Example #1
def qr(a,overwrite_a=0,lwork=None):
    """QR decomposition of an M x N matrix a.


      Find a unitary matrix, q, and an upper-trapezoidal matrix r
      such that q * r = a


      a -- the matrix
      overwrite_a=0 -- if non-zero then discard the contents of a,
                     i.e. a is used as a work array if possible.

      lwork=None -- >= shape(a)[1]. If None (or -1) compute optimal
                    work array size. 

      q, r -- matrices such that q * r = a

    a1 = asarray_chkfinite(a)
    if len(a1.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError, 'expected matrix'
    M,N = a1.shape
    overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (a1 is not a and not hasattr(a,'__array__'))
    geqrf, = get_lapack_funcs(('geqrf',),(a1,))
    if lwork is None or lwork == -1:
        # get optimal work array
        qr,tau,work,info = geqrf(a1,lwork=-1,overwrite_a=1)
        lwork = work[0]
    qr,tau,work,info = geqrf(a1,lwork=lwork,overwrite_a=overwrite_a)    
    if info<0: raise ValueError,\
       'illegal value in %-th argument of internal geqrf'%(-info)
    gemm, = get_blas_funcs(('gemm',),(qr,))
    t = qr.typecode()
    R = basic.triu(qr)
    Q = scipy_base.identity(M,typecode=t)
    ident = scipy_base.identity(M,typecode=t)
    zeros = scipy_base.zeros
    for i in range(min(M,N)):
        v = zeros((M,),t)
        v[i] = 1
        v[i+1:M] = qr[i+1:M,i]
        H = gemm(-tau[i],v,v,1+0j,ident,trans_b=2)
        Q = gemm(1,Q,H)
    return Q, R
Example #2
def pinv(a, cond=None):
    """ pinv(a, cond=None) -> a_pinv

    Compute generalized inverse of A using least-squares solver.
    a = asarray_chkfinite(a)
    t = a.typecode()
    b = scipy_base.identity(a.shape[0],t)
    return lstsq(a, b, cond=cond)[0]