import fsps from scombine.sfhutils import load_angst_sfh from scombine.dust import sexAmodel import scombine.bursty_sfh as bsp from sedpy import attenuation, observate # Instantiate the SPS object and make any changes to the parameters here sps = fsps.StellarPopulation(zcontinuous=1) sps.params['logzsol'] = -1.0 # Load the input SFH, and set any bursts if desired (set f_burst=0 # to not add bursts) filename = 'sfhs/ddo71.lowres.ben.v1.sfh' f_burst, fwhm_burst, contrast = 0.5, 0.05 * 1e9, 5 sfh = load_angst_sfh(filename) sfh['t1'] = 10.**sfh['t1'] sfh['t2'] = 10.**sfh['t2'] sfh['sfr'][0] *= 1 - (sfh['t1'][0]/sfh['t2'][0]) sfh[0]['t1'] = 0. mtot = ((sfh['t2'] - sfh['t1']) * sfh['sfr']).sum() # choose lookback times to generate lookback_time = [0, 1e8] # generate a high temporal resolution SFH, with bursts if f_burst > 0 lt, sfr, tb = bsp.burst_sfh(sfh=sfh, fwhm_burst=fwhm_burst, f_burst=f_burst, contrast=contrast) # get the interpolation weights. This does not have to be run in # general (it is run interior to bursty_sps) unless you are # debugging or for plotting purposes aw = bsp.sfh_weights(lt, sfr, 10**sps.ssp_ages, lookback_time=lookback_time)
filterlist = observate.load_filters(filternamelist) maggies_to_cgs = 10**(-0.4*(2.406 + 5*np.log10([f.wave_effective for f in filterlist]))) dm =24.47 t_lookback = [0.0, 1e8] tl = ['present','100 Myr ago'] files = glob.glob('./sfhs/*sfh') objname = [os.path.basename(f).split('.')[0] for f in files] pl.figure() for i, filen in enumerate(files): av, dav = 0.1, 0.1 #read the binned sfh, put in linear units sfh = utils.load_angst_sfh(filen) sfh['t1'] = 10.**sfh['t1'] sfh['t2'] = 10.**sfh['t2'] sfh['sfr'][0] *= 1 - (sfh['t1'][0]/sfh['t2'][0]) sfh[0]['t1'] = 0. mtot = ((sfh['t2'] - sfh['t1']) * sfh['sfr']).sum() #convert into a high resolution sfh, with *no* intrabin sfr variations lt, sfr, fb = bsp.burst_sfh(fwhm_burst=0.05, f_burst=0., contrast=1., sfh=sfh, bin_res=20.) # Get the attenuated spectra # and IR luminosities wave, spec, mass, lir = bsp.bursty_sps(lt, sfr, sps, lookback_time=t_lookback, av=av, dav=dav, nsplit=30) for j, jt in enumerate(t_lookback):
import fsps from scombine.sfhutils import load_angst_sfh from scombine.dust import sexAmodel import scombine.bursty_sfh as bsp from sedpy import attenuation, observate # Instantiate the SPS object and make any changes to the parameters here sps = fsps.StellarPopulation(zcontinuous=1) sps.params["logzsol"] = -1.0 # Load the input SFH, and set any bursts if desired (set f_burst=0 # to not add bursts) filename = "sfhs/ddo71.lowres.ben.v1.sfh" f_burst, fwhm_burst, contrast = 0.5, 0.05 * 1e9, 5 sfh = load_angst_sfh(filename) sfh["t1"] = 10.0 ** sfh["t1"] sfh["t2"] = 10.0 ** sfh["t2"] sfh["sfr"][0] *= 1 - (sfh["t1"][0] / sfh["t2"][0]) sfh[0]["t1"] = 0.0 mtot = ((sfh["t2"] - sfh["t1"]) * sfh["sfr"]).sum() # choose lookback times to generate lookback_time = [0, 1e8] # generate a high temporal resolution SFH, with bursts if f_burst > 0 lt, sfr, tb = bsp.burst_sfh(sfh=sfh, fwhm_burst=fwhm_burst, f_burst=f_burst, contrast=contrast) # get the interpolation weights. This does not have to be run in # general (it is run interior to bursty_sps) unless you are # debugging or for plotting purposes aw = bsp.sfh_weights(lt, sfr, 10 ** sps.ssp_ages, lookback_time=lookback_time)
