_length, data1_1y.TEMPERATURE1, "b", label='ogs5')
    ax3.plot(data2_1y.arc_length, T1year_num, "o", mec="red", mfc="none", label='ogs6')
    ax3.plot(x, T1year, "g--", label='analytical')
    ax4.plot(x, R2, "black", label='error')
    ax5 = fig.add_subplot(223)
    ax6 = ax5.twinx()
    ax5.set_title('2 years')
    #ax5.plot(data1_2y.arc_length, data1_2y.TEMPERATURE1, "b", label='ogs5')
    ax5.plot(data2_2y.arc_length, T2years_num, "o", mec="red", mfc="none", label='ogs6')
    ax5.plot(x, T2years, "g--", label='analytical')
    ax6.plot(x, R3, "black", label='error')
    ax7 = fig.add_subplot(224)
    ax8 = ax7.twinx()
    ax7.set_title('4 years')
    #ax7.plot(data1_4y.arc_length, data1_4y.TEMPERATURE1, "b", label='ogs5')
    ax7.plot(data2_4y.arc_length, T4years_num, "o", mec="red", mfc="none", label='ogs6')
    ax7.plot(x, T4years, "g--", label='analytical')
    ax8.plot(x, R4, "black", label='error')

    # Turn off axis lines and ticks of the big subplot
    ax.tick_params(labelcolor='w', top='off', bottom='off', left='off', right='off')
    ay.tick_params(labelcolor='w', top='off', bottom='off', left='off', right='off')

    ax.set_xlabel('Distance (m)')
    ax.set_ylabel('Temperature (K)')
    # ax1.set_title('2 months')
    # commonFormat(ax)
    # ax.set_xlabel('Distance', fontsize=16)
    # ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5,-0.05)
    # ax.set_ylabel('Temperature', fontsize=18)
    # ax.set_xlim(right=10)
    # ax.set_ylim(bottom=3.e-2)
    # ax.set_ylim(top = 7.e-2)
    # ax.set_yscale('log')
    # ax.legend(loc='lower right')
    # ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.05, 0.5) '''
    return None
Example #32
def getAiryProbe(
        wavelength=0.142e-9,  # 8.7 keV 
        pixel_pitch=30e-9,  # 55 micrometers 
    """Calculates the beam profile given the final beam diameter. 
    wavelength : 
    pixel_pitch : 
    object/probe pixel pitch. Usually calculated using the Nyquist theorem using the object-detector
    distance and the detector pixel pitch.
    number of pixels along each axis in the probe view
    the diameter (in pixels) of the first central lobe of the probe beam at the object (sample) plane.

    - propagation distance (from aperture to sample) and initial aperture width are calculated 
    assuming a Fresnel number of 0.1
    beam_width_dist = beam_diam_pixels * pixel_pitch
    radius = beam_width_dist / 2
    # Initial Aperture width
    w = 0.1 * 2 * np.pi * radius / (special.jn_zeros(1, 1))

    # Propagation dist from aperture to sample
    z = 0.1 * (2 * np.pi * radius)**2 / (special.jn_zeros(1, 1)**2 *

    beam_center = npix // 2
    xvals = np.linspace(-beam_center * pixel_pitch, beam_center * pixel_pitch,
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xvals, xvals)

    k = 2 * np.pi / wavelength
    lz = wavelength * z
    S = xx**2 + yy**2

    jinc_input = np.sqrt(S) * w / lz
    mask = (jinc_input != 0)
    jinc_term = np.pi * np.ones_like(jinc_input)
    jinc_term[mask] = special.j1(
        jinc_input[mask] * 2 * np.pi) / jinc_input[mask]

    # wavefield
    #term1 = np.exp(1j * k * z) / (1j * lz)
    term1 = 1 / (1j * lz)
    term2 = np.exp(1j * k * S / (2 * z))
    term3 = w**2 * jinc_term
    field_vals = (term1 * term2 * term3).astype('complex64')

    scaling_factor = np.sqrt(n_photons / (np.abs(field_vals)**2).sum())
    field_vals = scaling_factor * field_vals
    return field_vals
Example #33
def sombrero():
    a0 = 2.
    S = lambda r: a0 * scs.j1(a0 * r) / r
    H = lambda r: r < a0
    return S, H
Example #34
    def SNRcalc(self, pulsar, pop):
        """Calculate the S/N ratio of a given pulsar in the survey"""
        # if not in region, S/N = 0

        # if we have a list of pointings, use this bit of code
        # haven't tested yet, but presumably a lot slower
        # (loops over the list of pointings....)

        if pulsar.dead:
            return 0.
        # otherwise check if pulsar is in entire region
        if self.inRegion(pulsar):
            # If pointing list is provided, check how close nearest
            # pointing is
            if self.pointingslist is not None:
                # convert offset from degree to arcmin
                offset = self.inPointing(pulsar) * 60.0

                # calculate offset as a random offset within FWHM/2
                offset = self.fwhm * math.sqrt(random.random()) / 2.0
            return -2

        # Get degfac depending on self.gainpat
        if self.gainpat == 'airy':
            conv = math.pi / (60 * 180.)  # Conversion arcmins -> radians
            eff_diam = 3.0e8 / (self.freq * self.fwhm * conv * 1.0e6
                                )  # Also MHz -> Hz
            a = eff_diam / 2.  # Effective radius of telescope
            lamda = 3.0e8 / (self.freq * 1.0e6)  # Obs. wavelength
            kasin = (2 * math.pi * a / lamda) * np.sin(offset * conv)
            degfac = 4 * (j1(kasin) / kasin)**2
            degfac = math.exp(-2.7726 * offset * offset /
                              (self.fwhm * self.fwhm))

        # calc dispersion smearing across single channel
        tdm = self._dmsmear(pulsar)

        # calculate bhat et al scattering time (inherited from GalacticOps)
        # in units of ms
        tscat = go.scatter_bhat(pulsar.dm, pulsar.scindex, self.freq)

