Example #1
def _sch_lpmv(n,x):
	Outputs array of Schmidt Seminormalized Associated Legendre Functions S_{n}^{m} for m<=n.
	n : int 
	    Degree of polynomial.
	x : float 
	    Point at which to evaluate
	array of values for Legendre functions. 
	from scipy.special import lpmv
	sch2=array([(-1.0)**m*sqrt((2.0*factorial(n-m))/factorial(n+m)) for m in range(1,n+1)])
	if isinstance(x,float) or len(x)==1:
		return array([sch*leg]).T
		for j in range(0,len(x)):
			if j==0:
	return out
Example #2
def _alegendre_deriv(degree, order, val):
    """Compute the derivative of the associated Legendre polynomial at a value.

    degree : int
        Degree of spherical harmonic. (Usually) corresponds to 'l'
    order : int
        Order of spherical harmonic. (Usually) corresponds to 'm'
    val : float
        Value to evaluate the derivative at

    dPlm : float
        Associated Legendre function derivative
    from scipy.special import lpmv

    C = 1
    if order < 0:
        order = abs(order)
        C = (-1) ** order * factorial(degree - order) / factorial(degree +
    return C * (order * val * lpmv(order, degree, val) + (degree + order) *
                (degree - order + 1) * np.sqrt(1 - val ** 2) *
                lpmv(order - 1, degree, val)) / (1 - val ** 2)
Example #3
File: sh.py Project: mdesco/qspace
    def angular_function(self, theta, phi):
        """Computes the function at angles theta, phi.

        theta : array-like
            Polar angles, using the physics convention.
        phi : array-like
            Azimuthal angle, using the physics convention.
        coefs = self.coefficients
        result = 0
        rank = self.rank
        for l in range(0, rank+1, 2):
            for m in range(-l, l+1):
                j = index_j(l, m)
                if coefs[j] != 0.0:
                    if m < 0:
                        result += coefs[j] * sqrt(2)         \
                        * sqrt((2*l + 1) * factorial(l + m)  \
                        / (4 * pi * factorial(l - m)))       \
                        * (-1) ** (-m)                       \
                        * lpmv(-m, l, cos(theta)) * cos(m * phi)  
                    if m == 0:
                        result += coefs[j]                   \
                        * sqrt((2*l + 1) * factorial(l - m)  \
                        / (4 * pi * factorial(l + m)))       \
                        * lpmv(m, l, cos(theta))
                    if m > 0:
                        result += coefs[j] * sqrt(2)         \
                        * sqrt((2*l + 1) * factorial(l - m)  \
                        / (4 * pi * factorial(l + m)))       \
                        * lpmv(m, l, cos(theta)) * sin(m * phi)
        return result
Example #4
def NormBaber(aks,bks,m,q):
    "Computes the normalization constants N and N' of Baber function M!"
    for l in range(m,len(aks)+m):
        norm_Plm = 2./(2.*l+1)*special.gamma(l+m+1)/special.gamma(l-m+1)
        dsum1 += aks[l-m]*bks[l-m]*(-1)**l*norm_Plm

    dsuma_0 = sum([aks[l-m]*special.lpmv(m,l,x0) for l in range(m,len(aks)+m)])
    dsumb_0 = sum([bks[l-m]*(-1)**l*special.lpmv(m,l,x0) for l in range(m,len(aks)+m)])
    Np_over_N = (-1)**m*exp(-2*x0*q)*dsuma_0/dsumb_0
    Norma = sqrt(abs(1./(Np_over_N * dsum1)))
    Normb = Np_over_N * Norma
    #print 'Np_over_N=', Np_over_N, 'dsuma=', dsuma_0, 'dsumb=', dsumb_0, 'dsum1=', dsum1
    return (Norma,Normb)
Example #5
File: shm.py Project: cnguyen/dipy
def spherical_harmonics(m, n, theta, phi):
    x = np.cos(phi)
    val = lpmv(m, n, x).astype(complex)
    val *= np.sqrt((2 * n + 1) / 4.0 / np.pi)
    val *= np.exp(0.5 * (gammaln(n - m + 1) - gammaln(n + m + 1)))
    val = val * np.exp(1j * m * theta)
    return val
def spher_harm_bas(r0, X, Y, Z, order):
    Computes real spherical harmonics on a flattened grid
    about expansion point r0 = [x0, y0, z0].

    Returns: [Y00,Y-11,Y01,Y11,Y-22,Y-12,Y02,Y12,Y22...], rnorm
    where Yxx is a 1D array of the spherical harmonic evaluated on the grid
    rnorm is a normalization factor for the spherical harmonics

    # Construct variables from axes; no meshgrid as of 6/4/14; no potential as of 6/12/14
    x,y,z = np.zeros((nx,ny,nz)),np.zeros((nx,ny,nz)),np.zeros((nx,ny,nz))
    x0, y0, z0 = r0
    for i in range(nx):
        for j in range(ny):
            for k in range(nz):
                x[i,j,k] = X[i] - x0
                y[i,j,k] = Y[j] - y0
                z[i,j,k] = Z[k] - z0
    # Normalize with geometric mean, 3/15/14 (most recently); makes error go down about order of magnitude
    rmin=rsort[1] # first element is 0 

    for i in range(len(z)):
        theta[i] = mt.atan2(rt[i],z[i])
        phi[i] = mt.atan2(y[i],x[i])
    # Make the spherical harmonic matrix in sequence of [Y00,Y-11,Y01,Y11,Y-22,Y-12,Y02,Y12,Y22...]
    Yj = np.zeros((nx*ny*nz,(order+1)**2))
    fp = np.sqrt(1/(4*np.pi))
    Yj[:,0] = fp*np.sqrt(2)
    mc = 1
    for n in range(1,order+1):
        for m in range(n+1):
            ymn = r**n*lpmv(m,n,np.cos(theta))
            ymn = fp*ymn*np.sqrt((2*n+1))#/(4*np.pi))
            if m==0:
                Yj[:,mc+n] = ymn
                # Nm is conversion factor to spherical harmonics, 
                # excluding the sqrt(2*n+1/4pi) portion so that there is no coefficient to the m=0
                N1 = float(mt.factorial(n-m))
                N2 = float(mt.factorial(n+m))
                Nm = (-1)**m*np.sqrt(2*N1/N2) 
                psin = Nm*ymn*np.sin(m*phi)
                pcos = Nm*ymn*np.cos(m*phi)
                #Yj[:,mc+1+2*(m-1)] = pcos
                #Yj[:,mc+2+2*(m-1)] = psin
                Yj[:,mc+n+m] = pcos
                Yj[:,mc+n-m] = psin
        mc += 2*n+1
    return Yj,rnorm
Example #7
def pure_py(xyz, Snlm, Tnlm, nmax, lmax):
    from scipy.special import lpmv, gegenbauer, eval_gegenbauer, gamma
    from math import factorial as f

    Plm = lambda l,m,costh: lpmv(m, l, costh)
    Ylmth = lambda l,m,costh: np.sqrt((2*l+1)/(4 * np.pi) * f(l-m)/f(l+m)) * Plm(l,m,costh)

    twopi = 2*np.pi
    sqrtpi = np.sqrt(np.pi)
    sqrt4pi = np.sqrt(4*np.pi)

    r = np.sqrt(np.sum(xyz**2, axis=0))
    X = xyz[2]/r # cos(theta)
    sinth = np.sqrt(1 - X**2)
    phi = np.arctan2(xyz[1], xyz[0])
    xsi = (r - 1) / (r + 1)

    density = 0
    potenti = 0
    gradien = np.zeros_like(xyz)
    sph_gradien = np.zeros_like(xyz)
    for l in range(lmax+1):
        r_term1 = r**l / (r*(1+r)**(2*l+3))
        r_term2 = r**l / (1+r)**(2*l+1)
        for m in range(l+1):
            for n in range(nmax+1):
                Cn = gegenbauer(n, 2*l+3/2)
                Knl = 0.5 * n * (n+4*l+3) + (l+1)*(2*l+1)
                rho_nl = Knl / twopi * sqrt4pi * r_term1 * Cn(xsi)
                phi_nl = -sqrt4pi * r_term2 * Cn(xsi)

                density += rho_nl * Ylmth(l,m,X) * (Snlm[n,l,m]*np.cos(m*phi) +
                potenti += phi_nl * Ylmth(l,m,X) * (Snlm[n,l,m]*np.cos(m*phi) +

                # derivatives
                dphinl_dr = (2*sqrtpi*np.power(r,-1 + l)*np.power(1 + r,-3 - 2*l)*
                              (-2*(3 + 4*l)*r*eval_gegenbauer(-1 + n,2.5 + 2*l,(-1 + r)/(1 + r)) +
                              (1 + r)*(l*(-1 + r) + r)*eval_gegenbauer(n,1.5 + 2*l,(-1 + r)/(1 + r))))
                sph_gradien[0] += dphinl_dr * Ylmth(l,m,X) * (Snlm[n,l,m]*np.cos(m*phi) +

