Example #1
 def _add_background(self):
     if self.background_raw_pixels is not None:
         self.D.raw_pixels += self.background_raw_pixels
         if self.add_water:
             print('add water %f mm' % self.water_path_mm)
             water_scatter = flex.vec2_double([(0, 2.57), (0.0365, 2.58),
                                               (0.07, 2.8), (0.12, 5),
                                               (0.162, 8), (0.2, 6.75),
                                               (0.18, 7.32), (0.216, 6.75),
                                               (0.236, 6.5), (0.28, 4.5),
                                               (0.3, 4.3), (0.345, 4.36),
                                               (0.436, 3.77), (0.5, 3.17)])
             self.D.Fbg_vs_stol = water_scatter
             self.D.amorphous_sample_thick_mm = self.water_path_mm
             self.D.amorphous_density_gcm3 = 1
             self.D.amorphous_molecular_weight_Da = 18
             self.D.add_background(1, 0)
         if self.add_air:
             print('add air %f mm' % self.air_path_mm)
             air_scatter = flex.vec2_double([(0, 14.1), (0.045, 13.5),
                                             (0.174, 8.35), (0.35, 4.78),
                                             (0.5, 4.22)])
             self.D.Fbg_vs_stol = air_scatter
             self.D.amorphous_sample_thick_mm = self.air_path_mm
             self.D.amorphous_density_gcm3 = 0.0012
             self.D.amorphous_sample_molecular_weight_Da = 28
             self.D.add_background(1, 0)
def build_grid(Nq, Nphi, nls, moments):
    two_pi = smath.pi * 2.0
    dq = 1
    dphi = two_pi / Nphi
    qps = flex.vec2_double()
    xys = flex.vec2_double()
    image = flex.vec3_double()
    for xx in range(0, Nq + 1):
        for yy in range(0, Nq + 1):
            r = smath.sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy) / Nq
            if (r <= 1):
                phi = smath.atan2(yy, xx)
                if (phi < 0): phi = phi + two_pi
                qps.append([r, phi])
                xys.append([xx, yy])
                c2 = compute_c2(nls, moments, r, phi)
                c2 = 0
            image.append([Nq + xx, Nq + yy, c2])
            if (xx > 0 and yy > 0):
                image.append([Nq - xx, Nq - yy, c2])
            if (yy > 0):
                image.append([Nq + xx, Nq - yy, c2])
            if (xx > 0):
                image.append([Nq - xx, Nq + yy, c2])
    return image
Example #3
def test_polygon():
    poly = flex.vec2_double(((0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)))
    assert is_inside_polygon(poly, 0, 0)
    assert is_inside_polygon(poly, 0.5, 0.5)
    assert not is_inside_polygon(poly, 1, 1.01)
    points = flex.vec2_double(((0.3, 0.8), (0.3, 1.5), (-8, 9), (0.00001, 0.9999)))
    assert list(is_inside_polygon(poly, points)) == [True, False, False, True]
Example #4
def exercise_polygon():
  from dials.util import is_inside_polygon
  from scitbx.array_family import flex

  poly = flex.vec2_double(((0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)))
  assert is_inside_polygon(poly, 0, 0)
  assert is_inside_polygon(poly, 0.5, 0.5)
  assert not is_inside_polygon(poly, 1, 1.01)

  points = flex.vec2_double(((0.3, 0.8), (0.3, 1.5), (-8,9), (0.00001, 0.9999)))
  assert list(is_inside_polygon(poly, points)) == [True, False, False, True]
Example #5
def exercise_polygon():
  from dials.util import is_inside_polygon
  from scitbx.array_family import flex

  poly = flex.vec2_double(((0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)))
  assert is_inside_polygon(poly, 0, 0)
  assert is_inside_polygon(poly, 0.5, 0.5)
  assert not is_inside_polygon(poly, 1, 1.01)

  points = flex.vec2_double(((0.3, 0.8), (0.3, 1.5), (-8,9), (0.00001, 0.9999)))
  assert list(is_inside_polygon(poly, points)) == [True, False, False, True]
Example #6
def test_SimpleWithConvex_non_intersecting():
    for i in range(10000):

        # Generate nonintersecting polygons
        subject, target = generate_non_intersecting()

        # Do the clipping
        result = clip.simple_with_convex(flex.vec2_double(subject),

        # Ensure we no vertices
        assert len(result) == 0
Example #7
def test_SimpleWithConvex_intersecting():
    for i in range(10000):

        # Generate intersecting polygons
        subject, target = generate_intersecting()

        # Do the clipping
        result = clip.simple_with_convex(flex.vec2_double(subject),

        # Ensure we have roughly valid number of vertices
        assert len(result) >= 3
        assert len(result) >= min([len(subject), len(target)])
Example #8
  def update(self,horizon_phil,matches,status_with_marked_outliers,verbose=False):
    # first time through: status with marked outliers is None; no input information
    # second time through after re-refinement: status is a list of SpotClass instances
    first_time_through = status_with_marked_outliers is None

    # update spot positions
    self.observed_spots = flex.vec2_double([(m.x_obs,m.y_obs) for m in matches])
    self.predicted_spots = flex.vec2_double([(m.x_calc,m.y_calc) for m in matches])

    # store Miller indices
    self.hkl = [m.miller_index for m in matches]

    current_status = self.get_new_status( old_status = status_with_marked_outliers )
    return self.update_detail(horizon_phil,current_status,first_time_through,verbose)
  def update(self,horizon_phil,matches,status_with_marked_outliers,verbose=False):
    # first time through: status with marked outliers is None; no input information
    # second time through after re-refinement: status is a list of SpotClass instances
    first_time_through = status_with_marked_outliers is None

    # update spot positions
    self.observed_spots = flex.vec2_double([(m.x_obs,m.y_obs) for m in matches])
    self.predicted_spots = flex.vec2_double([(m.x_calc,m.y_calc) for m in matches])

    # store Miller indices
    self.hkl = [m.miller_index for m in matches]

    current_status = self.get_new_status( old_status = status_with_marked_outliers )
    return self.update_detail(horizon_phil,current_status,first_time_through,verbose)
Example #10
  def __init__(self, scene, settings=None):
    import matplotlib
    from matplotlib import pyplot
    render_2d.__init__(self, scene, settings)

    self._open_circle_points = flex.vec2_double()
    self._open_circle_radii = []
    self._open_circle_colors = []
    self._filled_circle_points = flex.vec2_double()
    self._filled_circle_radii = []
    self._filled_circle_colors = []

    self.fig, self.ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=self.settings.size_inches)
Example #11
    def test_intersecting(self):
        from dials.algorithms.polygon import clip
        from scitbx.array_family import flex
        for i in range(10000):

            # Generate intersecting polygons
            subject, target = generate_intersecting()

            # Do the clipping
            result = clip.simple_with_convex(flex.vec2_double(subject),

            # Ensure we have roughly valid number of vertices
            assert (len(result) >= 3)
            assert (len(result) >= min([len(subject), len(target)]))
Example #12
    def test_non_intersecting(self):
        from dials.algorithms.polygon import clip
        from scitbx.array_family import flex

        for i in range(10000):

            # Generate nonintersecting polygons
            subject, target = generate_non_intersecting()

            # Do the clipping
            result = clip.simple_with_convex(flex.vec2_double(subject),

            # Ensure we no vertices
            assert (len(result) == 0)
    def tst_larger_input(self):
        from scitbx.array_family import flex

        # Set the size of the grid
        input_height = 20
        input_width = 20
        output_height = 10
        output_width = 10

