def status(): role, hysds_dir, hostname = resolve_role() if exists('%s/run/supervisor.sock' % hysds_dir): with prefix('source %s/bin/activate' % hysds_dir): run('supervisorctl status') else: print(blink(highlight("Supervisord is not running on %s." % role, 'red')))
def print_http_status(server, url): """Print status of HTTP-based server.""" try: r = requests.get(url, verify=False) r.raise_for_status() print("{}: {}".format(server, highlight("RUNNING"))) except Exception, e: print("{}: {}".format(server, blink(highlight("NOT RUNNING", 'red', True)))) print(e)
def print_es_status(host): """Print status of ES server.""" try: es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch([host], verify_certs=False) print("ES: ", highlight("RUNNING")) except Exception, e: print("ES: ", blink(highlight("NOT RUNNING", 'red', True))) print(e)
def print_redis_status(password, host): """Print status of redis server.""" try: r = redis.StrictRedis(host, password=password) print("Redis: ", highlight("RUNNING")) except Exception, e: print("Redis: ", blink(highlight("NOT RUNNING", 'red', True))) print(e)
def print_service_status(service, ret, debug=False): """Print status of service based on systemctl status message.""" stdout = ret[ret.keys()[0]] status_match ='Active:\s+(.+?)\s+', stdout) if not status_match: raise RuntimeError("Failed to extract status of {} from stdout:\n{}".format(service, stdout)) status = if status == 'active': print("{}: {}".format(service, highlight(status.upper()))) else: print("{}: {}".format(service, blink(highlight(status.upper(), 'red')))) if debug: print(stdout)
def print_rabbitmq_status(user, password, host): """Print status of RabbitMQ server.""" amqp_url = "amqp://{user}:{password}@{host}:5672//".format( user=user, password=password, host=host) logger.debug("amqp_url: {}".format(amqp_url)) try: conn = kombu.Connection(amqp_url) conn.ensure_connection(max_retries=3) print(("RabbitMQ: ", highlight("RUNNING"))) except Exception as e: print(("RabbitMQ: ", blink(highlight("NOT RUNNING", 'red', True)))) print(e)