        # Calculate the effective width
        width_ms = pulsar.width_degree * pulsar.period / 360.0
        weff_ms = math.sqrt(width_ms**2 + self.tsamp**2 + tdm**2 + tscat**2)

        # calculate duty cycle (period is in ms)
        delta = weff_ms / pulsar.period

        # if pulse is smeared out, return -1.0
        if delta > 1.0:
            return -1

        #radiometer signal to noise
        sig_to_noise = rad.calcSNR(self.calcflux(pulsar,
                                                 pop.ref_freq), self.beta,
                                   self.tsys, self.tskypy(pulsar), self.gain,
                                   self.npol, self.tobs, self.bw, delta)

        # account for aperture array, if needed
        if self.AA:
            sig_to_noise *= self._AA_factor(pulsar)

        # return the S/N accounting for beam offset
        return sig_to_noise * degfac
# jn_zeros calculates the first n zeros of the zero-th order Bessel function
# of the first kind
max_zeros = 10
w = jn_zeros(0, max_zeros)
b = 2 * np.sqrt(L / g)

def func(u, n):
    """The integrand for the Fourier-Bessel coefficient A_n."""
    return u * f(u) * j0(w[n - 1] / b * u)

# Calculate the Fourier-Bessel coefficients using numerical integration
A = []
for n in range(1, max_zeros + 1):
    An = quad(func, 0, b, args=(n, ))[0] * 2 / (b * j1(w[n - 1]))**2

# Create a labelled plot comparing f(z) with the Fourier-Bessel series
# approximation truncated at 2, 3 and 5 terms.
plt.plot(f(u), z, 'k', lw=2, label='$f(z)$')
for nmax in (3, 5, 10):
    ffit = np.zeros(N)
    for n in range(nmax):
        ffit += A[n - 1] * j0(w[n - 1] / b * u)
    plt.plot(ffit, z, label=r'$n_\mathrm{max} = ' + '{}$'.format(nmax))
plt.xlim(-d / 5, d)
Example #36
# the loop repeats

# what could be added is a clause that says for r <= 10**-10 r = 0.01? (small)

# can include the line with math.log( ... , 10) to log base 10 the function so it fits better on my
# graph do i need to multiply by the dx here or? not sure

for i in x:

    cj = 0

    for j in y:

        r = x[ci]**2 + y[cj]**2

        I_theta_arr[ci][cj] = ((2 * sp.j1(r) / r)**2) * dx

        cj = cj + 1

    ci = ci + 1

# these help make the lengths more identifiable, can be uncommented if needed

# print(r)
# print(I_theta_arr)
# print(I_theta_arr.size)
# print(x.size)
# print(y.size)
# print(r.size)
Example #37
res_sc_br = minimize_scalar(f, method='brent')


# Bounded method: Need to specify an interval.

from scipy.special import j1
# Plot this function to show an optimum.
x_grid = np.arange(4, 7, 0.01)
f_grid = x_grid * 0
for i in range(0, len(x_grid)):
    f_grid[i] = j1(x_grid[i])

plt.plot(x_grid, f_grid, label='J_1(x)')

# Search for good bounds first:

res_sc_bdd = minimize_scalar(j1, bounds=(4, 7), method='bounded')

Example #38
    arg3_DOP = [
        Lav, betst, Inc, Ombn, alph, n0, Rde, pp, thetTst, J3, aeff, nu0, nne
    arg4_DOP = [
        Lav, betst, Inc, Ombn, alph, n0, Rde, pp, thetTst, J4, aeff, nu0, nne
    arg5_DOP = [
        Lav, betst, Inc, Ombn, alph, n0, Rde, pp, thetTst, J5, aeff, nu0, nne

    Dop1_anal = 1. / (2. * ma.pi * frc_a)**2 * np.sin(Inc - np.pi / 2) * (
        2. * ma.pi * frc_a * np.cos(2. * ma.pi * frc_a * np.cos(thetTst)) -
        np.sin(2. * ma.pi * frc_a * np.cos(thetTst)) / np.cos(thetTst))

    from scipy import special as spc
    DopRing_anal = spc.j1(2. * ma.pi * frc_a)

    DOP1_AIR_over_AUV = np.zeros(len(frc_t))
    DOP2_AIR_over_AUV = np.zeros(len(frc_t))
    DOP3_AIR_over_AUV = np.zeros(len(frc_t))
    DOP4_AIR_over_AUV = np.zeros(len(frc_t))
    DOP5_AIR_over_AUV = np.zeros(len(frc_t))

    for i in range(len(frc_t)):
        DOP1_AIR_over_AUV[i] = DOP_AIR_o_AUV(frc_t[i], numn, numx, Dst,
                                             arg1_DOP, RHS_table, T_table)
        DOP2_AIR_over_AUV[i] = DOP_AIR_o_AUV(frc_t[i], numn, numx, Dst,
                                             arg2_DOP, RHS_table, T_table)
        DOP3_AIR_over_AUV[i] = DOP_AIR_o_AUV(frc_t[i], numn, numx, Dst,
                                             arg3_DOP, RHS_table, T_table)
        DOP4_AIR_over_AUV[i] = DOP_AIR_o_AUV(frc_t[i], numn, numx, Dst,
Example #39
def calc_P_clad(omega, a, beta, u, w, A):
    return ((np.pi / 2) * omega * mu_0 * beta * np.abs(A)**2 * (a**4 / u**2) *
            j1(u)**2 * (((k0(w) * kv(2, w)) / k1(w)**2) - 1))
Example #40
def Hr_core(r, phase, beta, a, u, A):
    return 1j * beta * (a / u) * A * j1(u * r / a) * np.exp(1j * phase)
Example #41
def Ep_core(r, phase, omega, a, u, A):
    return -1j * omega * mu_0 * (a / u) * A * j1(u * r / a) * np.exp(
        1j * phase)
Example #42
def eve_lhs(u, w):
    return j1(u) / (u * j0(u))
def jinc(x):
    return spl.j1(x) / x
Example #44
G_tot = 72.41
A = np.exp(-tau * G_tot)

