def on_sensor_data(channel, data): print(channel, data) val = float(r.get_key(data+".temp")) print(str(val)) scrollphat.write_string( str(round(val))[:2] ) scrollphat.update()
def displayText(text): scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string(text) for i in range(0, scrollphat.buffer_len() - 11): scrollphat.scroll() sleep(0.1) scrollphat.clear()
def scroll_message(self): time_count_par_sec = 1 / self.lotate_time_sec time_count_limit = time_count_par_sec * self.update_time_sec time_count = time_count_limit while True: try: if time_count >= time_count_limit: print("") print(" --- Check... ---") time_count = 0 if self.get_weather_days(self.check_days): print(" --- Update... ---") self.add_optional_signal_output("start") self.add_get_weather_time_output() self.add_optional_signal_output("end") self.get_weather_info() scrollphat.write_string(self.output) scrollphat.update() else: print(" --- No Update... ---") print(" Updated: " + self.pub_date) print(" --------------------") scrollphat.scroll() scrollphat.update() time.sleep(self.lotate_time_sec) time_count += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nInterrupted Ctrl + C !!\n") return
def run(self): global current_value next_value = 0.0 scrollphat.set_rotate(True) while self.running: if next_value == 0.0: next_value_string = "" else: next_value_string = self.format_value(current_value) if current_value == 0.0: curr_value_string = "Loading.." else: curr_value_string = self.format_value(next_value) next_value = current_value string_to_display = curr_value_string + next_value_string scrollphat.write_string(string_to_display) length = scrollphat.buffer_len() for i in range(length): scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.15)
async def poll_queue(self) -> None: while True: text = await self.queue.get() scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string(text, 11) for _ in range(scrollphat.buffer_len()): scrollphat.scroll() await asyncio.sleep(self.period)
def display(message): if scrollphat_connected: scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string(message + " ", 11) for i in range(0, scrollphat.buffer_len() - 11): scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.08) else: print(message) time.sleep(0.1)
def scroll_once(msg): scrollphat.write_string(msg, 11) length = scrollphat.buffer_len() for i in range(length): try: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear()
def scroll_message(output): scrollphat.write_string(output) scrollphat.update() while(True): try: scrollphat.scroll() scrollphat.update() time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: return
async def poll_queue() -> None: if not HAS_SCROLLPHAT: return while True: text = await QUEUE.get() scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string(text, 11) for _ in range(scrollphat.buffer_len()): scrollphat.scroll() await asyncio.sleep(1 / SPEED)
def scroll_message(output): scrollphat.write_string(output) scrollphat.update() while (True): try: scrollphat.scroll() scrollphat.update() time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: return
def print_tweet(tweet): scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.set_brightness(7) scrollphat.write_string(tweet) x = 0 # scroll the message twice while x < (scrollphat.buffer_len()*2): scrollphat.scroll() sleep(0.1) x += 1 scrollphat.clear()
def print_to_all_devices(text, code=None): if debug_on: if output_device == 0: print(text) elif output_device == 1: # scrollphat print(text) if code != None: scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string(code) pass
def test_scrollphat(): import scrollphat scrollphat.set_brightness(2) scrollphat.write_string("BOOZER", 11) length = scrollphat.buffer_len() for i in range(length): try: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear() sys.exit(-1)
def destroy(): # Shutdown GPIO and Cleanup modules print "\n... Shutting Down...\n" scrollphat.clear() # Shutdown Scroll pHat scrollphat.write_string("Ext") DalekV2Drive.stop() # Make sure Bot is not moving when program exits DalekV2Drive.cleanup() # Shutdown all motor control global camera # Allow Access to PiCamera Object if camera._check_camera_open() == True: camera.close() # Shutdown Pi Camera global wii wii.rumble = 1 time.sleep(0.5) wii.rumble = 0 scrollphat.clear() # Clear Scroll pHat GPIO.cleanup() # Release GPIO resource