                A = np.sqrt((2*l+1) / (4*np.pi)) * np.sqrt(gamma(l-m+1) / gamma(l+m+1))
                dYlm_dth = A / sinth * (l*X*Plm(l,m,X) - (l+m)*Plm(l-1,m,X))
                sph_gradien[1] += (1/r) * dYlm_dth * phi_nl * (Snlm[n,l,m]*np.cos(m*phi) +

                sph_gradien[2] += (m/(r*sinth)) * phi_nl * Ylmth(l,m,X) * (-Snlm[n,l,m]*np.sin(m*phi) +

    cosphi = np.cos(phi)
    sinphi = np.sin(phi)
    gradien[0] = sinth*cosphi*sph_gradien[0] + X*cosphi*sph_gradien[1] - sinphi*sph_gradien[2]
    gradien[1] = sinth*sinphi*sph_gradien[0] + X*sinphi*sph_gradien[1] + cosphi*sph_gradien[2]
    gradien[2] = X*sph_gradien[0] - sinth*sph_gradien[1]

    return density, potenti, gradien
Example #8
def an_P(q, xq, E_1, E_2, R, kappa, a, N):

    qe = 1.60217646e-19
    Na = 6.0221415e23
    E_0 = 8.854187818e-12
    cal2J = 4.184 

    PHI = zeros(len(q))
    for K in range(len(q)):
        rho = sqrt(sum(xq[K]**2))
        zenit = arccos(xq[K,2]/rho)
        azim  = arctan2(xq[K,1],xq[K,0])

        phi = 0.+0.*1j
        for n in range(N):
            for m in range(-n,n+1):
                P1 = lpmv(abs(m),n,cos(zenit))

                Enm = 0.
                for k in range(len(q)):
                    rho_k   = sqrt(sum(xq[k]**2))
                    zenit_k = arccos(xq[k,2]/rho_k)
                    azim_k  = arctan2(xq[k,1],xq[k,0])
                    P2 = lpmv(abs(m),n,cos(zenit_k))

                    Enm += q[k]*rho_k**n*factorial(n-abs(m))/factorial(n+abs(m))*P2*exp(-1j*m*azim_k)
                C2 = (kappa*a)**2*get_K(kappa*a,n-1)/(get_K(kappa*a,n+1) + 
                C1 = Enm/(E_2*E_0*a**(2*n+1)) * (2*n+1)/(2*n-1) * (E_2/((n+1)*E_2+n*E_1))**2

                if n==0 and m==0:
                    Bnm = Enm/(E_0*R)*(1/E_2-1/E_1) - Enm*kappa*a/(E_0*E_2*a*(1+kappa*a))
                    Bnm = 1./(E_1*E_0*R**(2*n+1)) * (E_1-E_2)*(n+1)/(E_1*n+E_2*(n+1)) * Enm - C1*C2

                phi += Bnm*rho**n*P1*exp(1j*m*azim)

        PHI[K] = real(phi)/(4*pi)

    C0 = qe**2*Na*1e-3*1e10/(cal2J)
    E_P = 0.5*C0*sum(q*PHI)

    return E_P
Example #9
def L_fun(theta, l, m):
    Returns the normalized associated legendre with l,m, and x = cos(theta)
    if (l+m) >= 170:
        return np.float64(0.0)
        output = np.sqrt((2*l+1)/(4*math.pi))*\
        l_out = lpmv(m,l,np.cos(theta))
        return output*l_out
Example #10
def spherical_harmonics(m, n, theta, phi):
    An implementation of spherical harmonics that overcomes conda compilation
    issues. See: https://github.com/nipy/dipy/issues/852
    x = np.cos(phi)
    val = lpmv(m, n, x).astype(complex)
    val *= np.sqrt((2 * n + 1) / 4.0 / np.pi)
    val *= np.exp(0.5 * (gammaln(n - m + 1) - gammaln(n + m + 1)))
    val = val * np.exp(1j * m * theta)
    return val
Example #11
def L_fun(theta, l, m):
    Returns the normalized associated legendre with l,m, and x = cos(theta)
    output = factorial_function(l, m)
    product = np.sqrt((np.float64(2) * l + np.float64(1)) / (np.float64(4) * math.pi)) * output
    l_out2 = lpmn(m, np.float64(l), np.cos(theta))
    l_out = lpmv(m, np.float64(l), np.cos(theta))

    #    print l_out, l_out2
    return product * l_out
Example #12
def gradYlm(l, m, pts):
  pts = numpy.asarray(pts)
  r, theta, phi = toSph(pts)

  sinTh = numpy.sin(theta)
  cosTh = numpy.cos(theta)
  sinPh = numpy.sin(phi)
  cosPh = numpy.cos(phi)

  Nlm = math.sqrt(float((2 * l + 1) * factorial(l - m)) / (4.0 * math.pi * float(factorial(l + m))))

  #print "m = ", m, " l = ", l
  # ============
  # The following lines are just for calculating Plm and dPlm, since stupid
  # scipy won't take m < 0, even though -l <= m <= l are valid
  mp = abs(m)
  factor = 1.0
  if m < 0:
    factor = float((-1)**mp * factorial(l - mp)) / float(factorial(l + mp))

  plm = lpmv(mp, l, cosTh)

  if mp == l:
    dplm = -(l + mp) * (l - mp + 1) * numpy.sqrt(1.0 - cosTh**2) * lpmv(mp - 1, l, cosTh)
    dplm -= mp * cosTh * plm
    dplm = l * cosTh * plm - (l + mp) * lpmv(mp, l - 1, cosTh)
  dplm *= factor / (cosTh**2 - 1.0)
  plm *= factor
  # done calculating Plm and dPlm
  # ==============

  res = numpy.zeros(r.shape + (3, ), dtype = 'complex')

  res[...,0] = -sinTh * cosTh * cosPh * dplm / r - (1.0j) * m * sinPh * plm / (r * sinTh)
  res[...,1] = -sinTh * cosTh * sinPh * dplm / r + (1.0j) * m * cosPh * plm / (r * sinTh)
  res[...,2] = sinTh * sinTh * dplm / r

  return Nlm * numpy.exp(1.0j * m * phi)[...,numpy.newaxis] * res
Example #13
def _alegendre_deriv(order, degree, val):
    """Compute the derivative of the associated Legendre polynomial at a value.

    order : int
        Order of spherical harmonic. (Usually) corresponds to 'm'.
    degree : int
        Degree of spherical harmonic. (Usually) corresponds to 'l'.
    val : float
        Value to evaluate the derivative at.

    dPlm : float
        Associated Legendre function derivative
    from scipy.special import lpmv
    assert order >= 0
    return (order * val * lpmv(order, degree, val) + (degree + order) *
            (degree - order + 1.) * np.sqrt(1. - val * val) *
            lpmv(order - 1, degree, val)) / (1. - val * val)
Example #14
def _sph_harm(order, degree, az, pol, norm=True):
    """Evaluate point in specified multipolar moment. [1]_ Equation 4.

    When using, pay close attention to inputs. Spherical harmonic notation for
    order/degree, and theta/phi are both reversed in original SSS work compared
    to many other sources. See mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalHarmonic.html for
    more discussion.

    Note that scipy has ``scipy.special.sph_harm``, but that function is
    too slow on old versions (< 0.15) for heavy use.

    order : int
        Order of spherical harmonic. (Usually) corresponds to 'm'.
    degree : int
        Degree of spherical harmonic. (Usually) corresponds to 'l'.
    az : float
        Azimuthal (longitudinal) spherical coordinate [0, 2*pi]. 0 is aligned
        with x-axis.
    pol : float
        Polar (or colatitudinal) spherical coordinate [0, pi]. 0 is aligned
        with z-axis.
    norm : bool
        If True, include normalization factor.

    base : complex float
        The spherical harmonic value.
    from scipy.special import lpmv

    # Error checks
    if np.abs(order) > degree:
        raise ValueError('Absolute value of order must be <= degree')
    # Ensure that polar and azimuth angles are arrays
    az = np.asarray(az)
    pol = np.asarray(pol)
    if (np.abs(az) > 2 * np.pi).any():
        raise ValueError('Azimuth coords must lie in [-2*pi, 2*pi]')
    if(pol < 0).any() or (pol > np.pi).any():
        raise ValueError('Polar coords must lie in [0, pi]')
    # This is the "seismology" convention on Wikipedia, w/o Condon-Shortley
    if norm:
        norm = _sph_harm_norm(order, degree)
        norm = 1.
    return norm * lpmv(order, degree, np.cos(pol)) * np.exp(1j * order * az)
Example #15
def sphericalHarmonics(l,m,costh,sinfi,cosfi):
    import scipy.special as SS
    # New faster Spherical Harmonics. Checked up to d-orbitals with the Siesta overlap matrix.
    norm = N.sqrt((2*l+1)/(4*N.pi))*N.sqrt(float(N.math.factorial(l-m))/float(N.math.factorial(l+m)))
    if m==0: 
        expimfi = (cosfi+1.0j*sinfi)**m # Find sin(m fi) and cos(m fi) as im and re parts
        if m<0:
            norm = -(-1)**(-m)*N.sqrt(2)*norm
            ffi  = norm * expimfi.imag
            norm = N.sqrt(2)*norm
            ffi  = norm * expimfi.real
    return SS.lpmv(m,l,costh)*ffi
Example #16
def createSphrHarm(mu, omega, lMax=8):
    sphArray = np.zeros((lMax + 1, lMax + 1, len(mu)))
    for l in range(lMax + 1):
        for m in range(lMax + 1):
            # loop over legendre order
            for i, (mmu, om) in enumerate(zip(mu, omega)):
                    C = (2 * l + 1) * float(msc.factorial(l - m)) / \
                        float(msc.factorial(l + m))
                    #sphArray[m, l, i] = np.real(C ** (0.5) * spc.lpmv(m, l, mmu) * np.exp(complex(om * m)))
                    sphArray[m, l, i] = np.real(C ** (0.5) * spc.lpmv(m, l, mmu) * np.cos(om * m))
                    #sphArray[m, l, i] = spc.sph_harm(m, l, mmu, om).real
    return sphArray
Example #17
def _sph_harm(order, degree, az, pol):
    """Evaluate point in specified multipolar moment. [1]_ Equation 4.

