def _covtest_sampler(cone, eta, sigma, ndraw=1000, mu=None):
    Due to special strucutre of covtest cone constraint, sampling
    is easy with importance weights.
    n = eta.shape[0]
    eta_n = eta / np.linalg.norm(eta)

    results = []
    weights = []

    if mu is None:
        mu = np.zeros(n)

    for _ in range(ndraw):
        Y0 = np.random.standard_normal(n) * sigma + mu
        mu_eta = (mu * eta_n).sum()
        Y0 -= (Y0 * eta_n).sum() * eta_n
        L, _, U = cone.bounds(eta_n, Y0)[:3]
        cdfL = ndtr(-(L - mu_eta) / sigma)
        cdfU = ndtr(-(U - mu_eta) / sigma)
        unif = np.random.sample() * (cdfU - cdfL) + cdfL
        if unif < 0.5:
            tnorm = ndtri(unif) * sigma
            tnorm = -ndtri(1-unif) * sigma
        tnorm = -tnorm
        results.append(np.sum(eta * (Y0 + (tnorm + mu_eta) * eta_n)))
        weights.append(np.fabs(cdfL - cdfU))
    family = discrete_family(results, weights)
    return family
Example #2
    def integrate_box_1d(self, low, high):
        Computes the integral of a 1D pdf between two bounds.

        low : scalar
            Lower bound of integration.
        high : scalar
            Upper bound of integration.

        value : scalar
            The result of the integral.

            If the KDE is over more than one dimension.

        if self.d != 1:
            raise ValueError("integrate_box_1d() only handles 1D pdfs")

        stdev = ravel(sqrt(self.covariance))[0]

        normalized_low = ravel((low - self.dataset) / stdev)
        normalized_high = ravel((high - self.dataset) / stdev)

        value = np.sum(
            self.weights *
            (special.ndtr(normalized_high) - special.ndtr(normalized_low)))
        return value
Example #3
def tauchen(mu, sigma_e, rho, lambda_z):
    # no. grid points
    N_z = 2 * lambda_z + 1
    # value of grid points
    Z = np.asarray([
        mu + lam * sigma_e / (1 - rho**2)**0.5
        for lam in range(-lambda_z, lambda_z + 1)
    # mid points
    M = np.asarray([(Z[i] + Z[i + 1]) / 2 for i in range(N_z - 1)])
    # transition matrix
    Pi = np.empty((N_z, N_z))
    # fill in probs
    for i in range(N_z):
        for j in range(N_z):
            if j == 0:
                Pi[i, j] = special.ndtr(
                    (M[j] - (1 - rho) * mu - rho * Z[i]) / sigma_e)
            elif j < N_z - 1:
                Pi[i, j] = special.ndtr(
                    (M[j] -
                     (1 - rho) * mu - rho * Z[i]) / sigma_e) - special.ndtr(
                         (M[j - 1] - (1 - rho) * mu - rho * Z[i]) / sigma_e)
                Pi[i, j] = 1 - special.ndtr(
                    (M[j - 1] - (1 - rho) * mu - rho * Z[i]) / sigma_e)
    return Z, Pi
Example #4
def cvConv(x, s0, K, xstar, r, s, dt):
    x = log S/K, can be a vector
    d1 = (x - xstar + (r + 0.5 * s * s) * dt) / (s * numpy.sqrt(dt))
    d2 = d1 - s * numpy.sqrt(dt)
    return -s0 * numpy.exp(x) * ndtr(-d1) + K * numpy.exp(-r * dt) * ndtr(-d2)
Example #5
def _covtest_sampler(cone, eta, sigma, ndraw=1000, mu=None):
    Due to special strucutre of covtest cone constraint, sampling
    is easy with importance weights.
    n = eta.shape[0]
    eta_n = eta / np.linalg.norm(eta)

    results = []
    weights = []

    if mu is None:
        mu = np.zeros(n)

    for _ in range(ndraw):
        Y0 = np.random.standard_normal(n) * sigma + mu
        mu_eta = (mu * eta_n).sum()
        Y0 -= (Y0 * eta_n).sum() * eta_n
        L, _, U = cone.bounds(eta_n, Y0)[:3]
        cdfL = ndtr(-(L - mu_eta) / sigma)
        cdfU = ndtr(-(U - mu_eta) / sigma)
        unif = np.random.sample() * (cdfU - cdfL) + cdfL
        if unif < 0.5:
            tnorm = ndtri(unif) * sigma
            tnorm = -ndtri(1 - unif) * sigma
        tnorm = -tnorm
        results.append(np.sum(eta * (Y0 + (tnorm + mu_eta) * eta_n)))
        weights.append(np.fabs(cdfL - cdfU))

    family = discrete_family(results, weights)
    return family
Example #6
    def callforCarr(self, s0, K, T):
        s0, K, T = map(float, (s0, K, T))
        r, m, s = self.r, self.m, self.s

        return s0 * numpy.exp(m + 0.5 * s * s - r * T) * ndtr(
            (m + s * s - numpy.log(K / s0)) / s) - K * numpy.exp(
                -r * T) * ndtr((m - numpy.log(K / s0)) / s)
    def estimateSigma(self, gamma_sigma, param, K, F, T):

        a = self._a

        #param=np.exp(param) #transform to restrict a to be postive
        effective_K = 1 - np.exp(-a * T) * (1 - K / F)
        f0 = F + gamma_sigma[0]
        k0 = effective_K * F + gamma_sigma[0]
        d1 = (np.log(f0 / k0) +
              (r + 0.5 * gamma_sigma[1]**2) * T) / (gamma_sigma[1] *
        d2 = d1 - gamma_sigma[1] * np.sqrt(T)
        #call_price = np.exp(a*T)/F *(f0*norm.cdf(d1)-k0*norm.cdf(d2))

        f1 = -2 * a * (effective_K - 1) * ndtr(d2) * np.exp(a * T)
        f2 = 4 * a**2 * (effective_K - 1)**2 * ndtr(d2)**2 * np.exp(2 * a * T)
        f3 = f0**2 * norm._pdf(d1)**2 * np.exp(a * T) * effective_K**2
        f4 = f0 * norm._pdf(d1) / (F * np.sqrt(T))
        estimate_sigma = (f1 +
                          np.sqrt(f2 +
                                  (f3 *
                                   (param[0] * effective_K + param[1])**2) /
                                  (k0**2 * np.sqrt(T)))) / f4

        return estimate_sigma
Example #8
def conf(ratings):
    ratings =  reject_outliers(ratings)
    if (ratings == []):
        return 0.0
    if (np.std(ratings) == 0):
        if (len(ratings))>9:
            return 1.0
            return math.log(len(ratings))/2.1      
    intwid = 0.01
    perc = 1.0
    upper = 1.0
    lower = 0.0
    n = len(ratings)
    mean = sum(ratings)/n
    stdev = np.std(ratings)
    while (perc>intwid):
        z = norm.ppf(1-(intwid/2))
        lower = mean-(z*stdev/(math.sqrt(n)))
        upper = mean+(z*stdev/(math.sqrt(n)))
        perc = 0.0
        for v in ratings:
            perc += (special.ndtr((upper - v)/n)-special.ndtr((lower - v)/n))
        if (intwid == 1.0):
            return 0.0
        intwid += 0.01
    return 1-intwid
Example #9
    def test_optimizer_PI(self):
        for n_samples in range(1, 100):
            mean = np.random.rand(n_samples, 1)
            std = np.random.rand(n_samples, 1)
            tradeoff = np.random.rand()
            max_val = np.random.rand()