def examples(filename='demo/sfhs/ddo75.lowres.ben.v1.sfh', lookback_time=[0.0, 1e9, 10e9]): """ A quick test and demonstration of the algorithms. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import fsps from scombine.sfhutils import load_angst_sfh # Instantiate the SPS object and make any changes to the parameters here sps = fsps.StellarPopulation(zcontinuous=1) sps.params['logzsol'] = -1.0 # Load the input SFH, and set any bursts if desired (set f_burst=0 # to not add bursts) f_burst, fwhm_burst, contrast = 0.5, 0.05 * 1e9, 5 sfh = load_angst_sfh(filename) sfh['t1'] = 10.**sfh['t1'] sfh['t2'] = 10.**sfh['t2'] sfh['sfr'][0] *= 1 - (sfh['t1'][0]/sfh['t2'][0]) sfh[0]['t1'] = 0. mtot = ((sfh['t2'] - sfh['t1']) * sfh['sfr']).sum() # generate a high temporal resolution SFH, with bursts if f_burst > 0 lt, sfr, tb = burst_sfh(sfh=sfh, fwhm_burst=fwhm_burst, f_burst=f_burst, contrast=contrast) # get the interpolation weights. This does not have to be run in # general (it is run interior to bursty_sps) unless you are # debugging or for plotting purposes aw = sfh_weights(lt, sfr, 10**sps.ssp_ages, lookback_time=lookback_time) # get the intrinsic spectra at the lookback_times specified. wave, spec, mstar, _ = bursty_sps(lt, sfr, sps, lookback_time=lookback_time) # get reddened spectra, Calzetti foreground screen wave, red_spec, _, lir = bursty_sps(lt, sfr, sps, lookback_time=lookback_time, dust_curve=attenuation.calzetti, av=1, dav=0) # get reddened spectra, SexA differntial extinction plus SMC from scombine.dust import sexAmodel dav = sexAmodel(davmax=1.0, ages=10**sps.ssp_ages) wave, red_spec, _, lir = bursty_sps(lt, sfr, sps, lookback_time=lookback_time, dust_curve=attenuation.smc, av=1, dav=dav) # Get intrinsic spectrum including an age metallicity relation def amr(ages, **extras): """This should take an array of ages (linear years) and return an array of metallicities (units of log(Z/Z_sun) """ logz_array = -1.0 * np.ones_like(ages) return logz_array wave, spec, mstar, _ = bursty_sps(lt, sfr, sps, lookback_time=lookback_time, logzsol=amr(10**sps.ssp_ages, sfh=sfh)) # Output plotting. pl.figure() for i,t in enumerate(lookback_time): pl.plot(wave, spec[i,:], label = r'$t_{{lookback}} = ${0:5.1f} Gyr'.format(t/1e9)) pl.legend() pl.xlim(1e3,1e4) pl.xlabel('wave') pl.ylabel(r'$F_\lambda$') fig, ax = pl.subplots(2,1) for i,t in enumerate(lookback_time): ax[1].plot(10**sps.ssp_ages, aw[i,:], marker='o', markersize=2, label=r'$t_{{lookback}} = ${0:5.1f} Gyr'.format(t/1e9)) mstring = 'm_formed({0:3.1f}Gyr)={1}, m_formed(total)={2}, m_formed({0:3.1f}Gyr)/m_formed(total)={3}' print(mstring.format(t/1e9, aw[i,:].sum(), mtot, aw[i,:].sum()/mtot)) print('m_star({0:3.1f}Gyr)={1}'.format(t/1e9, mstar[i])) ax[1].set_xlabel('SSP age - lookback time') ax[1].set_ylabel('Mass') ax[1].legend(loc = 'upper left') ax[0].plot(lt, sfr, 'k') ax[0].set_xlabel('lookback time') ax[0].set_ylabel('SFR') pstring = 'f$_{{burst}}={0:3.1f}$, fwhm$_{{burst}}=${1:3.0f}Myr, contrast ={2}' ax[0].set_title(pstring.format(f_burst, fwhm_burst/1e6, contrast)) for t in lookback_time: ax[0].axvline(x = t, color = 'r', linestyle =':', linewidth = 5)
