Example #1
 def newConfsMap():
     confs = {}
     for x in ['Exact L', 'Exact UL', 'Soft L', 'Soft UL', 'Bag L', 'Bag UL', 'Manning']:
         confs[x] = {'token': scoring.ConfusionMatrix(0,0,0,0), 'mention': scoring.ConfusionMatrix(0,0,0,0)}
     confs['Manning2'] = {'token': Counter(), 'mention': Counter()}
     softPR = {'UL': {'P': Counter(numer=0, denom=0), 'R': Counter(numer=0, denom=0)}, 
                'L':  {'P': Counter(numer=0, denom=0), 'R': Counter(numer=0, denom=0)}}
     return confs, softPR
Example #2
def tokenConfusions(goldseq, predseq, ignoreLabels=False, collapseNonO=False, scheme='BIO', bag=False, ignoreContinuation=False):
    n = nFound = nMissed = nExtra = 0
    if bag:
        gC = Counter()
        pC = Counter()
        for g,p in zip(goldseq,predseq):
            gpm, gl = g
            ppm, pl = p
            if ignoreLabels:
                gl = pl = None
            if ignoreContinuation:
                if collapseNonO:
                    if gpm!='O': gpm = 'B' if isPrimary(gpm,scheme) else gpm
                    if ppm!='O': ppm = 'B' if isPrimary(ppm,scheme) else ppm
                if gpm=='O' or isPrimary(gpm,scheme):
                    gC[(gpm,gl)] += 1
                if ppm=='O' or isPrimary(ppm,scheme):
                    pC[(ppm,pl)] += 1
                if collapseNonO:
                    if gpm!='O': gpm = primarize(gpm,scheme)
                    if ppm!='O': ppm = primarize(ppm,scheme)
                gC[(gpm,gl)] += 1
                pC[(ppm,pl)] += 1
        n = sum(gC.values())
        assert ignoreContinuation or n==sum(pC.values())

        for tag in set(gC.keys()+pC.keys()):
            if tag[0]=='O': continue
            gn, pn = gC[tag], pC[tag]
            nFound += min(gn,pn)
            if gn>pn:
                nMissed += gn-pn
            elif gn<pn:
                nExtra += pn-gn
        for g,p in zip(goldseq,predseq):
            gpm, gl = g
            ppm, pl = p
            n += 1
            if (gpm==ppm or (collapseNonO and (gpm=='O')==(ppm=='O'))) and (ignoreLabels or gl==pl):    # correct tag
                if gpm!='O':
                    nFound += 1 # true positive
            elif ppm=='O':
                nMissed += 1    # false negative
                nExtra += 1 # false positive
    return scoring.ConfusionMatrix(Both=nFound, Aonly=nMissed, Bonly=nExtra, Neither=n-nFound-nMissed-nExtra)
Example #3
def softMentionConfusions(goldseq, predseq, ignoreLabels=False, matchCriterion=overlap, scheme='BIO'):
    Any partial overlap between a gold and predicted mention counts as a match between the two mentions.
    Ignores labels.
    True positives and true negatives don't really make sense here, so we return 0 counts for these 
    and use precision vs. recall calculations.
    >>> gold = [('B', 'PER'), ('I', 'PER'), ('I', 'PER'), ('B', 'ORG'), ('O', None), ('O', None), ('B', 'LOC'), ('I', 'LOC')]
    >>> pred = [('B', 'PER'), ('O', None), ('B', 'ORG'), ('I', 'ORG'), ('O', None), ('B', 'YYY'), ('B', 'ORG'), ('B', 'XXX')]
    >>> conf, precRatio, recRatio = softMentionConfusions(gold, pred, ignoreLabels=True)
    >>> assert conf==scoring.ConfusionMatrix(0, 1, 0, 0), conf
    >>> assert precRatio==Counter(numer=4, denom=5)
    >>> assert recRatio==Counter(numer=3, denom=3)
    >>> gold = [('B', 'PER'), ('I', 'PER'), ('I', 'PER'), ('B', 'ORG'), ('O', None), ('O', None), ('B', 'LOC'), ('I', 'LOC')]
    >>> pred = [('B', 'PER'), ('O', None), ('B', 'ORG'), ('I', 'ORG'), ('O', None), ('B', 'YYY'), ('B', 'ORG'), ('B', 'XXX')]
    >>> conf, precRatio, recRatio = softMentionConfusions(gold, pred, ignoreLabels=False)
    >>> assert conf==scoring.ConfusionMatrix(1, 3, 0, 0), conf
    >>> assert precRatio==Counter(numer=2, denom=5)
    >>> assert recRatio==Counter(numer=2, denom=3)
    x = dict.keys if ignoreLabels else dict.items
    goldMentionSpans = set(x(mentionSpans(goldseq, includeOTokens=False, value='label', scheme=scheme)))
    goldOSpans = set(x(mentionSpans(goldseq, includeOTokens=True, value='label', scheme=scheme))).difference(goldMentionSpans)
    predMentionSpans = set(x(mentionSpans(predseq, includeOTokens=False, value='label', scheme=scheme)))
