def main(): repos = { # To już jest "tensorflow": ["tensorflow"], # "arduino": ["Arduino"], # "audacity": ["audacity"], # "capistrano": ["capistrano"], # "cloudera": ["hue"], # "floweisshardt": ["atf"], # "bardsoftware": ["ganttproject"], # "nginx": ["nginx"], # "torakiki": ["pdfsam"], # "scala": ["scala"], # "Squirrel": ["Squirrel.Windows"], # "tornadoweb": ["tornado"] # "liferay": ["liferay-learn"] } if len(repos.keys()) <= 0: print("Odkomentuj lub dodaj coś do tego pliku w zmiennej repos") return spiders = [ "githubapi", # "contributors", # 'subscribers', # "users", # 'milestones' 'releases' ] for owner in repos.keys(): for repository in repos[owner]: print(f"{owner}/{repository}") print("Scrap api") set_env_command = f"set \"REPOSITORY_OWNER={owner}\"&&set \"REPOSITORY_NAME={repository}\"" # na Windows # set_env_command = f"export REPOSITORY_OWNER={owner} && export REPOSITORY_NAME={repository}" # na Linux os.system(set_env_command) os.environ['REPOSITORY_OWNER'] = owner os.environ['REPOSITORY_NAME'] = repository for spider in spiders: scrapy_command = f"scrapy crawl {spider}" command = f"{set_env_command} && {scrapy_command}" os.system(command) Config.set_repository_owner(owner) Config.set_repository_name(repository) # print("Scrap repo") # scrap_repo() print("End")
def main(): repos = { # "tensorflow": ["tensorflow"], "arduino": ["Arduino"] } spiders = [ "githubapi", "contributors", 'subscribers', "users" ] for owner in repos.keys(): for repository in repos[owner]: for spider in spiders: set_env_command = f"export REPOSITORY_OWNER={owner} && export REPOSITORY_NAME={repository}" scrapy_command = f"scrapy crawl {spider}" command = f"{set_env_command} && {scrapy_command}" os.system(command) Config.set_repository_owner(owner) Config.set_repository_name(repository) scrap_repo()
def start_requests(self): Config.github_token() for url in self.urls_to_crawl: yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse)
def scrap_repo(): print(Config.repository_name()) repo_download_dir = f"{Config.working_directory()}/{Config.repo_dir()}/{Config.repository_owner()}_{Config.repository_name()}" repo_url = f"{Config.repository_owner()}/{Config.repository_name()}.git" Util.mkdir(repo_download_dir) if os.path.exists(repo_download_dir): os.system(f"git -C {repo_download_dir} fetch") os.system(f"git -C {repo_download_dir} pull") else: os.system(f"git clone -q {repo_url} {repo_download_dir}") data_dir = f"{Config.working_directory()}/{Config.data_dir()}/{Config.repository_owner()}_{Config.repository_name()}" temp_dir = f"{Config.working_directory()}/{Config.temp_dir()}/{Config.repository_owner()}_{Config.repository_name()}" commits_csv_file_path = f"{data_dir}/commits.csv" commit_hash_csv_file_path = f"{temp_dir}/commits_hash.txt" author_names_csv_file_path = f"{temp_dir}/author_names.txt" commiter_names_csv_file_path = f"{temp_dir}/commiter_names.txt" user_names_csv_file_path = f"{temp_dir}/user_names.txt" files_in_repo_csv_file_path = f"{data_dir}/files_in_repo.txt" list_files_csv_file_path = f"{temp_dir}/list_files.txt" changed_files_csv_file_path = f"{data_dir}/changed_files.txt" for file in [ commits_csv_file_path, commit_hash_csv_file_path, author_names_csv_file_path, commiter_names_csv_file_path, user_names_csv_file_path, files_in_repo_csv_file_path, changed_files_csv_file_path ]: Util.mkdir(file) commands = [ 'echo "tree_hash\$commith_hash\$author_name\$author_email\$author_timestamp\$committer_name\$committer_email\$committer_timestamp" > ' + commits_csv_file_path, 'git -C ' + repo_download_dir + ' log --pretty=format:\'%T$%H$%an$%ae$%at$%cn$%ce$%ct\' --abbrev-commit >> ' + commits_csv_file_path, 'git -C ' + repo_download_dir + ' log --pretty=format:\'%H\' --abbrev-commit | sort | uniq -u >> ' + commit_hash_csv_file_path, 'git -C ' + repo_download_dir + ' log --pretty=format:\'%ae\' --abbrev-commit | sort | uniq -u | grep -o \'^[^@]*\' > ' + author_names_csv_file_path, 'git -C ' + repo_download_dir + ' log --pretty=format:\'%ce\' --abbrev-commit | sort | uniq -u | grep -o \'^[^@]*\' > ' + commiter_names_csv_file_path, 'cat ' + author_names_csv_file_path + ' > ' + user_names_csv_file_path + '.tmp', 'cat ' + commiter_names_csv_file_path + ' >> ' + user_names_csv_file_path + '.tmp', 'cat ' + user_names_csv_file_path + '.tmp | sort | uniq -u > ' + user_names_csv_file_path, 'git -C ' + repo_download_dir + ' ls-files | wc -l > ' + files_in_repo_csv_file_path, ] for command in commands: print(f"command: {command}") os.system(command) find_files_command = f"find {repo_download_dir} -type f -not -path '*/.git/*' -exec echo {{}} \;" repo_files = [] for repo_file in os.popen(find_files_command).readlines(): x = repo_file.strip()[len(repo_download_dir) + 1:] repo_files.append(x) with open(list_files_csv_file_path, 'w') as list_files: for x in repo_files: list_files.write(f"{x}\n") list_files.close() with open(changed_files_csv_file_path, 'w') as changed_files: for repo_file in progressbar.progressbar(repo_files): authors_command = f"git -C {repo_download_dir} log --pretty=format:\"%an\" {repo_file} | sort | uniq -u" # print(f"command: {authors_command}") authors = [] for author in os.popen(authors_command).readlines(): authors.append(author.strip()) # print(authors) for author in authors: changed_files.write(f"{repo_file},{author}\n") changed_files.close()