Example #1
def test_request():
    # Constructor
    r = sdmx.Request(log_level=logging.ERROR)

    # Invalid source name raise an exception
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    # Regular methods

    r.timeout = 300
    assert r.timeout == 300

    # dir() includes convenience methods for resource endpoints
    expected = {
    expected |= set(ep.name for ep in sdmx.Resource)
    assert set(filter(lambda s: not s.startswith("_"), dir(r))) == expected
Example #2
def get_sdmx(source=None, **args):
    """Retrieve data from *source* using :mod:`sdmx`.

    source : str
        Name of a data source recognized by ``sdmx1``, e.g. 'OECD'.
        Other arguments to :meth:`sdmx.Request.get`.

    # SDMX client for the data source
    req = sdmx.Request(source=source)

    # commented: for debugging
    # args.setdefault('tofile', 'debug.json')

    # Retrieve the data
    msg = req.get(resource_type="data", **args)

    # Convert to pd.DataFrame, preserving attributes
    df = sdmx.to_pandas(msg, attributes="dgso")
    index_cols = df.index.names

    # Reset index, use categoricals
    return df.reset_index().astype({c: "category" for c in index_cols})
Example #3
def test_doc_example():
    """Code from example.rst."""
    import sdmx

    estat = sdmx.Request("ESTAT")

    metadata = estat.datastructure("DSD_une_rt_a")

    for cl in "CL_AGE", "CL_UNIT":

    resp = estat.data("une_rt_a",
                      key={"GEO": "EL+ES+IE"},
                      params={"startPeriod": "2007"})

    data = sdmx.to_pandas(resp).xs("Y15-74", level="AGE", drop_level=False)

    data.loc[("A", "Y15-74", "PC_ACT", "T")]

    # Further checks per https://github.com/dr-leo/pandaSDMX/issues/157

    # DimensionDescriptor for the structure message
    dd1 = metadata.structure.DSD_une_rt_a.dimensions

    # DimensionDescriptor retrieved whilst validating the data message
    dd2 = resp.data[0].structured_by.dimensions

    # DimensionDescriptors have same ID, components and order
    assert dd1 == dd2

    # One SeriesKey from the data message
    sk = list(resp.data[0].series.keys())[0]

    # Key values have same order as in the DSD
    assert dd1.order_key(sk) == sk
Example #4
def test_request_get_args():
    req = sdmx.Request("ESTAT")

    # Request._make_key accepts '+'-separated values
    args = dict(
        key={"GEO": "EL+ES+IE"},
        params={"startPeriod": "2007"},
    # Store the URL
    url = req.data(**args).url

    # Using an iterable of key values gives the same URL
    args["key"] = {"GEO": ["EL", "ES", "IE"]}
    assert req.data(**args).url == url

    # Using a direct string for a key gives the same URL
    args["key"] = "....EL+ES+IE"  # No specified values for first 4 dimensions
    assert req.data(**args).url == url

    # Giving 'provider' is redundant for a data request, causes a warning
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="'provider' argument is redundant"):
            key={"GEO": "EL+ES+IE"},
            params={"startPeriod": "2007"},

    # Using an unknown endpoint is an exception
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        req.get("badendpoint", "id")
Example #5
def test_write_constraint():
    """'constraint' argument to writer.write_dataset."""
    with specimen("ng-ts.xml") as f:
        msg = sdmx.read_sdmx(f)

    # Fetch the message's DSD
    assert msg.structure.is_external_reference
    # NB the speciment included in tests/data has 'ECB_EXR_NG' as the
    #    data structure ID; but a query against the web service gives
    #    'ECB_EXR1' for the same data structure.
    id = "ECB_EXR1"
    dsd = (sdmx.Request(msg.structure.maintainer.id).get("datastructure",

    # Create a ContentConstraint
    cc = dsd.make_constraint({"CURRENCY": "JPY+USD"})

    # Write the message without constraint
    s1 = sdmx.to_pandas(msg)
    assert len(s1) == 12
    assert set(s1.index.to_frame()["CURRENCY"]) == {"CHF", "GBP", "JPY", "USD"}

    # Writing using constraint produces a fewer items; only those matching the
    # constraint
    s2 = sdmx.to_pandas(msg, constraint=cc)
    assert len(s2) == 6
    assert set(s2.index.to_frame()["CURRENCY"]) == {"JPY", "USD"}
Example #6
def test_request_get_exceptions():
    """Tests of Request.get() that don't require remote data."""
    req = sdmx.Request("ESTAT")

    # Exception is raised on unrecognized arguments
    exc = "unrecognized arguments: {'foo': 'bar'}"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=exc):
        req.get("datastructure", foo="bar")

    exc = r"{'foo': 'bar'} supplied with get\(url=...\)"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=exc):
        sdmx.read_url("https://example.com", foo="bar")
Example #7
def test_request_preview_data():
    req = sdmx.Request("ECB")

    # List of keys can be retrieved
    keys = req.preview_data("EXR")
    assert isinstance(keys, list)

    # Count of keys can be determined
    assert len(keys) > 1000

    # A filter can be provided, resulting in fewer keys
    keys = req.preview_data("EXR", {"CURRENCY": "CAD+CHF+CNY"})
    assert len(keys) == 24

    # Result can be converted to pandas object
    keys_pd = sdmx.to_pandas(keys)
    assert isinstance(keys_pd, pd.DataFrame)
    assert len(keys_pd) == 24
Example #8
def test_deprecated_request(caplog):
    message = "Request class will be removed in v3.0; use Client(…)"
    with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match=re.escape(message)):

    assert caplog.record_tuples == [("sdmx.client", logging.WARNING, message)]