Example #1
def recoverM3( k, P12, P13, P123 ):
    """Recover M3 from P_12, P_13 and P_123"""
    # Get singular vectors
    U1, _, U2 = svdk( P12, k )
    _, _, U3 = svdk( P13, k )
    U2, U3 = U2.T, U3.T

    # Check U_1.T P_{12} U_2 is invertible
    assert( sc.absolute( det( U1.T.dot( P12 ).dot( U2 ) ) ) > 1e-16 )

    while True:
        # Get a random basis set
        theta = orthogonal( k )
        eta = U3.dot( theta ).T

        # Get the eigen value matrix L
        B123 = lambda eta_: U1.T.dot( P123( eta_ ) ).dot( U2 ).dot( inv( U1.T.dot( P12 ). dot( U2 ) ) )

        l, R1 = eig( B123( eta[0] ) )
        R1 = array( map( lambda col: col/norm(col), R1.T ) ).T
        assert( norm(R1.T[0]) - 1.0 < 1e-10 )

        # Restart
        if not ( sc.isreal( l ).all() ): continue

        L = [l.real]
        for i in xrange( 1, k ):
            l = diag( inv(R1).dot( B123( eta[i] ).dot( R1 ) ) )
            # Restart
            if not ( sc.isreal( l ).all() ): continue
            L.append( l )
        L = array( sc.vstack( L ) )

        M3_ = U3.dot( inv(theta.T) ).dot( L )
        return M3_
Example #2
def par_duff_bif(sigma=2.0, alpha=2.0, mu=0.5):
    #All parameters set to one for this simple illustration.
    k2 = sp.sqrt(sigma**2 + 4 * mu**2)

    k = sp.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * k2, 1000)
    ahigh = sp.sqrt(4 / 3 / alpha * (sigma + sp.sqrt(k**2 - 4 * mu**2)))
    mask_high = sp.isreal(ahigh)
    plt.plot(k[mask_high], sp.real(ahigh[mask_high]), '-k')

    alow = sp.sqrt(4 / 3 / alpha * (sigma - sp.sqrt(k**2 - 4 * mu**2)))
    mask_low = sp.isreal(alow)
    plt.plot(k[mask_low], sp.real(alow[mask_low]), '--k')

    plt.plot(k[k < k2], k[k < k2] * 0, '-k')
    plt.plot(k[k > k2], k[k > k2] * 0, '--k')

    plt.annotate('$k_2$', xy=(k2 + .03, 0.03))
    plt.title('Bifurcation Diagram using $k$ as a control parameter.')
    plt.axis([0, 2.0 * k2, -0.1,
Example #3
def evalgrid1D(f, evalgrid=None, nGrid=10, minval=0.0, maxval=0.99999, dimF=0):
    evaluate a function f(x) on all values of a grid.
    f(x)    : callable target function
    evalgrid: 1-D array prespecified grid of x-values
    nGrid   : number of x-grid points to evaluate f(x)
    minval  : minimum x-value for optimization of f(x)
    maxval  : maximum x-value for optimization of f(x)
    evalgrid    : x-values
    resultgrid  : f(x)-values
    if evalgrid is None:
        step = (maxval - minval) / (nGrid)
        evalgrid = SP.arange(minval, maxval + step, step)
    if dimF:
        resultgrid = SP.ones((evalgrid.shape[0], dimF)) * 9999999999999.0
        resultgrid = SP.ones(evalgrid.shape[0]) * 9999999999999.0
    for i in xrange(evalgrid.shape[0]):
        fevalgrid = f(evalgrid[i])

        is_real = False
            is_real = SP.isreal(fevalgrid).all()
            is_real = SP.isreal(fevalgrid)
        assert is_real, "function returned imaginary value"

        resultgrid[i] = fevalgrid
    return (evalgrid, resultgrid)
Example #4
def evalgrid1D(f, evalgrid = None, nGrid=10, minval=0.0, maxval = 0.99999, dimF=0):
    evaluate a function f(x) on all values of a grid.
    f(x)    : callable target function
    evalgrid: 1-D array prespecified grid of x-values
    nGrid   : number of x-grid points to evaluate f(x)
    minval  : minimum x-value for optimization of f(x)
    maxval  : maximum x-value for optimization of f(x)
    evalgrid    : x-values
    resultgrid  : f(x)-values
    if evalgrid is None:
        step = (maxval-minval)/(nGrid)
        evalgrid = SP.arange(minval,maxval+step,step)
    if dimF:
        resultgrid = SP.ones((evalgrid.shape[0],dimF))*9999999999999.0
        resultgrid = SP.ones(evalgrid.shape[0])*9999999999999.0
    for i in xrange(evalgrid.shape[0]):        
        fevalgrid = f(evalgrid[i])

            is_real = SP.isreal(fevalgrid).all()
            is_real = SP.isreal(fevalgrid)
        assert is_real,"function returned imaginary value"

        resultgrid[i] = fevalgrid
    return (evalgrid,resultgrid)
def geoidheight(lat, lon):
    Calculate geoid height using the EGM96 Geopotential Model.

    lat : array_like
        Lateral coordinates [degrees]. Values must be -90 <= lat <= 90.
    lon : array_like
        Longitudinal coordinates [degrees]. Values must be 0 <= lon <= 360.

    out : array_like
        Geoidheight [meters]

    >>> geoidheight(30, 20)
    >>> geoidheight([30, 20],[40, 20])
    [9.800000000000002, 14.43]

    global _EGM96

    # convert the input value to array
    itype, lat = to_ndarray(lat)
    itype, lon = to_ndarray(lon)

    if lat.shape != lon.shape:
        raise AerotbxValueError("Inputs must contain equal number of values.")

    if (lat < -90).any() or (lat > 90).any() or not sp.isreal(lat).all():
        raise AerotbxValueError("Lateral coordinates must be real numbers "
                                "between -90 and 90 degrees.")

    if (lon < 0).any() or (lon > 360).any() or not sp.isreal(lon).all():
        raise AerotbxValueError("Longitudinal coordinates must be real numbers "
                                "between 0 and 360 degrees.")

    # if the model is not loaded, do so
    if _EGM96 is None:
        _EGM96 = _loadEGM96()

    # shift lateral values to the right reference and flatten coordinates
    lats = sp.deg2rad(-lat + 90).ravel()
    lons = sp.deg2rad(lon).ravel()

    # evaluate the spline and reshape the result
    evl = _EGM96.ev(lats, lons).reshape(lat.shape)

    return from_ndarray(itype, evl)
def geoidheight(lat, lon):
    Calculate geoid height using the EGM96 Geopotential Model.

    lat : array_like
        Lateral coordinates [degrees]. Values must be -90 <= lat <= 90.
    lon : array_like
        Longitudinal coordinates [degrees]. Values must be 0 <= lon <= 360.

    out : array_like
        Geoidheight [meters]

    >>> geoidheight(30, 20)
    >>> geoidheight([30, 20],[40, 20])
    [9.800000000000002, 14.43]

    global _EGM96

    #convert the input value to array
    itype, lat = to_ndarray(lat)
    itype, lon = to_ndarray(lon)

    if lat.shape != lon.shape:
        raise Exception("Inputs must contain equal number of values.")

    if (lat < -90).any() or (lat > 90).any() or not sp.isreal(lat).all():
        raise Exception("Lateral coordinates must be real numbers" \
            " between -90 and 90 degrees.")

    if (lon < 0).any() or (lon > 360).any() or not sp.isreal(lon).all():
        raise Exception("Longitudinal coordinates must be real numbers" \
            " between 0 and 360 degrees.")

    #if the model is not loaded, do so
    if _EGM96 is None:
        _EGM96 = _loadEGM96()

    #shift lateral values to the right reference and flatten coordinates
    lats = sp.deg2rad(-lat + 90).ravel()
    lons = sp.deg2rad(lon).ravel()

    #evaluate the spline and reshape the result
    evl = _EGM96.ev(lats, lons).reshape(lat.shape)

    return from_ndarray(itype, evl)
Example #7
File: RCWA.py Project: LeiDai/EMpy
def dispersion_relation_extraordinary(kx, ky, k, nO, nE, c):
    """Dispersion relation for the extraordinary wave.

    See eq. 16 in Glytsis, "Three-dimensional (vector) rigorous
    coupled-wave analysis of anisotropic grating diffraction",
    JOSA A, 7(8), 1990 Always give positive real or negative

    if kx.shape != ky.shape or c.size != 3:
        raise ValueError('kx and ky must have the same length and c must have 3 components')

    kz = S.empty_like(kx)

    for ii in xrange(0, kx.size):

        alpha = nE**2 - nO**2
        beta = kx[ii]/k * c[0] + ky[ii]/k * c[1]

        # coeffs
        C = S.array([nO**2 + c[2]**2 * alpha, \
                     2. * c[2] * beta * alpha, \
                     nO**2 * (kx[ii]**2 + ky[ii]**2) / k**2 + alpha * beta**2 - nO**2 * nE**2])

        # two solutions of type +x or -x, purely real or purely imag
        tmp_kz = k * S.roots(C)

        # get the negative imaginary part or the positive real one
        if S.any(S.isreal(tmp_kz)):
            kz[ii] = S.absolute(tmp_kz[0])
            kz[ii] = -1j * S.absolute(tmp_kz[0])

    return kz
Example #8
def delayedsignalF(x,t0_pts):
     Delay a signal with a non integer value
     (computation in frequency domain)
     Inputs: x vector of length N
             t0_pts is a REAL delay
             expressed wrt the sampling time Ts=1:
               t0_pts = 1 corresponds to one time dot
               t0_pts may be positive, negative, non integer
               t0_pts>0: shift to the right
               t0_pts<0: shift to the left
     Rk: the length of FFT is 2^(nextpow2(N)+1
    # M. Charbit, Jan. 2010
    N         = len(x)
    p         = ceil(log2(N))+1;
    Lfft      = int(2.0**p);
    Lffts2    = Lfft/2;
    fftx      = fft(x, Lfft);
    ind       = concatenate((range(Lffts2+1), 
    fftdelay  = exp(-2j*pi*t0_pts*ind/Lfft);
    fftdelay[Lffts2] = real(fftdelay[Lffts2]);
    ifftdelay        = ifft(fftx*fftdelay);
    y                = ifftdelay[range(N)];
    if isreal(any(x)):
    return y
def sample_moments( X, k ):
    """Get the sample moments from data"""
    N, d = X.shape

    # Partition X into two halves to independently estimate M2 and M3
    X1, X2 = X[:N/2], X[N/2:]

    # Get the moments  
    M1 = X1.mean(0)
    M1_ = X2.mean(0)
    M2 = Pairs( X1, X1 ) 
    M3 = lambda theta: TriplesP( X2, X2, X2, theta )
    #M3 = Triples( X2, X2, X2 )

    # TODO: Ah, not computing sigma2! 
    # Estimate \sigma^2 = k-th eigenvalue of  M2 - mu mu^T
    sigma2 = svdvals( M2 - outer( M1, M1 ) )[k-1]
    assert( sc.isreal( sigma2 ) and sigma2 > 0 )
    # P (M_2) is the best kth rank apprximation to M2 - sigma^2 I
    P = approxk( M2 - sigma2 * eye( d ), k )

    B = matrix_tensorify( eye(d), M1_ )
    T = lambda theta: M3(theta) - sigma2 * ( M1_.dot(theta) * eye( d ) + outer( M1_, theta ) + outer( theta, M1_ ) )
    #T = M3 - sigma2 * ( B + B.swapaxes(2, 1) + B.swapaxes(2, 0) )

    return P, T    
Example #10
File: costs.py Project: wey-gu/gpbo
    def npred(cev):
        rts = sp.roots([p[3] / 4., p[2] / 3., p[1] / 2., p[0] + cev, -C])

        nmax = max([sp.real(i) for i in rts if sp.isreal(i)])
        cbar = p[0] + p[1] * nmax / 2. + p[2] * (nmax**2) / 3. + p[3] * (
            nmax**3) / 4.
        return nmax, cbar
Example #11
def delayedsignalF(x, t0_pts):
     Delay a signal with a non integer value
     (computation in frequency domain)
     Inputs: x vector of length N
             t0_pts is a REAL delay
             expressed wrt the sampling time Ts=1:
               t0_pts = 1 corresponds to one time dot
               t0_pts may be positive, negative, non integer
               t0_pts>0: shift to the right
               t0_pts<0: shift to the left
     Rk: the length of FFT is 2^(nextpow2(N)+1
    # M. Charbit, Jan. 2010
    N = len(x)
    p = ceil(log2(N)) + 1
    Lfft = int(2.0**p)
    Lffts2 = Lfft / 2
    fftx = fft(x, Lfft)
    ind = concatenate((range(Lffts2 + 1), range(Lffts2 + 1 - Lfft, 0)), axis=0)
    fftdelay = exp(-2j * pi * t0_pts * ind / Lfft)
    fftdelay[Lffts2] = real(fftdelay[Lffts2])
    ifftdelay = ifft(fftx * fftdelay)
    y = ifftdelay[range(N)]
    if isreal(any(x)):
        y = real(y)
    return y
def _flowinput(flow):
    """Parse the flow input used in the aerodynamics module"""
    #pop flow from the input
    gamma = flow.pop("gamma", 1.4)

    #check if single input is given
    if len(flow) != 1:
        raise Exception("Function needs exactly one flow input.")

    #pop the flow variable and type
    mtype, flow = flow.popitem()

    if not sp.isreal(gamma).all() or not sp.isreal(flow).all():
        raise Exception("Flow input variables must be real numbers.")

    #convert the input values to arrays
    ftype, flow = to_ndarray(flow)
    gtype, gamma = to_ndarray(gamma)

    #check if the given gamma value is valid
    if (gamma <= 1).any():
        raise Exception("Specific heat ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
            " greater than 1.")