def set_output_device(_dalekDebugOutputDevice): """ sets the output device default is stout/command line only "scollphat" adds the bots display as well as stout """ global output_device if _dalekDebugOutputDevice == "scrollphat": scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string("BOT") output_device = 1 debug_on = True # assume that as it is set, use it. else: output_device = 0
def textScroll(self, text): '''Displays a text at the scroll-pHAT''' if self.args.verbose: print('Running Twitter.textScroll, text: %s' % text) scrollphat.write_string(text, 11) length = scrollphat.buffer_len() for i in range(length): try: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(self.args.pause_text_scroll) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear() sys.exit(-1)
def run(self): global currency_value next_value = 0.0 while running: curr_value_string = "{:7.2f}".format( round( next_value, 2 ) ) + self.symbol + " " next_value_string = "{:7.2f}".format( round( currency_value, 2 ) ) + self.symbol + " " next_value = currency_value string_to_display = curr_value_string + next_value_string scrollphat.write_string( string_to_display ) string_length = self.count_letters( curr_value_string ) for _ in range( string_length ): scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1)
def led_status(buttonPin): global option, RED, YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN, LED if GPIO.input(buttonPin) == GPIO.HIGH: print ("LED OFF") else: print ("LED ON") time_hour = int(strftime("%H", time.localtime())) say_greeting(time_hour) if option == 1: LED = GREEN current = say_clock() cur_time = strftime("%H:%M", time.localtime()) current = cur_time + " " + current elif option == 2: LED=RED current = say_date() elif option == 3: LED = YELLOW current = say_weather() print current scrollphat.set_brightness(4) while True: try: GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.HIGH) scrollphat.write_string(current ) scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.LOW) if GPIO.input(buttonPin) == GPIO.HIGH: raise KeyboardInterrupt() except KeyboardInterrupt: play_sound("stop") scrollphat.clear() GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.LOW) option += 1 if option > 3: option = 1 return
def scrollphat_output(days, hours, minutes, seconds, total): global start_seconds start_seconds = start_seconds or total bar = int(5 * (float(total) / start_seconds)) scrollphat.clear_buffer() s = str(seconds) indent = 2 if len(s) == 1: indent = 4 scrollphat.write_string(s, indent) for y in range(bar): scrollphat.set_pixel(0, y, 1) scrollphat.update()
def destroy(): # Shutdown GPIO and Cleanup modules global soundvolume # Allow access to sound volume print ('\n... Shutting Down...\n') scrollphat.clear() # Shutdown Scroll pHat scrollphat.write_string('Ext') DalekV2Drive.stop() # Make sure Bot is not moving when program exits DalekV2Drive.cleanup() # Shutdown all motor control global wii # Allow access to the wii object wii.rumble = 1 time.sleep(0.5) wii.rumble = 0 cv2.destroyAllWindows() # Shutdown any open windows volumesetting = '"--volume=' + str(soundvolume) +'"' subprocess.Popen(['mplayer',volumesetting, 'Sound/Grow_stronger.mp3'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) time.sleep(7) scrollphat.clear() # Clear Scroll pHat GPIO.cleanup() # Release GPIO resource
def run(self): global currency_value next_value = 0.0 while running: curr_value_string = "{:7.2f}".format(round(next_value, 2)) + self.symbol + " " next_value_string = "{:7.2f}".format(round(currency_value, 2)) + self.symbol + " " next_value = currency_value string_to_display = curr_value_string + next_value_string scrollphat.write_string(string_to_display) string_length = self.count_letters(curr_value_string) for _ in range(string_length): scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1)
def update(count): global last scrollphat.set_pixel(10, 4, 0) if count == None: scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string("----") else: if count != last: scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string(str(count)) last = count
