Example #1
# Restrict to Region
dampingr, lonr, latr = proc.sel_region(damping, LON, LAT, bboxsim)
hclim, _, _ = proc.sel_region(mld, LON, LAT, bboxsim)
kprev, _, _ = proc.sel_region(kprevall, LON, LAT, bboxsim)

# Get lat and long sizes
lonsize = lonr.shape[0]
latsize = latr.shape[0]

# Calculate values
o, a = proc.find_latlon(-30, 50, lonr, latr)
if usetau:
    lbd, lbd_entr, FAC, beta = scm.set_stochparams(hclim[o, a, :],
    yolbd = 1 / tauall.mean(1)
    yofac = (1 - np.exp(-yolbd)) / yolbd
    lbd, lbd_entr, FAC, beta = scm.set_stochparams(hclim,

# Make Forcing
if useeta:
    randts = eta.squeeze()
    t_end = len(randts)
Example #2
# Outformat: Dict. (keys 0-2, representing MLD type) with [lon x lat x mon]
# We have prepared NAO forcing patterns for the 3 different MLD treatments (if
# applyfac is set. All it requires now is scaling by both the chosen factor and
# white nosie timeseries)

# ----------------------------
# % Set-up damping parameters
# ----------------------------
# Converts damping parameters from raw form (Watts/m2) to (deg/sec)
# Also calculates beta and FAC
# Note: Consider combining with NAO Forcing conversion?

lbd,lbd_entr,FAC,beta = scm.set_stochparams(hclim,dampingr,dt,ND=1,rho=rho,cp0=cp0,hfix=hfix)

Out Format:
    lbd -> Dict (keys 0-3) representing each mode, damping parameter
    lbd_entr -> array of entrainment damping
    FAC -> Dict (keys 0-3) representing each model, integration factor
    beta ->array [Lon x Lat x Mon]

# ----------------------------
# %% Set Up Forcing           ------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------

Example #3
dampdef = damppt.copy()
mlddef = mldpt.copy()
Fptdef = Fpt.copy()

sstall = sst

hblt  = np.load(datpath+"SLAB_PIC_hblt.npy")

#%%% Plot magnitude of entrainment damping
dt = 3600*24*30
hfix  = 50
mldmean = hblt[o,a,:]
lbd,lbd_entr,FAC,beta = scm.set_stochparams(mldpt,damppt,dt,ND=False,hfix=hfix,hmean=mldmean)

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,4))

p1, = ax.plot(mons3,mldpt,color='gray',label='h',lw=2,marker="o",markersize=6)
ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=45)
ax.set_ylabel("Mixed-Layer Depth ($m$)",fontsize=10)

ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=45)
ax2 = ax.twinx()    
ax2.plot(mons3,lbd[2],label="Without Entrainment",color='orangered',lw=2,marker="o",markersize=6)
ax2.set_ylabel("Damping (1/mon)")
Example #4
def scm_synt(hclim,

    t_end = randts.shape[0]  # Get simulation length

    # ----------------------------
    # % Set-up damping parameters and kprev
    # ----------------------------
    # Converts damping parameters from raw form (Watts/m2) to (deg/sec)
    # Also calculates beta and FAC
    # Note: Consider combining with NAO Forcing conversion?

    # Find Kprev
    kpreva, _ = scm.find_kprev(hclim)
    viz.viz_kprev(hclim, kpreva)

    lbd, lbd_entr, FAC, beta = scm.set_stochparams(hclim,
    Out Format:
        lbd -> Dict (keys 0-3) representing each mode, damping parameter
        lbd_entr -> array of entrainment damping
        FAC -> Dict (keys 0-3) representing each model, integration factor
        beta ->array [Mon]
        kprev -> array [Mon]

    # ----------------------------
    # % Set Up Forcing           ------------------------------------------------
    # ----------------------------

    # Convert NAO from W/m2 to degC/sec. Returns dict with keys 0-2 (same as scm.convert_NAO)
    NAOF = {}
    conversionfac = dt / cp0 / rho
    if applyfac == 0:  # Dont apply MLD to NAOF
        for hi in range(3):
            NAOF[hi] = NAO1 * conversionfac
    else:  # Apply each MLD case to NAOF
        NAOF[0] = NAO1 * conversionfac / hfix
        NAOF[1] = NAO1 * conversionfac / hclim.max()
        NAOF[2] = NAO1 * conversionfac / hclim