m = (DWF * U * dk * tau * 1e-9)**2 * sqrt(N) / (4 * sqrt(2) *
                                                sqrt(A**(-2) - 1))
         fit(amps_th, m, 2),
         label=r'{:.3f}*z^({:.3f})'.format(m, 2))

amps_th = np.linspace(1, 3, 500)
pwr = np.linspace(0, 1, 500)

theta_max_2 = np.linspace(2, 2, 300)
amps_th_2 = np.linspace(10, 0.25, 300)
theta_max = np.append(theta_max_2, theta_max)
amps_th = np.append(amps_th_2, amps_th)
Pup = 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 * A * j0(theta_max)
sig_proj = 1 / sqrt(55) * sqrt(Pup * (1 - Pup))
sig_up = (A**2) / 8 * (1 + j0(2 * theta_max) - 2 * j0(theta_max)**2)
delta_J_m = 2 * A**(-1) * sqrt(sig_proj**2 + sig_up)
delta_th_m = delta_J_m / (j1(theta_max))
S_N_m = theta_max / delta_th_m / 2


plt.legend(loc=(1, 0))
plt.ylim(0, 2)
plt.xlabel('Displacement Amplitude (nm)')
plt.ylabel('Signal to noise')
Example #45
etaV = etaV[0, :]
zetaH = zetaH[0, :]
zetaV = zetaV[0, :]
rtol = htarg['rtol']
atol = htarg['atol']
nquad = htarg['nquad']
maxint = htarg['maxint']
pts_per_dec = htarg['pts_per_dec']
diff_quad = htarg['diff_quad']
a = htarg['a']
b = htarg['b']
limit = htarg['limit']
g_x, g_w = special.roots_legendre(nquad)
b_zero = np.pi * np.arange(1.25, maxint + 1)
for i in range(10):
    b_x0 = special.j1(b_zero)
    b_x1 = special.jv(2, b_zero)
    b_h = -b_x0 / (b_x0 / b_zero - b_x1)
    b_zero += b_h
    if all(np.abs(b_h) < 8 * np.finfo(float).eps * b_zero):
xint = np.concatenate((np.array([1e-20]), b_zero))
dx = np.repeat(np.diff(xint) / 2, nquad)
Bx = dx * (np.tile(g_x, maxint) + 1) + np.repeat(xint[:-1], nquad)
BJ0 = special.j0(Bx) * np.tile(g_w, maxint)
BJ1 = special.j1(Bx) * np.tile(g_w, maxint)
intervals = xint / off[:, None]
lambd = Bx / off[:, None]
ang_fact = kernel.angle_factor(angle, ab, msrc, mrec)
# 1 Spline version
start = np.log(lambd.min())
def airy_fun(x, centre, amp):  # , exp):  # , amp, bg):
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        return np.where((x - centre) == 0, amp * .5**2,
                        amp * (special.j1(x - centre) / (x - centre))**2)
Example #47
    def update_Theta(self, p):
        Update the model to the current Theta parameters.

        :param p: parameters to update model to
        :type p: model.ThetaParam

        # durty HACK to get fixed logg
        # Simply fixes the middle value to be 4.29
        # Check to see if it exists, as well
        fix_logg = Starfish.config.get("fix_logg", None)
        if fix_logg is not None:
            p.grid[1] = fix_logg
        print("grid pars are", p.grid)

        self.logger.debug("Updating Theta parameters to {}".format(p))

        # Store the current accepted values before overwriting with new proposed values.
        self.flux_mean_last = self.flux_mean.copy()
        self.flux_std_last = self.flux_std.copy()
        self.eigenspectra_last = self.eigenspectra.copy()
        self.mus_last = self.mus
        self.C_GP_last = self.C_GP

        # Local, shifted copy of wavelengths
        wl_FFT = self.wl_FFT * np.sqrt((C.c_kms + p.vz) / (C.c_kms - p.vz))

        # If vsini is less than 0.2 km/s, we might run into issues with
        # the grid spacing. Therefore skip the convolution step if we have
        # values smaller than this.
        # FFT and convolve operations
        if p.vsini < 0.0:
            raise C.ModelError("vsini must be positive")
        elif p.vsini < 0.2:
            # Skip the vsini taper due to instrumental effects
            eigenspectra_full = self.EIGENSPECTRA.copy()
            FF = np.fft.rfft(self.EIGENSPECTRA, axis=1)

            # Determine the stellar broadening kernel
            ub = 2. * np.pi * p.vsini * self.ss
            sb = j1(ub) / ub - 3 * np.cos(ub) / (
                2 * ub**2) + 3. * np.sin(ub) / (2 * ub**3)
            # set zeroth frequency to 1 separately (DC term)
            sb[0] = 1.

            # institute vsini taper
            FF_tap = FF * sb

            # do ifft
            eigenspectra_full = np.fft.irfft(FF_tap, self.pca.npix, axis=1)

        # Spectrum resample operations
        if min(self.wl) < min(wl_FFT) or max(self.wl) > max(wl_FFT):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Data wl grid ({:.2f},{:.2f}) must fit within the range of wl_FFT ({:.2f},{:.2f})"
                .format(min(self.wl), max(self.wl), min(wl_FFT), max(wl_FFT)))

        # Take the output from the FFT operation (eigenspectra_full), and stuff them
        # into respective data products
        for lres, hres in zip(
                chain([self.flux_mean, self.flux_std], self.eigenspectra),
            interp = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wl_FFT, hres, k=5)
            lres[:] = interp(self.wl)
            del interp

        # Helps keep memory usage low, seems like the numpy routine is slow
        # to clear allocated memory for each iteration.