def draw(self, game): text = game.get_scroller_text() if text != '': scrollphat.write_string(text) scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.06) else: scrollphat.clear() for x, y in game.get_pixels(): pixel = int(x), int(y) scrollphat.set_pixel(pixel[0], pixel[1], 1) scrollphat.update()
def update(count): global last scrollphat.set_pixel(10,4,0) if count == None: scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string("----") else: if count != last: scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string(str(count)) last = count
def scrollText(text): """Scroll some text on the display once""" print("Displaying text: " + text) scrollphat.clear() # Write the text to the display, the extra space is to make scrolling look better. length = scrollphat.write_string(" " + text) for i in range(length - matrix_length): scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) scrollphat.clear()
def on_success(self, data): if 'text' in data: h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() user = data['user']['screen_name'].encode('utf-8') raw_tweet = h.unescape(data['text']) tweet = self.remove_link(' @{}: {}'.format(user.encode('utf-8'), raw_tweet.encode('utf-8'))) if enable_scrollphat == True: scrollphat.write_string(tweet.upper()) status_length = scrollphat.buffer_len() while status_length > 0: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) status_length -= 1 scrollphat.clear() else: try: # i can't figure out how to print things reliably on windows with this crapping itself print unicode(tweet).encode('ascii') except: print ' @{}: Could not display tweet'.format(user.encode('utf-8'))
def on_success(self, data): if 'text' in data: h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() user = data['user']['screen_name'].encode('utf-8') raw_tweet = h.unescape(data['text']) tweet = self.remove_link(' @{}: {}'.format( user.encode('utf-8'), raw_tweet.encode('utf-8'))) if enable_scrollphat == True: scrollphat.write_string(tweet.upper()) status_length = scrollphat.buffer_len() while status_length > 0: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) status_length -= 1 scrollphat.clear() else: try: # i can't figure out how to print things reliably on windows with this crapping itself print unicode(tweet).encode('ascii') except: print ' @{}: Could not display tweet'.format( user.encode('utf-8'))
def play_song(self, song_dict): stream_url = self.api.get_stream_url(song_dict['trackId']) self.player = self.vlc.media_player_new() media = self.vlc.media_new(stream_url) self.player.set_media(media) song_string = "" if (song_dict['source'] == '2'): song_string = self.get_song_details(song_dict) else: song_string = self.get_local_song_details(song_dict['trackId']) print("Playing...",song_string) if enable_display: scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string(" "*5+song_string) if not self.thread_running: thread = Thread(target=self.scroll_string) thread.start() self.playing = True
def setupwii(): # Connect Wiimote print '\n\nPress & hold 1 + 2 on your Wii Remote now ...\n\n' scrollphat.clear() # Shutdown Scroll pHat scrollphat.write_string("1+2") # Connect to the Wii Remote. If it times out # then quit. global wii try: wii = cwiid.Wiimote() except RuntimeError: print 'Error opening wiimote connection' scrollphat.clear() # Shutdown Scroll pHat scrollphat.write_string("Err") time.sleep(0.5) return False print 'Wii Remote connected...\n' wii.rumble = 1 time.sleep(0.1) wii.rumble = 0 wii.led = 1 time.sleep(0.75) wii.led = 2 time.sleep(0.75) wii.led = 4 time.sleep(0.75) wii.led = 8 time.sleep(0.75) battery = int(wii.state['battery'] / 25) if battery == 4: wii.led = 8 elif battery == 3: wii.led = 4 elif battery == 2: wii.led = 2 else: wii.led = 1 wii.rumble = 1 time.sleep(0.1) wii.rumble = 0 scrollphat.clear() # Shutdown Scroll pHat scrollphat.write_string("Gd") print '\nPress some buttons!\n' print 'Press PLUS and MINUS together to disconnect and quit.\n' return True