        # Create the grid data
        value = 13
        grid = flex.double([value for i in range(input_height * input_width)])
        grid.reshape(flex.grid(input_height, input_width))

        # Create the grid coordinates
        xy = []
        for j in range(input_height + 1):
            for i in range(input_width + 1):
                xy.append((i / 2.0, j / 2.0))
        gridxy = flex.vec2_double(xy)
        gridxy.reshape(flex.grid(input_height + 1, input_width + 1))

        # Get the output grid
        output = regrid_irregular_grid_to_grid(grid, gridxy, (output_height, output_width))

        # Check that each each pixel has a value of 4 times the input
        eps = 1e-7
        for j in range(1, output_height):
            for i in range(1, output_width):
                assert abs(output[j, i] - 4 * value) <= eps

        # Test passed
        print "OK"
Example #14
  def test_conservation_of_counts():
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    from scitbx import matrix
    from math import sin, cos, pi

    # Set the size of the grid
    input_height = 10
    input_width = 10
    output_height = 50
    output_width = 50

    # Create the grid data
    grid = flex.double([random.uniform(0, 100)
        for i in range(input_height * input_width)])
    grid.reshape(flex.grid(input_height, input_width))

    # Create the grid coordinates
    xy = []
    angle = random.uniform(0, pi)
    R = matrix.sqr((cos(angle), -sin(angle), sin(angle), cos(angle)))
    for j in range(output_height + 1):
      for i in range(output_width + 1):
        ij = R * matrix.col((i, j))
        xy.append((ij[0], ij[1]))
    gridxy = flex.vec2_double(xy)
    gridxy.reshape(flex.grid(output_height+1, output_width+1))
    off = gridxy[output_height//2, output_width//2]
    for i in range(len(gridxy)):
      gridxy[i] = (gridxy[i][0] - off[0], gridxy[i][1] - off[1])

    # Get the output grid
    output = regrid_grid_to_irregular_grid(grid, gridxy)
    # Check that the sum of the counts is conserved
    eps = 1e-7
    assert(abs(flex.sum(output) - flex.sum(grid)) <= eps)
Example #15
def filter_shadowed_reflections(experiments, reflections):
  from dials.util import mask_untrusted_polygon
  from dials.util import is_inside_polygon
  shadowed = flex.bool(reflections.size(), False)
  for expt_id in range(len(experiments)):
    expt = experiments[expt_id]
    imgset = expt.imageset
    masker = imgset.reader().get_format().get_goniometer_shadow_masker()
    detector = expt.detector
    sel = reflections['id'] == expt_id
    isel = sel.iselection()
    x,y,z = reflections['xyzcal.px'].select(isel).parts()
    start, end = expt.scan.get_array_range()
    for i in range(start, end):
      shadow = masker.project_extrema(
        detector, expt.scan.get_angle_from_array_index(i))
      img_sel = (z >= i) & (z < (i+1))
      img_isel = img_sel.iselection()
      for p_id in range(len(detector)):
        panel = reflections['panel'].select(img_isel)
        if shadow[p_id].size() < 4:
        panel_isel = img_isel.select(panel == p_id)
        inside = is_inside_polygon(
        shadowed.set_selected(panel_isel, inside)

  return shadowed
Example #16
    def test(self, dials_regression):
        filename = os.path.join(dials_regression, "image_examples", "XDS",

        import dxtbx

        models = dxtbx.load(filename)
        self.detector = models.get_detector()
        self.beam = models.get_beam()
        assert len(self.detector) == 1
        self.t0 = 0.320
        from cctbx.eltbx import attenuation_coefficient

        table = attenuation_coefficient.get_table("Si")
        self.mu = table.mu_at_angstrom(self.beam.get_wavelength()) / 10.0
        self.distance = self.detector[0].get_distance()
        self.origin = self.detector[0].get_ray_intersection(
        self.pixel_size = self.detector[0].get_pixel_size()

        from random import uniform

        # Generate some random coordinates and do the correction
        random_coord = lambda: (uniform(-1000, 1000), uniform(-1000, 1000))
        for i in range(10000):
            xy = random_coord()

        from scitbx.array_family import flex

        xy = flex.vec2_double([random_coord() for i in range(100)])

Example #17
    def test_larger_input():
        from scitbx.array_family import flex

        # Set the size of the grid
        input_height = 20
        input_width = 20
        output_height = 10
        output_width = 10

        # Create the grid data
        value = 13
        grid = flex.double([value for i in range(input_height * input_width)])
        grid.reshape(flex.grid(input_height, input_width))

        # Create the grid coordinates
        xy = []
        for j in range(input_height + 1):
            for i in range(input_width + 1):
                xy.append((i / 2.0, j / 2.0))
        gridxy = flex.vec2_double(xy)
        gridxy.reshape(flex.grid(input_height + 1, input_width + 1))

        # Get the output grid
        output = regrid_irregular_grid_to_grid(grid, gridxy,
                                               (output_height, output_width))

        # Check that each each pixel has a value of 4 times the input
        eps = 1e-7
        for j in range(1, output_height):
            for i in range(1, output_width):
                assert abs(output[j, i] - 4 * value) <= eps
    def tst_larger_output(self):
        from scitbx.array_family import flex

        # Set the size of the grid
        height = 10
        width = 10

        # Create the grid data
        value = 13
        grid = flex.double([value for i in range(height * width)])
        grid.reshape(flex.grid(height, width))

        # Create the grid coordinates
        xy = []
        for j in range(height + 1):
            for i in range(width + 1):
                xy.append((i * 2, j * 2))
        gridxy = flex.vec2_double(xy)
        gridxy.reshape(flex.grid(height + 1, width + 1))

        # Get the output grid
        output = regrid_irregular_grid_to_grid(grid, gridxy, (height * 2, width * 2))

        # Check that each each pixel has a value of 0.25 the input
        eps = 1e-7
        for j in range(1, height):
            for i in range(1, width):
                assert abs(output[j, i] - 0.25 * value) <= eps

        # Test passed
        print "OK"
Example #19
    def test_larger_output():
        from scitbx.array_family import flex

        # Set the size of the grid
        height = 10
        width = 10

        # Create the grid data
        value = 13
        grid = flex.double([value for i in range(height * width)])
        grid.reshape(flex.grid(height, width))

        # Create the grid coordinates
        xy = []
        for j in range(height + 1):
            for i in range(width + 1):
                xy.append((i * 2, j * 2))
        gridxy = flex.vec2_double(xy)
        gridxy.reshape(flex.grid(height + 1, width + 1))

        # Get the output grid
        output = regrid_irregular_grid_to_grid(grid, gridxy,
                                               (height * 2, width * 2))

        # Check that each each pixel has a value of 0.25 the input
        eps = 1e-7
        for j in range(1, height):
            for i in range(1, width):
                assert abs(output[j, i] - 0.25 * value) <= eps
Example #20
    def test_known_offset():
        from scitbx.array_family import flex

        # Set the size of the grid
        height = 10
        width = 10

        # Create the grid data
        grid = flex.double([1 for i in range(height * width)])
        grid.reshape(flex.grid(height, width))

        # Create the grid coordinates
        xy = []
        for j in range(height + 1):
            for i in range(width + 1):
                xy.append((i + 0.5, j + 0.5))
        gridxy = flex.vec2_double(xy)
        gridxy.reshape(flex.grid(height + 1, width + 1))