        # Adjust flux_mean and flux_std by Omega
        Omega = 10**p.logOmega
        self.flux_mean *= Omega
        self.flux_std *= Omega

        # Now update the parameters from the emulator
        # If pars are outside the grid, Emulator will raise C.ModelError
        self.emulator.params = p.grid
        self.mus, self.C_GP = self.emulator.matrix
Example #48
def lnprob(p):

    grid = p[:3]
    vz, vsini, logOmega = p[3:]

    # Local, shifted copy of wavelengths
    wl_FFT = wl_FFT_orig * np.sqrt((C.c_kms + vz) / (C.c_kms - vz))

    # Holders to store the convolved and resampled eigenspectra
    eigenspectra = np.empty((pca.m, ndata))
    flux_mean = np.empty((ndata, ))
    flux_std = np.empty((ndata, ))

    # If vsini is less than 0.2 km/s, we might run into issues with
    # the grid spacing. Therefore skip the convolution step if we have
    # values smaller than this.
    # FFT and convolve operations
    if vsini < 0.0:
        return -np.inf
    elif vsini < 0.2:
        # Skip the vsini taper due to instrumental effects
        eigenspectra_full = EIGENSPECTRA.copy()
        FF = np.fft.rfft(EIGENSPECTRA, axis=1)

        # Determine the stellar broadening kernel
        ub = 2. * np.pi * vsini * ss
        sb = j1(ub) / ub - 3 * np.cos(ub) / (2 * ub**2) + 3. * np.sin(ub) / (
            2 * ub**3)
        # set zeroth frequency to 1 separately (DC term)
        sb[0] = 1.

        # institute vsini taper
        FF_tap = FF * sb

        # do ifft
        eigenspectra_full = np.fft.irfft(FF_tap, pca.npix, axis=1)

    # Spectrum resample operations
    if min(wl) < min(wl_FFT) or max(wl) > max(wl_FFT):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Data wl grid ({:.2f},{:.2f}) must fit within the range of wl_FFT ({:.2f},{:.2f})"
            .format(min(wl), max(wl), min(wl_FFT), max(wl_FFT)))

    # Take the output from the FFT operation (eigenspectra_full), and stuff them
    # into respective data products
    for lres, hres in zip(chain([flux_mean, flux_std], eigenspectra),
        interp = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wl_FFT, hres, k=5)
        lres[:] = interp(wl)
        del interp


    # Adjust flux_mean and flux_std by Omega
    Omega = 10**logOmega
    flux_mean *= Omega
    flux_std *= Omega

    # Now update the parameters from the emulator
    # If pars are outside the grid, Emulator will raise C.ModelError
        emulator.params = grid
        mus, C_GP = emulator.matrix
    except C.ModelError:
        return -np.inf

    # Get the mean spectrum
    X = (flux_std * np.eye(ndata)).dot(eigenspectra.T)
    mean_spec = flux_mean + X.dot(mus)
    R = fl - mean_spec

    # Evaluate chi2
    lnp = -0.5 * np.sum((R[mask] / sigma[mask])**2)
    return lnp
#All parameters are in Ang
#This is for circular annular ap in 1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as spl
q1 = np.linspace(-2 * 10**7, 2 * 10**7, 512)
a = 1 * 10**7
k = 2 * 3.14 / 6000
f = 10**10
e = 0.6
m = q1 * k * a / f
n = k * a * e * q1 / f
z = 1 / (1 - e**2) * ((2 * spl.j1(m) / m) - (e) * (2 * spl.j1(n) / m))
plt.plot(q1 * a * k / f, z**2)
Example #50
    def __init__(self, L, R, n_modes_z, n_modes_r):

        self.n_modes_r = n_modes_r
        self.n_modes_z = n_modes_z

        self.domain_L = L
        self.domain_R = R

        self.kr = jn_zeros(0, self.n_modes_r) / R
        self.kz = np.pi * np.arange(1, self.n_modes_z + 1) / L

        self.oneOkr = 1. / self.kr
        self.oneOkz = 1. / self.kz

        # Needed for the normalization
        zero_zeros = jn_zeros(0, self.n_modes_r)

        self.omega_coords = np.zeros((self.n_modes_z, self.n_modes_r, 2))
        self.dc_coords = np.zeros((self.n_modes_z, self.n_modes_r, 2))
        self.mode_mass = np.ones((self.n_modes_z, self.n_modes_r))

        self.omega = np.zeros((self.n_modes_z, self.n_modes_r))
        for idx_r in range(0, self.n_modes_r):
            for idx_z in range(0, self.n_modes_z):
                self.omega[idx_z,idx_r]= \
                    np.sqrt(self.kr[idx_r]**2 +self.kz[idx_z]**2)
                # Integral of cos^2(k_z z)*J_z(k_r r)^2 over the domain volume
                self.mode_mass[idx_z, idx_r] = R * R * L * (j1(
                    zero_zeros[idx_r]))**2 / (4. * consts.c)

        self.omegaOtwokz = 0.5 * np.einsum('z, zr -> zr', 1. / self.kz,
        self.omegaOtwokr = 0.5 * np.einsum('r, zr -> zr', 1. / self.kr,

        self.oneOomega = 1. / self.omega

        self.kzOomega = einsum('z, zr -> zr', self.kz, self.oneOomega)
        self.krOomega = einsum('r, zr -> zr', self.kr, self.oneOomega)

        self.delta_P_dc = np.zeros((self.n_modes_z, self.n_modes_r))
        self.delta_P_omega = np.zeros((self.n_modes_z, self.n_modes_r))

        # Particles are tent functions with widths the narrowest of the
        # k-vectors for each direction. Default for now is to have the
        # particle widths be half the shortest wavelength, which should
        # resolve the wave physics reasonably well.
        self.ptcl_width_z = .25 * 2. * np.pi / max(self.kz)
        self.ptcl_width_r = .25 * 2. * np.pi / max(self.kr)

        self.shape_function_z = np.exp(-0.5 * (self.kz * self.ptcl_width_z)**2)

