def qualitative_times( df, ax=None, x="relative_date", y="weight", unit="Animal_id", condition="treatment", err_style="unit_traces", order=None, bp_style=True, save_as='', legend_title=False, palette=QUALITATIVE_COLORSET, renames={}, model='', print_model=False, print_anova=False, anova_type=3, groups=None, ci=95, ): """Plot a timecourse based on qualitative times (e.g. sessions). """ if bp_style:'seaborn-darkgrid')'ggplot') if renames: for key in renames: for subkey in renames[key]: df.loc[df[key] == subkey, key] = renames[key][subkey] ax = sns.pointplot( x=x, y=y, units=unit, data=df, hue=condition, dodge=True, palette=sns.color_palette(palette), order=order, ax=ax, ci=ci, ) ax.set_ylabel(y) if not legend_title: legend_title = ax.legend().set_title('') if save_as: plt.savefig(path.abspath(path.expanduser(save_as)), bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_roi_per_session( df, x='Session', y='Mean t-Statistic', condition='treatment', unit='subject', ci=90, palette=["#56B4E9", "#E69F00"], dodge=True, order=[], feature_map=True, roi_left=0.02, roi_bottom=0.74, roi_width=0.3, roi_height=0.2, roi_anat="/usr/share/mouse-brain-atlases/dsurqec_40micron_masked.nii", roi_threshold=None, cut_coords=None, samri_style=True, renames=[], save_as='', ax=None, fig=None, ): """Plot a ROI t-values over the session timecourse """ if samri_style:'seaborn-darkgrid')'ggplot') try: df = path.abspath(path.expanduser(df)) except AttributeError: pass # definitions for the axes height = rcParams[''] bottom = rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] left = rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] width = rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] session_coordinates = [left, bottom, width, height] roi_coordinates = [ left + roi_left, bottom + roi_bottom, roi_width, roi_height ] if not fig: fig = plt.figure(1) if renames: for key in renames: for subkey in renames[key]: df.loc[df[key] == subkey, key] = renames[key][subkey] if not ax: ax1 = plt.axes(session_coordinates) else: ax1 = ax ax = sns.pointplot( x=x, y=y, units=unit, data=df, hue=condition, dodge=dodge, palette=sns.color_palette(palette), order=order, ax=ax1, ci=ci, ) ax.set_ylabel(y) if isinstance(feature_map, str): ax2 = plt.axes(roi_coordinates) if roi_threshold and cut_coords: maps.stat( feature, cut_coords=cut_coords, template=roi_anat, annotate=False, scale=0.3, show_plot=False, interpolation=None, threshold=roi_threshold, draw_colorbar=False, ax=ax2, ) else: maps.atlas_label( feature_map, scale=0.3, color="#E69F00", ax=ax2, annotate=False, alpha=0.8, ) elif feature_map: try: features = df['feature'].unique() except KeyError: pass else: if len(features) > 1: print( 'WARNING: The features list contains more than one feature. We will highlight the first one in the list. This may be incorrect.' ) feature = features[0] ax2 = plt.axes(roi_coordinates) if path.isfile(feature): if roi_threshold and cut_coords: maps.stat( stat_maps=feature, cut_coords=cut_coords, template=roi_anat, annotate=False, scale=0.3, show_plot=False, interpolation=None, threshold=roi_threshold, draw_colorbar=False, ax=ax2, ) else: maps.atlas_label( feature, scale=0.3, color="#E69F00", ax=ax2, annotate=False, alpha=0.8, ) else: atlas = df['atlas'].unique()[0] mapping = df['mapping'].unique()[0] if isinstance(feature, str): feature = [feature] maps.atlas_label( atlas, scale=0.3, color="#E69F00", ax=ax2, mapping=mapping, label_names=feature, alpha=0.8, annotate=False, ) if save_as: plt.savefig(path.abspath(path.expanduser(save_as)), bbox_inches='tight') return fig, ax