    When using, pay close attention to inputs. Spherical harmonic notation for
    order/degree, and theta/phi are both reversed in original SSS work compared
    to many other sources. See mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalHarmonic.html for
    more discussion.

    Note that scipy has ``scipy.special.sph_harm``, but that function is
    too slow on old versions (< 0.15) and has a weird bug on newer versions.
    At some point we should track it down and open a bug report...

    order : int
        Order of spherical harmonic. (Usually) corresponds to 'm'
    degree : int
        Degree of spherical harmonic. (Usually) corresponds to 'l'
    az : float
        Azimuthal (longitudinal) spherical coordinate [0, 2*pi]. 0 is aligned
        with x-axis.
    pol : float
        Polar (or colatitudinal) spherical coordinate [0, pi]. 0 is aligned
        with z-axis.

    base : complex float
        The spherical harmonic value at the specified azimuth and polar angles
    from scipy.special import lpmv

    # Error checks
    if np.abs(order) > degree:
        raise ValueError('Absolute value of expansion coefficient must be <= '
    # Ensure that polar and azimuth angles are arrays
    az = np.asarray(az)
    pol = np.asarray(pol)
    if (az < -2 * np.pi).any() or (az > 2 * np.pi).any():
        raise ValueError('Azimuth coords must lie in [-2*pi, 2*pi]')
    if(pol < 0).any() or (pol > np.pi).any():
        raise ValueError('Polar coords must lie in [0, pi]')

    base = np.sqrt((2 * degree + 1) / (4 * np.pi) * factorial(degree - order) /
                   factorial(degree + order)) * \
        lpmv(order, degree, np.cos(pol)) * np.exp(1j * order * az)
    return base
Example #18
def scattering_amplitude_energy(Evec, U, R, theta, lmax=30):
    costheta = cos(theta)
    P = lpmv(0, arange(lmax), costheta) # Legendre polynomial
    f = zeros(len(Evec), dtype=complex)
    for ll in range(lmax):
        kR = sqrt(2*Evec)*R
        qR = sqrt(2*(Evec+U))*R

        ## Spherical bessels/hankels, and their derivatives
        jl  = spherical_jn(ll, qR)
        jlp = spherical_jn(ll, qR, derivative=True)
        hl  = spherical_jn(ll, kR) + 1j*spherical_yn(ll, kR)
        hlp = spherical_jn(ll, kR, True) + 1j*spherical_yn(ll, kR, True)

        delt = 0.5*pi - angle((kR*hlp*jl - qR*hl*jlp)/R)
        f += (-0.5j*R/kR) * (exp(2j*delt)-1) * (2*ll+1) * P[ll]
    return f
Example #19
def getbr(lats,lons,planet, a, r, Lmax):

    for m in xrange(0,Lmax+1):
    for L in xrange(1,Lmax+1):

        for m in xrange(L+1):
            print "L=",L," m=",m

            if(L==50 and m==49):
                print costh[:,1]
                print legendrep
            # print costh[:,1]
            # print "ph=",ph[1,2]
            # print "ph=",ph[1,2],"m=",m,"cosmph=",cosmph[m][1,2]
            for i in range(0,np.shape(ph[1,:])[0]):
                # print np.shape(ph[1,:])
                # print cosmph[m][:,i]

    return br
Example #20
def test_lpmv():
    pts = []
    for x in [-0.99, -0.557, 1e-6, 0.132, 1]:
            (1, 1, x),
            (1, -1, x),
            (-1, 1, x),
            (-1, -2, x),
            (1, 1.7, x),
            (1, -1.7, x),
            (-1, 1.7, x),
            (-1, -2.7, x),
            (1, 10, x),
            (1, 11, x),
            (3, 8, x),
            (5, 11, x),
            (-3, 8, x),
            (-5, 11, x),
            (3, -8, x),
            (5, -11, x),
            (-3, -8, x),
            (-5, -11, x),
            (3, 8.3, x),
            (5, 11.3, x),
            (-3, 8.3, x),
            (-5, 11.3, x),
            (3, -8.3, x),
            (5, -11.3, x),
            (-3, -8.3, x),
            (-5, -11.3, x),

    dataset = [p + (mpmath.legenp(p[1], p[0], p[2]),) for p in pts]
    dataset = np.array(dataset, dtype=np.float_)

    evf = lambda mu,nu,x: sc.lpmv(mu.astype(int), nu, x)

    olderr = np.seterr(invalid='ignore')
        FuncData(evf, dataset, (0,1,2), 3, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-14).check()
Example #21
def scattering_amplitude_theta(E, U, R, thetavec, lmax=30):
    lvec = arange(lmax)

    P = zeros((len(lvec), len(thetavec))) # Legendre polynomials
    for jj in range(len(lvec)):
        P[jj,:] = lpmv(0, lvec[jj], cos(thetavec))

    kR = sqrt(2*E)*R
    qR = sqrt(2*(E+U))*R

    ## Spherical bessels/hankels, and their derivatives
    jl  = spherical_jn(lvec, qR)
    jlp = spherical_jn(lvec, qR, derivative=True)
    hl  = spherical_jn(lvec, kR) + 1j*spherical_yn(lvec, kR)
    hlp = spherical_jn(lvec, kR, True) + 1j*spherical_yn(lvec, kR, True)

    ## Phase shifts for each l component
    delt = 0.5*pi - angle((kR*hlp*jl - qR*hl*jlp)/R)
    coef = (exp(2j*delt)-1) * (2*lvec+1)
    return (-0.5j*R/kR) * dot(coef, P)
Example #22
def Get_coef(b,s,order):
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import special

    cof_P = np.zeros((len(b), (order+1)*(order+1)))
    ms = np.zeros((len(s),4))

    for i in range(len(s)):
        ms[i,:] = np.linspace(s[i], order*s[i], order)

    i = 0;
    x = np.sin(b)
    for n in range(order+1):
        for m in range(n+1):
            P = special.lpmv(m,n,x)
            if m==0:
                cof_P[:, i] = P*normP(n,m)
                cof_P[:, i] = P*normP(n,m)*np.cos(ms[:,m-1])
                cof_P[:, i] = P*normP(n,m)*np.sin(ms[:,m-1]) 
    return cof_P
Example #23
def spherical_harmonics(m, n, theta, phi):
    r""" Compute spherical harmonics

    This may take scalar or array arguments. The inputs will be broadcasted
    against each other.

    m : int ``|m| <= n``
        The order of the harmonic.
    n : int ``>= 0``
        The degree of the harmonic.
    theta : float [0, 2*pi]
        The azimuthal (longitudinal) coordinate.
    phi : float [0, pi]
        The polar (colatitudinal) coordinate.

    y_mn : complex float
        The harmonic $Y^m_n$ sampled at `theta` and `phi`.

    This is a faster implementation of scipy.special.sph_harm for
    scipy version < 0.15.0.

    if SCIPY_15_PLUS:
        return sph_harm(m, n, theta, phi)
    x = np.cos(phi)
    val = lpmv(m, n, x).astype(complex)
    val *= np.sqrt((2 * n + 1) / 4.0 / np.pi)
    val *= np.exp(0.5 * (gammaln(n - m + 1) - gammaln(n + m + 1)))
    val = val * np.exp(1j * m * theta)
    return val
def Plm (x, grado, orden):
    return special.lpmv(orden, grado, x)
Example #25
def pure_py(xyz, Snlm, Tnlm, nmax, lmax):
    from scipy.special import lpmv, gegenbauer, eval_gegenbauer, gamma
    from math import factorial as f