    # Use random time series to scale the forcing pattern
    F = {}
    tilecount = int(12 / NAOF[0].shape[0] * nyr)
    for hi in range(3):
        F[hi] = np.tile(NAOF[hi].squeeze(), tilecount) * randts * fscale

        # Save Forcing if option is set
        if saveforcing == 1:
            np.save(output_path + "stoch_output_%s_Forcing.npy" % (runid), F)
        F - dict (keys = 0-2, representing each MLD treatment) [time (simulation length)]
        Fseas - dict (keys = 0-2, representing each MLD treatment) [ month]

    # ----------
    # %RUN MODELS -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # ----------
    # Set mulFAC condition based on applyfac
    if applyfac == 2:
        multFAC = 1  # Don't apply integrationreduction factor if applyfac is set to 0 or 1
        multFAC = 0

    #% Run Models <SET>
        FAC    - Dict of Integration Factors (0-3)
        lbd    - Dict of Damping Parameters (0-3)
        F      - Dict of Forcings (0-2)
        kprev  - Array/Vector of Entraining Months
        beta   - Array/Vector of Entrainment velocities
        hclima - Array/Vector of MLD cycle 
        Fixed Params: T0 (Initial SST), t_end (end timestep), multFAC (0 or 1)
        sst - Dict of model output (0-3)

    # Preallocate dictionary to store results (Use tuple instead?)
    sst = {}
    # Run Model Without Entrainment
    # Loop for each Mixed Layer Depth Treatment
    for hi in range(3):
        start = time.time()

        # Select damping and FAC based on MLD
        FACh = FAC[hi]
        lbdh = lbd[hi]

        # Select Forcing
        Fh = F[hi]

        # Run Point Model
        start = time.time()
        sst[hi], _, _ = scm.noentrain(t_end,
        elapsed = time.time() - start
        tprint = "\nNo Entrain Model, hvarmode %i, ran in %.2fs" % (hi,

    # Run Model With Entrainment
    start = time.time()
    Fh = F[2]
    FACh = FAC[3]
    sst[3] = scm.entrain(t_end,
    elapsed = time.time() - start
    tprint = "\nEntrain Model ran in %.2fs" % (elapsed)

    # Calculate Autocorrelation
    kmonth = hclim.argmax()  # kmonth is the INDEX of the mongth

    autocorr = {}
    for model in range(4):

        # Get the data
        tsmodel = sst[model]
        tsmodel = proc.year2mon(tsmodel)  # mon x year

        # Deseason (No Seasonal Cycle to Remove)
        tsmodel2 = tsmodel - np.mean(tsmodel, 1)[:, None]

        # Plot
        autocorr[model] = proc.calc_lagcovar(tsmodel2, tsmodel2, lags,
                                             kmonth + 1, 0)

    if returncomponents:
        return sst, autocorr, lbd, FAC, beta, kpreva, F
    return sst, autocorr
Example #5
    scycle = np.nanmean(damppt) + np.sin(
        np.pi * (np.linspace(-.5, 1.5, 12))) * np.nanmax(np.abs(damppt))
    damppt = np.roll(scycle, -1 * int(5 - np.abs(damppt).argmax())) * np.sign(

# Introduce artificial seasonal cycle in forcing
if seasonal_forcing == 1:
    scycle = np.sin(np.pi * (np.linspace(-.5, 1.5, 12))) * np.nanmax(
        np.abs(naopt)) + np.nanmean(naopt)
    naopt = np.roll(scycle, -1 * int(5 - np.abs(naopt).argmax())) * np.sign(