    #if both inputs are non-scalar, they should be equal in shape
    if gamma.size > 1 and flow.size > 1 and gamma.shape != flow.shape:
        raise Exception("Inputs must be same shape or at least one input" \
            " must be scalar.")

    #if one of the variables is an array, the other should match it size
    if gamma.size > flow.size:
        n = gamma.shape
        itype = gtype
        flow = sp.ones(n, sp.float64) * flow[0]
        n = flow.shape
        itype = ftype
        gamma = sp.ones(n, sp.float64) * gamma[0]

    return gamma, flow, mtype.lower(), itype
Example #13
def _flowinput(flow):
    """Parse the flow input used in the aerodynamics module"""

    #pop flow from the input
    gamma = flow.pop("gamma", 1.4)

    #check if single input is given
    if len(flow) != 1:
        raise Exception("Function needs exactly one flow input.")

    #pop the flow variable and type
    mtype, flow = flow.popitem()

    if not sp.isreal(gamma).all() or not sp.isreal(flow).all():
        raise Exception("Flow input variables must be real numbers.")

    #convert the input values to arrays
    ftype, flow = to_ndarray(flow)
    gtype, gamma = to_ndarray(gamma)

    #check if the given gamma value is valid
    if (gamma <= 1).any():
        raise Exception("Specific heat ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
            " greater than 1.")

    #if both inputs are non-scalar, they should be equal in shape
    if gamma.size > 1 and flow.size > 1 and gamma.shape != flow.shape:
        raise Exception("Inputs must be same shape or at least one input" \
            " must be scalar.")

    #if one of the variables is an array, the other should match it size
    if gamma.size > flow.size:
        n = gamma.shape
        itype = gtype
        flow = sp.ones(n, sp.float64) * flow[0]
        n = flow.shape
        itype = ftype
        gamma = sp.ones(n, sp.float64) * gamma[0]

    return gamma, flow, mtype.lower(), itype
Example #14
 def setup(self, s, k, ells, **kwargs):
     ells = scipy.asarray(self.ells)
     super(FFTlogBessel, self).setup(s, k, ells + 1. / 2., **kwargs)
     if self.direction == 1:
         self.norm = (2 * constants.pi)**(3. / 2.) * self.k**(-3. / 2.) * (
             (-1j)**ells)[:, None]
         self.integrand = scipy.array([self.s**(3. / 2.)] * len(ells))
         self.norm = (2. * constants.pi)**(-3. / 2.) * self.s**(
             -3. / 2.) * (1j**ells)[:, None]
         self.integrand = scipy.array([self.k**(3. / 2)] * len(ells))
     if scipy.isreal(self.norm).all(): self.norm = self.norm.real
Example #15
def recover_M3( k, P12, P13, P123 ):
    """Recover M3 from P_12, P_13 and P_123"""
    d, _ = P12.shape

    # Get singular vectors
    U1, _, U2 = svdk( P12, k )
    _, _, U3 = svdk( P13, k )
    U2, U3 = U2.T, U3.T

    while True:
        # Get a random basis set
        theta = orthogonal( k )

        P12i = inv( U1.T.dot( P12 ).dot( U2 ) ) 
        #B123_ = sc.einsum( 'ijk,ia,jb,kc->abc', P123, U1, U2, U3 )
        #B123 = sc.einsum( 'ajc,jb ->abc', B123_, P12i )
        B123 = lambda theta: U1.T.dot( P123( U3.dot( theta ) ) ).dot( U2 ).dot( P12i )

        l, R1 = eig( B123( theta.T[0] ) )
        R1 = array( map( lambda col: col/norm(col), R1.T ) ).T
        assert( norm(R1.T[0]) - 1.0 < 1e-3 )

        # Restart
        if not ( sc.isreal( l ).all() ):

        L = [l.real]
        for i in xrange( 1, k ):
            l = diag( inv(R1).dot( B123( theta.T[i] ).dot( R1 ) ) )
            # Restart
            if not ( sc.isreal( l ).all() ):
            L.append( l )
        L = array( sc.vstack( L ) )

        M3_ = U3.dot( inv(theta.T) ).dot( L )
        return M3_
Example #16
def par_duff_bif(sigma = 2.0, alpha = 2.0, mu = 0.5):
    #All parameters set to one for this simple illustration.
    k2 = sp.sqrt(sigma**2 + 4*mu**2)
    k = sp.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * k2, 1000)
    ahigh = sp.sqrt(4/3/alpha*(sigma+sp.sqrt(k**2-4*mu**2)))
    mask_high = sp.isreal(ahigh)

    alow = sp.sqrt(4/3/alpha*(sigma-sp.sqrt(k**2-4*mu**2)))
    mask_low = sp.isreal(alow)


    plt.annotate('$k_2$', xy=(k2+.03,0.03))
    plt.title('Bifurcation Diagram using $k$ as a control parameter.');
Example #17
    def test_all(self):
        for k,v,s,o,expected in self.cases:
            sc = simplicial_complex((v,s))
            M = whitney_innerproduct(sc,k)
            M = M.todense()
            #Permute the matrix to coincide with the ordering of the known matrix
            permute = [sc[k].simplex_to_index[simplex(x)] for x in o]                                           

            M = M[permute,:][:,permute]
            #check whether matrix is S.P.D.
            self.assert_(min(real(eigvals(M))) >= 0)
Example #18
    def test_all(self):
        for k, v, s, o, expected in self.cases:
            sc = simplicial_complex((v, s))
            M = whitney_innerproduct(sc, k)
            M = M.todense()

            #Permute the matrix to coincide with the ordering of the known matrix
            permute = [sc[k].simplex_to_index[simplex(x)] for x in o]

            M = M[permute, :][:, permute]

            assert_almost_equal(M, expected)

            #check whether matrix is S.P.D.
            self.assert_(min(real(eigvals(M))) >= 0)
            assert_almost_equal(M, M.T)
Example #19
def dispersion_relation_extraordinary(kx, ky, k, nO, nE, c):
    """Dispersion relation for the extraordinary wave.

    See eq. 16 in Glytsis, "Three-dimensional (vector) rigorous
    coupled-wave analysis of anisotropic grating diffraction",
    JOSA A, 7(8), 1990 Always give positive real or negative

    if kx.shape != ky.shape or c.size != 3:
        raise ValueError(
            "kx and ky must have the same length and c must have 3 components"

    kz = S.empty_like(kx)

    for ii in range(0, kx.size):

        alpha = nE ** 2 - nO ** 2
        beta = kx[ii] / k * c[0] + ky[ii] / k * c[1]

        # coeffs
        C = S.array(
                nO ** 2 + c[2] ** 2 * alpha,
                2.0 * c[2] * beta * alpha,
                nO ** 2 * (kx[ii] ** 2 + ky[ii] ** 2) / k ** 2
                + alpha * beta ** 2
                - nO ** 2 * nE ** 2,

        # two solutions of type +x or -x, purely real or purely imag
        tmp_kz = k * S.roots(C)

        # get the negative imaginary part or the positive real one
        if S.any(S.isreal(tmp_kz)):
            kz[ii] = S.absolute(tmp_kz[0])
            kz[ii] = -1j * S.absolute(tmp_kz[0])

    return kz
Example #20
    def fit(self, X, w):
        if len(X) == 0:
            raise NotEnoughParticles("Fitting not possible.")
        self.X_arr = X.as_matrix()

        ctree = cKDTree(X)
        _, indices = ctree.query(X, k=min(self.k + 1, X.shape[0]))

        covs, inv_covs, dets = list(zip(*[self._cov_and_inv(n, indices)
                                    for n in range(X.shape[0])]))
        self.covs = sp.array(covs)
        self.inv_covs = sp.array(inv_covs)
        self.determinants = sp.array(dets)

        self.normalization = sp.sqrt(
            (2 * sp.pi) ** self.X_arr.shape[1] * self.determinants)

        if not sp.isreal(self.normalization).all():
            raise Exception("Normalization not real")
        self.normalization = sp.real(self.normalization)
Example #21
    def nLLeval(self,
        evaluate -ln( N( U^T*y | U^T*X*beta , h2*S + (1-h2)*I ) ),
        where ((1-a2)*K0 + a2*K1) = USU^T
        h2      : mixture weight between K and Identity (environmental noise)
        REML    : boolean
                  if True   : compute REML
                  if False  : compute ML
        dof     : Degrees of freedom of the Multivariate student-t
                        (default None uses multivariate Normal likelihood)
        logdelta: log(delta) allows to optionally parameterize in delta space
        delta   : delta     allows to optionally parameterize in delta space
        scale   : Scale parameter the multiplies the Covariance matrix (default 1.0)
        Output dictionary:
        'nLL'       : negative log-likelihood
        'sigma2'    : the model variance sigma^2
        'beta'      : [D*1] array of fixed effects weights beta
        'h2'        : mixture weight between Covariance and noise
        'REML'      : True: REML was computed, False: ML was computed
        'a2'        : mixture weight between K0 and K1
        'dof'       : Degrees of freedom of the Multivariate student-t
                        (default None uses multivariate Normal likelihood)
        'scale'     : Scale parameter that multiplies the Covariance matrix (default 1.0)
        if (h2 < 0.0) or (h2 > 1.0):
            return {'nLL': 3E20, 'h2': h2, 'REML': REML, 'scale': scale}
        k = self.S.shape[0]
        N = self.y.shape[0]
        D = self.UX.shape[1]

        #if REML == True:
        #    # this needs to be fixed, please see test_gwas.py for details
        #    raise NotImplementedError("REML in lmm object not supported, please use lmm_cov.py instead")

        if logdelta is not None:
            delta = SP.exp(logdelta)

        if delta is not None:
            Sd = (self.S + delta) * scale
            Sd = (h2 * self.S + (1.0 - h2)) * scale

        UXS = self.UX / NP.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(
            Sd, (Sd.size, self.UX.shape[1]), (Sd.itemsize, 0))
        UyS = self.Uy / Sd

        XKX = UXS.T.dot(self.UX)
        XKy = UXS.T.dot(self.Uy)
        yKy = UyS.T.dot(self.Uy)

        logdetK = SP.log(Sd).sum()

        if (k < N):  #low rank part

            # determine normalization factor
            if delta is not None:
                denom = (delta * scale)
                denom = ((1.0 - h2) * scale)

            XKX += self.UUX.T.dot(self.UUX) / (denom)
            XKy += self.UUX.T.dot(self.UUy) / (denom)
            yKy += self.UUy.T.dot(self.UUy) / (denom)
            logdetK += (N - k) * SP.log(denom)

        # proximal contamination (see Supplement Note 2: An Efficient Algorithm for Avoiding Proximal Contamination)
        # available at: http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v9/n6/extref/nmeth.2037-S1.pdf
        # exclude SNPs from the RRM in the likelihood evaluation

        if len(self.exclude_idx) > 0:
            num_exclude = len(self.exclude_idx)

            # consider only excluded SNPs
            G_exclude = self.G[:, self.exclude_idx]

            self.UW = self.U.T.dot(
                G_exclude)  # needed for proximal contamination
            UWS = self.UW / NP.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(
                Sd, (Sd.size, num_exclude), (Sd.itemsize, 0))
            assert UWS.shape == (k, num_exclude)

            WW = NP.eye(num_exclude) - UWS.T.dot(self.UW)
            WX = UWS.T.dot(self.UX)
            Wy = UWS.T.dot(self.Uy)
            assert WW.shape == (num_exclude, num_exclude)
            assert WX.shape == (num_exclude, D)
            assert Wy.shape == (num_exclude, )

            if (k < N):  #low rank part

                self.UUW = G_exclude - self.U.dot(self.UW)

                WW += self.UUW.T.dot(self.UUW) / denom
                WX += self.UUW.T.dot(self.UUX) / denom
                Wy += self.UUW.T.dot(self.UUy) / denom

            #TODO: do cholesky, if fails do eigh
            # compute inverse efficiently
            [S_WW, U_WW] = LA.eigh(WW)

            UWX = U_WW.T.dot(WX)
            UWy = U_WW.T.dot(Wy)
            assert UWX.shape == (num_exclude, D)
            assert UWy.shape == (num_exclude, )

            # compute S_WW^{-1} * UWX
            WX = UWX / NP.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(
                S_WW, (S_WW.size, UWX.shape[1]), (S_WW.itemsize, 0))
            # compute S_WW^{-1} * UWy
            Wy = UWy / S_WW
            # determinant update
            logdetK += SP.log(S_WW).sum()
            assert WX.shape == (num_exclude, D)
            assert Wy.shape == (num_exclude, )

            # perform updates (instantiations for a and b in Equation (1.5) of Supplement)
            yKy += UWy.T.dot(Wy)
            XKy += UWX.T.dot(Wy)
            XKX += UWX.T.dot(WX)