            # 1. fitted estimator
            mock_estimator = mock.MockEstimator(predict_return=(mean, std))
            optimizer = modAL.models.BayesianOptimizer(
            optimizer._set_max([0], [max_val])
            true_PI = ndtr((mean - max_val - tradeoff) / std)

                                               np.random.rand(n_samples, 2),

            # 2. unfitted estimator
            mock_estimator = mock.MockEstimator(fitted=False)
            optimizer = modAL.models.BayesianOptimizer(
            optimizer._set_max([0], [max_val])
            true_PI = ndtr(
                (np.zeros(shape=(len(mean), 1)) - max_val - tradeoff) /
                np.ones(shape=(len(mean), 1)))

                                               np.random.rand(n_samples, 2),
def confusion_matrix(v, vc, full=False):
    Compute the confusion matrix of detected spikes vs. non-spike local extrema.
    * v: intracellular trace
    * vc: separatrix
    * full=False: if True, return a dict with keys:
      TP, FP, FN, TN, mu1, s1, mu2, s2
    sign_changes = find_peaks(v)
    peaks = v[sign_changes]  # peak values
    peaks = sort(peaks)  # sort values

    v1 = v2 = vc
    # first cluster
    mu1 = mean(peaks[peaks <= v1])
    s1 = std(peaks[peaks <= v1])
    # second cluster
    mu2 = mean(peaks[peaks >= v2])
    s2 = std(peaks[peaks >= v2])
    # compute the confusion matrix
    TP = 1 - ndtr((v2 - mu2) / s2)
    FP = 1 - ndtr((v2 - mu1) / s1)
    FN = ndtr((v1 - mu2) / s2)
    TN = ndtr((v1 - mu1) / s1)
    if full:
        return dict(TP=TP, FP=FP, FN=FN, TN=TN, mu1=mu1, s1=s1, mu2=mu2, s2=s2)
    return TP, FP, FN, TN
Example #11
    def call(self, s0, K, T, n=10):

        s0, K, T = map(float, (s0, K, T))

        r = self.r
        alpha = self.alpha
        beta = self.beta
        lambdaa = self.lambdaa
        sigma = self.sigma

        price = 0
        fac_k = 1
        # k!
        mu = r - lambdaa * (numpy.exp(alpha + 0.5 * beta * beta) - 1)

        for k in range(n):

            price += numpy.exp(-lambdaa*T)*(lambdaa*T)**k/fac_k *           \
                (s0*numpy.exp(mu*T + k*(alpha + 0.5*beta*beta))*ndtr(       \
                    (numpy.log(s0/K) + (mu + 0.5*sigma*sigma)*T + k*(alpha + beta*beta))  \
                    /numpy.sqrt(sigma*sigma*T + beta*beta*k))               \
                - K*ndtr(                                                   \
                    (numpy.log(s0/K) + (mu - 0.5*sigma*sigma)*T + k*alpha)  \
                    /numpy.sqrt(sigma*sigma*T + beta*beta*k)))

            fac_k *= (k + 1)

        return numpy.exp(-r * T) * price
def confusion_matrix(v, vc, full=False):
    Compute the confusion matrix of detected spikes vs. non-spike local extrema.
    * v: intracellular trace
    * vc: separatrix
    * full=False: if True, return a dict with keys:
      TP, FP, FN, TN, mu1, s1, mu2, s2
    sign_changes = find_peaks(v)
    peaks = v[sign_changes] # peak values
    peaks = sort(peaks) # sort values
    v1 = v2 = vc
    # first cluster
    mu1 = mean(peaks[peaks<=v1])
    s1 = std(peaks[peaks<=v1])
    # second cluster
    mu2 = mean(peaks[peaks>=v2])
    s2 = std(peaks[peaks>=v2])
    # compute the confusion matrix
    TP = 1-ndtr((v2-mu2)/s2)
    FP = 1-ndtr((v2-mu1)/s1)
    FN = ndtr((v1-mu2)/s2)
    TN = ndtr((v1-mu1)/s1)
    if full:
        return dict(TP=TP,FP=FP,FN=FN,TN=TN,mu1=mu1,s1=s1,mu2=mu2,s2=s2)
    return TP, FP, FN, TN
Example #13
def aprox_por_normal(n, m, r):
	test de rango para n y m grandes
	Aproximo el p_valor por una normal standard
	n : tamanho de la muestra mas chica
	m : tamanho de la muestra mas grande
	r : rango observado
    #esperanza de Ri
    #esperanza_ri = (n+m+1) / 2

    #Esperanza de R
    esperanza_R = n * ((n + m + 1) / 2.0)
    #Varianza de R
    varianza_R = (n * m) * ((n + m + 1) / 12.0)

    #Normalizo a una N(0,1)
    Z = (r - esperanza_R) / sqrt(varianza_R)

    if r <= esperanza_R:
        p_value = 2 * ndtr(Z)
        p_value = 2 * (1 - ndtr(Z))

    return p_value
Example #14
    def integrate_box_1d(self, low, high):
        """Computes the integral of a 1D pdf between two bounds.

        low : scalar
          lower bound of integration
        high : scalar
          upper bound of integration

        value : scalar
          the result of the integral
        if self.d != 1:
            raise ValueError("integrate_box_1d() only handles 1D pdfs")

        stdev = ravel(sqrt(self.covariance))[0]

        normalized_low = ravel((low - self.dataset)/stdev)
        normalized_high = ravel((high - self.dataset)/stdev)

        value = stats.mean(special.ndtr(normalized_high) -
        return value
Example #15
    def log_prior_transform_nested(self, x, x_name):
            f'NestedSamplerStatModel::\tSUPERVERBOSE\tdoing some transformations for nestle/multinest '
            f'to read the priors')
        if self.config['prior'][x_name]['prior_type'] == 'flat':
            a, b = self.config['prior'][x_name]['param']
            # Prior transform of a flat prior is a simple line.
            return x * (b - a) + a
        if self.config['prior'][x_name]['prior_type'] == 'gauss':
            # Get the range from the config file
            a, b = self.config['prior'][x_name]['range']
            m, s = self.config['prior'][x_name]['param']

            # Here the prior transform is being constructed and shifted. This may not seem trivial
            # and one is advised to request a notebook where this is explained
            # from the developer(s).
            aprime = spsp.ndtr((a - m) / s)
            bprime = spsp.ndtr((b - m) / s)
            xprime = x * (bprime - aprime) + aprime
            res = m + s * spsp.ndtri(xprime)
            return res
        err_message = (
            f"unknown prior type '{self.config['prior'][x_name]['prior_type']}',"
            f" choose either gauss or flat")
        raise TypeError(err_message)
Example #16
def _bca_interval(data, statistic, axis, alpha, theta_hat_b, batch):
    """Bias-corrected and accelerated interval."""
    # closely follows [2] "BCa Bootstrap CIs"
    sample = data[0]  # only works with 1 sample statistics right now