        # Get the output grid
        output = regrid_irregular_grid_to_grid(grid, gridxy, (height, width))

        # Check that each each pixel along the left and bottom has a value
        # of 0.5 and that everything else is 1
        eps = 1e-7
        assert abs(output[0, 0] - 0.25) <= eps
        for i in range(1, width):
            assert abs(output[0, i] - 0.5) <= eps
        for j in range(1, height):
            assert abs(output[j, 0] - 0.5) <= eps
        for j in range(1, height):
            for i in range(1, width):
                assert abs(output[j, i] - 1.0) <= eps
Example #21
    def __init__(self, scene, settings=None):
        import matplotlib
        from matplotlib import pyplot
        render_2d.__init__(self, scene, settings)

        self._open_circle_points = flex.vec2_double()
        self._open_circle_radii = []
        self._open_circle_colors = []
        self._filled_circle_points = flex.vec2_double()
        self._filled_circle_radii = []
        self._filled_circle_colors = []

        self.fig, self.ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=self.settings.size_inches)
Example #22
  def __init__(self,imgobj,phil,inputpd,verbose=False):
    self.active_areas = imgobj.get_tile_manager(phil).effective_tiling_as_flex_int()
    B = self.active_areas

    #figure out which asics are on the central four sensors
    assert len(self.active_areas)%4 == 0
    # apply an additional margin of 1 pixel, since we don't seem to be
    # registering the global margin.
    asics = [(B[i]+1,B[i+1]+1,B[i+2]-1,B[i+3]-1) for i in xrange(0,len(B),4)]

    from scitbx.matrix import col
    centre_mm = col((float(inputpd["xbeam"]),float(inputpd["ybeam"])))
    centre = centre_mm / float(inputpd["pixel_size"])
    distances = flex.double()
    cenasics = flex.vec2_double()
    self.corners = []
    for iasic in xrange(len(asics)):
      cenasic = ((asics[iasic][2] + asics[iasic][0])/2. ,
                 (asics[iasic][3] + asics[iasic][1])/2. )
      distances.append(math.hypot(cenasic[0]-centre[0], cenasic[1]-centre[1]))
    orders = flex.sort_permutation(distances)

    self.flags = flex.int(len(asics),0)
    #Use the central 8 asics (central 4 sensors)
    self.green = []
    for i in xrange(32):
      #self.green.append( cenasics[orders[i]] )
      self.corners.append (asics[orders[i]])
    self.asic_filter = "distl.tile_flags="+",".join(["%1d"%b for b in self.flags])
Example #23
def filter_shadowed_reflections(experiments, reflections, experiment_goniometer=False):
    from dxtbx.masking import is_inside_polygon
    from scitbx.array_family import flex

    shadowed = flex.bool(reflections.size(), False)
    for expt_id in range(len(experiments)):
        expt = experiments[expt_id]
        imageset = expt.imageset
        masker = imageset.masker()
        detector = expt.detector
        sel = reflections["id"] == expt_id
        isel = sel.iselection()
        x, y, z = reflections["xyzcal.px"].select(isel).parts()
        start, end = expt.scan.get_array_range()
        for i in range(start, end):
            shadow = masker.project_extrema(
                detector, expt.scan.get_angle_from_array_index(i)
            img_sel = (z >= i) & (z < (i + 1))
            img_isel = img_sel.iselection()
            for p_id in range(len(detector)):
                panel = reflections["panel"].select(img_isel)
                if shadow[p_id].size() < 4:
                panel_isel = img_isel.select(panel == p_id)
                inside = is_inside_polygon(
                shadowed.set_selected(panel_isel, inside)

    return shadowed
Example #24
    def test_identical():
        from scitbx.array_family import flex

        # Set the size of the grid
        height = 10
        width = 10

        # Create the grid data
        grid = flex.double(
            [random.uniform(0, 100) for i in range(height * width)])
        grid.reshape(flex.grid(height, width))

        # Create the grid coordinates
        xy = []
        for j in range(height + 1):
            for i in range(width + 1):
                xy.append((i, j))
        gridxy = flex.vec2_double(xy)
        gridxy.reshape(flex.grid(height + 1, width + 1))

        # Get the output grid
        output = regrid_irregular_grid_to_grid(grid, gridxy, (height, width))

        # Check that each pixel is identical
        eps = 1e-7
        for j in range(height):
            for i in range(width):
                assert abs(output[j, i] - grid[j, i]) <= eps
Example #25
    def tst_identical(self):
        from scitbx.array_family import flex
        from random import uniform

        # Set the size of the grid
        height = 10
        width = 10

        # Create the grid data
        grid = flex.double([uniform(0, 100) for i in range(height * width)])
        grid.reshape(flex.grid(height, width))

        # Create the grid coordinates
        xy = []
        for j in range(height + 1):
            for i in range(width + 1):
                xy.append((i, j))
        gridxy = flex.vec2_double(xy)
        gridxy.reshape(flex.grid(height + 1, width + 1))

        # Get the output grid
        output = rebin_pixels(grid, gridxy, (height, width))

        # Check that each pixel is identical
        eps = 1e-7
        for j in range(height):
            for i in range(width):
                assert (abs(output[j, i] - grid[j, i]) <= eps)

        # Test passed
        print 'OK'
    def tst_identical(self):
        from scitbx.array_family import flex
        from random import uniform

        # Set the size of the grid
        height = 10
        width = 10

        # Create the grid data
        grid = flex.double([uniform(0, 100) for i in range(height * width)])
        grid.reshape(flex.grid(height, width))

        # Create the grid coordinates
        xy = []
        for j in range(height + 1):
            for i in range(width + 1):
                xy.append((i, j))
        gridxy = flex.vec2_double(xy)
        gridxy.reshape(flex.grid(height + 1, width + 1))

        # Get the output grid
        output = regrid_grid_to_irregular_grid(grid, gridxy)

        # Check that each pixel is identical
        eps = 1e-7
        for j in range(height):
            for i in range(width):
                assert abs(output[j, i] - grid[j, i]) <= eps

        # Test passed
        print "OK"
Example #27
    def tst_conservation_of_counts(self):
        from scitbx.array_family import flex
        from scitbx import matrix
        from math import sin, cos, pi
        from random import uniform

        # Set the size of the grid
        input_height = 10
        input_width = 10
        output_height = 50
        output_width = 50

        # Create the grid data
        grid = flex.double(
            [uniform(0, 100) for i in range(input_height * input_width)])
        grid.reshape(flex.grid(input_height, input_width))

        # Create the grid coordinates
        xy = []
        angle = uniform(0, pi)
        offset = (uniform(20, 30), uniform(20, 30))
        R = matrix.sqr((cos(angle), -sin(angle), sin(angle), cos(angle)))
        for j in range(input_height + 1):
            for i in range(input_width + 1):
                ij = R * matrix.col((i, j))
                xy.append((ij[0] + offset[0], ij[1] + offset[0]))
        gridxy = flex.vec2_double(xy)
        gridxy.reshape(flex.grid(input_height + 1, input_width + 1))

        # Get the output grid
        output = rebin_pixels(grid, gridxy, (output_height, output_width))

        # Check that the sum of the counts is conserved
        eps = 1e-7
        assert (abs(flex.sum(output) - flex.sum(grid)) <= eps)
Example #28
 def generate_vec2_double(self, num):
   from scitbx.array_family import flex
   from random import uniform
   x0, x1, y0, y1 = 0, 100, 0, 100
   result = flex.vec2_double(num)
   for i in range(num):
     result[i] = (uniform(x0, x1), uniform(y0, y1))
   return result
Example #29
def vec2_double():
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    num = 100
    x0, x1, y0, y1 = 0, 100, 0, 100
    result = flex.vec2_double(num)
    for i in range(num):
        result[i] = (random.uniform(x0, x1), random.uniform(y0, y1))
    return result
Example #30
 def generate_vec2_double(self, num):
   from scitbx.array_family import flex
   from random import uniform
   x0, x1, y0, y1 = 0, 100, 0, 100
   result = flex.vec2_double(num)
   for i in range(num):
     result[i] = (uniform(x0, x1), uniform(y0, y1))
   return result
Example #31
  def tst_non_intersecting(self):
    from dials.algorithms.polygon import clip
    from scitbx.array_family import flex

    for i in range(10000):

