def cleandata(self, filename, iminfo=None, prodir='.', interp='linear', cleanup=True, clobber=False, logfile='saltclean.log', reduce_image=True, display_image=False, verbose=True): """Start the process to reduce the data and produce a single mosaicked image""" #print filename status = 0 #create the input file name infile = os.path.basename(filename) rawpath = os.path.dirname(filename) outpath = './' outfile = outpath + 'mbxp' + infile #print infile, rawpath, outpath #If it is a bin file, pre-process the data if filename.count('.bin'): print "I can't handle this yet" #ignore bcam files if infile.startswith('B'): return iminfo #check to see if it exists and return if clobber is no if os.path.isfile(outfile) and not clobber: return iminfo #handle HRS data print filename if infile.startswith('H') or infile.startswith('R'): outfile = os.path.basename(filename) + 's' print filename, outfile if not os.path.isfile(outfile): os.symlink(filename, outfile) #display the image if display_image: print "Displaying %s" % outfile try: display(outfile) except Exception, e: print e try: log = None #open(logfile, 'a') sdb = saltmysql.connectdb(self.sdbhost, self.sdbname, self.sdbuser, self.password) sdbloadfits(outfile, sdb, log, False) print 'SDBLOADFITS: SUCCESS' except Exception, e: print 'SDBLOADFITSERROR:', e
def cleandata(self, filename, iminfo=None, prodir='.', interp='linear', cleanup=True, clobber=False, logfile='saltclean.log', reduce_image=True, display_image=False, verbose=True): """Start the process to reduce the data and produce a single mosaicked image""" #print filename status=0 #create the input file name infile=os.path.basename(filename) rawpath=os.path.dirname(filename) outpath='./' outfile=outpath+'mbxp'+infile #print infile, rawpath, outpath #If it is a bin file, pre-process the data if filename.count('.bin'): print "I can't handle this yet" #ignore bcam files if infile.startswith('B'): return iminfo #check to see if it exists and return if clobber is no if os.path.isfile(outfile) and not clobber: return iminfo #handle HRS data print filename if infile.startswith('H') or infile.startswith('R'): outfile = os.path.basename(filename) +'s' print filename, outfile if not os.path.isfile(outfile): os.symlink(filename, outfile) #display the image if display_image: print "Displaying %s" % outfile try: display(outfile) except Exception, e: print e try: log=None #open(logfile, 'a') sdb=saltmysql.connectdb(self.sdbhost, self.sdbname, self.sdbuser, self.password) sdbloadfits(outfile, sdb, log, False) print 'SDBLOADFITS: SUCCESS' except Exception, e: print 'SDBLOADFITSERROR:', e
#reduce the data if reduce_image: try: quickclean(filename, interp, cleanup, clobber, logfile, verbose) except Exception, e: print e return iminfo #load the data into the SDB if self.sdbhost and self.update: try: log=None #open(logfile, 'a') sdb=saltmysql.connectdb(self.sdbhost, self.sdbname, self.sdbuser, self.password) sdbloadfits(filename, sdb, log, False) print 'SDBLOADFITS: SUCCESS' except Exception, e: print 'SDBLOADFITSERROR:', e #display the image if display_image: print "Displaying %s" % outfile try: display(outfile) except Exception, e: print e #if the images are imaging data, run sextractor on them name=iminfo[0] propcode=iminfo[headerList.index('PROPID')].strip().upper()
def cleandata(self, filename, iminfo=None, prodir='.', interp='linear', cleanup=True, clobber=False, logfile='saltclean.log', reduce_image=True, display_image=False, verbose=True): """Start the process to reduce the data and produce a single mosaicked image""" #print filename status=0 #create the input file name infile=os.path.basename(filename) rawpath=os.path.dirname(filename) outpath='./' outfile=outpath+'mbxp'+infile #print infile, rawpath, outpath #If it is a bin file, pre-process the data if filename.count('.bin'): print("I can't handle this yet") #ignore bcam files if infile.startswith('B'): return iminfo #check to see if it exists and return if clobber is no if os.path.isfile(outfile) and not clobber: return iminfo #handle HRS data print(filename) if infile.startswith('H') or infile.startswith('R'): shutil.copy(filename, outfile) return iminfo if filename.count('.txt'): return iminfo #remove frame transfer data #detmode=iminfo[headerList.index('DETMODE')].strip().upper() #if detmode=='FT' or detmode=='FRAME TRANSFER': return iminfo #reduce the data if reduce_image: try: quickclean(filename, interp, cleanup, clobber, logfile, verbose) except Exception as e: print(e) return iminfo #load the data into the SDB if self.sdbhost and self.update: try: log=None #open(logfile, 'a') sdb=saltmysql.connectdb(self.sdbhost, self.sdbname, self.sdbuser, self.password) sdbloadfits(filename, sdb, log, False) print('SDBLOADFITS: SUCCESS') except Exception as e: print('SDBLOADFITSERROR:', e) #display the image if display_image: print("Displaying %s" % outfile) try: display(outfile) except Exception as e: print(e) #if the images are imaging data, run sextractor on them name=iminfo[0] propcode=iminfo[headerList.index('PROPID')].strip().upper() obsmode=iminfo[headerList.index('OBSMODE')].strip().upper() detmode=iminfo[headerList.index('DETMODE')].strip().upper() obstype=iminfo[headerList.index('CCDTYPE')].strip().upper() target=iminfo[headerList.index('OBJECT')].strip().upper() lampid=iminfo[headerList.index('LAMPID')].strip().upper() print(detmode) if (obsmode=='IMAGING' or obsmode=='FABRY-PEROT' ) and (detmode=='NORMAL' or detmode=='FT' or detmode=='FRAME TRANSFER'): i=headerList.index('CCDSUM') ccdbin=int(iminfo[i].split()[0]) pix_scale=0.14*ccdbin r_ap=1.5/pix_scale #measure the photometry print("RUNNING PHOTOMETRY") quickphot(outfile, r_ap, pix_scale, self.sexfile, clobber, logfile, verbose) #load the regions #if display_image: regions(outfile) #measure the background statistics #bmean, bmidpt, bstd=saltstat.iterstat(hdu[1].data, 5, 3) bmean, bmidpt, bstd=(-1,-1,-1) #hdu.close() print("---------Background Statistics---------") print("%10s %10s %10s" % ('Mean', 'MidPoint', 'STD')) print("%10.2f %10.2f %10.2f" % (bmean, bmidpt, bstd)) iminfo[headerList.index('BMEAN')]='%f' % (bmean) iminfo[headerList.index('BMIDPT')]='%f' % (bmidpt) iminfo[headerList.index('BSTD')]='%f' % (bstd) #measure the seeing outtxt=outfile.replace('fits', 'cat') try: mag_arr, fwhm_arr=np.loadtxt(outtxt, usecols=(2,10), unpack=True) mean, std, norm, peak=seeing_stats(fwhm_arr) see=mean*pix_scale nsources=len(mag_arr) except: see=-1 nsources=-1 iminfo[headerList.index('NSOURCES')]='%i' % nsources iminfo[headerList.index('SEEING')]='%f' % see #self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("updateimlist(str,str,str)"), (name, 'SEEING', '%f' % see)) #self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("updatespec(QString)"), name) #If the images are spectral images, run specreduce on them if obsmode=='SPECTROSCOPY': # and not(target in ['FLAT', 'BIAS']): y1,y2=quickspec(outfile, lampid, objsection=self.objsection, findobj=True, clobber=True, logfile=logfile, verbose=verbose) print(y1,y2) specfile=outpath+'smbxp'+infile.split('.fits')[0]+'.txt' #In here, so it doesn't break when the first checkdata runs try: self.specTab.updaterange(y1,y2) self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("updatespec(QString)"), infile) except Exception as e: message="SALTFIRST--ERROR: Could not wavelength calibrate %s because %s" % (infile, e) fout=open(logfile, 'a') fout.write(message) print(message) if obsmode=='FABRY-PEROT' and obstype=='ARC': try: flatimage='/home/ccd/smc/FPFLAT.fits' profile=os.path.basename(outfile) fpcal(profile, flatimage=flatimage, minflat=18000, niter=5, bthresh=5, displayimage=True, clobber=True, logfile=logfile, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: message="SALTFIRST--ERROR: Could not calibrate FP data te %s because %s" % (infile, e) fout=open(logfile, 'a') fout.write(message) print(message) #check for fast mode operation if self.update: runfast(name, propcode,self.obsdate,self.server, self.readme, self.sdbhost,self.sdbname, self.sdbuser, self.password) return iminfo