import os try: import psutil except ImportError: sys.exit( "This script requires the psutil module\nInstall with: sudo pip install psutil" ) import scrollphat scrollphat.set_brightness(20) cpu_temp = 0 def get_cpu_temperature(): process = os.popen('vcgencmd measure_temp').readline() return (process.replace("temp=", "").replace("'C\n", "")) while True: try: cpu_temp = int(float(get_cpu_temperature())) print(cpu_temp) scrollphat.write_string(str(cpu_temp) + "C") time.sleep(3) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear() sys.exit(-1)
import scrollphat as sp import sys import time import random from random import randint sp.set_rotate(True) sp.set_brightness(10) lines = open('text_to_scroll.txt').read().splitlines() while True: myline = random.choice(lines) spacer = " - " random_spacer = randint(3,5) random_spacer_length = len(spacer) * random_spacer text_length = len(myline) sp.write_string((spacer * random_spacer) + random.choice(lines) + (spacer * random_spacer)) length = (text_length + (random_spacer_length * 2) * 5) # pixels to scroll, in total. print length for x in range(0,length): try: sp.scroll() time.sleep(0.075) except KeyboardInterrupt: sp.clear() sys.exit(-1)
#!/usr/bin/env python import scrollphat import time import sys msg=raw_input("Please enter your message: ") for letter in msg: scrollphat.write_string(letter) time.sleep(0.7) scrollphat.clear()
import lsm_ada from time import sleep import scrollphat import sys import time lsm = lsm_ada.Adafruit_LSM303() counter =0 while True: acc = a_x = acc[0][0] a_y = acc[0][1] a_z = acc[0][2] m_x = acc[1][0] m_y = acc[1][1] m_z = acc[1][2] if a_x > -900: counter +=1 print(acc) sleep(0.1) scrollphat.write_string(str(counter)) scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1)
from random import randint sp.set_rotate(True) sp.set_brightness(10) lines = open('text_to_scroll.txt').read().splitlines() #while True: # try: myline = random.choice(lines) spacer = " - " random_spacer = randint(3, 5) random_spacer_length = len(spacer) * random_spacer text_length = len(myline) sp.write_string((spacer * random_spacer) + random.choice(lines) + (spacer * random_spacer)) length = (text_length + (random_spacer_length * 2) * 5 ) # pixels to scroll, in total. print length for x in range(0, length): try: sp.scroll() time.sleep(0.075) except KeyboardInterrupt: sp.clear() sys.exit(-1) print "finished"
#!/usr/bin/env python import scrollphat as sp import sys, time, random, math from random import randint sp.set_rotate(False) sp.set_brightness(50) lines = open('/home/pi/Pimoroni/scrollphat/my_scrolls/boomkat_output_file').read().splitlines() #while True: try: line_to_scroll = random.choice(lines) sp.write_string(" " + line_to_scroll + " ") string_length = sp.buffer_len() while string_length > 0: sp.scroll() time.sleep(0.065) string_length -= 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: sp.clear() sys.exit(-1)
import scrollphat scrollphat.write_string("Hello world")
#!/usr/bin/env python import scrollphat import sys import time if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("\nusage: python\"message\" \npress CTRL-C to exit\n") sys.exit(0) scrollphat.write_string(sys.argv[1] + " ") while True: try: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear() sys.exit(-1)
def get_day_sufx(dNum): # Work out "st", "nd", "rd" or "th" if dNum == ("1","21","31"): return "st" if dNum == ("2","22"): return "nd" if dNum == ("3","23"): return "rd" else: return "th" sufx = get_day_sufx(dNum) # Run above, supply date, create suffix dNam = time.strftime("%A") # Day name mnth = time.strftime("%B") # Month name (full) year = time.strftime("%Y") # Year (4 digits) hour = time.strftime("%H") # Hours (24 hours) mins = time.strftime("%M") # Minutes secs = time.strftime("%S") # Seconds # Assemble all the variables into a single string assembled = " " + dNam + " " + dNum + sufx + " " + mnth + " " + year + " " + hour + ":" + mins + ":" + secs + " " scrollphat.set_brightness(10) # Readable brightness? scrollphat.write_string(assembled) # Create the string for the pHAT scrollphat.scroll() # Scroll the string time.sleep(0.1) # Control the speed except KeyboardInterrupt: # Stop script if "Ctrl+C" is pressed scrollphat.clear() # Clear pHAT display before exiting sys.exit(-1)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import time import scrollphat scrollphat.set_brightness(2) if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("\nusage: python \"message\" \npress CTRL-C to exit\n") sys.exit(0) scrollphat.set_rotate(True) scrollphat.write_string(sys.argv[1], 11) while True: try: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear() sys.exit(-1)
