Example #1
def _startup(rootFuture, *args, **kargs):
    """Initializes the SCOOP environment.

    :param rootFuture: Any callable object (function or class object with *__call__*
        method); this object will be called once and allows the use of parallel
        calls inside this object.
    :param args: A tuple of positional arguments that will be passed to the
        callable object.
    :param kargs: A dictionary of additional keyword arguments that will be
        passed to the callable object.

    :returns: The result of the root Future.

    Be sure to launch your root Future using this method."""
    import greenlet
    global _controller
    _controller = greenlet.greenlet(control.runController)
        result = _controller.switch(rootFuture, *args, **kargs)
    except scoop._comm.Shutdown:
        result = None
    if scoop.DEBUG:
        from scoop import _debug
        _debug.writeWorkerDebug(control.debug_stats, control.QueueLength)
    return result
Example #2
    def shutdown(self):
        """Shutdown the ressources used by the queue"""

        if scoop:
            if scoop.DEBUG:
                from scoop import _debug
Example #3
    def shutdown(self):
        """Shutdown the ressources used by the queue"""

        if scoop:
            if scoop.DEBUG:
                from scoop import _debug
Example #4
def runController(callable_, *args, **kargs):
    """Callable greenlet implementing controller logic."""
    global execQueue
    # initialize and run root future
    rootId = FutureId(-1, 0)

    # initialise queue
    if execQueue is None:
        execQueue = FutureQueue()

        sys.excepthook = advertiseBrokerWorkerDown

        # TODO: Make that a function
        # Wait until we received the main module if we are a headless slave
        headless = scoop.CONFIGURATION.get("headless", False)
        if not scoop.MAIN_MODULE:
            # If we're not the origin and still don't have our main_module,
            # wait for it and then import it as module __main___
            main = scoop.shared.getConst('__MAIN_MODULE__',
            directory_name = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            scoop.MAIN_MODULE = main.writeFile(directory_name)
            from .bootstrap.__main__ import Bootstrap as SCOOPBootstrap
            newModule = SCOOPBootstrap.setupEnvironment()
            sys.modules['__main__'] = newModule
        elif scoop.IS_ORIGIN and headless and scoop.MAIN_MODULE:
            # We're the origin, share our main_module
                    scoop.MAIN_MODULE, ))
            # TODO: use modulefinder to share every local dependency of
            # main module

    # launch future if origin or try to pickup a future if slave worker
    if scoop.IS_ORIGIN:
        future = Future(rootId, callable_, *args, **kargs)
        future = execQueue.pop()

    future.greenlet = greenlet.greenlet(runFuture)
    future = future._switch(future)

    if scoop.DEBUG:
        lastDebugTs = time.time()

    while not scoop.IS_ORIGIN or future.parentId != rootId or not future._ended(
        if scoop.DEBUG and time.time(
        ) - lastDebugTs < scoop.TIME_BETWEEN_PARTIALDEBUG:
            from scoop import _debug
                debug_stats, QueueLength,
                "debug/partial-{0}".format(round(time.time(), -1)))
        # process future
        if future._ended():
            # future is finished
            if future.id.worker != scoop.worker:
                # future is not local
                future = execQueue.pop()
                # future is local, parent is waiting
                if future.index is not None:
                    parent = futureDict[future.parentId]
                    if parent.exceptionValue is None:
                        future = parent._switch(future)
                        future = execQueue.pop()
                    future = execQueue.pop()
            # future is in progress; run next future from pending execution queue.
            future = execQueue.pop()

        if not future._ended() and future.greenlet is None:
            # initialize if the future hasn't started
            future.greenlet = greenlet.greenlet(runFuture)
            future = future._switch(future)

    if future.exceptionValue:
        raise future.exceptionValue
    return future.resultValue
Example #5
def runController(callable_, *args, **kargs):
    """Callable greenlet implementing controller logic."""
    global execQueue

    # initialize and run root future
    rootId = (-1, 0)

    # initialise queue
    if execQueue is None:
        execQueue = FutureQueue()

        sys.excepthook = advertiseBrokerWorkerDown

        if scoop.DEBUG:
            from scoop import _debug

        # TODO: Make that a function
        # Wait until we received the main module if we are a headless slave
        headless = scoop.CONFIGURATION.get("headless", False)
        if not scoop.MAIN_MODULE:
            # If we're not the origin and still don't have our main_module,
            # wait for it and then import it as module __main___
            main = scoop.shared.getConst('__MAIN_MODULE__', timeout=float('inf'))
            directory_name = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            scoop.MAIN_MODULE = main.writeFile(directory_name)
            from .bootstrap.__main__ import Bootstrap as SCOOPBootstrap
            newModule = SCOOPBootstrap.setupEnvironment()
            sys.modules['__main__'] = newModule
        elif scoop.IS_ORIGIN and headless and scoop.MAIN_MODULE:
            # We're the origin, share our main_module
            # TODO: use modulefinder to share every local dependency of
            # main module