    # calculate z0_hat
    theta_hat = statistic(sample, axis=axis)[..., None]
    percentile = _percentile_of_score(theta_hat_b, theta_hat, axis=-1)
    z0_hat = ndtri(percentile)

    # calculate a_hat
    theta_hat_i = []  # would be better to fill pre-allocated array
    for jackknife_sample in _jackknife_resample(sample, batch):
        theta_hat_i.append(statistic(jackknife_sample, axis=-1))
    theta_hat_i = np.concatenate(theta_hat_i, axis=-1)
    theta_hat_dot = theta_hat_i.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    num = ((theta_hat_dot - theta_hat_i)**3).sum(axis=-1)
    den = 6 * ((theta_hat_dot - theta_hat_i)**2).sum(axis=-1)**(3 / 2)
    a_hat = num / den

    # calculate alpha_1, alpha_2
    z_alpha = ndtri(alpha)
    z_1alpha = -z_alpha
    num1 = z0_hat + z_alpha
    alpha_1 = ndtr(z0_hat + num1 / (1 - a_hat * num1))
    num2 = z0_hat + z_1alpha
    alpha_2 = ndtr(z0_hat + num2 / (1 - a_hat * num2))
    return alpha_1, alpha_2
Example #17
def vanilla(r, K, dt, sigma, S):
    This is a simple Vanilla Put Option calcualtion
    based on the analytic solution for a single
    underlying asset. The solution used is from
    The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives, Wilmott, et al.
    Uses ndtr and exp from scipy and ndtr scipy.special modules.

    r    : risk free rate (float)
    K    : strike price (float)
    dt   : time to expiry (float)
    sigma: volatility of S (float)
    S    : range of underlying values (array[float])


    put_value = vanilla(r, K, dt, sigma, S)

    d1 = zeros(len(S))
    d2 = zeros(len(S))
    n1 = zeros(len(S))
    n2 = zeros(len(S))
    pt = zeros(len(S))
    b = sigma * sqrt(dt)
    dsct = exp(-1.0 * r * dt)
    for i in range(len(S)):
        d1[i] = (log(S[i] / K) + (r + (0.5 * sigma**2)) * dt) / b
        d2[i] = (log(S[i] / K) + (r - (0.5 * sigma**2)) * dt) / b
        n1[i] = special.ndtr(-1.0 * d1[i])
        n2[i] = special.ndtr(-1.0 * d2[i])
        pt[i] = K * dsct * n2[i] - S[i] * n1[i]

    return pt
Example #18
    def BSFormula(self, option: vo.VanillaOption) -> float:
        d1 = (np.log(self.forward / option.strike) + 0.5 * self.vol *
              self.vol * option.tau) / (self.vol * np.sqrt(option.tau))
        d2 = d1 - self.vol * np.sqrt(option.tau)

        return np.exp(-self.rate * option.tau) * (self.forward * ndtr(d1) -
                                                  option.strike * ndtr(d2))
Example #19
    def integrate_box_1d(self, low, high):
        Computes the integral of a 1D pdf between two bounds.

        low : scalar
            Lower bound of integration.
        high : scalar
            Upper bound of integration.

        value : scalar
            The result of the integral.

            If the KDE is over more than one dimension.

        if self.d != 1:
            raise ValueError("integrate_box_1d() only handles 1D pdfs")

        stdev = ravel(sqrt(self.covariance))[0]

        normalized_low = ravel((low - self.dataset) / stdev)
        normalized_high = ravel((high - self.dataset) / stdev)

        value = np.mean(special.ndtr(normalized_high) - \
        return value
Example #20
def pexpunifgauss(t, tau, T, sigma):
    Convolution of an exponential with scale tau, a uniform in (0, T), and a
    normal with scale sigma.
    return 1 / T * (special.ndtr(t / sigma) - special.ndtr(
        (t - T) / sigma) - np.exp(logq(t, tau, sigma)) +
                    np.exp(logq(t - T, tau, sigma)))
Example #21
def range_normal(n, m, r):
    num = r - n * (n + m + 1) / 2
    den = sqrt(n * m * (n + m + 1) / 12)
    R = num / den
    if r <= n * ((n + m + 1) / 2):
        return 2 * ndtr(R)
        return 2 * (1 - ndtr(R))
Example #22
def BSputLogSc(x, s0, K, r, s, tau):
    x = log S/K, can be a vector
    d1 = (x + numpy.log(s0 / K) +
          (r + 0.5 * s * s) * tau) / (s * numpy.sqrt(tau))
    d2 = d1 - s * numpy.sqrt(tau)
    return -s0 * numpy.exp(x) * ndtr(-d1) + K * numpy.exp(-r * tau) * ndtr(-d2)
    def price_difference(self, param, K, F, T, market_price):

        d1 = (np.log((F + param[0]) / (K + param[0])) +
              (r + 0.5 * param[1]**2) * T) / (param[1] * np.sqrt(T))
        d2 = d1 - param[1] * np.sqrt(T)
        bls_price = (F + param[0]) * ndtr(d1) - np.exp(-r * T) * K * ndtr(d2)
        difference = bls_price - market_price
        return abs(difference)
Example #24
 def call(self, s0, K, T):
     s0, K, T = map(float, (s0, K, T))
     r, s = self.r, self.sigma
     d1 = (numpy.log(float(s0) / float(K)) +
           (r + 0.5 * s * s) * T) / (s * numpy.sqrt(T))
     d2 = d1 - s * numpy.sqrt(T)
     return max(s0 - K, 0) if numpy.isclose(
         T, 0) else s0 * ndtr(d1) - K * numpy.exp(-r * T) * ndtr(d2)
Example #25
 def _cdf(self, x, mu):
     trm1 = 1. / mu - x
     trm2 = 1. / mu + x
     isqx = numpy.tile(numpy.inf, x.shape)
     indices = x > 0
     isqx[indices] = 1. / numpy.sqrt(x[indices])
     out = 1. - special.ndtr(isqx * trm1)
     out -= numpy.exp(2.0 / mu) * special.ndtr(-isqx * trm2)
     return out
Example #26
def conditional_distance_cdf(r, distmu, distsigma, distnorm):
    """Cumulative conditional distribution of distance (ansatz).

    r : `numpy.ndarray`
        Distance (Mpc)
    distmu : `numpy.ndarray`
        Distance location parameter (Mpc)
    distsigma : `numpy.ndarray`
        Distance scale parameter (Mpc)
    distnorm : `numpy.ndarray`
        Distance normalization factor (Mpc^-2)

    pdf : `numpy.ndarray`
        Conditional probability density according to ansatz.