#!/usr/bin/env python import scrollphat import sys import time if(len(sys.argv) == 1): print "Type a number in under 999 as an argument." sys.exit(-1) val = int(sys.argv[1]) if(val > 999): print "Number must be under 999 to fit on screen" sys.exit(-1) scrollphat.set_brightness(7) for x in range(1, val+1): scrollphat.write_string(str(x)) time.sleep(0.35)
display_str = hour + ":" + minute + " " + temp_str + summary # 'M' and 'W' take 6 spaces, rather than 4 num_m = display_str.count('M') num_w = display_str.count('W') neg = display_str.count('-') # Each letter takes 4 LEDs to display (including trailing space) # -1 because the degree symbol only takes 2 LEDs # -1 because colon symbol only takes 2 LEDs # -2 for each space added to string # -11 because they are shown before we need to scroll # -1 because there's no trailing space after last letter scroll_len = len(display_str)*4 - 1 - 1 - 4 - 11 - 1 + 2*(num_m+num_w) - 1*neg s.clear() s.write_string(display_str) t.sleep(1) for i in range(scroll_len): t.sleep(0.08) s.scroll() t.sleep(0.5) # Update the weather forecast every 5 minutes if ((t.time() - start_time) > 5*60): try: forecast = f.load_forecast(api_key, lat, lng, units='si') current_forecast = forecast.currently() except: pass start_time = t.time() print(t.asctime()[11:-5], '\r')
def POST(self): deserialized = json.loads( scrollphat.write_string(deserialized["message"] + " ") scrollphat.set_brightness(deserialized["brightness"]) if not scrollThread.is_alive(): scrollThread.start()
val += " " + d['entries'][2]['title'] # Tidy & shorten the message for the scroll display val = val.replace("Maximum", "Max") val = val.replace("Minimum", "Min") val = val.replace("Temperature: ", "") val = val.replace(u"\u00B0", "") val = val.replace(",", "") val = val.replace("(", "") val = val.replace(")", "") return val timeout = get_timeout() count = 0 msg = get_wet() scrollphat.write_string(msg) while True: try: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(pause) if (count > timeout): msg = get_wet() scrollphat.write_string(msg) timeout = get_timeout() count = 0 else: count = count + 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear()
#!/usr/bin/env python import scrollphat import sys import time if (len(sys.argv) == 1): print "Type a number in under 999 as an argument." sys.exit(-1) val = int(sys.argv[1]) if (val > 999): print "Number must be under 999 to fit on screen" sys.exit(-1) scrollphat.set_brightness(7) for x in range(1, val + 1): scrollphat.write_string(str(x)) time.sleep(0.35)
ip = json_data['ip'] return ip def get_ip(mode): return get_public_ip() if mode == "public" else get_internal_ip() # return mode == "public" ? get_public_ip() : get_internal_ip() address_mode = "public" if (len(sys.argv) == 2): address_mode = sys.argv[1] ip = get_ip(address_mode) print(address_mode + " IP Address: " + str(ip)) scrollphat.set_brightness(3) while True: try: scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string("IP: " + str(ip) + " ") for i in range(0, scrollphat.buffer_len() - 11): scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear() sys.exit(-1)
#!/usr/bin/env python import scrollphat import time import sys scrollphat.write_string("Hello, World"); while True: try: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.3) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear() sys.exit(-1)
#!/usr/bin/env python import scrollphat import sys import time if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("\nusage: python \"message\" \npress CTRL-C to exit\n") sys.exit(0) scrollphat.set_rotate(True) scrollphat.write_string(" " + sys.argv[1]) while True: try: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear() sys.exit(-1)
