def _do_flip(self): """Draw the canvas to the screen.""" sdl2.SDL_FillRect(self.work_surface, None, self.border_attr) if self.composite_artifacts: self.work_pixels[:] = video_graphical.apply_composite_artifacts( self.pixels[self.vpagenum], 4 // self.bitsperpixel) sdl2.SDL_SetSurfacePalette(self.work_surface, self.composite_palette) else: self.work_pixels[:] = self.pixels[self.vpagenum] sdl2.SDL_SetSurfacePalette(self.work_surface, self.show_palette[self.blink_state]) # apply cursor to work surface self._show_cursor(True) # convert 8-bit work surface to (usually) 32-bit display surface format pixelformat = self.display_surface.contents.format conv = sdl2.SDL_ConvertSurface(self.work_surface, pixelformat, 0) # scale converted surface and blit onto display if not self.smooth: sdl2.SDL_BlitScaled(conv, None, self.display_surface, None) else: # smooth-scale converted surface w, h = self.window_width, self.window_height zoomx = ctypes.c_double(w / (self.size[0] + 2.0 * self.border_x)) zoomy = ctypes.c_double(h / (self.size[1] + 2.0 * self.border_y)) # only free the surface just before zoomSurface needs to re-allocate # so that the memory block is highly likely to be easily available # this seems to avoid unpredictable delays sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(self.zoomed) self.zoomed = sdl2.sdlgfx.zoomSurface(conv, zoomx, zoomy, sdl2.sdlgfx.SMOOTHING_ON) # blit onto display sdl2.SDL_BlitSurface(self.zoomed, None, self.display_surface, None) # create clipboard feedback if rects = (sdl2.SDL_Rect(r[0] + self.border_x, r[1] + self.border_y, r[2], r[3]) for r in self.clipboard.selection_rect) sdl_rects = (sdl2.SDL_Rect * len(self.clipboard.selection_rect))(*rects) sdl2.SDL_FillRect( self.overlay, None, sdl2.SDL_MapRGBA(self.overlay.contents.format, 0, 0, 0, 0)) sdl2.SDL_FillRects( self.overlay, sdl_rects, len(sdl_rects), sdl2.SDL_MapRGBA(self.overlay.contents.format, 128, 0, 128, 0)) sdl2.SDL_BlitScaled(self.overlay, None, self.display_surface, None) # flip the display sdl2.SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(self.display) # destroy the temporary surface sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(conv)
def screencapture(self, filename): format = sdl2.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888 surface = sdl2.SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat(0, 800, 600, 32, format) sdl2.SDL_RenderReadPixels(self.wrapped_object.renderer, None, format, surface.pixels, surface.pitch) sdl2.SDL_SaveBMP(surface, filename) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surface)
def _create_texture_from_pict(self, pict): print(f'Initializing pict: {pict.stringname}') width = 128 height = 64 pixelsize = 3 bytecount = width * height * pixelsize assert len(pict.image_bits) * pixelsize >= bytecount # create memory for pixel data new_p = (ctypes.c_uint8 * bytecount)() ref_p = ctypes.byref(new_p) # set pixels m = memoryview(new_p).cast('B') i = 0 j = pixelsize for pixel in pict.image_bits[:width * height]: if pixel: m[i:j] = b'\x10\x10\x10' else: m[i:j] = b'\xee\xe8\xe8' i += pixelsize j += pixelsize new_surface = sdl2.SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom( ref_p, width, height, 8 * pixelsize, width * pixelsize, sdl2.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGR24) texture = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(self.renderer, new_surface) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(new_surface) return texture
def _create_inverted_texture(self, surface): # copy the pixels in sdl2.SDL_LockSurface(surface) surface_p = ctypes.c_void_p.from_address(surface.contents.pixels) pixelsize = surface.contents.format.contents.BytesPerPixel assert pixelsize == 3 bytecount = surface.contents.w * surface.contents.h * pixelsize # create memory for copy of pixel data new_p = (ctypes.c_uint8 * bytecount)() ref_p = ctypes.byref(new_p) ctypes.memmove(ref_p, ctypes.byref(surface_p), bytecount) sdl2.SDL_UnlockSurface(surface) # swap pixels m = memoryview(new_p).cast('B') i = 0 j = pixelsize while j < bytecount: if m[i:j] == b'\xee\xe8\xe8': m[i:j] = b'\x10\x10\x10' else: m[i:j] = b'\xee\xe8\xe8' i += pixelsize j += pixelsize new_surface = sdl2.SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom( ref_p, surface.contents.w, surface.contents.h, surface.contents.format.contents.BitsPerPixel, surface.contents.pitch, surface.contents.format.contents.format) texture = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(self.renderer, new_surface) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(new_surface) return texture