    Test against numerical integral of pdf:
    >>> import scipy.integrate
    >>> distmu = 10.0
    >>> distsigma = 5.0
    >>> distnorm = 1.0
    >>> r = 8.0
    >>> expected, _ = scipy.integrate.quad(
    ...     conditional_distance_pdf, 0, r,
    ...     (distmu, distsigma, distnorm))
    >>> result = conditional_distance_cdf(
    ...     r, distmu, distsigma, distnorm)
    >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected, result)
    mu = distmu
    sigma = distsigma
    mu2 = np.square(mu)
    sigma2 = np.square(sigma)
    arg1 = -mu / sigma
    arg2 = (r - mu) / sigma
    result = (
        (mu2 + sigma2) * (ndtr(arg2) - ndtr(arg1))
        + sigma / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * (mu * np.exp(-0.5 * np.square(arg1))
        - (r + mu) * np.exp(-0.5 * np.square(arg2)))
    ) * distnorm

    good = (
        np.isfinite(distmu) &
        np.isfinite(distsigma) &
    result = np.where(good, result, 0.0)
    isscalar = (
        np.isscalar(r) &
        np.isscalar(distmu) &
        np.isscalar(distsigma) &
    if isscalar:
        result = np.asscalar(result)
    return result
Example #27
 def _cdf(self, x, mu):
     trm1 = 1. / mu - x
     trm2 = 1. / mu + x
     isqx = numpy.full_like(x, numpy.inf)
     indices = x > 0
     isqx[indices] = 1. / numpy.sqrt(x[indices])
     out = 1. - special.ndtr(isqx * trm1)
     out -= numpy.exp(2.0 / mu) * special.ndtr(-isqx * trm2)
     out = numpy.where(x == numpy.inf, 1, out)
     out = numpy.where(x == -numpy.inf, 0, out)
     return out
Example #28
def _truncnorm_sf(truncation_level, values):
    Survival function for truncated normal distribution.

    Assumes zero mean, standard deviation equal to one and symmetric

    :param truncation_level:
        Positive float number representing the truncation on both sides
        around the mean, in units of sigma, or None, for non-truncation
    :param values:
        Numpy array of values as input to a survival function for the given
        Numpy array of survival function results in a range between 0 and 1.

    >>> from scipy.stats import truncnorm
    >>> truncnorm(-3, 3).sf(0.12345) == _truncnorm_sf(3, 0.12345)
    >>> from scipy.stats import norm
    >>> norm.sf(0.12345) == _truncnorm_sf(None, 0.12345)
    if truncation_level == 0:
        return values

    if truncation_level is None:
        return ndtr(-values)

    # notation from
    # given that mu = 0 and sigma = 1, we have alpha = a and beta = b.

    # "CDF" in comments refers to cumulative distribution function
    # of non-truncated distribution with that mu and sigma values.

    # assume symmetric truncation, that is ``a = - truncation_level``
    # and ``b = + truncation_level``.

    # calculate CDF of b
    phi_b = ndtr(truncation_level)

    # calculate Z as ``Z = CDF(b) - CDF(a)``, here we assume that
    # ``CDF(a) == CDF(- truncation_level) == 1 - CDF(b)``
    z = phi_b * 2 - 1

    # calculate the result of survival function of ``values``,
    # and restrict it to the interval where probability is defined --
    # 0..1. here we use some transformations of the original formula
    # that is ``SF(x) = 1 - (CDF(x) - CDF(a)) / Z`` in order to minimize
    # number of arithmetic operations and function calls:
    # ``SF(x) = (Z - CDF(x) + CDF(a)) / Z``,
    # ``SF(x) = (CDF(b) - CDF(a) - CDF(x) + CDF(a)) / Z``,
    # ``SF(x) = (CDF(b) - CDF(x)) / Z``.
    return ((phi_b - ndtr(values)) / z).clip(0.0, 1.0)
Example #29
def dm_normd(a, b):
    ''' distance matrix for 2 normally distributed sequences '''
    m, n = len(a), len(b)
    result = np.zeros((m, n), dtype=np.single)
    if m < n:
        for i in range(m):
            result[i, :] = np.abs(ndtr(a[i]) - ndtr(b))
        for j in range(n):
            result[:, j] = np.abs(ndtr(a) - ndtr(b[j]))
    return result
Example #30
    def Prob(self, i, j, prix, k, l):

        if (k != i + 1 or j < l):
            return 0
        if j == 0:
            return 0
        demande = self.Demand(i, prix)
        proba = special.ndtr(
            ((j - l) + 1 - demande) / self.var_demande) - special.ndtr(
                (j - l - demande) / self.var_demande)
        return proba
Example #31
def pdf(x, a, b, mu = 0, sigma = 1):
    """ Probablity density function of the truncated normal distribution
    on the interval [a, b].
        x: a value between a and b to calculate its pdf.
        a: the left boundary of the truncated normal distribution.
        b: the right boundary of the truncated normal distribution.
        mu: the mean value.
        sigma: the standard derivation.

        The probablity density at point x

        ValueError: the error is raised the value of x, a, and b are invalid.
    if a >= b:
        raise ValueError("The interval's left boundary is larger than \
        the right boundary ")
    if x < a or x > b:
        raise ValueError("The query position is outside of the interval")
    if a == np.inf:
        raise ValueError("The interval's left boundary can not be np.inf")
    if b == -np.inf:
        raise ValueError("The interval's right boundary can not be -np.inf")
    x = (x - mu) / sigma
    a = (a - mu) / sigma
    b = (b - mu) / sigma

    if a * b <= 0:
        area = special.ndtr(b) - special.ndtr(a)
        p = 1 / np.sqrt(2*np.pi) * np.exp(-0.5*x**2) / area
        return p
        x = -np.abs(x)
        if a > 0:            
            low = -np.abs(b)
            up = -np.abs(a)
            low = -np.abs(a)
            up = -np.abs(b)
        low_log_area = special.log_ndtr(low)
        up_log_area = special.log_ndtr(up)

        low_log_area += 0.5 * up**2
        up_log_area += 0.5 * up**2

        area = np.exp(up_log_area) - np.exp(low_log_area)
        p = 1 / np.sqrt(2*np.pi) * np.exp(-0.5*(x**2 - up**2)) / area
        return p
Example #32
def p_value_big(sample_1, sample_2):
    Calcula el p-valor con una normal.
    n, m, sample_1, sample_2 = correct_order(sample_1, sample_2)
    R = Range(sample_1, sample_2)
    R_mean, R_std_dev = n * (n + m + 1) / 2, sqrt(n * m * (n + m + 1) / 12)
    r_star = (R - R_mean) / R_std_dev

    if R <= R_mean:
        return (2 * ndtr(r_star))
        return (2 * (1 - ndtr(r_star)))
Example #33
    def cumulative_distribution(self, X):
        """Computes the integral of a 1-D pdf between two bounds

            X(numpy.array): Shaped (1, n), containing the datapoints.