# Set Damping Parameters
lbd, lbd_entr, FAC, beta = scm.set_stochparams(hpt, damppt, dt, ND=False)

# Set up forcing
F = {}
Fmagall = {}
for l in range(3):

    hvarmode = l

    # Set up forcing term
    if hvarmode == 0:
        hchoose = 50
    elif hvarmode == 1:
        hchoose = np.max(np.abs(hpt))
    elif hvarmode == 2:
        hchoose = hpt
Example #6
def stochmod_region(pointmode,funiform,fscale,runid,genrand,nyr,fstd,bboxsim,stormtrack,
    # --------------
    # %% Set Parameters--------------------------------------------------------
    # --------------
    # Unpack Points if in pointmode
    lonf,latf = points
    # Other intengration Options (not set by user)
    t_end    = 12*nyr      # Calculates Integration Period
    dt       = 60*60*24*30 # Timestep size (Will be used to multiply lambda)
    T0       = 0           # Initial temperature [degC]
    hfix     = 50          # Fixed MLD value (meters)
    # Set Constants
    cp0      = 3996 # Specific Heat [J/(kg*C)]
    rho      = 1026 # Density of Seawater [kg/m3]
    # Set Integration Region
    lonW,lonE,latS,latN = bboxsim
    # Save Option
    saveforcing = 0 # Save Forcing for each point (after scaling, etc)
    #Set Paths (stormtrack and local)
    if stormtrack == 0:
        projpath   = "/Users/gliu/Downloads/02_Research/01_Projects/01_AMV/02_stochmod/"
        datpath     = projpath + '01_Data/'
    elif stormtrack == 1:
        datpath = "/stormtrack/data3/glliu/01_Data/02_AMV_Project/02_stochmod/Model_Data/"
    import scm
    from amv import proc
    input_path  = datpath + 'model_input/'
    output_path = datpath + 'model_output/'   
    ## ------------ Script Start -------------------------------------------------
    print("Now Running stochmod_region with the following settings: \n")
    print("mconfig   = " + mconfig)
    print("funiform  = " + str(funiform))
    print("genrand   = " + str(genrand))
    print("fstd      = " + str(fstd))
    print("runid     = " + runid)
    print("pointmode = " + str(pointmode))
    print("fscale    = " + str(fscale))
    print("nyr       = " + str(nyr))
    print("bbox      = " + str(bboxsim))
    print("Data will be saved to %s" % datpath)
    allstart = time.time()
    # Set experiment ID
    #expid = "%iyr_funiform%i_run%s_fscale%03d" %(nyr,funiform,runid,fscale)
    expid = "%s_%iyr_funiform%i_run%s_fscale%03d_applyfac%i" %(mconfig,nyr,funiform,runid,fscale,applyfac)
    # --------------
    # %% Load Variables ------------------------------------------------------
    # --------------
    # Load Latitude and Longitude
    dampmat     = 'ensavg_nhflxdamping_monwin3_sig020_dof082_mode4.mat'
    loaddamp    = loadmat(input_path+dampmat)
    LON         = np.squeeze(loaddamp['LON1'])
    LAT         = np.squeeze(loaddamp['LAT'])
    # Load Atmospheric Heat Flux Feedback/Damping
    if mconfig == "FULL_HTR":
        damping = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NHFLX_Damping_monwin3_sig020_dof082_mode4.npy")
    elif mconfig == "SLAB_PIC":
        damping = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NHFLX_Damping_monwin3_sig005_dof894_mode4.npy")
    # Load Mixed layer variables (preprocessed in prep_mld.py)
    mld         = np.load(input_path+"FULL_PIC_HMXL_hclim.npy") # Climatological MLD
    kprevall    = np.load(input_path+"FULL_PIC_HMXL_kprev.npy") # Entraining Month
    # Load MLD from SLAB run
    hblt     = np.load(input_path+"SLAB_PIC_hblt.npy")
    # ------------------
    # %% Restrict to region --------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------
    # Note: what is the second dimension for?
    dampingr,lonr,latr = proc.sel_region(damping,LON,LAT,bboxsim)
    hclim,_,_ = proc.sel_region(mld,LON,LAT,bboxsim)
    kprev,_,_ = proc.sel_region(kprevall,LON,LAT,bboxsim)
    hbltr,_,_ = proc.sel_region(hblt,LON,LAT,bboxsim)
    hbltr = hbltr.mean(2) # Take mean along month dimensions
    # Get lat and long sizes
    lonsize = lonr.shape[0]
    latsize = latr.shape[0]
    # ------------------
    # %% Prep NAO Forcing ----------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------
