Example #1
def timing3(n=2000, best_time=1.0):
    print 'Grid2Deff2.timing2: reference CPU time = %g' % best_time

    dx = 1.0 / n
    g = Grid2Deff2(dx=dx, dy=dx)

    # here we use straight NumPy sin in a scalar context:
    def myfunc1(x, y):
        return sin(x * y) + 8 * x

    def myfunc2(x, y):
        return math.sin(x * y) + 8 * x

    from scitools.misc import timer
    from scitools.EfficiencyTable import EfficiencyTable
    e = EfficiencyTable('Grid2Deff2 tests', best_time)
    print 'basic NumPy module:', basic_NumPy
    if basic_NumPy != 'Numeric':
        print 'only Numeric is meaningful for the C++ extension module'
    t1a = timer(g.ext_gridloop1, (myfunc1, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop1, myfunc1', t1a)
    t1b = timer(g.ext_gridloop1, (myfunc2, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop1, myfunc2', t1b)
    t2a = timer(g.ext_gridloop2, (myfunc1, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2, myfunc1', t2a)
    t2b = timer(g.ext_gridloop2, (myfunc2, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2, myfunc2', t2b)
    print e
Example #2
def _efficiency():
    print('\nPerform some efficiency tests (this might take some time...):')
    formula = 'sin(x) + x**3 + 2*x'
    formula_wprm = formula + ' + A*B'

    def s0(x):
        return sin(x) + x**3 + 2 * x

    s1 = StringFunction_v1(formula)
    s2 = StringFunction_v2(formula)  # compiled
    s3 = StringFunction_v3(formula_wprm, set_parameters='A=0; B=0')
    s4 = StringFunction_v4(formula)
    s5 = StringFunction_v5(formula, independent_variables=('x', ), A=0, B=0)
    s6 = StringFunction(formula, independent_variables=('x', ), A=0, B=0)
    s7 = s6.__call__
    x = 0.9
    # verification first:
    values = [s(x) for s in (s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7)]
    print('values of %s for x=%s: %s' % (formula, x, values))

    n = 400000
    from scitools.misc import timer
    from scitools.EfficiencyTable import EfficiencyTable as ET
    e = ET('Efficiency check of StringFunction implementations; '
           'formula=%s, n=%d' % (formula, n))
    import inspect
    for s in s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7:
        if inspect.isfunction(s) or inspect.ismethod(s):
            name = s.__name__
            name = s.__class__.__name__
        t = timer(s, args=(x, ), repetitions=100000, comment=name)
        e.add(name, t)
    print('End of efficiency tests\n')
Example #3
def timing3(n=2000, best_time=1.0):
    print 'Grid2Deff2.timing2: reference CPU time = %g' % best_time
    dx = 1.0/n
    g = Grid2Deff2(dx=dx, dy=dx)

    # here we use straight NumPy sin in a scalar context:
    def myfunc1(x, y):
        return sin(x*y) + 8*x
    def myfunc2(x, y):
        return math.sin(x*y) + 8*x

    from scitools.misc import timer
    from scitools.EfficiencyTable import EfficiencyTable
    e = EfficiencyTable('Grid2Deff2 tests', best_time)
    print 'basic NumPy module:', basic_NumPy
    if basic_NumPy != 'Numeric':
        print 'only Numeric is meaningful for the C++ extension module'
    t1a = timer(g.ext_gridloop1, (myfunc1,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop1, myfunc1', t1a)
    t1b = timer(g.ext_gridloop1, (myfunc2,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop1, myfunc2', t1b)
    t2a = timer(g.ext_gridloop2, (myfunc1,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2, myfunc1', t2a)
    t2b = timer(g.ext_gridloop2, (myfunc2,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2, myfunc2', t2b)
    print e
Example #4
def _efficiency():
    print('\nPerform some efficiency tests (this might take some time...):')
    formula = 'sin(x) + x**3 + 2*x'
    formula_wprm = formula + ' + A*B'

    def s0(x):
        return sin(x) + x**3 + 2 * x
    s1 = StringFunction_v1(formula)
    s2 = StringFunction_v2(formula)  # compiled
    s3 = StringFunction_v3(formula_wprm, set_parameters='A=0; B=0')
    s4 = StringFunction_v4(formula)
    s5 = StringFunction_v5(formula, independent_variables=('x',),
                           A=0, B=0)
    s6 = StringFunction(formula, independent_variables=('x',),
                        A=0, B=0)
    s7 = s6.__call__
    x = 0.9
    # verification first:
    values = [s(x) for s in (s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7)]
    print('values of %s for x=%s: %s' % (formula, x, values))