      # Generate nonintersecting polygons
      subject, target = generate_non_intersecting()

      # Do the clipping
      result = clip.simple_with_convex(

      # Ensure we no vertices
      assert(len(result) == 0)

    print 'OK'
def test_array(model):
    xy = flex.vec2_double(
        (random.uniform(-1000, 1000), random.uniform(-1000, 1000)) for i in range(100)
    xy_corr = model["detector"].get_lab_coord(xy)
    xy_corr_panel = model["detector"].get_lab_coord(xy)
    xy_corr_gold = [model["detector"].get_lab_coord(xy_single) for xy_single in xy]
    assert approx_equal(xy_corr, xy_corr_gold)
    assert approx_equal(xy_corr_panel, xy_corr_gold)
Example #33
    def __init__(self, scene, settings=None):
        render_2d.__init__(self, scene, settings)

        self._open_circle_points = flex.vec2_double()
        self._open_circle_radii = []
        self._open_circle_colors = []
        self._filled_circle_points = flex.vec2_double()
        self._filled_circle_radii = []
        self._filled_circle_colors = []
        self._text = {"x": [], "y": [], "text": []}
        self._lines = []
        json_d = self.render(None)

        if self.settings.json.compact:
            indent = None
            indent = 2
        with open(self.settings.json.filename, "w") as fh:
            json.dump(json_d, fh, indent=indent)
Example #34
def centroid_px_to_mm_panel(panel, scan, position, variance, sd_error):
    '''Convenience function to calculate centroid in mm/rad from px'''
    from operator import mul

    # Get the pixel to millimeter function
    pixel_size = panel.get_pixel_size()
    if scan is None:
        oscillation = (0, 0)
        oscillation = scan.get_oscillation(deg=False)
    scale = pixel_size + (oscillation[1], )
    scale2 = map(mul, scale, scale)

    if isinstance(position, tuple):
        # Convert Pixel coordinate into mm/rad
        x, y, z = position
        xy_mm = panel.pixel_to_millimeter((x, y))

        if scan is None:
            z_rad = 0
            z_rad = scan.get_angle_from_array_index(z, deg=False)

        # Set the position, variance and squared width in mm/rad
        # N.B assuming locally flat pixel to millimeter transform
        # for variance calculation.
        position_mm = xy_mm + (z_rad, )
        variance_mm = map(mul, variance, scale2)
        sd_error_mm = map(mul, sd_error, scale2)

        from scitbx.array_family import flex
        # Convert Pixel coordinate into mm/rad
        x, y, z = position.parts()
        xy_mm = panel.pixel_to_millimeter(flex.vec2_double(x, y))

        if scan is None:
            z_rad = flex.double(z.size(), 0)
            z_rad = scan.get_angle_from_array_index(z, deg=False)

        # Set the position, variance and squared width in mm/rad
        # N.B assuming locally flat pixel to millimeter transform
        # for variance calculation.
        x_mm, y_mm = xy_mm.parts()
        position_mm = flex.vec3_double(x_mm, y_mm, z_rad)
        v0, v1, v2 = variance.parts()
        variance_mm = flex.vec3_double(v0 * scale2[0], v1 * scale2[1],
                                       v2 * scale2[2])
        s0, s1, s2 = sd_error.parts()
        sd_error_mm = flex.vec3_double(s0 * scale2[0], s1 * scale2[1],
                                       s2 * scale2[2])

    # Return the stuff in mm/rad
    return position_mm, variance_mm, sd_error_mm
    def __call__(self, ipanel=0):

        panel_a = self.det1[ipanel]
        panel_b = self.det2[ipanel]
        size_fast, size_slow = panel_a.get_image_size_mm()
        assert size_fast, size_slow == panel_b.get_image_size_mm()

        # num of sample intervals
        n_fast = int((size_fast) / SAMPLE_FREQ)
        n_slow = int((size_slow) / SAMPLE_FREQ)

        # interval width
        step_fast = size_fast / n_fast
        step_slow = size_slow / n_slow

        # samples
        samp_fast = [step_fast * i for i in range(n_fast + 1)]
        samp_slow = [step_slow * i for i in range(n_slow + 1)]

        lab1 = flex.vec3_double()
        lab2 = flex.vec3_double()
        sample_pts = flex.vec2_double()

        # loop
        for s in samp_slow:
            for f in samp_fast:
                lab1.append(panel_a.get_lab_coord((f, s)))
                lab2.append(panel_b.get_lab_coord((f, s)))
                sample_pts.append((f, s))

        offset = lab2 - lab1

        # store offset in the lab frame
        x_off, y_off, z_off = offset.parts()

        # reexpress offset in the basis fast, slow, normal of panel_a
        f_off = offset.dot(panel_a.get_fast_axis())
        s_off = offset.dot(panel_a.get_slow_axis())
        n_off = offset.dot(panel_a.get_normal())

        f, s = sample_pts.parts()

        return {
            "lab_coord": lab1,
            "fast": f,
            "slow": s,
            "x_offset": x_off,
            "y_offset": y_off,
            "z_offset": z_off,
            "fast_offset": f_off,
            "slow_offset": s_off,
            "normal_offset": n_off,
            "size_fast": size_fast,
            "size_slow": size_slow,
Example #36
def test_polygon():
  from dials.algorithms.polygon import polygon

  x = 1
  y = 1
  vertices = [(0,0), (2,0), (2,2), (0,2)]
  poly = polygon(vertices)
  assert poly.is_inside(x,y)

  poly = polygon([(3,5), (40,90), (80,70), (50,50), (70,20)])
  for p in [(42,40), (16,25), (64,67), (16,30), (48, 45), (21,30)]:
    assert poly.is_inside(p[0], p[1])
  for p in [(59,4), (70,15), (57,14), (21,78), (37,100), (88,89)]:
    assert not poly.is_inside(p[0], p[1])

  if 0:
    # for visual confirmation of algorithm
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    inside_points = flex.vec2_double()
    outside_points = flex.vec2_double()
    import random
    x_max = 100
    y_max = 100
    for i in range(1000):
      x = random.randint(0,x_max)
      y = random.randint(0,y_max)
      is_inside = poly.is_inside(x, y)
      if is_inside:
    from matplotlib import pyplot
    from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
    v = poly.vertices + poly.vertices[:1]
    fig = pyplot.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.add_patch(Polygon(poly.vertices, closed=True, fill=False))
    inside_x, inside_y = inside_points.parts()
    outside_x, outside_y = outside_points.parts()
    ax.scatter(inside_x, inside_y, marker='+', c='r')
    ax.scatter(outside_x, outside_y, marker='+', c='b')
Example #37
    def __init__(self, scene, settings=None):
        render_2d.__init__(self, scene, settings)

        self._open_circle_points = flex.vec2_double()
        self._open_circle_radii = []
        self._open_circle_colors = []
        self._filled_circle_points = flex.vec2_double()
        self._filled_circle_radii = []
        self._filled_circle_colors = []
        self._text = []
        self._lines = []
        json_d = self.render(None)
        import json
        if self.settings.json.compact:
            indent = None
            indent = 2
        json_str = json.dumps(json_d, indent=indent)
        with open(self.settings.json.filename, 'wb') as f:
            print >> f, json_str
Example #38
def centroid_px_to_mm_panel(panel, scan, position, variance, sd_error):
  '''Convenience function to calculate centroid in mm/rad from px'''
  from operator import mul