        [SxKx, UxKx] = LA.eigh(XKX)
        #optionally regularize the beta weights by penalty
        if penalty > 0.0:
            SxKx += penalty
        i_pos = SxKx > 1E-10
        beta = UxKx[:, i_pos].dot(UxKx[:, i_pos].T.dot(XKy) / SxKx[i_pos])

        r2 = yKy - XKy.dot(beta)

        if dof is None:  #Use the Multivariate Gaussian
            if REML:
                XX = self.X.T.dot(self.X)
                [Sxx, Uxx] = LA.eigh(XX)
                logdetXX = SP.log(Sxx).sum()
                logdetXKX = SP.log(SxKx).sum()
                sigma2 = r2 / (N - D)
                nLL = 0.5 * (logdetK + logdetXKX - logdetXX + (N - D) *
                             (SP.log(2.0 * SP.pi * sigma2) + 1))
                variance_beta = None
                sigma2 = r2 / (N)
                nLL = 0.5 * (logdetK + N * (SP.log(2.0 * SP.pi * sigma2) + 1))
                if delta is not None:
                    h2 = 1.0 / (delta + 1)
                # This is a faster version of h2 * sigma2 * np.diag(LA.inv(XKX))
                # where h2*sigma2 is sigma2_g
                variance_beta = h2 * sigma2 * (UxKx[:, i_pos] / SxKx[i_pos] *
                                               UxKx[:, i_pos]).sum(-1)
            result = {
                'nLL': nLL,
                'sigma2': sigma2,
                'beta': beta,
                'variance_beta': variance_beta,
                'h2': h2,
                'REML': REML,
                'a2': self.a2,
                'scale': scale
        else:  #Use multivariate student-t
            if REML:
                XX = self.X.T.dot(self.X)
                [Sxx, Uxx] = LA.eigh(XX)
                logdetXX = SP.log(Sxx).sum()
                logdetXKX = SP.log(SxKx).sum()

                nLL = 0.5 * (logdetK + logdetXKX - logdetXX +
                             (dof + (N - D)) * SP.log(1.0 + r2 / dof))
                nLL += 0.5 * (N - D) * SP.log(dof * SP.pi) + SS.gammaln(
                    0.5 * dof) - SS.gammaln(0.5 * (dof + (N - D)))
                nLL = 0.5 * (logdetK + (dof + N) * SP.log(1.0 + r2 / dof))
                nLL += 0.5 * N * SP.log(dof * SP.pi) + SS.gammaln(
                    0.5 * dof) - SS.gammaln(0.5 * (dof + N))
            result = {
                'nLL': nLL,
                'dof': dof,
                'beta': beta,
                'variance_beta': None,
                'h2': h2,
                'REML': REML,
                'a2': self.a2,
                'scale': scale
        assert SP.all(
        ), "nLL has an imaginary component, possibly due to constant covariates"
        if result['variance_beta'] is None:
            del result['variance_beta']
        return result
Example #22
def flowisentropic(**flow):
    Evaluate the isentropic relations with any flow variable.
    This function accepts a given set of specific heat ratios and
    a single input of isentropic flow variables. Inputs can be a single
    scalar or an array_like data structure.

    gamma : array_like, optional
        Specific heat ratio. Values must be greater than 1.
    M : array_like
        Mach number. Values must be greater than or equal to 0.
    T : array_like
        Temperature ratio T/T0. Values must be 0 <= T <= 1. 
    P : array_like
        Pressure ratio P/P0. Values must be 0 <= P <= 1.
    rho : array_like
        Density ratio rho/rho0. Values must be 0 <= rho <= 1.
    sub : array_like
        Subsonic area ratio A/A*. Values must be greater than or equal
        to 1.
    sup : array_like
        Supersonic area ratio A/A*. Values must be greater than or
        equal to 1.
    out : (M, T, P, rho, area)
        Tuple of Mach number, temperature ratio, pressure ratio, density
        ratio and area ratio.
    This function accepts one and only one of the isentropic flow
    variables. It will raise an Exception when more than one input
    is given.
    >>> flowisentropic(M=3)
    (3.0, 0.35714285714285715, 0.027223683703862824, 0.076226314370815895,
    >>> flowisentropic(gamma=1.4, sup=1.6)
    (1.9352576078182122, 0.57174077399894296, 0.14131786852470815,
    0.24717122680666009, 1.6000000000000001)
    >>> flowisentropic(T=sp.linspace(0, 1, 100))
    (array, array, array, array, array)

    #parse the input
    gamma, flow, mtype, itype = _flowinput(flow)

    #calculate gamma-ratios for use in the equations
    a = (gamma + 1) / 2
    b = (gamma - 1) / 2
    c = a / (gamma - 1)

    #preshape mach array
    M = sp.empty(flow.shape, sp.float64)

    #use the isentropic relations to solve for the mach number
    if mtype in ["mach", "m"]:
        if (flow < 0).any() or not sp.isreal(flow).all():
            raise Exception("Mach number inputs must be real numbers" \
                " greater than or equal to 0.")
        M = flow
    elif mtype in ["temp", "t"]:
        if (flow < 0).any() or (flow > 1).any():
            raise Exception("Temperature ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
                " 0 <= T <= 1.")
        M[flow == 0] = sp.inf
        M[flow != 0] = sp.sqrt(
            (1 / b[flow != 0]) * (flow[flow != 0]**(-1) - 1))
    elif mtype in ["pres", "p"]:
        if (flow < 0).any() or (flow > 1).any():
            raise Exception("Pressure ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
                " 0 <= P <= 1.")
        M[flow == 0] = sp.inf
        M[flow != 0] = sp.sqrt((1/b[flow != 0]) * \
            (flow[flow != 0]**((gamma[flow != 0]-1)/-gamma[flow != 0]) - 1))
    elif mtype in ["dens", "d", "rho"]:
        if (flow < 0).any() or (flow > 1).any():
            raise Exception("Density ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
                " 0 <= rho <= 1.")
        M[flow == 0] = sp.inf
        M[flow != 0] = sp.sqrt((1/b[flow != 0]) * \
            (flow[flow != 0]**((gamma[flow != 0]-1)/-1) - 1))
    elif mtype in ["sub", "sup"]:
        if (flow < 1).any():
            raise Exception("Area ratio inputs must be real numbers greater" \
                " than or equal to 1.")
        M[:] = 0.2 if mtype == "sub" else 1.8
        for _ in xrange(_AETB_iternum):
            K = M**2
            f = -flow + a**(-c) * ((1 + b * K)**c) / M  #mach-area relation
            g = a**(-c) * (
                (1 + b * K)**(c - 1)) * (b * (2 * c - 1) * K - 1) / K  #deriv
            M = M - (f / g)  #Newton-Raphson
        M[flow == 1] = 1
        M[sp.isinf(flow)] = sp.inf
        raise Exception("Keyword input must be an acceptable string to" \
            " select input parameter.")

    d = 1 + b * M**2

    T = d**(-1)
    P = d**(-gamma / (gamma - 1))
    rho = d**(-1 / (gamma - 1))

    area = sp.empty(M.shape, sp.float64)
    r = sp.logical_and(M != 0, sp.isfinite(M))
    area[r] = a[r]**(-c[r]) * d[r]**c[r] / M[r]
    area[sp.logical_not(r)] = sp.inf

    return from_ndarray(itype, M, T, P, rho, area)
Example #23
def flownormalshock(**flow):
    Evaluate the normal shock wave relations with any flow variable.
    This function accepts a given set of specific heat ratios and a
    single input of normal shock wave flow variables. Inputs can be
    a scalar or an array_like data structure.

    gamma : array_like, optional
        Specific heat ratio. Values must be greater than 1.
    M : array_like
        Upstream Mach number. Values must be greater than or equal to 1.
    M2 : array_like
        Downstream Mach number. Values must be
        SQRT((GAMMA-1)/(2*GAMMA)) <= M <= 1.
    T : array_like
        Temperature ratio T2/T1. Values must be greater than or equal to 1.
    P : array_like
        Pressure ratio P2/P1. Values must be greater than or equal to 1.
    rho : array_like
        Density ratio rho2/rho1. Values must be
        1 <= rho <= (GAMMA+1)/(GAMMA-1).
    P0 : array_like
        Total pressure ratio P02/P01. Values must be 0 <= P0 <= 1.
    Pitot : array_like
        Rayleigh-Pitot ratio P02/P1. Values must be greater than or equal
        to ((GAMMA+1)/2)**(-GAMMA/(GAMMA+1)).
    out :  (M, M2, T, P, rho, P0, Pitot)
        Tuple of upstream Mach number, downstream Mach number, temperature
        ratio, pressure ratio, density ratio, total pressure ratio,
        rayleigh-pitot ratio.
    This function accepts one and only one of the normal shock flow
    variables. It will raise an Exception when more than one input
    is given.
    >>> flownormalshock(M=2)
    (2.0, 0.57735026918962573, 1.6874999999999998, 4.5, 2.666666666666667,
    0.72087386148474542, 5.640440812823317)
    >>> flownormalshock(gamma=1.4, Pitot=3.4)
    (1.4964833298836788, 0.70233741753226209, 1.3178766042516246,
    2.4460394160563674, 1.8560458605647578, 0.93089743233402389, 3.3999999999999977)
    >>> flownormalshock(M2=[0.5, 0.6, 0.7])
    (list, list, list, list, list, list, list)

    #parse the input
    gamma, flow, mtype, itype = _flowinput(flow)

    #calculate gamma-ratios for use in the equations
    a = (gamma + 1) / 2
    b = (gamma - 1) / 2
    c = gamma / (gamma - 1)

    #preshape mach array
    M = sp.empty(flow.shape, sp.float64)

    #use the normal shock relations to solve for the mach number
    if mtype in ["mach", "m1", "m"]:
        if (flow < 1).any():
            raise Exception("Mach number inputs must be real numbers" \
                " greater than or equal to 1.")
        M = flow
    elif mtype in ["down", "mach2", "m2", "md"]:
        lowerbound = sp.sqrt((gamma - 1) / (2 * gamma))
        if (flow < lowerbound).any() or (flow > 1).any():
            raise Exception("Mach number downstream inputs must be real" \
                " numbers SQRT((GAMMA-1)/(2*GAMMA)) <= M <= 1.")
        M[flow <= lowerbound] = sp.inf
        M[flow > lowerbound] = sp.sqrt(
            (1 + b * flow**2) / (gamma * flow**2 - b))
    elif mtype in ["pres", "p"]:
        if (flow < 1).any() or not sp.isreal(flow).all():
            raise Exception("Pressure ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
                " greater than or equal to 1.")
        M = sp.sqrt(((flow - 1) * (gamma + 1) / (2 * gamma)) + 1)
    elif mtype in ["dens", "d", "rho"]:
        upperbound = (gamma + 1) / (gamma - 1)
        if (flow < 1).any() or (flow > upperbound).any():
            raise Exception("Density ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
                " 1 <= rho <= (GAMMA+1)/(GAMMA-1).")
        M[flow >= upperbound] = sp.inf
        M[flow < upperbound] = sp.sqrt(2 * flow /
                                       (1 + gamma + flow - flow * gamma))
    elif mtype in ["temp", "t"]:
        if (flow < 1).any():
            raise Exception("Temperature ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
                " greater than or equal to 1.")
        B = b + gamma / a - gamma * b / a - flow * a
        M = sp.sqrt((-B + sp.sqrt(B**2 - \
            4*b*gamma*(1-gamma/a)/a)) / (2*gamma*b/a))
    elif mtype in ["totalp", "p0"]:
        if (flow < 0).any() or (flow > 1).any():
            raise Exception("Total pressure ratio inputs must be real" \
                " numbers 0 <= P0 <= 1.")
        M[:] = 2.0  #initial guess for the solution
        for _ in xrange(_AETB_iternum):
            f = -flow + (1 + (gamma/a)*(M**2 - 1))**(1-c) \
                * (a*M**2 / (1 + b*M**2))**c
            g = 2*M*(a*M**2 / (b*M**2 + 1))**(c-1)*((gamma* \
                (M**2-1))/a + 1)**(-c)*(a*c + gamma*(-c*(b*M**4 + 1) \
                + b*M**4 + M**2)) / (b*M**2 + 1)**2
            M = M - (f / g)  #Newton-Raphson
        M[flow == 0] = sp.inf
    elif mtype in ["pito", "pitot", "rp"]:
        lowerbound = a**c
        if (flow < lowerbound).any():
            raise Exception("Rayleigh-Pitot ratio inputs must be real" \
                " numbers greater than or equal to ((G+1)/2)**(-G/(G+1)).")
        M[:] = 5.0  #initial guess for the solution
        K = a**(2 * c - 1)
        for _ in xrange(_AETB_iternum):
            f = -flow + K * M**(2 * c) / (gamma * M**2 - b)**(
                c - 1)  #Rayleigh-Pitot
            g = 2 * K * M**(2 * c - 1) * (gamma * M**2 -
                                          b)**(-c) * (gamma * M**2 - b * c)
            M = M - (f / g)  #Newton-Raphson
        raise Exception("Keyword input must be an acceptable string to" \
            " select input parameter.")

