Example #1
def merkle_hellman_modulo(c, pub, modulo):
  Attack to Knapsack Cipher: Lattice Attack with Modulus
    c      : Ciphertext
    pub    : Public key list
    modulo : Modulo
  Return: Plaintext
    from scryptos.math import modinv, LLL
    import random
    mat = []
    pub = pub + [c]
    for x in xrange(len(pub)):
        mat += [[0] * x + [1] + [0] * (len(pub) - x - 1) + [pub[x]]]
    mat += [[0] * (len(pub)) + [modulo]]
    ml = LLL(mat)
    # find shortest vector(a.k.a. plaintext)
    for x in ml:
        if x[-1] == 0:
            if x[-2] != -1:
                if x[-2] == 1:
                    return [(y * modinv(-1, modulo)) % modulo for y in x[:-2]]
                return [(y * modinv(x[-2], modulo)) % modulo for y in x[:-2]]
                return x[:-2]
Example #2
def common_modulus(rsa1, rsa2, c1, c2):
  Attack to RSA: Common Modulus Attack
    rsa1 : RSA Object 1
    rsa2 : RSA Object 2
    c1   : ciphertext encrypted by `rsa1`
    c2   : ciphertext encrypted by `rsa2`
  Return: plaintext message
    from scryptos.math import egcd, modinv
    from scryptos.crypto import Ciphertext
    assert rsa1.n == rsa2.n
    if isinstance(c1, Ciphertext):
        c1 = c1.v
    if isinstance(c2, Ciphertext):
        c2 = c2.v
    a, b, g = egcd(rsa1.e, rsa2.e)
    if a < 0:
        c1 = modinv(c1, rsa1.n)
        a *= -1
    if b < 0:
        c2 = modinv(c2, rsa2.n)
        b *= -1
    return (pow(c1, a, rsa1.n) * pow(c2, b, rsa2.n)) % rsa1.n
Example #3
def crack_lcg(a, b, c, modulo):
  Cracking LCG: from 3 Random integers
    a      : random integer 1
    b      : random integer 2
    c      : random integer 3
    modulo : Modulus Parameter
  Return: Tuple of LCG Parameter, as (A, B)
    from scryptos.math import modinv
    A = (((b - c) % modulo) * modinv((a - b) % modulo, modulo)) % modulo
    B = (b - A * a) % modulo
    return (A, B)
Example #4
def crack_mt19937_using_index_difference(mA, mB, idxA, idxB):
  Attack to MT19937 : Guess initial state and seed cracking
    mA   : A generated random value 1
    mB   : A generated random value 2
    idxA : An index of `mA`
    idxB : An index of `mB`
  Return: Seed Candidates
  See: Scrapbox [Mersenne Twister]
    from scryptos.math import modinv
    from scryptos.crypto import mt19937
    assert (idxA + 397) % 624 == idxB
    # untempering
    mA_ = mt19937.untempering(mA)
    mB_ = mt19937.untempering(mB)
    res = []
    y_ = (mA_ ^ mB_)
    # Guess LSB
    for lsb in [0, 1]:
        y = y_
        if lsb == 1:
            y ^= mt19937.MATRIX_A
        y = (y << 1) & 0xffffffff
        if lsb == 1:
            y |= 1
        # Guess MSB of mt[idxA] and mt[idxA+1]
        invMult = modinv(0x6c078965, mt19937.MOD)
        for msb_mA in [0, 1]:
            for msb_mC in [0, 1]:
                mC = y ^ (msb_mA << 31) ^ (msb_mC << 31)
                x = mC
                for i in range(idxA + 1, 0, -1):
                    x = ((x - i) * invMult) % mt19937.MOD
                    x = x ^ (x >> 30)
                res += [x]
    ret = set()
    for seed in res:
        mt = mt19937(seed=seed)
        rand = [mt.next() for _ in range(max(idxA, idxB) + 1)]
        if mA in rand and mB in rand:
    return sorted(map(int, ret))