def NumpyTensorInitializerForVacancy(gridShape, filename, vacancyfile=None): """ Initialize a 10 component plasticity state by reading from a numpy "tofile" type file or two files. """ dict = {('x','x') : (0,0), ('x','y') : (0,1), ('x','z') : (0,2),\ ('y','x') : (1,0), ('y','y') : (1,1), ('y','z') : (1,2),\ ('z','x') : (2,0), ('z','y') : (2,1), ('z','z') : (2,2)} data = fromfile(filename) if vacancyfile is None: data = data.reshape([10] + list(gridShape)) else: data = data.reshape([3,3] + list(gridShape)) dataV = fromfile(vacancyfile) dataV = dataV.reshape(list(gridShape)) state = VacancyState.VacancyState(gridShape) field = state.GetOrderParameterField() if vacancyfile is None: i = 0 for component in field.components: field[component] = copy(data[i]) i += 1 else: for component in field.components: if component[0] not in [x,y,z]: field[component] = copy(dataV) else: field[component] = copy(data[dict[component]]) return state
def get_data(self): self.text_sym.set_text("Symbol: %d" % (self.symbol)) derot_data = scipy.fromfile(self.h_derot_file, dtype=scipy.complex64, count=self.occ_tones) acq_data = scipy.fromfile(self.h_acq_file, dtype=scipy.complex64, count=self.occ_tones) fft_data = scipy.fromfile(self.h_fft_file, dtype=scipy.complex64, count=self.fft_size) if(len(acq_data) == 0): print "End of File" else: self.acq_data_reals = [r.real for r in acq_data] self.acq_data_imags = [i.imag for i in acq_data] self.derot_data_reals = [r.real for r in derot_data] self.derot_data_imags = [i.imag for i in derot_data] self.unequalized_angle = [math.atan2(x.imag, x.real) for x in fft_data] self.equalized_angle = [math.atan2(x.imag, x.real) for x in acq_data] self.derot_equalized_angle = [math.atan2(x.imag, x.real) for x in derot_data] self.time = [i*(1/self.sample_rate) for i in range(len(acq_data))] ffttime = [i*(1/self.sample_rate) for i in range(len(fft_data))] self.freq = self.get_freq(ffttime, self.sample_rate) for i in range(len(fft_data)): if(abs(fft_data[i]) == 0.0): fft_data[i] = complex(1e-6,1e-6) self.fft_data = [20*log10(abs(f)) for f in fft_data]
def main(): print "opening files (this may take a while)..." # open with each bit as an element in a numpy array f1 = numpy.unpackbits(scipy.fromfile(open(FILE1), dtype="uint8")) f2 = numpy.unpackbits(scipy.fromfile(open(FILE2), dtype="uint8")) print f1[:100] print f2[:100] num_bits = len(f1) # split these into a few arrays so that we can print a progress indicator print "splitting arrays..." inputs = numpy.array_split(f1, NUM_SPLITS) outputs = numpy.array_split(f2, NUM_SPLITS) errors = 0 # determine BER for each second/pair of arrays for i in range(NUM_SPLITS): ins = inputs[i] outs = outputs[i] # count number that are the same errors += numpy.sum(ins != outs) print str((i + 1) / float(NUM_SPLITS) * 100) + "%..." print "...done!" print "total bits: " + str(num_bits) print "errors: " + str(errors) print "bit error ratio: " + str(errors) + "/" + str( num_bits) + " = " + str(errors / float(num_bits))
def main(argv): inputfile = '' original_file = '' indices_file = '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h:d:i:o:", ["dfile=", "itype=", "ofile="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print ' -d <file_to_decode> -o <original_file> -i <indices_file>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: print opt, arg, if opt == '-h': print ' -d <file_to_decode> -o <original_file> -i <indices_file> ' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-d", "--dfile"): inputfile = arg elif opt in ("-i", "--itype"): indices_file = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"): original_file = arg else: print "check help for usage" sys.exit() print inputfile print inputfile.split('_') to_decode_file = scipy.fromfile(open(inputfile), dtype=scipy.float32) original_string = scipy.fromfile(open(original_file), dtype=scipy.float32) oracle_indices = np.load(indices_file) print "\n lengths for measured data:", len( to_decode_file), "length of orig transmission: ", len(original_string) get_index = start_index(to_decode_file) start_data_index = get_index + 1 # get_index+1 #(m-get_index) #m - (len(preamble) - get_index) +1 print "starting of data is ", start_data_index