            numpy.array: estimated cumulative distribution.
        stdev = np.sqrt(self.model.covariance[0, 0])
        lower = ndtr((self.lower - self.model.dataset) / stdev)[0]
        uppers = np.vstack(
            [ndtr((x - self.model.dataset) / stdev)[0] for x in X])
        return (uppers - lower).dot(self.model.weights)
Example #34
def AddaCooper(x, N):
    beta, rc, theta, rho, sigma = x
    sigma_z = sigma / (1 - rho**2)**0.5
    Eps = Epsilon(x, N)
    ZZ = Z(x, Eps)
    PPi = np.zeros((N, N))
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):
            temp = integrate.quad(
                lambda t: np.exp(-t**2 / (2 * sigma_z**2)) * (special.ndtr(
                    (Eps[j + 1] - rho * t) / sigma) - special.ndtr(
                        (Eps[j] - rho * t) / sigma)), Eps[i], Eps[i + 1])[0]
            PPi[i, j] = temp * N / (2 * np.pi * sigma_z**2)**0.5
    return ZZ, PPi
def implied_vol(mkt_price, F, K, T_maturity, *args):
        Max_iteration = 500
        PRECISION = 1.0e-5
        sigma = 0.4
        for i in range(0, Max_iteration):
            d1 = (np.log(F / K) + ( 0.5 * sigma ** 2) * T_maturity) / (sigma * np.sqrt(T_maturity))
            d2 = d1 - sigma * np.sqrt(T_maturity)
            bls_price = F * ndtr(d1) -  K * ndtr(d2)
            vega = F * norm._pdf(d1) * np.sqrt(T_maturity)
            diff = mkt_price - bls_price 
            if (abs(diff) < PRECISION):
                return sigma
            sigma = sigma + diff/vega # f(x) / f'(x)
        return sigma
Example #36
    def _cdf(self, y):
        # y = (x-loc)/scale

        if isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
            ret = special.ndtr(y) + self.offset
            ret[y < -self.k] = 0
            ret[y > self.k] = 1
            return ret
            if y <= -self.k:
                return 0
            elif y >= self.k:
                return 1
                return special.ndtr(y) + self.offset
Example #37
def gk(order, dist, rule=24):

    assert isinstance(rule, int)

    if len(dist) > 1:

        if isinstance(order, int):
            xw = [gk(order, d, rule) for d in dist]
            xw = [gk(order[i], dist[i], rule)
                    for i in range(len(dist))]

        x = [_[0][0] for _ in xw]
        x = chaospy.utils.combine(x).T
        w = [_[1] for _ in xw]
        w =, -1)

        return x, w

    foo = eval("gk"+str(rule))
    x,w = foo(order)
    x = dist.inv(ndtr(x))
    x = x.reshape(1, x.size)

    return x, w
Example #38
def getPValInfoNormal(observation, samplingDist):

    sDist = np.array(samplingDist)
    theStd, theMean = sDist.std(), sDist.mean()
    zScore = (float(observation) - theMean)/theStd
    thePVal = ndtr(-zScore)
    return (theStd, theMean, zScore, thePVal)
Example #39
 def approved(x) -> bool:
     Function to measure of value is above p = threshold
     zscore = (point_estimate - x)/standard_dev
     if ndtr(zscore) >= threshold:
         return True
     return False
Example #40
def _truncnorm_sf(truncation_level, values):
    Survival function for truncated normal distribution.

    Assumes zero mean, standard deviation equal to one and symmetric

    :param truncation_level:
        Positive float number representing the truncation on both sides
        around the mean, in units of sigma.
    :param values:
        Numpy array of values as input to a survival function for the given
        Numpy array of survival function results in a range between 0 and 1.

    >>> from scipy.stats import truncnorm
    >>> truncnorm(-3, 3).sf(0.12345) == _truncnorm_sf(3, 0.12345)
    # notation from
    # given that mu = 0 and sigma = 1, we have alpha = a and beta = b.

    # "CDF" in comments refers to cumulative distribution function
    # of non-truncated distribution with that mu and sigma values.

    # assume symmetric truncation, that is ``a = - truncation_level``
    # and ``b = + truncation_level``.

    # calculate CDF of b
    phi_b = ndtr(truncation_level)

    # calculate Z as ``Z = CDF(b) - CDF(a)``, here we assume that
    # ``CDF(a) == CDF(- truncation_level) == 1 - CDF(b)``
    z = phi_b * 2 - 1

    # calculate the result of survival function of ``values``,
    # and restrict it to the interval where probability is defined --
    # 0..1. here we use some transformations of the original formula
    # that is ``SF(x) = 1 - (CDF(x) - CDF(a)) / Z`` in order to minimize
    # number of arithmetic operations and function calls:
    # ``SF(x) = (Z - CDF(x) + CDF(a)) / Z``,
    # ``SF(x) = (CDF(b) - CDF(a) - CDF(x) + CDF(a)) / Z``,
    # ``SF(x) = (CDF(b) - CDF(x)) / Z``.
    return ((phi_b - ndtr(values)) / z).clip(0.0, 1.0)
def flip_coin():
    """Return "Heads" or "Tails" depending on a calculation."""
    # Returns a 2x2 randomly sampled array of values in the range [-5, 5]
    rand_array = 10 * np.random.random((2, 2)) - 5
    # Computes the average of this
    avg = rand_array.mean()
    # Returns the Gaussian CDF of this average
    ndtr = special.ndtr(avg)
    return "Heads" if ndtr > .5 else "Tails"
Example #42
  def _test_grad_accuracy(self, dtype, grid_spec, error_spec):
    raw_grid = _make_grid(dtype, grid_spec)
    grid = ops.convert_to_tensor(raw_grid)
    with self.test_session():
      fn = sm.log_ndtr if self._use_log else sm.ndtr

      # If there are N points in the grid,
      # grad_eval.shape = (N, N), with grad_eval[i, j] the partial derivative of
      # the ith output point w.r.t. the jth grid point.  We only expect the
      # diagonal to be nonzero.
      # TODO(b/31131137): Replace tf.test.compute_gradient with our own custom
      # gradient evaluation to ensure we correctly handle small function delta.
      grad_eval, _ = gradient_checker.compute_gradient(grid, grid_spec.shape,
      grad_eval = np.diag(grad_eval)

      # Check for NaN separately in order to get informative failures.
      self.assert_all_true(grad_eval > 0.)
      # isfinite checks for NaN and Inf.

      # Do the same checks but explicitly compute the gradient.
      # (We did this because we're not sure if we trust
      # tf.test.compute_gradient.)
      grad_eval = gradients_impl.gradients(fn(grid), grid)[0].eval()
      if self._use_log:
        g = np.reshape(grad_eval, [-1])
        half = np.ceil(len(g) / 2)
        self.assert_all_true(g[:int(half)] > 0.)
        self.assert_all_true(g[int(half):] >= 0.)
        # The ndtr gradient will only be non-zero in the range [-14, 14] for
        # float32 and [-38, 38] for float64.
        self.assert_all_true(grad_eval >= 0.)
      # isfinite checks for NaN and Inf.

      # Versus scipy.
      expected = stats.norm.pdf(raw_grid)
      if self._use_log:
        expected /= special.ndtr(raw_grid)
        expected[np.isnan(expected)] = 0.
      # Scipy prematurely goes to zero at some places that we don't.  So don't
      # include these in the comparison.
          expected.astype(np.float64)[expected < 0],
          grad_eval.astype(np.float64)[expected < 0],
Example #43
def apa_analysis(apa, w=5, cw=3):
    avg = apa.mean(axis=0)
    lowerpart = avg[-cw:,:cw]
    upperpart = avg[:cw,-cw:]
    maxi = upperpart.mean() * 5
    ## APA score
    score = avg[w,w] / lowerpart.mean()
    ## z-score
    z = (avg[w,w] - lowerpart.mean()) / lowerpart.std()
    p = 1 - ndtr(z)
    return avg, score, z, p, maxi
Example #44
def rtrunc_norm(mean, sd, lower, upper, size=None):
    Sample from a truncated normal distribution

    mean : float or array_like
    sd : float or array_like
    lower : float or array-like
    upper : float or array-like