var_name='Peak sunlight hours', value_name='Month') sun2.head() sun2 = pd.melt(sunlight, id_vars=['City', 'Country or US State'], value_vars=months, var_name='Month', value_name='Peak sunlight hours') sun2.head() australia_rows = sun2['Country or US State'] == 'Australia' sun2oz = sun2.loc[australia_rows] import seaborn.apionly as sns get_ipython().magic('pinfo sns.pointplot') sun2['Month'] = pd.to_datetime(sun2['Month']) sns.barplot(data=sun2, x='Month', y='Peak sunlight hours', hue='City') sns.barplot(data=sun2oz, x='Month', y='Peak sunlight hours',hue='City') sns.pointplot(data=sun2oz, x='Month', y='Peak sunlight hours',hue='City') from bokeh import plotting TOOLS="hover,crosshair,pan,wheel_zoom,zoom_in,zoom_out,box_zoom,undo,redo,reset,tap,save,box_select,poly_select,lasso_select," plot = plotting.figure(tools=TOOLS) get_ipython().magic('pinfo plot.scatter') get_ipython().magic('pinfo plot.line') plt.color('C1') get_ipython().magic('pinfo')'C0')'C0') for i, (city, data) in enumerate(sun2oz.groupby('City')): c ='C{i}') plot.line(source=data, x='Month', y='Peak sunlight hours', color=c) plotting.output_file('psh.html')
_ = pm.traceplot( traces_signoise[-1000:], figsize=(12, len(traces_signoise.varnames) * 1.5), lines={k: v["mean"] for k, v in pm.df_summary(traces_signoise[-1000:]).iterrows()}, ) ## fancy plot stuff outlier_melt = pd.melt( pd.DataFrame(traces_signoise["is_outlier", -1000:], columns=["[{}]".format(int(d)) for d in dfhoggs.index]), var_name="datapoint_id", value_name="is_outlier", ) ax0 = sns.pointplot( y="datapoint_id", x="is_outlier", data=outlier_melt, kind="point", join=False, ci=None, size=4, aspect=2 ) _ = ax0.vlines([0, 1], 0, 19, ["b", "r"], "--") _ = ax0.set_xlim((-0.1, 1.1)) _ = ax0.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)) _ = ax0.set_xticklabels(["{:.0%}".format(t) for t in np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)]) _ = ax0.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle="-", which="major", color="w", alpha=0.4) _ = ax0.set_title("Prop. of the trace where datapoint is an outlier") _ = ax0.set_xlabel("Prop. of the trace where is_outlier == 1") cutoff = 5 dfhoggs["outlier"] = np.percentile(traces_signoise[-1000:]["is_outlier"], cutoff, axis=0)
def plot_roi_per_session(subjectdf, voxeldf, legend_loc="best", figure="per-participant", tabref="tab", xy_label=[], color="#E69F00", save_as=False): """Plot a ROI t-values over the session timecourse figure : {"per-participant", "per-voxel", "both"} At what level to resolve the t-values. Per-participant compares participant means, per-voxel compares all voxel values, both creates two plots covering the aforementioned cases. """ names_for_plotting = { "ofM": u"naïve", "ofM_aF": "acute", "ofM_cF1": "chronic (2w)", "ofM_cF2": "chronic (4w)", "ofM_pF": "post" } voxeldf = voxeldf.replace({"session": names_for_plotting}) subjectdf = subjectdf.replace({"session": names_for_plotting}) if figure == "per-voxel": ax = sns.pointplot(x="session", y="t", hue="subject", data=voxeldf, ci=90, dodge=True, jitter=True, legend_out=False, units="voxel") if xy_label: ax.set(xlabel=xy_label[0], ylabel=xy_label[1]) elif figure == "per-participant": ax = sns.pointplot(x="session", y="t", data=subjectdf, ci=68.3, dodge=True, jitter=True, legend_out=False, units="subject", color=color) if xy_label: ax.set(xlabel=xy_label[0], ylabel=xy_label[1]) elif figure == "both": f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1 = sns.pointplot(x="session", y="t", hue="subject", data=voxeldf, ci=68.3, dodge=True, jitter=True, legend_out=False, units="subject", ax=ax1) ax2 = sns.pointplot(x="session", y="t", data=subjectdf, ci=68.3, dodge=True, jitter=True, legend_out=False, units="subject", ax=ax2, color=color) if xy_label: ax1.set(xlabel=xy_label[0], ylabel=xy_label[1]) ax2.set(xlabel=xy_label[0], ylabel=xy_label[1]) if (save_as): plt.savefig(path.abspath(path.expanduser(save_as)))