        # With the conducting boundaries, unphysically large fields can
        # get trapped on the conducting surfaces. To squelch this, we put
        # a tanh-function envelope on the fields to make the fields go to
        # zero quickly but smoothly on the boundaries.

        self.tanh_width = np.max(self.kz)
        self.z_mean = 0.5 * self.domain_L

        # Create the mpi communicator
        self.comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
Example #51
def jinc(x):
    j = np.ones(x.shape)
    # Handle 0/0 at origin
    nonzero_x = abs(x) > 1e-20
    j[nonzero_x] = 2 * sp.j1(np.pi * x[nonzero_x]) / (np.pi * x[nonzero_x])
    return j
TCM = 72.013
h = 6.582 * 10**(-22)
r0 = 1.44 * 10**-15
k1 = 2. * mr * TCM
k2 = c**2 * h**2
k = np.sqrt(k1 / k2)
R = r0 * (16**(1 / 3) + 12**(1 / 3))
kR = k * R
k2R4 = k**2 * R**4
k2R4mb = k2R4 * 10**31

y = np.array([
    400, 180, 70, 28, 20, 10, 18, 27, 45, 70, 80, 90, 80, 70, 50, 25, 11, 6,
    1.1, 4.2, 7, 12, 16, 20, 15, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1.8, 2.2, 3.1, 3.8, 4.1,
    3.7, 3.1, 2.7, 2.5, 1.1, 1.5, 1.3, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.05, 1.2, 1.2,
    0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2
x = np.linspace(np.pi * 15.0 / 180, np.pi * 42.5 / 180, len(y))

theta = np.arange(np.pi * 15.0 / 180, np.pi * 42.5 / 180, 0.005)
y1 = k2R4mb * ((spe.j1(kR * theta) / (kR * theta))**2)

plt.plot(x, y, '.')
plt.plot(theta, y1, '-')
plt.title('Difracción Teoría de Fraunhöfer vs. Pts. Experimentales', size='10')
plt.xlabel(r'$\theta$ (rad)')
plt.ylabel('Sección eficaz diferencial (mbarn/sr)')
plt.legend(('Pts. predichos por Fraunhöfer', 'Valores experimentales'),
           prop={'size': 10},
           loc='upper right')
Example #53
import numpy as np
import pickle
import scipy.special as sp
from scipy.optimize import fmin

expect_full = []
expect_with_full = []

#for i in range(1):
#    with open("data/expectation_{0}_False.txt".format(i),"rb") as fp:
#        expect_full.append(pickle.load(fp))
#    with open("data/expectation_{0}_True.txt".format(i),"rb") as fp:
#        expect_with_full.append(pickle.load(fp))
expect_theo = 1j * sp.j1(1) / sp.j0(1)
#R = len(expect_full)
#Nr = len(expect_full[0])
#N = Nr*R

with open("data/config_mu_0.1_T_4.0.txt", "rb") as fp:
    expect_full = pickle.load(fp)

#with open("data/expectation_Nt20_beta1_step10_True.txt","rb") as fp:
#    expect_full = pickle.load(fp)

N = len(expect_full)
print('N=', N)
R = 0
Nr = N

def Moyenne(list_obs):
Example #54
# Origen:        Propio.
# Autor:         José María Herrera-Fernandez, Luis Miguel Sánchez-Brea
# Creación:        18 de Septiembre de 2013
# Historia:
# Dependencias:    scipy, matplotlib
# Licencia:        GPL
Descripción: Cálculo de los coeficientes de orden cero y uno de la función de Bessel
contenida en el paquete special.
from scipy import special  # Importamos scipy.special
import scipy as sp  # Importamos scipy como el alias sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # Importamos matplotlib.pyplot como el alias plt.

# Creamos el array dimensional
x = sp.arange(0, 50, .1)
x1 = sp.arange(0, 1, .1)
# Calculamos los coeficientes de orden cero.
# j0 = special.j0(x)
j0 = special.j0(x1)
# # Calculamos los coeficientes de orden uno.
j1 = special.j1(x)
Example #55
def get2DSpheromakFlux(r, z, R=1, L=1, b0=1):
    j1_zero1 = jn_zeros(1, 1)[0]
    kr = j1_zero1 / R
    kz = np.pi / L
    return b0 * r * j1(kr * r) * np.sin(kz * z)
Example #56
def expect_th(beta=default_beta):
    # Return the imaginary part of the theoretical expect. value
    result = []
    for i in beta:
        result.append(sp.j1(i) / sp.j0(i))
    return result
Example #57
    def __init__(self,
                 psf_scale=1e2):  #'log_sum_exp'
        # psf_scale: scale all PSFS by this constant after normalizing
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        target_option = 'airy'
        #self.samples = (512,512)  #Grid for PSF simulation
        self.samples = (768, 768)  #Grid for PSF simulation

        self.lam = 510e-6
        if GrinAber:
            # 'GrinAberrations'
            file = scipy.io.loadmat(GrinAber)
            GrinAber = file[GrinDictName]
            self.Grin = []
            for i in range(len(GrinAber)):
                Grinpad = pad_frac_tf(GrinAber[i, :, :] * self.lam,
                Grinresize = cv2.resize(Grinpad.numpy(),
                                        (self.samples[1], self.samples[1]))

        # min and max lenslet focal lengths in mm
        self.fmin = 6.15
        self.fmax = 25.
        self.ior = 1.515
        self.lam = 510e-6
        self.psf_norm = psf_norm
        # Min and max lenslet radii
        self.Rmin = self.fmin * (self.ior - 1.)
        self.Rmax = self.fmax * (self.ior - 1.)
        self.psf_scale = tf.constant(psf_scale)
        # Convert to curvatures
        self.cmin = 1 / self.Rmax
        self.cmax = 1 / self.Rmin
        self.xgrng = np.array((-1.8, 1.8)).astype(
        )  #Range, in mm, of grid of the whole plane (not just grin)
        self.ygrng = np.array((-1.8, 1.8)).astype('float32')

        self.t = 10.  #Distance to sensor from mask in mm

        #Compute depth range of virtual image that mask sees (this is assuming an objective is doing some magnification)

        self.zmin_virtual = 1. / (1. / self.t - 1. / self.fmin)
        self.zmax_virtual = 1. / (1. / self.t - 1. / self.fmax)
        self.CA = .9
        #semi clear aperature of GRIN
        self.mean_lenslet_CA = lenslet_CA  #average lenslest semi clear aperture in mm.