def renderall(self, snake, br, g): ''' a function which calls all other functions to render the objects in the game ''' self.__renderblockrows(br) self.rendersnake(snake) self.rendergoodies(g) if self.mode == gameinfo.BLOCK_IN_MOTION: self.mode = br.advance(snake) for gd in g: gd.pos += snake.s if gd.pos > gameinfo.WINDOW_HEIGHT: g.remove(gd) else: self.mode = snake.advance(br) texttodisplay = "score:" texttodisplay += "%8d" % snake.score texttodisplay = texttodisplay.encode() sur = ttf.TTF_RenderText_Solid(self.t, texttodisplay, self.YELLOW) tex = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(self.sdlrenderer, sur) sdl2.SDL_RenderCopy(self.sdlrenderer, tex, self.Rscore, self.Rscore) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(sur) sdl2.SDL_DestroyTexture(tex) snake.adjust()
def generate(self) -> None: if self.font and len(self.text) and self.color: surface = sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_RenderText_Solid(self.font, self.text, self.color) self.renderObject = RenderObject.render_object_from_surface( self.context.renderer, surface) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surface)
def __renderblock(self, number, val, y): '''drawing blocks of color according the strength of blocks''' if 0 < val < 10: self.color = gameinfo.COLOR_GRID["white-green"] elif 9 < val < 20: self.color = gameinfo.COLOR_GRID["green"] elif 19 < val < 30: self.color = gameinfo.COLOR_GRID["blue-green"] elif 29 < val < 40: self.color = gameinfo.COLOR_GRID["blue"] else: self.color = gameinfo.COLOR_GRID["red"] sx = gameinfo.BLOCKSTART[number] self.fill((sx, y - gameinfo.BLOCKSIZE, gameinfo.BLOCKSIZE, gameinfo.BLOCKSIZE)) texttodisplay = "%2d" % val sur = ttf.TTF_RenderText_Solid(self.t, texttodisplay.encode(), self.BLACK) tex = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(self.sdlrenderer, sur) Rblock = sdl2.SDL_Rect(sx + gameinfo.RECTSTART_X, y - gameinfo.RECTSTART_Y, gameinfo.RECTWIDTH, gameinfo.RECTHEIGHT) sdl2.SDL_RenderCopy(self.sdlrenderer, tex, None, Rblock) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(sur) sdl2.SDL_DestroyTexture(tex)
def LoadTexture(self, filepath): surface = sdl2.sdlimage.IMG_Load(filepath) texture = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(self.sdl_renderer, surface) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surface) self.loaded_textures[filepath] = texture return texture
def run(): sdl2.SDL_Init(sdl2.SDL_INIT_VIDEO) window = sdl2.SDL_CreateWindow(b"Hello World", sdl2.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, sdl2.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 592, 460, sdl2.SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN) fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "resources", "hello.bmp") image = sdl2.SDL_LoadBMP(fname.encode("utf-8")) windowsurface = sdl2.SDL_GetWindowSurface(window) sdl2.SDL_BlitSurface(image, None, windowsurface, None) sdl2.SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(window) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(image) running = True event = sdl2.SDL_Event() while running: while sdl2.SDL_PollEvent(ctypes.byref(event)) != 0: if event.type == sdl2.SDL_QUIT: running = False break sdl2.SDL_Delay(10) sdl2.SDL_DestroyWindow(window) sdl2.SDL_Quit() return 0
def create_text(self, renderer, font): # Create font surface meters_surface = sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_RenderText_Solid( font, str.encode(self.meters_text), self.text_color) time_surface = sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_RenderText_Solid( font, str.encode(self.time_text), self.text_color) # Create texture from surface self.meters_texture = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface( renderer, meters_surface) self.time_texture = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface( renderer, time_surface) # Free surface sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(meters_surface) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(time_surface)
def close(self): """ Close the SDL2 interface. """ video.VideoPlugin.close(self) if sdl2 and numpy: # free windows sdl2.SDL_DestroyWindow(self.display) # free surfaces for s in self.canvas: sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(s) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(self.work_surface) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(self.overlay) # free palettes for p in self.show_palette: sdl2.SDL_FreePalette(p) sdl2.SDL_FreePalette(self.composite_palette) # close SDL2 sdl2.SDL_Quit()
def free(self): """ Free the image's data. Should be called when it is not needed anymore. """ if self.surface != None: sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(self.surface) if self.texture != None: sdl2.SDL_DestroyTexture(self.texture)