    Plm = lambda l, m, costh: lpmv(m, l, costh)
    Ylmth = lambda l, m, costh: np.sqrt(
        (2 * l + 1) / (4 * np.pi) * f(l - m) / f(l + m)) * Plm(l, m, costh)

    twopi = 2 * np.pi
    sqrtpi = np.sqrt(np.pi)
    sqrt4pi = np.sqrt(4 * np.pi)

    r = np.sqrt(np.sum(xyz**2, axis=0))
    X = xyz[2] / r  # cos(theta)
    sinth = np.sqrt(1 - X**2)
    phi = np.arctan2(xyz[1], xyz[0])
    xsi = (r - 1) / (r + 1)

    density = 0
    potenti = 0
    gradien = np.zeros_like(xyz)
    sph_gradien = np.zeros_like(xyz)
    for l in range(lmax + 1):
        r_term1 = r**l / (r * (1 + r)**(2 * l + 3))
        r_term2 = r**l / (1 + r)**(2 * l + 1)
        for m in range(l + 1):
            for n in range(nmax + 1):
                Cn = gegenbauer(n, 2 * l + 3 / 2)
                Knl = 0.5 * n * (n + 4 * l + 3) + (l + 1) * (2 * l + 1)
                rho_nl = Knl / twopi * sqrt4pi * r_term1 * Cn(xsi)
                phi_nl = -sqrt4pi * r_term2 * Cn(xsi)

                density += rho_nl * Ylmth(
                    l, m, X) * (Snlm[n, l, m] * np.cos(m * phi) +
                                Tnlm[n, l, m] * np.sin(m * phi))
                potenti += phi_nl * Ylmth(
                    l, m, X) * (Snlm[n, l, m] * np.cos(m * phi) +
                                Tnlm[n, l, m] * np.sin(m * phi))

                # derivatives
                dphinl_dr = (
                    2 * sqrtpi * np.power(r, -1 + l) *
                    np.power(1 + r, -3 - 2 * l) *
                    (-2 *
                     (3 + 4 * l) * r * eval_gegenbauer(-1 + n, 2.5 + 2 * l,
                                                       (-1 + r) /
                                                       (1 + r)) + (1 + r) *
                     (l *
                      (-1 + r) + r) * eval_gegenbauer(n, 1.5 + 2 * l,
                                                      (-1 + r) / (1 + r))))
                sph_gradien[0] += dphinl_dr * Ylmth(
                    l, m, X) * (Snlm[n, l, m] * np.cos(m * phi) +
                                Tnlm[n, l, m] * np.sin(m * phi))

                A = np.sqrt((2 * l + 1) / (4 * np.pi)) * np.sqrt(
                    gamma(l - m + 1) / gamma(l + m + 1))
                dYlm_dth = A / sinth * (l * X * Plm(l, m, X) -
                                        (l + m) * Plm(l - 1, m, X))
                sph_gradien[1] += (1 / r) * dYlm_dth * phi_nl * (
                    Snlm[n, l, m] * np.cos(m * phi) +
                    Tnlm[n, l, m] * np.sin(m * phi))

                sph_gradien[2] += (m / (r * sinth)) * phi_nl * Ylmth(
                    l, m, X) * (-Snlm[n, l, m] * np.sin(m * phi) +
                                Tnlm[n, l, m] * np.cos(m * phi))

    cosphi = np.cos(phi)
    sinphi = np.sin(phi)
    gradien[0] = sinth * cosphi * sph_gradien[0] + X * cosphi * sph_gradien[
        1] - sinphi * sph_gradien[2]
    gradien[1] = sinth * sinphi * sph_gradien[0] + X * sinphi * sph_gradien[
        1] + cosphi * sph_gradien[2]
    gradien[2] = X * sph_gradien[0] - sinth * sph_gradien[1]

    return density, potenti, gradien
Example #26
def _naive_csh_unnormalized(l, m, theta, phi):
    Compute unnormalized SH
    return lpmv(m, l, np.cos(theta)) * np.exp(1j * m * phi)
Example #27
 def evf(mu, nu, x):
     return sc.lpmv(mu.astype(int), nu, x)
Example #28
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import lpmv
import math
cos = np.cos
sin = np.sin

theta = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 3)
m = np.array([0, 1, 2])
n = np.array([0, 1, 2])
A = lpmv(m, n, cos(theta))

# def legendre_poly(n, m, colatitude):
#     r'''Calculates the Legendre polynomials through
#     equation 1-62 of Heiskanen and Moritz(1967)

#     input >
#     n, m:              int   - degree and order of Legendre polynomials
#     colatitude:        array - colatitude coordinates
#     '''
#     colat = np.deg2rad(colatitude)
#     t = cos(colat)
#     w1 = (0.5)**n
#     w2 = np.sqrt((1-t*t)**m)

#     if type((n-m)/2) == int:
#         r = int((n-m)/2)
#         print 1
#     else:
#         r = int((n-m-1)/2)
#         print 2
Example #29
 def _legendre(n, X):
     res = []
     for m in range(n + 1):
         res.append(lpmv(m, n, X))
     return np.row_stack(res)
Example #30
def overall(l, m, w, theta, phi):
    cosstore = normalization(l) * eulers(m, phi) * lpmv(m, l, math.cos(theta))
    #may not need to multiply by math.pi again
    rectstore = normalization(l) * eulers(m, phi) * lpmv(m, l, Rect(theta))
    return 2 * math.pi * math.sqrt(
        (4 * np.pi) / (2 * l + 1)) * cosstore * rectstore
Example #31
def gscontrol_raw(catd, optcom, n_echos, io_generator, dtrank=4):
    Removes global signal from individual echo `catd` and `optcom` time series

    This function uses the spatial global signal estimation approach to
    to removal global signal out of individual echo time series datasets. The
    spatial global signal is estimated from the optimally combined data after
    detrending with a Legendre polynomial basis of `order = 0` and
    `degree = dtrank`.

    catd : (S x E x T) array_like
        Input functional data
    optcom : (S x T) array_like
        Optimally combined functional data (i.e., the output of `make_optcom`)
    n_echos : :obj:`int`
        Number of echos in data. Should be the same as `E` dimension of `catd`
    io_generator : :obj:`tedana.io.OutputGenerator`
        The output generator for this workflow
    dtrank : :obj:`int`, optional
        Specifies degree of Legendre polynomial basis function for estimating
        spatial global signal. Default: 4

    dm_catd : (S x E x T) array_like
        Input `catd` with global signal removed from time series
    dm_optcom : (S x T) array_like
        Input `optcom` with global signal removed from time series
    LGR.info("Applying amplitude-based T1 equilibration correction")
    RepLGR.info("Global signal regression was applied to the multi-echo "
                "and optimally combined datasets.")
    if catd.shape[0] != optcom.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError(
            "First dimensions of catd ({0}) and optcom ({1}) do not "
            "match".format(catd.shape[0], optcom.shape[0]))
    elif catd.shape[1] != n_echos:
        raise ValueError("Second dimension of catd ({0}) does not match "
                         "n_echos ({1})".format(catd.shape[1], n_echos))
    elif catd.shape[2] != optcom.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("Third dimension of catd ({0}) does not match "
                         "second dimension of optcom "
                         "({1})".format(catd.shape[2], optcom.shape[1]))

    # Legendre polynomial basis for denoising
    bounds = np.linspace(-1, 1, optcom.shape[-1])
    Lmix = np.column_stack([lpmv(0, vv, bounds) for vv in range(dtrank)])

    # compute mean, std, mask local to this function
    # inefficient, but makes this function a bit more modular
    Gmu = optcom.mean(axis=-1)  # temporal mean
    Gmask = Gmu != 0

    # find spatial global signal
    dat = optcom[Gmask] - Gmu[Gmask][:, np.newaxis]
    sol = np.linalg.lstsq(Lmix, dat.T,
                          rcond=None)[0]  # Legendre basis for detrending
    detr = dat - np.dot(sol.T, Lmix.T)[0]
    sphis = (detr).min(axis=1)
    sphis -= sphis.mean()
    io_generator.save_file(utils.unmask(sphis, Gmask), "gs img")

    # find time course ofc the spatial global signal
    # make basis with the Legendre basis
    glsig = np.linalg.lstsq(np.atleast_2d(sphis).T, dat, rcond=None)[0]
    glsig = stats.zscore(glsig, axis=None)

    glsig_df = pd.DataFrame(data=glsig.T, columns=["global_signal"])
    io_generator.save_file(glsig_df, "global signal time series tsv")
    glbase = np.hstack([Lmix, glsig.T])

    # Project global signal out of optimally combined data
    sol = np.linalg.lstsq(np.atleast_2d(glbase), dat.T, rcond=None)[0]
    tsoc_nogs = (
        dat -
        np.dot(np.atleast_2d(sol[dtrank]).T, np.atleast_2d(glbase.T[dtrank])) +
        Gmu[Gmask][:, np.newaxis])

    io_generator.save_file(optcom, "has gs combined img")
    dm_optcom = utils.unmask(tsoc_nogs, Gmask)
    io_generator.save_file(dm_optcom, "removed gs combined img")

    # Project glbase out of each echo
    dm_catd = catd.copy()  # don't overwrite catd
    for echo in range(n_echos):
        dat = dm_catd[:, echo, :][Gmask]
        sol = np.linalg.lstsq(np.atleast_2d(glbase), dat.T, rcond=None)[0]
        e_nogs = dat - np.dot(
            np.atleast_2d(sol[dtrank]).T, np.atleast_2d(glbase.T[dtrank]))
        dm_catd[:, echo, :] = utils.unmask(e_nogs, Gmask)

    return dm_catd, dm_optcom
Example #32
    def compute_g(self):