        #Getting number of lenslets and z planes needed as well as defocus list
        self.ps = (self.xgrng[1] - self.xgrng[0]) / self.samples[0]
        self.Nlenslets = np.int(
            np.floor((self.CA**2) / (self.mean_lenslet_CA**2)))
        self.Nz = 20
        self.zsampling = zsampling
        self.grid_z_planes = 20

        #self.defocus_grid=  1./(np.linspace(1/self.zmin_virtual, 1./self.zmax_virtual, self.grid_z_planes)) #mm or dioptres

        #if self.zsampling is 'fixed':
        #    self.defocus_list = 1./(np.linspace(1/self.zmin_virtual, 1./self.zmax_virtual, self.Nz)) #mm or dioptres

        self.min_offset = 0  #-10e-3
        self.max_offset = 50e-3
        #self.lenslet_offset=tfe.Variable(tf.zeros(self.Nlenslets),name='offset', dtype = tf.float32)
        #self.lenslet_offset=tfe.Variable(tf.zeros(self.Nlenslets),name='offset', dtype = tf.float32,constraint=lambda t: tf.clip_by_value(t,self.min_offset, self.max_offset))
        self.lenslet_offset = tf.zeros(self.Nlenslets)
        #initializing the x and y positions
        [xpos, ypos, rlist] = poissonsampling_circular(self)

        self.min_r = self.Rmin
        self.max_r = self.Rmax
        self.rlist = tf.Variable(
            constraint=lambda t: tf.clip_by_value(t, self.min_r, self.max_r))
        #self.xpos = tfe.Variable(xpos, name='xpos', dtype = tf.float32, constraint=lambda t: tf.clip_by_value(t,-self.CA, self.CA))
        #self.ypos = tfe.Variable(ypos, name='ypos', dtype = tf.float32, constraint=lambda t: tf.clip_by_value(t,-self.CA, self.CA))
        self.xpos = tf.Variable(xpos, name='xpos', dtype=tf.float32)
        self.ypos = tf.Variable(ypos, name='ypos', dtype=tf.float32)
        #parameters for making the lenslet surface
        self.yg = tf.constant(np.linspace(self.ygrng[0], self.ygrng[1],
        self.xg = tf.constant(np.linspace(self.xgrng[0], self.xgrng[1],
        self.px = tf.constant(self.xg[1] - self.xg[0], tf.float32)
        self.py = tf.constant(self.yg[1] - self.yg[0], tf.float32)
        self.xgm, self.ygm = tf.meshgrid(self.xg, self.yg)

        # Normalized coordinates
        self.xnorm = self.xgm / np.max(self.xgm)
        self.ynorm = self.ygm / np.max(self.ygm)

        #PSF generation parameters
        self.lam = tf.constant(510. * 10.**(-6.), dtype=tf.float32)
        self.k = np.pi * 2. / self.lam

        fx = tf.constant(np.linspace(-1. / (2. * self.ps), 1. / (2. * self.ps),
        fy = tf.constant(np.linspace(-1. / (2. * self.ps), 1. / (2. * self.ps),
        self.Fx, self.Fy = tf.meshgrid(fx, fy)
        self.field_list = tf.constant(np.array((0., 0.)).astype('float32'))
        M = 6
        self.corr_pad_frac = 0
        self.target_res = target_res * M  # micron
        #         sig = 2*self.target_res/(2.355) * 1e-3
        #         real_target = tf.exp(-(tf.square(self.xgm) + tf.square(self.ygm))/(2*tf.square(sig)))
        #         real_target = pad_frac_tf(real_target / tf.reduce_max(real_target), self.corr_pad_frac)
        #         self.target_F = tf.abs(tf.fft2d(tf.complex(tf_fftshift(real_target), 0.)))

        D = 1.22 * self.lam / (tf.sin(2 * tf.atan(self.target_res /
                                                  (2 * self.t)))
                               )  #0.514 for half_max, 1.22 for first zero.
        x_airy = self.k * D * tf.sin(tf.atan(self.xgm / self.t)) / 2
        y_airy = self.k * D * tf.sin(tf.atan(self.ygm / self.t)) / 2
        #Xa, Ya = tf.meshgrid(x_airy, y_airy)
        Ra = tf.sqrt(tf.square(x_airy) + tf.square(y_airy))

        #         self.target_airy=((2*scsp.j1(x_airy)/x_airy)**2) *((2*scsp.j1(y_airy)/y_airy)**2)
        target_airy = (2 * scsp.j1(Ra) / Ra)**2
        self.target_airy = target_airy / tf.sqrt(
        self.target_airy_pad = pad_frac_tf(self.target_airy,

        sig_aprox = 0.42 * self.lam * self.t / D
        self.airy_aprox_target = tf.exp(
            -(tf.square(self.xgm) + tf.square(self.ygm)) /
            (2 * tf.square(sig_aprox)))

        self.airy_aprox_pad = pad_frac_tf(
            self.airy_aprox_target / tf.reduce_max(self.airy_aprox_target),

        if target_option == 'airy':
            self.target_F = tf.square(
                        tf.complex(tf_fftshift(self.target_airy_pad), 0.))))
        elif target_option == 'gaussian':
            self.target_F = tf.abs(
                    tf.complex(tf_fftshift(self.airy_aprox_pad), 0.)))