def examples(filename='demo/sfhs/ddo75.lowres.ben.v1.sfh', lookback_time=[0.0, 1e9, 10e9]): """ A quick test and demonstration of the algorithms. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import fsps from scombine.sfhutils import load_angst_sfh # Instantiate the SPS object and make any changes to the parameters here sps = fsps.StellarPopulation(zcontinuous=1) sps.params['logzsol'] = -1.0 # Load the input SFH, and set any bursts if desired (set f_burst=0 # to not add bursts) f_burst, fwhm_burst, contrast = 0.5, 0.05 * 1e9, 5 sfh = load_angst_sfh(filename) sfh['t1'] = 10.**sfh['t1'] sfh['t2'] = 10.**sfh['t2'] sfh['sfr'][0] *= 1 - (sfh['t1'][0] / sfh['t2'][0]) sfh[0]['t1'] = 0. mtot = ((sfh['t2'] - sfh['t1']) * sfh['sfr']).sum() # generate a high temporal resolution SFH, with bursts if f_burst > 0 lt, sfr, tb = burst_sfh(sfh=sfh, fwhm_burst=fwhm_burst, f_burst=f_burst, contrast=contrast) # get the interpolation weights. This does not have to be run in # general (it is run interior to bursty_sps) unless you are # debugging or for plotting purposes aw = sfh_weights(lt, sfr, 10**sps.ssp_ages, lookback_time=lookback_time) # get the intrinsic spectra at the lookback_times specified. wave, spec, mstar, _ = bursty_sps(lt, sfr, sps, lookback_time=lookback_time) # get reddened spectra, Calzetti foreground screen wave, red_spec, _, lir = bursty_sps(lt, sfr, sps, lookback_time=lookback_time, dust_curve=attenuation.calzetti, av=1, dav=0) # get reddened spectra, SexA differntial extinction plus SMC from scombine.dust import sexAmodel dav = sexAmodel(davmax=1.0, ages=10**sps.ssp_ages) wave, red_spec, _, lir = bursty_sps(lt, sfr, sps, lookback_time=lookback_time, dust_curve=attenuation.smc, av=1, dav=dav) # Get intrinsic spectrum including an age metallicity relation def amr(ages, **extras): """This should take an array of ages (linear years) and return an array of metallicities (units of log(Z/Z_sun) """ logz_array = -1.0 * np.ones_like(ages) return logz_array wave, spec, mstar, _ = bursty_sps(lt, sfr, sps, lookback_time=lookback_time, logzsol=amr(10**sps.ssp_ages, sfh=sfh)) # Output plotting. pl.figure() for i, t in enumerate(lookback_time): pl.plot(wave, spec[i, :], label=r'$t_{{lookback}} = ${0:5.1f} Gyr'.format(t / 1e9)) pl.legend() pl.xlim(1e3, 1e4) pl.xlabel('wave') pl.ylabel(r'$F_\lambda$') fig, ax = pl.subplots(2, 1) for i, t in enumerate(lookback_time): ax[1].plot(10**sps.ssp_ages, aw[i, :], marker='o', markersize=2, label=r'$t_{{lookback}} = ${0:5.1f} Gyr'.format(t / 1e9)) mstring = 'm_formed({0:3.1f}Gyr)={1}, m_formed(total)={2}, m_formed({0:3.1f}Gyr)/m_formed(total)={3}' print( mstring.format(t / 1e9, aw[i, :].sum(), mtot, aw[i, :].sum() / mtot)) print('m_star({0:3.1f}Gyr)={1}'.format(t / 1e9, mstar[i])) ax[1].set_xlabel('SSP age - lookback time') ax[1].set_ylabel('Mass') ax[1].legend(loc='upper left') ax[0].plot(lt, sfr, 'k') ax[0].set_xlabel('lookback time') ax[0].set_ylabel('SFR') pstring = 'f$_{{burst}}={0:3.1f}$, fwhm$_{{burst}}=${1:3.0f}Myr, contrast ={2}' ax[0].set_title(pstring.format(f_burst, fwhm_burst / 1e6, contrast)) for t in lookback_time: ax[0].axvline(x=t, color='r', linestyle=':', linewidth=5)
maggies_to_cgs = 10**( -0.4 * (2.406 + 5 * np.log10([f.wave_effective for f in filterlist]))) dm = 24.47 t_lookback = [0.0, 1e8] tl = ['present', '100 Myr ago'] files = glob.glob('./sfhs/*sfh') objname = [os.path.basename(f).split('.')[0] for f in files] pl.figure() for i, filen in enumerate(files): av, dav = 0.1, 0.1 #read the binned sfh, put in linear units sfh = utils.load_angst_sfh(filen) sfh['t1'] = 10.**sfh['t1'] sfh['t2'] = 10.**sfh['t2'] sfh['sfr'][0] *= 1 - (sfh['t1'][0] / sfh['t2'][0]) sfh[0]['t1'] = 0. mtot = ((sfh['t2'] - sfh['t1']) * sfh['sfr']).sum() #convert into a high resolution sfh, with *no* intrabin sfr variations lt, sfr, fb = bsp.burst_sfh(fwhm_burst=0.05, f_burst=0., contrast=1., sfh=sfh, bin_res=20.) # Get the attenuated spectra # and IR luminosities