def from_mod(self): if os.path.exists('%s/framework-res.apk' % (EdsWorking)) == True: try: shutil.rmtree('%s/apktool' % (Home)) os.chdir(Apktool) output = os.popen(Framework).read() print output EdsNotify().run("'Framework Install Complete", "\nYou can now modify an apk file") if os.path.exists('%s/' % (EdsWorking)) == True: os.chdir(Apktool) output2 = os.popen(Resources).read() print output2 else: print ' Not Found: Skipping....' except: print 'apktool dir not found: Moving on....' os.chdir(Apktool) output = os.popen(Framework).read() print output EdsNotify().run("'Framework Install Complete", "\nYou can now work with modify an apk file") if os.path.exists('%s/' % (EdsWorking)) == True: os.chdir(Apktool) output2 = os.popen(Resources).read() print output2 else: print ' Not Found: Skipping....' print 'hello' else: EdsNotify().run("'framework-res.apk' NOT FOUND", "'\nframework-res.apk'\nNeeds To Be In:\n" + '%s/' % (EdsWorking))
def rec_apk(self): if os.path.exists('%s/out/apktool.yml' % (Mod_File)) == True: os.chdir(Apktool) output = os.popen(RecApk).read() print output EdsNotify().run('Recompile Complete', "\nYour Apk Recompiled Successfully") else: EdsNotify().run("Error: Recompile Failed", "\ apktool.yml")
def sign_misc(self): if os.listdir(Sign_Apk): os.chdir(Signapk) output = os.popen(Sign_Other) print output EdsNotify().run("Apk Has Been Signed", "Your File is in:\n" + '%s/' % (Sign_Apk)) else: EdsNotify().run("File Error", "A File Could Not Be Found In:\n" + '%s/\n' % (Sign_Apk))
def sign(self): if os.path.exists('%s/repackaged-unsigned.apk' % (Mod_File)) == True: os.chdir(Signapk) output = os.popen(Sign).read() print output os.remove('%s/repackaged-unsigned.apk' % (Mod_File)) EdsNotify().run("Apk Has Been Signed", "Your File is in:\n" + '%s/' % (Mod_File)) else: EdsNotify().run("File Not Found", "An 'repackaged-unsigned.apk' Needs To Be In:\n" + '%s/' % (Mod_File))
def rec_dex(self): if os.path.exists('%s/out' % (Mod_File)) == True: os.chdir(Baksmali) output = os.popen(RecDex).read() print output if os.path.exists('%s/new_classes.dex' % (Mod_File)) == True: EdsNotify().run('Recompile Complete', "Your Dex File Recompiled Successfully") else: EdsNotify().run('Recompile Error', "Check Integrity of Dex File") else: EdsNotify().run("No 'out' Directory Found", '\nYou Must Decompile a Dex file first')
def dec_apk(self): if os.listdir(Mod_File): os.chdir(Apktool) output = os.popen(DecApk).read() print output if os.path.exists('%s/out/apktool.yml' % (Mod_File)): EdsNotify().run('Decompile Complete', "\nYour Apk Decompiled Successfully") else: EdsNotify().run('Decompile Failed', "\nCheck Your Framework Files") else: EdsNotify().run('No Apk Found', "\nAn APk Needs To Be In:\n" + '%s/' % (Mod_File))
def initd(self): Box = BoxLayout(orientation="vertical", spacing=10) msg = GridLayout(cols=2, padding=15, spacing=10, size_hint_y=None) btn_layout = GridLayout(cols=1) done = Button(text="Done") btn_layout.add_widget(done) msg.bind(minimum_height=msg.setter('height')) try: file_listing = os.listdir(Rom_Initd) file_listing.sort() for item in file_listing: btnname = (CustomButton(text='%s' % item, font_size=10, size_hint_y=None, height=40)) msg.add_widget(btnname) btnname.bind(on_release=do_button) root = ScrollView(size_hint=(None, None), size=(375, 290), do_scroll_x=False) root.add_widget(msg) Box.add_widget(root) Box.add_widget(btn_layout) popup = Popup(background='atlas://images/eds/pop', title='Init.d Scripts', content=Box, auto_dismiss=True, size_hint=(None, None), size=(400, 400)) done.bind(on_release=popup.dismiss) except: EdsNotify().run("'Init.d Directory Not Found", 'Cant Find:\n' + Rom_Initd)