    predOSpans = set(x(mentionSpans(predseq, includeOTokens=True, value='label', scheme=scheme))).difference(predMentionSpans)
    if ignoreLabels:
        match = lambda g,p: matchCriterion(g,p)
        match = lambda g,p: matchCriterion(g[0],p[0]) and g[1]==p[1]
    nMatchedPred = nExtra = 0
    uncoveredGold = set(goldMentionSpans)
    for p in predMentionSpans:
        matchedGold = {p} if p in goldMentionSpans else {g for g in goldMentionSpans if match(g,p)}
        if matchedGold:
            nMatchedPred += 1
        else:   # prediction doesn't overlap with any gold mention
            nExtra += 1
    nMatchedGold = len(goldMentionSpans) - len(uncoveredGold)
    return (scoring.ConfusionMatrix(Aonly=len(uncoveredGold), Bonly=nExtra, Both=0, Neither=0), 
            Counter(numer=nMatchedPred, denom=len(predMentionSpans)),
            Counter(numer=nMatchedGold, denom=len(goldMentionSpans)))
Example #4
def mentionConfusions(goldseq, predseq, ignoreLabels=False, scheme='BIO'):
    >>> gold = [('B', 'PER'), ('I', 'PER'), ('I', 'PER'), ('B', 'ORG'), ('O', None), ('O', None), ('B', 'LOC'), ('B', 'XXX')]
    >>> pred = [('B', 'PER'), ('O', None), ('B', 'ORG'), ('I', 'ORG'), ('O', None), ('B', 'YYY'), ('B', 'ORG'), ('B', 'XXX')]
    >>> conf = mentionConfusions(gold, pred, ignoreLabels=True)
    >>> assert conf==scoring.ConfusionMatrix(2, 3, 2, 1), conf
    >>> gold = [('B', 'PER'), ('I', 'PER'), ('I', 'PER'), ('B', 'ORG'), ('O', None), ('O', None), ('B', 'LOC'), ('B', 'XXX')]
    >>> pred = [('B', 'PER'), ('O', None), ('B', 'ORG'), ('I', 'ORG'), ('O', None), ('B', 'YYY'), ('B', 'ORG'), ('B', 'XXX')]
    >>> conf = mentionConfusions(gold, pred, ignoreLabels=False)
    >>> assert conf==scoring.ConfusionMatrix(3, 4, 1, 1), conf
    x = dict.keys if ignoreLabels else dict.items
    goldMentionSpans = set(x(mentionSpans(goldseq, includeOTokens=False, value='label', scheme=scheme)))
    goldOSpans = set(x(mentionSpans(goldseq, includeOTokens=True, value='label', scheme=scheme))).difference(goldMentionSpans)
    predMentionSpans = set(x(mentionSpans(predseq, includeOTokens=False, value='label', scheme=scheme)))
    predOSpans = set(x(mentionSpans(predseq, includeOTokens=True, value='label', scheme=scheme))).difference(predMentionSpans)
    return scoring.ConfusionMatrix(len(goldMentionSpans.difference(predMentionSpans)), len(predMentionSpans.difference(goldMentionSpans)), 
                                   len(goldMentionSpans & predMentionSpans), len(goldOSpans & predOSpans))
Example #5
    if nIgnoredTokens>0:
        print('Ignoring {} tokens in {} sequences'.format(nIgnoredTokens, nIgnoredSeqs), file=sys.stderr)
    for lblset,(confs,softPR) in sorted(data.items(), key=lambda itm: itm[0]):
        if lblset==():
            lblsS = 'All {} labels'.format(len(allLabels))
            if len(allLabels)==1:
            lblsS = 'Labels: '+' '.join('(null)' if lbl is None else (repr(lbl) if re.search(r'\s|[\'"]', lbl) else lbl) for lbl in lblset)
            unseen = set(lblset).difference(allLabels)
            if unseen:
                print('Warning: some labels never seen in data:', unseen, file=sys.stderr)
        c = confs['Manning2']['token']
        confs['Manning']['token'] = scoring.ConfusionMatrix(Both=c['tp'], Neither=c['tn'], Aonly=c['fn'], Bonly=c['fp'])
        c = confs['Manning2']['mention']
        confs['Manning']['mention'] = scoring.ConfusionMatrix(Both=c['tp'], Neither=c['tn'], Aonly=c['fn'], Bonly=c['fp'])
        nGoldMentions = confs['Exact UL']['mention'].Atotal
        nPredMentions = confs['Exact UL']['mention'].Btotal
    {:5}             {:5}  TOKENS  {:<5}              {:5}  MENTIONS  {:<5}
        found xtra miss O/O                   found xtra miss O/O
          tp   fp   fn    tn   A% P% R% F1%     tp   fp   fn    tn   P% R% F1%'''.format(lblsS, scheme, nTokens[lblset], nSeqs[lblset], nGoldMentions, nPredMentions))
        # TODO: Manning score?
        for x in ['Exact L', 'Exact UL', 'Soft L', 'Soft UL', 'Bag L', 'Bag UL', 'Manning', 'Manning2']:
            print('{:8} '.format(x if x!='Manning2' else ''), end='')