def plot_hist_and_fit_gauss(data_list, binno=60, normed=1, facecolor="green", linecolor='r--', alpha=0.5): """ return (mu, sigma) """ # fit the data by maxwell-boltzmann distribution # returns shape, loc, scale : tuple of floats # MLEs for any shape statistics, followed by those for location and # scale. params = print params # plot the histogram of the data #(n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(data_list, binno, range=(0, 50), normed=normed, facecolor=facecolor, alpha=alpha) (n, bins, patches) = plt.hist(data_list, binno, normed=normed, facecolor=facecolor, alpha=alpha) x = np.linspace(0, 25, 100) # add a 'best fit' line plt.plot(x, maxwell.pdf(x, *params), linecolor, lw=3) print get_max_likelihood(data_list, params[0], params[1]) return params
def plot(p2D,pens,p2De,para,params_exp,thickness,tempres): #print tempres plt.subplot(511) plt.hist(p2D[:,5], bins=20, normed=True) x = np.linspace(0, 5, 80) if para !=None : plt.plot(x, maxwell.pdf(x, *para),'r',x,maxwell.cdf(x, *para), 'g') plt.subplot(512) plt.hist(pens, bins=20, normed=True) z=np.linspace(0,500,200) plt.xlim(0,2*thickness) plt.plot(z, expon.pdf(z, *params_exp),'r')#plt.plot(z, expon.pdf(z, *params_exp),'r',z,expon.cdf(z, *params_exp), 'g') plt.subplot(513) plt.xlim(0,thickness+1) plt.plot(p2D[:,0],p2D[:,1],'b.') plt.subplot(514) plt.ylim(-1*10**6,1*10**6) plt.xlim(0,thickness+1) plt.plot(p2De[:,0],p2De[:,1],'b.') plt.subplot(515) plt.plot(tempres[:,0],tempres[:,1],'r-') plt.savefig() return
def plot(p2D, pens, p2De, para, params_exp, thickness): plt.subplot(411) plt.hist(p2D[:, 5], bins=10, normed=True) x = np.linspace(0, 5, 80) plt.plot(x, maxwell.pdf(x, *para), 'r', x, maxwell.cdf(x, *para), 'g') plt.subplot(412) plt.hist(pens, bins=20, normed=True) z = np.linspace(0, 500, 200) plt.xlim(0, 2 * thickness) plt.plot( z, expon.pdf(z, *params_exp), 'r' ) #plt.plot(z, expon.pdf(z, *params_exp),'r',z,expon.cdf(z, *params_exp), 'g') plt.subplot(413) plt.xlim(0, thickness + 1) plt.plot(p2D[:, 0], p2D[:, 1], 'b.') plt.subplot(414) plt.ylim(-1 * 10**6, 1 * 10**6) plt.xlim(0, thickness + 1) plt.plot(p2De[:, 0], p2De[:, 1], 'b.') return
def gibbsDist(): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) mean, var, skew, kurt = maxwell.stats(moments='mvsk') x = np.linspace(maxwell.ppf(0.01), maxwell.ppf(0.99), 100) ax.plot(x, maxwell.pdf(x), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='maxwell pdf') ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
def quiver_desired_velocity(crStats\ ,further_conditioning = None ,grid_x=40,grid_y=40,small_incr=.00001\ ,qty='vel' ,spec_type='gt' ,img_format='png' ,**kw): x_class_v,y_class_v,u_means,v_means,u_delta,v_delta,u_all,v_all =\ sub_eval_desired_velocity_qtys(crStats ,further_conditioning\ ,grid_x,grid_y,small_incr\ ,qty\ ,spec_type) plt.figure() plt.hist2d(u_delta,v_delta,**hist2d_param) plt.title('Overall noise distribution') plt.savefig(PATH_PREFIX + 'total_noise_%s_%s.%s' % (qty,spec_type,img_format)) rv = maxwell() speed_delta = np.sqrt(np.asarray(u_delta)**2 + np.asarray(v_delta)**2) loc,scale = plt.figure() plt.hist(speed_delta,**hist_param_noLog) x = np.linspace(0,2,100) plt.plot(x,maxwell.pdf(x,scale=scale,loc=loc)) plt.title('Overall abs noise distribution') plt.savefig(PATH_PREFIX + 'maxwellian_noise_%s_%s.