def do_button(self): filepath = "%s/%s" % (SystemApp, self.text) if os.path.exists(Mod_File) == True: shutil.rmtree(Mod_File) os.mkdir(Mod_File) shutil.copy(filepath , Mod_File) dec_apk(self) else: EdsNotify().run("'Mod_A_File Directory Not Found", 'Cant Find:\n' + Mod_File)
def dec_dex(self): if os.listdir(Mod_File): try: os.rmdir('%s/out' % (Mod_File)) os.chdir(Baksmali) output = os.popen(DecDex).read() print output except: print 'No out directory detected: Skipping... ' os.chdir(Baksmali) output = os.popen(DecDex).read() print output if os.path.exists('%s/out' % (Mod_File)) == True: EdsNotify().run('Decompile Complete', "Your Dex File Decompiled Successfully") else: EdsNotify().run('Decompile Error', "Check Integrity of Dex File") else: EdsNotify().run('No Dex Found', "A Dex Needs To Be In:\n" + '%s/' % (Mod_File))
def clean_working(self): if os.path.exists(Mod_File) == True: shutil.rmtree(Mod_File) shutil.rmtree(Sign_Apk) os.mkdir(Mod_File) os.mkdir(Sign_Apk) EdsNotify().run("Working Directory Cleaned", "\nFiles From:\n'Mod_A_File'\n'Sign_A_File'\nHave Been Cleaned Out") else: print 'Cant Find %s' % (Mod_File) os.mkdir(Mod_File)
def buildprop(self): try: filepath = "%s/" % (BuildProp) if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):'open', filepath)) elif == 'nt': os.startfile(filepath) elif == 'posix':'xdg-open', filepath)) except: EdsNotify().run("'build.prop Not Found", 'Cant Find:\n' + BuildProp)
def source(self): if os.listdir(Mod_File): os.chdir(Dex2jar) output = os.popen(Dex2j).read() print output os.chdir(Jdgui) output = os.popen(Jd).read() print output for filename in glob.glob('%s/*_dex2jar.jar' % (Mod_File)) : os.remove(filename) #os.remove('%s/dex2jar.jar' % (Mod_File)) else: EdsNotify().run("File Error", "A File Could Not Be Found In:\n" + '%s/\n' % (Mod_File) + 'Or Could Not View Source For That File')
def device_select(self): Box = BoxLayout(orientation="vertical", spacing=10) msg = GridLayout(cols=2, padding=15, spacing=10, size_hint_y=None) btn_layout = GridLayout(cols=1) done = Button(text="Cancel") btn_layout.add_widget(done) msg.bind(minimum_height=msg.setter('height')) popup = Popup(background='atlas://images/eds/pop', title='Device Select', content=Box, auto_dismiss=True, size_hint=(None, None), size=(700, 500)) try: for name in devices: if name in devices: btnname = (CustomButton(text='%s' % name, font_size=10, size_hint_y=None, height=40)) msg.add_widget(btnname) btnname.bind(on_release=set_device) btnname.bind(on_release=popup.dismiss) root = ScrollView(size_hint=(None, None), size=(675, 390), do_scroll_x=False) root.add_widget(msg) Box.add_widget(root) Box.add_widget(btn_layout) done.bind(on_release=popup.dismiss) except: EdsNotify().run("'system/app Directory Not Found", 'Cant Find:\n' + SystemApp)
def apk_run(self): comm = self.text_input.text output = os.popen(comm).read() print output self.text_input.text = '' EdsNotify().run("Shell Command Output", output)
def uscript(self): try: except: EdsNotify()().run("'updater-script Not Found", 'Cant Find:\n' + UScript)
def rom_terms(self): try: except: EdsNotify().run("'terms.txt Not Found", 'Cant Find:\n' + Terms)
def changes(self): try: except: EdsNotify().run("'change.txt Not Found", 'Cant Find:\n' + Changelog)
def aroma_config(self): try: except: EdsNotify().run("'aroma-confg Not Found", 'Cant Find:\n' + Aroma)