    #normal shock relations
    M2 = sp.sqrt((1 + b * M**2) / (gamma * M**2 - b))
    rho = ((gamma + 1) * M**2) / (2 + (gamma - 1) * M**2)
    P = 1 + (M**2 - 1) * gamma / a
    T = P / rho
    P0 = P**(1 - c) * rho**(c)
    P1 = a**(2 * c - 1) * M**(2 * c) / (gamma * M**2 - b)**(c - 1)

    #handle infinite mach
    M2[M == sp.inf] = sp.sqrt(
        (gamma[M == sp.inf] - 1) / (2 * gamma[M == sp.inf]))
    T[M == sp.inf] = sp.inf
    P[M == sp.inf] = sp.inf
    rho[M == sp.inf] = (gamma[M == sp.inf] + 1) / (gamma[M == sp.inf] - 1)
    P0[M == sp.inf] = 0
    P1[M == sp.inf] = sp.inf

    return from_ndarray(itype, M, M2, T, P, rho, P0, P1)
Example #24
A.T  # matrix A transpose
A * A  # matrix multiplication
A ** 2  # Matrix 2 to the power of 2 (same as A*A)
B = 5 * sp.diag([1.0, 3, 5])
sp.mat(B)  # converts B to matrix type
sp.mat(B).I  # computes matrix inverse of sp.mat(B)

# isnan, isfinite, isinf are newly added functions to NumPy
C = B  # copy matrix B into C
C[0, 1] = sp.nan  # insert NaN value into 1st row, 2nd column element
sp.isnan(C)  # yields all 'False' elements except one element as True

# looking at complex numbers
a4 = sp.array([1 + 1j, 2, 5j])  # create complex array
sp.iscomplexobj(a4)  # determine whether a4 is complex (TRUE)
sp.isreal(a4)  # determines element by element which are REAL or COMPLEX
sp.iscomplex(a4)  # determination of COMPLEX elements
type(a4)  # outputs type and functional dependencies

# concatenating matrices and arrays:
a5 = sp.array([1, 2, 3])
a6 = sp.array([4, 5, 6])
sp.vstack((a5, a6))  # vertical array concatenation
sp.hstack((a5, a6))  # horizontal array concat
dstack((a5, a6))  # vertical array concat, transposed

# view all variables that have been created thus far:
sp.who()  # python command, similar to MATLAB

# importing and using matplotlib (plotting library from MATLAB)
t = sp.linspace(0, 100)  # create time array 't'
Example #25
    def __call__(self, X, evalfunc, maxEpochs=100, verbose=True, convergenceThreshold=None):
        """ Run the conjugate gradient descent. evalfunc is a function handler
        which has only one input vairble and X is the input module. X should
        have a property named params and implement a copy method. Generally,
        X.params should return a numpy/scipy array. 
        An minimal example is given below showing how to use this class:
        from scipy import array, zeros
        class T(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self._params = array([0.0, 0.0])
            def params(self):
                return self._params
            def params(self, value):
                self._params = value
            def copy(self):
                c = T()
                c.params = self.params.copy()
                return c
        class F(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.A = array([[1.0, 1.0], 
                                [1.0, 2.0], 
                                [1.0, 3.0], 
                                [1.0, 4.0], 
                                [1.0, 5.0]])
                self.b = array([2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0])
            def cost(self, module):
                errors = 0.0
                G = array([0.0, 0.0])
                for i in range(self.A.shape[0]):
                    dx = dot(self.A[i], module.params) - self.b[i]
                    errors += 0.5 * dx * dx
                    G += dx * self.A[i]
                return errors, G
        sample_X = T()
        sample_CostFunction = F()
        PRConjugateG = PRConjugateGradientDescent(verbose=True)
        PRConjugateG(sample_X, sample_CostFunction.cost)
        print sample_X.params
        # The module object must have a property whose name is params and also
        # implemented the copy function.
        assert hasattr(X, "params"), "X should have a property named params."
        assert hasattr(X, "copy"), "X should have a copy method."
        # Print the optimizer parameters
        epoch = 0
        lineSearchFailed = False
        strfmt = "Epoch {" + ":{:d}".format(len(str(maxEpochs))) + "d} | error: {:.12f}"
        realmin = finfo(float).tiny
        reason = ""
        # Get function value and gradient
        f1, g1 = evalfunc(X)
        fX = []
        # Search direction is the steepest
        s = -g1.copy()
        # This is the slope
        d1 = -dot(s, s)
        # Initial step is 1.0 / (1.0 - d1)
        z1 = 1.0 / (1.0 - d1)
        # Setup the convergence threhold
        minDelta = 1e-8
        minRatio = 1e-6
        if convergenceThreshold is not None:
            deltaThreshold = convergenceThreshold[0]
            ratioThreshold = convergenceThreshold[1]
        while epoch < maxEpochs:
            epoch += 1
            # make a copy of current values
            X0 = X.copy()
            f0 = f1
            g0 = g1.copy()
            # begin line search
            X.params[:] += z1 * s            
            f2, g2 = evalfunc(X)            
            d2 = dot(g2, s)
            # initialize point 3 equal to point 1
            f3 = f1
            d3 = d1
            z3 = -z1
            M = self.maxEvaluate
            success = False
            limit = -1.0
            # declare some global variables
            A = 0.0
            B = 0.0
            z2 = 0.0
            while True:    
                while (f2 > f1 + z1 * self.RHO * d1 or d2 > -self.SIG * d1) and M > 0:
                    # tighten the bracket
                    limit = z1
                    if f2 > f1:
                        z2 = self.quadraticFit(z3, d3, f2, f3)                        
                        A, B, z2 = self.cubicFit(d2, d3, f2, f3, z3)                    

                    # if we have a numerical problem then bisect
                    if isnan(z2) or isinf(z2):
                        z2 = z3 * 0.5
                    # do not accept too close to limits
                    z2 = min(z2, self.reEvaluate * z3)
                    z2 = max(z2, (1.0 - self.reEvaluate) * z3)
                    # update the step
                    z1 += z2;
                    X.params[:] += z2 * s;
                    f2, g2 = evalfunc(X)
                    M -= 1; 
                    d2 = dot(g2, s)
                    # z3 is now relative to the location of z2
                    z3 -= z2
                # this is a failure
                if f2 > f1 + z1 * self.RHO * d1 or d2 > -self.SIG * d1:
                elif d2 > self.SIG * d1:
                    success = True
                # this is also a failure
                elif M == 0:
                # make cubic extrapolation
                A, B, z2 = self.cubicExtrapolate(d2, d3, f2, f3, z3)
                # numeric problem or wrong sign
                if not isreal(z2) or isnan(z2) or isinf(z2) or z2 < 0.0:
                    if limit < -0.5:
                        z2 = z1 * (self.extrapolate - 1.0)
                        z2 = (limit - z1) * 0.5
                # extrapolation beyond max
                elif limit > -0.5 and (z2 + z1) > limit:
                    z2 = (limit - z1) * 0.5
                # extrapolation beyond limit
                elif limit < -0.5 and (z2 + z1) > z1 * self.extrapolate:
                    z2 = z1 * (self.extrapolate - 1.0)
                elif z2 < -z3 * self.reEvaluate:
                    z2 = -z3 * self.reEvaluate
                # too close to limit
                elif limit > -0.5 and z2 < (limit - z1) * (1.0 - self.reEvaluate):
                    z2 = (limit - z1) * (1.0 - self.reEvaluate)
                # set point 3 equal to point 2
                f3 = f2
                d3 = d2
                z3 = -z2
                # update current estimate
                z1 += z2
                X.params[:] += z2 * s
                f2, g2 = evalfunc(X)
                M -= 1
                d2 = dot(g2, s)
            if success == True:
                if verbose:
                    print(strfmt.format(epoch, f2))
                # The error decrease rate is below the convergence criteria, so
                # the optimization is done successfully.
                if (f1 - f2) < deltaThreshold or (f1 - f2) / f1 < ratioThreshold:
                f1 = f2
                # Polack-Ribiere direction
                s = (dot(g2, g2) - dot(g1, g2)) / dot(g1, g1) * s - g2
                # swap derivatives
                tmp = g1
                g1 = g2
                g2 = tmp
                d2 = dot(g1, s)
                # new slope must be positive, otherwise use steepest direction
                if d2 > 0.0:
                    s = -g1
                    d2 = -dot(s, s)
                z1 *= min(self.maxSlope, d1 / (d2 - realmin))
                d1 = d2
                lineSearchFailed = False
                # restore point from the point before line search
                X = X0.copy()
                f1 = f0
                g1 = g0
                # line search failed twice in a row or we ran out of time
                if lineSearchFailed:
                    reason = "Line search failed twice in a row!"
                if epoch > maxEpochs:
                    reason = "Maximum number of epochs reached!"
                # swap derivatives
                tmp = g1
                g1 = g2
                g2 = tmp
                # try steepest
                s = -g1
                d1 = -dot(s, s)
                z1 = 1.0 / (1.0 - d1)
                lineSearchFailed = True
        if success:    
            print("PRCG converged with {:d} epochs. Final error: {:f}".format(epoch, f1))
            print("PRCG failed to converge: {:s}".format(reason))
        return fX
Example #26
def recover_M3_we( k, P12, P13, P123, P12e, P13e, P123e, delta=0.01 ):
    """Recover M3 from P_12, P_13 and P_123 (with error information)"""
    d, _ = P12.shape

    # Inputs
    logger.add_err( "P12", P12e, P12, 2 )
    logger.add_consts( "P12", P12e, k, 2 )
    logger.add_err( "P13", P12e, P12, 2 )
    logger.add_consts( "P13", P12e, k, 2 )
    logger.add_terr( "P123", P123e, P123, d )
    logger.add_tconsts( "P123", P123e, d )

    # Get singular vectors
    U1, _, U2 = svdk( P12, k )
    _, _, U3 = svdk( P13, k )
    U2, U3 = U2.T, U3.T

    U1e, _, U2e = svdk( P12, k )
    _, _, U3e = svdk( P13, k )
    U2e, U3e = U2e.T, U3e.T

    # Check U_1.T P_{12} U_2 is invertible
    assert( sc.absolute( det( U1.T.dot( P12 ).dot( U2 ) ) ) > 1e-16 )

    while True:
        # Get a random basis set
        theta = orthogonal( k )

        P12i = inv( U1.T.dot( P12 ).dot( U2 ) ) 
        #B123_ = sc.einsum( 'ijk,ia,jb,kc->abc', P123, U1, U2, U3 )
        #B123 = sc.einsum( 'ajc,jb ->abc', B123_, P12i )
        B123 = lambda theta: U1.T.dot( P123( U3.dot( theta ) ) ).dot( U2 ).dot( P12i )

        P12ie = inv( U1e.T.dot( P12e ).dot( U2e ) ) 
        #B123e_ = sc.einsum( 'ijk,ia,jb,kc->abc', P123e, U1e, U2e, U3e )
        #B123e = sc.einsum( 'ajc,jb ->abc', B123e_, P12ie )
        B123e = lambda theta: U1e.T.dot( P123e( U3e.dot( theta ) ) ).dot( U2e ).dot( P12ie )

        logger.add_terr( "B123", B123, B123e, k )

        l, R1 = eig( B123( theta.T[0] ) )
        R1 = array( map( lambda col: col/norm(col), R1.T ) ).T
        assert( norm(R1.T[0]) - 1.0 < 1e-10 )

        le, R1e = eig( B123e( theta.T[0] ) )
        logger.add_err( "R", R1e, R1, 2 )
        logger.add_consts( "R", R1e, k, 2 )

        # Restart
        if not ( sc.isreal( l ).all() ):

        L = [l.real]
        for i in xrange( 1, k ):
            l = diag( inv(R1).dot( B123( theta.T[i] ).dot( R1 ) ) )
            # Restart
            if not ( sc.isreal( l ).all() ):
            L.append( l )
        L = array( sc.vstack( L ) )

        Le = [le.real]
        for i in xrange( 1, k ):
            le = diag( inv(R1e).dot( B123e( theta.T[i] ).dot( R1e ) ) )
            Le.append( le )
        Le = array( sc.vstack( Le ) )
        logger.add_err( "L", Le, L, 2 )

        M3_ = U3.dot( inv(theta.T) ).dot( L )
        return M3_
def recover_components( k, P, T, Pe, Te, delta=0.01 ):
    """Recover the k components given input moments M2 and M3 (Pe, Te) are exact P and T"""
    d, _ = P.shape

    # Input error
    logger.add_err( "P", Pe, P, 2 )
    logger.add_consts( "Pe", Pe, k, 2 )
    logger.add_consts( "P", P, k, 2 )
    logger.add_terr( "T", Te, T, d )
    logger.add_tconsts( "Te", Te, d )
    logger.add_tconsts( "T", T, d )

    # Get the whitening matrix of M2
    W, Wt = get_whitener( P, k )
    We, _ = get_whitener( Pe, k )

    logger.add_err( "W", We, W, 2 )
    logger.add_consts( "We", We, k, 2 )
    logger.add_consts( "W", W, k, 2 )

    Tw = lambda theta: W.T.dot( T( W.dot( theta ) ) ).dot( W )
    Twe = lambda theta: We.T.dot( Te( We.dot( theta ) ) ).dot( We )
    #Tw = sc.einsum( 'ijk,ia,jb,kc->abc', T, W, W, W )
    #Twe = sc.einsum( 'ijk,ia,jb,kc->abc', Te, We, We, We )

    logger.add_terr( "Tw", Twe, Tw, k )

    # Repeat [-\log(\delta] times for confidence 1-\delta to find best
    # \theta
    t = int( sc.ceil( -log( delta ) ) )
    best = (-sc.inf, None, None)
    for i in xrange( t ):
        # Project Tw onto a matrix
        theta = sc.rand( k )
        theta = theta/theta.sum()

        # Find the eigen separation
        X = Tw(theta)
        #X = Tw.dot(theta)
        sep = column_sep( X )

        if sep > best[0]:
            best = sep, theta, X
    # Find the eigenvectors as well
    sep, theta, X = best
    S, U = eig( X, left=True, right=False )
    assert( sc.isreal( S ).all() and sc.isreal( U ).all() )
    S, U = S.real, U.real

