Example #1
def downloadImgur(href, path=''):
    '''Detects the type of url and does the appropriate download'''
    if 'gallery/' in href:
        downloadImgurPage(href, path)
    elif '/r/' in href:
        downloadImgurGallery(href, path)
    elif href[-4] == '.': #possibly a pic ex .jpg, .png
        downloadResource(href, destPath=path)
        imgBox = getElementsFromUrl(href, 'div.image.textbox > a')
        for e in imgBox:
            src = e.get('href')
            downloadResource(src, destPath=path)
Example #2
    for i, postUrl in enumerate(postUrls[:limit], 1):
        print i, '/', limit, postUrl
        #Find pictures directly on post
        newSrcs = cleanImgSrcs(getImgSrcs(postUrl))
        print '\tFound :', len(newSrcs)
        imageSrcs += newSrcs
        #Find pictures in post iframe
        elems = getElementsFromUrl(postUrl, 'iframe.photoset')
        iframeUrls = [e.get('src') for e in elems]
        for iframeUrl in iframeUrls:
            print '\tiframe:', iframeUrl
            iframeImageSrcs = cleanImgSrcs(getImgSrcs(iframeUrl))
            print '\tFound :', len(iframeImageSrcs)
            imageSrcs += iframeImageSrcs

    return imageSrcs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print 'Getting image srcs...'
    srcs = getSearchImgs('cat')
    print 'Result:'
    print '\n'.join(srcs)
    print 'Downloading images...'
    for i, src in enumerate(srcs, 1):
        print i, '/', len(srcs)
        downloadResource(src, destPath='tumblr')
Example #3
def downloadImgurPage(href, path=''):
    '''Downloads all the images from an imgur page or album'''
    imgSrcs = getImgurImageSrcs(href)
    for src in imgSrcs:
        downloadResource(src, destPath=path)