    n = 400000
    from scitools.misc import timer
    from scitools.EfficiencyTable import EfficiencyTable as ET
    e = ET('Efficiency check of StringFunction implementations; '
           'formula=%s, n=%d' % (formula, n))
    import inspect
    for s in s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7:
        if inspect.isfunction(s) or inspect.ismethod(s):
            name = s.__name__
            name = s.__class__.__name__
        t = timer(s, args=(x,), repetitions=100000,
        e.add(name, t)
    print('End of efficiency tests\n')
Example #5
def timing2(n=2000, best_time=1.0):
    """Time different implementations of the extension module."""
    print 'Grid2Deff.timing2: reference CPU time = %g' % best_time
    dx = 1.0/n
    g = Grid2Deff(dx=dx, dy=dx)
    # here we use straight NumPy sin in a scalar context:
    def myfunc1(x, y):
        return sin(x*y) + 8*x

    def myfunc2(x, y):
        return math.sin(x*y) + 8*x

    expression1 = StringFunction('sin(x*y) + 8*x',
    expression1_f = expression1.__call__  # for efficiency and F77 callback

    expression2 = StringFunction('math.sin(x*y) + 8*x',
    expression2_f = expression2.__call__  # for efficiency and F77 callback
    from scitools.misc import timer
    from scitools.EfficiencyTable import EfficiencyTable
    e = EfficiencyTable('Grid2Deff tests, %dx%d grid' % (n,n), best_time)

    t0a = timer(g.gridloop, (myfunc1,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.gridloop, myfunc1', t0a)
    t0b = timer(g.gridloop, (myfunc2,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.gridloop, myfunc2', t0b)
    t0c = timer(g.__call__, (myfunc1,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.__call__, myfunc1', t0c)
    t0d = timer(g.__call__, (expression1_f,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.__call__, expression1_f', t0d)
    t0e = timer(g.gridloop_itemset, (myfunc2,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.gridloop_itemset, myfunc2', t0e)

    t1a = timer(g.ext_gridloop1, (myfunc1,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop1, myfunc1', t1a)
    t1b = timer(g.ext_gridloop1, (myfunc2,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop1, myfunc2', t1b)
    t2a = timer(g.ext_gridloop2, (myfunc1,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2, myfunc1', t2a)
    t2b = timer(g.ext_gridloop2, (myfunc2,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2, myfunc2', t2b)
    t3a = timer(g.ext_gridloop2, (expression1_f,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2, expression1_f', t3a)
    t3b = timer(g.ext_gridloop2, (expression2_f,), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2, expression2_f', t3b)
    nrep = 20

    # try the improved functions (works only for the F77 module):
    if 'gridloop_vec2' in dir(ext_gridloop):
        t4 = timer(g.ext_gridloop_vec2, (myfuncf2,), repetitions=nrep)
        e.add('g.ext_gridloop_vec2, myfuncf2', t4)

    if 'gridloop2_str' in dir(ext_gridloop):        
        t5 = timer(g.ext_gridloop2_str, ('myfunc',), repetitions=nrep)
        e.add('g.ext_gridloop2_str, myfunc', t5)

        # try the version without allocation (first, make an a array):
        a = g.ext_gridloop2(myfunc1)  # a has now Fortran storage
        t5b = timer(g.ext_gridloop_noalloc,
                    ('myfunc', a), repetitions=nrep)
        e.add('g.ext_gridloop_noalloc, myfunc', t5b)
        # try 'inline' F77 compiled callback too:
        # (give F77 source for core of callback function as argument)

        t6 = timer(g.ext_gridloop2_fcb, (), repetitions=nrep)
        e.add('g.ext_gridloop2_fcb(%s)' % repr(str(expression1)), t6)

        t6b = timer(g.ext_gridloop2_fcb_ptr, (), repetitions=nrep)
        e.add('g.ext_gridloop2_fcb_ptr(%s)' % repr(expression1), t6b)

        t7 = timer(g.ext_gridloop2_v2, (), repetitions=nrep)
        e.add('g.ext_gridloop2_v2(%s)' % repr(str(expression1)), t7)

    # weave version:
    t8 = timer(g.ext_gridloop2_weave, (str(expression1),), repetitions=nrep)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2_weave(%s)' % repr(str(expression1)), t8)

