Example #1
 def  __init__(self, name, ownerUID, theUID=None, spreadsheetPath=None):
     # Make sure owner has a valid UUID, converting a hex text to a
     # UUID object, if needed.        
     validOwnerUID = sobj.getValidUUID(ownerUID)
     # If we have a valid UUID...
     if validOwnerUID is not None:  
         # Set the owner (User) UID.
         self.ownerUID = validOwnerUID
         # If a UUID was passed in...
         if theUID is not None:
             # Make sure the argument is a valid UUID, converting a hex text to a
             # UUID object, if needed.        
             validUID = sobj.getValidUUID(theUID) 
             # If a validUID was found, use it.
             if validUID is not None:
                 self.uid = validUID
             # Otherwise, generate a new random UUID using uuid4().
                 self.uid = uuid.uuid4()
         # Otherwise, generate a new random UUID using uuid4().
             self.uid = uuid.uuid4()
         # Set the project name.
         self.name = name
         # Set the spreadsheetPath.
         self.spreadsheetPath = spreadsheetPath
         # Set the creation time for now.
         self.createdTime = now_utc()
         # Set the updating time to None.
         self.updatedTime = None
         # Set the spreadsheet upload time to None.
         self.dataUploadTime = None
         # If we have passed in a spreadsheet path...
         if self.spreadsheetPath is not None:
             # Set the data spreadsheet upload time for now.
             self.dataUploadTime = now_utc()
         # Set the type prefix to 'user'.
         self.typePrefix = 'project'
         # Set the file suffix to '.usr'.
         self.fileSuffix = '.prj'
         # Set the instance label to the username.
         self.instanceLabel = name   
Example #2
 def delete(self, theUID, saveHandleChanges=True):
     # Make sure the argument is a valid UUID, converting a hex text to a
     # UUID object, if needed.        
     validUID = sobj.getValidUUID(theUID)
     # If we have a valid UUID...
     if validUID is not None: 
         # Get the handle (if any) matching the UID.
         theHandle = self.getHandleByUID(validUID) 
         # If we found a matching handle...
         if theHandle is not None:
             # If we are using Redis...
             if self.dbMode == 'redis': 
                 # Delete the key using the handle.
             # Otherwise (we are using files)...
                 # Delete the file using the handle.
             # Delete the handle from the dictionary.
             del self.handleDict[validUID]
             # Do a save of the database so change is kept.
             if saveHandleChanges:        
Example #3
 def add(self, theObject, theUID, theTypeLabel='obj', theFileSuffix='.obj', 
     theInstanceLabel='', saveHandleChanges=True):
     # Make sure the argument is a valid UUID, converting a hex text to a
     # UUID object, if needed.        
     validUID = sobj.getValidUUID(theUID)
     # If we have a valid UUID...
     if validUID is not None:       
         # Create the new StoreObjectHandle.
         newHandle = StoreObjectHandle(validUID, theTypeLabel, theFileSuffix, 
         # Add the handle to the dictionary.
         self.handleDict[validUID] = newHandle
         # If we are using Redis...
         if self.dbMode == 'redis':
             # Put the object in Redis.
             newHandle.redisStore(theObject, self.redisDb)
         # Otherwise (we are using files)...
             # Put the object in a file.
             newHandle.fileStore('.', theObject)
         # Do a save of the database so change is kept.
         if saveHandleChanges:
Example #4
 def getHandleByUID(self, theUID):
     # Make sure the argument is a valid UUID, converting a hex text to a
     # UUID object, if needed.        
     validUID = sobj.getValidUUID(theUID)
     # If we have a valid UUID...
     if validUID is not None:
         return self.handleDict.get(validUID, None)
         return None
Example #5
 def getProjectEntriesByUser(self, ownerUID):
     # Make sure the argument is a valid UUID, converting a hex text to a
     # UUID object, if needed.        
     validUID = sobj.getValidUUID(ownerUID)
     # If we have a valid UUID...
     if validUID is not None:    
         # Get ProjectSO entries for each Project in the dictionary.
         projectEntries = [self.theObjectDict[theKey] \
             for theKey in self.theObjectDict \
             if self.theObjectDict[theKey].ownerUID == validUID]
         return projectEntries
     # Otherwise, return an empty list.
         return []
Example #6
 def update(self, theUID, theObject):
     # Make sure the argument is a valid UUID, converting a hex text to a
     # UUID object, if needed.        
     validUID = sobj.getValidUUID(theUID)
     # If we have a valid UUID...
     if validUID is not None:  
         # Get the handle (if any) matching the UID.
         theHandle = self.getHandleByUID(validUID)
         # If we found a matching handle...
         if theHandle is not None:
             # If we are using Redis...
             if self.dbMode == 'redis':   
                 # Overwrite the old copy of the object using the handle.
                 theHandle.redisStore(theObject, self.redisDb)
             # Otherwise (we are using files)...
                 # Overwrite the old copy of the object using the handle.
                 theHandle.fileStore('.', theObject)     
Example #7
    def deleteByUID(self, theUID):
        # Make sure the argument is a valid UUID, converting a hex text to a
        # UUID object, if needed.
        validUID = sobj.getValidUUID(theUID)

        # If we have a valid UUID...
        if validUID is not None:
            # Get the object pointed to by the UID.
            theObject = self.theObjectDict[validUID]

            # If a match is found...
            if theObject is not None:
                # Remove entries from both theUserDict and usernameHashes
                # attributes.
                theUsername = theObject.username
                del self.theObjectDict[validUID]
                del self.usernameHashes[theUsername]

                # Update our DataStore representation if we are there.
                if self.inDataStore():
Example #8
 def retrieve(self, theUID):
     # Make sure the argument is a valid UUID, converting a hex text to a
     # UUID object, if needed.        
     validUID = sobj.getValidUUID(theUID)
     # If we have a valid UUID...
     if validUID is not None: 
         # Get the handle (if any) matching the UID.
         theHandle = self.getHandleByUID(validUID)
         # If we found a matching handle...
         if theHandle is not None:
             # If we are using Redis...
             if self.dbMode == 'redis':        
                 # Return the object pointed to by the handle.
                 return theHandle.redisRetrieve(self.redisDb)
             # Otherwise (we are using files)...
                 # Return the object pointed to by the handle.
                 return theHandle.fileRetrieve('.')
     # Return None (a failure to find a match).
     return None