        #print("G START ============================================")

        ncomp = ((self.L * 2)**2) * 2

        terms = np.zeros(ncomp, dtype=self.dtype)

        extent = self.domain.extent
        min_len = min(extent[0], extent[1], extent[2])
        bx = np.array((extent[0], 0.0, 0.0))
        by = np.array((0.0, extent[1], 0.0))
        bz = np.array((0.0, 0.0, extent[2]))

        for lx in range(2, self.L*2, 2):
            rc, vc = self._compute_parameters(lx)
            kappa = self.kappa
            kappa2 = kappa*kappa

            maxt = 3
            iterset = range(-1 * maxt, maxt+1)

            for tx in itertools.product(iterset, iterset, iterset):

                if (tx[0] != 0) or (tx[1] != 0) or (tx[2] != 0):

                    dx = tx[0]*bx + tx[1]*by + tx[2]*bz
                    dispt = self._cart_to_sph(dx)

                    iradius = 1./dispt[0]
                    radius_coeff = iradius ** (lx + 1.)

                    kappa2radius2 = kappa2 * dispt[0] * dispt[0]

                    #mval = list(range(0, lx+1, 2))
                    mval = list(range(-1*lx, lx+1, 2))
                    mxval = [abs(mx) for mx in mval]
                    scipy_p = lpmv(mxval, lx, math.cos(dispt[2]))

                    for mxi, mx in enumerate(mval):

                        assert abs(scipy_p[mxi].imag) < 10.**-16

                        val = self._hfoo(lx, mx)

                        ynm = val * scipy_p[mxi].real * np.cos(mx * dispt[1])

                        coeff = ynm * radius_coeff * \
                                gammaincc(lx + 0.5, kappa2radius2)

                        terms[self.re_lm(lx, mx)] += coeff

            # add increasingly large outer shells until the values converge
            for shellx in range(maxt, 20):
                curr = np.copy(terms[self.re_lm(lx,-lx):self.re_lm(lx,lx+1):])

                for tx in shell_iterator(shellx):
                    dx = tx[0]*bx + tx[1]*by + tx[2]*bz
                    dispt = self._cart_to_sph(dx)

                    iradius = 1./dispt[0]
                    radius_coeff = iradius ** (lx + 1.)

                    kappa2radius2 = kappa2 * dispt[0] * dispt[0]

                    #mval = list(range(0, lx+1, 2))
                    mval = list(range(-1*lx, lx+1, 2))
                    mxval = [abs(mx) for mx in mval]
                    scipy_p = lpmv(mxval, lx, math.cos(dispt[2]))

                    for mxi, mx in enumerate(mval):

                        assert abs(scipy_p[mxi].imag) < 10.**-16

                        val = self._hfoo(lx, mx)

                        ynm = val * scipy_p[mxi].real * np.cos(mx * dispt[1])

                        coeff = ynm * radius_coeff * \
                                gammaincc(lx + 0.5, kappa2radius2)

                        terms[self.re_lm(lx, mx)] += coeff

                new_vals = terms[self.re_lm(lx,-lx):self.re_lm(lx,lx+1):]
                err = np.linalg.norm(curr - new_vals, np.inf)

                if err < self.eps*0.01:
                    # print("g shellx", shellx, 10.**-15)
                if shellx == 20:
                    raise RuntimeError('Periodic Boundary Coefficients did'
                                       'not converge, Please file a bug'
        # explicitly extract the "full" contribution from nearby cells
        # i.e. the case where the real space part included the nearest
        # neighbours
        for lx in range(2, self.L*2, 2):

            for tx in self.exclude_tuples:
                if (tx[0] != 0) or (tx[1] != 0) or (tx[2] != 0):
                    dx = tx[0]*bx + tx[1]*by + tx[2]*bz

                    dispt = self._cart_to_sph(dx)
                    iradius = 1./dispt[0]
                    radius_coeff = iradius ** (lx + 1.)

                    #mval = list(range(0, lx+1, 2))
                    mval = list(range(-1*lx, lx+1, 2))
                    mxval = [abs(mx) for mx in mval]
                    scipy_p = lpmv(mxval, lx, math.cos(dispt[2]))

                    for mxi, mx in enumerate(mval):
                        assert abs(scipy_p[mxi].imag) < 10.**-16
                        val = math.sqrt(float(math.factorial(
                            lx - abs(mx)))/math.factorial(lx + abs(mx)))

                        ynm = val * scipy_p[mxi].real * np.cos(mx * dispt[1])
                        coeff = ynm * radius_coeff
                        terms[self.re_lm(lx, mx)] -= coeff

        return terms
Example #33
def assoc_legendre_p_boost_(nu, mu, x):
    # the boost test data is for integer orders only
    return lpmv(mu, nu.astype(int), x)
Example #34
def an_P(q, xq, E_1, E_2, R, kappa, a, N):
    It computes the solvation energy according to Kirkwood-1934.

    q    : array, charges.
    xq   : array, positions of the charges.
    E_1  : float, dielectric constant inside the sphere.
    E_2  : float, dielectric constant outside the sphere.
    R    : float, radius of the sphere.
    kappa: float, reciprocal of Debye length.
    a    : float, radius of the Stern Layer.
    N    : int, number of terms desired in the polinomial expansion.

    E_P  : float, solvation energy.

    qe = 1.60217646e-19
    Na = 6.0221415e23
    E_0 = 8.854187818e-12
    cal2J = 4.184

    PHI = numpy.zeros(len(q))
    for K in range(len(q)):
        rho = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(xq[K]**2))
        zenit = numpy.arccos(xq[K, 2] / rho)
        azim = numpy.arctan2(xq[K, 1], xq[K, 0])

        phi = 0. + 0. * 1j
        for n in range(N):
            for m in range(-n, n + 1):
                P1 = special.lpmv(numpy.abs(m), n, numpy.cos(zenit))

                Enm = 0.
                for k in range(len(q)):
                    rho_k = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(xq[k]**2))
                    zenit_k = numpy.arccos(xq[k, 2] / rho_k)
                    azim_k = numpy.arctan2(xq[k, 1], xq[k, 0])
                    P2 = special.lpmv(numpy.abs(m), n, numpy.cos(zenit_k))

                    Enm += q[k] * rho_k**n * factorial(n - numpy.abs(
                        m)) / factorial(n + numpy.abs(m)) * P2 * numpy.exp(
                            -1j * m * azim_k)

                C2 = (kappa * a)**2 * get_K(kappa * a, n - 1) / (
                    get_K(kappa * a, n + 1) + n * (E_2 - E_1) /
                    ((n + 1) * E_2 + n * E_1) * (R / a)**(2 * n + 1) *
                    (kappa * a)**2 * get_K(kappa * a, n - 1) / ((2 * n - 1) *
                                                                (2 * n + 1)))
                C1 = Enm / (E_2 * E_0 * a**(2 * n + 1)) * (2 * n + 1) / (
                    2 * n - 1) * (E_2 / ((n + 1) * E_2 + n * E_1))**2

                if n == 0 and m == 0:
                    Bnm = Enm / (E_0 *
                                 R) * (1 / E_2 - 1 / E_1) - Enm * kappa * a / (
                                     E_0 * E_2 * a * (1 + kappa * a))
                    Bnm = 1. / (E_1 * E_0 * R**(2 * n + 1)) * (E_1 - E_2) * (
                        n + 1) / (E_1 * n + E_2 * (n + 1)) * Enm - C1 * C2

                phi += Bnm * rho**n * P1 * numpy.exp(1j * m * azim)

        PHI[K] = numpy.real(phi) / (4 * pi)

    C0 = qe**2 * Na * 1e-3 * 1e10 / (cal2J)
    E_P = 0.5 * C0 * numpy.sum(q * PHI)

    return E_P
Example #35
    theta and phi should have the same size

    This test  evaluates Legendre Polynomials for L=5 and M = 5

    lpmv is a scipy function implementing Legendre polyomials

    VW VW2 VW3 are 3 implementation of evaluation of vector spherical harmonics

Nt = 90
Np = 180
th = linspace(0, pi, Nt)  # 1 x Nt
ph = linspace(0, 2 * pi, Np)  # 1 x Np

theta = kron(th, ones(Np))  # 1 x Nt*Np = 1 x Ndir
phi = kron(ones(Nt), ph)  # 1 x Nt*Np = 1 x Ndir

L = 5
M = 5
t = indexvsh(5)  # K(L,M) x 2
l = t[:, 0]  # K(L,M) x 1
m = t[:, 1]  # K(L,M) x 1
x = -cos(theta)  # 1 x Ndir

Pmm1l, Pmp1l = AFLegendre(L, M, x)
LG = lpmv(m.reshape(21, 1, 1), l.reshape(1, 21, 1), x.reshape(1, 1, 16200))

V1, W1 = VW(l, m, x, phi, Pmm1l, Pmp1l)
V2, W2 = VW2(l, m, x, phi, Pmm1l, Pmp1l)
V3, W3 = VW3(l, m, theta, phi)
Example #36
def P1sin(nmax, theta):
    Create the Legendre function flavors for FF expansion using spherical waves.

    Note this is not vectorized so is a bit slow, but it handles the special
    case of theta = 0 and pi. We primarily use the vectorized version
    (`P1sin_array`), but call this to handle the special cases.