    Xe = Twe( theta )
    ##Xe = Twe.dot( theta )
    sepe = column_sep( Xe )
    Se, Ue = eig( Xe, left=True, right=False )
    Se, Ue = Se.real, Ue.real

    logger.add( "D", sep/sepe )
    logger.add_err( "lambda", Se, S, sc.inf )
    logger.add_err( "v", Se, S, 'col' )
    M = sc.zeros( (d, k) )
    for i in xrange(k):
        M[:, i] = S[i]/theta.dot(U.T[i]) * Wt.dot(U.T[i]) 

    return M
Example #28
    def nLLeval(self,h2=0.0,REML=True, logdelta = None, delta = None, dof = None, scale = 1.0,penalty=0.0):
        evaluate -ln( N( U^T*y | U^T*X*beta , h2*S + (1-h2)*I ) ),
        where ((1-a2)*K0 + a2*K1) = USU^T
        h2      : mixture weight between K and Identity (environmental noise)
        REML    : boolean
                  if True   : compute REML
                  if False  : compute ML
        dof     : Degrees of freedom of the Multivariate student-t
                        (default None uses multivariate Normal likelihood)
        logdelta: log(delta) allows to optionally parameterize in delta space
        delta   : delta     allows to optionally parameterize in delta space
        scale   : Scale parameter the multiplies the Covariance matrix (default 1.0)
        Output dictionary:
        'nLL'       : negative log-likelihood
        'sigma2'    : the model variance sigma^2
        'beta'      : [D*1] array of fixed effects weights beta
        'h2'        : mixture weight between Covariance and noise
        'REML'      : True: REML was computed, False: ML was computed
        'a2'        : mixture weight between K0 and K1
        'dof'       : Degrees of freedom of the Multivariate student-t
                        (default None uses multivariate Normal likelihood)
        'scale'     : Scale parameter that multiplies the Covariance matrix (default 1.0)
        if (h2<0.0) or (h2>1.0):
            return {'nLL':3E20,
        #if REML == True:
        #    # this needs to be fixed, please see test_gwas.py for details
        #    raise NotImplementedError("this feature is not ready to use at this time, please use lmm_cov.py instead")

        if logdelta is not None:
            delta = SP.exp(logdelta)

        if delta is not None:
            Sd = (self.S+delta)*scale
            Sd = (h2*self.S + (1.0-h2))*scale

        UXS = self.UX / NP.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(Sd, (Sd.size,self.UX.shape[1]), (Sd.itemsize,0))
        UyS = self.Uy / Sd

        XKX = UXS.T.dot(self.UX)
        XKy = UXS.T.dot(self.Uy)
        yKy = UyS.T.dot(self.Uy)

        logdetK = SP.log(Sd).sum()
        if (k<N):#low rank part
            # determine normalization factor
            if delta is not None:
                denom = (delta*scale)
                denom = ((1.0-h2)*scale)
            XKX += self.UUX.T.dot(self.UUX)/(denom)
            XKy += self.UUX.T.dot(self.UUy)/(denom)
            yKy += self.UUy.T.dot(self.UUy)/(denom)      
            logdetK+=(N-k) * SP.log(denom)
        # proximal contamination (see Supplement Note 2: An Efficient Algorithm for Avoiding Proximal Contamination)
        # available at: http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v9/n6/extref/nmeth.2037-S1.pdf
        # exclude SNPs from the RRM in the likelihood evaluation

        if len(self.exclude_idx) > 0:          
            num_exclude = len(self.exclude_idx)
            # consider only excluded SNPs
            G_exclude = self.G[:,self.exclude_idx]
            self.UW = self.U.T.dot(G_exclude) # needed for proximal contamination
            UWS = self.UW / NP.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(Sd, (Sd.size,num_exclude), (Sd.itemsize,0))
            assert UWS.shape == (k, num_exclude)
            WW = NP.eye(num_exclude) - UWS.T.dot(self.UW)
            WX = UWS.T.dot(self.UX)
            Wy = UWS.T.dot(self.Uy)
            assert WW.shape == (num_exclude, num_exclude)
            assert WX.shape == (num_exclude, D)
            assert Wy.shape == (num_exclude,)
            if (k<N):#low rank part
                self.UUW = G_exclude - self.U.dot(self.UW)
                WW += self.UUW.T.dot(self.UUW)/denom
                WX += self.UUW.T.dot(self.UUX)/denom
                Wy += self.UUW.T.dot(self.UUy)/denom
            #TODO: do cholesky, if fails do eigh
            # compute inverse efficiently
            [S_WW,U_WW] = LA.eigh(WW)
            UWX = U_WW.T.dot(WX)
            UWy = U_WW.T.dot(Wy)
            assert UWX.shape == (num_exclude, D)
            assert UWy.shape == (num_exclude,)
            # compute S_WW^{-1} * UWX
            WX = UWX / NP.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(S_WW, (S_WW.size,UWX.shape[1]), (S_WW.itemsize,0))
            # compute S_WW^{-1} * UWy
            Wy = UWy / S_WW
            # determinant update
            logdetK += SP.log(S_WW).sum()
            assert WX.shape == (num_exclude, D)
            assert Wy.shape == (num_exclude,)
            # perform updates (instantiations for a and b in Equation (1.5) of Supplement)
            yKy += UWy.T.dot(Wy)
            XKy += UWX.T.dot(Wy)
            XKX += UWX.T.dot(WX)

        [SxKx,UxKx]= LA.eigh(XKX)
        #optionally regularize the beta weights by penalty
        if penalty>0.0:
        i_pos = SxKx>1E-10
        beta = SP.dot(UxKx[:,i_pos],(SP.dot(UxKx[:,i_pos].T,XKy)/SxKx[i_pos]))

        r2 = yKy-XKy.dot(beta)

        if dof is None:#Use the Multivariate Gaussian
            if REML:
                XX = self.X.T.dot(self.X)
                [Sxx,Uxx]= LA.eigh(XX)
                logdetXX  = SP.log(Sxx).sum()
                logdetXKX = SP.log(SxKx).sum()
                sigma2 = r2 / (N - D)
                nLL =  0.5 * ( logdetK + logdetXKX - logdetXX + (N-D) * ( SP.log(2.0*SP.pi*sigma2) + 1 ) )
                sigma2 = r2 / (N)
                nLL =  0.5 * ( logdetK + N * ( SP.log(2.0*SP.pi*sigma2) + 1 ) )
            result = {
        else:#Use multivariate student-t
            if REML:
                XX = self.X.T.dot(self.X)
                [Sxx,Uxx]= LA.eigh(XX)
                logdetXX  = SP.log(Sxx).sum()
                logdetXKX = SP.log(SxKx).sum()

                nLL =  0.5 * ( logdetK + logdetXKX - logdetXX + (dof + (N-D)) * SP.log(1.0+r2/dof) )
                nLL += 0.5 * (N-D)*SP.log( dof*SP.pi ) + SS.gammaln( 0.5*dof ) - SS.gammaln( 0.5* (dof + (N-D) ))
                nLL =   0.5 * ( logdetK + (dof + N) * SP.log(1.0+r2/dof) )
                nLL +=  0.5 * N*SP.log( dof*SP.pi ) + SS.gammaln( 0.5*dof ) - SS.gammaln( 0.5* (dof + N ))
            result = {
        assert SP.all(SP.isreal(nLL)), "nLL has an imaginary component, possibly due to constant covariates"
        return result
 def real_and_positive(x):
     return sp.isreal(x) and x > 0
Example #30
def non_infinitesimal_mcmc(beta_hats,
    MCMC of non-infinitesimal model
    m = len(beta_hats)

    curr_betas = sp.copy(start_betas)
    curr_post_means = sp.zeros(m)
    avg_betas = sp.zeros(m)

    # Iterating over effect estimates in sequential order
    iter_order = sp.arange(m)

    for k in range(num_iter):  #Big iteration

        #Force an alpha shrink if estimates are way off compared to heritability estimates.  (Improves MCMC convergence.)
        h2_est = max(0.00001, sp.sum(curr_betas**2))
        alpha = min(1 - zero_jump_prob, 1.0 / h2_est,
                    (h2 + 1 / sp.sqrt(n)) / h2_est)
        rand_ps = sp.random.random(m)

        for i, snp_i in enumerate(iter_order):
            if Sigi2[snp_i] == 0:
                curr_post_means[snp_i] = 0
                curr_betas[snp_i] = 0
                hdmp = (Sigi2[snp_i] / Pi[snp_i])  #(h2 / Mp)
                hdmpn = hdmp + sig_12  #1.0 / n
                hdmp_hdmpn = (hdmp / hdmpn)
                c_const = (Pi[snp_i] / sp.sqrt(hdmpn))
                d_const = (1 - Pi[snp_i]) / (sp.sqrt(sig_12))

                start_i = max(0, snp_i - ld_radius)
                focal_i = min(ld_radius, snp_i)
                stop_i = min(m, snp_i + ld_radius + 1)

                #Local LD matrix
                D_i = ld_dict[snp_i]

                #Local (most recently updated) effect estimates
                local_betas = curr_betas[start_i:stop_i]

                #Calculate the local posterior mean, used when sampling.
                local_betas[focal_i] = 0
                res_beta_hat_i = beta_hats[snp_i] - sp.dot(D_i, local_betas)
                b2 = res_beta_hat_i**2

                d_const_b2_exp = d_const * sp.exp(-b2 / (2.0 * sig_12))
                if sp.isreal(d_const_b2_exp):
                    numerator = c_const * sp.exp(-b2 / (2.0 * hdmpn))
                    if sp.isreal(numerator):
                        if numerator == 0:
                            postp = 0
                            postp = numerator / (numerator + d_const_b2_exp)
                            assert sp.isreal(
                                postp), 'Posterior mean is not a real number?'
                        postp = 0
                    postp = 1
                curr_post_means[snp_i] = hdmp_hdmpn * postp * res_beta_hat_i

                if rand_ps[i] < postp * alpha:
                    #Sample from the posterior Gaussian dist.
                    proposed_beta = stats.norm.rvs(
                        0, (hdmp_hdmpn) * sig_12,
                        size=1) + hdmp_hdmpn * res_beta_hat_i

                    #Sample 0
                    proposed_beta = 0

                curr_betas[snp_i] = proposed_beta  #UPDATE BETA

        if k >= burn_in:
            avg_betas += curr_post_means  #Averaging over the posterior means instead of samples.

    avg_betas = avg_betas / float(num_iter - burn_in)

    return {'betas': avg_betas, 'inf_betas': start_betas}
Example #31
def entropic_reestimate(omega, theta=None, Z=1, maxiter=100, tol=1e-7, verbose=False):
    Re-estimates a statistic parameter vector entropically [1]_.
    omega : array_like 
        Evidence vector
    theta : array_like, optional
        Parameter vector to be re-estimated under given evidence and learning rate (default None)
    Z : {-1, 0, +1}, optional
        -1: Algorithm reduces to traditional MLE (e.g the Baum-Welch)

        0: ?

        +1: Algorithm will seek maximum structure
    maxiter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations of Fixed-point loop (default 100)
    verbose : bool, optional
        Display verbose output (default off)

    theta_hat : array_like
        Learned parameter vector
    Z : float
        Final Learning rate
    _lambda : float
        Limiting value of Lagrange multiplier

    >>> from entropy_map import entropic_reestimate
    >>> omega = [1, 2]
    >>> theta = [0.50023755, 0.49976245]
    >>> theta_hat, final_Z, _lambda = entropic_reestimate(omega, theta, Z=1, tol=1e-6)
    >>> theta_hat
    array([ 0.33116253,  0.66883747])
    >>> final_Z
    >>> _lambda

    .. [1] Matthiew Brand, "Pattern learning via entropy maximization"


    def _debug(msg=''):
        if verbose:
            print msg

    # XXX TODO: handle Z = 0 case
    assert Z != 0 

    # if no initial theta specified, start with uniform candidate
    if theta is None:
        theta = almost_uniform_vector(len(omega))

    # all arrays must be numpy-like
    omega = array(omega, dtype='float64')
    theta = array(theta, dtype='float64')

    # XXX TODO: trim-off any evidence which 'relatively close to 0' (since such evidence can't justify anything!) 
    informative_indices = nonzero(minimum(omega, theta) > _EPSILON)
    _omega = omega[informative_indices]
    _theta = theta[informative_indices]

    # prepare initial _lambda which will ensure that Lambert's W is real-valued
    if Z > 0:
        critical_lambda = min(-Z*(2 + log(_omega/Z)))
        _lambda = critical_lambda - 1 # or anything less than the critical value above
    elif Z < 0:
        #  make an educated guess
        _lambda = -mean(Z*(log(_theta) + 1) + _omega/_theta)
    assert all(-_omega*exp(1+_lambda/Z)/Z > -1/e), -_omega*exp(1+_lambda/Z)/Z 
    # Fixed-point loop
    _theta_hat = _theta
    iteration = 0
    converged = False
    _debug("entropy_map: starting Fixed-point loop ..\n")
    _debug("Initial model: %s"%_theta)
    _debug("Initial lambda: %s"%_lambda)
    _debug("Initila learning rate (Z): %s"%Z)
    while not converged:
        # exhausted ?
        if maxiter <= iteration:

        # if necessary, re-scale learning rate (Z) so that exp(1 + _lambda/Z) is not 'too small'
        if _lambda < 0:
            if Z > 0:
                new_Z = -_lambda/_BEAR
            elif Z < 0:
                new_Z = _lambda/_BEAR
            if new_Z != Z:
                Z = new_Z
                _debug("N.B:- We'll re-scale learning rate (Z) to %s to prevent Lambert's W function from vanishing."%(Z))

        # prepare argument (vector) for Lambert's W function
        z = -_omega*exp(1 + _lambda/Z)/Z
        assert all(isreal(z)) 
        if any(z < -1/e):
            _debug("Lambert's W: argument z = %s out of range (-1/e, +inf)"%z)

        # compute Lambert's W function at z
        if Z <= 0:
            g = W(z, k=0)
            g = W(z, k=-1)
        assert all(isreal(g))
        g = real(g)
        # check against division by zero (btw we re-scaled Z to prevent this)
        # assert all(g != 0)
        assert all(abs(g) > _EPSILON)

        # re-estimate _theta
        _theta_hat = (-_omega/Z)/g 
        assert all(_theta_hat >= 0)

        # normalize the approximated _theta_hat parameter
        _theta_hat = normalize_probabilities(_theta_hat)

        # re-estimate _lambda
        _lambda_hat = -(Z*(log(_theta_hat[0]) + 1) + _omega[0]/_theta_hat[0]) # [0] or any other index [i]