    # psyco:
    if g.gridloop_psyco != g.gridloop:  # has psyco
        t9a = timer(g.gridloop_psyco, (myfunc2,), repetitions=1)
        e.add('g.gridloop_psyco, myfunc2', t9a)
        t9b = timer(g.gridloop_psyco, (expression2_f,), repetitions=1)
        e.add('g.gridloop_psyco, expression2_f', t9b)

    if g.gridloop_psyco != g.gridloop_itemset:  # has psyco
        t9a = timer(g.gridloop_psyco, (myfunc2,), repetitions=1)
        e.add('g.gridloop_psyco (itemset), myfunc2', t9a)
        t9b = timer(g.gridloop_psyco, (expression2_f,), repetitions=1)
        e.add('g.gridloop_psyco (itemset), expression2_f', t9b)

    # instant:
    if g.gridloop1_instant is not None:
        a = zeros((self.nx, self.ny))
        t10 = timer(g.gridloop1_instant,
                    (a, self.nx, g.ny, g.xcoor, g.ycoor),
        e.add('g.gridloop1_instant', t10)

    print '\n\n\n\nrun from directory', os.getcwd()
    print e
Example #6
Comparison of scalar and vectorized sine functions when
the argument is a scalar.
A test on a**b vs pow(a,b) is also included.

import timeit, sys

    n = int(sys.argv[1])
    n = 1000000  # default

print 'n =', n
from scitools.EfficiencyTable import EfficiencyTable

e = EfficiencyTable('%d evaluations of arcsin(0.4)' % n)

t1 = timeit.Timer('arcsin(0.4)',
                  setup='from numpy import arcsin').timeit(n)
t2 = timeit.Timer('asin(0.4)',
                  setup='from math import asin').timeit(n)
t3 = timeit.Timer('arcsin(0.4)',
                  setup='from numarray import arcsin').timeit(n)
t4 = timeit.Timer('arcsin(0.4)',
                  setup='from Numeric import arcsin').timeit(n)
t5 = timeit.Timer('arcsin(0.4)',
                  setup='from numpy.lib.scimath import arcsin').timeit(n)
e.add('numpy arcsin', t1)
e.add('math asin', t2)
e.add('numarray arcsin', t3)
e.add('Numeric arcsin', t4)
Example #7
    return r

def somefunc_NumPy_logv(x):
    x_pos = where(x > 0, x, 1)
    r1 = log(x_pos)
    r = where(x < 0, 0.0, r1)
    return r

somefunc_list = [somefuncv, somefunc_NumPy, somefunc_NumPy2,
                 somefunc_NumPy2b, somefunc_NumPy3,
                 somefunc_NumPy_log, somefunc_NumPy_logv]

# check correctness:
x = sequence(-2, 2, 2)
print '\nsomefunc_* functions applied to', x
for f in somefunc_list:
    print f(x)

n = 5000000
#n = 500000
x = linspace(0, 2, n+1)
print '\nperforming some timings of "somefunc*" implementations...'
from scitools.EfficiencyTable import EfficiencyTable as ET
from scitools.misc import timer
e = ET('vectorization of "somefunc" functions with an if test, n=%d' % n)
for f in somefunc_list[:-2]:  # skip the last two log functions
    t = timer(f, (x,), repetitions=1)
    e.add(f.__name__, t)
print e
print 'end of', sys.argv[0]
Example #8
def timing2(n=2000, best_time=1.0):
    """Time different implementations of the extension module."""
    print 'Grid2Deff.timing2: reference CPU time = %g' % best_time

    dx = 1.0 / n
    g = Grid2Deff(dx=dx, dy=dx)

    # here we use straight NumPy sin in a scalar context:
    def myfunc1(x, y):
        return sin(x * y) + 8 * x

    def myfunc2(x, y):
        return math.sin(x * y) + 8 * x

    expression1 = StringFunction('sin(x*y) + 8*x',
                                 independent_variables=('x', 'y'),
    expression1_f = expression1.__call__  # for efficiency and F77 callback

    expression2 = StringFunction('math.sin(x*y) + 8*x',
                                 independent_variables=('x', 'y'),
    expression2_f = expression2.__call__  # for efficiency and F77 callback

    from scitools.misc import timer
    from scitools.EfficiencyTable import EfficiencyTable
    e = EfficiencyTable('Grid2Deff tests, %dx%d grid' % (n, n), best_time)

    t0a = timer(g.gridloop, (myfunc1, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.gridloop, myfunc1', t0a)
    t0b = timer(g.gridloop, (myfunc2, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.gridloop, myfunc2', t0b)
    t0c = timer(g.__call__, (myfunc1, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.__call__, myfunc1', t0c)
    t0d = timer(g.__call__, (expression1_f, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.__call__, expression1_f', t0d)
    t0e = timer(g.gridloop_itemset, (myfunc2, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.gridloop_itemset, myfunc2', t0e)