def analytic_pattern_per_session( substitutions, analytic_pattern, legend_loc="best", t_file_template="~/ni_data/ofM.dr/l1/{l1_dir}/sub-{subject}/ses-{session}/sub-{subject}_ses-{session}_trial-{scan}_tstat.nii.gz", roi_mask_normalize="", figure="per-participant", tabref="tab", xy_label=[], obfuscate=False, color="#E69F00", saveas=False, ): """Plot a ROI t-values over the session timecourse analytic_pattern : str Path to the analytic pattern by which to multiply the per-participant per-session t-statistic maps. roi_mask_normalize : str Path to a ROI mask by the mean of whose t-values to normalite the t-values in roi_mask. """ if isinstance(analytic_pattern, str): analytic_pattern = path.abspath(path.expanduser(analytic_pattern)) analytic_pattern = nib.load(analytic_pattern) pattern_data = analytic_pattern.get_data() if figure == "per-participant": voxels = False else: voxels = True n_jobs = mp.cpu_count() - 2 roi_data = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=0, backend="threading")(map( delayed(add_pattern_data), substitutions, [t_file_template] * len(substitutions), [pattern_data] * len(substitutions), [voxels] * len(substitutions), )) subject_dfs, voxel_dfs = zip(*roi_data) subjectdf = pd.concat(subject_dfs) return subjectdf if obfuscate: obf_session = { "ofM": "_pre", "ofM_aF": "t1", "ofM_cF1": "t2", "ofM_cF2": "t3", "ofM_pF": "post" } subjectdf = subjectdf.replace({"session": obf_session}) subjectdf.to_csv("~/MixedLM_data.csv") model = smf.mixedlm("t ~ session", subjectdf, groups=subjectdf["subject"]) fit = report = fit.summary() # create a restriction for every regressor - except intercept (first) and random effects (last) omnibus_tests = np.eye(len(fit.params))[1:-1] anova = fit.f_test(omnibus_tests) names_for_plotting = { "ofM": u"naïve", "ofM_aF": "acute", "ofM_cF1": "chronic (2w)", "ofM_cF2": "chronic (4w)", "ofM_pF": "post" } if voxels: voxeldf = pd.concat(voxel_dfs) voxeldf = voxeldf.replace({"session": names_for_plotting}) subjectdf = subjectdf.replace({"session": names_for_plotting}) ax = sns.pointplot(x="session", y="t", data=subjectdf, ci=68.3, dodge=True, jitter=True, legend_out=False, units="subject", color=color) if xy_label: ax.set(xlabel=xy_label[0], ylabel=xy_label[1]) if (saveas): plt.savefig(saveas) return fit, anova
def forced_swim_timecourse( df, bp_style=True, colorset=QUALITATIVE_COLORSET, datacolumn_label="Immobility Ratio", legend_loc="best", plotstyle="tsplot", rename_treatments={}, time_label="interval [1 min]", save_as=False, ): """Plot timecourse of forced swim measurements. Parameters ---------- df : {pandas.Dataframe, string} Pandas Dataframe containing the experimental data, or path pointing to a csv containing such data. bp_style : bool, optional Whether to apply the default behaviopy style. datacolumn_label : string, optional A column name from df, the values in which column give the data to plot. legend_loc : string, optional Where to place the legend on the figure. plotstyle : {"pointplot", "tsplot"} Dictionary with strings as keys and values used to map treatment names onto new stings. rename_treatments : dict, optional Dictionary with strings as keys and values used to map treatment names onto new stings. time_label : dict, optional A column name from df, the values in which column give the time pointd of the data. """ try: if