def _load_texture(self, filename): filepath = path_join(dirname(__file__), filename).encode() surface = sdl2.SDL_LoadBMP(filepath) texture = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(self.renderer, surface) # create a copy of inverted pixels inverted_texture = self._create_inverted_texture(surface) # free the surface sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surface) return texture, inverted_texture
def set_mode(self, mode_info): """Initialise a given text or graphics mode.""" self.text_mode = mode_info.is_text_mode # unpack mode info struct self.font_height = mode_info.font_height self.font_width = mode_info.font_width # prebuilt glyphs # NOTE: [x][y] format - change this if we change pixels2d self.glyph_dict = { u'\0': numpy.zeros((self.font_width, self.font_height)) } self.num_pages = mode_info.num_pages self.mode_has_blink = mode_info.has_blink self.mode_has_artifacts = False if not self.text_mode: self.bitsperpixel = mode_info.bitsperpixel self.mode_has_artifacts = mode_info.supports_artifacts # logical size self.size = (mode_info.pixel_width, mode_info.pixel_height) self._resize_display(*self._find_display_size( self.size[0], self.size[1], self.border_width)) # set standard cursor self.set_cursor_shape(self.font_width, self.font_height, 0, self.font_height) # screen pages canvas_width, canvas_height = self.size self.canvas = [ sdl2.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, canvas_width, canvas_height, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0) for _ in range(self.num_pages) ] self.pixels = [pixels2d(canvas.contents) for canvas in self.canvas] # create work surface for border and composite self.border_x = int(canvas_width * self.border_width // 200) self.border_y = int(canvas_height * self.border_width // 200) work_width = canvas_width + 2 * self.border_x work_height = canvas_height + 2 * self.border_y sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(self.work_surface) self.work_surface = sdl2.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, work_width, work_height, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.work_pixels = pixels2d( self.work_surface.contents)[self.border_x:work_width - self.border_x, self.border_y:work_height - self.border_y] # create overlay for clipboard selection feedback # use convertsurface to create a copy of the display surface format pixelformat = self.display_surface.contents.format self.overlay = sdl2.SDL_ConvertSurface(self.work_surface, pixelformat, 0) sdl2.SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(self.overlay, sdl2.SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD) # initialise clipboard self.clipboard = video_graphical.ClipboardInterface( self, mode_info.width, mode_info.height) self.screen_changed = True self._has_window = True
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """Close the SDL2 interface.""" base.VideoPlugin.__exit__(self, type, value, traceback) if sdl2 and numpy and self._has_window: # free windows sdl2.SDL_DestroyWindow(self.display) # free surfaces for s in self.canvas: sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(s) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(self.work_surface) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(self.overlay) # free palettes for p in self.show_palette: sdl2.SDL_FreePalette(p) sdl2.SDL_FreePalette(self.composite_palette) # close IME sdl2.SDL_StopTextInput() # close SDL2 sdl2.SDL_Quit()
def refresh(self, image): bytes_io = io.BytesIO() size = image.size image.resize((size[0] * self.scale, size[1] * self.scale)).save(bytes_io, "PPM") image_bytes = bytes_io.getvalue() rw_ops = sdl2.SDL_RWFromMem(image_bytes, len(image_bytes)) sdl_image = sdl2.sdlimage.IMG_Load_RW(rw_ops, 1) sdl2.SDL_BlitSurface(sdl_image, None, self.window_surface, None) sdl2.SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(self.window) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(sdl_image)
def render_object_from_file(cls, renderer: sdl2.SDL_Renderer, path: bytes) -> RenderObject: surface = sdl2.sdlimage.IMG_Load(path) if not surface: raise RuntimeError("Unable to load image " + str(path) + "! SDL_image Error: " + str(sdl2.sdlimage.IMG_GetError())) render_object = cls.render_object_from_surface(renderer, surface) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surface) return render_object