%s' % (qty,spec_type,img_format)) temperature = np.sqrt( np.asarray([np.var(us) for us in u_all]) + np.asarray([np.var(vs) for vs in v_all]) ) speed = [np.mean(np.sqrt(np.asarray(us)**2 + np.asarray(vs)**2)) for us,vs in zip(u_all,v_all) ] plt.figure() plt.quiver(x_class_v,y_class_v,u_means,v_means,temperature,**kw) plt.colorbar() plt.title('cross-realization "thermal" noise [m/s]') plt.xlabel('x [m]') plt.ylabel('y [m]') plt.savefig(PATH_PREFIX + 'quiver_thermal_noise_%s_%s.%s' % (qty,spec_type,img_format)) plt.figure() plt.quiver(x_class_v,y_class_v,u_means,v_means,speed,**kw) plt.colorbar() plt.title('average speed') plt.xlabel('x [m]') plt.ylabel('y [m]') plt.savefig(PATH_PREFIX + 'quiver_average_modulus_%s_%s.%s' % (qty,spec_type,img_format))
def plot(p2D, pens, p2De, para, params_exp, thickness, tempres, petest, electron_affinity, finame): #print tempres plt.subplot(511) plt.xlabel('thickness[nm]') plt.ylabel('P') plt.hist(p2D[:, 5], bins=20, normed=True) x = np.linspace(0, 5, 80) if para != None: plt.plot(x, maxwell.pdf(x, *para), 'r', x, maxwell.cdf(x, *para), 'g') plt.subplot(512) plt.hist(pens, bins=20, normed=True) z = np.linspace(0, 500, 200) plt.xlabel('thickness[nm]') plt.ylabel('P') plt.xlim(0, 2 * thickness) plt.plot( z, expon.pdf(z, *params_exp), 'r' ) #plt.plot(z, expon.pdf(z, *params_exp),'r',z,expon.cdf(z, *params_exp), 'g') plt.subplot(513) plt.xlim(0, thickness + 1) plt.xlabel('thickness[nm]') plt.ylabel('size[nm]') plt.plot(p2D[:, 0], p2D[:, 1], 'b,') plt.subplot(514) plt.ylim(-1 * 10**6, 1 * 10**6) plt.xlim(0, thickness + 1) plt.xlabel('thickness[nm]') plt.ylabel('size[nm]') plt.plot(p2De[:, 0], p2De[:, 1], 'b,') plt.subplot(515) plt.xlabel('Time[s]') plt.ylabel('count[1]') smooth = 80 for i in np.arange(0, len(tempres)): tempres[i, 1] = (np.sum(tempres[i:i + smooth, 1]) / smooth).astype(float) plt.ylim(0, tempres[1, 1] * 1.5) plt.plot(tempres[:, 0], tempres[:, 1], 'r-') plt.savefig(finame + 'full_tk_%dpe_%.3fea_%.3f.pdf' % (thickness, petest, electron_affinity)) return
def ln_prior_v_kick(v_kick, sigma=c.v_kick_sigma): """ Return the natural log of the prior probability on the SN kick velocity: ln P(v_kick). Args: v_kick : float, SN kick velocity. sigma : float (default: constants.v_kick_sigma), dispersion velocity for the Maxwellian distribution of birth kick magnitudes. Returns: ln_P_v_kick : float, natural logarithm of the prior on the SN kick velocity. """ if v_kick < 0.0: return -np.inf return np.log(maxwell.pdf(v_kick, scale=sigma))
def vel_distribution(dm_p): #reads in particle class details (FROM ALAN AND CORRECT) vrange = 10.**(np.linspace(1.,3.,num=100000.)) * print vrange mass =10.*units.GeV/const.c**2 temp = (0.5 * dm_p.mass* (230. ***2)/const.k_B print "Effective temp for DM particles moving at 230km/s ", a = np.sqrt(const.k_B * temp/mass) print "Normalisation velocity ",a scale = a rv = maxwell.pdf(vrange, loc=0, scale=scale) plt.plot(vrange,rv,'-',color='b') #rv instead of 3000 plt.title('Velocity Distribution') plt.clf() #global v_values v_values_i = maxwell.rvs(size=10000, loc=0, scale=scale) *units.m/units.s v_values = ((v_values_i)*1000) / const.c print("Velocity Values", v_values) plt.hist(v_values,1000,color='b',normed=1) plt.title('Velocity Samples') plt.clf() return v_values
