def test_simple_topo(self):
        man = TopologyManager(CONFIG_FILE)
        topo = man.get_topology()

        # Should contain: atl-switch, mia-switch, Georgia Tech, FIU
        expected_nodes = [
            'atl-switch', 'mia-switch', 'gru-switch', 'atlh1', 'atlh2',
            'atldtn', 'miah1', 'miah2', 'gruh1', 'gruh2', 'grudtn'
        nodes = topo.nodes()
        self.failUnless(len(nodes) == len(expected_nodes))
        for node in expected_nodes:
            self.failUnless(node in nodes)

        #FIXME: Need to look at details! In the future, anyway.

        # Should contain
        expected_edges = [('atl-switch', 'mia-switch'),
                          ('mia-switch', 'gru-switch'),
                          ('atl-switch', 'atlh1'), ('atl-switch', 'atlh2'),
                          ('atl-switch', 'atldtn'), ('mia-switch', 'miah1'),
                          ('mia-switch', 'miah2'), ('gru-switch', 'gruh1'),
                          ('gru-switch', 'gruh2'), ('gru-switch', 'grudtn')]
        edges = topo.edges()

        self.failUnless(len(edges) == len(expected_edges))
        for edge in expected_edges:
            (a, b) = edge
            reversed_edge = (b, a)
            # We don't care about ordering of the edges)
            # Both options below end up with same result.
            self.failUnless((edge in edges) or (reversed_edge in edges))
            self.failUnless(topo.has_edge(a, b))
    def test_reserve_maximum(self):
        man = TopologyManager(CONFIG_FILE)
        topo = man.get_topology()

        # Get a path
        path = nx.shortest_path(topo, source="atl-switch", target="mia-switch")

        man.reserve_bw_on_path(path, 80000000000)
    def test_reserve_maximum(self):
        man = TopologyManager(STEINER_NO_LOOP_CONFIG_FILE)

        # Get a tree connecting sw1, sw8, and sw6
        nodes = ['sw1', 'sw8', 'sw6']
        tree = man.find_valid_steiner_tree(nodes)

        # Should work
        man.reserve_bw_on_tree(tree, 80000000000)
    def test_reserve_too_much(self):
        man = TopologyManager(CONFIG_FILE)
        topo = man.get_topology()

        # Get a path
        path = nx.shortest_path(topo, source="atl-switch", target="mia-switch")

        self.failUnlessRaises(Exception, man.reserve_bw_on_path, path,
    def test_reserve_on_empty(self):
        man = TopologyManager(CONFIG_FILE)
        topo = man.get_topology()

        # Get a path
        path = nx.shortest_path(topo, source="atl-switch", target="mia-switch")

        # Reserve path on VLAN 1
        man.reserve_vlan_on_path(path, 1)
    def test_path_empty(self):
        man = TopologyManager(CONFIG_FILE)
        topo = man.get_topology()

        # Get a path
        path = nx.shortest_path(topo, source="atl-switch", target="mia-switch")

        # It should return 1
        vlan = man.find_vlan_on_path(path)
        self.failUnlessEqual(vlan, 1)
    def test_reserve_too_much(self):
        man = TopologyManager(STEINER_NO_LOOP_CONFIG_FILE)

        # Get a tree connecting sw1, sw8, and sw6
        nodes = ['sw1', 'sw8', 'sw6']
        tree = man.find_valid_steiner_tree(nodes)

        # Should work
        self.failUnlessRaises(Exception, man.reserve_bw_on_tree, tree,
    def test_find_vlan(self):
        man = TopologyManager(STEINER_NO_LOOP_CONFIG_FILE)
        topo = man.get_topology()

        # Get a tree connecting sw1, sw8, and sw6
        nodes = ['sw1', 'sw8', 'sw6']
        tree = man.find_valid_steiner_tree(nodes)

        # Should work
        vlan = man.find_vlan_on_tree(tree)
    def test_reserve_on_invalid(self):
        # Get a path
        man = TopologyManager(CONFIG_FILE)
        topo = man.get_topology()