def RenderDebug(self, world, render_dt): ''' This probably doesn't belong here... Should move into a subsystem elsewhere. This is an easy light way of having a quick debugger that can print the hero's stats. Move this elsewhere later on. Tutorial: ''' # Open font font = sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_OpenFont( '/home/prestonh/Desktop/Programming/gamedev/shoot/shoot/resources/fonts/computer_modern/cmunsx.ttf', 12) color = sdl2.SDL_Color(40, 255, 40) # Create debug text entity = world.entity_manager.entities['hero_0'] debug_lines = [] debug_lines.append('fps:' + str(round(1. / render_dt))) debug_lines.append('(x,y):' + str(round(entity.kinematics.x, 3)) + ', ' + str(round(entity.kinematics.y, 3))) debug_lines.append('(vx,vy):' + str(round(entity.kinematics.vx, 3)) + ', ' + str(round(entity.kinematics.vy, 3))) debug_text = '' for debug_line in debug_lines: debug_text += debug_line + '\n' # Render the debug text # Create surface and texture debug_width = 200 text_surface = sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_RenderText_Blended_Wrapped( font, debug_text, color, debug_width) text_texture = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface( self.sdl_renderer, text_surface) # Render surface and texture window_rect = self.GetWindowRect() w = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int(0)) h = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int(0)) sdl2.SDL_QueryTexture(text_texture, None, None, w, h) x = window_rect.w - debug_width y = 50 #window_rect.h - h.contents.value debug_rect = sdl2.SDL_Rect(x, y, w.contents.value, h.contents.value) sdl2.SDL_RenderCopy(self.sdl_renderer, text_texture, None, debug_rect) # Free resources sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(text_surface) sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_CloseFont(font) pass
def update(self): # If we're using software rendering, do rotation using sdlgfx. if RENDERER == "software": surface = sdl2.sdlgfx.rotozoomSurface(self.sprite_original.surface, self.body.angle, 1.0, 1).contents sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(self.sprite.surface) self.sprite.surface = surface self.sprite.angle = self.body.angle self.sprite.x = int(self.body.position[0]) - (self.sprite.size[0] / 2) self.sprite.y = int(self.body.position[1]) - (self.sprite.size[1] / 2)
def _set_icon(self): """Set the icon on the SDL window.""" mask = numpy.array(self.icon).T.repeat(2, 0).repeat(2, 1) icon = sdl2.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1], 8, 0, 0, 0, 0) pixels2d(icon.contents)[:] = mask # icon palette (black & white) icon_palette = sdl2.SDL_AllocPalette(256) icon_colors = [ sdl2.SDL_Color(x, x, x, 255) for x in [0, 255] + [255]*254 ] sdl2.SDL_SetPaletteColors(icon_palette, (sdl2.SDL_Color * 256)(*icon_colors), 0, 2) sdl2.SDL_SetSurfacePalette(icon, icon_palette) sdl2.SDL_SetWindowIcon(self.display, icon) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(icon) sdl2.SDL_FreePalette(icon_palette)
def glyph(self, renderer, ch): assert isinstance(ch, int) if ch not in self.glyphs: # Pop the surface out of the cache and load it into a texture and the glyph cache. surface, size = self.surfaces.pop(ch, (None, None)) if surface is None: surface = TTF_RenderGlyph_Blended( self.font, ch, sdl2.SDL_Color(255, 255, 255)) size = Size(surface.contents.w, surface.contents.h) self.glyphs[ch] = (sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface( renderer, surface), size) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surface) return self.glyphs[ch]
def refresh(self): """ Refreshes the graphical representation of stored text. """ surface = ttf.TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended( self.font.handle, bytes(self._text, "utf8"), sdl2.SDL_Color(255, 255, 255, 255)) if not surface: self.surface_size = (0, 0) return self.surface_size = (surface.contents.w, surface.contents.h) self.texture = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface( self.canvas.renderer, surface) sdl2.SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(self.texture, sdl2.SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surface)
def loadImageFile(imageFile, renderer): # Load into a surface surf = sdl2.sdlimage.IMG_Load(imageFile) if surf is None: print "IMG_Load failed" return None # Create a texture from the surface with the image texture = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surf) if texture is None: print "SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface failed" # Clean up the surface sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surf) return texture
def write_snapshot(self, filename): """Take a snapshot of the view and write it as a BMP image. Parameters ---------- filename : str Destination filename. """ pixel_size = 4 pixels = self._renderer.read_pixels() surface = sdl2.SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(, pixels.width, pixels.height, 8 * pixel_size, pixels.width * pixel_size,,,, 0) sdl2.SDL_SaveBMP(surface, filename) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surface)
def rendersnake(self, snake): '''drawing snake object''' if snake.l > 0: self.color = gameinfo.COLOR_GRID["red-blue"] for i in range(0, len(snake.a)): self.__rendercircle(snake.a[i][0], snake.a[i][1]) if i > ob.Snake.SHOWABLE: break sur = ttf.TTF_RenderText_Solid(self.t, snake.l.__str__().encode(), self.WHITE) tex = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(self.sdlrenderer, sur) Rsnake = sdl2.SDL_Rect(snake.head[0] - gameinfo.TSPACE_X, snake.head[1] - gameinfo.TSPACE_Y, gameinfo.TWIDTH, gameinfo.THEIGHT) sdl2.SDL_RenderCopy(self.sdlrenderer, tex, None, Rsnake) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(sur) sdl2.SDL_DestroyTexture(tex)