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Tracé d'une distribution de Maxwell """ __author__ = "Dominique Lefebvre" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2019 -" __version__ = "1.0" __date__ = "2 novembre 2019" __email__ = "*****@*****.**" from scipy import linspace from matplotlib.pylab import figure, title, grid, xlim, xlabel, ylabel, plot from scipy.stats import maxwell # domaine x_min = 0.0 x_max = 10.0 x = linspace(x_min, x_max, 500) # calcul de la distribution de Maxwell y = maxwell.pdf(x) # tracé de la distribution fig1 = figure(figsize=(10, 8)) plot(x, y, 'blue') grid() xlim(x_min, x_max) title(u'Distribution de Maxwell', fontsize=14) xlabel('x') ylabel('y')
# In[8]: temp = 400 kb = 1.380649e-23 # In[9]: mean, var, skew, kurt = maxwell.stats(moments ='mvsk') fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) x = np.linspace(maxwell.ppf(0.01),maxwell.ppf(0.99), 100) ax.plot(x, maxwell.pdf(x), 'r-', lw=4, alpha=0.6, label='maxwell pdf') plt.title('1D Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution') plt.xlabel('Speed (m/s)') # fix this plt.ylabel('Probability Density (s/m)') # In[10]: m = 2*kb*temp/(np.pi*float(mean)**2) print('At STP, \nmass of particle = %s kg' % (m)) # In[11]:
def ln_priors(y): """ Priors on the model parameters Parameters ---------- y : ra, dec, M1, M2, A, ecc, v_k, theta, phi, ra_b, dec_b, t_b Current HMXB location (ra, dec) and 10 model parameters Returns ------- lp : float Natural log of the prior """ # M1, M2, A, v_k, theta, phi, ra_b, dec_b, t_b = y ra, dec, M1, M2, A, ecc, v_k, theta, phi, ra_b, dec_b, t_b = y lp = 0.0 # P(M1) if M1 < c.min_mass or M1 > c.max_mass: return -np.inf norm_const = (c.alpha+1.0) / (np.power(c.max_mass, c.alpha+1.0) - np.power(c.min_mass, c.alpha+1.0)) lp += np.log( norm_const * np.power(M1, c.alpha) ) # M1 must be massive enough to evolve off the MS by t_obs if load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1) > t_b: return -np.inf # P(M2) # Normalization is over full q in (0,1.0) q = M2 / M1 if q < 0.3 or q > 1.0: return -np.inf lp += np.log( (1.0 / M1 ) ) # P(ecc) if ecc < 0.0 or ecc > 1.0: return -np.inf lp += np.log(2.0 * ecc) # P(A) if A*(1.0-ecc) < c.min_A or A*(1.0+ecc) > c.max_A: return -np.inf norm_const = np.log(c.max_A) - np.log(c.min_A) lp += np.log( norm_const / A ) # A must avoid RLOF at ZAMS, by a factor of 2 r_1_roche = binary_evolve.func_Roche_radius(M1, M2, A*(1.0-ecc)) if 2.0 * load_sse.func_sse_r_ZAMS(M1) > r_1_roche: return -np.inf # P(v_k) if v_k < 0.0: return -np.inf lp += np.log( maxwell.pdf(v_k, scale=c.v_k_sigma) ) # P(theta) if theta <= 0.0 or theta >= np.pi: return -np.inf lp += np.log(np.sin(theta) / 2.0) # P(phi) if phi < 0.0 or phi > np.pi: return -np.inf lp += -np.log( np.pi ) # Get star formation history sf_history.load_sf_history() sfh = sf_history.get_SFH(ra_b, dec_b, t_b, sf_history.smc_coor, sf_history.smc_sfh) if sfh <= 0.0: return -np.inf # P(alpha, delta) # From spherical geometric effect, we need to care about cos(declination) lp += np.log(np.cos(c.deg_to_rad * dec_b) / 2.0) ################################################################## # We add an additional prior that scales the RA and Dec by the # area available to it, i.e. pi theta^2, where theta is the angle # of the maximum projected separation over the distance. # # Still under construction ################################################################## M1_b, M2_b, A_b = binary_evolve.func_MT_forward(M1, M2, A, ecc) A_c, v_sys, ecc = binary_evolve.func_SN_forward(M1_b, M2_b, A_b, v_k, theta, phi) if ecc < 0.0 or ecc > 1.0 or np.isnan(ecc): return -np.inf # Ensure that we only get non-compact object companions tobs_eff = binary_evolve.func_get_time(M1, M2, t_b) M_tmp, M_dot_tmp, R_tmp, k_type = load_sse.func_get_sse_star(M2_b, tobs_eff) if int(k_type) > 9: return -np.inf # t_sn = (t_b - func_sse_tmax(M1)) * 1.0e6 * yr_to_sec # The time since the primary's core collapse # theta_max = (v_sys * t_sn) / dist_LMC # Unitless # area = np.pi * rad_to_dec(theta_max)**2 # lp += np.log(1.0 / area) ################################################################## # Instead, let's estimate the number of stars formed within a cone # around the observed position, over solid angle and time. # Prior is in Msun/Myr/steradian ################################################################## t_min = load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1) * 1.0e6 * c.yr_to_sec t_max = (load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M2_b) - binary_evolve.func_get_time(M1, M2, 0.0)) * 1.0e6 * c.yr_to_sec if t_max-t_min < 0.0: return -np.inf theta_C = (v_sys * (t_max - t_min)) / c.dist_SMC stars_formed = get_stars_formed(ra, dec, t_min, t_max, v_sys, c.dist_SMC) if stars_formed == 0.0: return -np.inf volume_cone = (np.pi/3.0 * theta_C**2 * (t_max - t_min) / c.yr_to_sec / 1.0e6) lp += np.log(sfh / stars_formed / volume_cone) ################################################################## # # P(t_b | alpha, delta) # sfh_normalization = 1.0e-6 # lp += np.log(sfh_normalization * sfh) # Add a prior so that the post-MT secondary is within the correct bounds M2_c = M1 + M2 - load_sse.func_sse_he_mass(M1) if M2_c > c.max_mass or M2_c < c.min_mass: return -np.inf # Add a prior so the effective time remains bounded t_eff_obs = binary_evolve.func_get_time(M1, M2, t_b) if t_eff_obs < 0.0: return -np.inf if t_b * 1.0e6 * c.yr_to_sec < t_min: return -np.inf if t_b * 1.0e6 * c.yr_to_sec > t_max: return -np.inf return lp
def ln_priors_population(y): """ Priors on the model parameters Parameters ---------- y : M1, M2, A, ecc, v_k, theta, phi, ra_b, dec_b, t_b 10 model parameters Returns ------- lp : float Natural log of the prior """ M1, M2, A, ecc, v_k, theta, phi, ra_b, dec_b, t_b = y lp = 0.0 # P(M1) if M1 < c.min_mass or M1 > c.max_mass: return -np.inf norm_const = (c.alpha+1.0) / (np.power(c.max_mass, c.alpha+1.0) - np.power(c.min_mass, c.alpha+1.0)) lp += np.log( norm_const * np.power(M1, c.alpha) ) # M1 must be massive enough to evolve off the MS by t_obs if load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1) > t_b: return -np.inf # P(M2) # Normalization is over full q in (0,1.0) q = M2 / M1 if q < 0.3 or q > 1.0: return -np.inf lp += np.log( (1.0 / M1 ) ) # P(ecc) if ecc < 0.0 or ecc > 1.0: return -np.inf lp += np.log(2.0 * ecc) # P(A) if A*(1.0-ecc) < c.min_A or A*(1.0+ecc) > c.max_A: return -np.inf norm_const = np.log(c.max_A) - np.log(c.min_A) lp += np.log( norm_const / A ) # A must avoid RLOF at ZAMS, by a factor of 2 r_1_roche = binary_evolve.func_Roche_radius(M1, M2, A*(1.0-ecc)) if 2.0 * load_sse.func_sse_r_ZAMS(M1) > r_1_roche: return -np.inf # P(v_k) if v_k < 0.0: return -np.inf lp += np.log( maxwell.pdf(v_k, scale=c.v_k_sigma) ) # P(theta) if theta <= 0.0 or theta >= np.pi: return -np.inf lp += np.log(np.sin(theta) / 2.0) # P(phi) if phi < 0.0 or phi > np.pi: return -np.inf lp += -np.log( np.pi ) # Get star formation history sfh = sf_history.get_SFH(ra_b, dec_b, t_b, sf_history.smc_coor, sf_history.smc_sfh) if sfh <= 0.0: return -np.inf lp += np.log(sfh) # P(alpha, delta) # From spherical geometric effect, scale by cos(declination) lp += np.log(np.cos(c.deg_to_rad*dec_b) / 2.0) M1_b, M2_b, A_b = binary_evolve.func_MT_forward(M1, M2, A, ecc) A_c, v_sys, ecc = binary_evolve.func_SN_forward(M1_b, M2_b, A_b, v_k, theta, phi) if ecc < 0.0 or ecc > 1.0 or np.isnan(ecc): return -np.inf # Ensure that we only get non-compact object companions tobs_eff = binary_evolve.func_get_time(M1, M2, t_b) M_tmp, M_dot_tmp, R_tmp, k_type = load_sse.func_get_sse_star(M2_b, tobs_eff) if int(k_type) > 9: return -np.inf # Add a prior so that the post-MT secondary is within the correct bounds M2_c = M1 + M2 - load_sse.func_sse_he_mass(M1) if M2_c > c.max_mass or M2_c < c.min_mass: return -np.inf # Add a prior so the effective time remains bounded t_eff_obs = binary_evolve.func_get_time(M1, M2, t_b) if t_eff_obs < 0.0: return -np.inf t_max = (load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M2_b) - binary_evolve.func_get_time(M1, M2, 0.0)) if t_b > t_max: return -np.inf return lp
from scipy.stats import maxwell import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # Calculate a few first moments: mean, var, skew, kurt = maxwell.stats(moments='mvsk') # Display the probability density function (``pdf``): x = np.linspace(maxwell.ppf(0.01), maxwell.ppf(0.99), 100) ax.plot(x, maxwell.pdf(x), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='maxwell pdf') # Alternatively, the distribution object can be called (as a function) # to fix the shape, location and scale parameters. This returns a "frozen" # RV object holding the given parameters fixed. # Freeze the distribution and display the frozen ``pdf``: rv = maxwell() ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf') # Check accuracy of ``cdf`` and ``ppf``: vals = maxwell.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999]) np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], maxwell.cdf(vals)) # True # Generate random numbers:
obj /= obj.max() obj_samples.append(obj) subplot(412) grid(True) axis([350,750,0,1.5]) xlabel('Wavelength $\lambda$ (nm)') ylabel('Reflectance coefficient') title(r'Sample reflectivity behaviour') for obj in obj_samples: plot(obj) ############################### #### Black camera reflectivity black_camera = maxwell.pdf(x, loc=350, scale=200,size=1000) black_camera /= black_camera.max() * black_camera_absorbance subplot(413) grid(True) axis([350,750,0,1.5]) xlabel('Wavelength $\lambda$ (nm)') ylabel('Reflectance coefficient') title(r'Black camera reflectivity behaviour') plot(black_camera) ############################### #### Reflected light from object and camera subplot(414) grid(True)
def get_max_likelihood(data_list, loc, scale, weight=45): pdf_array = maxwell.pdf(data_list, loc, scale) likelihood = 1 for item in pdf_array: likelihood = item * weight * likelihood return likelihood