    # launch future if origin or try to pickup a future if slave worker
    if scoop.IS_ORIGIN:
        future = Future(rootId, callable_, *args, **kargs)
        future = execQueue.pop()

    future.greenlet = greenlet.greenlet(runFuture)
    future = future._switch(future)

    if scoop.DEBUG:
        lastDebugTs = time.time()

    while not scoop.IS_ORIGIN or future.parentId != rootId or not future._ended():
        if scoop.DEBUG and time.time() - lastDebugTs > scoop.TIME_BETWEEN_PARTIALDEBUG:
                    round(time.time(), -1)
            lastDebugTs = time.time()
        # process future
        if future._ended():
            # future is finished
            if future.id[0] != scoop.worker:
                # future is not local
                future = execQueue.pop()
                # future is local, parent is waiting
                if future.index is not None:
                        parent = futureDict[future.parentId]
                    except KeyError:
                        # Job has no parent here (probably children restart)
                        future = execQueue.pop()
                        if parent.exceptionValue is None:
                            future = parent._switch(future)
                            future = execQueue.pop()
                    future = execQueue.pop()
            # future is in progress; run next future from pending execution queue.
            future = execQueue.pop()

        if not future._ended() and future.greenlet is None:
            # initialize if the future hasn't started
            future.greenlet = greenlet.greenlet(runFuture)
            future = future._switch(future)

    if future.exceptionValue:
    return future.resultValue
Example #6
def runController(callable_, *args, **kargs):
    """Callable greenlet implementing controller logic."""
    global execQueue

    # initialize and run root future
    rootId = (-1, 0)

    # initialise queue
    if execQueue is None:
        execQueue = FutureQueue()

        sys.excepthook = advertiseBrokerWorkerDown

        if scoop.DEBUG:
            from scoop import _debug

        # TODO: Make that a function
        # Wait until we received the main module if we are a headless slave
        headless = scoop.CONFIGURATION.get("headless", False)
        if not scoop.MAIN_MODULE:
            # If we're not the origin and still don't have our main_module,
            # wait for it and then import it as module __main___
            main = scoop.shared.getConst('__MAIN_MODULE__', timeout=float('inf'))
            directory_name = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            scoop.MAIN_MODULE = main.writeFile(directory_name)
            from .bootstrap.__main__ import Bootstrap as SCOOPBootstrap
            newModule = SCOOPBootstrap.setupEnvironment()
            sys.modules['__main__'] = newModule
        elif scoop.IS_ORIGIN and headless and scoop.MAIN_MODULE:
            # We're the origin, share our main_module
            # TODO: use modulefinder to share every local dependency of
            # main module

    # launch future if origin or try to pickup a future if slave worker
    if scoop.IS_ORIGIN:
        future = Future(rootId, callable_, *args, **kargs)
        future = execQueue.pop()

    future.greenlet = greenlet.greenlet(runFuture)
    future = future._switch(future)

    if scoop.DEBUG:
        lastDebugTs = time.time()

    while not scoop.IS_ORIGIN or future.parentId != rootId or not future._ended():
        if scoop.DEBUG and time.time() - lastDebugTs > scoop.TIME_BETWEEN_PARTIALDEBUG:
                    round(time.time(), -1)
            lastDebugTs = time.time()

        # At this point , the future is either completed or in progress
        # in progress => its runFuture greenlet is in progress

        # process future and get new future / result future
        waiting_parent = False
        if future.isDone:
            if future.isReady:
                # future is completely processed and ready to be returned This return is
                # executed only if the parent is waiting for this particular future.
                # Note: orphaned futures are caused by... what again?
                if future.index is not None:
                    # This means that this particular future is being waited upon by a
                    # parent (see futures._waitAny())
                    if future.parentId in futureDict:
                        parent = futureDict[future.parentId]
                        if parent.exceptionValue is None:
                            waiting_parent = True

        if future.isReady and waiting_parent:
            # This means that this future must be returned to the parent future greenlet
            # by this, one of 2 things happen, the parent completes execution and
            # returns itself along with its results and isDone set to True, or, in case
            # it has spawned a sub-future or needs to wait on another future, it returns
            # itself in an inprogress state (isDone = False)
            future = parent._switch(future)
            # This means that the future is either ready and the parent is not waiting,
            # or the future is in progress. This happens when the future is a parent
            # future whose greenlet has returned itself in an incomplete manner. check
            # the above comment
            # In both the above cases, the future can safely be dropped/ignored and the
            # next future picked up from the queue for processing.
            future = execQueue.pop()

        if not future._ended() and future.greenlet is None:
            # This checks for the case of a not-yet-started-execution future that is
            # returned from the queue, (This can only happen if execQueue.pop is called)
            # and starts the execution
            future.greenlet = greenlet.greenlet(runFuture)
            future = future._switch(future)

    # Special case of removing the root future from the futureDict

    if future.exceptionValue:
    return future.resultValue