plt.plot(to_decode_file[:start_data_index], '*-') plt.savefig('abhinav.pdf') plt.clf() original_message = original_string[len(preamble):] to_decode_data1 = to_decode_file[start_data_index:] to_decode_data = to_decode_data1.astype(np.int64) #print "lengths of data going in:", len(original_message), len(to_decode_data) #bin_rep_to_decode=decoding_maj3(oracle_indices,to_decode_data) bin_rep_to_decode = single_demod(oracle_indices, to_decode_data) ber_single(oracle_indices, to_decode_data, original_message) print "\nGoing to decode" rs = reedsolo.RSCodec(32) message_decoded = '' try: message_decoded = rs.decode(bin_rep_to_decode) except: print "Cannot decode using RS decoder " print "decoded message is ", message_decoded print "\n"
def loadData(input_data_path, output_data_path): """ load Training Data, include real and imag part :return: dict contains all data """ train_input = scipy.fromfile(open(input_data_path), dtype=scipy.complex64) train_output = scipy.fromfile(open(output_data_path), dtype=scipy.complex64) data = {"X": train_input, "Y": train_output} return data
def loadData(path_data1, path_data2, binSizeTim): ch0 = scipy.fromfile(path_data1, dtype=scipy.complex64) ch1 = scipy.fromfile(path_data2, dtype=scipy.complex64) N = min(len(ch0), len(ch1)) rem = N % binSizeTim bNum = int(math.floor(N / binSizeTim)) ch0rshp = np.reshape(ch0[0:N - rem], [binSizeTim, bNum]) ch1rshp = np.reshape(ch1[0:N - rem], [binSizeTim, bNum]) return ch0rshp, ch1rshp
def main(argv): inputfile='' original_file='' indices_file='' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"h:d:i:o:",["dfile=","itype=","ofile="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print ' -d <file_to_decode> -o <original_file> -i <indices_file>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: print opt ,arg, if opt == '-h': print ' -d <file_to_decode> -o <original_file> -i <indices_file> ' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-d", "--dfile"): inputfile = arg elif opt in ("-i", "--itype"): indices_file = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"): original_file = arg else: print "check help for usage" sys.exit() print inputfile print inputfile.split('_') to_decode_file = scipy.fromfile(open(inputfile), dtype=scipy.float32) original_string = scipy.fromfile(open(original_file), dtype=scipy.float32) oracle_indices = np.load(indices_file) print "\n lengths for measured data:" , len(to_decode_file), "length of orig transmission: ",len(original_string) get_index=start_index(to_decode_file) start_data_index = get_index+1 # get_index+1 #(m-get_index) #m - (len(preamble) - get_index) +1 print "starting of data is ", start_data_index plt.plot(to_decode_file[:start_data_index],'*-') plt.savefig('abhinav.pdf') plt.clf() original_message =original_string[len(preamble):] to_decode_data1= to_decode_file[start_data_index:] to_decode_data= to_decode_data1.astype(np.int64) #print "lengths of data going in:", len(original_message), len(to_decode_data) #bin_rep_to_decode=decoding_maj3(oracle_indices,to_decode_data) bin_rep_to_decode=single_demod(oracle_indices,to_decode_data) ber_single(oracle_indices,to_decode_data, original_message) print "\nGoing to decode" rs= reedsolo.RSCodec(32) message_decoded ='' try: message_decoded = rs.decode(bin_rep_to_decode) except: print "Cannot decode using RS decoder " print "decoded message is ",message_decoded print "\n"
def plot_crosscorrelation(path_data1, path_data2, sample_size): # Read in data ch0 = scipy.fromfile(path_data1, dtype=scipy.complex64, count=sample_size) ch1 = scipy.fromfile(path_data2, dtype=scipy.complex64, count=sample_size) bucketSize = 100 # Number of samples N = len(ch0) bNum = int(math.floor(N / bucketSize)) # Sampling frequency f_s = 1.0E6 # Sampling period T_s = 1 / f_s # Doppler frequency range n_f_dop = 120 f_dop = np.arange(0, n_f_dop, step=1) # time delay range R = 100 plt.ion() # plt.colorbar() # corr = np.zeros((bucketSize, len(f_dop), bNum), dtype=np.complex64) corr_tmp = np.zeros((R, len(f_dop)), dtype=np.complex64) print(corr_tmp.shape) for bi in range(bNum): iStart = bi * bucketSize #iEnd = iStart + bucketSize - 1 #i0 = 0 den_1 = 1 / R for i in range(R): for j in range(len(f_dop)): # This equation is wrong, there must be a shift between ch0 and ch1 # corr[i0,j, bi] = ch0[i] * ch1[i] * np.exp(-1j *2*np.pi*f_dop[j]/(len(ch1))) corr_tmp[i, j] = ch0[i + iStart] * ch1[i + iStart - j] * np.exp( -1j * 2 * np.pi * f_dop[j] * den_1) #i0 += 1 plt.clf() # plt.plot(np.sin(np.arange(100)/float(bi+1))) plt.title("Bin number " + str(bi)) plt.imshow(corr_tmp.imag) # plt.pcolormesh(corr_tmp.real) plt.pause(0.01) plt.ioff()