'figure.subplot.left':0.15, 'figure.subplot.right':0.92} hexcols = ['#332288', '#88CCEE', '#44AA99', '#117733', '#999933', '#DDCC77',\ '#CC6677', '#882255', '#AA4499', '#661100', '#6699CC', '#AA4466','#4477AA'] mpl.rcParams.update(params) A=np.array([np.append([vkick],kicks.sample_kick_distribution_P(23,5.5,55,1.4,vdist=lambda x:[float(vkick)], num_v=5, num_theta=400,num_phi=100)) for vkick in range(0,701,5)]) print(A) print(A[:,0]) print(A[:,1]) print(A[:,2]) fig, axes= plt.subplots(1) maxw = axes.fill_between(A[:,0],0,maxwell.pdf(A[:,0], scale=265.)/max(maxwell.pdf(A[:,0],scale=265.)),color="b", alpha=0.2, label="Maxwellian, $\\sigma=265~\\rm km~s^{-1}$") merge, = axes.plot(A[:,0],10*A[:,1], color=hexcols[2],label="GW merge fraction $\\times$ 10") disrupt, = axes.plot(A[:,0],A[:,2], color=hexcols[8],ls="--", label="Disrupt fraction") axes.set_xlabel("$v_{\\rm kick}~\\rm[km~s^{-1}]$") axes.set_ylabel("fraction") #axes.set_xlim([0,50]) axes.set_ylim([0,1.19]) axes.legend([maxw,merge,disrupt],["Maxwellian, $\\sigma=265~\\rm km~s^{-1}$", "GW merge fraction $\\times$ 10", "Disrupt fraction"], loc="upper left", fontsize=7) plt.savefig("kick_dist.pdf") #plt.clf() #plt.close(plt.gcf())
M = 66.9792e6 #keV: Mass of Nucleus M_det = 5.60959e32 #keV: Mass of Detector 1kg #NSI parameters: 0 from scipy.integrate import quad from scipy.stats import maxwell flux_1m = 1.511067123220e12 #/cm^2/s at 1m flux_r = lambda r: flux_1m / (r * r) #r in meters total_flux = flux_r(L) #/cm^2/s at 1m #np.arange(1e2,20e3,1e2)#E=100keV - 20MeV with 100keV step form_n_flux = lambda En: maxwell.pdf((En + 1.9e3) / 1.7e3) #En in keV total = quad(lambda En: form_n_flux(En), 0, np.inf)[0] norm_n_flux = lambda En: form_n_flux(En) / total total_norm_n_flux = quad(norm_n_flux, 0, np.inf)[0] n_flux = lambda En: total_flux * norm_n_flux(En) total_n = quad(n_flux, 0, np.inf)[0] #t=1#second Gf2 = (1.16637e-17)**2 #keV-4 #area_det=34.322512#cm^2 /((4)*math.pi*100*100) C_T = lambda En, T: (Gf2 * M / (2 * math.pi)) * (((G_V + G_A)**2) + (( (G_V - G_A)**2) * ((1 - (T / En))**2)) - (((G_V**2) - (G_A**2)) * (M * T / (En * En))))
from scipy.stats import maxwell import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) mean, var, skew, kurt = maxwell.stats(moments='mvsk') x = np.linspace(maxwell.ppf(0.01), maxwell.ppf(0.99), 10000) ax.plot(x, maxwell.pdf(x), 'r-', lw=5.5, alpha=0.6) vals = maxwell.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999]) np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], maxwell.cdf(vals)) r = maxwell.rvs(size=1000) ax.hist(r, density=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2) ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False) print(mean, var, skew, kurt)
return args args = parse_arguments() option = args['option'] data_name = args['dataname'] # --------------------------------------------------------- # # Import Data! (3/4) # # --------------------------------------------------------- # mean, var, skew, kurt = maxwell.stats(moments='mvsk') if 0: x = np.linspace(maxwell.ppf(0.0001), maxwell.ppf(0.9999), 1000) y = 16 * maxwell.pdf(x) else: a = 1 x = np.linspace(0.00001, 4.9, 1000) y2 = -1 * a * x**2 yf = a * x**2 y = yf * np.exp(y2) x = np.linspace(1, 250000, 1000) # y1 = x**2 # ye = np.exp((-1 * y1) * 0.5) # y = np.sqrt(((2/math.pi) * y1)) * ye mb = ax1.plot(x, y, 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='maxwell pdf') ax1.fill_between(x, 0,
def adjustar_Maxwell(mid_pointa, histoa): a_ajustar_ray = lambda x,l,s: maxwell.pdf(x, l, s) popt_wei, pcov = curve_fit(a_ajustar_ray, mid_pointa, histoa) print(popt_wei, pcov) ajustado_ray = a_ajustar_ray(mid_pointa, popt_wei[0], popt_wei[1]) return(ajustado_ray)