isinstance(df, basestring): df = path.abspath(path.expanduser(df)) df = pd.read_csv(df) except NameError: if isinstance(df, str): df = path.abspath(path.expanduser(df)) df = pd.read_csv(df) for key in rename_treatments: df.loc[df["Treatment"] == key, "Treatment"] = rename_treatments[key] df = control_first_reordering(df, "Treatment") if bp_style: sns.set_style("white", {'legend.frameon': True})'seaborn-darkgrid')'ggplot') if plotstyle == "tsplot": myplot = sns.tsplot(time=time_label, value=datacolumn_label, condition="Treatment", unit="Identifier", data=df, err_style="unit_traces", color=sns.color_palette(colorset)) myplot.set_xticks(list(set(df[time_label]))) elif plotstyle == "pointplot": sns.pointplot(x=time_label, y=datacolumn_label, hue="Treatment", data=df, palette=sns.color_palette(colorset), legend_out=False, dodge=0.1) plt.legend(loc=legend_loc, frameon=True) if save_as: plt.savefig(path.abspath(path.expanduser(save_as)), bbox_inches='tight')
def roi_per_session( substitutions, roi_mask, legend_loc="best", t_file_template="~/ni_data/ofM.dr/l1/{l1_dir}/sub-{subject}/ses-{session}/sub-{subject}_ses-{session}_trial-{scan}_tstat.nii.gz", roi_mask_normalize="", figure="per-participant", tabref="tab", xy_label=[], obfuscate=False, color="#E69F00", ): """Plot a ROI t-values over the session timecourse roi_mask : str Path to the ROI mask for which to select the t-values. figure : {"per-participant", "per-voxel", "both"} At what level to resolve the t-values. Per-participant compares participant means, per-voxel compares all voxel values, both creates two plots covering the aforementioned cases. roi_mask_normalize : str Path to a ROI mask by the mean of whose t-values to normalite the t-values in roi_mask. """ if isinstance(roi_mask, str): roi_mask = path.abspath(path.expanduser(roi_mask)) masker = NiftiMasker(mask_img=roi_mask) n_jobs = mp.cpu_count() - 2 roi_data = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=0, backend="threading")(map( delayed(add_roi_data), [t_file_template] * len(substitutions), [masker] * len(substitutions), substitutions, )) subject_dfs, voxel_dfs = zip(*roi_data) subjectdf = pd.concat(subject_dfs) voxeldf = pd.concat(voxel_dfs) if roi_mask_normalize: figure = "per-participant" if isinstance(roi_mask_normalize, str): mask_normalize = path.abspath(path.expanduser(roi_mask_normalize)) masker_normalize = NiftiMasker(mask_img=mask_normalize) roi_data = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=0, backend="threading")(map( delayed(add_roi_data), [t_file_template] * len(substitutions), [masker_normalize] * len(substitutions), substitutions, )) subject_dfs_normalize, _ = zip(*roi_data) subjectdf_normalize = pd.concat(subject_dfs_normalize) subjectdf['t'] = subjectdf['t'] / subjectdf_normalize['t'] #this is a nasty hack to mitigate +/-inf values appearing if the normalization ROI mean is close to 0 subjectdf_ = deepcopy(subjectdf) subjectdf_ = subjectdf_.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).dropna(subset=["t"], how="all") subjectdf = subjectdf.replace([-np.inf], subjectdf_[['t']].min(axis=0)[0]) subjectdf = subjectdf.replace([np.inf], subjectdf_[['t']].max(axis=0)[0]) if obfuscate: obf_session = { "ofM": "_pre", "ofM_aF": "t1", "ofM_cF1": "t2", "ofM_cF2": "t3", "ofM_pF": "post" } subjectdf = subjectdf.replace({"session": obf_session}) subjectdf.to_csv("~/MixedLM_data.csv") model = smf.mixedlm("t ~ session", subjectdf, groups=subjectdf["subject"]) fit = report = fit.summary() # create a restriction for every regressor - except intercept (first) and random effects (last) omnibus_tests = np.eye(len(fit.params))[1:-1] anova = fit.f_test(omnibus_tests) names_for_plotting = { "ofM": u"naïve", "ofM_aF": "acute", "ofM_cF1": "chronic (2w)", "ofM_cF2": "chronic (4w)", "ofM_pF": "post" } voxeldf = voxeldf.replace({"session": names_for_plotting}) subjectdf = subjectdf.replace({"session": names_for_plotting}) if figure == "per-voxel": ax = sns.pointplot(x="session", y="t", hue="subject", data=voxeldf, ci=90, dodge=True, jitter=True, legend_out=False, units="voxel") if xy_label: ax.set(xlabel=xy_label[0], ylabel=xy_label[1]) elif figure == "per-participant": ax = sns.pointplot(x="session", y="t", data=subjectdf, ci=68.3, dodge=True, jitter=True, legend_out=False, units="subject", color=color) if xy_label: ax.set(xlabel=xy_label[0], ylabel=xy_label[1]) elif figure == "both": f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1 = sns.pointplot(x="session", y="t", hue="subject", data=voxeldf, ci=68.3, dodge=True, jitter=True, legend_out=False, units="subject", ax=ax1) ax2 = sns.pointplot(x="session", y="t", data=subjectdf, ci=68.3, dodge=True, jitter=True, legend_out=False, units="subject", ax=ax2, color=color) if xy_label: ax1.set(xlabel=xy_label[0], ylabel=xy_label[1]) ax2.set(xlabel=xy_label[0], ylabel=xy_label[1]) return fit, anova
raw_half = 0.5 * (np.fliplr(raw_diff[:, :5]) + raw_diff[:, -5:]) fits_half = 0.5 * (np.fliplr(fits_diff[:, :100]) + fits_diff[:, -100:]) # %% Plot difference in two conditions rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = "Arial" c3 = '#332288' ms = 5 plt.figure(figsize=(8.7 / 2.54, 2.5)) angles = 20 * [1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20] angles += list(np.arange(1.25, 30, 1.25)) angles += 20 * [30] effect = list(raw_half.ravel()) + 23 * [None] + list(raw_half.mean(1)) data = DataFrame(data={'angles': angles, 'effect': effect}) sns.swarmplot('angles', 'effect', data=data, palette=[c3], marker='^', size=3) sns.pointplot('angles', 'effect', data=data, color=c3, join=False, markers ='^', scale=.1, capsize=.6, errwidth=1) plt.plot([0, 1, 3, 7, 15], raw_half.mean(0), marker='^', mfc='w', mec=c3, markersize=ms, lw=0, zorder=100) plt.plot([23], raw_half.mean(0).mean(0), marker='^', mfc='w', mec=c3, markersize=ms, lw=0, zorder=100) plt.xticks([0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 23], [1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 25]) plt.gca().set_xticklabels(xlabels + ['Mean']) plt.xlabel(u'Auditory Separation (°)') plt.ylabel('Performance Improvement \n (% correct)') plt.xlim([-1, 25]) plt.tight_layout() plt.gca().spines['top'].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines['right'].set_visible(False) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.175, right=1, top=0.95, bottom=0.2) plt.savefig(path + 'data_diff.pdf', dpi=600)
meltedpop = pd.melt(pop, id_vars=['Country Name', 'Country Code'], value_vars=all_years, value_name='population', var_name='year') meltedpop.head() china_or_india_rows = ((meltedpop['Country Name'] == 'China') | (meltedpop['Country Name'] == 'India')) china_or_india_rows.head() popcnin = meltedpop.loc[china_or_india_rows] popcnin.shape popcnin.head() import seaborn.apionly as sns get_ipython().magic('pinfo sns.pointplot') sns.pointplot(data=popcnin, x='year', y='population') sns.pointplot(data=popcnin, x='year', y='population', hue='Country Name') _32 45 _34 _32.figure _32.figure.legends _32.legend_ get_ipython().magic('pinfo _32.legend_.draggable') _32.legend_.draggable(True) _32.get_xticklabels() ipython_green = np.array([1, 77, 1]) / 255 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt get_ipython().magic('pinfo') type(meltedpop['Country Name'])