def readdatafile(fname): root, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) path, base = os.path.split(root) datafilename = base + ext parfile = root + '.par' (common, channels) = readparfile(parfile) channelindex = [n for n,d in enumerate(channels) if d['file'] == datafilename][0] thechannel = channels[channelindex] i = Data.Image() i.Name = datafilename i.ImageType = 'Topo' i.XPos = float(common['X Offset']) i.YPos = float(common['Y Offset']) i.XSize = float(common['Field X Size in nm']) i.YSize = float(common['Field Y Size in nm']) i.XRes = int(common['Image Size in X']) i.YRes = int(common['Image Size in Y']) i.ZScale = (float(thechannel['maxphys']) - float(thechannel['minphys'])) / \ (float(thechannel['maxraw']) - float(thechannel['minraw'])) i.UBias = float(pickValueForMode(common,thechannel,'Gap Voltage')) i.ISet = float(pickValueForMode(common,thechannel,'Feedback Set')) i.ScanSpeed = float(common['Scan Speed']) i.d = scipy.fromfile(file=fname,dtype=scipy.int16) i.d = i.d.byteswap() i.d.shape = i.XRes, i.YRes i.updateDataRange() return i
def read_sample_file(path, filename, basetype=scipy.float32): cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) os.chdir(path) packed_samples = scipy.fromfile(open(filename), dtype=basetype) y = packed_samples[::2] + 1j * packed_samples[1::2] os.chdir(cwd) return y
def read_pst(pst_path): """ read tillvision based .pst files as uint16. note: this func was flagged deprecated ("use the version in gioIO" instead, but that one never existed ... ") problematic: does not work on all .pst on my machine """ inf_path = os.path.splitext(pst_path)[0] + '.inf' # reading stack size from inf meta = {} with open(inf_path,'r') as fh: # for line in fh.readlines(): try: k,v = line.strip().split('=') meta[k] = v except: pass shape = sp.int32((meta['Width'],meta['Height'],meta['Frames'])) raw = sp.fromfile(pst_path,dtype='int16') data = sp.reshape(raw,shape,order='F') return data.astype('uint16')
def count(plot=False ): #Use plot to allow calling from other (supervisor) functions # File operations f = scipy.fromfile(open(getcwd() + '/' + relative_path_to_file), dtype=scipy.float32) if Verbose: print("Number of datapoints is: %i" % f.size) #f = f[first_sample:last_sample] abs_f = abs(f[0::2] + 1j * f[1::2]) try: abs_f = abs_f / np.amax(abs_f) except Exception as e: print("Error when normalising: \"%s\" " % e) return 0 # Matched filter to reduce hf noise abs_f = scipy.signal.correlate(abs_f, np.ones(decim), mode='same') / decim count_rn16 = count_rn16s_gate(abs_f, plot) if plot: # plt.plot(abs_f) plt.plot(np.around(abs_f / np.amax(abs_f))) return count_rn16
def __init__(self, filename, center_freq=850e6, sample_rate=5e5, file_datatype = np.complex64): self.filename = filename; self.freq = center_freq; self.samp_rate = sample_rate self.cmplx_data = scipy.fromfile(open(filename), dtype = file_datatype) self.n = len(self.cmplx_data) self.samp_spacing = 1.0/self.samp_rate
def after_record(tb, cf): tb.stop() tb.wait() import scipy vals = scipy.fromfile(open("out"), dtype=float) #print vals print len(vals) readings_per_sample = 2048 samples = len(vals)/readings_per_sample sums = ([0] * readings_per_sample) for i in range(samples): sample = vals[i*readings_per_sample:(i+1)*readings_per_sample] for j in range(readings_per_sample): sums[j] += sample[j] for i in xrange(readings_per_sample): sums[i] /= samples #print sums #for i in range(readings_per_sample): #print sums[i].imag ,sums[i].real #print sums[i].real print len(sums) x = [cf-1e6+i*(4e6/readings_per_sample) for i in range(readings_per_sample/2)] y = [10*(math.log10((sums[i])/10**5)) for i in range(readings_per_sample/2)] #if x[i] == cf: #y=0 with open(get_record_filename(cf), "w") as f: f.write(str(zip(x, y)))