#!/usr/bin/env python import math import time import scrollphat import sys def millis(): return int(round(time.time() * 1000)) scrollphat.set_brightness(2) scrollphat.write_string("Mark Lane ||| SportTrax ||| ||| ") #Leave x number of blank spaces to prevent overlap while True: try: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear() sys.exit(-1)
#!/usr/bin/env python import math import time import scrollphat import sys def millis(): return int(round(time.time() * 1000)) scrollphat.set_brightness(2) scrollphat.write_string( "Sammy Herring ||| SportTrax ||| ||| " ) #Leave x number of blank spaces to prevent overlap while True: try: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear() sys.exit(-1)
def show(self, total): val = total if total > 999: val = 999 scrollphat.write_string(str(val))
while True: my_delta = datetime.datetime(year=YEAR,month=1,day=1,hour=0,minute=0) - days_left = math.floor(my_delta.days + (my_delta.seconds/86400)) hours_left = math.ceil((my_delta.days * 24) + (my_delta.seconds/3600)) minutes_left = math.ceil((my_delta.days * 24 * 60) + (my_delta.seconds/60)) seconds_left = math.ceil((my_delta.days * 24 * 3600) + my_delta.seconds) if hours_left >= 55: count_string = '{0}D'.format(days_left) elif minutes_left >= 60: count_string = '{0}H'.format(hours_left) elif seconds_left >= 60: count_string = '{0}M'.format(minutes_left) else: count_string = '{0}S'.format(seconds_left) if count_string != last_time: scrollphat.clear_buffer() for i in range(11): scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.01) scrollphat.clear_buffer() scrollphat.write_string(count_string, 11) for i in range(scrollphat.buffer_len()-12): scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.05) last_time = count_string time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear() sys.exit(-1)
scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string(str(count)) last = count def process(): try: params = {"key": apiKey} r = requests.get(server, params=params, timeout=5) count = int(r.text) update(count) except: status(1) #update(None) if __name__ == "__main__": scrollphat.set_brightness(brightness) scrollphat.write_string("0") while True: process() time.sleep(updatePeriod)
val +=" " + d['entries'][1]['title'] val +=" " + d['entries'][2]['title'] # Tidy & shorten the message for the scroll display val = val.replace("Maximum", "Max") val = val.replace("Minimum", "Min") val = val.replace("Temperature: ", "") val = val.replace(u"\u00B0","") val = val.replace(",", "") val = val.replace("(", "") val = val.replace(")", "") return val timeout = get_timeout() count = 0 msg = get_wet() scrollphat.write_string(msg) while True: try: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(pause) if(count > timeout): msg = get_wet() scrollphat.write_string(msg) timeout = get_timeout() count = 0 else: count = count+ 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear()
#!/usr/bin/env python import math import time import scrollphat import sys def millis(): return int(round(time.time() * 1000)) scrollphat.set_brightness(2) scrollphat.write_string("Sammy Herring ||| SportTrax ||| ||| ") #Leave x number of blank spaces to prevent overlap while True: try: scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear() sys.exit(-1)
json_data = json.loads(res.text) # this response also contains rich geo-location data ip = json_data['ip'] return ip def get_ip(mode): return get_public_ip() if mode == "public" else get_internal_ip() # return mode == "public" ? get_public_ip() : get_internal_ip() address_mode = "public" if(len(sys.argv) == 2): address_mode = sys.argv[1] ip = get_ip(address_mode) print(address_mode + " IP Address: " +str(ip)) scrollphat.set_brightness(3) while True: try: scrollphat.clear() scrollphat.write_string("IP: " + str(ip) + " ") for i in range(0, scrollphat.buffer_len() - 11): scrollphat.scroll() time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: scrollphat.clear() sys.exit(-1)
import scrollphat as hat import time str = 'Merry Christmas ' hat.set_brightness(2) hat.write_string(str) # for i in range(len(str) * 5): # hat.scroll() # time.sleep(0.150) hat.graph([2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, 3]) hat.update()