def renderText(message, font, color, renderer): # Render to a surface surf = sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(font, message.encode('utf8'), color) if surf is None: sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_CloseFont(font) print "TTF_RenderText failed" return None # Create a texture from the surface with the text texture = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surf) if texture is None: print "SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface failed" # Clean up the surface sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surf) return texture
def renderText(message, font, renderer, color, size=10, bgcolor=sdl2.SDL_Color(0,0,0) ): #We need to first render to a surface as that's what TTF_RenderText #returns, then load that surface into a texture surf = sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid(font, message.encode('utf-8'), color) sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_CloseFont(font) if surf is None: print("TTF_RenderText") return None texture = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer.sdlrenderer, surf) if texture is None: print("CreateTexture") #Clean up the surface and font width = surf.contents.w height = surf.contents.h sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surf) # sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_CloseFont(font) return texture,width,height
def render(self, renderer): i = 0 for game in self.currentState.roms: currentColor = WHITE if self.currentState.getCurrentRom() == game: currentColor = RED surf = sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_RenderText_Blended( self.font,"utf-8"), currentColor).contents text = sdl2.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surf) sdl2.SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(text, sdl2.SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(surf) w, h = c_int(), c_int() sdl2.SDL_QueryTexture(text, None, None, byref(w), byref(h)) sdl2.SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, text, None, sdl2.SDL_Rect(50, 50 + (i * 40), w, h)) i += 1
def set_window_icon(icon: PathLike, bytes_per_pixel: int = 4): """ Lets you set a custom window icon for pyxel. you can call this after pyxel.init """ if not has_pil: RuntimeWarning('You need Pillow/PIL in order to use pyxelext.system.set_window_icon') return current_window = sdl2.SDL_GL_GetCurrentWindow() img = x, y = img.size rmask = 0x000000ff gmask = 0x0000ff00 bmask = 0x00ff0000 amask = 0 if bytes_per_pixel == 3 else 0xff000000 icon_surface = sdl2.SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(img.tobytes(), x, y, bytes_per_pixel*8, bytes_per_pixel*x, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask) sdl2.SDL_SetWindowIcon(current_window, icon_surface) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(icon_surface)
def loadTexture(path, type, clamp, mipmap=False): img = sdl2.SDL_LoadBMP(path) if not img: print('Unable to load bitmap :', sdl2.SDL_GetError()) return 0 width = img.contents.w height = img.contents.h # converts from BGR to RGB if (type == gl.GL_RGB) or (type == gl.GL_RGBA): if type == gl.GL_RGB: offset = 3 else: offset = 4 imagesize = width * height * offset b = ctypes.cast(img.contents.pixels, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_byte)) for i in range(0, imagesize, offset): b[i], b[i + 2] = b[i + 2], b[i] # slow... index = int(gl.glGenTextures(1)) gl.glBindTexture(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, index) gl.glTexParameteri(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, clamp) gl.glTexParameteri(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, clamp) gl.glTexParameteri(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.GL_LINEAR) if mipmap: gl.glTexParameteri(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) bytes = ctypes.cast(img.contents.pixels, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_byte)) glu.gluBuild2DMipmaps(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, type, width, height, type, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bytes) else: gl.glTexParameteri(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.GL_LINEAR) bytes = ctypes.cast(img.contents.pixels, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_byte)) gl.glTexImage2D(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, type, width, height, 0, type, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bytes) sdl2.SDL_FreeSurface(img) return index