def count(plot=False): #Use plot to allow calling from other (supervisor) functions # File operations f = scipy.fromfile(open(getcwd() + '/' + relative_path_to_file), dtype=scipy.float32) if Verbose: print("Number of datapoints is: %i"% f.size) #f = f[first_sample:last_sample] abs_f = abs(f[0::2] + 1j * f[1::2]) try: abs_f = abs_f / np.amax(abs_f) except Exception as e: print("Error when normalising: \"%s\" "%e) return 0 # Matched filter to reduce hf noise abs_f = scipy.signal.correlate(abs_f, np.ones(decim), mode='same') / decim #Remove dc to_remove = abs_f < 0.25 abs_f = np.delete(abs_f, np.where(to_remove)) mean = np.mean(abs_f) if mean<0.7: print("Mean value is %0.4f <0.7 so reads present: "%mean,end='') count_rn16 = count_rn16s_filter(abs_f,plot) else: print("Mean value is %0.4f >0.7 so no reads present"%mean,end='') return 0 if plot: # plt.plot(abs_f) plt.plot(abs_f) return count_rn16
def get_data(self, hfile): self.text_file_pos.set_text("FilePosition: %d" % (hfile.tell() // self.sizeof_data)) try: f = scipy.fromfile(hfile, dtype=self.datatype, count=self.block_length) except MemoryError: print "End of File" else: self.f = scipy.array(f) self.time = scipy.array( [i * (1 / self.sample_rate) for i in range(len(self.f))]) fhh2 = open(r'/home/andy/kk.txt', 'w') print str(len(self.f)) data = [] for j in range(len(self.f)): data.append((self.f[j])) fhh2.write(str(data)) fhh2.close()
def get_data(self): self.position = self.hfile.tell() / self.sizeof_data self.text_file_pos.set_text("File Position: %d" % self.position) try: = scipy.fromfile(self.hfile, dtype=self.datatype, count=self.block_length) except MemoryError: print("End of File") return False else: # retesting length here as newer version of scipy # does not throw a MemoryError, just returns a zero-length array. if (len( > 0): tstep = 1.0 / self.sample_rate #self.time = scipy.array([tstep*(self.position + i) # for i in xrange(len(]) self.time = scipy.array( [tstep * (i) for i in xrange(len(]) self.iq_psd, self.freq = self.dopsd( return True else: print "End of File" return False
def get_all_values(self, p_channels_num=1): assert (p_channels_num > 0) self.finish_reading() self.start_reading() f_len = float(os.path.getsize(self._file_path)) ch_len = int((f_len / self._sample_size) / p_channels_num) if ch_len * self._sample_size * p_channels_num != f_len:''.join([ "Remained samples ", str(f_len - ch_len * self._sample_size * p_channels_num), " .Should be 0." ])) vals = scipy.zeros((p_channels_num, ch_len)) k = 0 while True: try: r = scipy.fromfile(self._data_file, self._sample_struct_type, p_channels_num) except MemoryError: break if len(r) < p_channels_num: break for i in range(p_channels_num): vals[i, k] = r[i] k += 1 return vals
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('file', help="Raw sample file") parser.add_argument('--thres', type=int, default=1000, help="Power threshold") parser.add_argument('--out', help="Output file") parser.add_argument( '--skip', type=int, default=int(0.1 * 20e6), help="Inital samples to skip (USRP stabilization period)") args = parser.parse_args() wave = scipy.fromfile(args.file, dtype=scipy.int16) raw_samples = [ complex(i, q) for i, q in itertools.izip(wave[::2], wave[1::2]) ] print "%d raw samples" % (len(raw_samples)) if args.out is None: args.out = '_condensed'.join(os.path.splitext(args.file)) fh = open(args.out, 'wb') state = 'idle' count = 0 countdown = 0 for i in xrange(0, len(raw_samples), WINDOW): if i < args.skip: continue if state == 'idle': if any( [abs(c.real) > args.thres for c in raw_samples[i:i + WINDOW]]): state = 'trigger' countdown = 80 * 10 count += 1 if state == 'trigger': if countdown > 0: do_write = True elif any( [abs(c.real) > args.thres for c in raw_samples[i:i + WINDOW]]): do_write = True else: do_write = False state = 'idle' if do_write: for c in raw_samples[i:i + WINDOW]: fh.write(struct.pack('<hh', int(c.real), int(c.imag))) countdown -= WINDOW fh.close() print "%d packets" % (count) print "Output written to %s" % (args.out)
