Example #1
File: catalog.py Project: b-t-g/Sim
def expr_to_filename(expr):
    """ Convert an arbitrary expr string to a valid file name.

        The name is based on the md5 check sum for the string and
        Something that was a little more human readable would be
        nice, but the computer doesn't seem to care.
    import scipy.weave.md5_load as md5
    base = 'sc_'
    return base + md5.new(expr).hexdigest()
Example #2
def expr_to_filename(expr):
    """ Convert an arbitrary expr string to a valid file name.

        The name is based on the md5 check sum for the string and
        Something that was a little more human readable would be
        nice, but the computer doesn't seem to care.
    import scipy.weave.md5_load as md5
    base = 'sc_'
    return base + md5.new(expr).hexdigest()