  # Get the pixel to millimeter function
  pixel_size = panel.get_pixel_size()
  if scan is None:
    oscillation = (0,0)
    oscillation = scan.get_oscillation(deg=False)
  scale = pixel_size + (oscillation[1],)
  scale2 = map(mul, scale, scale)

  if isinstance(position, tuple):
    # Convert Pixel coordinate into mm/rad
    x, y, z = position
    xy_mm = panel.pixel_to_millimeter((x, y))

    if scan is None:
      z_rad = 0
      z_rad = scan.get_angle_from_array_index(z, deg=False)

    # Set the position, variance and squared width in mm/rad
    # N.B assuming locally flat pixel to millimeter transform
    # for variance calculation.
    position_mm = xy_mm + (z_rad,)
    variance_mm = map(mul, variance, scale2)
    sd_error_mm = map(mul, sd_error, scale2)

    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    # Convert Pixel coordinate into mm/rad
    x, y, z = position.parts()
    xy_mm = panel.pixel_to_millimeter(flex.vec2_double(x, y))

    if scan is None:
      z_rad = flex.double(z.size(), 0)
      z_rad = scan.get_angle_from_array_index(z, deg=False)

    # Set the position, variance and squared width in mm/rad
    # N.B assuming locally flat pixel to millimeter transform
    # for variance calculation.
    x_mm, y_mm = xy_mm.parts()
    position_mm = flex.vec3_double(x_mm, y_mm, z_rad)
    v0, v1, v2 = variance.parts()
    variance_mm = flex.vec3_double(v0*scale2[0], v1*scale2[1], v2*scale2[2])
    s0, s1, s2 = sd_error.parts()
    sd_error_mm = flex.vec3_double(s0*scale2[0], s1*scale2[1], s2*scale2[2])

  # Return the stuff in mm/rad
  return position_mm, variance_mm, sd_error_mm
Example #39
  def tst_intersecting(self):
    from dials.algorithms.polygon import clip
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    for i in range(10000):

      # Generate intersecting polygons
      subject, target = generate_intersecting()

      # Do the clipping
      result = clip.simple_with_convex(

      # Ensure we have roughly valid number of vertices
      assert(len(result) >= 3)
      assert(len(result) >= min([len(subject), len(target)]))

#            for v in result:
#                assert(point_in_polygon(v, clip))

    print 'OK'
Example #40
  def __call__(self, ipanel=0):

    panel_a = self.det1[ipanel]
    panel_b = self.det2[ipanel]
    size_fast, size_slow = panel_a.get_image_size_mm()
    assert size_fast, size_slow == panel_b.get_image_size_mm()

    # num of sample intervals
    n_fast = int((size_fast) / SAMPLE_FREQ)
    n_slow = int((size_slow) / SAMPLE_FREQ)

    # interval width
    step_fast = size_fast / n_fast
    step_slow = size_slow / n_slow

    # samples
    samp_fast = [step_fast * i for i in range(n_fast + 1)]
    samp_slow = [step_slow * i for i in range(n_slow + 1)]

    lab1 = flex.vec3_double()
    lab2 = flex.vec3_double()
    sample_pts = flex.vec2_double()

    # loop
    for s in samp_slow:
      for f in samp_fast:
        lab1.append(panel_a.get_lab_coord((f, s)))
        lab2.append(panel_b.get_lab_coord((f, s)))

    offset = lab2 - lab1

    # store offset in the lab frame
    x_off, y_off, z_off = offset.parts()

    # reexpress offset in the basis fast, slow, normal of panel_a
    f_off = offset.dot(panel_a.get_fast_axis())
    s_off = offset.dot(panel_a.get_slow_axis())
    n_off = offset.dot(panel_a.get_normal())

    f, s = sample_pts.parts()

    return {'lab_coord':lab1,
            'fast':f, 'slow':s,
Example #41
def test_SimpleWithRect_intersecting():
    for i in range(10000):

        # Generate intersecting polygons
        subject, target = generate_intersecting(target_size=2)
        rect = ((0, 0), (10, 10))

        # Do the clipping
        result = clip.simple_with_rect(flex.vec2_double(subject), rect)

        # Ensure we have roughly valid number of vertices
        assert len(result) >= 3
        assert len(result) >= min([len(subject), 4])
Example #42
def sim_background(DETECTOR,
  :param DETECTOR:
  :param BEAM: see sim_spots
  :param wavelengths: see sim_spots
  :param wavelength_weights: see sim_spots
  :param total_flux: see sim_spots
  :param pidx: see sim_spots
  :param beam_size_mm: see sim_spots
  :param Fbg_vs_stol: list of tuples where each tuple is (Fbg, sin theta over lambda)
  :param sample_thick_mm: path length of background that is exposed by the beam
  :param density_gcm3: density of background  (defaults to water)
  :param molecular_weight: molecular weight of background (defaults to water)
  :return: raw_pixels as flex array, these can be passed to sim_spots function below
    wavelength_weights = np.array(wavelength_weights)
    weights = wavelength_weights / wavelength_weights.sum() * total_flux
    spectrum = list(zip(wavelengths, weights))
    xray_beams = get_xray_beams(spectrum, BEAM)
    SIM = nanoBragg(DETECTOR, BEAM, panel_id=(int(pidx)))
    SIM.beamsize_mm = beam_size_mm
    SIM.xray_beams = xray_beams
    if Fbg_vs_stol is None:
        Fbg_vs_stol = flex.vec2_double([(0, 2.57), (0.0365, 2.58), (0.07, 2.8),
                                        (0.12, 5), (0.162, 8), (0.18, 7.32),
                                        (0.2, 6.75), (0.216, 6.75),
                                        (0.236, 6.5), (0.28, 4.5), (0.3, 4.3),
                                        (0.345, 4.36), (0.436, 3.77),
                                        (0.5, 3.17)])
    SIM.flux = sum(weights)
    SIM.Fbg_vs_stol = Fbg_vs_stol
    SIM.amorphous_sample_thick_mm = sample_thick_mm
    SIM.amorphous_density_gcm3 = density_gcm3
    SIM.amorphous_molecular_weight_Da = molecular_weight
    SIM.progress_meter = False
    background_raw_pixels = SIM.raw_pixels.deep_copy()
    del SIM
    return background_raw_pixels
Example #43
 def as_spot_center_of_mass(self,active_block,asic,percentile90):
   from scitbx.matrix import col
   maxima = flex.vec2_double()
   self.intensities = flex.double()
   for spot in self.spots:
     pixels = [col(((frow)+asic[0],(fcol)+asic[1])) for frow,fcol in spot]
     pixel_values = [active_block[(int(frow),int(fcol))] for frow,fcol in spot]
     numerator = col((0.0,0.0)); denominator = 0.0
     for ispot in xrange(len(spot)):
       numerator += (pixel_values[ispot]-percentile90)*pixels[ispot]
       denominator += pixel_values[ispot]-percentile90
     if len(spot) < 20:
       #any spot with more than 20 pixels is a clear outlier
       maxima.append( numerator/denominator )
   return maxima
Example #44
def tst_pixel_to_millimeter_to_pixel(detector):

  from scitbx import matrix
  from random import random
  eps = 1e-7

  # Pick some random pixels and check that px -> mm -> px give px == px
  w, h = detector[0].get_image_size()
  random_pixel = lambda: (random() * w, random() * h)
  pixels = flex.vec2_double(random_pixel() for i in range(100))
  xy_mm = detector[0].pixel_to_millimeter(pixels)
  xy_px = detector[0].millimeter_to_pixel(xy_mm)
  assert approx_equal(xy_px, pixels, eps=eps)
  for xy in pixels:
    xy_mm = detector[0].pixel_to_millimeter(xy)
    xy_px = detector[0].millimeter_to_pixel(xy_mm)
    assert(abs(matrix.col(xy_px) - matrix.col(xy)) < eps)