def do_GET(self): self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type","text/html") self.end_headers() query_string = urlparse.urlparse(self.path).query if(self.path == PATH_FLOW_GRAPH): fp = open(PATH_FLOW_GRAPH,"rb") self.wfile.write( else: query_string = urllib.unquote(query_string) #Gather individual parameters param_list = query_string.split("&") #append filename of xml parsing file param_list.insert(0,"./") xmlproc = subprocess.Popen(param_list) xmlproc.wait() process = subprocess.Popen([PATH_TOP_BLOCK], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) time.sleep(2) process.kill() arr = scipy.fromfile(OUT_FILE_PATH,dtype=scipy.float32,count=NUM_VALUES) value = [] for i in range(NUM_VALUES): value.append([str(i),float(arr[i])]) description = [('Output number','string'),('Result','number')] table = gviz_api.DataTable(description) path_flow_graph = PATH_FLOW_GRAPH res = """ <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(%(values)s,0.6); var options = { title: 'Square Plot' }; var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div')); chart.draw(data, options); } </script> </head> <body> <h1>FLOW GRAPH:</h1><br/> <img src=%(path_flow_graph)s alt="flow graph" height="700" width="900" align="middle"> <h1>PLOT:</h1><br/> <div id="chart_div" style="width: 1200px; height: 350px;"></div> </body> </html> """ table.AppendData(value) values = table.ToJSon(columns_order=('Output number','Result')) result = res % vars() self.wfile.write(result)
def volume_from_file(filename, frameshape=(512, 512)): with file(filename) as fp: arr = scipy.fromfile(fp, dtype=scipy.uint8) x, y = frameshape n, = arr.shape n /= x * y arr.shape = n, x, y return arr
def read_dat(self, filename=None): if not filename: filename = self.filename try: return sp.fromfile(filename) except: CXP.log.error('Could not extract data from data file.') raise
def NumpyTensorInitializer(gridShape, filename, bin=True): """ Initialize a 9 component plasticity state by reading from a numpy "tofile" type file. """ if bin: data = fromfile(filename) else: data = fromfile(filename,sep=' ') data = data.reshape([3,3] + list(gridShape)) state = PlasticityState.PlasticityState(gridShape) dict = {('x','x') : (0,0), ('x','y') : (0,1), ('x','z') : (0,2),\ ('y','x') : (1,0), ('y','y') : (1,1), ('y','z') : (1,2),\ ('z','x') : (2,0), ('z','y') : (2,1), ('z','z') : (2,2)} field = state.GetOrderParameterField() for component in field.components: field[component] = copy(data[dict[component]]) return state
def read_samples_scipy(self,filename, blocklen): import scipy print filename iq_samples = scipy.fromfile(filename, dtype=scipy.complex64, count=blocklen) return iq_samples
def loadData(self): """ Load raw data from file """ signal = scipy.fromfile(open(self.fileName + '.raw'), dtype=scipy.complex64) signal = np.array(signal) return signal
def make_prediction(self,sample_file): import scipy print sample_file iq_samples = scipy.fromfile(sample_file, dtype=scipy.complex64) print iq_samples.shape fi, Pxi = self.PSD(iq_samples,3e6) # Compute PSD tmpdf = self.ComputeFreqFeatures(Pxi,fi) # Feature Engineering return self.le_l.inverse_transform(self.predict_h2(tmpdf)) # Return predictions
def plot_crosscorrelation(path_data1, path_data2, sample_size=None): # Read in data sample_size = 50000 ch0 = scipy.fromfile(path_data1, dtype=scipy.complex64, count=sample_size) ch1 = scipy.fromfile(path_data2, dtype=scipy.complex64, count=sample_size) c = float(3E8) f0 = float(88.8E6) maxrange = float(100E3) maxvel = 500 / 3.6 maxdoppler = (c + maxvel) / c * f0 - f0 maxdelay = maxrange / c fs = float(200E3) min_len = min(len(ch0), len(ch1)) maxshift = int(round(maxdelay * fs)) maxtrans = int(round(min_len * maxdoppler / fs)) print(maxtrans, maxdoppler, len(ch0), len(ch1)) ch0_fft = fftpack.fft(ch0) ch1_fft = fftpack.fft(ch1) out = np.zeros((2 * maxtrans + 1, 2 * maxshift), dtype=np.complex64) # plt.ion() for i in range(-maxtrans, maxtrans): # ch1s = np.copy(ch1) corr_fft = ch0_fft * np.roll(ch1, i) corr = fftpack.ifft(corr_fft) out[i + maxtrans + 1] = np.concatenate( (corr[-maxshift:], corr[:maxshift])) print(out.shape) out = np.absolute(out) # plt.clf() # plt.plot(np.sin(np.arange(100)/float(bi+1))) # plt.title("Bin number "+str(bi)) plt.imshow(out) # plt.pcolormesh(corr_tmp.real) # plt.pause(0.01) # plt.ioff()