    Arrays passed must all be of the same length. Computes samples
    using the \Phi, the normal CDF, and Phi^{-1} using a standard

    draw u ~ uniform(|Phi((l - m) / sd), |Phi((u - m) / sd))
    return m + sd * \Phi^{-1}(u)

    samples : ndarray or float
    ulower = special.ndtr((lower - mean) / sd)
    uupper = special.ndtr((upper - mean) / sd)

    if size is None:
        if isinstance(ulower, np.ndarray):
            draws = np.random.rand(len(ulower))
            draws = np.random.rand()
        raise ValueError('if array of bounds passed, size must be None')

    u = (uupper - ulower) * draws + ulower
    return mean + sd * special.ndtri(u)
Example #45
def gauss_sigma_to_prob(sigma):
        Returns the area under the Gaussian probability density
        function, integrated from 'sigma' to infinity.
    if sigma < 5.0:
        return 1.0 - ndtr(sigma)
        # From A&S page 932, eqn 26.2.12 for Q(x)
        x = sigma
        Z = 1.0/Num.sqrt(2.0*Num.pi) * Num.exp(-0.5*x*x)
        series = Num.sum(Num.asarray([1.0, -1.0/(x*x), 3.0/(x**4.0),
                                      -15.0/(x**6.0), 105.0/(x**8.0)]))
        return Z/x*series
Example #46
def estimate_delay(sig1, sig2):
    """Estimates delay between two correlated signals.
    Returns: delay, pval
    delay : number of samples to delay sig2 to achieve max correlation
    pval  : Bonferroni corrected p-value of the quality of this correlation,
        relative to the distribution of all other possible delays
        (for whatever that is worth)
    TODO: add flag to use scipy.signal.fftconvolve instead
    # Correlate at all lags
    C = np.correlate(sig1, sig2, 'full')
    # Now see how good the correlation is
    best = C.max()
    argbest = np.argmax(C) # number of zeros to prepend to smaller sig
    z = (best - np.median(C)) / C.std()
    pval = (1 - ndtr(z))
    pval = 1 - ((1 - pval) ** len(C))
    # Subtract off the length of sig1
    res = argbest - len(sig2) + 1
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        f = plt.figure()
        ax = f.add_subplot(121)
        ax.plot(range(res, res + len(sig2)), sig2)
        ax.set_xlim((res, res + len(sig2)))
        ax = f.add_subplot(122)
        ax.hist(C, bins=100)
        print ("corr %0.3f at %d (%d) z=%0.2f pval %0.3f" % 
            (best, argbest, res, z, pval))
    return res, pval
Example #47
def _norm_sf(values):
    Survival function for normal distribution.

    Assumes zero mean and standard deviation equal to one.

    ``values`` parameter and the return value are the same
    as in :func:`_truncnorm_sf`.

    >>> from scipy.stats import norm
    >>> norm.sf(0.12345) == _norm_sf(0.12345)
    # survival function by definition is ``SF(x) = 1 - CDF(x)``,
    # which is equivalent to ``SF(x) = CDF(- x)``, since (given
    # that the normal distribution is symmetric with respect to 0)
    # the integral between ``[x, +infinity]`` (that is the survival
    # function) is equal to the integral between ``[-infinity, -x]``
    # (that is the CDF at ``- x``).
    return ndtr(- values)
  def _test_grid_no_log(self, dtype, grid_spec, error_spec):
    with self.test_session():
      grid = _make_grid(dtype, grid_spec)
      actual = sm.ndtr(grid).eval()

      # Basic tests.
      # On the grid, 0 < cdf(x) < 1.  The grid cannot contain everything due
      # to numerical limitations of cdf.
      self.assertTrue((actual > 0).all())
      self.assertTrue((actual < 1).all())

      # Versus scipy.
      expected = special.ndtr(grid)
      # Scipy prematurely goes to zero at some places that we don't.  So don't
      # include these in the comparison.
      self.assertAllClose(expected.astype(np.float64)[expected < 0],
                          actual.astype(np.float64)[expected < 0],
                          rtol=error_spec.rtol, atol=error_spec.atol)
Example #49
 def _cdf(self, x, c):
     return special.ndtr(x-c) + special.ndtr(x+c) - 1.0
Example #50
def simulate_raw(params, steps, verbose=False):
    Simulate data in HG' coordinates
    HG' = HG, except center at wave epicenter
    cadence = params["cadence"]
    direction = 180. + params["direction"].to('degree').value
    width_coeff = prep_coeff(params["width"])
    wave_thickness_coeff = prep_coeff(params["wave_thickness"])
    wave_normalization_coeff = prep_coeff(params["wave_normalization"])
    speed_coeff = prep_speed_coeff(params["speed"], params["acceleration"])

    lat_min = params["lat_min"].to('degree').value
    lat_max = params["lat_max"].to('degree').value
    lat_bin = params["lat_bin"].to('degree').value
    lon_min = params["lon_min"].to('degree').value
    lon_max = params["lon_max"].to('degree').value
    lon_bin = params["lon_bin"].to('degree').value

    # This roundabout approach recalculates lat_bin and lon_bin to produce
    # equally sized bins to exactly span the min/max ranges
    lat_num = int(round((lat_max-lat_min)/lat_bin))
    lat_edges, lat_bin = np.linspace(lat_min, lat_max, lat_num+1, retstep=True)

    lon_num = int(round((lon_max-lon_min)/lon_bin))
    lon_edges, lon_bin = np.linspace(lon_min, lon_max, lon_num+1, retstep=True)

    # Propagates from 90. down to lat_min, irrespective of lat_max
    p = np.poly1d([speed_coeff[2]/3., speed_coeff[1]/2., speed_coeff[0],
    # p = np.poly1d([0.0, speed_coeff[1], speed_coeff[2]/2.,
    #               -(90.-lat_min)])
    # Will fail if wave does not propagate all the way to lat_min
    # duration = p.r[np.logical_and(p.r.real > 0, p.r.imag == 0)][0]
    # steps = int(duration/cadence)+1
    # if steps > params["max_steps"]:
    #    steps = params["max_steps"]
    # Maybe used np.poly1d() instead to do the polynomial calculation?
    time = params["start_time_offset"] + np.arange(steps)*cadence
    time_powers = np.vstack((time**0, time**1, time**2))
    width =, time_powers).ravel()
    wave_thickness =, time_powers).ravel()
    wave_normalization =, time_powers).ravel()

    #Propagates from 90., irrespective of lat_max
    wave_peak = 90.-(p(time)+(90.-lat_min))

    out_of_bounds = np.logical_or(wave_peak < lat_min, wave_peak > lat_max)
    if out_of_bounds.any():
        steps = np.where(out_of_bounds)[0][0]