        # Set regularization. Problem will be treated as l1 of spectral error at each depth + tau * l_inf(cross_corr)
        self.cross_corr_norm = cross_corr_norm
        self.logsumexp_param = tf.constant(
            logsumparam, tf.float32
        )  #lower is better l-infinity approximation, higher is worse but smoother
        self.tau = tf.constant(
            30, tf.float32)  #Extra weight for cross correlation terms

        self.ignore_dc = True  #Ignore DC in autocorrelations when computing frequency domain loss
        dc_mask = np.ones_like(
        )  #Mask for DC. Set to zero anywhere we want to ignore loss computation of power spectrum
        dc_mask[:3, :3] = 0
        dc_mask[-2:, :1] = 0
        dc_mask[:1, -2:] = 0
        dc_mask[-2:, -2:] = 0
        dc_mask = dc_mask * self.target_F.numpy() > (
            .001 * np.max(self.target_F.numpy()))
        self.dc_mask = tf.constant(dc_mask, tf.float32)

        # Use Zernike aberrations with random initialization
        # Zernike
        self.zernikes = zernikes
        self.numzern = len(zernikes)

        if aberrations == True:
            zern_init = []
            for i in range(self.Nlenslets):
                aberrations = np.zeros(self.numzern)

            self.zernlist = tf.Variable(zern_init,
            self.zernlist = 0
 def airy(r, sigma):
     from scipy.special import j1
     r = r / sigma * np.sqrt(2)
     a = (2 * j1(r) / r)**2
     a[r == 0] = 1
     return a
Example #59
def hqwe(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, off, angle, depth, ab, etaH, etaV, zetaH,
         zetaV, xdirect, qweargs, use_spline, use_ne_eval, msrc, mrec):
    """Hankel Transform using Quadrature-With-Extrapolation.

    *Quadrature-With-Extrapolation* was introduced to geophysics by
    [Key_2012]_. It is one of many so-called *ISE* methods to solve Hankel
    Transforms, where *ISE* stands for Integration, Summation, and

    Following [Key_2012]_, but without going into the mathematical details
    here, the QWE method rewrites the Hankel transform of the form

    .. math:: F(r)   = \int^\infty_0 f(\lambda)J_v(\lambda r)\

    as a quadrature sum which form is similar to the FHT (equation 15),

    .. math::   F_i   \\approx \sum^m_{j=1} f(x_j/r)w_j g(x_j) =
                \sum^m_{j=1} f(x_j/r)\hat{g}(x_j) \ ,

    but with various bells and whistles applied (using the so-called Shanks
    transformation in the form of a routine called :math:`\epsilon`-algorithm
    ([Shanks_1955]_, [Wynn_1956]_; implemented with algorithms from
    [Trefethen_2000]_ and [Weniger_1989]_).

    This function is based on `get_CSEM1D_FD_QWE.m`, `qwe.m`, and
    `getBesselWeights.m` from the source code distributed with [Key_2012]_.

    In the spline-version, `hqwe` checks how steep the decay of the
    wavenumber-domain result is, and calls QUAD for the very steep interval,
    for which QWE is not suited.

    The function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`model`.
    Consult these modelling routines for a description of the input and output

    fEM : array
        Returns frequency-domain EM response.

    kcount : int
        Kernel count.

    conv : bool
        If true, QWE/QUAD converged. If not, <htarg> might have to be adjusted.

    # Input params have an additional dimension for frequency, reduce here
    etaH = etaH[0, :]
    etaV = etaV[0, :]
    zetaH = zetaH[0, :]
    zetaV = zetaV[0, :]

    # Get rtol, atol, nquad, maxint, and pts_per_dec
    rtol, atol, nquad, maxint, pts_per_dec = qweargs[:5]

    # at fixed quadrature points for each interval and multiply by the
    # corresponding Gauss quadrature weights

    # Get Gauss quadrature weights
    g_x, g_w = special.p_roots(nquad)

    # Compute n zeros of the Bessel function of the first kind of order 1 using
    # the Newton-Raphson method, which is fast enough for our purposes.  Could
    # be done with a loop for (but it is slower):
    # b_zero[i] = optimize.newton(special.j1, b_zero[i])

    # Initial guess using asymptotic zeros
    b_zero = np.pi*np.arange(1.25, maxint+1)

    # Newton-Raphson iterations
    for i in range(10):   # 10 is more than enough, usually stops in 5

        # Evaluate
        b_x0 = special.j1(b_zero)     # j0 and j1 have faster versions
        b_x1 = special.jv(2, b_zero)  # j2 does not have a faster version

        # The step length
        b_h = -b_x0/(b_x0/b_zero - b_x1)

        # Take the step
        b_zero += b_h

        # Check for convergence
        if all(np.abs(b_h) < 8*np.finfo(float).eps*b_zero):


    # Lower limit of integrand, a small but non-zero value
    xint = np.concatenate((np.array([1e-20]), b_zero))

    # Assemble the output arrays
    dx = np.repeat(np.diff(xint)/2, nquad)
    Bx = dx*(np.tile(g_x, maxint) + 1) + np.repeat(xint[:-1], nquad)
    BJ0 = special.j0(Bx)*np.tile(g_w, maxint)
    BJ1 = special.j1(Bx)*np.tile(g_w, maxint)

    # 3. START QWE

    # Intervals and lambdas for all offset
    intervals = xint/off[:, None]
    lambd = Bx/off[:, None]

    # Angle dependent factors
    factAng = kernel.angle_factor(angle, ab, msrc, mrec)

    # Call and return QWE, depending if spline or not
    if use_spline:  # If spline, we calculate all kernels here
        # New lambda, from min to max required lambda with pts_per_dec
        start = np.log10(lambd.min())
        stop = np.log10(lambd.max())
        ilambd = np.logspace(start, stop, (stop-start)*pts_per_dec + 1)