    Calculating Far-Field Radiation Based on FEKO Spherical Wave Coefficients,
    draft 10 June 2015.
    Available at pyuvdata/docs/references/Far_field_spherical_FEKO_draft2.pdf
    This memo gives a full description of the equations implemented here,
    including descriptions of the approximations and numerical approaches used.
    In line comments below are helpful reminders, but see the memo for the full
    Also see Sokolowski, M. et al, "Calibration and Stokes Imaging with Full
    Embedded Element Primary Beam Model for the Murchison Widefield Array",
    PASA, 2017 (10.1017/pasa.2017.54) for details specific to the MWA.

    nmax : int
        Maximum n from FEKO Q1mn and Q2mn, n must be >=1
    theta : float
        The argument of the cosine or sine function used in the associated
        Legendre functions, in radians.

    P_sin : array of float
        P_{n}^{abs(m)}(cos(theta))/sin(theta) with FEKO order M,N.
        Shape (nmax ** 2 + 2 * nmax).
    P1 : array of float
        P_{n}^{abs(m)+1}(cos(theta)) with FEKO order M,N.
        Shape (nmax ** 2 + 2 * nmax).

    # initialize for nmax, we have 2(1+...+nmax)+nmax=nmax^2+2*nmax long array
    P_sin = np.zeros((nmax ** 2 + 2 * nmax))
    P1 = np.zeros((nmax ** 2 + 2 * nmax))

    # theta arguments
    cos_th = np.cos(theta)
    sin_th = np.sin(theta)
    delta_cos = 1e-6  # for slope estimation

    # step from 1 to nmax
    for n in range(1, nmax + 1):
        # legendre P_{n}^{abs(m)=0...n} (cos_th)
        orders = np.arange(0, n + 1)
        orders = orders.reshape(n + 1, 1)
        P = lpmv(orders, n, cos_th)

        # legendre(2,0:0.1:0.2) (matlab)
        # scipy:
        # a=np.arange(0,3)
        # a=a.reshape(3,1)
        # lpmv(b,2,np.arange(0,0.3,0.1))

        # P_{n}^{abs(m)+1} (cos_th)
        Pm1 = np.append(P[1::], 0)
        Pm1 = Pm1.reshape(len(Pm1), 1)

        # P_{n}^{abs(m)}(cos_th)/sin_th
        Pm_sin = np.zeros((n + 1, 1))  # initialize

        if cos_th == 1:
            # special treatment depending on m;
            # for m=0, Pm_sin=inf so, the product m*Pm_sin is zero;
            # for m=1, we need a substitution
            # m>=2, value is 0, so initial values are OK
            # The first approach, to just use the analytical derivative
            # is not stable for n>~45
            # Instead use slope estimate with a small delta_cos
            # Pn(cos x)/sin x = -dPn(cos_th)/dcos_th
            Pm_cos_delta_cos = lpmv(orders, n, cos_th - delta_cos)
            # backward difference
            Pm_sin[1, 0] = -(P[0] - Pm_cos_delta_cos[0]) / delta_cos

        elif cos_th == -1:
            # The first approach, to just use the analytical derivative
            # is not stable for n>~45
            # Instead use slope estimate with a small delta_cos
            # Pn(cos x)/sin x = -dPn(cos_th)/dcos_th
            Pm_cos_delta_cos = lpmv(orders, n, cos_th - delta_cos)
            # forward difference
            Pm_sin[1, 0] = -(Pm_cos_delta_cos[0] - P[0]) / delta_cos
            Pm_sin = P / sin_th

        # accumulate Psin and P1 for the m values
        ind_start = (n - 1) ** 2 + 2 * (n - 1)  # start index to populate
        ind_stop = n ** 2 + 2 * n  # stop index to populate
        # assign
        P_sin[np.arange(ind_start, ind_stop)] = np.append(
            np.flipud(Pm_sin[1::, 0]), Pm_sin
        P1[np.arange(ind_start, ind_stop)] = np.append(np.flipud(Pm1[1::, 0]), Pm1)

    return P_sin, P1
Example #37
def Ylm(l, m, THETA, PHI):
    R = np.abs(
            (2 * l + 1) / (4 * np.pi * np.prod(np.arange(l + m, l - m, -1)))) *
        np.exp(1j * m * PHI) * sp.lpmv(m, l, np.cos(THETA)))
    return R
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import lpmv

from argparse import ArgumentParser

parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-m", "--m", dest="m")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--n", dest="n")
args = parser.parse_args()

x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)

m = int(args.m)
n = int(args.n)

for i in x:
    print i, lpmv(n, m, i)
Example #39
    def compute_f(self):

        ncomp = ((self.L * 2)**2) * 2
        terms = np.zeros(ncomp, dtype=self.dtype)

        extent = self.domain.extent
        ivolume = 1./(extent[0]*extent[1]*extent[2])

        gx = np.array((1./extent[0], 0., 0.))
        gy = np.array((0., 1./extent[1], 0.))
        gz = np.array((0., 0., 1./extent[2]))

        gxl = np.linalg.norm(gx)
        gyl = np.linalg.norm(gy)
        gzl = np.linalg.norm(gz)

        for lx in range(2, self.L*2, 2):

            rc, vc = self._compute_parameters(lx)
            kappa = self.kappa

            kappa2 = kappa * kappa
            mpi2okappa2 = -1.0 * (math.pi ** 2.) / kappa2

            ll = 6
            if int(ceil(vc/gxl)) < ll:
                vc = gxl*ll

            nmax = int(ceil(vc/gxl))
            #nmax = 1

            for hxi in itertools.product(range(- 1*nmax, nmax+1),
                                          range(-1*nmax, nmax+1),
                                          range(-1*nmax, nmax+1)):

                hx = hxi[0]*gz + hxi[1]*gy + hxi[2]*gx
                dispt = self._cart_to_sph(hx)

                if 10.**-10 < dispt[0] <= vc:

                    exp_coeff = math.exp(mpi2okappa2 * dispt[0] * dispt[0])

                    #mval = list(range(0, lx+1, 2))
                    mval = list(range(-1*lx, lx+1, 2))
                    mxval = [abs(mx) for mx in mval]
                    scipy_p = lpmv(mxval, lx, math.cos(dispt[2]))

                    vhnm2 = ((dispt[0] ** (lx - 2.)) * ((0 + 1.j) ** lx) * \
                            (math.pi ** (lx - 0.5))).real

                    coeff = vhnm2 * exp_coeff

                    for mxi, mx in enumerate(mval):

                        val = math.sqrt(float(math.factorial(
                            lx - abs(mx)))/math.factorial(lx + abs(mx)))
                        re_exp = np.cos(mx * dispt[1]) * val

                        assert abs(scipy_p[mxi].imag) < 10.**-16
                        sph_nm = re_exp * scipy_p[mxi].real

                        contrib = sph_nm * coeff
                        terms[self.re_lm(lx, mx)] += contrib.real

        for lx in range(2, self.L*2, 2):
            igamma = rgamma(lx + 0.5) * ivolume
            for mx in range(-1*lx, lx+1, 2):
                terms[self.re_lm(lx, mx)] *= igamma

        return terms
def angular_function(theta, phi):
    f_lm = np.sqrt(np.math.factorial((2*l + 1)*(l-m))/(4*np.pi*np.math.factorial(l+m)))*lpmv(m, l, np.cos(theta))
    g_m = np.exp(np.imag(m*phi))
    return f_lm, g_m
Example #41
def check_spherical_symmetry(samp,l,m,tol):
    """Check for spherical symmetry by Monte Carlo integration of the
    spherical harmonic Y_lm over the sample, should be zero unless l=m=0"""
    thetas, phis= numpy.arctan2(samp.R(),samp.z()), samp.phi()
    assert numpy.fabs(numpy.sum(special.lpmv(m,l,numpy.cos(thetas))*numpy.cos(m*phis))/samp.size-(l==0)*(m==0)) < tol, 'Sample does not appear to be spherically symmetric, fails spherical harmonics test for (l,m) = ({},{})'.format(l,m)
    return None
Example #42
 def SphericalHarmonics(self):
     l, m = self.l, self.m
     norm = np.sqrt((2 * l + 1) * f(l - m) / 4 / np.pi / f(l + m))
     phase = np.exp(1j * m * self.Phi)
     L = lpmv(m, l, np.cos(self.Theta))
     return norm * phase * L

# plot nodal lines
if args.nodal_lines:
    # Get roots of assoc. Legendre polynomials

    # this seems to work reasonably well. we basically just find zeros for
    # too many initial guesses, then take the unique solutions.  some of
    # these aren't zeros (because the root-finder fails) so we discard
    # them.
    Nroots = l - np.abs(m) + 2
    mu = np.cos(np.linspace(0., np.pi, 5 * Nroots))
    mu = np.squeeze([fsolve(lambda z: lpmv(m, l, z), mui) for mui in mu])
    mu = np.unique(np.around(mu, decimals=13))
    mu = np.array([
        mui for mui in mu if np.around(lpmv(m, l, mui), decimals=4) == 0.
        and np.around(np.abs(mui), decimals=4) != 1.