    # Consider moving this section to another script?
    if funiform > 1: # For NAO-like forcings (and EAP forcings, load in data and setup)
        if funiform == 1.5: # Scale by standard deviation of NHFLX
            # [lon x lat x mon]
            NAO1 = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NHFLXSTD_Forcing_Mon.npy")
        # # Load Longitude for processing
        # lon360 =  np.load(datpath+"CESM_lon360.npy")
        if funiform == 2: # Load (NAO-NHFLX)_DJFM Forcing
            # [lon x lat x pc]
            naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM.npy") #[PC x Ens x Lat x Lon]
            # Select PC1 # [lon x lat x 1]
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,[0]]
        elif funiform == 3: # NAO (DJFM) regressed to monthly NHFLX
            # [lon x lat x pc x mon]
            #naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM-MON.npy") #[PC x Ens x Lat x Lon]
            # Calculated from calc-NAO_PIC_monhtly.py.... Fixed NAO Pattern
            naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM-MON_Fix.npy") # New file, magnitude does not vary at each point
            # Select PC 1 and 2 # [lon x lat x mon]
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,0,:]
        elif funiform == 4: # Monthly NAO and NHFLX
            # # Load Forcing and take ensemble average
            # naoforcing = np.load(datpath+"NAO_Monthly_Regression_PC.npz")['eofall'] #[Ens x Mon x Lat x Lon]
            # NAO1 = np.nanmean(naoforcing,0)
            # Load Forcing and take ensemble average
            naoforcing = np.load(datpath+"NAO_Monthly_Regression_PC123.npz")['flxpattern'] #[Ens x Mon x Lat x Lon]
            # Select PC1 Take ensemble average
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,:,:,0].mean(0)
        elif funiform == 5: # EAP (DJFM) ONLY
            # [lon x lat x pc]
            naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM.npy") #[PC x Ens x Lat x Lon]
            # Select PC 2 # [lon x lat x 1]
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,[1]]
        elif funiform == 5.5: # EAP (DJFM-MON)
            # [lon x lat x pc x mon]
            #naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM-MON.npy") #[PC x Ens x Lat x Lon]
            # Calculated from calc-NAO_PIC_monhtly.py.... Fixed NAO Pattern
            naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM-MON_Fix.npy") # New file, magnitude does not vary at each point
            # Select PC 2 # [lon x lat x 2 x mon]
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,1,:]
        elif funiform == 6: # DJFM NAO and EAP
            # [lon x lat x pc]
            naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM.npy") #[PC x Ens x Lat x Lon]
            # Select PC 1 and 2 # [lon x lat x 2]
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,[0,1]]
        elif funiform == 7: # DJFM Index, Monthly NHFLX
            # [lon x lat x pc x mon]
            #naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM-MON.npy") #[PC x Ens x Lat x Lon]
            # Calculated from calc-NAO_PIC_monhtly.py.... Fixed NAO Pattern
            naoforcing = np.load(input_path+mconfig+"_NAO_EAP_NHFLX_Forcing_DJFM-MON_Fix.npy") # New file, magnitude does not vary at each point
            # Select PC 1 and 2 # [lon x lat x 2 x mon]
            NAO1 = naoforcing[:,:,[0,1],:]
        # Restrict to region
        NAO1,_,_ = proc.sel_region(NAO1,LON,LAT,bboxsim,autoreshape=True)
    else: # For funiform= uniform or random forcing, just make array of ones
        NAO1 = np.ones(hclim.shape)
    # Convert NAO from W/m2 to degC/sec. Returns dict with keys 0-2
    NAOF  = {}
    NAOF1 = {}
    if applyfac == 0: # Don't Apply MLD Cycle
        if funiform > 1:
            NAO1 = NAO1 * dt / rho / cp0 # Do conversions (minus MLD)
        for i in range(3):
            if funiform > 5.5:  # Separate NAO and EAP Forcing
                NAOF[i]  = NAO1[:,:,0,...].copy() # NAO Forcing
                NAOF1[i] = NAO1[:,:,1,...].copy() # EAP Forcing

