def main(recipeURL): lists.ingredientDB = parsing.readIngredientsFromFile( 'FOOD_DATA/FOOD_DES.txt') lists.updateNameDB() recipeInfo = scraper.retrieveRecipe(recipeURL) recipe = parsing.buildRecipeObject(recipeInfo) # INGEDIENTS ingredients = recipe.ingredients JSONIngredients = [] for ing in ingredients: ing = { "name":, "quantity": ing.amount, "measurement": ing.unit, "descriptor": ing.descriptor, "preparation": ing.preparation } JSONIngredients.append(ing) # COOKING METHODS methods = recipe.primaryMethods tools = recipeJSON = { "ingredients": JSONIngredients, "cooking method": methods, "cooking tools": tools, } pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) pp.pprint(recipeJSON) return json.dumps(recipeJSON)
def main(recipeURL): lists.ingredientDB = parsing.readIngredientsFromFile('FOOD_DATA/FOOD_DES.txt') lists.updateNameDB() recipeInfo = scraper.retrieveRecipe(recipeURL) recipe = parsing.buildRecipeObject(recipeInfo) # INGEDIENTS ingredients = recipe.ingredients JSONIngredients = [] for ing in ingredients: ing = { "name":, "quantity": ing.amount, "measurement": ing.unit, "descriptor": ing.descriptor, "preparation": ing.preparation } JSONIngredients.append(ing) # COOKING METHODS methods = recipe.primaryMethods tools = recipeJSON = { "ingredients": JSONIngredients, "cooking method": methods, "cooking tools": tools, } pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) pp.pprint(recipeJSON) return json.dumps(recipeJSON)
def getRecipe(recipeURL): #temporary lists.ingredientDB = parsing.readIngredientsFromFile('FOOD_DATA/FOOD_DES.txt') lists.updateNameDB() ### recipeInfo = scraper.retrieveRecipe(recipeURL) recipe = parsing.buildRecipeObject(recipeInfo) return recipe
def getRecipe(recipeURL): #temporary lists.ingredientDB = parsing.readIngredientsFromFile( 'FOOD_DATA/FOOD_DES.txt') lists.updateNameDB() ### recipeInfo = scraper.retrieveRecipe(recipeURL) recipe = parsing.buildRecipeObject(recipeInfo) return recipe
def main(): lists.ingredientDB = parsing.readIngredientsFromFile( 'FOOD_DATA/FOOD_DES.txt') lists.updateNameDB() debug = True #Welcome message print "Welcome to SVJ Recipe Transformer created by Josiah Evans, Vanessa Fang and Salil Gupta" #Recipe input recipeURL = raw_input("Please input a recipe url from") print 'Loading recipe from' recipeInfo = scraper.retrieveRecipe(recipeURL) print 'Building recipe object...' recipe = parsing.buildRecipeObject(recipeInfo) print "Thanks! Now choose a transformation.\n We have three options:\n For a vegetarian tranformation (or 'un-vegetarian') type 0\n For a healthy transformation type 1\n For a cuisine transformation type 2" transformationType = int(raw_input("Transformation Selection: ")) if transformationType == 0: print "Thanks! You have selected a veggie transformation. We are processing your request!" vegRecipe = veggieTransformer.veggieTransformer(recipe) veggieTransformer.printRecipe(vegRecipe, "Vegetarian") elif transformationType == 1: print "Thanks! You have selected a healthy transformation. We are processing your request!" healthyRecipe = healthyTransformer.healthyTransformer(recipe) healthyTransformer.printRecipe(healthyRecipe, "Healthy") elif transformationType == 2: print "Thanks! You have selected a cuisine transformation. Please choose a cuisine type:\n For Indian type 0 \n For Mexican type 1 \n for Chinese Type 2" cuisineType = int(raw_input("Cuisine Type: ")) if cuisineType == 0: cuisineTransformer.cuisineChange(recipe, cuisineTypes[0]) elif cuisineType == 1: cuisineTransformer.cuisineChange(recipe, cuisineTypes[1]) elif cuisineType == 2: cuisineTransformer.cuisineChange(recipe, cuisineTypes[2]) else: print "Sorry! But you must have typed an incorrect cuisine number!" else: print "Sorry! But you must have typed an incorrect transformation number!"
def main(): lists.ingredientDB = parsing.readIngredientsFromFile('FOOD_DATA/FOOD_DES.txt') lists.updateNameDB() debug = True #Welcome message print "Welcome to SVJ Recipe Transformer created by Josiah Evans, Vanessa Fang and Salil Gupta" #Recipe input recipeURL = raw_input("Please input a recipe url from") print 'Loading recipe from' recipeInfo = scraper.retrieveRecipe(recipeURL) print 'Building recipe object...' recipe = parsing.buildRecipeObject(recipeInfo) print "Thanks! Now choose a transformation.\n We have three options:\n For a vegetarian tranformation (or 'un-vegetarian') type 0\n For a healthy transformation type 1\n For a cuisine transformation type 2" transformationType = int(raw_input("Transformation Selection: ")) if transformationType ==0: print "Thanks! You have selected a veggie transformation. We are processing your request!" vegRecipe = veggieTransformer.veggieTransformer(recipe) veggieTransformer.printRecipe(vegRecipe, "Vegetarian") elif transformationType ==1: print "Thanks! You have selected a healthy transformation. We are processing your request!" healthyRecipe = healthyTransformer.healthyTransformer(recipe) healthyTransformer.printRecipe(healthyRecipe, "Healthy") elif transformationType ==2: print "Thanks! You have selected a cuisine transformation. Please choose a cuisine type:\n For Indian type 0 \n For Mexican type 1 \n for Chinese Type 2" cuisineType = int(raw_input("Cuisine Type: ")) if cuisineType ==0: cuisineTransformer.cuisineChange(recipe,cuisineTypes[0]) elif cuisineType ==1: cuisineTransformer.cuisineChange(recipe,cuisineTypes[1]) elif cuisineType == 2: cuisineTransformer.cuisineChange(recipe,cuisineTypes[2]) else: print "Sorry! But you must have typed an incorrect cuisine number!" else: print "Sorry! But you must have typed an incorrect transformation number!"