    node_kw = {'color': (0., 0., 0.), 'line_width': 0.01, 'tube_radius': 0.01}
    # 'representation':'wireframe'}

    r = 1.001
    # equatorial
    for mui in mu:
        x = r * np.sqrt(1. - mui**2) * cos(ph)
        y = r * np.sqrt(1. - mui**2) * sin(ph)
        z = r * mui * np.ones(len(th))
Example #44
#step adjustment results in smoother curve, but sharp decline around 1 consistent
#most likely due to the rectangle function (if n <=1, return 1, else return 0)
step = np.pi / 192

while l < 3:
    overtheta = [0, 0, 0]
    newset = []

    angphi = 0
    angtheta = 0
    sphcoscalc = []
    while angtheta <= math.pi / 2:
        #        print("l = : " + str(l))
        #        print("phi = : " + str(angphi))
        #        print("theta = : " + str(angtheta))
        store1 = lpmv(m, l, math.cos(angtheta))
        store2 = lpmv(m, l, Rect(angtheta))
        #        print("Cosine Legendre function = : " + str(store1.tolist()))
        #        print("Rect Legendre function = : " + str(store2.tolist()))

            normalization(l) * eulers(m, angphi) *
            lpmv(m, l, math.cos(angtheta)))
        #list index out of range
        over1 = overall(l, m, w, angtheta, angphi)
        #print("Cosine and Rectangle Spherical Harmonic Result: " + str(over1))
        #B9 --> coeffcients (flm * kl0 *pl0(cos(theta)))
        presum = over1 * (normalization(l) * lpmv(m, l, math.cos(angtheta)))
        print("New presummed value inserted into set at l:" + str(l) +
              " and theta: " + str(angtheta) + str(presum))
Example #45
def assoc_legendre_p_boost_(nu, mu, x):
    # the boost test data is for integer orders only
    return lpmv(mu, nu.astype(int), x)
Example #46
 def lpnm_2(n, m, z):
     if m > n:
         return 0.0
     return sc.lpmv(m, n, z)
Example #47
def P1sin(nmax, theta):
    """Create the Legendre function flavors for FF expansion using spherical wave
       Calculating Far-Field Radiation Based on FEKO Spherical Wave Coefficients,
       draft 10 June 2015
       14/07/2015: ATS - using slope estimator for u=1/-1 (forward/backward

       1. theta (rad) is the cos\theta or sin\theta arguments
       2. nmax is maximum n from FEKO Q1mn and Q2mn, n must be >=1

       1. P_sin: P_{n}^{|m|}(cos\theta)/sin(theta) with FEKO order M,N
       1. P1: P_{n}^{|m|+1}(cos\theta) with FEKO order M,N

    # initialize for nmax, we have 2(1+...+nmax)+nmax=nmax^2+2*nmax long array
    # Rick 16-3-2017 complex128 is a bit overkill here
    P_sin = np.zeros((nmax ** 2 + 2 * nmax))
    P1 = P_sin * 0  # copy

    # theta arguments
    u = np.cos(theta)
    sin_th = np.sin(theta)
    delu = 1e-6  # for slope estimation

    # step from 1 to nmax
    for n in range(1, nmax + 1):
        # legendre P_{n}^{|m|=0...n} (u)
        orders = np.arange(0, n + 1)
        orders = orders.reshape(n + 1, 1)
        P = lpmv(orders, n, u)

        # legendre(2,0:0.1:0.2) (matlab)
        # scipy:
        # a=np.arange(0,3)
        # a=a.reshape(3,1)
        # lpmv(b,2,np.arange(0,0.3,0.1))

        # P_{n}^{|m|+1} (u)
        Pm1 = np.append(P[1::], 0)  # I should just be able to use orders=np.arange(1,n+1), then append zero?
        Pm1 = Pm1.reshape(len(Pm1), 1)  # FIXME: can probably make this and others 1-D
        # P_{n}^{|m|}(u)/sin_th
        # Rick 20-12-2016 complex128 is not really needed here..
        Pm_sin = np.zeros((n + 1, 1))  # initialize
        # parameters
        # l = np.arange(0, n / 2 + 1)

        if u == 1:
            # special treatment depending on m;
            # for m=0, m=0 Pm_sin=inf so, the product m*Pm_sin is zero;
            # for m=1, we need a substitution
            # approach 1: based on E-9 in Harrington, this is not stable
            # for n>~45
            # Pm_sin(2,1)=-sum(((-1).^l.*factorial(2.*n-2.*l).*(n-2.*l))...
            #    ./(2.^n.*factorial(l).*factorial(n-l).*factorial(n-2.*l)));
            # approach 2: based on slope estimate
            # Pn(cos x)/sin x = -dPn(u)/du
            Pu_mdelu = lpmv(orders, n, u - delu)
            Pm_sin[1, 0] = -(P[0] - Pu_mdelu[0]) / delu  # backward difference

            # m>=2, value is 0, so initial values are OK
        elif u == -1:
            # approach 1: based on E-9 in Harrington, this is not stable
            # for n>~45
            # Pm_sin(2,1)=-sum(((-1).^l.*factorial(2.*n-2.*l).*(n-2.*l).*(-1).^(n-2.*l-1))...
            #    ./(2.^n.*factorial(l).*factorial(n-l).*factorial(n-2.*l)));
            # approach 2: based on slope estimate
            # Pn(cos x)/sin x = -dPn(u)/du
            Pu_mdelu = lpmv(orders, n, u - delu)
            Pm_sin[1, 0] = -(Pu_mdelu[0] - P[0]) / delu  # forward difference
            Pm_sin = P / sin_th

        # accumulate Psin and P1 for the m values
        ind_start = (n - 1) ** 2 + 2 * (n - 1)  # start index to populate
        ind_stop = n ** 2 + 2 * n  # stop index to populate
        # assign
        P_sin[np.arange(ind_start, ind_stop)] = np.append(np.flipud(Pm_sin[1::, 0]), Pm_sin)
        P1[np.arange(ind_start, ind_stop)] = np.append(np.flipud(Pm1[1::, 0]), Pm1)
    return (P_sin, P1)
Example #48
def W(l, m):
    return ((factorial(l - m) / factorial(l + m))**0.5) * lpmv(m, l, 0)
Example #49
 def evf(mu, nu, x):
     return sc.lpmv(mu.astype(int), nu, x)
Example #50
def legendre_p_via_assoc_(nu, x):
    return lpmv(0, nu, x)
Example #51
def gscontrol_raw(catd, optcom, n_echos, ref_img, dtrank=4):
    Removes global signal from individual echo `catd` and `optcom` time series

    This function uses the spatial global signal estimation approach to
    to removal global signal out of individual echo time series datasets. The
    spatial global signal is estimated from the optimally combined data after
    detrending with a Legendre polynomial basis of `order = 0` and
    `degree = dtrank`.

    catd : (S x E x T) array_like
        Input functional data
    optcom : (S x T) array_like
        Optimally combined functional data (i.e., the output of `make_optcom`)
    n_echos : :obj:`int`
        Number of echos in data. Should be the same as `E` dimension of `catd`
    ref_img : :obj:`str` or img_like
        Reference image to dictate how outputs are saved to disk
    dtrank : :obj:`int`, optional
        Specifies degree of Legendre polynomial basis function for estimating
        spatial global signal. Default: 4

    dm_catd : (S x E x T) array_like
        Input `catd` with global signal removed from time series
    dm_optcom : (S x T) array_like
        Input `optcom` with global signal removed from time series
    LGR.info('Applying amplitude-based T1 equilibration correction')
    if catd.shape[0] != optcom.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError(
            'First dimensions of catd ({0}) and optcom ({1}) do not '
            'match'.format(catd.shape[0], optcom.shape[0]))
    elif catd.shape[1] != n_echos:
        raise ValueError('Second dimension of catd ({0}) does not match '
                         'n_echos ({1})'.format(catd.shape[1], n_echos))
    elif catd.shape[2] != optcom.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('Third dimension of catd ({0}) does not match '
                         'second dimension of optcom '
                         '({1})'.format(catd.shape[2], optcom.shape[1]))

    # Legendre polynomial basis for denoising
    bounds = np.linspace(-1, 1, optcom.shape[-1])
    Lmix = np.column_stack([lpmv(0, vv, bounds) for vv in range(dtrank)])

    # compute mean, std, mask local to this function
    # inefficient, but makes this function a bit more modular
    Gmu = optcom.mean(axis=-1)  # temporal mean
    Gmask = Gmu != 0

    # find spatial global signal
    dat = optcom[Gmask] - Gmu[Gmask][:, np.newaxis]
    sol = np.linalg.lstsq(Lmix, dat.T,
                          rcond=None)[0]  # Legendre basis for detrending
    detr = dat - np.dot(sol.T, Lmix.T)[0]
    sphis = (detr).min(axis=1)
    sphis -= sphis.mean()
    utils.filewrite(utils.unmask(sphis, Gmask), 'T1gs', ref_img)

    # find time course ofc the spatial global signal
    # make basis with the Legendre basis
    glsig = np.linalg.lstsq(np.atleast_2d(sphis).T, dat, rcond=None)[0]
    glsig = stats.zscore(glsig, axis=None)
    np.savetxt('glsig.1D', glsig)
    glbase = np.hstack([Lmix, glsig.T])