def get_data(self, hfile): self.text_file_pos.set_text("File Position: %d" % (hfile.tell()//self.sizeof_data)) f = scipy.fromfile(hfile, dtype=self.datatype, count=self.block_length) #print "Read in %d items" % len(self.f) if(len(f) == 0): print "End of File" else: self.f = f self.time = [i*(1/self.sample_rate) for i in range(len(self.f))]
def generate_plot(filepath): ''' Make a basic plot of the binary output data (from gnuradio) ''' dataLen = 1000 data = scipy.fromfile(open(filepath), dtype=scipy.complex64, count=dataLen) plt.figure() plt.plot(data)
def _fromfile(self, fileid): self.header=sc.rec.fromfile(fileid, dtype=_HEADER_1, shape=1, byteorder='<')[0] dtype=self.get_dtype(self.header.datatype) xdim=self.header.xdim ydim=self.header.ydim nfram=self.header.NumFrames data=sc.fromfile(fileid, dtype=dtype, count=nfram*xdim*ydim) self.frames=sc.reshape(data,(nfram, ydim, xdim,))
def get_data(self, hfile): self.text_file_pos.set_text("File Position: %d" % (hfile.tell() // self.sizeof_data)) try: f = scipy.fromfile(hfile, dtype=self.datatype, count=self.block_length) except MemoryError: print "End of File" else: self.f = scipy.array(f) self.time = scipy.array([i * (1 / self.sample_rate) for i in range(len(self.f))])
def gr_f32_file_input(fp, verbose=0): #desc: Imports GNU Radio Float32 File #input: full path to file, assumes is valid #output: list of floats for doppler data #import gnuradio float32 type, uses scipy f = scipy.fromfile(open(fp, 'r'), dtype=scipy.float32) if verbose: print "Found {:d} 32 bit floats".format(len(f)) return f
def get_data(self, hfile): self.text_file_pos.set_text("File Position: %d" % (hfile.tell()//self.sizeof_data)) try: f = scipy.fromfile(hfile, dtype=self.datatype, count=self.block_length) except MemoryError: print("End of File") else: self.f = scipy.array(f) self.time = scipy.array([i*(1 / self.sample_rate) for i in range(len(self.f))])
def get_data(self): self.text_file_pos.set_text("File Position: %d" % (self.hfile.tell()//self.sizeof_data)) = scipy.fromfile(self.hfile, dtype=self.datatype, count=self.block_length) #print "Read in %d items" % len( if(len( == 0): print "End of File" else: self.reals = [r.real for r in] self.imags = [i.imag for i in] self.time = [i*(1/self.sample_rate) for i in range(len(self.reals))]
def process(self, limit): '''Get upto limit values from outfile and return values to caller''' process = subprocess.Popen(self.path) time.sleep(2) process.kill() arr = scipy.fromfile(self.outfile, dtype=scipy.float32, count=limit) value = [] for i in range(limit): value.append([str(i), float(arr[i])]) return value
def _read_index_file(self, ext): f = self.__dict__['f' + ext]'Reading file %s ...' % if ext == 'fts': vals ='\n')[:-1] else: vals = scipy.fromfile(f, sep='\n', dtype=scipy.int32) if ext == 'fts' or ext == 'ids': vals = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(vals)) self.__dict__[ext] = vals
def __init__(self, filename, center_freq=850e6, sample_rate=5e5, decimation=1, file_datatype=np.complex64): self.filename = filename self.freq = center_freq self.samp_rate = sample_rate self.cmplx_data = scipy.fromfile(open(filename), dtype=file_datatype) self.decimation = decimation if self.decimation > 1: self.cmplx_data = scipy.signal.resample( scipy.fromfile(open(filename), dtype=file_datatype), self.samp_rate / self.decimation) self.samp_rate = sample_rate / self.decimation self.n = len(self.cmplx_data) print 'self.n: ', self.n self.samp_spacing = 1.0 / self.samp_rate
def _read_index_file(self, ext): f = self.__dict__['f'+ext]'Reading file %s ...' % if ext == 'fts': vals ='\n')[:-1] else: vals = scipy.fromfile(f, sep='\n', dtype=scipy.int32) if ext == 'fts' or ext == 'ids': vals = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(vals)) self.__dict__[ext] = vals
def get_data(self): self.text_file_pos.set_text("File Position: %d" % (self.hfile.tell()//self.sizeof_data)) try: = scipy.fromfile(self.hfile, dtype=self.datatype, count=self.block_length) except MemoryError: print "End of File" else: self.reals = scipy.array([r.real for r in]) self.imags = scipy.array([i.imag for i in]) self.time = scipy.array([i*(1/self.sample_rate) for i in range(len(self.reals))])