        # Call the kernel
        PJ0, PJ1, PJ0b = kernel.wavenumber(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth,
                                           etaH[None, :], etaV[None, :],
                                           zetaH[None, :], zetaV[None, :],
                                           np.atleast_2d(ilambd), ab, xdirect,
                                           msrc, mrec, use_ne_eval)

        # Interpolation : Has to be done separately on each PJ,
        # in order to work with multiple offsets which have different angles.
        sPJ0r = iuSpline(np.log10(ilambd), PJ0.real)
        sPJ0i = iuSpline(np.log10(ilambd), PJ0.imag)
        sPJ1r = iuSpline(np.log10(ilambd), PJ1.real)
        sPJ1i = iuSpline(np.log10(ilambd), PJ1.imag)
        sPJ0br = iuSpline(np.log10(ilambd), PJ0b.real)
        sPJ0bi = iuSpline(np.log10(ilambd), PJ0b.imag)

        # Get quadargs: diff_quad, a, b, limit
        diff_quad, a, b, limit = qweargs[5:]

        # Set quadargs if not given:
        if not limit:
            limit = maxint
        if not a:
            a = intervals[:, 0]
            a = a*np.ones(off.shape)
        if not b:
            b = intervals[:, -1]
            b = b*np.ones(off.shape)

        # Check if we use QWE or SciPy's QUAD
        # If there are any steep decays within an interval we have to use QUAD,
        # as QWE is not designed for these intervals.
        check0 = np.log10(intervals[:, :-1])
        check1 = np.log10(intervals[:, 1:])
        doqwe = np.all((np.abs(sPJ0r(check0) + 1j*sPJ0i(check0) +
                        sPJ1r(check0) + 1j*sPJ1i(check0) +
                        sPJ0br(check0) + 1j*sPJ0bi(check0)) /
                        np.abs(sPJ0r(check1) + 1j*sPJ0i(check1) +
                        sPJ1r(check1) + 1j*sPJ1i(check1) +
                        sPJ0br(check1) + 1j*sPJ0bi(check1)) < diff_quad), 1)

        # Pre-allocate output array
        fEM = np.zeros(off.size, dtype=complex)
        conv = True

        # Carry out SciPy's Quad if required
        if np.any(~doqwe):

            # Loop over offsets that require Quad
            for i in np.where(~doqwe)[0]:

                # Input-dictionary for quad
                iinp = {'a': a[i], 'b': b[i], 'epsabs': atol, 'epsrel': rtol,
                        'limit': limit}

                fEM[i], tc = quad(sPJ0r, sPJ0i, sPJ1r, sPJ1i, sPJ0br, sPJ0bi,
                                  ab, off[i], factAng[i], iinp)

                # Update conv
                conv *= tc

            # Return kcount=1 in case no QWE is calculated
            kcount = 1

        if np.any(doqwe):
            # Get EM-field at required offsets
            sPJ0 = sPJ0r(np.log10(lambd)) + 1j*sPJ0i(np.log10(lambd))
            sPJ1 = sPJ1r(np.log10(lambd)) + 1j*sPJ1i(np.log10(lambd))
            sPJ0b = sPJ0br(np.log10(lambd)) + 1j*sPJ0bi(np.log10(lambd))

            # Carry out and return the Hankel transform for this interval
            sEM = np.sum(np.reshape(sPJ1*BJ1, (off.size, nquad, -1),
                         order='F'), 1)
            if ab in [11, 12, 21, 22, 14, 24, 15, 25]:  # Because of J2
                # J2(kr) = 2/(kr)*J1(kr) - J0(kr)
                sEM /= np.atleast_1d(off[:, np.newaxis])
            sEM += np.sum(np.reshape(sPJ0b*BJ0, (off.size, nquad, -1),
                                     order='F'), 1)
            sEM *= factAng[:, np.newaxis]
            sEM += np.sum(np.reshape(sPJ0*BJ0, (off.size, nquad, -1),
                                     order='F'), 1)

            getkernel = sEM[doqwe, :]

            # Get QWE
            fEM[doqwe], kcount, tc = qwe(rtol, atol, maxint, getkernel,
                                         intervals[doqwe, :], None, None, None)
            conv *= tc

    else:  # If not spline, we define the wavenumber-kernel here
        def getkernel(i, inplambd, inpoff, inpfang):
            """Return wavenumber-domain-kernel as a fct of interval i."""

            # Indices and factor for this interval
            iB = i*nquad + np.arange(nquad)

            # PJ0 and PJ1 for this interval
            PJ0, PJ1, PJ0b = kernel.wavenumber(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth,
                                               etaH[None, :], etaV[None, :],
                                               zetaH[None, :], zetaV[None, :],
                                               np.atleast_2d(inplambd)[:, iB],
                                               ab, xdirect, msrc, mrec,

            # Carry out and return the Hankel transform for this interval
            gEM = inpfang*np.dot(PJ1[0, :], BJ1[iB])
            if ab in [11, 12, 21, 22, 14, 24, 15, 25]:  # Because of J2
                # J2(kr) = 2/(kr)*J1(kr) - J0(kr)
                gEM /= np.atleast_1d(inpoff)
            gEM += inpfang*np.dot(PJ0b[0, :], BJ0[iB])
            gEM += np.dot(PJ0[0, :], BJ0[iB])

            return gEM

        # Get QWE
        fEM, kcount, conv = qwe(rtol, atol, maxint, getkernel, intervals,
                                lambd, off, factAng)

    return fEM, kcount, conv
from scipy import special, r_, optimize
import pylab as plt

x = r_[2:7.1:.1]
j1x = special.j1(x)
plt.plot(x, j1x, '-')
x_min = optimize.fminbound(special.j1, 4, 7)
plt.plot([x_min], [special.j1(x_min)], 'ro')