    # Storage for the wave maps
    wave_maps = []

    # Header of the wave maps
    dict_header = {
        "CDELT1": lon_bin,
        "NAXIS1": lon_num,
        "CRVAL1": lon_min,
        "CRPIX1": crpix12_value_for_HG,
        "CUNIT1": "deg",
        "CTYPE1": "HG",
        "CDELT2": lat_bin,
        "NAXIS2": lat_num,
        "CRVAL2": lat_min,
        "CRPIX2": crpix12_value_for_HG,
        "CUNIT2": "deg",
        "CTYPE2": "HG",
        "HGLT_OBS": 0.0,  # (sun.heliographic_solar_center(BASE_DATE))[1],  # the value of HGLT_OBS from Earth at the given date
        "CRLN_OBS": 0.0,  # (sun.heliographic_solar_center(BASE_DATE))[0],  # the value of CRLN_OBS from Earth at the given date
        "DSUN_OBS": sun.sunearth_distance(BASE_DATE.strftime(BASE_DATE_FORMAT)).to('m').value,
        "EXPTIME": 1.0

    if verbose:
        print("  * Simulating "+str(steps)+" raw maps.")

    for istep in range(0, steps):

        # Current datetime
        current_datetime = BASE_DATE + datetime.timedelta(seconds=time[istep])

        # Update the header to set the correct observation time and earth-sun
        # distance
        dict_header['DATE_OBS'] = current_datetime.strftime(BASE_DATE_FORMAT)

        # Update the Earth-Sun distance
        dict_header['DSUN_OBS'] = sun.sunearth_distance(dict_header['DATE_OBS']).to('m').value

        # Update the heliographic latitude
        dict_header['HGLT_OBS'] = 0.0  # (sun.heliographic_solar_center(dict_header['DATE_OBS']))[1].to('degree').value

        # Update the heliographic longitude
        dict_header['CRLN_OBS'] = 0.0  # (sun.heliographic_solar_center(dict_header['DATE_OBS']))[0].to('degree').value

        # Gaussian profile in longitudinal direction
        # Does not take into account spherical geometry (i.e., change in area
        # element)
        if wave_thickness[istep] <= 0:
            print("  * ERROR: wave thickness is non-physical!")
        z = (lat_edges-wave_peak[istep])/wave_thickness[istep]
        wave_1d = wave_normalization[istep]*(ndtr(np.roll(z, -1))-ndtr(z))[0:lat_num]
        wave_1d /= lat_bin
        wave_lon_min = direction-width[istep]/2
        wave_lon_max = direction+width[istep]/2

        if width[istep] < 360.:
            # Do these need to be np.remainder() instead?
            wave_lon_min_mod = ((wave_lon_min+180.) % 360.)-180.
            wave_lon_max_mod = ((wave_lon_max+180.) % 360.)-180.
            index1 = np.arange(lon_num+1)[np.roll(lon_edges, -1) > min(wave_lon_min_mod, wave_lon_max_mod)][0]
            index2 = np.roll(np.arange(lon_num+1)[lon_edges < max(wave_lon_min_mod, wave_lon_max_mod)], 1)[0]
            wave_lon = np.zeros(lon_num)
            wave_lon[index1+1:index2] = 1.
            # Possible weirdness if index1 == index2
            wave_lon[index1] += (lon_edges[index1+1]-min(wave_lon_min_mod, wave_lon_max_mod))/lon_bin
            wave_lon[index2] += (max(wave_lon_min_mod, wave_lon_max_mod)-lon_edges[index2])/lon_bin
            if wave_lon_min_mod > wave_lon_max_mod:
                wave_lon = 1.-wave_lon
            wave_lon = np.ones(lon_num)
        # Could be accomplished with without casting as matrices?
        wave = np.mat(wave_1d).T*np.mat(wave_lon)

        # Create the new map
        new_map = Map(wave, MapMeta(dict_header))
        new_map.plot_settings = {'cmap': cm.gray,
                                 'norm': ImageNormalize(stretch=LinearStretch()),
                                 'interpolation': 'nearest',
                                 'origin': 'lower'
        # Update the list of maps
        wave_maps += [new_map]

    return Map(wave_maps, cube=True)
def binomialLimits(nsuccess, ntotal, cl=None, sigma=False):

       Tim Haines, [email protected]

       This function computes the single-sided upper and lower
       confidence limits for the binomial distribution.

       Statistics and probability

       (u,l) = binomialLimits(nsuccess, ntotal, [, cl [, sigma]])

       nsuccess:   A strictly nonnegative integer that specifies the
                   number of successes in ntotal Bernoulli trials.
                   Can be a list or a numpy array.
       ntotal:     An integer strictly greater than nsuccess that
                   specifies the number of Bernoulli trials.
                   Can be a list or a numpy array.

       cl:     The confidence level in the interval [0, 1]. The default
               is 0.8413 (i.e., 1 sigma)

       sigma:  If this is true, then cl is assumed to be a
               multiple of sigma, and the actual confidence level
               is computed from the standard normal distribution with
               parameter cl.

        Two lists: the first containing the upper limits, and the second
        containing the lower limits. If the inputs are numpy arrays, then
        numpy arrays are returned instead of lists. If the inputs are scalars,
        then scalars are returned.

       N. Gehrels. Confidence limits for small numbers of events in astrophysical
       data. The Astrophysical Journal, 303:336-346, April 1986.

       I have a mass bin with 100 galaxies (20 reds and 80 blues)
       and I am computing the fraction of reds to blues, then for this
       bin NSUCCESS = 20 and NTOTAL = 100.

       To compute the confidence limits at the 2.5 sigma level, use

           (u,l) = binomialLimits(20, 100, 2.5, sigma=True)
               u = 0.31756
               l = 0.11056

       Since these are the confidence limits, the fraction would be
       reported as

           0.2 (+0.11756, -0.08944)
    if cl is None:
        cl = 1.0
        sigma = True
    if sigma:
        cl = ndtr(cl)

    if not type(nsuccess) == type(ntotal):
        exit('nsuccess and ntotal must have the same type')
    # Since there isn't any syntactical advantage to using
    # numpy, just convert them to lists and carry on.
    isNumpy = False
    if isinstance(nsuccess,numpy.ndarray):
        nsuccess = nsuccess.tolist()
        ntotal = ntotal.tolist()
        isNumpy = True
    # Box single values into a list
    isScalar = False
    if not isinstance(nsuccess,list):
        nsuccess = [nsuccess]
        ntotal = [ntotal]
        isScalar = True
    # Must have the same length
    if not len(nsuccess) == len(ntotal):
        exit('nsuccess and total must have same length')
    upper = []
    lower = []
    for (s,t) in zip(nsuccess,ntotal):
        nfail = t - s
        # See Gehrels (1986) for details
        if nfail == 0:
        # See Gehrels (1986) for details
        if s == 0:
            lower.append(1 - bdtri(nfail,t,1-cl))
    if isNumpy:
        upper = numpy.array(upper)
        lower = numpy.array(lower)

    # Scalar-in/scalar-out
    if isScalar:
        return (upper[0],lower[0])
    return (upper,lower)
def poissonLimits(k, cl=None, sigma=False):

       Tim Haines, [email protected]

       This function computes the single-sided upper and lower
       confidence limits for the Poisson distribution.

       Statistics and probability

       (u,l) = poissonLimits(k, [cl [, sigma]])

       k:      A strictly nonnegative integer that specifies the
               number of observed events. Can be a list or numpy array.
       cl:     The confidence level in the interval [0, 1). The default
               is 0.8413 (i.e., 1 sigma)

       sigma:  If this is true, then cl is assumed to be a
               multiple of sigma, and the actual confidence level
               is computed from the standard normal distribution with
               parameter cl.

