def Bradford(q, low=0, high=1, tag=None): """ A Bradford random variate Parameters ---------- q : scalar The shape parameter low : scalar The lower bound of the distribution (default=0) high : scalar The upper bound of the distribution (default=1) """ assert q > 0, 'Bradford "q" parameter must be greater than zero' assert low < high, 'Bradford "low" parameter must be less than "high"' return uv(ss.bradford(q, loc=low, scale=high - low), tag=tag)
def Bradford(q, low=0, high=1, tag=None): """ A Bradford random variate Parameters ---------- q : scalar The shape parameter low : scalar The lower bound of the distribution (default=0) high : scalar The upper bound of the distribution (default=1) """ assert q>0, 'Bradford "q" parameter must be greater than zero' assert low<high, 'Bradford "low" parameter must be less than "high"' return uv(ss.bradford(q, loc=low, scale=high-low), tag=tag)
#bradford Continuous distributions¶ from scipy.stats import bradford import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) #Calculate a few first moments: c = 0.299 mean, var, skew, kurt = bradford.stats(c, moments='mvsk') #Display the probability density function (pdf): x = np.linspace(bradford.ppf(0.01, c), bradford.ppf(0.99, c), 100) ax.plot(x, bradford.pdf(x, c), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='bradford pdf') #Alternatively, the distribution object can be called (as a function) to fix the shape, location and scale parameters. This returns a “frozen” RV object holding the given parameters fixed. #Freeze the distribution and display the frozen pdf: rv = bradford(c) ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf') #Check accuracy of cdf and ppf: vals = bradford.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], c) np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], bradford.cdf(vals, c)) True #Generate random numbers: r = bradford.rvs(c, size=1000) #And compare the histogram: ax.hist(r, density=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2) ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False) #burr Continuous distributions¶ from scipy.stats import burr import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def all_dists(): # dists param were taken from scipy.stats official # documentaion examples # Total - 89 return { "alpha": stats.alpha(a=3.57, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "anglit": stats.anglit(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "arcsine": stats.arcsine(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "beta": stats.beta(a=2.31, b=0.627, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "betaprime": stats.betaprime(a=5, b=6, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "bradford": stats.bradford(c=0.299, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "burr": stats.burr(c=10.5, d=4.3, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "cauchy": stats.cauchy(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "chi": stats.chi(df=78, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "chi2": stats.chi2(df=55, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "cosine": stats.cosine(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "dgamma": stats.dgamma(a=1.1, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "dweibull": stats.dweibull(c=2.07, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "erlang": stats.erlang(a=2, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "expon": stats.expon(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "exponnorm": stats.exponnorm(K=1.5, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "exponweib": stats.exponweib(a=2.89, c=1.95, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "exponpow": stats.exponpow(b=2.7, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "f": stats.f(dfn=29, dfd=18, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "fatiguelife": stats.fatiguelife(c=29, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "fisk": stats.fisk(c=3.09, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "foldcauchy": stats.foldcauchy(c=4.72, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "foldnorm": stats.foldnorm(c=1.95, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), # "frechet_r": stats.frechet_r(c=1.89, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), # "frechet_l": stats.frechet_l(c=3.63, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "genlogistic": stats.genlogistic(c=0.412, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "genpareto": stats.genpareto(c=0.1, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "gennorm": stats.gennorm(beta=1.3, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "genexpon": stats.genexpon(a=9.13, b=16.2, c=3.28, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "genextreme": stats.genextreme(c=-0.1, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "gausshyper": stats.gausshyper(a=13.8, b=3.12, c=2.51, z=5.18, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "gamma": stats.gamma(a=1.99, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "gengamma": stats.gengamma(a=4.42, c=-3.12, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "genhalflogistic": stats.genhalflogistic(c=0.773, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "gilbrat": stats.gilbrat(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "gompertz": stats.gompertz(c=0.947, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "gumbel_r": stats.gumbel_r(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "gumbel_l": stats.gumbel_l(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "halfcauchy": stats.halfcauchy(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "halflogistic": stats.halflogistic(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "halfnorm": stats.halfnorm(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "halfgennorm": stats.halfgennorm(beta=0.675, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "hypsecant": stats.hypsecant(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "invgamma": stats.invgamma(a=4.07, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "invgauss": stats.invgauss(mu=0.145, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "invweibull": stats.invweibull(c=10.6, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "johnsonsb": stats.johnsonsb(a=4.32, b=3.18, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "johnsonsu": stats.johnsonsu(a=2.55, b=2.25, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "ksone": stats.ksone(n=1e03, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "kstwobign": stats.kstwobign(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "laplace": stats.laplace(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "levy": stats.levy(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "levy_l": stats.levy_l(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "levy_stable": stats.levy_stable(alpha=0.357, beta=-0.675, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "logistic": stats.logistic(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "loggamma": stats.loggamma(c=0.414, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "loglaplace": stats.loglaplace(c=3.25, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "lognorm": stats.lognorm(s=0.954, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "lomax": stats.lomax(c=1.88, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "maxwell": stats.maxwell(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "mielke": stats.mielke(k=10.4, s=3.6, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "nakagami": stats.nakagami(nu=4.97, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "ncx2": stats.ncx2(df=21, nc=1.06, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "ncf": stats.ncf(dfn=27, dfd=27, nc=0.416, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "nct": stats.nct(df=14, nc=0.24, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "norm": stats.norm(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "pareto": stats.pareto(b=2.62, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "pearson3": stats.pearson3(skew=0.1, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "powerlaw": stats.powerlaw(a=1.66, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "powerlognorm": stats.powerlognorm(c=2.14, s=0.446, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "powernorm": stats.powernorm(c=4.45, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "rdist": stats.rdist(c=0.9, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "reciprocal": stats.reciprocal(a=0.00623, b=1.01, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "rayleigh": stats.rayleigh(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "rice": stats.rice(b=0.775, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "recipinvgauss": stats.recipinvgauss(mu=0.63, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "semicircular": stats.semicircular(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "t": stats.t(df=2.74, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "triang": stats.triang(c=0.158, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "truncexpon": stats.truncexpon(b=4.69, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "truncnorm": stats.truncnorm(a=0.1, b=2, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "tukeylambda": stats.tukeylambda(lam=3.13, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "uniform": stats.uniform(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "vonmises": stats.vonmises(kappa=3.99, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "vonmises_line": stats.vonmises_line(kappa=3.99, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "wald": stats.wald(loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "weibull_min": stats.weibull_min(c=1.79, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "weibull_max": stats.weibull_max(c=2.87, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), "wrapcauchy": stats.wrapcauchy(c=0.0311, loc=0.0, scale=1.0), }