        # check whether _lambda values have convergede
        converged, _, relative_error = check_converged(_lambda, _lambda_hat, tol=tol)

        # verbose for debugging, etc.
        _debug("Iteration: %d"%iteration)
        _debug('Current parameter estimate:\n%s'%_theta)
        _debug('lambda: %s'%_lambda)
        _debug("Relative error in lambda over last iteration: %s"%relative_error)
        _debug("Learning rate (Z): %s"%Z)

        # update _lambda and _theta
        _lambda = _lambda_hat
        _theta = _theta_hat

        # goto next iteration
        iteration += 1


    _debug('Final parameter estimate:\n%s'%_theta)
    _debug('lambda: %s'%_lambda)
    _debug("Relative error in lambda over last iteration: %s"%relative_error)
    _debug("Learning rate (Z): %s"%Z)

    # converged ?
    if converged:
        _debug("entropic_reestimate: loop converged after %d iterations (tolerance was set to %s)"%(iteration,tol))
        _debug("entropic_reestimate: loop did not converge after %d iterations (tolerance was set to %s)"\

    # render results
    theta_hat = 0*theta
    theta_hat[informative_indices] = _theta_hat
    return theta_hat, Z, _lambda
def flowisentropic(**flow):
    Evaluate the isentropic relations with any flow variable.
    This function accepts a given set of specific heat ratios and
    a single input of isentropic flow variables. Inputs can be a single
    scalar or an array_like data structure.

    gamma : array_like, optional
        Specific heat ratio. Values must be greater than 1.
    M : array_like
        Mach number. Values must be greater than or equal to 0.
    T : array_like
        Temperature ratio T/T0. Values must be 0 <= T <= 1. 
    P : array_like
        Pressure ratio P/P0. Values must be 0 <= P <= 1.
    rho : array_like
        Density ratio rho/rho0. Values must be 0 <= rho <= 1.
    sub : array_like
        Subsonic area ratio A/A*. Values must be greater than or equal
        to 1.
    sup : array_like
        Supersonic area ratio A/A*. Values must be greater than or
        equal to 1.
    out : (M, T, P, rho, area)
        Tuple of Mach number, temperature ratio, pressure ratio, density
        ratio and area ratio.
    This function accepts one and only one of the isentropic flow
    variables. It will raise an Exception when more than one input
    is given.
    >>> flowisentropic(M=3)
    (3.0, 0.35714285714285715, 0.027223683703862824, 0.076226314370815895,
    >>> flowisentropic(gamma=1.4, sup=1.6)
    (1.9352576078182122, 0.57174077399894296, 0.14131786852470815,
    0.24717122680666009, 1.6000000000000001)
    >>> flowisentropic(T=sp.linspace(0, 1, 100))
    (array, array, array, array, array)

    #parse the input
    gamma, flow, mtype, itype = _flowinput(flow)

    #calculate gamma-ratios for use in the equations
    a = (gamma+1) / 2
    b = (gamma-1) / 2
    c = a / (gamma-1)

    #preshape mach array
    M = sp.empty(flow.shape, sp.float64)

    #use the isentropic relations to solve for the mach number
    if mtype in ["mach", "m"]:
        if (flow < 0).any() or not sp.isreal(flow).all():
            raise Exception("Mach number inputs must be real numbers" \
                " greater than or equal to 0.")
        M = flow
    elif mtype in ["temp", "t"]:
        if (flow < 0).any() or (flow > 1).any():
            raise Exception("Temperature ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
                " 0 <= T <= 1.")
        M[flow == 0] = sp.inf
        M[flow != 0] = sp.sqrt((1/b[flow != 0])*(flow[flow != 0]**(-1) - 1))
    elif mtype in ["pres", "p"]:
        if (flow < 0).any() or (flow > 1).any():
            raise Exception("Pressure ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
                " 0 <= P <= 1.")
        M[flow == 0] = sp.inf
        M[flow != 0] = sp.sqrt((1/b[flow != 0]) * \
            (flow[flow != 0]**((gamma[flow != 0]-1)/-gamma[flow != 0]) - 1))
    elif mtype in ["dens", "d", "rho"]:
        if (flow < 0).any() or (flow > 1).any():
            raise Exception("Density ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
                " 0 <= rho <= 1.")
        M[flow == 0] = sp.inf
        M[flow != 0] = sp.sqrt((1/b[flow != 0]) * \
            (flow[flow != 0]**((gamma[flow != 0]-1)/-1) - 1))
    elif mtype in ["sub", "sup"]:
        if (flow < 1).any():
            raise Exception("Area ratio inputs must be real numbers greater" \
                " than or equal to 1.")
        M[:] = 0.2 if mtype == "sub" else 1.8
        for _ in xrange(_AETB_iternum):
            K = M ** 2
            f = -flow + a**(-c) * ((1+b*K)**c) / M #mach-area relation
            g = a**(-c) * ((1+b*K)**(c-1)) * (b*(2*c - 1)*K - 1) / K #deriv
            M = M - (f / g) #Newton-Raphson
        M[flow == 1] = 1
        M[sp.isinf(flow)] = sp.inf
        raise Exception("Keyword input must be an acceptable string to" \
            " select input parameter.")

    d = 1 + b*M**2
    T = d**(-1)
    P = d**(-gamma/(gamma-1))
    rho = d**(-1/(gamma-1))

    area = sp.empty(M.shape, sp.float64)
    r = sp.logical_and(M != 0, sp.isfinite(M))
    area[r] = a[r]**(-c[r]) * d[r]**c[r] / M[r]
    area[sp.logical_not(r)] = sp.inf

    return from_ndarray(itype, M, T, P, rho, area)
Example #33
def non_infinitesimal_mcmc(beta_hats, Pi, Sigi2, sig_12, start_betas=None, h2=None, n=1000, ld_radius=100, num_iter=60, burn_in=10, zero_jump_prob=0.05, ld_dict=None):
    MCMC of non-infinitesimal model
    m = len(beta_hats)
    curr_betas = sp.copy(start_betas)
    curr_post_means = sp.zeros(m)
    avg_betas = sp.zeros(m)

    # Iterating over effect estimates in sequential order
    iter_order = sp.arange(m)
    for k in range(num_iter):  #Big iteration

        #Force an alpha shrink if estimates are way off compared to heritability estimates.  (Improves MCMC convergence.)
        h2_est = max(0.00001,sp.sum(curr_betas ** 2))
        alpha = min(1-zero_jump_prob, 1.0 / h2_est, (h2 + 1 / sp.sqrt(n)) / h2_est)
        rand_ps = sp.random.random(m)

        for i, snp_i in enumerate(iter_order):
            if Sigi2[snp_i]==0:
                curr_post_means[snp_i] = 0
                curr_betas[snp_i] = 0
                hdmp = (Sigi2[snp_i]/Pi[snp_i])#(h2 / Mp)
                hdmpn = hdmp + sig_12#1.0 / n
                hdmp_hdmpn = (hdmp / hdmpn)
                c_const = (Pi[snp_i] / sp.sqrt(hdmpn))
                d_const = (1 - Pi[snp_i]) / (sp.sqrt(sig_12))
                start_i = max(0, snp_i - ld_radius)
                focal_i = min(ld_radius, snp_i)
                stop_i = min(m, snp_i + ld_radius + 1)
                #Local LD matrix
                D_i = ld_dict[snp_i]
                #Local (most recently updated) effect estimates
                local_betas = curr_betas[start_i: stop_i]
                #Calculate the local posterior mean, used when sampling.
                local_betas[focal_i] = 0
                res_beta_hat_i = beta_hats[snp_i] - sp.dot(D_i , local_betas)
                b2 = res_beta_hat_i ** 2
                d_const_b2_exp = d_const * sp.exp(-b2 / (2.0*sig_12))
                if sp.isreal(d_const_b2_exp):
                    numerator = c_const * sp.exp(-b2 / (2.0 * hdmpn))
                    if sp.isreal(numerator):
                        if numerator == 0:
                            postp = 0
                            postp = numerator / (numerator + d_const_b2_exp)
                            assert sp.isreal(postp), 'Posterior mean is not a real number?' 
                        postp = 0
                    postp = 1
                curr_post_means[snp_i] = hdmp_hdmpn * postp * res_beta_hat_i
                if rand_ps[i] < postp * alpha:
                    #Sample from the posterior Gaussian dist.
                    proposed_beta = stats.norm.rvs(0, (hdmp_hdmpn) * sig_12, size=1) + hdmp_hdmpn * res_beta_hat_i
                    #Sample 0
                    proposed_beta = 0
                curr_betas[snp_i] = proposed_beta  #UPDATE BETA

        if k >= burn_in:
            avg_betas += curr_post_means #Averaging over the posterior means instead of samples.

    avg_betas = avg_betas/float(num_iter-burn_in)

    return {'betas':avg_betas, 'inf_betas':start_betas}
Example #34
def duff_amp_solve(mu = 0.01, k = 0.013, alpha = .2, sigma = (-0.5,.5)):
    sigma = sp.linspace(sigma[0],sigma[1],1000)
    a = sp.zeros((sigma.size,3))*1j
    first = 1
    for idx, sig in enumerate(sigma):
        p = sp.array([alpha**2, 0, -16./3.*alpha*sig, 0, 64./9.*(mu**2 + sig**2),0,-64./9.*k**2])
        soln = sp.roots(p)
        #print('original soln')
        sorted_indices = sp.argsort(sp.absolute(soln))
        a[idx,:] = soln[sorted_indices][0:5:2]
        if sum(sp.isreal(a[idx,:])) == 3 and first == 1:
            first = 0
            #if sp.absolute(a[idx,2] - a[idx,1]) < sp.absolute(a[idx,1] - a[idx,0]):
            solns = sp.sort(sp.absolute(a[idx,:]))
            if (solns[2] - solns[1]) > (solns[1]-solns[0]):
                ttl = 'Hardening spring'
                softening = False
                ttl = 'Softening spring'
                softening = True
            first_bif_index = idx

        if first == 0 and sum(sp.isreal(a[idx,:])) == 1:
            first = 2
            second_bif_index = idx
    if softening == True:

        low_sig = sigma[0:second_bif_index]

        low_amp = sp.zeros(second_bif_index)
        low_amp[0:first_bif_index] = sp.absolute(sp.sum(sp.isreal(a[0:first_bif_index,:])*a[0:first_bif_index,:],axis = 1))
        low_amp[first_bif_index:second_bif_index] = sp.absolute(a[first_bif_index:second_bif_index,:]).min(axis = 1)

        med_sig = sigma[first_bif_index:second_bif_index]

        med_amp = sp.sort(sp.absolute(a[first_bif_index:second_bif_index,:]),axis = 1)[:,1]
        high_sig = sigma[first_bif_index:]
        high_amp = sp.zeros(sigma.size - first_bif_index)
        high_amp[0:second_bif_index - first_bif_index] = sp.absolute(a[first_bif_index:second_bif_index,:]).max(axis = 1)
        high_amp[second_bif_index - first_bif_index:] = sp.absolute(sp.sum(sp.isreal(a[second_bif_index:,:])*a[second_bif_index:,:],axis = 1))
        high_sig = sigma[0:second_bif_index]

        high_amp = sp.zeros(second_bif_index)
        high_amp[0:first_bif_index] = sp.absolute(sp.sum(sp.isreal(a[0:first_bif_index,:])*a[0:first_bif_index,:],axis = 1))
        high_amp[first_bif_index:second_bif_index] = sp.absolute(a[first_bif_index:second_bif_index,:]).max(axis = 1)

        med_sig = sigma[first_bif_index:second_bif_index]

        med_amp = sp.sort(sp.absolute(a[first_bif_index:second_bif_index,:]),axis = 1)[:,1]
        low_sig = sigma[first_bif_index:]
        low_amp = sp.zeros(sigma.size - first_bif_index)
        low_amp[0:second_bif_index - first_bif_index] = sp.absolute(a[first_bif_index:second_bif_index,:]).min(axis = 1)
        low_amp[second_bif_index - first_bif_index:] = sp.absolute(sp.sum(sp.isreal(a[second_bif_index:,:])*a[second_bif_index:,:],axis = 1))
    plt.plot(med_sig, med_amp, '--g')

def flownormalshock(**flow):
    Evaluate the normal shock wave relations with any flow variable.
    This function accepts a given set of specific heat ratios and a
    single input of normal shock wave flow variables. Inputs can be
    a scalar or an array_like data structure.

    gamma : array_like, optional
        Specific heat ratio. Values must be greater than 1.
    M : array_like
        Upstream Mach number. Values must be greater than or equal to 1.
    M2 : array_like
        Downstream Mach number. Values must be
        SQRT((GAMMA-1)/(2*GAMMA)) <= M <= 1.
    T : array_like
        Temperature ratio T2/T1. Values must be greater than or equal to 1.
    P : array_like
        Pressure ratio P2/P1. Values must be greater than or equal to 1.
    rho : array_like
        Density ratio rho2/rho1. Values must be
        1 <= rho <= (GAMMA+1)/(GAMMA-1).
    P0 : array_like
        Total pressure ratio P02/P01. Values must be 0 <= P0 <= 1.
    Pitot : array_like
        Rayleigh-Pitot ratio P02/P1. Values must be greater than or equal
        to ((GAMMA+1)/2)**(-GAMMA/(GAMMA+1)).
    out :  (M, M2, T, P, rho, P0, Pitot)
        Tuple of upstream Mach number, downstream Mach number, temperature
        ratio, pressure ratio, density ratio, total pressure ratio,
        rayleigh-pitot ratio.
    This function accepts one and only one of the normal shock flow
    variables. It will raise an Exception when more than one input
    is given.
    >>> flownormalshock(M=2)
    (2.0, 0.57735026918962573, 1.6874999999999998, 4.5, 2.666666666666667,
    0.72087386148474542, 5.640440812823317)
    >>> flownormalshock(gamma=1.4, Pitot=3.4)
    (1.4964833298836788, 0.70233741753226209, 1.3178766042516246,
    2.4460394160563674, 1.8560458605647578, 0.93089743233402389, 3.3999999999999977)
    >>> flownormalshock(M2=[0.5, 0.6, 0.7])
    (list, list, list, list, list, list, list)