        Two lists: the first containing the upper limits, and the second
        containing the lower limits. If the input is a numpy array, then
        numpy arrays are returned instead of lists. If the input is a scalar,
        then scalars are returned.

       N. Gehrels. Confidence limits for small numbers of events in astrophysical
       data. The Astrophysical Journal, 303:336-346, April 1986.

       Compute the confidence limits of seeing 20 events in 8
       seconds at the 2.5 sigma.

           (u,l) = poissonLimits(20, 2.5, sigma=True)
               u = 34.1875
               l = 10.5711

       However, recall that the Poisson parameter is defined as the
       average rate, so it is necessary to divide these values by
       the time (or space) interval over which they were observed.

       Since these are the confidence limits, the fraction would be
       reported as

           2.5 (+4.273, -1.321) observations per second
    if cl is None:
        cl = 1.0
        sigma = True
    if sigma:
        cl = ndtr(cl)

    # Since there isn't any syntactical advantage to using
    # numpy, just convert it to a list and carry on.
    isNumpy = False
    if isinstance(k,numpy.ndarray):
        k = k.tolist()
        isNumpy = True
    # Box single values into a list
    isScalar = False
    if not isinstance(k,list):
        k = [k]
        isScalar = True
    upper = []
    lower = []
    for x in k:
        # See Gehrels (1986) for details
        if x == 0:
    if isNumpy:
        upper = numpy.array(upper)
        lower = numpy.array(lower)
    # Scalar-in/scalar-out
    if isScalar:
        return (upper[0], lower[0])
    return (upper,lower)
Example #53
 def _cdf(self, x, C, Ci, loc):
     return special.ndtr(, (x.T-loc.T).T))
Example #54
 def _pdf(self, x, a):
     return 1.0/(x**2)/special.ndtr(a)*np.e**(.5*(a-1.0/x)**2)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)
Example #55
 def _cdf(self, x, c):
     return special.ndtr(1.0/c*(np.sqrt(x)-1.0/np.sqrt(x)))
Example #56
 def _cdf(self, x, a):
     return special.ndtr(np.log(x+(1-x)*(x<=0))/a)*(x>0)
Example #57
 def _cdf(self, x):
     return special.ndtr(x)
Example #58
def test(t, x, eps=None, alpha=None, Ha=None):
    Runs the Mann-Kendall test for trend in time series data.

    t : 1D numpy.ndarray
        array of the time points of measurements
    x : 1D numpy.ndarray
        array containing the measurements corresponding to entries of 't'
    eps : scalar, float, greater than zero
        least count error of measurements which help determine ties in the data
    alpha : scalar, float, greater than zero
        significance level of the statistical test (Type I error)
    Ha : string, options include 'up', 'down', 'upordown'
        type of test: one-sided ('up' or 'down') or two-sided ('updown')

    MK : string
        result of the statistical test indicating whether or not to accept hte
        alternative hypothesis 'Ha'
    m : scalar, float
        slope of the linear fit to the data
    c : scalar, float
        intercept of the linear fit to the data
    p : scalar, float, greater than zero
        p-value of the obtained Z-score statistic for the Mann-Kendall test

    AssertionError : error
                    least count error of measurements 'eps' is not given
    AssertionError : error
                    significance level of test 'alpha' is not given
    AssertionError : error
                    alternative hypothesis 'Ha' is not given

    # assert a least count for the measurements x
    assert eps, "Please provide least count error for measurements 'x'"
    assert alpha, "Please provide significance level 'alpha' for the test"
    assert Ha, "Please provide the alternative hypothesis 'Ha'"

    # estimate sign of all possible (n(n-1)) / 2 differences
    n = len(t)
    sgn = np.zeros((n, n), dtype="int")
    for i in range(n):
        tmp = x - x[i]
        tmp[np.where(np.fabs(tmp) <= eps)] = 0.
        sgn[i] = np.sign(tmp)

    # estimate mean of the sign of all possible differences
    S = sgn[np.triu_indices(n, k=1)].sum()

    # estimate variance of the sign of all possible differences
    # 1. Determine no. of tie groups 'p' and no. of ties in each group 'q'
    np.fill_diagonal(sgn, eps * 1E6)
    i, j = np.where(sgn == 0.)
    ties = np.unique(x[i])
    p = len(ties)
    q = np.zeros(len(ties), dtype="int")
    for k in range(p):
        idx =  np.where(np.fabs(x - ties[k]) < eps)[0]
        q[k] = len(idx)
    # 2. Determine the two terms in the variance calculation
    term1 = n * (n - 1) * (2 * n + 5)
    term2 = (q * (q - 1) * (2 * q + 5)).sum()
    # 3. estimate variance
    varS = float(term1 - term2) / 18.

    # Compute the Z-score based on above estimated mean and variance
    if S > eps:
        Zmk = (S - 1) / np.sqrt(varS)
    elif np.fabs(S) <= eps:
        Zmk = 0.
    elif S < -eps:
        Zmk = (S + 1) / np.sqrt(varS)

    # compute test based on given 'alpha' and alternative hypothesis
    # note: for all the following cases, the null hypothesis Ho is:
    # Ho := there is no monotonic trend
    # Ha := There is an upward monotonic trend
    if Ha == "up":
        Z_ = ndtri(1. - alpha)
        if Zmk >= Z_:
            MK = "accept Ha := upward trend"
            indicator = 1
            MK = "reject Ha := upward trend"
            indicator = 0
    # Ha := There is a downward monotonic trend
    elif Ha == "down":
        Z_ = ndtri(1. - alpha)
        if Zmk <= -Z_:
            MK = "accept Ha := downward trend"
            indicator = 1
            MK = "reject Ha := downward trend"
            indicator = 0
    # Ha := There is an upward OR downward monotonic trend
    elif Ha == "upordown":
        Z_ = ndtri(1. - alpha / 2.)
        if np.fabs(Zmk) >= Z_:
            MK = "accept Ha := upward OR downward trend"
            indicator = 1
            MK = "reject Ha := upward OR downward trend"
            indicator = 0

    # ----------
    # AS A BONUS
    # ----------
    # estimate the slope and intercept of the line
    m = np.corrcoef(t, x)[0, 1] * (np.std(x) / np.std(t))
    c = np.mean(x) - m * np.mean(t)

    # ----------
    # AS A BONUS
    # ----------
    # estimate the p-value for the obtained Z-score Zmk
    if S > eps:
        if Ha == "up":
            p = 1. - ndtr(Zmk)
        elif Ha == "down":
            p = ndtr(Zmk)
        elif Ha == "upordown":
            p = 0.5 * (1. - ndtr(Zmk))
    elif np.fabs(S) <= eps:
        p = 0.5
    elif S < -eps:
        if Ha == "up":
            p = 1. - ndtr(Zmk)
        elif Ha == "down":
            p = ndtr(Zmk)
        elif Ha == "upordown":
            p = 0.5 * (ndtr(Zmk))

    return MK, m, c, p, indicator
Example #59
 def _ppf(self, q, a):
     return 1.0/(a-special.ndtri(q*special.ndtr(a)))
 def _pdf(self, x, alpha):
     # 2*normpdf(x)*normcdf(alpha*x)
     return 2.0 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * np.exp(-x ** 2 / 2.0) * special.ndtr(alpha * x)