Example #1
    def _pearsonr(x):
        osm_uniform = _calc_uniform_order_statistic_medians(len(x))
        xvals = distributions.norm.ppf(osm_uniform)

        def _eval_pearsonr(lmbda, xvals, samps):
            y = _boxcox(samps, lmbda)
            yvals = np.sort(y)
            r, prob = stats.pearsonr(xvals, yvals)
            return 1 - r

        return optimizer(_eval_pearsonr, args=(xvals, x))
Example #2
    def _pearsonr(x):
        osm_uniform = _calc_uniform_order_statistic_medians(len(x))
        xvals = distributions.norm.ppf(osm_uniform)

        def _eval_pearsonr(lmbda, xvals, samps):
            # This function computes the x-axis values of the probability plot
            # and computes a linear regression (including the correlation) and
            # returns ``1 - r`` so that a minimization function maximizes the
            # correlation.
            y = boxcox(samps, lmbda)
            yvals = np.sort(y)
            r, prob = stats.pearsonr(xvals, yvals)
            return 1 - r

        return optimizer(_eval_pearsonr, args=(xvals, x))