  # Test Passed
  print "OK"
Example #45
 def set_detector_points(self):
   detector = self.imageset.get_detector()
   points = flex.vec3_double()
   line_i_seqs = flex.vec2_double()
   i = 0
   for p in detector:
     image_size = p.get_image_size_mm()
     line_i_seqs.append((i, i+1))
     line_i_seqs.append((i+1, i+2))
     line_i_seqs.append((i+2, i+3))
     line_i_seqs.append((i+3, i))
     i += 4
   line_i_seqs += (self.viewer.points.size(), self.viewer.points.size())
   for i_seqs in line_i_seqs:
     self.viewer.line_i_seqs.append([int(i_seq) for i_seq in i_seqs])
Example #46
def set_obs_s1(reflections, experiments):
  """Set observed s1 vectors for reflections if required, return the number
  of reflections that have been set."""

  refs_wo_s1_sel = (reflections['s1'].norms() < 1.e-6)
  nrefs_wo_s1 = refs_wo_s1_sel.count(True)
  if nrefs_wo_s1 == 0: return nrefs_wo_s1

  for i_expt, expt in enumerate(experiments):
    detector = expt.detector
    beam = expt.beam
    expt_sel = reflections['id'] == i_expt
    for i_panel, panel in enumerate(detector):
      panel_sel = reflections['panel'] == i_panel
      isel = (expt_sel & panel_sel & refs_wo_s1_sel).iselection()
      spots = reflections.select(isel)
      x, y, rot_angle = spots['xyzobs.mm.value'].parts()
      s1 = panel.get_lab_coord(flex.vec2_double(x,y))
      s1 = s1/s1.norms() * (1/beam.get_wavelength())
      reflections['s1'].set_selected(isel, s1)
  return nrefs_wo_s1
Example #47
  def get_active_data_corrected_with_fft(self):
    #data = self.imgobj.linearintdata
    data = self.imgobj.correct_gain_in_place(
      filename = self.phil.speckfinder.dark_stddev,
      adu_scale = self.phil.speckfinder.dark_adu_scale,
      phil = self.phil
    indexing = []
    for iraw,raw_asic in enumerate(self.corners):
      filtered_data = self.imgobj.correct_background_by_block(raw_asic)

      active_data = filtered_data.as_double().as_1d()

      order = flex.sort_permutation(active_data)
      stats = flex.mean_and_variance(active_data)
      if self.verbose:
        #print "Stats on %d pixels"%len(active_data)
        print "stats are mean",stats.mean(),"sigma",stats.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()
        #print "The 90-percentile pixel is ",active_data[order[int(0.9*len(active_data))]]
        #print "The 99-percentile pixel is ",active_data[order[int(0.99*len(active_data))]]

      maximas = flex.vec2_double()
      for idx in xrange(len(active_data)-1, int(0.9*len(active_data)), -1):
        if active_data[order[idx]] > stats.mean() + 12.0*stats.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation():
          if self.verbose: print "    ", idx, active_data[order[idx]]
          irow = order[idx] // (raw_asic[3]-raw_asic[1])
          icol = order[idx] % (raw_asic[3]-raw_asic[1])
          maximas.append((irow, icol))
      CLUS = clustering(maximas)
      coords = CLUS.as_spot_center_of_mass(filtered_data,raw_asic,stats.mean())
      intensities = CLUS.intensities
      for coord,height in zip(coords,intensities):
        indexing.append( (
          coord[0] * float(self.inputpd["pixel_size"]),
          coord[1] * float(self.inputpd["pixel_size"]),
          0.0, # 0 -degree offset for still image
    return indexing
Example #48
  def get_active_data_sigma(self):
    data = self.imgobj.linearintdata
    indexing = []
    for asic in self.corners:
      block = data.matrix_copy_block(
      active_data = block.as_1d().as_double()

      order = flex.sort_permutation(active_data)
      if self.verbose:
        print "The mean is ",flex.mean(active_data),"on %d pixels"%len(active_data)
        print "The 90-percentile pixel is ",active_data[order[int(0.9*len(active_data))]]
        print "The 99-percentile pixel is ",active_data[order[int(0.99*len(active_data))]]

      stats = flex.mean_and_variance(active_data)
      print "stats are mean",stats.mean(),"sigma",stats.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()
      maximas = flex.vec2_double()
      for idx in xrange(len(active_data)-1, int(0.9*len(active_data)), -1):
        if active_data[order[idx]] > stats.mean() + 6.0*stats.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation():
          if self.verbose: print "    ", idx, active_data[order[idx]]
          irow = order[idx] // (asic[3]-asic[1])
          icol = order[idx] % (asic[3]-asic[1])
          #self.green.append((asic[0]+irow, asic[1]+icol))
          maximas.append((irow, icol))
      CLUS = clustering(maximas)
      #coords = CLUS.as_spot_max_pixels(block,asic)
      coords = CLUS.as_spot_center_of_mass(block,asic,stats.mean())
      intensities = CLUS.intensities
      for coord,height in zip(coords,intensities):
        indexing.append( (
          coord[0] * float(self.inputpd["pixel_size"]),
          coord[1] * float(self.inputpd["pixel_size"]),
          0.0, # 0 -degree offset for still image
    return indexing
    def tst_known_orientation(self):
        from scitbx.array_family import flex
        from scitbx import matrix
        from math import sin, cos, pi, sqrt

        # Set the size of the grid
        input_height = 4
        input_width = 4
        output_height = 4
        output_width = 4

        # Create the grid data
        value = 13
        grid = flex.double([value for i in range(input_height * input_width)])
        grid.reshape(flex.grid(input_height, input_width))

        # Create the grid coordinates
        xy = []
        R = matrix.sqr((cos(pi / 4), -sin(pi / 4), sin(pi / 4), cos(pi / 4)))
        for j in range(output_height + 1):
            for i in range(output_width + 1):
                ij = R * matrix.col((i * sqrt(8) / 2, j * sqrt(8) / 2))
                xy.append((ij[0] + 2, ij[1] - 2))
        gridxy = flex.vec2_double(xy)
        gridxy.reshape(flex.grid(output_height + 1, output_width + 1))

        # Get the output grid
        output = regrid_grid_to_irregular_grid(grid, gridxy)

        expected = [[0, 1, 1, 0], [1, 2, 2, 1], [1, 2, 2, 1], [0, 1, 1, 0]]

        # Check that each each pixel has a value of the input
        eps = 1e-7
        for j in range(1, output_height):
            for i in range(1, output_width):
                assert abs(output[j, i] - expected[j][i] * value) <= eps

        # Test passed
        print "OK"
    def tst_conservation_of_counts(self):
        from scitbx.array_family import flex
        from scitbx import matrix
        from math import sin, cos, pi
        from random import uniform

        # Set the size of the grid
        input_height = 10
        input_width = 10
        output_height = 50
        output_width = 50