    #parse the input
    gamma, flow, mtype, itype = _flowinput(flow)

    #calculate gamma-ratios for use in the equations
    a = (gamma+1) / 2
    b = (gamma-1) / 2
    c = gamma / (gamma-1)

    #preshape mach array
    M = sp.empty(flow.shape, sp.float64)

    #use the normal shock relations to solve for the mach number
    if mtype in ["mach", "m1", "m"]:
        if (flow < 1).any():
            raise Exception("Mach number inputs must be real numbers" \
                " greater than or equal to 1.")
        M = flow
    elif mtype in ["down", "mach2", "m2", "md"]:
        lowerbound = sp.sqrt((gamma - 1)/(2*gamma))
        if (flow < lowerbound).any() or (flow > 1).any():
            raise Exception("Mach number downstream inputs must be real" \
                " numbers SQRT((GAMMA-1)/(2*GAMMA)) <= M <= 1.")
        M[flow <= lowerbound] = sp.inf
        M[flow > lowerbound] = sp.sqrt((1 + b*flow**2) / (gamma*flow**2 - b))
    elif mtype in ["pres", "p"]:
        if (flow < 1).any() or not sp.isreal(flow).all():
            raise Exception("Pressure ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
                " greater than or equal to 1.")
        M = sp.sqrt(((flow-1)*(gamma+1)/(2*gamma)) + 1)
    elif mtype in ["dens", "d", "rho"]:
        upperbound = (gamma+1) / (gamma-1)
        if (flow < 1).any() or (flow > upperbound).any():
            raise Exception("Density ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
                " 1 <= rho <= (GAMMA+1)/(GAMMA-1).")
        M[flow >= upperbound] = sp.inf
        M[flow < upperbound] = sp.sqrt(2*flow / (1 + gamma + flow - flow*gamma))
    elif mtype in ["temp", "t"]:
        if (flow < 1).any():
            raise Exception("Temperature ratio inputs must be real numbers" \
                " greater than or equal to 1.")
        B = b + gamma/a - gamma*b/a - flow*a
        M = sp.sqrt((-B + sp.sqrt(B**2 - \
            4*b*gamma*(1-gamma/a)/a)) / (2*gamma*b/a))
    elif mtype in ["totalp", "p0"]:
        if (flow < 0).any() or (flow > 1).any():
            raise Exception("Total pressure ratio inputs must be real" \
                " numbers 0 <= P0 <= 1.")
        M[:] = 2.0 #initial guess for the solution
        for _ in xrange(_AETB_iternum):
            f = -flow + (1 + (gamma/a)*(M**2 - 1))**(1-c) \
                * (a*M**2 / (1 + b*M**2))**c
            g = 2*M*(a*M**2 / (b*M**2 + 1))**(c-1)*((gamma* \
                (M**2-1))/a + 1)**(-c)*(a*c + gamma*(-c*(b*M**4 + 1) \
                + b*M**4 + M**2)) / (b*M**2 + 1)**2
            M = M - (f / g) #Newton-Raphson
        M[flow == 0] = sp.inf
    elif mtype in ["pito", "pitot", "rp"]:
        lowerbound = a**c
        if (flow < lowerbound).any():
            raise Exception("Rayleigh-Pitot ratio inputs must be real" \
                " numbers greater than or equal to ((G+1)/2)**(-G/(G+1)).")
        M[:] = 5.0 #initial guess for the solution
        K = a**(2*c - 1)
        for _ in xrange(_AETB_iternum):
            f = -flow + K * M**(2*c) / (gamma*M**2 - b)**(c-1) #Rayleigh-Pitot
            g = 2*K*M**(2*c - 1) * (gamma*M**2 - b)**(-c) * (gamma*M**2 - b*c)
            M = M - (f / g) #Newton-Raphson
        raise Exception("Keyword input must be an acceptable string to" \
            " select input parameter.")

    #normal shock relations
    M2 = sp.sqrt((1 + b*M**2) / (gamma*M**2 - b))
    rho = ((gamma+1)*M**2) / (2 + (gamma-1)*M**2)
    P = 1 + (M**2 - 1)*gamma / a
    T = P / rho
    P0 = P**(1-c) * rho**(c)
    P1 = a**(2*c - 1) * M**(2*c) / (gamma*M**2 - b)**(c-1)

    #handle infinite mach
    M2[M == sp.inf] = sp.sqrt((gamma[M == sp.inf] - 1)/(2*gamma[M == sp.inf]))
    T[M == sp.inf] = sp.inf
    P[M == sp.inf] = sp.inf
    rho[M == sp.inf] = (gamma[M == sp.inf]+1) / (gamma[M == sp.inf]-1)
    P0[M == sp.inf] = 0
    P1[M == sp.inf] = sp.inf    

    return from_ndarray(itype, M, M2, T, P, rho, P0, P1)
Example #36
def ldpred_gibbs(beta_hats, genotypes=None, start_betas=None, h2=None, n=1000, ld_radius=100,
                 num_iter=60, burn_in=10, p=None, zero_jump_prob=0.05, tight_sampling=False,
                 ld_dict=None, reference_ld_mats=None, ld_boundaries=None, verbose=False,
    LDpred (Gibbs Sampler) 
    t0 = time.time()
    m = len(beta_hats)
    n = float(n)
    # If no starting values for effects were given, then use the infinitesimal model starting values.
    if start_betas is None and verbose:
        print('Initializing LDpred effects with posterior mean LDpred-inf effects.')
        print('Calculating LDpred-inf effects.')
        start_betas = LDpred_inf.ldpred_inf(beta_hats, genotypes=genotypes, reference_ld_mats=reference_ld_mats,
                                            h2=h2, n=n, ld_window_size=2 * ld_radius, verbose=False)
    curr_betas = sp.copy(start_betas)
    assert len(curr_betas)==m,'Betas returned by LDpred_inf do not have the same length as expected.'
    curr_post_means = sp.zeros(m)
    avg_betas = sp.zeros(m)

    # Iterating over effect estimates in sequential order
    iter_order = sp.arange(m)
    # Setting up the marginal Bayes shrink
    Mp = m * p
    hdmp = (h2 / Mp)
    hdmpn = hdmp + 1.0 / n
    hdmp_hdmpn = (hdmp / hdmpn)
    c_const = (p / sp.sqrt(hdmpn))
    d_const = (1.0 - p) / (sp.sqrt(1.0 / n))

    for k in range(num_iter):  # Big iteration

        # Force an alpha shrink if estimates are way off compared to heritability estimates.  (Improves MCMC convergence.)
        h2_est = max(0.00001, sp.sum(curr_betas ** 2))
        if tight_sampling:
            alpha = min(1.0 - zero_jump_prob, 1.0 / h2_est, (h2 + 1.0 / sp.sqrt(n)) / h2_est)
            alpha = 1.0 - zero_jump_prob

        rand_ps = sp.random.random(m)
        rand_norms = stats.norm.rvs(0.0, (hdmp_hdmpn) * (1.0 / n), size=m)

        if ld_boundaries is None:
            for i, snp_i in enumerate(iter_order):
                start_i = max(0, snp_i - ld_radius)
                focal_i = min(ld_radius, snp_i)
                stop_i = min(m, snp_i + ld_radius + 1)
                # Local LD matrix
                D_i = ld_dict[snp_i]
                # Local (most recently updated) effect estimates
                local_betas = curr_betas[start_i: stop_i]
                # Calculate the local posterior mean, used when sampling.
                local_betas[focal_i] = 0.0
                res_beta_hat_i = beta_hats[snp_i] - sp.dot(D_i , local_betas)
                b2 = res_beta_hat_i ** 2
                d_const_b2_exp = d_const * sp.exp(-b2 * n / 2.0)
                if sp.isreal(d_const_b2_exp):
                    numerator = c_const * sp.exp(-b2 / (2.0 * hdmpn))
                    if sp.isreal(numerator):
                        if numerator == 0.0:
                            postp = 0.0
                            postp = numerator / (numerator + d_const_b2_exp)
                            assert sp.isreal(postp), 'The posterior mean is not a real number?  Possibly due to problems with summary stats, LD estimates, or parameter settings.' 
                        postp = 0.0
                    postp = 1.0
                curr_post_means[snp_i] = hdmp_hdmpn * postp * res_beta_hat_i
                if rand_ps[i] < postp * alpha:
                    # Sample from the posterior Gaussian dist.
                    proposed_beta = rand_norms[i] + hdmp_hdmpn * res_beta_hat_i
                    # Sample 0
                    proposed_beta = 0.0
                curr_betas[snp_i] = proposed_beta  # UPDATE BETA
            for i, snp_i in enumerate(iter_order):
                start_i = ld_boundaries[snp_i][0]
                stop_i = ld_boundaries[snp_i][1]
                focal_i = snp_i - start_i
                # Local LD matrix
                D_i = ld_dict[snp_i]
                # Local (most recently updated) effect imates
                local_betas = curr_betas[start_i: stop_i]
                # Calculate the local posterior mean, used when sampling.
                local_betas[focal_i] = 0.0
                res_beta_hat_i = beta_hats[snp_i] - sp.dot(D_i , local_betas)
                b2 = res_beta_hat_i ** 2
                d_const_b2_exp = d_const * sp.exp(-b2 * n / 2.0)
                if sp.isreal(d_const_b2_exp):
                    numerator = c_const * sp.exp(-b2 / (2.0 * hdmpn))
                    if sp.isreal(numerator):
                        if numerator == 0.0:
                            postp = 0.0
                            postp = numerator / (numerator + d_const_b2_exp)
                            assert sp.isreal(postp), 'Posterior mean is not a real number? Possibly due to problems with summary stats, LD estimates, or parameter settings.' 
                        postp = 0.0
                    postp = 1.0
                curr_post_means[snp_i] = hdmp_hdmpn * postp * res_beta_hat_i
                if rand_ps[i] < postp * alpha:
                    # Sample from the posterior Gaussian dist.
                    proposed_beta = rand_norms[i] + hdmp_hdmpn * res_beta_hat_i
                    # Sample 0
                    proposed_beta = 0.0
                curr_betas[snp_i] = proposed_beta  # UPDATE BETA                
        if verbose and print_progress:
            sys.stdout.write('\b\b\b\b\b\b\b%0.2f%%' % (100.0 * (min(1, float(k + 1) / num_iter))))

        if k >= burn_in:
            avg_betas += curr_post_means  # Averaging over the posterior means instead of samples.
    if verbose and print_progress:
        sys.stdout.write('\b\b\b\b\b\b\b%0.2f%%\n' % (100.0))

    avg_betas = avg_betas / float(num_iter - burn_in)
    t1 = time.time()
    t = (t1 - t0)
    if verbose:
        print('Took %d minutes and %0.2f seconds' % (t / 60, t % 60))
    return {'betas':avg_betas, 'inf_betas':start_betas}
Example #37
def qqplot(pvals, fileout = None, alphalevel = 0.05,legend=None,xlim=None,ylim=None,fixaxes=True,addlambda=True,minpval=1e-20,title=None,h1=None,figsize=[5,5],grid=True):
    performs a P-value QQ-plot in -log10(P-value) space
        pvals       P-values, for multiple methods this should be a list (each element will be flattened)
        fileout    if specified, the plot will be saved to the file (optional)
        alphalevel  significance level for the error bars (default 0.05)
                    if None: no error bars are plotted
        legend      legend string. For multiple methods this should be a list
        xlim        X-axis limits for the QQ-plot (unit: -log10)
        ylim        Y-axis limits for the QQ-plot (unit: -log10)
        fixaxes    Makes xlim=0, and ylim=max of the two ylimits, so that plot is square
        addlambda   Compute and add genomic control to the plot, bool
        title       plot title, string (default: empty)
        h1          figure handle (default None)
        figsize     size of the figure. (default: [5,5])
        grid        boolean: use a grid? (default: True)
    Returns:   fighandle, qnull, qemp
    distr = 'log10'
    import pylab as pl
    if type(pvals)==list:
        pvallist = [pvals]
    if type(legend)==list:
        legendlist = [legend]
    if h1 is None:
    pl.grid(b=grid, alpha = 0.5)
    maxval = 0

    for i in xrange(len(pvallist)):        
        pval =pvallist[i].flatten()
        M = pval.shape[0]
        pnull = (0.5 + sp.arange(M))/M
        # pnull = np.sort(np.random.uniform(size = tests))

        if distr == 'chi2':
            qnull = st.chi2.isf(pnull, 1)
            qemp = (st.chi2.isf(sp.sort(pval),1))
            xl = 'LOD scores'
            yl = '$\chi^2$ quantiles'

        if distr == 'log10':
            qnull = -sp.log10(pnull)            
            qemp = -sp.log10(sp.sort(pval)) #sorts the object, returns nothing
            xl = '-log10(P) observed'
            yl = '-log10(P) expected'
        if not (sp.isreal(qemp)).all(): raise Exception("imaginary qemp found")
        if qnull.max>maxval:
            maxval = qnull.max()                
        pl.plot(qnull, qemp, '.', markersize=2)
        #pl.plot([0,qemp.max()], [0,qemp.max()],'r')        
        if addlambda:
            lambda_gc = estimate_lambda(pval)
            print "lambda=%1.4f" % lambda_gc
            #pl.legend(["gc="+ '%1.3f' % lambda_gc],loc=2)   
            # if there's only one method, just print the lambda
            if len(pvallist) == 1:
                legendlist=["$\lambda_{GC}=$%1.4f" % lambda_gc]   
            # otherwise add it at the end of the name
                legendlist[i] = legendlist[i] + " ($\lambda_{GC}=$%1.4f)" % lambda_gc