    t1a = timer(g.ext_gridloop1, (myfunc1, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop1, myfunc1', t1a)
    t1b = timer(g.ext_gridloop1, (myfunc2, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop1, myfunc2', t1b)
    t2a = timer(g.ext_gridloop2, (myfunc1, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2, myfunc1', t2a)
    t2b = timer(g.ext_gridloop2, (myfunc2, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2, myfunc2', t2b)
    t3a = timer(g.ext_gridloop2, (expression1_f, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2, expression1_f', t3a)
    t3b = timer(g.ext_gridloop2, (expression2_f, ), repetitions=1)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2, expression2_f', t3b)
    nrep = 20

    # try the improved functions (works only for the F77 module):
    if 'gridloop_vec2' in dir(ext_gridloop):
        t4 = timer(g.ext_gridloop_vec2, (myfuncf2, ), repetitions=nrep)
        e.add('g.ext_gridloop_vec2, myfuncf2', t4)

    if 'gridloop2_str' in dir(ext_gridloop):
        t5 = timer(g.ext_gridloop2_str, ('myfunc', ), repetitions=nrep)
        e.add('g.ext_gridloop2_str, myfunc', t5)

        # try the version without allocation (first, make an a array):
        a = g.ext_gridloop2(myfunc1)  # a has now Fortran storage
        t5b = timer(g.ext_gridloop_noalloc, ('myfunc', a), repetitions=nrep)
        e.add('g.ext_gridloop_noalloc, myfunc', t5b)

        # try 'inline' F77 compiled callback too:
        # (give F77 source for core of callback function as argument)

        t6 = timer(g.ext_gridloop2_fcb, (), repetitions=nrep)
        e.add('g.ext_gridloop2_fcb(%s)' % repr(str(expression1)), t6)

        t6b = timer(g.ext_gridloop2_fcb_ptr, (), repetitions=nrep)
        e.add('g.ext_gridloop2_fcb_ptr(%s)' % repr(expression1), t6b)

        t7 = timer(g.ext_gridloop2_v2, (), repetitions=nrep)
        e.add('g.ext_gridloop2_v2(%s)' % repr(str(expression1)), t7)

    # weave version:
    t8 = timer(g.ext_gridloop2_weave, (str(expression1), ), repetitions=nrep)
    e.add('g.ext_gridloop2_weave(%s)' % repr(str(expression1)), t8)

    # psyco:
    if g.gridloop_psyco != g.gridloop:  # has psyco
        t9a = timer(g.gridloop_psyco, (myfunc2, ), repetitions=1)
        e.add('g.gridloop_psyco, myfunc2', t9a)
        t9b = timer(g.gridloop_psyco, (expression2_f, ), repetitions=1)
        e.add('g.gridloop_psyco, expression2_f', t9b)

    if g.gridloop_psyco != g.gridloop_itemset:  # has psyco
        t9a = timer(g.gridloop_psyco, (myfunc2, ), repetitions=1)
        e.add('g.gridloop_psyco (itemset), myfunc2', t9a)
        t9b = timer(g.gridloop_psyco, (expression2_f, ), repetitions=1)
        e.add('g.gridloop_psyco (itemset), expression2_f', t9b)

    # instant:
    if g.gridloop1_instant is not None:
        a = zeros((self.nx, self.ny))
        t10 = timer(g.gridloop1_instant, (a, self.nx, g.ny, g.xcoor, g.ycoor),
        e.add('g.gridloop1_instant', t10)

    print '\n\n\n\nrun from directory', os.getcwd()
    print e
Example #9
def timing1(n=2000):
    # timing:
    dx = 1.0/n
    g = Grid2D(xmin=0, xmax=1, dx=dx,
               ymin=0, ymax=1, dy=dx)

    def myfunc(x, y):
        return sin(x*y) + 8*x

    from scitools.StringFunction import StringFunction
    expression = StringFunction('sin(x*y) + 8*x',
                                globals=globals()  # needed for vectorization

    from scitools.misc import timer
    from scitools.EfficiencyTable import EfficiencyTable
    e = EfficiencyTable('Grid2D efficiency tests, %dx%d grid' % (n,n))
    t0 = time.clock()