        # Create the grid data
        grid = flex.double([uniform(0, 100) for i in range(input_height * input_width)])
        grid.reshape(flex.grid(input_height, input_width))

        # Create the grid coordinates
        xy = []
        angle = uniform(0, pi)
        R = matrix.sqr((cos(angle), -sin(angle), sin(angle), cos(angle)))
        for j in range(output_height + 1):
            for i in range(output_width + 1):
                ij = R * matrix.col((i, j))
                xy.append((ij[0], ij[1]))
        gridxy = flex.vec2_double(xy)
        gridxy.reshape(flex.grid(output_height + 1, output_width + 1))
        off = gridxy[output_height // 2, output_width // 2]
        for i in range(len(gridxy)):
            gridxy[i] = (gridxy[i][0] - off[0], gridxy[i][1] - off[1])

        # Get the output grid
        output = regrid_grid_to_irregular_grid(grid, gridxy)
        # Check that the sum of the counts is conserved
        eps = 1e-7
        assert abs(flex.sum(output) - flex.sum(grid)) <= eps

        # Test passed
        print "OK"
def run(args):
  from matplotlib import pyplot
  from dials.util.command_line import Importer
  from scitbx.array_family import flex
  importer = Importer(args)
  #datablocks = importer.datablocks
  #assert len(datablocks) == 1
  ##imagesets = datablocks[0].extract_imagesets()
  observed_xy = flex.vec2_double()
  for reflection_list in importer.reflections:
    for refl in reflection_list:
      centroid = refl['xyzobs.px.value']
      if centroid != (0,0,0):
        x, y = centroid[:2]
  obs_x, obs_y = observed_xy.parts()
  fig = pyplot.figure()
  pyplot.scatter(obs_x, obs_y, marker='.', c='black', lw=0, s=0.1)
  pyplot.xlim((0, pyplot.xlim()[1]))
  pyplot.ylim((0, pyplot.ylim()[1]))
                 size_inches=(10,10), dpi=600)
Example #52
  def generate_data(self):
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    from random import random, randint

    # Generate a 3d array of pixels and points
    self.points3d = flex.vec3_double(flex.grid(5, 5, 5))
    self.pixels3d = flex.double(flex.grid(5, 5, 5))
    self.mask3d = flex.bool(flex.grid(5, 5, 5))
    for k in range(0, 5):
      for j in range(0, 5):
        for i in range(0, 5):
          self.points3d[k,j,i] = (i + 0.5, j + 0.5, k + 0.5)
          self.pixels3d[k,j,i] = random()
          self.mask3d[k,j,i] = bool(randint(0, 1))

    self.points2d = flex.vec2_double(flex.grid(5, 5))
    self.pixels2d = flex.double(flex.grid(5, 5))
    self.mask2d = flex.bool(flex.grid(5, 5))
    for j in range(0, 5):
      for i in range(0, 5):
        self.points2d[j,i] = self.points3d[0, j, i][0:2]
        self.pixels2d[j,i] = self.pixels3d[0, j, i]
        self.mask2d[j,i] = self.mask3d[0, j, i]
    def tst_known_offset(self):
        from scitbx.array_family import flex

        # Set the size of the grid
        height = 10
        width = 10

        # Create the grid data
        grid = flex.double([1 for i in range(height * width)])
        grid.reshape(flex.grid(height, width))

        # Create the grid coordinates
        xy = []
        for j in range(height + 1):
            for i in range(width + 1):
                xy.append((i + 0.5, j + 0.5))
        gridxy = flex.vec2_double(xy)
        gridxy.reshape(flex.grid(height + 1, width + 1))

        # Get the output grid
        output = regrid_irregular_grid_to_grid(grid, gridxy, (height, width))

        # Check that each each pixel along the left and bottom has a value
        # of 0.5 and that everything else is 1
        eps = 1e-7
        assert abs(output[0, 0] - 0.25) <= eps
        for i in range(1, width):
            assert abs(output[0, i] - 0.5) <= eps
        for j in range(1, height):
            assert abs(output[j, 0] - 0.5) <= eps
        for j in range(1, height):
            for i in range(1, width):
                assert abs(output[j, i] - 1.0) <= eps

        # Test passed
        print "OK"
Example #54
  def generate(self, imageset):
    ''' Generate the mask. '''
    from dials.util import ResolutionMaskGenerator
    from dials.util import mask_untrusted_rectangle
    from dials.util import mask_untrusted_circle
    from dials.util import mask_untrusted_polygon
    from dials.util import mask_untrusted_resolution_range
    from dials.array_family import flex
    from math import floor, ceil

    # Get the detector and beam
    detector = imageset.get_detector()
    beam = imageset.get_beam()

    # Get the first image
    image = imageset.get_raw_data(0)
    assert(len(detector) == len(image))

    # Create the mask for each image
    masks = []
    for index, (im, panel) in enumerate(zip(image, detector)):

      # The image width height
      height, width = im.all()

      # Create the basic mask from the trusted range
      if self.params.use_trusted_range:
        low, high = panel.get_trusted_range()
        imd = im.as_double()
        mask = (imd > low) & (imd < high)
        mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(im.all()), True)

      # Add a border around the image
      if self.params.border > 0:
        logger.info("Generating border mask:")
        logger.info(" border = %d" % self.params.border)
        border = self.params.border
        height, width = mask.all()
        borderx = flex.bool(flex.grid(border, width), False)
        bordery = flex.bool(flex.grid(height, border), False)
        mask[0:border,:] = borderx
        mask[-border:,:] = borderx
        mask[:,0:border] = bordery
        mask[:,-border:] = bordery

      # Apply the untrusted regions
      for region in self.params.untrusted:
        if region.panel == index:
          if region.circle is not None:
            xc, yc, radius = region.circle
            logger.info("Generating circle mask:")
            logger.info(" panel = %d" % region.panel)
            logger.info(" xc = %d" % xc)
            logger.info(" yc = %d" % yc)
            logger.info(" radius = %d" % radius)
            mask_untrusted_circle(mask, xc, yc, radius)
          if region.rectangle is not None:
            x0, x1, y0, y1 = region.rectangle
            logger.info("Generating rectangle mask:")
            logger.info(" panel = %d" % region.panel)
            logger.info(" x0 = %d" % x0)
            logger.info(" y0 = %d" % y0)
            logger.info(" x1 = %d" % x1)
            logger.info(" y1 = %d" % y1)
            mask_untrusted_rectangle(mask, x0, x1, y0, y1)
          if region.polygon is not None:
            assert len(region.polygon) % 2 == 0, "Polygon must contain 2D coords"
            vertices = []
            for i in range(int(len(region.polygon)/2)):
              x = region.polygon[2*i]
              y = region.polygon[2*i+1]
            polygon = flex.vec2_double(vertices)
            logger.info("Generating polygon mask:")
            logger.info(" panel = %d" % region.panel)
            for vertex in vertices:
              logger.info(" coord = (%d, %d)" % (vertex))
            mask_untrusted_polygon(mask, polygon)

      # Create the resolution mask generator
      class ResolutionMaskGeneratorGetter(object):
        def __init__(self, beam, panel):
          self.beam = beam
          self.panel = panel
          self.result = None
        def __call__(self):
          if self.result is None:
            self.result = ResolutionMaskGenerator(beam, panel)
          return self.result
      get_resolution_mask_generator = ResolutionMaskGeneratorGetter(beam, panel)