        # Get a path
        path = nx.shortest_path(topo, source="atl-switch", target="mia-switch")

        # set VLAN 1 on one of the points on the path

        # Reserve path on VLAN 1
        self.failUnlessRaises(Exception, man.reserve_vlan_on_path, path, 1)
    def test_path_with_node_set(self):
        man = TopologyManager(CONFIG_FILE)
        topo = man.get_topology()

        # Get a path
        path = nx.shortest_path(topo, source="atl-switch", target="mia-switch")

        # Should return 1
        vlan = man.find_vlan_on_path(path)
        self.failUnlessEqual(vlan, 1)

        # Add VLAN 1 to one of the points on the path

        # Should return 2
        vlan = man.find_vlan_on_path(path)
        self.failUnlessEqual(vlan, 2)
    def test_path_edge_filled(self):
        man = TopologyManager(CONFIG_FILE)
        topo = man.get_topology()

        # Get a path
        path = nx.shortest_path(topo, source="atl-switch", target="mia-switch")

        # Should return 1
        vlan = man.find_vlan_on_path(path)
        self.failUnlessEqual(vlan, 1)

        # Add VLANs 1-4090 to one of the points on the path
        man.topo.edge["mia-switch"]["atl-switch"]['vlans_in_use'] = range(
            1, 4090)
        # Should return None
        vlan = man.find_vlan_on_path(path)
        self.failUnlessEqual(vlan, None)
    def test_steiner_tree_with_loop(self):
        man = TopologyManager(STEINER_LOOP_CONFIG_FILE)
        topo = man.get_topology()

        # Get a tree connecting sw1, sw4, and sw7
        nodes = ['sw1', 'sw4', 'sw7']
        tree = man.find_valid_steiner_tree(nodes)
        expected_tree_nodes = ["sw1", "sw2", "sw5", "sw4", "sw7"]
        returned_tree_nodes = tree.nodes()
        for node in expected_tree_nodes:
            self.failUnless(node in returned_tree_nodes)

        # Get a tree connecting sw1, sw3, sw8, sw6
        nodes = ["sw1", "sw3", "sw6", "sw8"]
        tree = man.find_valid_steiner_tree(nodes)
        expected_tree_nodes = ["sw1", "sw2", "sw3", "sw8", "sw7", "sw6"]
        returned_tree_nodes = tree.nodes()
        for node in expected_tree_nodes:
            self.failUnless(node in returned_tree_nodes)

        # Get a tree connecting sw1, sw3, sw8
        nodes = ["sw1", "sw3", "sw8"]
        tree = man.find_valid_steiner_tree(nodes)
        expected_tree_nodes = ["sw1", "sw2", "sw3", "sw8"]
        returned_tree_nodes = tree.nodes()
        for node in expected_tree_nodes:
            self.failUnless(node in returned_tree_nodes)
    def test_unreserve_vlan(self):
        # Get a path
        man = TopologyManager(CONFIG_FILE)
        topo = man.get_topology()

        # Get a path
        path = nx.shortest_path(topo, source="atl-switch", target="mia-switch")

        # Reserve path on VLAN 1
        man.reserve_vlan_on_path(path, 1)

        # Reserve path on VLAN 1
        self.failUnlessRaises(Exception, man.reserve_vlan_on_path, path, 1)
        # Should throw an exception

        # Unreserve path
        man.unreserve_vlan_on_path(path, 1)

        # This should pass:
        man.reserve_vlan_on_path(path, 1)
    def test_reserve_on_invalid(self):
        man = TopologyManager(STEINER_NO_LOOP_CONFIG_FILE)
        topo = man.get_topology()

        # Get a tree connecting sw1, sw8, and sw6
        nodes = ['sw1', 'sw8', 'sw6']
        tree = man.find_valid_steiner_tree(nodes)

        # Should work
        vlan = man.find_vlan_on_tree(tree)

        # Should work
        man.reserve_vlan_on_tree(tree, vlan)

        # Should work
        self.failUnlessRaises(Exception, man.reserve_vlan_on_tree, tree, vlan)
 def test_get_topo(self):
     man = TopologyManager(CONFIG_FILE)
     topo = man.get_topology()
     self.failUnless(isinstance(topo, nx.Graph))