Example #1
import os
from scrubber import Scrubber
import BeautifulSoup
#import BeautifulSoup

# initialise the scrubber! all this stuff is overriding scrubber defaults so hack it to bits if you want!
scrubber = Scrubber(autolink=False)
scrubber.allowed_tags = set((
Example #2
# Web frontend for CVE -> RHSA report generator.
# Requires CherryPy, Mako, Scrubber, Python <= 2.7

import rhsac
import cherrypy
import os
import re
import sqlite3
from mako.template import Template
from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
from scrubber import Scrubber

tlu = TemplateLookup(directories=['templates'])
scrubber = Scrubber(autolink=True)
curdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__))

    'tools.staticdir.root': curdir,
    'server.environment': 'production'

fixemph = re.compile('!!FIX!!')

class RHSAGenWeb:
    def index(self, snmp=False):
        return tlu.get_template("index.html").render(snmp=snmp)
Example #3
import gzip
import os.path
from scrubber import Scrubber

s = Scrubber(.025)
file = './all.tsv.gz'

# Make sure we've got the data file locally
if not os.path.exists(file):
    print 'Missing GPS data:', file
    gps = gzip.open(file, 'r').readlines()

    # secondary j iterator used to prevent doulbe testing / dropping of points
    j = 0

    for i in xrange(1, len(gps)):
        j = i if j == len(gps) else j

        p1 = gps[j - 1].strip().split('\t')
        p2 = gps[j].strip().split('\t')

        if (p1[0] == p2[0]):

            keep = s.keep([float(p1[2]), float(p1[3])],
                          [float(p2[2]), float(p2[3])])
            if not keep:
                j += 1
                print 'Dropping point:', p2  #i, keep, p1, p2

        j += 1
Example #4
 def setUp(self):
     self.scrubber = Scrubber()
Example #5
from django import template
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
import markdown
from scrubber import Scrubber

register = template.Library()

scrubber = Scrubber(
    nofollow=False)  # Scrubber's autolink doesn't handle ftp://
md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['nl2br', 'autolink'])

def safe_markdown(value, arg=''):
    return mark_safe(scrubber.scrub(md.reset().convert(value)))