def filereader(filename): z= scipy.fromfile(open(filename), dtype=scipy.complex64) # dtype with scipy.int16, scipy.int32, scipy.float32, scipy.complex64 or whatever type you were using. mag, phase,x,y = [], [], [], [] for i in range(0, len(z)): mag.append(np.absolute(z[i])) x.append(z[i].real) y.append(z[i].imag) phase.append(np.angle(z[i])) return [x,y,mag, phase,z]
def process(self,limit): '''Get upto limit values from outfile and return values to caller''' process = subprocess.Popen(self.path) time.sleep(2) process.kill() arr = scipy.fromfile(self.outfile, dtype=scipy.float32, count = limit) value = [] for i in range(limit): value.append([str(i),float(arr[i])]) return value
def read_grc_data(self): """Loads data from given path (self.path) and identifier (self.ident) :returns: Array of [time and phase] values. """ self.phase = scipy.fromfile(open(self.path + '/' + self.ident + '/' + self.ident + '-phase-new.dat'), dtype=scipy.float32) self.time = scipy.fromfile(open(self.path + '/' + self.ident + '/' + self.ident + '-time-new.dat'), dtype=scipy.float32) # fixes different lenghts of data phase and time, this does not significantly "destroy" data if len(self.phase) < len(self.time): self.time = self.time[:len(self.phase)] elif len(self.phase) > len(self.time): self.phase = self.phase[:len(self.time)] return [self.time, self.phase]
def get_data(self): self.text_file_pos.set_text("File Position: %d" % (self.hfile.tell()//self.sizeof_data)) self.floats = scipy.fromfile(self.hfile, dtype=self.datatype, count=self.block_length) #print "Read in %d items" % len(self.floats) if(len(self.floats) == 0): print "End of File" else: self.f_fft = self.dofft(self.floats) self.time = [i*(1/self.sample_rate) for i in range(len(self.floats))] self.freq = self.calc_freq(self.time, self.sample_rate)
def avim(dtype = float, pix=2048): ''' averages scipy stored binary DATs. Inputs: the dtype and the image size ''' filenames = tkFileDialog.askopenfilenames(title = 'select files to average', filetypes=[('Scipy DATs','.dat')]) im = sp.zeros((pix,pix)) for file in filenames: im += 1.*sp.fromfile(file,dtype).reshape(pix,pix) return im/len(filenames)
def get_data(self): self.position = self.hfile.tell()/self.sizeof_data self.text_file_pos.set_text("File Position: %d" % self.position) = scipy.fromfile(self.hfile, dtype=self.datatype, count=self.block_length) #print "Read in %d items" % len( if(len( == 0): print "End of File" else: tstep = 1.0 / self.sample_rate self.time = [tstep*(self.position + i) for i in xrange(len(] self.iq_psd, self.freq = self.dopsd(
def zeroextract2d(N,filename): a = fromfile(filename) a = a.reshape(9,N,N) b = numpy.zeros((9,N/2,N/2),float) for i in range(9): ka = fft.rfftn(a[i]) kb = numpy.zeros((N/2,N/4+1),complex) kb[:N/4,:]=ka[:N/4,:N/4+1] kb[-N/4:,:]=ka[-N/4:,:N/4+1] b[i] = fft.irfftn(kb) b /= 4. b.tofile(filename.replace(str(N),str(N/2)))
def get_data(self): self.position = self.hfile.tell()/self.sizeof_data self.text_file_pos.set_text("File Position: %d" % self.position) try: = scipy.fromfile(self.hfile, dtype=self.datatype, count=self.block_length) except MemoryError: print "End of File" else: tstep = 1.0 / self.sample_rate #self.time = scipy.array([tstep*(self.position + i) for i in xrange(len(]) self.time = scipy.array([tstep*(i) for i in xrange(len(]) self.iq_psd, self.freq = self.dopsd(
def NumpyTensorInitializerForRho(gridShape, filename): """ Initialize a 9 component plasticity state by reading from a numpy "tofile" type file. """ data = fromfile(filename) data = data.reshape([3,3] + list(gridShape)) dict = {('x','x') : (0,0), ('x','y') : (0,1), ('x','z') : (0,2),\ ('y','x') : (1,0), ('y','y') : (1,1), ('y','z') : (1,2),\ ('z','x') : (2,0), ('z','y') : (2,1), ('z','z') : (2,2)} rho = Fields.TensorField(gridShape) for component in rho.components: rho[component] = copy(data[dict[component]]) state = RhoState.RhoState(gridShape, field=rho) return state