    # vectorized expressions are so fast that we run the code
    # repeatedly
    t1 = timer(g.__call__, (expression,), repetitions=rep,
    e.add('g.__call__, expression (vectorized)', t1)
    t2 = timer(g.__call__, (myfunc,), repetitions=rep, comment='myfunc')
    e.add('g.__call__, myfunc (vectorized)', t2)

    f = g.gridloop_hardcoded_func()
    t3 = timer(g.gridloop_hardcoded_func, (), repetitions=1, comment='')
    e.add('g.gridloop_hardcoded_func', t3)

    t4 = timer(g.gridloop, (expression,), repetitions=1,
    e.add('g.gridloop, expression (explicit loops)', t4)
    t5 = timer(g.gridloop, (myfunc,), repetitions=1, comment='myfunc')
    e.add('g.gridloop, myfunc (explicit loops)', t4)

    t6 = timer(g.gridloop_list, (expression,), repetitions=1,
    e.add('g.gridloop_list, expression (explicit loops)', t6)
    t7 = timer(g.gridloop_list, (myfunc,), repetitions=1, comment='myfunc')
    e.add('g.gridloop_list, myfunc (explicit loops)', t7)

    from math import sin as mathsin  # efficiency trick
    # The scalar computations above used sin from NumPy, which is
    # known to be slow for scalar arguments. Here we use math.sin
    # (stored in mathsin, could also use the slightly slower math.sin
    # explicitly)
    # taken globally so eval works: from math import sin as mathsin
    def myfunc_scalar(x, y):
        return mathsin(x*y) + 8*x
    expression_scalar = StringFunction('mathsin(x*y) + 8*x',
    t8 = timer(g.gridloop, (expression_scalar,), repetitions=1,
    e.add('g.gridloop, expression_scalar', t8)
    t9 = timer(g.gridloop, (myfunc_scalar,), repetitions=1, comment='myfunc')
    e.add('g.gridloop, myfunc_scalar', t9)
    print e
Example #10
def timing1(n=2000):
    # timing:
    dx = 1.0 / n
    g = Grid2D(xmin=0, xmax=1, dx=dx, ymin=0, ymax=1, dy=dx)

    def myfunc(x, y):
        return sin(x * y) + 8 * x

    from scitools.StringFunction import StringFunction
    expression = StringFunction(
        'sin(x*y) + 8*x',
        independent_variables=('x', 'y'),
        globals=globals()  # needed for vectorization

    from scitools.misc import timer
    from scitools.EfficiencyTable import EfficiencyTable
    e = EfficiencyTable('Grid2D efficiency tests, %dx%d grid' % (n, n))
    t0 = time.clock()

    # vectorized expressions are so fast that we run the code
    # repeatedly
    rep = 20
    t1 = timer(g.__call__, (expression, ),
    e.add('g.__call__, expression (vectorized)', t1)
    t2 = timer(g.__call__, (myfunc, ), repetitions=rep, comment='myfunc')
    e.add('g.__call__, myfunc (vectorized)', t2)

    f = g.gridloop_hardcoded_func()
    t3 = timer(g.gridloop_hardcoded_func, (), repetitions=1, comment='')
    e.add('g.gridloop_hardcoded_func', t3)

    t4 = timer(g.gridloop, (expression, ),
    e.add('g.gridloop, expression (explicit loops)', t4)
    t5 = timer(g.gridloop, (myfunc, ), repetitions=1, comment='myfunc')
    e.add('g.gridloop, myfunc (explicit loops)', t4)

    t6 = timer(g.gridloop_list, (expression, ),
    e.add('g.gridloop_list, expression (explicit loops)', t6)
    t7 = timer(g.gridloop_list, (myfunc, ), repetitions=1, comment='myfunc')
    e.add('g.gridloop_list, myfunc (explicit loops)', t7)

    from math import sin as mathsin  # efficiency trick

    # The scalar computations above used sin from NumPy, which is
    # known to be slow for scalar arguments. Here we use math.sin
    # (stored in mathsin, could also use the slightly slower math.sin
    # explicitly)
    # taken globally so eval works: from math import sin as mathsin
    def myfunc_scalar(x, y):
        return mathsin(x * y) + 8 * x

    expression_scalar = StringFunction('mathsin(x*y) + 8*x',
                                       independent_variables=('x', 'y'),
    t8 = timer(g.gridloop, (expression_scalar, ),
    e.add('g.gridloop, expression_scalar', t8)
    t9 = timer(g.gridloop, (myfunc_scalar, ), repetitions=1, comment='myfunc')
    e.add('g.gridloop, myfunc_scalar', t9)
    print e