Example #1
class Essay:
	def __init__(self, filename, text, real_score = 0):
		self.text                   = text
		self.text_list              = self.text.replace('\n'," ").split()
		self.tags                   = nl.pos_tag(self.text_list)
		self.raw_score              = Score()
		self.normalized_score       = Score()
		self.real_score             = real_score
		self.filename               = filename
		self.grader_score           = 0.0
		self.classification         = 1
		self.classification_penalty = 0

	# Calculates the weighted score for an essay
	def calculate_score(self):
		s = self.normalized_score
		self.grader_score = s.spelling + s.sbj_vrb + s.vrb_tense + 2*s.sent_form + 2*s.coherence + 3*s.topic + 2*s.length
		return None

	# Selects the class of the essay based on the learned cutoffs
	def classify(self):
		if self.grader_score > NormalizedCutoffs.total[0]:
			self.classification += 1
		if self.grader_score > NormalizedCutoffs.total[1]:
			self.classification += 1
		return None
	# Replaces VBZ tags with VBZis or VBZhas
	def disambiguate_vbz(self):
		tags = map(lambda x : (x[0], 'VBZis') if x[1] == 'VBZ' and x[0] == 'is' else x, self.tags)

		self.tags_vbz = map(lambda x : (x[0], 'VBZhas') if x[1] == 'VBZ' and x[0] == 'has' else x, tags)
		return None

	# Returns a string formatted for the competition
	def output(self):
		t = self.classification 
		if t == 1:
			grade = "low"
		elif t == 2:
			grade = "medium"
			grade = "high"
		string = self.filename + "\t" + str(self.normalized_score.spelling) + "\t" + str(self.normalized_score.sbj_vrb) + "\t" + str(self.normalized_score.vrb_tense) + "\t" + str(self.normalized_score.sent_form) + "\t" + str(self.normalized_score.anaphora) + "\t" + str(self.normalized_score.topic) + "\t" + str(self.normalized_score.length) + "\t" + grade + "\n"
		return string

	# Builds a parse tree using Pattern.en
	def parse(self):
		self.parsetree = parsetree(self.text, relations=True)
		return None

	# Sends the essay down the pipeline to calculate it's raw scores for each category
	def pipeline(self):
		print "Processing " + self.filename
		self.raw_score.spelling  = spelling.mistakes(self)
		self.raw_score.sbj_vrb   = sva.mistakes(self)
		self.raw_score.length    = sentence.length(self)
		self.raw_score.vrb_tense = verb.mistakes(self)
		self.raw_score.sent_form = sentenceFormation.mistakes(self)
		self.raw_score.anaphora  = centering.compute_ambiguity(self)
		self.raw_score.topic     = topicCoherence.score(self)
		# Now predict
		return None

	# Takes an essay and scores it according to the trained cutoff points   
	def predict(self):
		for cat in categories.ALL:
			raw = getattr(self.raw_score, cat)
			score = 1

			# Score the essay according to its cutoff level
			if cat == "length" or cat == "topic":
				for i, cutoff in enumerate(getattr(NormalizedCutoffs, cat)):
					if raw > cutoff:
						score += 1

				for i, cutoff in enumerate(getattr(NormalizedCutoffs, cat)):
					if raw < cutoff:
						score += 1

			# Store the normalized score
			setattr(self.normalized_score, cat, score)

		# Calculate the essay's total score and classify

		# Calculate mis-classification penalty
		if self.real_score != 0 and self.real_score != self.classification:
			self.classification_penalty = abs(self.real_score - self.classification)
		return None

	# Prints a summary of the essay
	def summary(self):
		print self.filename
		print "Real Score: "       + str(self.real_score)
		print "Classification: "   + str(self.classification)
		print "Grader Score: "     + str(self.grader_score)
		return None
Example #2
class Essay:
    def __init__(self, filename, text, real_score=0):
        self.text = text
        self.text_list = self.text.replace('\n', " ").split()
        self.tags = nl.pos_tag(self.text_list)
        self.raw_score = Score()
        self.normalized_score = Score()
        self.real_score = real_score
        self.filename = filename
        self.grader_score = 0.0
        self.classification = 1
        self.classification_penalty = 0

    # Calculates the weighted score for an essay
    def calculate_score(self):
        s = self.normalized_score
        self.grader_score = s.spelling + s.sbj_vrb + s.vrb_tense + 2 * s.sent_form + 2 * s.coherence + 3 * s.topic + 2 * s.length

        return None

    # Selects the class of the essay based on the learned cutoffs
    def classify(self):
        if self.grader_score > NormalizedCutoffs.total[0]:
            self.classification += 1
        if self.grader_score > NormalizedCutoffs.total[1]:
            self.classification += 1

        return None

    # Replaces VBZ tags with VBZis or VBZhas
    def disambiguate_vbz(self):
        tags = map(
            lambda x: (x[0], 'VBZis')
            if x[1] == 'VBZ' and x[0] == 'is' else x, self.tags)

        self.tags_vbz = map(
            lambda x: (x[0], 'VBZhas')
            if x[1] == 'VBZ' and x[0] == 'has' else x, tags)

        return None

    # Returns a string formatted for the competition
    def output(self):
        t = self.classification

        if t == 1:
            grade = "low"
        elif t == 2:
            grade = "medium"
            grade = "high"

        string = self.filename + "\t" + str(
        ) + "\t" + str(self.normalized_score.sbj_vrb) + "\t" + str(
            self.normalized_score.vrb_tense) + "\t" + str(
                self.normalized_score.sent_form) + "\t" + str(
                    self.normalized_score.anaphora) + "\t" + str(
                        self.normalized_score.topic) + "\t" + str(
                            self.normalized_score.length) + "\t" + grade + "\n"

        return string

    # Builds a parse tree using Pattern.en
    def parse(self):
        self.parsetree = parsetree(self.text, relations=True)

        return None

    # Sends the essay down the pipeline to calculate it's raw scores for each category
    def pipeline(self):
        print "Processing " + self.filename

        self.raw_score.spelling = spelling.mistakes(self)
        self.raw_score.sbj_vrb = sva.mistakes(self)
        self.raw_score.length = sentence.length(self)
        self.raw_score.vrb_tense = verb.mistakes(self)
        self.raw_score.sent_form = sentenceFormation.mistakes(self)
        self.raw_score.anaphora = centering.compute_ambiguity(self)
        self.raw_score.topic = topicCoherence.score(self)

        # Now predict

        return None

    # Takes an essay and scores it according to the trained cutoff points
    def predict(self):
        for cat in categories.ALL:
            raw = getattr(self.raw_score, cat)
            score = 1

            # Score the essay according to its cutoff level
            if cat == "length" or cat == "topic":
                for i, cutoff in enumerate(getattr(NormalizedCutoffs, cat)):
                    if raw > cutoff:
                        score += 1

                for i, cutoff in enumerate(getattr(NormalizedCutoffs, cat)):
                    if raw < cutoff:
                        score += 1

            # Store the normalized score
            setattr(self.normalized_score, cat, score)

        # Calculate the essay's total score and classify

        # Calculate mis-classification penalty
        if self.real_score != 0 and self.real_score != self.classification:
            self.classification_penalty = abs(self.real_score -

        return None

    # Prints a summary of the essay
    def summary(self):
        print self.filename
        print "Real Score: " + str(self.real_score)
        print "Classification: " + str(self.classification)
        print "Grader Score: " + str(self.grader_score)

        return None