                NAOF[i] = NAO1.copy()
    else: # Apply seasonal MLD cycle and convert
        if funiform >= 6: # Separately convert NAO and EAP forcing
            NAOF  = scm.convert_NAO(hclim,NAO1[:,:,0],dt,rho=rho,cp0=cp0,hfix=hfix,hmean=hbltr[:,:,None]) # NAO Forcing
            NAOF1 = scm.convert_NAO(hclim,NAO1[:,:,1],dt,rho=rho,cp0=cp0,hfix=hfix,hmean=hbltr[:,:,None]) # EAP Forcing
            NAOF = scm.convert_NAO(hclim,NAO1,dt,rho=rho,cp0=cp0,hfix=hfix,hmean=hbltr[:,:,None])

    # Out: Dict. (keys 0-2) with [lon x lat x mon]
    # Outformat: Dict. (keys 0-2, representing MLD type) with [lon x lat x mon]
    # We have prepared NAO forcing patterns for the 3 different MLD treatments (if
    # applyfac is set. All it requires now is scaling by both the chosen factor and
    # white nosie timeseries)
    # ----------------------------
    # %% Set-up damping parameters
    # ----------------------------
    lbd,lbd_entr,FAC,beta = scm.set_stochparams(hclim,dampingr,dt,ND=1,rho=rho,cp0=cp0,hfix=hfix,hmean=hbltr[:,:,None])
    Out Format:
        lbd -> Dict (keys 0-3) representing each mode, damping parameter
        lbd_entr -> array of entrainment damping
        FAC -> Dict (keys 0-3) representing each model, integration factor
        beta ->array [Lon x Lat x Mon]
    # ----------------------------
    # %% Set Up Forcing           ------------------------------------------------
    # ----------------------------
    startf = time.time()

    # Prepare or load random time series
    if genrand == 1: # Generate new time series
        print("Generating New Time Series")
        # Create and save entire forcing array [lon x lat x time] and apply scaling factor
        if funiform == 0: 
            F = np.random.normal(0,fstd,size=(lonsize,latsize,t_end)) * fscale # Removed Divide by 4 to scale between -1 and 1
            randts = np.random.normal(0,fstd,size=t_end) # Just generate dummy randts
        # Just generate the time series
            randts = np.random.normal(0,fstd,size=t_end) # Removed Divide by 4 to scale between -1 and 1
    else: # Load old data
        print("Loading Old Data")
        if funiform == 0:# Directly load full forcing
            F = np.load(output_path+"stoch_output_%s_Forcing.npy"%(expid))
            randts = np.random.normal(0,fstd,size=t_end) # Just generate dummy randts
        else: # Load random time series
            randts = np.load(output_path+"stoch_output_%iyr_run%s_randts.npy"%(nyr,runid))
    # Generate extra time series for EAP forcing
    if funiform in [5,6,7]:
        numforce = 1 # In the future, incoporate forcing for other EOFs
        # Generate newtimeseries if it is missing
        if (genrand == 1) | (len(glob.glob(output_path+"stoch_output_%iyr_run%s_randts_%03d.npy"%(nyr,runid,numforce)))==0):
            print("Generating Additional New Time Series for EAP")
            randts1 = np.random.normal(0,fstd,size=t_end) # Removed Divide by 4 to scale between -1 and 1
            print("Loading Additional New Time Series for EAP")
            randts1 = np.load(output_path+"stoch_output_%iyr_run%s_randts_%03d.npy"%(nyr,runid,numforce))
        if funiform in [5,5.5]: # Assign EAP Forcing white noise time series
            randts = randts1
    # Use random time series to scale the forcing pattern
    if funiform != 0: 
        if funiform in [6,7]: # NAO + EAP Forcing
            F,Fseas   = scm.make_naoforcing(NAOF,randts,fscale,nyr) # Scale NAO Focing
            F1,Fseas1 = scm.make_naoforcing(NAOF1,randts1,fscale,nyr) # Scale EAP forcing
            # Add the two forcings together
            for hi in range(3):
                F[hi]     += F1[hi]
                Fseas[hi] += Fseas1[hi]
        else: # NAO Like Forcing of funiform with mld/lbd factors, apply scaling and randts
            F,Fseas = scm.make_naoforcing(NAOF,randts,fscale,nyr)
        # Save Forcing if option is set
        if saveforcing == 1:
    else: # Duplicate for uniform forcing
        F0 = F.copy()
        for hi in range(3):
            F[hi] = F0
    print("Forcing Setup in %.2fs" % (time.time() - startf))
        F - dict (keys = 0-2, representing each MLD treatment) [ lon x lat x time (simulation length)]
        Fseas - dict (keys = 0-2, representing each MLD treatment) [ lon x lat x  month]
    # ----------------------------
    # %% Additional setup based on pointmode  ------------------------------------------------
    # ----------------------------    
    if pointmode == 1: # Find indices for pointmode
        # Get point indices
        ko,ka = proc.find_latlon(lonf,latf,lonr,latr)
        locstring = "lon%02d_lat%02d" % (lonf,latf)
        # Select variable at point
        hclima   = hclim[ko,ka,:]
        dampinga = dampingr[ko,ka,:]
        kpreva   = kprev[ko,ka,:]
        lbd_entr = lbd_entr[ko,ka,:]
        beta     = beta[ko,ka,:]
        hblta = hbltr[ko,ka]
        #naoa     = NAO1[ko,ka,...]
        # Select forcing at point
        Fa    = {} # Forcing
        Fseasa = {} # Seasonal Forcing pattern
        for hi in range(3):
            Fa[hi] = F[hi][ko,ka,:]
            Fseasa = Fseas[hi][ko,ka,:]
        F = Fa.copy()
        # Do the same but for each model type (hfdamping and FAC)
        lbda = {}
        FACa = {}
        for model in range(4):
            FACa[model] = FAC[model][ko,ka,:]
            lbda[model] = lbd[model][ko,ka,:]
        lbd = lbda.copy()
        FAC = FACa.copy()