      # Generate high and low resolution masks
      if self.params.d_min is not None:
        logger.info("Generating high resolution mask:")
        logger.info(" d_min = %f" % self.params.d_min)
        get_resolution_mask_generator().apply(mask, 0, self.params.d_min)
      if self.params.d_max is not None:
        logger.info("Generating low resolution mask:")
        logger.info(" d_max = %f" % self.params.d_max)
        d_min = self.params.d_max
        d_max = max(d_min + 1, 1e9)
        get_resolution_mask_generator().apply(mask, d_min, d_max)

      # Mask out the resolution range
      for drange in self.params.resolution_range:
        assert d_min < d_max, "d_min must be < d_max"
        logger.info("Generating resolution range mask:")
        logger.info(" d_min = %f" % d_min)
        logger.info(" d_max = %f" % d_max)
        get_resolution_mask_generator().apply(mask, d_min, d_max)

      # Mask out the resolution ranges for the ice rings
      for drange in generate_ice_ring_resolution_ranges(
          beam, panel, self.params.ice_rings):
        assert d_min < d_max, "d_min must be < d_max"
        logger.info("Generating ice ring mask:")
        logger.info(" d_min = %f" % d_min)
        logger.info(" d_max = %f" % d_max)
        get_resolution_mask_generator().apply(mask, d_min, d_max)

      # Add to the list

    # Return the mask
    return tuple(masks)
Example #55

aabb = ((0, 0), (10, 10))
##quad = ((3, 3), (5, 3), (5, 5), (3, 5))
quad = ((0, -15), (15, 7.5), (7.5, 15), (-5, 5))
quad = ((5, -2), (12, 5), (5, 12), (-2, 5))

from dials.algorithms.polygon import clip
from scitbx.array_family import flex
from time import time

bx = (aabb[0][0], aabb[1][0], aabb[1][0], aabb[0][0])
by = (aabb[0][1], aabb[0][1], aabb[1][1], aabb[1][1])
convex = zip(bx, by)
poly1 = flex.vec2_double(quad)
poly2 = flex.vec2_double(convex)
rect = aabb

st = time()
for i in range(10000):
  result1 = clip.simple_with_convex(poly1, poly2)
print time() - st

st = time()
for i in range(10000):
#    result2 = sutherland_hodgman(quad, aabb)
  result2 = clip.simple_with_rect(poly1, rect)
print time() - st

print list(result1)
Example #56
 def as_spot_max_pixels(self,active_block,asic):
   maxima = flex.vec2_double()
   for spot in self.spots:
     if self.verbose:print [(int(row)+asic[0],int(col)+asic[1]) for row,col in spot]
     pixel_values = [active_block[(int(row),int(col))] for row,col in spot]
Example #57
  def set_goniometer_points(self):
    gonio = self.imageset.get_goniometer()
    scan = self.imageset.get_scan()
    detector = self.imageset.get_detector()
    beam = self.imageset.get_beam()

    angle = self.settings.angle
    if angle:
      assert len(angle) == len(gonio.get_angles())

    distance = self.settings.detector_distance
    if distance:
      import math
      from scitbx import matrix
      p_id = detector.get_panel_intersection(beam.get_s0())
      if p_id >= 0:
        if len(detector) > 1:
          p = detector.hierarchy()
          p = detector[0]
        d_normal = matrix.col(p.get_normal())
        d_origin = matrix.col(p.get_origin())
        d_distance = math.fabs(d_origin.dot(d_normal) - p.get_directed_distance())
        assert d_distance < 0.001, d_distance
        translation = d_normal * (distance - p.get_directed_distance())
        new_origin = d_origin + translation
        d_distance = math.fabs(new_origin.dot(d_normal) - distance)
        assert d_distance < 0.001, d_distance
        p.set_frame(p.get_fast_axis(), p.get_slow_axis(), new_origin.elems)

    gonio_masker = self.imageset.reader().get_format().get_goniometer_shadow_masker(gonio)
    points = gonio_masker.extrema_at_scan_angle(
    points.insert(0, (0,0,0))

    line_i_seqs = flex.vec2_double(((0,i) for i in range(1, points.size())))
    line_i_seqs += (self.viewer.points.size(), self.viewer.points.size())
    for i_seqs in line_i_seqs:
      self.viewer.line_i_seqs.append([int(i_seq) for i_seq in i_seqs])
      self.viewer.line_colors[(i_seqs)] = (100/255, 120/255, 255/255)


    shadow = gonio_masker.project_extrema(
      detector, gonio.get_angles()[gonio.get_scan_axis()])

    for shadow_points, p in zip(shadow, detector):
      n = self.viewer.points.size()
      line_i_seqs = []
      line_colors = {}
      for i in range(shadow_points.size()):
        if i < shadow_points.size() - 1:
          line_i_seqs.append((n+i, n+i+1))
          line_i_seqs.append((n+i, n))
        line_colors[line_i_seqs[-1]] = (1,1,1)
      self.viewer.points.extend(p.get_lab_coord(shadow_points *p.get_pixel_size()[0]))
Example #58
  def project_extrema(self, detector, scan_angle):
    from dials.util import is_inside_polygon
    coords = self.extrema_at_scan_angle(scan_angle)
    shadow_boundary = []

    for p_id, p in enumerate(detector):
      # project coordinates onto panel plane
      a = p.get_D_matrix() * coords
      x, y, z = a.parts()
      valid = z > 0
      x.set_selected(valid, x.select(valid)/z.select(valid))
      y.set_selected(valid, y.select(valid)/z.select(valid))

      if valid.count(True) < 3:
        # no shadow projected onto this panel

      # Compute convex hull of shadow points
      points = flex.vec2_double(x.select(valid), y.select(valid))
      shadow = flex.vec2_double(convex_hull(points))
      shadow *= 1/p.get_pixel_size()[0]

      shadow_orig = shadow.deep_copy()

      for i in (0, p.get_image_size()[0]):
        points = flex.vec2_double(flex.double(p.get_image_size()[1], i),
                                  flex.double_range(0, p.get_image_size()[1]))
        inside = is_inside_polygon(shadow_orig, points)
        # only add those points needed to define vertices of shadow
        inside_isel = inside.iselection()
        outside_isel = (~inside).iselection()
        while inside_isel.size():
          j = inside_isel[0]
          outside_isel = outside_isel.select(outside_isel > j)
          if outside_isel.size() == 0:
          sel = inside_isel >= outside_isel[0]
          if sel.count(True) == 0:
          inside_isel = inside_isel.select(sel)

      for i in (0, p.get_image_size()[1]):
        points = flex.vec2_double(flex.double_range(0, p.get_image_size()[0]),
                                  flex.double(p.get_image_size()[0], i))
        inside = is_inside_polygon(shadow_orig, points)
        # only add those points needed to define vertices of shadow
        inside_isel = inside.iselection()
        outside_isel = (~inside).iselection()
        while inside_isel.size():
          j = inside_isel[0]
          outside_isel = outside_isel.select(outside_isel > j)
          if outside_isel.size() == 0:
          sel = inside_isel >= outside_isel[0]
          if sel.count(True) == 0:
          inside_isel = inside_isel.select(sel)

      # Select only those vertices that are within the panel dimensions
      n_px = p.get_image_size()
      x, y = shadow.parts()
      valid = (x >= 0) & (x <= n_px[0]) & (y >= 0) & (y <= n_px[1])
      shadow = shadow.select(valid)

      # sort vertices clockwise from centre of mass
      from scitbx.math import principal_axes_of_inertia_2d
      com = principal_axes_of_inertia_2d(shadow).center_of_mass()
      sx, sy = shadow.parts()
      shadow = shadow.select(


    return shadow_boundary
Example #59
 def __init__(self,points):
   self.points = flex.vec2_double(parse(points))
   print list(self.points)