    if title is not None:
    if fileout is not None:

    return h1,qnull, qemp,
Example #38
def duff_amp_solve(mu = 0.01, k = 0.013, alpha = .2, sigma = (-0.5,.5)):
    sigma = sp.linspace(sigma[0],sigma[1],1000)
    a = sp.zeros((sigma.size,3))*1j
    first = 1
    for idx, sig in enumerate(sigma):
        p = sp.array([alpha**2, 0, -16./3.*alpha*sig, 0, 64./9.*(mu**2 + sig**2),0,-64./9.*k**2])
        soln = sp.roots(p)
        #print('original soln')
        sorted_indices = sp.argsort(sp.absolute(soln))
        a[idx,:] = soln[sorted_indices][0:5:2]
        if sum(sp.isreal(a[idx,:])) == 3 and first == 1:
            first = 0
            #if sp.absolute(a[idx,2] - a[idx,1]) < sp.absolute(a[idx,1] - a[idx,0]):
            solns = sp.sort(sp.absolute(a[idx,:]))
            if (solns[2] - solns[1]) > (solns[1]-solns[0]):
                ttl = 'Hardening spring'
                softening = False
                ttl = 'Softening spring'
                softening = True
            first_bif_index = idx

        if first == 0 and sum(sp.isreal(a[idx,:])) == 1:
            first = 2
            second_bif_index = idx
    if softening == True:

        low_sig = sigma[0:second_bif_index]

        low_amp = sp.zeros(second_bif_index)
        low_amp[0:first_bif_index] = sp.absolute(sp.sum(sp.isreal(a[0:first_bif_index,:])*a[0:first_bif_index,:],axis = 1))
        low_amp[first_bif_index:second_bif_index] = sp.absolute(a[first_bif_index:second_bif_index,:]).min(axis = 1)

        med_sig = sigma[first_bif_index:second_bif_index]

        med_amp = sp.sort(sp.absolute(a[first_bif_index:second_bif_index,:]),axis = 1)[:,1]
        high_sig = sigma[first_bif_index:]
        high_amp = sp.zeros(sigma.size - first_bif_index)
        high_amp[0:second_bif_index - first_bif_index] = sp.absolute(a[first_bif_index:second_bif_index,:]).max(axis = 1)
        high_amp[second_bif_index - first_bif_index:] = sp.absolute(sp.sum(sp.isreal(a[second_bif_index:,:])*a[second_bif_index:,:],axis = 1))
        high_sig = sigma[0:second_bif_index]

        high_amp = sp.zeros(second_bif_index)
        high_amp[0:first_bif_index] = sp.absolute(sp.sum(sp.isreal(a[0:first_bif_index,:])*a[0:first_bif_index,:],axis = 1))
        high_amp[first_bif_index:second_bif_index] = sp.absolute(a[first_bif_index:second_bif_index,:]).max(axis = 1)

        med_sig = sigma[first_bif_index:second_bif_index]

        med_amp = sp.sort(sp.absolute(a[first_bif_index:second_bif_index,:]),axis = 1)[:,1]
        low_sig = sigma[first_bif_index:]
        low_amp = sp.zeros(sigma.size - first_bif_index)
        low_amp[0:second_bif_index - first_bif_index] = sp.absolute(a[first_bif_index:second_bif_index,:]).min(axis = 1)
        low_amp[second_bif_index - first_bif_index:] = sp.absolute(sp.sum(sp.isreal(a[second_bif_index:,:])*a[second_bif_index:,:],axis = 1))
    plt.plot(med_sig, med_amp, '--g')

Example #39
def ldpred_gibbs(beta_hats,
    LDpred (Gibbs Sampler) 
    t0 = time.time()
    m = len(beta_hats)
    n = float(n)

    # If no starting values for effects were given, then use the infinitesimal model starting values.
    if start_betas is None and verbose:
            'Initializing LDpred effects with posterior mean LDpred-inf effects.'
        print('Calculating LDpred-inf effects.')
        start_betas = LDpred_inf.ldpred_inf(
            ld_window_size=2 * ld_radius,
    curr_betas = sp.copy(start_betas)
    assert len(
    ) == m, 'Betas returned by LDpred_inf do not have the same length as expected.'
    curr_post_means = sp.zeros(m)
    avg_betas = sp.zeros(m)

    # Iterating over effect estimates in sequential order
    iter_order = sp.arange(m)

    # Setting up the marginal Bayes shrink
    Mp = m * p
    hdmp = (h2 / Mp)
    hdmpn = hdmp + 1.0 / n
    hdmp_hdmpn = (hdmp / hdmpn)
    c_const = (p / sp.sqrt(hdmpn))
    d_const = (1.0 - p) / (sp.sqrt(1.0 / n))

    for k in range(num_iter):  # Big iteration

        # Force an alpha shrink if estimates are way off compared to heritability estimates.  (Improves MCMC convergence.)
        h2_est = max(0.00001, sp.sum(curr_betas**2))
        if tight_sampling:
            alpha = min(1.0 - zero_jump_prob, 1.0 / h2_est,
                        (h2 + 1.0 / sp.sqrt(n)) / h2_est)
            alpha = 1.0 - zero_jump_prob

        rand_ps = sp.random.random(m)
        rand_norms = stats.norm.rvs(0.0, (hdmp_hdmpn) * (1.0 / n), size=m)

        if ld_boundaries is None:
            for i, snp_i in enumerate(iter_order):
                start_i = max(0, snp_i - ld_radius)
                focal_i = min(ld_radius, snp_i)
                stop_i = min(m, snp_i + ld_radius + 1)

                # Local LD matrix
                D_i = ld_dict[snp_i]

                # Local (most recently updated) effect estimates
                local_betas = curr_betas[start_i:stop_i]

                # Calculate the local posterior mean, used when sampling.
                local_betas[focal_i] = 0.0
                res_beta_hat_i = beta_hats[snp_i] - sp.dot(D_i, local_betas)
                b2 = res_beta_hat_i**2

                d_const_b2_exp = d_const * sp.exp(-b2 * n / 2.0)
                if sp.isreal(d_const_b2_exp):
                    numerator = c_const * sp.exp(-b2 / (2.0 * hdmpn))
                    if sp.isreal(numerator):
                        if numerator == 0.0:
                            postp = 0.0
                            postp = numerator / (numerator + d_const_b2_exp)
                            assert sp.isreal(
                            ), 'The posterior mean is not a real number?  Possibly due to problems with summary stats, LD estimates, or parameter settings.'
                        postp = 0.0
                    postp = 1.0
                curr_post_means[snp_i] = hdmp_hdmpn * postp * res_beta_hat_i

                if rand_ps[i] < postp * alpha:
                    # Sample from the posterior Gaussian dist.
                    proposed_beta = rand_norms[i] + hdmp_hdmpn * res_beta_hat_i

                    # Sample 0
                    proposed_beta = 0.0

                curr_betas[snp_i] = proposed_beta  # UPDATE BETA
            for i, snp_i in enumerate(iter_order):
                start_i = ld_boundaries[snp_i][0]
                stop_i = ld_boundaries[snp_i][1]
                focal_i = snp_i - start_i

                # Local LD matrix
                D_i = ld_dict[snp_i]

                # Local (most recently updated) effect imates
                local_betas = curr_betas[start_i:stop_i]

                # Calculate the local posterior mean, used when sampling.
                local_betas[focal_i] = 0.0
                res_beta_hat_i = beta_hats[snp_i] - sp.dot(D_i, local_betas)
                b2 = res_beta_hat_i**2

                d_const_b2_exp = d_const * sp.exp(-b2 * n / 2.0)
                if sp.isreal(d_const_b2_exp):
                    numerator = c_const * sp.exp(-b2 / (2.0 * hdmpn))
                    if sp.isreal(numerator):
                        if numerator == 0.0:
                            postp = 0.0
                            postp = numerator / (numerator + d_const_b2_exp)
                            assert sp.isreal(
                            ), 'Posterior mean is not a real number? Possibly due to problems with summary stats, LD estimates, or parameter settings.'
                        postp = 0.0
                    postp = 1.0
                curr_post_means[snp_i] = hdmp_hdmpn * postp * res_beta_hat_i

                if rand_ps[i] < postp * alpha:
                    # Sample from the posterior Gaussian dist.
                    proposed_beta = rand_norms[i] + hdmp_hdmpn * res_beta_hat_i

                    # Sample 0
                    proposed_beta = 0.0

                curr_betas[snp_i] = proposed_beta  # UPDATE BETA
        if verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('\b\b\b\b\b\b\b%0.2f%%' %
                             (100.0 * (min(1,
                                           float(k + 1) / num_iter))))

        if k >= burn_in:
            avg_betas += curr_post_means  # Averaging over the posterior means instead of samples.

    avg_betas = avg_betas / float(num_iter - burn_in)
    t1 = time.time()
    t = (t1 - t0)
    if verbose:
        print('\nTook %d minutes and %0.2f seconds' % (t / 60, t % 60))
    return {'betas': avg_betas, 'inf_betas': start_betas}
Example #40
def ldpred_gibbs(beta_hats,
    LDpred (Gibbs Sampler) 
    # Set random seed to stabilize results

    t0 = time.time()
    m = len(beta_hats)

    ldpred_n, ldpred_inf_n = get_LDpred_sample_size(n, ns, verbose)

    # If no starting values for effects were given, then use the infinitesimal model starting values.
    if start_betas is None and verbose:
            'Initializing LDpred effects with posterior mean LDpred-inf effects.'
        print('Calculating LDpred-inf effects.')
        start_betas = LDpred_inf.ldpred_inf(
            ld_window_size=2 * ld_radius,
    curr_betas = sp.copy(start_betas)
    assert len(
    ) == m, 'Betas returned by LDpred_inf do not have the same length as expected.'
    curr_post_means = sp.zeros(m)
    avg_betas = sp.zeros(m)

    # Iterating over effect estimates in sequential order
    iter_order = sp.arange(m)

    # Setting up the marginal Bayes shrink
    const_dict = prepare_constants(ldpred_n, ns, m, p, h2,

    for k in range(num_iter):  # Big iteration
        h2_est = max(0.00001, sp.sum(curr_betas**2))
        if tight_sampling:
            # Force an alpha shrink if estimates are way off compared to heritability estimates.
            #(May improve MCMC convergence.)
            alpha = min(1.0 - zero_jump_prob, 1.0 / h2_est,
                        (h2 + 1.0 / sp.sqrt(ldpred_n)) / h2_est)
            alpha = 1.0 - zero_jump_prob

        rand_ps = sp.random.random(m)

        rand_norms = stats.norm.rvs(0.0, 1, size=m) * const_dict['rv_scalars']

        for i, snp_i in enumerate(iter_order):
            if ld_boundaries is None:
                start_i = max(0, snp_i - ld_radius)
                focal_i = min(ld_radius, snp_i)
                stop_i = min(m, snp_i + ld_radius + 1)
                start_i = ld_boundaries[snp_i][0]
                stop_i = ld_boundaries[snp_i][1]
                focal_i = snp_i - start_i

            #Figure out what sample size and constants to use
            cd = get_constants(snp_i, const_dict)

            # Local LD matrix
            D_i = ld_dict[snp_i]

            # Local (most recently updated) effect estimates
            local_betas = curr_betas[start_i:stop_i]

            # Calculate the local posterior mean, used when sampling.
            local_betas[focal_i] = 0.0
            res_beta_hat_i = beta_hats[snp_i] - sp.dot(D_i, local_betas)
            b2 = res_beta_hat_i**2

            d_const_b2_exp = cd['d_const'] * sp.exp(-b2 * cd['n'] / 2.0)
            if sp.isreal(d_const_b2_exp):
                numerator = cd['c_const'] * sp.exp(-b2 / (2.0 * cd['hdmpn']))
                if sp.isreal(numerator):
                    if numerator == 0.0:
                        postp = 0.0
                        postp = numerator / (numerator + d_const_b2_exp)
                        assert sp.isreal(
                        ), 'The posterior mean is not a real number?  Possibly due to problems with summary stats, LD estimates, or parameter settings.'
                    postp = 0.0
                postp = 1.0
            curr_post_means[snp_i] = cd['hdmp_hdmpn'] * postp * res_beta_hat_i

            if rand_ps[i] < postp * alpha:
                # Sample from the posterior Gaussian dist.
                proposed_beta = rand_norms[
                    snp_i] + cd['hdmp_hdmpn'] * res_beta_hat_i

                # Sample 0
                proposed_beta = 0.0

            curr_betas[snp_i] = proposed_beta  # UPDATE BETA

        if verbose and print_progress:
            sys.stdout.write('\r%0.2f%%' % (100.0 *
                                                 float(k + 1) / num_iter))))

        if k >= burn_in:
            avg_betas += curr_post_means  # Averaging over the posterior means instead of samples.
    if verbose and print_progress:
        sys.stdout.write('\r%0.2f%%\n' % (100.0))

    avg_betas = avg_betas / float(num_iter - burn_in)
    t1 = time.time()
    t = (t1 - t0)
    if verbose:
        print('Took %d minutes and %0.2f seconds' % (t / 60, t % 60))
    return {'betas': avg_betas, 'inf_betas': start_betas}