    if pointmode == 2: # Take regionally averaged parameters (need to recalculate some things)
        # Make string for plotting
        locstring = "lon%02d_%02d_lat%02d_%02d" % (lonW,lonE,latS,latN)
        # Current setup: Average raw variables, assuming
        # that bboxsim is the region you want to average over
        hclima    = np.nanmean(hclim,(0,1))    # Take lon,lat mean, ignoring nans
        kpreva    = scm.find_kprev(hclima)[0]  # Recalculate entrainment month
        dampinga  = np.nanmean(dampingr,(0,1)) # Repeat for damping
        hblta = np.nanmean(hbltr,(0,1)) # Repeat for slab mld
        #naoa      = np.nanmean(NAO1,(0,1))     # Repeat for nao forcing
        # Get regionally averaged forcing based on mld config
        rNAOF = {}
        rF    = {}
        for hi in range(3):
            rNAOF[hi] = proc.sel_region(NAOF[hi],lonr,latr,bboxsim,reg_avg=1)
            rF[hi] = randts * np.tile(rNAOF[hi],nyr)
        # Add in EAP Forcing [consider making separate file to save?]
        if funiform in [6,7]: # NAO + EAP Forcing
            for hi in range(3):
                rNAOF1 = proc.sel_region(NAOF1[hi],lonr,latr,bboxsim,reg_avg=1)
                rF1 = randts1 * np.tile(rNAOF1,nyr)
                # Add to forcing
                rNAOF[hi] += rNAOF1
                rF[hi] += rF1
        # Copy over forcing
        F = rF.copy()
        Fseas = rNAOF.copy()

        # Convert units
        lbd,lbd_entr,FAC,beta = scm.set_stochparams(hclima,dampinga,dt,ND=0,rho=rho,cp0=cp0,hfix=hfix,hmean=hblta)
    Dict with keys 0-2 for MLD configuation
        - F (Forcing, full timeseries)
        - Fseas (Forcing, seasonal pattern)
    Dict with keys 0-3 for Model Type
        - lbd (damping parameter)
        - FAC (integration factor)
    Just Arrays...
        - beta (entrainment velocity)
        - dampinga (atmospheric damping)
        - hclima (mixed layer depth)
        - kpreva (entraining month)
        - naoa (NAO forcing pattern)
    # ----------
    # %%RUN MODELS -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # ----------
    # Set mulFAC condition based on applyfac
    if applyfac == 2:
        multFAC = 1 # Don't apply integrationreduction factor if applyfac is set to 0 or 1
        multFAC = 0
    # Run Model Without Entrainment
    sst = {}
    #Loop for each Mixed Layer Depth Treatment
    for hi in range(3):
        start = time.time()
        # Select damping and FAC based on MLD
        FACh = FAC[hi]
        lbdh = lbd[hi]
        # Select Forcing
        Fh  = F[hi]
        # # Match Forcing and FAC shape
        # if (len(Fh.shape)>2) & (Fh.shape[2] != FACh.shape[2]):
        #     FACh = np.tile(FACh,int(t_end/12))
        if pointmode == 0: #simulate all points
            # Match Forcing and FAC shape
            if (len(Fh.shape)>2) & (Fh.shape[2] != FACh.shape[2]):
                FACh = np.tile(FACh,int(t_end/12))
            sst[hi] =  scm.noentrain_2d(randts,lbdh,T0,Fh,FACh,multFAC=multFAC)
            print("\nSimulation for No Entrain Model, hvarmode %s completed in %s" % (hi,time.time() - start))
        else: # simulate for 1 point (or regionally averaged case)
            start = time.time()
            # Run Point Model
            elapsed = time.time() - start
            tprint = "\nNo Entrain Model, hvarmode %i, ran in %.2fs" % (hi,elapsed)

