Example #1
def apply_chords(im, spacing=0, axis=0, trim_edges=True):
    Adds chords to the void space in the specified direction.  The chords are
    separated by 1 voxel plus the provided spacing.

    im : ND-array
        An image of the porous material with void marked as True.

    spacing : int (default = 0)
        Chords are automatically separated by 1 voxel and this argument
        increases the separation.

    axis : int (default = 0)
        The axis along which the chords are drawn.

    trim_edges : bool (default = True)
        Whether or not to remove chords that touch the edges of the image.
        These chords are artifically shortened, so skew the chord length

    An ND-array of the same size as ```im``` with True values indicating the

    See Also

    if spacing < 0:
        raise Exception('Spacing cannot be less than 0')
    dims1 = sp.arange(0, im.ndim)
    dims2 = sp.copy(dims1)
    dims2[axis] = 0
    dims2[0] = axis
    im = sp.moveaxis(a=im, source=dims1, destination=dims2)
    im = sp.atleast_3d(im)
    ch = sp.zeros_like(im, dtype=bool)
    if im.ndim == 2:
        ch[:, ::2+spacing, ::2+spacing] = 1
    if im.ndim == 3:
        ch[:, ::4+2*spacing, ::4+2*spacing] = 1
    chords = im*ch
    chords = sp.squeeze(chords)
    if trim_edges:
        temp = clear_border(spim.label(chords == 1)[0]) > 0
        chords = temp*chords
    chords = sp.moveaxis(a=chords, source=dims1, destination=dims2)
    return chords
Example #2
	def __call__(self,params):
		indices = self.slice(params)
		axis = tuple([idim for idim in range(self.ndim) if idim not in indices])
		toret = self.mesh.sum(axis=axis)
		toret /= toret.max()
		x = [self.nodes[i] for i in indices]
		if len(x) == 1: x = x[0]
		sindices = sorted(indices)
		return x,scipy.moveaxis(toret,range(len(indices)),[sindices.index(ind) for ind in indices])
Example #3
    def ComputeDetJacobian(self, vec_x, vec_xi):
        dnn_xi = self.ShapeFunctionDerivative(vec_xi)
        self.JacobianMatrix = sp.moveaxis(
            [sp.dot(dnn, vec_x) for dnn in dnn_xi], 2, 0
        )  #shape = (vec_x.shape[0] = Nel, len(vec_xi)=nb_pg, nb_dir_derivative, vec_x.shape[2] = dim)

        #        sp.moveaxis([sp.dot(dnn,vec_x) for dnn in dnn_xi], 2,0)
        #        self.JacobianMatrix = [linalg.norm(sp.dot(dnn,vec_x)) for dnn in dnn_xi] #dx_dxi avec x tangeant à l'élément (repère local élémentaire)
        self.detJ = self.JacobianMatrix.reshape(
            len(vec_x), -1)  #In 1D, the jacobian matrix is a scalar
Example #4
 def GetLocalFrame(self,
                   localFrame=None):  #linear local frame
     if len(vec_x.shape) == 2: vec_x = sp.array([vec_x])
     dnn_xi = self.ShapeFunctionDerivative(vec_xi)
     listX = [sp.dot(dnn, vec_x)[0] for dnn in dnn_xi]
     lastAxis = len(listX[0].shape) - 1
     listX = [
         X / linalg.norm(X, axis=lastAxis).reshape(-1, 1) for X in listX
     if localFrame is None:
         return sp.moveaxis(self.__GetLocalFrameFromX(listX, None), 2, 0)
         rep_pg = self.interpolateLocalFrame(
             vec_xi)  #interpolation du repère local aux points de gauss
         return sp.moveaxis(
             self.__GetLocalFrameFromX(listX, rep_pg), 2,
             0)  #shape = (Nel, len(listX), dim:listvec, dim:coordinates)
Example #5
    def GetLocalFrame(self,
                      localFrame=None):  #linear local frame
        if len(vec_x.shape) == 2: vec_x = sp.array([vec_x])
        listX = [
            vec_x[..., 1, 0:3] - vec_x[..., 0, 0:3]
        ]  #only 1 element in the list because frame doesn't change over the element (in general nppg elements in list)
        lastAxis = len(listX[0].shape) - 1
        listX = [
            X / linalg.norm(X, axis=lastAxis).reshape(-1, 1) for X in listX

        if localFrame is None:
            return sp.moveaxis(
                self._element1D__GetLocalFrameFromX(listX, None), 2, 0)
            rep_pg = self.interpolateLocalFrame(
                vec_xi)  #interpolation du repère local aux points de gauss
            return sp.moveaxis([
                self._element1D__GetLocalFrameFromX(listX, rep_pg)[0]
                for xi in vec_xi
            ], 2, 0)  #shape = (Nel, len(listX), dim:listvec, dim:coordinates)
Example #6
    def ComputeDetJacobian(self, vec_x, vec_xi):
        Calcul le Jacobien aux points de gauss dans le cas d'un élément isoparamétrique (c'est à dire que les mêmes fonctions de forme sont utilisées)
        vec_x est un tabeau de dimension 3 où les lignes de vec_x[el] donnent les coordonnées de chacun des noeuds de l'éléments el
        vec_xi est un tableau de dimension 2 dont les lignes donnent les coordonnées dans le repère de référence des points où on souhaite avoir le jacobien (en général pg)
        Calcul le jacobien dans self.JacobianMatrix où self.Jacobien[el,k] est le jacobien de l'élément el au point de gauss k sous la forme [[dx/dxi, dy/dxi, ...], [dx/deta, dy/deta, ...], ...]
        Calcul également le déterminant du jacobien pour le kième point de gauss de l'élément el dans self.detJ[el,k]
        dnn_xi = self.ShapeFunctionDerivative(vec_xi)
        self.JacobianMatrix = sp.moveaxis(
            [sp.dot(dnn, vec_x) for dnn in dnn_xi], 2, 0
        )  #shape = (vec_x.shape[0] = Nel, len(vec_xi)=nb_pg, nb_dir_derivative, vec_x.shape[2] = dim)

        if self.JacobianMatrix.shape[-2] == self.JacobianMatrix.shape[-1]:
            #            self.detJ = [abs(linalg.det(J)) for J in self.JacobianMatrix]
            self.detJ = abs(linalg.det(self.JacobianMatrix))
        else:  #l'espace réel est dans une dimension plus grande que l'espace de l'élément de référence
            if sp.shape(self.JacobianMatrix)[-2] == 1:
                self.detJ = linalg.norm(JacobianMatrix, axis=3)
            else:  #On doit avoir sp.shape(JacobianMatrix)[-2]=2 (l'elm de ref est défini en 2D) et sp.shape(JacobianMatrix)[-1]=3  (l'espace réel est 3D)
                J = self.JacobianMatrix
                self.detJ = sp.sqrt(abs(J[...,0,1]*J[...,1,2]-J[...,0,2]*J[...,1,1])**2 +\
                                    abs(J[...,0,2]*J[...,1,0]-J[...,1,2]*J[...,0,0])**2 +\
                                    abs(J[...,0,0]*J[...,1,1]-J[...,1,0]*J[...,0,1])**2 )