def get_data(self): self.text_file_pos.set_text("File Position: %d" % (self.hfile.tell() // self.sizeof_data)) try: iq = scipy.fromfile(self.hfile, dtype=self.datatype, count=self.block_length) except MemoryError: print "End of File" else: # retesting length here as newer version of scipy does not throw a MemoryError, just # returns a zero-length array if len(iq) > 0: self.reals = scipy.array([r.real for r in iq]) self.imags = scipy.array([i.imag for i in iq]) self.time = scipy.array([i * (1 / self.sample_rate) for i in range(len(self.reals))]) return True else: print "End of File" return False
def _get_channels(self, chans, kind='a'): """returns a numpy array of the channel data""" # init and check if kind not in ['a', 'd', 'e']: raise ValueError('unknown kind (%s), accepts: \'a\', \'d\' and \'e\'!') ch = {'a': self._ch_analog, 'd': self._ch_digital, 'e': self._ch_event}[kind] dtype = {'a': sp.int16, 'd': sp.int32, 'e': sp.int32}[kind] if not chans: raise ValueError('chans not valid!') n_sample = 0 for c in chans: try: if ch[c].n_sample > n_sample: n_sample = ch[c].n_sample except KeyError: warnings.warn('invalid channel: %s' % c, RuntimeWarning) if n_sample == 0: warnings.warn('no data for chans %s' % str(chans), RuntimeWarning) return sp.zeros((n_sample, len(chans)), dtype=dtype) # collect data rval = sp.zeros((n_sample, len(chans)), dtype=dtype) for i, c in enumerate(chans): # load from file try: header = ch[c] load_item = sp.fromfile(file=self._file, count=header.n_sample, dtype=dtype) except KeyError: warnings.warn('invalid channel: %s!' % c, RuntimeWarning) load_item = sp.zeros(n_sample, dtype=dtype) # unfortunately the channel shapes are not always consistent # across the tetrode. but we preallocate space such that the # largest item may fit in the buffer. rval[:load_item.size, i] = load_item # return stuff return rval
def read_samples_c(filename, start, in_size, min_size=0): # Complex samples are handled differently fhandle = open(filename, 'r')*gr.sizeof_gr_complex, 0) data = scipy.fromfile(fhandle, dtype=scipy.complex64, count=in_size) data_min = 1.1*float(min(data.real.min(), data.imag.min())) data_max = 1.1*float(max(data.real.max(), data.imag.max())) data = data.tolist() fhandle.close() if(min_size > 0): if(len(data) < in_size): print "Warning: read in {0} samples but asked for {1} samples.".format( len(data), in_size) else: # If we have to, append 0's to create min_size samples of data if(len(data) < min_size): data += (min_size - len(data)) * [complex(0,0)] return data, data_min, data_max
def filereader(filename,fs): z= scipy.fromfile(open(filename), dtype=scipy.complex64) print "length of total z= ", len(z) # dtype with scipy.int16, scipy.int32, scipy.float32, scipy.complex64 or whatever type you were using. mag, phase,x,y = [], [], [], [] start_sec=0.001 end_sec=0.1 z_needed = z[start_sec*fs: end_sec*fs] #z_needed = z[600+start_sec*fs: 600+end_sec*fs] z=z_needed len_z = int(len(z)) print "length of needed z= ", len(z) #len_z = int(20.0/6*len(z)) #len_z = int(400.0/6000*len(z)) for i in range(0, len_z): mag.append(np.absolute(z[i])) x.append(z[i].real) y.append(z[i].imag) phase.append(np.angle(z[i])) return [x,y,mag, phase,z]
def get_data(self): self.position = self.hfile.tell()/self.sizeof_data self.text_file_pos.set_text("File Position: %d" % self.position) try: = scipy.fromfile(self.hfile, dtype=self.datatype, count=self.block_length) except MemoryError: print "End of File" return False else: # retesting length here as newer version of scipy does not throw a MemoryError, just # returns a zero-length array if(len( > 0): tstep = 1.0 / self.sample_rate #self.time = scipy.array([tstep*(self.position + i) for i in xrange(len(]) self.time = scipy.array([tstep*(i) for i in xrange(len(]) self.iq_psd, self.freq = self.dopsd( return True else: print "End of File" return False
def read_samples(filename, start, in_size, min_size, dtype, dtype_size): # Read in_size number of samples from file fhandle = open(filename, 'r')*dtype_size, 0) data = scipy.fromfile(fhandle, dtype=dtype, count=in_size) data_min = 1.1*data.min() data_max = 1.1*data.max() data = data.tolist() fhandle.close() if(min_size > 0): if(len(data) < in_size): print "Warning: read in {0} samples but asked for {1} samples.".format( len(data), in_size) else: # If we have to, append 0's to create min_size samples of data if(len(data) < min_size): data += (min_size - len(data)) * [dtype(0)] return data, data_min, data_max