    # Run Model With Entrainment
    start = time.time()
    icount = 0
    Fh = F[2] # Forcing with varying MLD
    FACh = FAC[3] # Integration Factor with entrainment
    if pointmode == 0: # All Points
        if parallel:
            st = time.time()
            lonsize,latsize,_ = F[2].shape

            Fin   = F[2].reshape(lonsize*latsize,t_end)
            FACin = FAC[3].reshape(lonsize*latsize,12)
            dampingpt = dampingr.reshape(FACin.shape)
            lbdin     = lbd[3].reshape(FACin.shape)
            betain    = beta.reshape(FACin.shape)
            hin       = hclim.reshape(FACin.shape)
            kprevin   = kprev.reshape(FACin.shape)
            #T_entr1 = np.zeros(Fin.shape) * np.nan
            results = []
            T_entr1 = np.array([])
            for i in trange(lonsize*latsize):
                if np.isnan(np.mean(dampingpt[i,:])):
                inputs = (t_end,lbdin[i],T0,Fin[i],betain[i],hin[i],kprevin[i],FACin[i],multFAC)
                #T_entr1[i,:] = dask.delayed(scm.entrain_parallel)(inputs)
                result = dask.delayed(scm.entrain_parallel)(inputs)
            x = T_entr1.compute()
            end = time.time()
            print("Finished in %.2fs"%(end-st))
        else: # Regular Loop without parallelization
            T_entr1 = np.ones((lonsize,latsize,t_end))*np.nan
            for o in trange(lonsize,desc="Longitude"):
                for a in range(latsize):
                    # Skip if the point is land
                    if np.isnan(np.mean(dampingr[o,a,:])):
                        #msg = "Land Point @ lon %f lat %f" % (lonf,latf)
                        icount += 1
                        # T_entr1[o,a,:] = scm.entrain(t_end,lbd[3][o,a,:],
                        #                                        T0,Fh[o,a,:],beta[o,a,:],
                        #                                        hclim[o,a,:],kprev[o,a,:],
                        #                                        FACh[o,a,:],multFAC=multFAC,
                        #                                        debug=False,debugprint=False)
                        T_entr1[o,a,:] = scm.entrain(t_end,lbd[3][o,a,:],T0,Fh[o,a,:],beta[o,a,:],hclim[o,a,:],kprev[o,a,:],FACh[o,a,:],multFAC=multFAC)
                    icount += 1
                    #msg = '\rCompleted Entrain Run for %i of %i points' % (icount,lonsize*latsize)
                #End Latitude Loop
            #End Longitude Loop
    else: # Single point/average region
        T_entr1= scm.entrain(t_end,lbd[3],T0,Fh,beta,hclima,kpreva,FACh,multFAC=multFAC)

    # Copy over to sst dictionary
    sst[3] = T_entr1.copy()
    elapsed = time.time() - start
    tprint = "\nEntrain Model ran in %.2fs" % (elapsed)
    #%% save output
    if pointmode > 0:
        # SAVE ALL in 1
    print("stochmod_region.py ran in %.2fs"% (time.time()-allstart))
    print("Output saved as" + output_path + "stoch_output_%s.npy"%(expid))