    # Project global signal out of optimally combined data
    sol = np.linalg.lstsq(np.atleast_2d(glbase), dat.T, rcond=None)[0]
    tsoc_nogs = dat - np.dot(
        np.atleast_2d(sol[dtrank]).T, np.atleast_2d(
            glbase.T[dtrank])) + Gmu[Gmask][:, np.newaxis]

    utils.filewrite(optcom, 'tsoc_orig', ref_img)
    dm_optcom = utils.unmask(tsoc_nogs, Gmask)
    utils.filewrite(dm_optcom, 'tsoc_nogs', ref_img)

    # Project glbase out of each echo
    dm_catd = catd.copy()  # don't overwrite catd
    for echo in range(n_echos):
        dat = dm_catd[:, echo, :][Gmask]
        sol = np.linalg.lstsq(np.atleast_2d(glbase), dat.T, rcond=None)[0]
        e_nogs = dat - np.dot(
            np.atleast_2d(sol[dtrank]).T, np.atleast_2d(glbase.T[dtrank]))
        dm_catd[:, echo, :] = utils.unmask(e_nogs, Gmask)

    return dm_catd, dm_optcom
Example #52
 def lpnm_2(n, m, z):
     if m > n:
         return 0.0
     return sc.lpmv(m, n, z)
Example #53
def P1sin_array(nmax, theta):
    Calculate P^abs(m)_n(cos(theta))/sin(theta) and P^(abs(m)+1)_n(cos(theta)).

    Similar to the "P1sin" function, but calculates for all theta in one go.
    At the end of the function, patches are made using the original P1sin function
    to solve the 0/0 issue.

    nmax : int
        Maximum n from FEKO Q1mn and Q2mn, n must be >=1
    theta : array of float
        The argument of the cosine or sine functions used in the associated
        Legendre functions, in radians.

    P_sin : array of float
        P_{n}^{abs(m)}(cos(theta))/sin(theta) with FEKO order M,N.
        Shape (nmax ** 2 + 2 * nmax, theta.size).
    P1 : array of float
        P_{n}^{abs(m)+1}(cos(theta)) with FEKO order M,N.
        Shape (nmax ** 2 + 2 * nmax, theta.size).

    cos_th = np.cos(theta)
    sin_theta = np.sin(theta)

    # Make sure that we don't divide by 0 (sin(0) = sin(pi) = 0 ) proper results
    # are inserted at the end of this function. Set to NaN for now
    sin_theta[(theta == 0) | (theta == np.pi)] = np.NaN

    # create at forehand
    P_sin = np.zeros((nmax ** 2 + 2 * nmax, np.size(theta)))
    P1 = np.zeros((nmax ** 2 + 2 * nmax, np.size(theta)))
    for n in range(1, nmax + 1):
        # legendre P_{n}^{abs(m)=0...n} (cos_th)
        orders = np.arange(0, n + 1)
        orders = orders.reshape(n + 1, 1)

        # fetch entire matrix in one go (for a particular n)
        # in theory, fetching for all n in one go should also be possible
        P = lpmv(orders, n, cos_th)

        # P_{n}^{abs(m)+1} (cos_th)
        Pm1 = np.vstack([P[1::, :], np.zeros((1, np.size(theta)))])

        # P_{n}^{abs(m)}(u)/sin_th
        Pm_sin = P / sin_theta

        # accumulate Psin and P1 for the m values
        # start index to populate
        ind_start = (n - 1) ** 2 + 2 * (n - 1)
        # stop index to populate
        ind_stop = n ** 2 + 2 * n
        # assign
        P_sin[np.arange(ind_start, ind_stop), :] = np.vstack(
            [np.flipud(Pm_sin[1::, :]), Pm_sin]
        P1[np.arange(ind_start, ind_stop), :] = np.vstack([np.flipud(Pm1[1::, :]), Pm1])

    # fix for theta = 0 and theta = pi
    # (properly handled in P1sin, so use that function)
    P_sin[:, theta == 0] = np.array([P1sin(nmax, 0)[0]]).transpose()
    P_sin[:, theta == np.pi] = np.array([P1sin(nmax, np.pi)[0]]).transpose()

    return P_sin.transpose(), P1.transpose()
Example #54
    weave.inline(codel, ['Lag', 'x', 'alpha', 'max_n'], type_converters=weave.converters.blitz, compiler = 'gcc')
    return Lag
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    from scipy import special
    Lag = Laguerre_dirty(x,alpha,max_n)
    for n in range(max_n+1):
        print 'laguerre=', n, special.eval_genlaguerre(n,alpha,x), Lag[n]

    Plm = Plmc(x,m,max_l)
    for il,l in enumerate(range(m,len(Plm)+m)):
        print 'Plm=', il,l,special.lpmv(m,l,x),Plm[il]
def angular_prob(the, pee):
    f_lm = np.sqrt(np.math.factorial((2*l + 1)*(l-m))/(4*np.pi*np.math.factorial(l+m)))*lpmv(m, l, np.cos(the))
    g_m = np.exp(np.imag(m*pee))
    Y_lm = np.outer(g_m, f_lm)
    return np.abs(Y_lm)**2
Example #56
    This test  evaluates Legendre Polynomials for L=5 and M = 5

    lpmv is a scipy function implementing Legendre polyomials

    VW VW2 VW3 are 3 implementation of evaluation of vector spherical harmonics

Nt = 90
Np = 180
th = linspace(0,pi,Nt)     # 1 x Nt 
ph = linspace(0,2*pi,Np)   # 1 x Np 

theta = kron(th,ones(Np))  # 1 x Nt*Np = 1 x Ndir
phi   = kron(ones(Nt), ph) # 1 x Nt*Np = 1 x Ndir

L = 5
M = 5
t = indexvsh(5)    # K(L,M) x 2 
l = t[:,0]         # K(L,M) x 1
m = t[:,1]         # K(L,M) x 1
x = -cos(theta)    # 1 x Ndir

Pmm1l, Pmp1l = AFLegendre(L, M, x)
LG = lpmv(m.reshape(21,1,1),l.reshape(1,21,1),x.reshape(1,1,16200))

V1,W1 = VW(l,m,x,phi,Pmm1l,Pmp1l)
V2,W2 = VW2(l,m,x,phi,Pmm1l,Pmp1l)
V3,W3 = VW3(l,m,theta,phi)

Example #57
        def constraint_prefactors(m):
            # Derivative prefactors on parameters
            if self.derivative_pres is None:
                if np.any(self.model_type != ['legendre', 'exponential']):
                    derivatives = []
                    for i in range(self.N):
                        if i <= m - 1:
                            derivatives.append([0] * len(self.x))
                    for i in range(self.N - m):
                        if self.model_type == 'normalised_polynomial':
                            mth_order_derivative_term = (
                                self.y[self.pivot_point] /
                                self.x[self.pivot_point]) \
                                * np.math.factorial(m + i) \
                                / np.math.factorial(i) * \
                                (self.x)**i/(self.x[self.pivot_point])**(i + 1)
                        if self.model_type == 'polynomial':
                            mth_order_derivative_term = np.math.factorial(m+i)\
                                / np.math.factorial(i) * (self.x)**i
                        if self.model_type == 'log_polynomial':
                            mth_order_derivative_term = np.math.factorial(m+i)\
                                / np.math.factorial(i) * \
                        if self.model_type == 'loglog_polynomial':
                            mth_order_derivative_term = np.math.factorial(m+i)\
                                / np.math.factorial(i) * np.log10(self.x)**i
                        if self.model_type == 'difference_polynomial':
                            mth_order_derivative_term = np.math.factorial(m+i)\
                                / np.math.factorial(i) * (
                                self.x - self.x[self.pivot_point])**i

            if self.derivative_pres is not None:
                if self.args is None:
                    derivatives = self.derivative_pres(m, self.x, self.y,
                if self.args is not None:
                    derivatives = self.derivative_pres(m, self.x, self.y,

            if self.model_type == 'legendre':
                interval = np.linspace(-0.999, 0.999, len(self.x))
                alps = []
                for i in range(self.N):
                    alps.append(lpmv(m, i, interval))
                alps = np.array(alps)
                derivatives = []
                for h in range(len(alps)):
                    derivatives.append(((alps[h, :] * (-1)**(m)) /
                                        (1 - interval**2)**(m / 2)))
                derivatives = np.array(derivatives)
            if self.model_type == 'exponential':
                derivatives = np.empty([self.N, len(self.x)])
                for i in range(self.N):
                    for h in range(len(self.x)):
                        derivatives[i, h] = \
                            self.y[self.pivot_point] * \
                            (np.exp(-i*self.x[h]/self.x[self.pivot_point])) * \
                derivatives = np.array(derivatives)

            derivatives = np.array(derivatives).astype(np.double)
            derivatives = matrix(derivatives)
            if derivatives.size == (len(self.x), self.N):
                derivatives = derivatives.T
            return derivatives
Example #58
def legendre_p_via_assoc_(nu, x):
    return lpmv(0, nu, x)
Example #59
def _cached_lpmv(*args, **kwargs):
    return lpmv(*args, **kwargs)